تسمح شبكة الطلب الهاتفي الخاصة الظاهرية (VPDN) لأي طلب شبكة خاصة في الخدمة بالمرور عبر خوادم الوصول عن بعد (المحددة باسم مركز الوصول إلى L2TP [LAC]). عندما يتصل عميل بروتوكول الاتصال من نقطة إلى نقطة (PPP) بوحدة التحكم في الوصول (LAC)، تحدد وحدة التحكم في الوصول أنه يجب إعادة توجيه جلسة عمل بروتوكول الاتصال من نقطة إلى نقطة (LNS) لذلك العميل، والذي يقوم بعد ذلك بمصادقة المستخدم وبدء التفاوض على بروتوكول الاتصال من نقطة إلى نقطة (PPP). بمجرد اكتمال إعداد بروتوكول الاتصال من نقطة إلى نقطة (PPP)، يتم إرسال جميع الإطارات من خلال وحدة التحكم في الوصول (LAC) إلى العميل و LNS.
يتيح لك نموذج التكوين هذا إستخدام مصادقة RADIUS مع شبكات VPDN. يستعلم ال LAC عن خادم RADIUS، ويحدد أي LNS لإعادة توجيه المستخدم، وينشئ النفق المناسب.
أحلت ل كثير معلومة على VPDNs يفهم VPDN.
لا توجد متطلبات خاصة لهذا المستند.
تستند المعلومات الواردة في هذا المستند إلى إصدارات البرامج والمكونات المادية التالية:
Cisco Secure ACS UNIX الإصدار 2.x.x والإصدارات الأحدث أو Merit RADIUS
برنامج IOS® الإصدار 11.2 من Cisco والإصدارات الأحدث
تم إنشاء المعلومات الواردة في هذا المستند من الأجهزة الموجودة في بيئة معملية خاصة. بدأت جميع الأجهزة المُستخدمة في هذا المستند بتكوين ممسوح (افتراضي). إذا كانت شبكتك مباشرة، فتأكد من فهمك للتأثير المحتمل لأي أمر.
للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول اصطلاحات المستندات، ارجع إلى اصطلاحات تلميحات Cisco التقنية.
في هذا المثال، المستخدم هو "jsmith@hp.com" بكلمة مرور "test". عند دخول "jsmith@hp.com" إلى موجه ISP، يرسل موجه ISP معرف المستخدم "hp.com" إلى خادم ISP RADIUS. يعثر خادم ISP على معرف المستخدم "hp.com" ويرسل معرف النفق الخاص به ("isp")، وعنوان IP الخاص بموجه العبارة الرئيسية (HGW) (، وكلمة مرور خادم الوصول إلى الشبكة (NAS) ("hello")، وكلمة مرور العبارة ("هناك") مرة أخرى إلى موجه ISP.
يقوم موجه ISP بتهيئة نفق والاتصال بموجه HGW، والذي يقوم بمصادقة المستخدم "hp-gw" محليا وإعادة توجيه كلمة مرور معرف المستخدم "isp" ("hello") إلى خادم HGW RADIUS. بمجرد إنشاء الأنفاق، يتم إعادة توجيه موجه ISP إلى موجه HGW، كما تتم مصادقة معرف المستخدم ("jsmith@hp.com") وكلمة المرور ("الاختبار") الخاصين بالمستخدم الذي يتصل بهذا المستخدم على خادم HGW. في هذا المثال، يسمى موجه ISP "Koala"، ويطلق على موجه HGW "العطاسات".
في هذا القسم، تُقدّم لك معلومات تكوين الميزات الموضحة في هذا المستند.
يستخدم هذا المستند إعداد الشبكة الموضح في هذا الرسم التخطيطي.
!--- The RADIUS Server must support Cisco av-pairs. !--- This user is on the ISP RADIUS server. hp.com Password = "cisco" Service-Type = Outbound-User, cisco-avpair = "vpdn:tunnel-id=isp", cisco-avpair = "vpdn:ip-addresses=", cisco-avpair = "vpdn:nas-password=hello", cisco-avpair = "vpdn:gw-password=there" !--- The next two users are on the HGW Server. isp Password = "hello", Service-Type = Framed, Framed-Protocol = PPP jsmith@hp.com Password = "test", Service-Type = Framed, Framed-Protocol = PPP
!--- This user is on the ISP server. # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u hp.com User Profile Information user = hp.com{ profile_id = 86 profile_cycle = 1 RADIUS=Cisco { check_items= { 2="cisco" } reply_attributes= { 9,1="vpdn:tunnel-id=isp" 9,1="vpdn:ip-addresses=" 9,1="vpdn:NAS-password=hello" 9,1="vpdn:gw-password=there" } } } !--- The next two users are on the HGW Server. # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u isp User Profile Information user = isp{ profile_id = 70 profile_cycle = 1 RADIUS=Cisco { check_items= { 2="hello" } reply_attributes= { 6=2 7=1 } } } # ./ViewProfile -p 9900 -u jsmith@hp.com User Profile Information user = jsmith@hp.com{ profile_id = 84 profile_cycle = 1 RADIUS=Cisco { check_items= { 2="test" } reply_attributes= { 6=2 7=1 } } }
تكوين موجه ISP |
koala#show running config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 11.3 no service password-encryption service udp-small-servers service tcp-small-servers ! hostname koala ! aaa new-model aaa authentication ppp default if-needed RADIUS aaa authorization network default RADIUS aaa accounting network default start-stop RADIUS enable password ww ! vpdn enable !--- VPDN is enabled. ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Serial0 shutdown ! interface Serial1 shutdown ! interface Async1 ip unnumbered Ethernet0 encapsulation ppp async mode dedicated no peer default ip address no cdp enable ppp authentication chap ! ip default-gateway no ip classless ip route logging trap debugging logging snmp-server community public RW snmp-server enable traps config snmp-server host traps public RADIUS-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 RADIUS-server key cisco !--- Specify RADIUS server information on the NAS. ! line con 0 password WW line 1 password WW autoselect ppp modem InOut transport input all stopbits 1 speed 115200 flowcontrol hardware line 2 16 autoselect during-login line aux 0 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 password WW ! end |
تكوين موجه HGW |
Sneetches#show running config Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 11.3 no service password-encryption service udp-small-servers service tcp-small-servers ! hostname Sneetches ! aaa new-model aaa authentication ppp default RADIUS local aaa authorization network default RADIUS local aaa accounting network default start-stop RADIUS ! username hp-gw password 0 there username isp password 0 hello vpdn enable !--- Enable VPDN. vpdn incoming isp hp-gw virtual-template 1 !--- Specify the remote host (the network access server) !--- the local name (the home gateway) to use for authenticating !--- and the virtual template to use. ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ! interface Ethernet1 no ip address shutdown ! interface Virtual-Template1 !--- Create a virtual template interface. ip unnumbered Ethernet0 !--- Un-number the Virtual interface to an available LAN interface. peer default ip address pool async !--- Use the pool "async" to assign the IP address for incoming connections. ppp authentication chap !--- Use CHAP authentication for the incoming connection. ! interface Serial0 shutdown ! interface Serial1 shutdown ! ip local pool async ip default-gateway no ip classless ip route RADIUS-server host auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646 RADIUS-server timeout 20 RADIUS-server key cisco !--- Specify RADIUS server information on the NAS. ! line con 0 exec-timeout 3600 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password WW ! end |
لا يوجد حاليًا إجراء للتحقق من صحة هذا التكوين.
يوفر هذا القسم معلومات يمكنك استخدامها لاستكشاف أخطاء التكوين وإصلاحها.
يتم دعم بعض أوامر العرض بواسطة أداة مترجم الإخراج، والتي تتيح لك عرض تحليل إخراج أمر العرض.
ملاحظة: قبل إصدار أوامر تصحيح الأخطاء، يرجى الاطلاع على المعلومات المهمة في أوامر تصحيح الأخطاء.
مصادقة Debug AAA—يعرض معلومات حول مصادقة نظام التحكم في الوصول إلى وحدة التحكم في الوصول إلى المحطة الطرفية (TACACS+) AAA/Terminal Access Controller.
تصحيح أخطاء تفويض المصادقة والتفويض والمحاسبة (AAA)—يعرض معلومات حول تفويض AAA/TACACS+.
debug ppp negotiation—يعرض حزم PPP المرسلة أثناء بدء تشغيل PPP، حيث يتم التفاوض حول خيارات PPP.
debug radius —يعرض معلومات تصحيح الأخطاء التفصيلية المرتبطة ب RADIUS.
debug vpdn -يعرض أخطاء تمنع إنشاء نفق PPP أو أخطاء تتسبب في إغلاق نفق تم إنشاؤه.
debug vpdn events— يعرض رسائل حول الأحداث التي تعد جزءا من إنشاء نفق PPP العادي أو إيقاف تشغيله.
debug vpdn l2f-errors—يعرض أخطاء بروتوكول الطبقة 2 التي تمنع إنشاء الطبقة 2 أو تمنع تشغيلها الطبيعي.
debug vpdn l2f-events—يعرض رسائل حول الأحداث التي هي جزء من إنشاء نفق PPP العادي أو إيقاف تشغيله للطبقة 2.
debug vpdn l2f-packet—يعرض رسائل حول رؤوس بروتوكول إعادة توجيه الطبقة 2 وحالته.
debug vpdn pacdn—يعرض أخطاء بروتوكول نفق الطبقة 2 والأحداث التي تعد جزءا من إنشاء النفق العادي أو إيقاف تشغيله لشبكات VPDN.
debug vtemplate— يعرض معلومات النسخ لواجهة الوصول الظاهري من الوقت الذي يتم إستنساخها فيه من قالب ظاهري إلى الوقت الذي يتم فيه إيقاف واجهة الوصول الظاهري عند انتهاء المكالمة.
koala#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on RADIUS protocol debugging is on koala# %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to up 17:28:19: VPDN: Looking for tunnel -- hp.com -- 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x15D28C) user='hp.com' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='' authen_type=NONE service=LOGIN priv=0 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN (982041598): Port='Async1' list='default' service=NET 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: (982041598) user='hp.com' 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: (982041598) send AV service=ppp 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: (982041598) send AV protocol=vpdn 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN (982041598) found list "default" 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: (982041598) Method=RADIUS 17:28:19: RADIUS: authenticating to get author data 17:28:19: RADIUS: Computed extended port value 0:1: 17:28:19: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 62, Access-Request, len 70 17:28:19: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0105 17:28:19: Attribute 5 6 00000001 17:28:19: Attribute 61 6 00000000 17:28:19: Attribute 1 8 68702E63 17:28:19: Attribute 2 18 8070079C 17:28:19: Attribute 6 6 00000005 17:28:19: RADIUS: Received from id 62, Access-Accept, len 143 17:28:19: Attribute 26 26 0000000901147670 17:28:19: Attribute 26 36 00000009011E7670 17:28:19: Attribute 26 31 0000000901197670 17:28:19: Attribute 26 30 0000000901187670 !--- These messages can be decrypted using the OI tool. !--- As of Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(11)T, !--- the output was changed to be readable. 17:28:19: RADIUS: saved authorization data for user 15D28C at 10EE74 17:28:19: RADIUS: cisco AVPair "vpdn:tunnel-id=isp" 17:28:19: RADIUS: cisco AVPair "vpdn:ip-addresses=" 17:28:19: RADIUS: cisco AVPair "vpdn:nas-password=hello" 17:28:19: RADIUS: cisco AVPair "vpdn:gw-password=there" 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR (982041598): Post authorization status = PASS_ADD 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV service=ppp 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV protocol=vpdn 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV tunnel-id=isp 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV ip-addresses= 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV nas-password=hello 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHOR/VPDN: Processing AV gw-password=there 17:28:19: VPDN: Get tunnel info with NAS isp GW hp.com, IP !--- The RADIUS server returns the attributes the !--- NAS should use for the tunnel. !--- Tunnel-id is "ISP" and the IP address of HGW is 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15D28C) user='hp.com' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='' authen_type=NONE service=LOGIN priv=0 17:28:19: VPDN: Forward to address 17:28:19: As1 VPDN: Forwarding... 17:28:19: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x15D334) user='jsmith@hp.com' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:19: As1 VPDN: Bind interface direction=1 17:28:19: As1 VPDN: jsmith@hp.com is forwarded 17:28:19: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User jsmith@hp.com, Port Async1, List "" 17:28:19: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default" 17:28:19: RADIUS: Computed extended port value 0:1: 17:28:19: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 63, Accounting-Request, len 93 17:28:19: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0105 17:28:19: Attribute 5 6 00000001 17:28:19: Attribute 61 6 00000000 17:28:19: Attribute 1 15 6A736D69 17:28:19: Attribute 40 6 00000001 17:28:19: Attribute 45 6 00000002 17:28:19: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:19: Attribute 44 10 30303030 17:28:19: Attribute 7 6 7670646E 17:28:19: Attribute 41 6 00000000 17:28:19: RADIUS: Received from id 63, Accounting-response, len 20 %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to up koala# !--- The user finishes and disconnects. %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Async1, changed state to down %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Async1, changed state to reset 17:28:48: As1 VPDN: Cleanup 17:28:48: As1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:48: As1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:48: As1 VPDN: Unbind interface 17:28:48: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User jsmith@hp.com, Port Async1: task_id=20 start_time=900759730 timezone=UTC service=vpdn disc-cause=2 disc-cause-ext=1011 pre-bytes-in=-226131998 pre-bytes-out=-1034130241 pre-paks-in=-63570 pre-paks-out=-64410 bytes_in=1999 bytes_out=364 paks_in=29 paks_out=12 pre-session-time=5 elapsed_time=29 data-rate=0 xmit-rate=0 17:28:48: RADIUS: Computed extended port value 0:1: 17:28:48: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 64, Accounting-Request, len 129 17:28:48: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0105 17:28:48: Attribute 5 6 00000001 17:28:48: Attribute 61 6 00000000 17:28:48: Attribute 1 15 6A736D69 17:28:48: Attribute 40 6 00000002 17:28:48: Attribute 45 6 00000002 17:28:48: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:48: Attribute 44 10 30303030 17:28:48: Attribute 7 6 7670646E 17:28:48: Attribute 49 6 00000002 17:28:48: Attribute 42 6 000007CF 17:28:48: Attribute 43 6 0000016C 17:28:48: Attribute 47 6 0000001D 17:28:48: Attribute 48 6 0000000C 17:28:48: Attribute 46 6 0000001D 17:28:48: Attribute 41 6 00000000 17:28:48: RADIUS: Received from id 64, Accounting-response, len 20 %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Async1, changed state to down 17:28:51: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x15D334) user='jsmith@hp.com' ruser='' port='Async1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 koala#
Sneetches#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on RADIUS protocol debugging is on Sneetches# 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x14A914) user='hp-gw' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (496523999): port='' list='default' action=SENDAUTH service=PPP 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (496523999): found list default 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (496523999): Method=RADIUS 17:28:21: RADIUS: SENDPASS not supported (action=4) 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN (496523999): status = ERROR 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (496523999): Method=LOCAL 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN (496523999): status = PASS 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x14A914) user='hp-gw' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x14A914) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3095573082): port='' list='default' action=SENDAUTH service=PPP 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3095573082): found list default 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3095573082): Method=RADIUS 17:28:21: RADIUS: SENDPASS not supported (action=4) 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN (3095573082): status = ERROR 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3095573082): Method=LOCAL 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN (3095573082): status = PASS 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x14A914) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x14ADB4) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3506257139): port='' list='default' action=LOGIN service=PPP 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3506257139): found list default 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN/START (3506257139): Method=RADIUS 17:28:21: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 53, Access-Request, len 68 17:28:21: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0132 17:28:21: Attribute 61 6 00000000 17:28:21: Attribute 1 5 69737003 17:28:21: Attribute 3 19 10C82B7A 17:28:21: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:21: Attribute 7 6 00000001 17:28:21: RADIUS: Received from id 53, Access-Accept, len 32 17:28:21: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:21: Attribute 7 6 00000001 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN (3506257139): status = PASS 17:28:21: VPDN: Chap authentication succeeded for isp 17:28:21: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x14ADB4) user='isp' ruser='' port='' rem_addr='' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:21: Vi1 VPDN: Virtual interface created for jsmith@hp.com 17:28:21: Vi1 VPDN: Set to Async interface 17:28:21: Vi1 VPDN: Clone from Vtemplate 1 filterPPP=0 blocking %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up 17:28:23: Vi1 VPDN: Bind interface direction=2 17:28:23: Vi1 VPDN: PPP LCP accepted sent & rcv CONFACK 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHEN: create_user (0x143368) user='jsmith@hp.com' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHEN/START (637397616): port='Virtual-Access1' list='' action=LOGIN service=PPP 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHEN/START (637397616): using "default" list 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHEN/START (637397616): Method=RADIUS 17:28:23: RADIUS: Computed extended port value 0:60100: 17:28:23: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 54, Access-Request, len 78 17:28:23: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0132 17:28:23: Attribute 5 6 0000EAC4 17:28:23: Attribute 1 15 6A736D69 17:28:23: Attribute 3 19 186C2AC9 17:28:23: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:23: Attribute 7 6 00000001 17:28:23: RADIUS: Received from id 54, Access-Accept, len 32 17:28:23: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:23: Attribute 7 6 00000001 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHEN (637397616): status = PASS 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Vi1: Authorize LCP 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Vi1 (1528831370): Port='Virtual-Access1' list='' service=NET 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Vi1 (1528831370) user='jsmith@hp.com' 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Vi1 (1528831370) send AV service=ppp 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Vi1 (1528831370) send AV protocol=lcp 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP (1528831370) found list "default" 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP: Vi1 (1528831370) Method=RADIUS 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR (1528831370): Post authorization status = PASS_REPL 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/LCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 17:28:23: AAA/ACCT/NET/START User jsmith@hp.com, Port Virtual-Access1, List "" 17:28:23: AAA/ACCT/NET: Found list "default" 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1: (0): Can we start IPCP? 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1 (4249637449): Port='Virtual-Access1' list='' service=NET 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (4249637449) user='jsmith@hp.com' 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (4249637449) send AV service=ppp 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (4249637449) send AV protocol=ip 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM (4249637449) found list "default" 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM: Vi1 (4249637449) Method=RADIUS 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR (4249637449): Post authorization status = PASS_REPL 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/FSM Vi1: We can start IPCP 17:28:23: RADIUS: Computed extended port value 0:60100: 17:28:23: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 55, Accounting-Request, len 87 17:28:23: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0132 17:28:23: Attribute 5 6 0000EAC4 17:28:23: Attribute 1 15 6A736D69 17:28:23: Attribute 40 6 00000001 17:28:23: Attribute 45 6 00000001 17:28:23: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:23: Attribute 44 10 30303030 17:28:23: Attribute 7 6 00000001 17:28:23: Attribute 41 6 00000000 17:28:23: RADIUS: Received from id 55, Accounting-response, len 20 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Start. Her address, we want 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Authorization succeeded 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Done. Her address, we want 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Start. Her address, we want 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Authorization succeeded 17:28:23: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Done. Her address, we want 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Start. Her address, we want 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1 (923857566): Port='Virtual-Access1' list='' service=NET 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (923857566) user='jsmith@hp.com' 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (923857566) send AV service=ppp 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (923857566) send AV protocol=ip 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (923857566) send AV addr* 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP (923857566) found list "default" 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP: Vi1 (923857566) Method=RADIUS 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR (923857566): Post authorization status = PASS_REPL 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Reject, using 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV service=ppp 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Processing AV addr* 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Authorization succeeded 17:28:24: AAA/AUTHOR/IPCP Vi1: Done. Her address, we want %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to up Sneetches# !--- The user finishes and disconnects. Sneetches# 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Reset %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to down 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Cleanup 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Unbind interface 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:50: Vi1 VPDN: Reset 17:28:50: AAA/ACCT/NET/STOP User jsmith@hp.com, Port Virtual-Access1: task_id=14 start_time=900759731 timezone=UTC service=ppp protocol=ip addr= disc-cause=2 disc-cause-ext=1011 pre-bytes-in=0 pre-bytes-out=42 pre-paks-in=0 pre-paks-out=2 bytes_in=882 bytes_out=356 paks_in=17 paks_out=11 pre-session-time=0 elapsed_time=27 data-rate=0 xmit-rate=0 17:28:50: RADIUS: Computed extended port value 0:60100: 17:28:50: RADIUS: Initial Transmit id 56, Accounting-Request, len 129 17:28:50: Attribute 4 6 0A1F0132 17:28:50: Attribute 5 6 0000EAC4 17:28:50: Attribute 1 15 6A736D69 17:28:50: Attribute 40 6 00000002 17:28:50: Attribute 45 6 00000001 17:28:50: Attribute 6 6 00000002 17:28:50: Attribute 44 10 30303030 17:28:50: Attribute 7 6 00000001 17:28:50: Attribute 8 6 01010101 17:28:50: Attribute 49 6 00000002 17:28:50: Attribute 42 6 00000372 17:28:50: Attribute 43 6 00000164 17:28:50: Attribute 47 6 00000011 17:28:50: Attribute 48 6 0000000B 17:28:50: Attribute 46 6 0000001B 17:28:50: Attribute 41 6 00000000 17:28:50: RADIUS: Received from id 56, Accounting-response, len 20 17:28:50: AAA/AUTHEN: free_user (0x143368) user='jsmith@hp.com' ruser='' port='Virtual-Access1' rem_addr='async' authen_type=CHAP service=PPP priv=1 %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Virtual-Access1, changed state to down Sneetches#
koala#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on RADIUS protocol debugging is on koala# !--- Problem 1: !--- User hp.com is not in the ISP server: !--- There is no output on HGW router because the call has not gone that far. RADIUS: Received from id 83, Access-Reject, len 20 18:43:18: AAA/AUTHEN (4063976505): status = FAIL !--- Problem 2: !--- User hp.com is not in the ISP server. !--- There is no output on HGW router because !--- the call has not gone that far. RADIUS: Received from id 83, Access-Reject, len 20 18:43:18: AAA/AUTHEN (4063976505): status = FAIL !--- Problem 3: !--- Problem in tunnel definition on HGW router; in HGW configuration !--- vpdn incoming hp-gw isp virtual-template 1 is inserted !--- instead of vpdn incoming isp hp-gw virtual-template 1. %VPDN-5-UNREACH: L2F HGW is unreachable VPDN: Timeout opening tunnel to VPDN: Free busy address !--- Problem 4: !--- User "isp" or "hp-gw" is removed from HGW router. %VPDN-6-AUTHENFAIL: L2F NAS koala, authentication failure for tunnel hp-gw; Invalid key !--- Problem 5: !--- User "isp" is not in the HGW server. %VPDN-6-AUTHENFAIL: L2F HGW , AAA authentication failure for tunnel hp-gw !--- Problem 6: !--- User jsmith@hp.com is not in the HGW server. %VPDN-6-AUTHENFAIL: L2F HGW hp-gw, AAA authentication failure for As1 user jsmith@hp.com; Authentication failure
Sneetches#show debug General OS: AAA Authentication debugging is on AAA Authorization debugging is on AAA Accounting debugging is on VPN: VPN events debugging is on VPN errors debugging is on RADIUS protocol debugging is on Sneetches# !--- Problem 1: !--- Problem in tunnel definition on the HGW router; in HGW configuration !--- vpdn incoming hp-gw isp virtual-template 1 is inserted !--- instead of vpdn incoming isp hp-gw virtual-template 1 !--- debug vpdn l2f-errors display. 19:25:27: L2F: Couldn't find tunnel named isp 19:25:30: L2F: Couldn't find tunnel named isp !--- Problem 2: !--- User "isp" is removed from the HGW router. AAA/AUTHEN (3372073334): SENDAUTH no password for isp AAA/AUTHEN (3372073334): status = ERROR AAA/AUTHEN/START (3372073334): no methods left to try AAA/AUTHEN (3372073334): status = ERROR AAA/AUTHEN/START (3372073334): failed to authenticate !--- Problem 3: !--- User "hp-gw" is removed from the HGW router. AAA/AUTHEN (3999868118): SENDAUTH no password for hp-gw AAA/AUTHEN (3999868118): status = ERROR AAA/AUTHEN/START (3999868118): no methods left to try AAA/AUTHEN (3999868118): status = ERROR AAA/AUTHEN/START (3999868118): failed to authenticate !--- Problem 4: !--- User "isp" is removed from HGW RADIUS server. RADIUS: Received from id 107, Access-Reject, len 46 Attribute 18 26 41757468 AAA/AUTHEN (2759462034): status = FAIL VPDN: Chap authentication failed for isp %VPDN-6-AUTHENFAIL: L2F HGW , AAA authentication failure for tunnel isp !--- Problem 5: !--- User "jsmith@hp.com" is not in the HGW server. RADIUS: Received from id 109, Access-Reject, len 46 Attribute 18 26 41757468 AAA/AUTHEN (2765235576): status = FAIL %VPDN-6-AUTHENFAIL: L2F HGW hp-gw, AAA authentication failure for Vi1 user jsmith@hp.com; Authentication failure
المراجعة | تاريخ النشر | التعليقات |
1.0 |
26-Feb-2008 |
الإصدار الأولي |