本產品的文件集力求使用無偏見用語。針對本文件集的目的,無偏見係定義為未根據年齡、身心障礙、性別、種族身分、民族身分、性別傾向、社會經濟地位及交織性表示歧視的用語。由於本產品軟體使用者介面中硬式編碼的語言、根據 RFP 文件使用的語言,或引用第三方產品的語言,因此本文件中可能會出現例外狀況。深入瞭解思科如何使用包容性用語。
思科已使用電腦和人工技術翻譯本文件,讓全世界的使用者能夠以自己的語言理解支援內容。請注意,即使是最佳機器翻譯,也不如專業譯者翻譯的內容準確。Cisco Systems, Inc. 對這些翻譯的準確度概不負責,並建議一律查看原始英文文件(提供連結)。
本文檔介紹如何在Wi-Fi 6E WLAN中配置第3層安全以及在不同客戶端上預期會發生什麼。
需要瞭解的關鍵是,Wi-Fi 6E並不是一個全新的標準,而是一個擴展。 Wi-Fi 6E的基本功能是Wi-Fi 6(802.11ax)無線標準到6 GHz射頻頻帶的擴展。
Wi-Fi 6E建立在Wi-Fi 6之上,Wi-Fi 6是Wi-Fi標準的最新一代,但只有Wi-Fi 6E裝置和應用程式可以在6-GHz頻段運行。
WiFi 6E中的第3層安全性與WiFi 5或6中的安全性相同,這表示在任何情況下的Web身份驗證流都不相同。WiFI 6E具有第3層安全性的唯一區別在於,WiFI 6E中的任何WLAN都必須具有配置了WPA3和PMF的第2層安全性,而WPA3和PMF在WiFi 6E中是強制性的。
要瞭解有關WiFi 6E第2層安全的詳細資訊,請閱讀文檔:配置和驗證Wi-Fi 6E WLAN第2層安全。
如需更多詳細資訊,請參閱Cisco Catalyst 9800系列控制器上基於Web的驗證。
此認證基於機會無線加密(OWE)協定。OWE在IETF RFC 8110中定義。OWE協定整合了既定的密碼機制,為每個使用者提供獨特的個人加密,保護了使用者和接入點之間的資料交換。
您可以在文檔使用過渡模式配置增強型開放式SSID - OWE中找到更多詳細資訊。
OWE是WiFi 6E中開放網路的自然後繼者,因此,在本文中,我們使用OWE作為WiFi6E合規性的第2層安全。
撰寫本文檔時可用的WiFi 6E AP快速參考:
在本節中,我們將介紹如何使用L3身份驗證配置和驗證WiFi 6E客戶端到WLAN的連線。
第2層安全設定被鎖定為機會無線加密(OWE),它是最接近我們在WiFi 6E中可擁有的「開放」網路的。
我們使用WiFi 6E配置和驗證這些型別的Web身份驗證:
步驟3.將具有OWE第2層安全和Web身份驗證的WLAN配置為第3層安全。確保選擇LocalWebAuth Parameter map和LWA_Radius身份驗證清單:
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius ISE_RADIUS
server name PSN01
deadtime 5
load-balance method least-outstanding
subscriber mac-filtering security-mode mac
mac-delimiter colon
aaa authentication login LWA_Radius group ISE_RADIUS
parameter-map type webauth global
type webauth
virtual-ip ipv4
trustpoint eWLC-9800-01_WLC_TP
parameter-map type webauth LocalWebAuth
type webauth
timeout init-state sec 60
max-http-conns 10
custom-page login device bootflash:/custom_webauth/login.html
custom-page success device bootflash:/custom_webauth/aup.html
custom-page failure device bootflash:/custom_webauth/failed.html
custom-page login expired device bootflash:/custom_webauth/logout.html
radius server PSN01
address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key 7 xxxxxxxxxxxx
wireless profile policy CentralSwPolicyProfile
ipv4 dhcp required
vlan default
no shutdown
wireless tag policy Wifi6E_TestPolicy
wlan wifi6E_test policy CentralSwPolicyProfile
wlan wifi6E_test 5 wifi6E_test
dot11ax target-waketime
dot11ax twt-broadcast-support
radio policy dot11 6ghz
no security ft adaptive
no security wpa wpa2
no security wpa akm dot1x
security wpa akm owe
security wpa wpa3
security dot1x authentication-list ISE_RADIUS
security pmf mandatory
security web-auth
security web-auth authentication-list LWA_Radius
security web-auth parameter-map LocalWebAuth
no shutdown
在WLC GUI上,我們可以看到使用者端詳細資訊:
步驟3.將具有OWE第2層安全和Web身份驗證的WLAN配置為第3層安全。 確保選擇ExternalWebAuth引數對映和EWA_Radius身份驗證清單:
註:如需詳細設定,請參閱在9800 WLC上設定外部Web驗證並疑難排解的檔案。
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius ISE_RADIUS
server name PSN01
deadtime 5
load-balance method least-outstanding
subscriber mac-filtering security-mode mac
mac-delimiter colon
aaa authentication login EWA_Radius group ISE_RADIUS
parameter-map type webauth global
type webauth
virtual-ip ipv4
trustpoint eWLC-9800-01_WLC_TP
parameter-map type webauth ExternalWebAuth
type webauth
timeout init-state sec 60
redirect for-login
redirect append ap-mac tag ap_mac
redirect append client-mac tag client_mac
redirect append wlan-ssid tag ssid
redirect portal ipv4
max-http-conns 10
radius server PSN01
address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key 7 xxxxxxxxxxxx
wireless profile policy CentralSwPolicyProfile
ipv4 dhcp required
vlan default
no shutdown
wireless tag policy Wifi6E_TestPolicy
wlan wifi6E_EWA policy CentralSwPolicyProfile
wlan wifi6E_EWA 6 wifi6E_EWA
radio policy dot11 6ghz
no security ft adaptive
no security wpa wpa2
no security wpa akm dot1x
security wpa akm owe
security wpa wpa3
security pmf mandatory
security web-auth
security web-auth authentication-list EWA_Radius
security web-auth parameter-map ExternalWebAuth
no shutdown
以Samsung S23為例,觀察到OWE階段OTA:
在這個階段,使用者端處於Web Auth Pending:
步驟3.配置WLAN的OWE第2層安全和mac過濾。 選擇以前建立的授權清單。
步驟4.建立啟用AAA覆蓋和Radius NAC的策略配置檔案:
注意:有關CWA配置的詳細資訊,請參閱在Catalyst 9800 WLC和ISE上配置中央Web驗證(CWA)文檔。
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius ISE_RADIUS
server name PSN01
deadtime 5
load-balance method least-outstanding
subscriber mac-filtering security-mode mac
mac-delimiter colon
aaa authorization network RadiusAuthor group ISE_RADIUS local
parameter-map type webauth global
type webauth
virtual-ip ipv4
trustpoint eWLC-9800-01_WLC_TP
radius server PSN01
address ipv4 auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813
key 7 xxxxxxxxxxxx
wireless profile policy CentralSwPolicyProfile
ipv4 dhcp required
vlan default
no shutdown
wireless tag policy Wifi6E_TestPolicy
wlan wifi6E_CWA policy CentralSwPolicyProfile
wlan wifi6E_CWA 7 wifi6E_CWA
mac-filtering RadiusAuthor
radio policy dot11 6ghz
no security ft adaptive
no security wpa wpa2
no security wpa akm dot1x
security wpa akm owe
security wpa wpa3
security pmf mandatory
no shutdown
以Pixel 6a為例,觀察了OWE相位OTA:
然後使用適用於mac過濾的Radius Exchange:
在ISE Live日誌中,我們可以看到CWA重定向:
ISE Live日誌顯示客戶端輸入了訪客憑證並通過了身份驗證:
對於Over the Air故障排除,建議在監聽器模式下使用AP捕獲客戶端服務AP的通道上的流量。
2023/08/08 13:37:58.196529135 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Association received. BSSID 00df.1ddd.7d38, WLAN wifi6E_test, Slot 3 AP 00df.1ddd.7d30, AP9136_5C.F524
2023/08/08 13:37:58.198092314 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Association success. AID 36, Roaming = False, WGB = False, 11r = False, 11w = True Fast roam = False
2023/08/08 13:37:58.198287303 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15154]: (debug): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Starting L2 authentication. Bssid in state machine:00df.1ddd.7d38 Bssid in request is:00df.1ddd.7d38
2023/08/08 13:37:58.198308994 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client state transition: S_CO_ASSOCIATING -> S_CO_L2_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/08 13:37:58.200859342 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [15154]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client 286b.3598.580f
2023/08/08 13:37:58.222523865 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_ADD_MOBILE_ACK_WAIT_KM -> S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_KEY_XCHNG_PENDING
2023/08/08 13:37:58.222547149 {mobilityd_R0-0}{1}: [mm-client] [16404]: (debug): MAC: 0000.0000.0000 Received pmk_update, sub type: 0 of XID (0) from (WNCD[0])
2023/08/08 13:37:58.222630557 {mobilityd_R0-0}{1}: [mm-dgram-io] [16404]: (debug): MAC: 0000.0000.0000 Sending message: pmk_update to group: holyfountain
2023/08/08 13:37:58.222641428 {mobilityd_R0-0}{1}: [mm-dgram-io] [16404]: (debug): MAC: 0000.0000.0000 Failed to send message: pmk_update, total configured peers: 2, no active peers
2023/08/08 13:37:58.222666535 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f EAP key M1 Sent successfully
2023/08/08 13:37:58.222678418 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client key-mgmt state transition: S_INITPMK -> S_PTK_START
2023/08/08 13:37:58.227626495 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f M2 Status: EAP key M2 validation success
2023/08/08 13:37:58.227791247 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f EAP key M3 Sent successfully
2023/08/08 13:37:58.227792680 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client key-mgmt state transition: S_PTK_START -> S_PTKINITNEGOTIATING
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230572903 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f M4 Status: EAP key M4 validation is successful
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230575999 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f EAP Key management successful. AKM:OWE Cipher:CCMP WPA Version: WPA3
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230603571 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client key-mgmt state transition: S_PTKINITNEGOTIATING -> S_PTKINITDONE
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230702678 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f L2 Authentication initiated. method WEBAUTH, Policy VLAN 0, AAA override = 1
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230791777 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] Session Start event called from SANET-SHIM, vlan: 0
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230807848 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] Wireless session sequence, create context with method WebAuth
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230831713 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr-feat_wireless] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] - authc_list: LWA_Radius
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230834488 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr-feat_wireless] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] - authz_list: Not present under wlan configuration
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230857151 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_KEY_XCHNG_PENDING -> S_AUTHIF_L2_WEBAUTH_PENDING
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230912145 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] Raised event RX_IDENTITY_UPDATE (18)
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230915511 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] SESSION_START from WCM (exp 1476396949, got 1476396949) overriding with latest
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230971648 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] Retrieved Client IIF ID 0x1476396949x in clientrx event
2023/08/08 13:37:58.230998298 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] DC Profile-name has been changed to LENOVO 21CCS43W0T
2023/08/08 13:37:58.231001354 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] DC Device-name has been changed to CSCO-W-PF445DKE
2023/08/08 13:37:58.231043724 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] Session start (restart) for 286b.3598.580f
2023/08/08 13:37:58.231245206 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Param-map used: LocalWebAuth
2023/08/08 13:37:58.231251037 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]State INIT -> INIT
2023/08/08 13:37:58.231273499 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-acl] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Applying IPv4 intercept ACL via SVM, name: IP-Adm-V4-Int-ACL-global, priority: 50, IIF-ID: 0
2023/08/08 13:37:58.239843453 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_INIT -> S_IPLEARN_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/08 13:37:58.239903667 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client IP learn successful. Method: DHCP IP:
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240371152 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr-feat_acct] [15154]: (info): [286b.3598.580f:capwap_9000000b] SM Notified attribute Add/Update addr
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240390128 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_IN_PROGRESS -> S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240437257 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15154]: (debug): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Received ip learn response. method: IPLEARN_METHOD_DHCP
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240457105 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15154]: (debug): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Triggered L3 authentication. status = 0x0, Success
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240459018 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client state transition: S_CO_IP_LEARN_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240527728 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot1x] [15154]: (info): [0000.0000.0000:capwap_9000000b] Couldn't find the supplicant in the list
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240760238 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f L3 Authentication initiated. LWA
2023/08/08 13:37:58.240767232 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15154]: (info): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_L2_WEBAUTH_DONE -> S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924439975 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60437/5 IO state NEW -> READING
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924590710 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60437/5 Read event, Message ready
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924606621 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]GET rcvd when in INIT state
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924617631 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]HTTP GET request
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924646336 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Parse GET, src [] dst [x.x.x.x] url [http://www.msftconnecttest.com/connecttest.txt]
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924811559 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Read complete: parse_request return 8
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924823291 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Param-map used: LocalWebAuth
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924830184 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]State INIT -> GET_REDIRECT
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924836706 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60437/5 IO state READING -> WRITING
2023/08/08 13:37:58.924893704 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60437/5 IO state WRITING -> END
2023/08/08 13:38:16.814516928 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60515/217 IO state NEW -> SSL_HANDSHAKING
2023/08/08 13:38:16.814739389 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60516/218 IO state NEW -> SSL_HANDSHAKING
2023/08/08 13:38:16.843721875 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60517/217 IO state NEW -> SSL_HANDSHAKING
2023/08/08 13:38:16.863779947 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60517/217 Read event, Message ready
2023/08/08 13:38:16.863799384 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]POST rcvd when in LOGIN state
2023/08/08 13:38:16.863812318 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]get url: /undefined
2023/08/08 13:38:16.863857023 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Read complete: parse_request return 4
2023/08/08 13:38:16.863981829 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [caaa-authen] [15154]: (info): [CAAA:AUTHEN:c8000018] NULL ATTR LIST
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864023268 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Param-map used: LocalWebAuth
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864026684 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]State LOGIN -> AUTHENTICATING
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864039067 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]60517/217 IO state READING -> AUTHENTICATING
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864184873 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15154]: (info): RADIUS: Send Access-Request to id 0/5, len 390
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864190705 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15154]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator 50 a9 ab 0d 42 ef 39 22 - 33 3d 07 b0 77 78 80 88
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864194552 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15154]: (info): RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 19 "28-6b-35-98-58-0f"
2023/08/08 13:38:16.864197568 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15154]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "tiago"
2023/08/08 13:38:16.879241798 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15154]: (info): RADIUS: Received from id 1812/5, Access-Accept, len 128
2023/08/08 13:38:16.879504014 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Param-map used: LocalWebAuth
2023/08/08 13:38:16.879513532 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]State AUTHENTICATING -> AUTHC_SUCCESS
2023/08/08 13:38:16.879530745 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-acl] [15154]: (info): capwap_9000000b[286b.3598.580f][]Unapply IPv4 intecept ACL via SVM, name "IP-Adm-V4-Int-ACL-global", pri 50, IIF 0
2023/08/08 13:38:16.880956564 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [15154]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:4 for client 286b.3598.580f
2023/08/08 13:38:16.882320225 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [errmsg] [15154]: (info): %CLIENT_ORCH_LOG-6-CLIENT_ADDED_TO_RUN_STATE: R0/0: wncd: Username entry (tiago) joined with ssid (wifi6E_test) for device with MAC: 286b.3598.580f
2023/08/08 13:38:16.882451875 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rog-proxy-capwap] [15154]: (debug): Managed client RUN state notification: 286b.3598.580f
2023/08/08 13:38:16.882495928 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15154]: (note): MAC: 286b.3598.580f Client state transition: S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_RUN
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685078384 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Association received. BSSID 00df.1ddd.7d39, WLAN wifi6E_EWA, Slot 3 AP 00df.1ddd.7d30, AP9136_5C.F524
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685117718 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Received Dot11 association request. Processing started,SSID: wifi6E_EWA, Policy profile: CentralSwPolicyProfile, AP Name: AP9136_5C.F524, Ap Mac Address: 00df.1ddd.7d30BSSID MAC0000.0000.0000wlan ID: 6RSSI: -57, SNR: 41
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685226454 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client state transition: S_CO_INIT -> S_CO_ASSOCIATING
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685420591 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11-validate] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Dot11 ie validate ext/supp rates. Validation Passed for Supported rates radio_type 16
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685422154 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11-validate] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 WiFi direct: Dot11 validate P2P IE. P2P IE not present.
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685864592 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 dot11 send association response. Framing association response with resp_status_code: 0
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685865002 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Dot11 capability privacy bit set TRUE
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685867818 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Dot11 Capability info byte1 11, byte2: 10
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685886032 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11-frame] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 WiFi direct: skip build Assoc Resp with P2P IE: Wifi direct policy disabled
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685991953 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 dot11 send association response. Sending assoc response of length: 183 with resp_status_code: 0, DOT11_STATUS: DOT11_STATUS_SUCCESS
2023/08/10 14:35:20.685995339 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Association success. AID 33, Roaming = False, WGB = False, 11r = False, 11w = True Fast roam = False
2023/08/10 14:35:20.686003685 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 DOT11 state transition: S_DOT11_INIT -> S_DOT11_ASSOCIATED
2023/08/10 14:35:20.686061695 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Station Dot11 association is successful.
2023/08/10 14:35:20.686088796 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Starting L2 authentication. Bssid in state machine:00df.1ddd.7d39 Bssid in request is:00df.1ddd.7d39
2023/08/10 14:35:20.686099576 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client state transition: S_CO_ASSOCIATING -> S_CO_L2_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/10 14:35:20.686125926 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 L2 Authentication initiated. method PSK, Policy VLAN 0, AAA override = 1, NAC = 0
2023/08/10 14:35:20.687526737 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] Raised event AUTHZ_SUCCESS (11)
2023/08/10 14:35:20.687530575 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] Context changing state from 'Idle' to 'Authz Success'
2023/08/10 14:35:20.687533620 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] Authorized open auth session for 0429.2ec9.e371
2023/08/10 14:35:20.687804543 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_AWAIT_PSK_AUTH_START_RESP -> S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_PENDING
2023/08/10 14:35:20.687807038 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [ewlc-infra-evq] [15195]: (note): Authentication Success. Resolved Policy bitmap:11 for client 0429.2ec9.e371
2023/08/10 14:35:20.691676380 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_ADD_MOBILE_ACK_WAIT_KM -> S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_KEY_XCHNG_PENDING
2023/08/10 14:35:20.691841904 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 EAP key M1 Sent successfully
2023/08/10 14:35:20.691844278 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client key-mgmt state transition: S_INITPMK -> S_PTK_START
2023/08/10 14:35:20.721636921 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 M2 Status: EAP key M2 validation success
2023/08/10 14:35:20.721730809 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 EAP key M3 Sent successfully
2023/08/10 14:35:20.721736890 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client key-mgmt state transition: S_PTK_START -> S_PTKINITNEGOTIATING
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739641625 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 M4 Status: EAP key M4 validation is successful
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739644982 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 EAP Key management successful. AKM:OWE Cipher:CCMP WPA Version: WPA3
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739650121 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client key-mgmt state transition: S_PTKINITNEGOTIATING -> S_PTKINITDONE
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739744971 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 L2 Authentication initiated. method WEBAUTH, Policy VLAN 0, AAA override = 1
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739838779 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] Session Start event called from SANET-SHIM, vlan: 0
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739847004 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] Wireless session sequence, create context with method WebAuth
2023/08/10 14:35:20.739861071 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr-feat_wireless] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] - authc_list: EWA_Radius
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740069114 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]Param-map used: ExternalWebAuth
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740071629 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]State INIT -> INIT
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740083452 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-sm] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]Initiate session, forward state to 0 IF 0x90000010 mac [0429.2ec9.e371]
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740085425 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-sm] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]Initiate session, SM init sessions 1
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740091236 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]Param-map used: ExternalWebAuth
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740093601 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]State INIT -> INIT
2023/08/10 14:35:20.740103810 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-acl] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][]Applying IPv4 intercept ACL via SVM, name: WA-v4-int-, priority: 50, IIF-ID: 0
2023/08/10 14:35:21.942607594 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client IP learn successful. Method: DHCP IP:
2023/08/10 14:35:21.943838504 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_IN_PROGRESS -> S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE
2023/08/10 14:35:21.944028273 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Received ip learn response. method: IPLEARN_METHOD_DHCP
2023/08/10 14:35:21.944069521 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15195]: (debug): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Triggered L3 authentication. status = 0x0, Success
2023/08/10 14:35:21.944074851 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client state transition: S_CO_IP_LEARN_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/10 14:35:21.944201671 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot1x] [15195]: (info): [0000.0000.0000:capwap_90000010] Couldn't find the supplicant in the list
2023/08/10 14:35:21.944759066 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 L3 Authentication initiated. LWA
2023/08/10 14:35:21.944776669 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15195]: (info): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_L2_WEBAUTH_DONE -> S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110614486 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 60486/213 IO state NEW -> READING
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110679789 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 60486/213 Read event, Message ready
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110699827 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 GET rcvd when in LOGIN state
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110718893 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 HTTP GET request
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110754721 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 Parse GET, src [2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e] dst [2a00:1450:4003:811::2003] url [http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204]
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110951163 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 Read complete: parse_request return 10
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110960801 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 Param-map used: ExternalWebAuth
2023/08/10 14:35:24.110971331 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 State LOGIN -> LOGIN
2023/08/10 14:35:24.111046654 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-page] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:96e8:ab91:47c8:3d6e]capwap_90000010 Sending Webauth login form, len 8077
2023/08/10 14:35:35.761960632 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 47440/213 IO state NEW -> SSL_HANDSHAKING
2023/08/10 14:35:35.776669018 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 47450/213 IO state NEW -> SSL_HANDSHAKING
2023/08/10 14:35:37.805884475 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 55760/213 IO state NEW -> READING
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807261842 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 55760/213 Read event, Message ready
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807273253 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 POST rcvd when in LOGIN state
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807287911 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 get url: /login.html
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807331213 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 Read complete: parse_request return 4
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807498470 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 Param-map used: ExternalWebAuth
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807503619 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 State LOGIN -> AUTHENTICATING
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807515502 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15195]: (info): capwap_90000010[0429.2ec9.e371][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:d20a:fcc:5919:3f1a]capwap_90000010 55760/213 IO state READING -> AUTHENTICATING
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807653884 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Send Access-Request to id 0/1, len 531
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807663221 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator 56 a6 f6 4e 84 f8 00 e9 - 06 14 c9 b3 8d 77 2b 4c
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807667159 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 19 "04-29-2e-c9-e3-71"
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807670215 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "tiago"
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807673040 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 49
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807676226 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 43 "audit-session-id=0F01A8C00000000DDFDF94C0"
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807680083 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Framed-IP-Address [8] 6
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807682217 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Message-Authenticator[80] 18 ...
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807701825 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Outbound [5]
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807703838 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 29
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807709459 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 23 "service-type=Outbound"
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807711783 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 22
2023/08/10 14:35:37.807714509 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 16 "method=webauth"
2023/08/10 14:35:37.887128821 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: Received from id 1812/1, Access-Accept, len 130
2023/08/10 14:35:37.887152085 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator c1 c5 a3 4b 49 5d 11 42 - 74 50 bd e7 37 f3 07 1f
2023/08/10 14:35:37.887166342 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15195]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "tiago"
2023/08/10 14:35:37.890143566 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15195]: (info): [0429.2ec9.e371:capwap_90000010] Authc success from WebAuth, Auth event success
2023/08/10 14:35:37.893926155 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rog-proxy-capwap] [15195]: (debug): Managed client RUN state notification: 0429.2ec9.e371
2023/08/10 14:35:37.893979316 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15195]: (note): MAC: 0429.2ec9.e371 Client state transition: S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_RUN
如需更詳細的疑難排解步驟,請參閱設定9800 WLC上的外部Web驗證並疑難排解檔案。
2023/08/11 12:43:45.551148898 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Association received. BSSID 00df.1ddd.7d39, WLAN wifi6E_CWA, Slot 3 AP 00df.1ddd.7d30, AP9136_5C.F524
2023/08/11 12:43:45.551185236 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15200]: (debug): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Received Dot11 association request. Processing started,SSID: wifi6E_CWA, Policy profile: CWA_PP, AP Name: AP9136_5C.F524, Ap Mac Address: 00df.1ddd.7d30BSSID MAC0000.0000.0000wlan ID: 7RSSI: -57, SNR: 41
2023/08/11 12:43:45.551873379 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 MAB Authentication initiated. Policy VLAN 0, AAA override = 1, NAC = 1
2023/08/11 12:43:45.551925177 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Session Start event called from SANET-SHIM, vlan: 0
2023/08/11 12:43:45.551935427 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Wireless session sequence, create context with method MAB
2023/08/11 12:43:45.551947760 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr-feat_wireless] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] - authc_list: RadiusAuthor
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553164283 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] MAB authentication started for 2495.2f72.8a66
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553769929 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Send Access-Request to id 0/19, len 394
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553775189 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator e6 c2 9a 48 f2 59 6a 1a - ad 7b 53 0f 78 96 3a f5
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553778666 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 14 "24952f728a66"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553781110 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: User-Password [2] 18 *
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553786901 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Service-Type [6] 6 Call Check [10]
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553789196 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 31
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553792211 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 25 "service-type=Call Check"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553795428 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Framed-MTU [12] 6 1485
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553797431 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Message-Authenticator[80] 18 ...
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553814193 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: EAP-Key-Name [102] 2 *
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553818431 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 49
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553821036 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 43 "audit-session-id=0F01A8C00000001EE49FCD0F"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553823100 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 18
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553829221 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 12 "method=mab"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553831265 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 32
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553833720 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 26 "client-iif-id=2801797648"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553835684 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 17
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553838048 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 11 "vlan-id=1"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553841395 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553844270 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 802.11 wireless [19]
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553846955 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 112
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553848758 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553851193 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 28 "cisco-wlan-ssid=wifi6E_CWA"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553853177 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 36
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553855591 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 30 "wlan-profile-name=wifi6E_CWA"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553858246 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 30 "00-df-1d-dd-7d-30:wifi6E_CWA"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553860811 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 19 "24-95-2f-72-8a-66"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553863015 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Airespace [26] 12
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553865510 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Airespace-WLAN-ID [1] 6 7
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553867995 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Nas-Identifier [32] 14 "eWLC-9800-01"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.553929331 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Started 5 sec timeout
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570301533 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Received from id 1812/19, Access-Accept, len 538
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570313767 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator 17 42 8f 8e 13 78 91 01 - 6c 89 9e cb 51 3b 69 c8
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570319247 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 19 "24-95-2F-72-8A-66"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570321902 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Class [25] 51 ...
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570375383 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Message-Authenticator[80] 18 ...
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570390662 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 33
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570393618 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 27 "url-redirect-acl=REDIRECT"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570395732 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 208
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570403947 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 183 "url-redirect="
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570435186 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): Valid Response Packet, Free the identifier
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570612622 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] MAB received an Access-Accept for (2495.2f72.8a66)
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570621699 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Received event 'MAB_RESULT' on (2495.2f72.8a66)
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570648140 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Authc success from MAB, Auth event success
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570657648 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Raised event APPLY_USER_PROFILE (14)
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570668839 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Raised event RX_METHOD_AUTHC_SUCCESS (3)
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570709836 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): Applying Attribute : username 0 "24-95-2F-72-8A-66"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570718393 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): Applying Attribute : class 0 43 41 43 53 3a 30 46 30 31 41 38 43 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 45 45 34 39 46 43 44 30 46 3a 49 53 45 2d 30 31 2f 34 38 31 31 32 30 33 32 39 2f 32 31
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570719545 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): Applying Attribute : Message-Authenticator 0
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570720517 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): Applying Attribute : url-redirect-acl 0 "REDIRECT"
2023/08/11 12:43:45.570722440 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): Applying Attribute : url-redirect 0 ""
2023/08/11 12:43:45.571261140 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-dev] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][][2001:8a0:fb91:1c00:c093:8034:ca09:9d4f] Central Webauth URL Redirect, Received a request to create a CWA session for a mac [24:95:2f:72:8a:66]
2023/08/11 12:43:45.571316064 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]Param-map used: global
2023/08/11 12:43:45.571318869 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]State Invalid State -> INIT
2023/08/11 12:43:45.572346865 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot11] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 dot11 send association response. Sending assoc response of length: 183 with resp_status_code: 0, DOT11_STATUS: DOT11_STATUS_SUCCESS
2023/08/11 12:43:45.576047520 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_ADD_MOBILE_ACK_WAIT_KM -> S_AUTHIF_PSK_AUTH_KEY_XCHNG_PENDING
2023/08/11 12:43:45.576136850 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 EAP key M1 Sent successfully
2023/08/11 12:43:45.576138984 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client key-mgmt state transition: S_INITPMK -> S_PTK_START
2023/08/11 12:43:45.576247599 {mobilityd_R0-0}{1}: [mm-client] [16431]: (debug): MAC: 0000.0000.0000 Received pmk_update, sub type: 0 of XID (0) from (WNCD[0])
2023/08/11 12:43:45.576379639 {mobilityd_R0-0}{1}: [mm-dgram-io] [16431]: (debug): MAC: 0000.0000.0000 Sending message: pmk_update to group: holyfountain
2023/08/11 12:43:45.576397212 {mobilityd_R0-0}{1}: [mm-dgram-io] [16431]: (debug): MAC: 0000.0000.0000 Failed to send message: pmk_update, total configured peers: 2, no active peers
2023/08/11 12:43:45.632584865 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 M2 Status: EAP key M2 validation success
2023/08/11 12:43:45.632765557 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 EAP key M3 Sent successfully
2023/08/11 12:43:45.632766960 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client key-mgmt state transition: S_PTK_START -> S_PTKINITNEGOTIATING
2023/08/11 12:43:45.641844995 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 M4 Status: EAP key M4 validation is successful
2023/08/11 12:43:45.641846798 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 EAP Key management successful. AKM:OWE Cipher:CCMP WPA Version: WPA3
2023/08/11 12:43:45.641851597 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-keymgmt] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client key-mgmt state transition: S_PTKINITNEGOTIATING -> S_PTKINITDONE
2023/08/11 12:43:45.645536693 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client state transition: S_CO_DPATH_PLUMB_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_IP_LEARN_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/11 12:43:46.103210515 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client IP learn successful. Method: DHCP IP:
2023/08/11 12:43:46.103745268 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] auth mgr attr add/change notification is received for attr addr(8)
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104324815 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-sess] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]Change notif CB, Add address [2495.2f72.8a66]
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104343430 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-sess] [15200]: (info): adding webauth session to ipv4 hash table for vrf id 0, ipv4 vrf table id 0
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104416388 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr-feat_acct] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] SM Notified attribute Add/Update addr
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104460371 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-iplearn] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 IP-learn state transition: S_IPLEARN_IN_PROGRESS -> S_IPLEARN_COMPLETE
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104607690 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15200]: (debug): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Received ip learn response. method: IPLEARN_METHOD_DHCP
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104669668 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-sm] [15200]: (debug): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Triggered L3 authentication. status = 0x0, Success
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104674096 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client state transition: S_CO_IP_LEARN_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104749168 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [dot1x] [15200]: (info): [0000.0000.0000:capwap_9000000f] Couldn't find the supplicant in the list
2023/08/11 12:43:46.104996176 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 L3 Authentication initiated. CWA
2023/08/11 12:43:46.105004562 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_L2_WEBAUTH_DONE -> S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING
2023/08/11 12:43:46.281818709 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]Param-map used: global
2023/08/11 12:43:46.281822877 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-state] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]State INIT -> GET_REDIRECT
2023/08/11 12:43:46.281825292 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]43506/5 IO state READING -> WRITING
2023/08/11 12:43:46.281856060 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-io] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]43506/5 IO state WRITING -> END
2023/08/11 12:43:46.281857933 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [webauth-httpd] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66][]43506/5 Remove IO ctx and close socket, id [8800000D]
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312534457 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [caaa-ch] [15200]: (info): [CAAA:COMMAND HANDLER:35000014] Processing CoA request under Command Handler ctx.
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312571788 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [caaa-ch] [15200]: (info): [CAAA:COMMAND HANDLER:35000014] Reauthenticate request (0x560210e99bf8) for 2495.2f72.8a66
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312626401 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [sadb-attr] [15200]: (info): Removing ipv6 addresses from the attr list 318769545,sm_ctx = 0x80806aea40, num_ipv6 = 3
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312673230 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] MAB re-authentication started for (2495.2f72.8a66)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312713736 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Context changing state from 'Authz Success' to 'Running'
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312720158 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Method mab changing state from 'Authc Success' to 'Running'
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312740637 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-coa] [15200]: (info): radius coa proxy relay coa resp(wncd)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312746478 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-coa] [15200]: (info): CoA Response Details
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312756237 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): << ssg-command-code 0 32 >>
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312758912 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): << formatted-clid 0 "2495.2f72.8a66">>
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312762318 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): << error-cause 0 1 [Success]>>
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312774040 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-coa] [15200]: (info): server: cfg_saddr: udpport:42721 sport:0, tableid:0iden:4 rad_code:43 msg_auth_rcvd:TRUE coa_resp:ACK
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312876905 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [caaa-ch] [15200]: (info): [CAAA:COMMAND HANDLER] CoA response sent
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312886633 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [caaa-ch] [15200]: (info): [CAAA:COMMAND HANDLER:35000014] Identity preserved: mac (2495.2f72.8a66), ip (0), audit_sid (0F01A8C00000001EE49FCD0F), aaa_session_id (0)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.312902744 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Received event 'MAB_REAUTHENTICATE' on (2495.2f72.8a66)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313249801 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [sadb-attr] [15200]: (info): Removing ipv6 addresses from the attr list -855635574,sm_ctx = 0x80806aea40, num_ipv6 = 3
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313380288 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [caaa-author] [15200]: (info): [CAAA:AUTHOR:35000014] NULL ATTR LIST
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313702758 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Send Access-Request to id 0/20, len 544
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313714140 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator 7b 62 36 99 3d 55 15 f1 - c3 b9 08 ea 93 7f 26 79
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313722686 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 14 "24952f728a66"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313914609 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-coa] [17281]: (info): ++++++ Received CoA response Attribute List ++++++
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313917665 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: NAS-IP-Address [4] 6
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313924488 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: NAS-Port-Type [61] 6 802.11 wireless [19]
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313931051 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: NAS-Port [5] 6 112
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313935559 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 34
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313941611 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 28 "cisco-wlan-ssid=wifi6E_CWA"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313946640 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 36
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313952692 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 30 "wlan-profile-name=wifi6E_CWA"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313959174 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Called-Station-Id [30] 30 "00-df-1d-dd-7d-30:wifi6E_CWA"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313965616 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 19 "24-95-2f-72-8a-66"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313978210 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Airespace [26] 12
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313978350 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS(00000000): Send CoA Ack Response to id 4, len 69
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313984442 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Airespace-WLAN-ID [1] 6 7
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313989972 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator c3 10 c5 26 16 87 54 7f - 9f 63 a2 03 db 61 3a 65
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313990713 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Nas-Identifier [32] 14 "eWLC-9800-01"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313993459 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 9
2023/08/11 12:44:20.313996655 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS: ssg-command-code [252] 3 ...
2023/08/11 12:44:20.314073240 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS: Calling-Station-Id [31] 16 "2495.2f72.8a66"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.314077337 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS: Dynamic-Author-Error-Cause[101] 6 Success [200]
2023/08/11 12:44:20.314079431 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [17281]: (info): RADIUS: Message-Authenticator[80] 18 ...
2023/08/11 12:44:20.314098387 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-pod] [17281]: (info): CoA response source port = 0, udpport = 42721,
2023/08/11 12:44:20.314099289 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Started 5 sec timeout
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327831023 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Received from id 1812/20, Access-Accept, len 131
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327850400 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: authenticator a6 13 03 f0 f7 62 06 e0 - f3 c6 95 6e 36 cb 13 0b
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327861140 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: User-Name [1] 7 "tiago"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327867512 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Class [25] 51 ...
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327938827 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Message-Authenticator[80] 18 ...
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327978472 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Vendor, Cisco [26] 35
2023/08/11 12:44:20.327985516 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): RADIUS: Cisco AVpair [1] 29 "profile-name=Android-Google"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328027385 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [radius] [15200]: (info): Valid Response Packet, Free the identifier
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328322423 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] MAB received an Access-Accept for (2495.2f72.8a66)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328341299 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [mab] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Received event 'MAB_RESULT' on (2495.2f72.8a66)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328394871 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Authc success from MAB, Auth event success
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328412885 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Raised event APPLY_USER_PROFILE (14)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328421270 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Raised event RX_METHOD_AUTHC_SUCCESS (3)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328519506 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [aaa-attr-inf] [15200]: (info): Applying Attribute : username 0 "tiago"
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328759310 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Received User-Name tiago for client 2495.2f72.8a66
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328773066 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Method mab changing state from 'Running' to 'Authc Success'
2023/08/11 12:44:20.328791892 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Context changing state from 'Running' to 'Authc Success'
2023/08/11 12:44:20.330928236 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Raised event AUTHZ_SUCCESS (11)
2023/08/11 12:44:20.330937604 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [auth-mgr] [15200]: (info): [2495.2f72.8a66:capwap_9000000f] Context changing state from 'Authc Success' to 'Authz Success'
2023/08/11 12:44:20.331059194 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 L3 Authentication Successful. ACL:[]
2023/08/11 12:44:20.331065276 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_PENDING -> S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_DONE
2023/08/11 12:44:20.332171950 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [errmsg] [15200]: (info): %CLIENT_ORCH_LOG-6-CLIENT_ADDED_TO_RUN_STATE: R0/0: wncd: Username entry (tiago) joined with ssid (wifi6E_CWA) for device with MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66
2023/08/11 12:44:20.332437363 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [rog-proxy-capwap] [15200]: (debug): Managed client RUN state notification: 2495.2f72.8a66
2023/08/11 12:44:20.332544836 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-orch-state] [15200]: (note): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client state transition: S_CO_L3_AUTH_IN_PROGRESS -> S_CO_RUN
2023/08/11 12:44:20.337221359 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [client-auth] [15200]: (info): MAC: 2495.2f72.8a66 Client auth-interface state transition: S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_DONE -> S_AUTHIF_WEBAUTH_DONE
如需更詳細的疑難排解步驟,請參閱在Catalyst 9800 WLC和ISE上設定中央Web驗證(CWA)檔案。
Cisco Live — 使用Catalyst Wi-Fi 6E接入點設計下一代無線網路
修訂 | 發佈日期 | 意見 |
1.0 |
14-Aug-2023 |
初始版本 |