Monitoring Notifications

This chapter describes the Cisco CMTS Universal Broadband Series Router notifications supported by the MIB enhancements feature introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.2SC. SNMP uses notifications to report events on a managed device. The notifications are traps or informs for different events. The router also supports other notifications that are not listed.

This chapter contains the following sections:

SNMP Notification Overview

An SNMP agent can notify the SNMP manager when important system events occur, such as the following:

  • An interface or card starts or stops running
  • Temperature thresholds are crossed
  • Authentication failures occur

When an agent detects an alarm condition, the agent:

  • Logs information about the time, type, and severity of the condition
  • Generates a notification message, which it then sends to a designated IP host

SNMP notifications are sent as one of the following:

  • Traps—Unreliable messages, which do not require receipt acknowledgement from the SNMP manager.
  • Informs—Reliable messages, which are stored in memory until the SNMP manager issues a response. Informs use more system resources than traps.

To use SNMP notifications on your system, you must specify trap recipients. These recipients indicate where network registrar notifications are directed. Traps are enabled using the snmp-server enable traps command.

Many commands use the key word traps in the command syntax. Unless there is an option in the command to select either traps or informs, the keyword traps refers to traps, informs, or both. Use the snmp-server host command to specify whether to send SNMP notifications as traps or informs. The types of traps can be specified in command.


Noteblank.gif Most notification types are disabled by default. However, some notification types cannot be controlled with the snmp command. For example, some notification types are always enabled and other types are enabled by a different command. The linkUpDown notifications are controlled by the snmp trap link-status command. If you enter this command with no notification-type keywords, the default is set to enable all notification types controlled by the command.

Specify the trap types if you do not want all traps to be sent. Then use multiple snmp-server enable traps commands, one for each of the trap types that you used in the snmp host command. The event table must have an entry that specifies the action that is to be performed.

For detailed information about notifications and a list of notification types, refer the following Cisco documents at:

Enabling Notifications

You can enable MIB notifications using either of the following procedures:

  • Using the command-line interface (CLI)—Specify the recipient of the trap message and specify the types of traps sent. For detailed procedures, go to the following URLs:

The Traps Sent with SNMP-Server Enabled Traps Configured guide at:

  • Performing an SNMP SET operation with the setany command—To enable or disable MIB notifications, perform an SNMP SET operation on a specific object.

blank.gif To enable the notifications set the object to true(1).

blank.gif To disable the notifications, set the object to false(2).


Noteblank.gif If you issue the snmp-server enable traps command without a notification-type argument, the router generates traps for all types of events, which might not be desirable. Some MIBs require the user to set additional objects to enable some notifications.

Cisco SNMP Notifications

This section contains tables that describe a MIB event, why the event occurred, and a recommendation as to how to handle the event. Each table lists the following information:

  • Event—The event display.
  • Description—What the event indicates.
  • Probable cause—What might have caused the notification.
  • Recommended action—Recommendation as to what should be done when the particular notification occurs.

Noteblank.gif In the following tables, where no action required appears in the Recommended Action column, there might be instances where an application, such as trouble ticketing, occurs.

Functional Notifications

Table 4-1 lists notifications generated for events that might indicate the failure of the Cisco CMTS uBR router or conditions that might affect the router functionality.


Table 4-1 Environmental or Functional Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the status of a module has changed. A management application can use this trap to update the status of a module it manages.

Module has unknown state.

Enter the show module command to view error message details. For syslog messages associated with this event, consult Messages and Recovery Procedures.



A line card is provisioned for a slot but it is not present in the slot.

Insert a configured line card in the specific slot.



Module is operational.

No action is required.



Module has failed due to some condition.

Enter the show module command to view error message details. For Syslog messages associated with this event, consult Messages and Recovery Procedures.


Indicates that the power status of a field-replaceable unit has changed.

FRU is powered off because of an unknown problem.

Enter the show power command to check the actual power usage. For syslog messages associated with this event, consult Messages and Recovery Procedures.



FRU is powered on.

No action is required.



FRU is administratively off.

No action is required.



FRU is powered off because available system power is insufficient.

Enter the show power command to check the actual power usage.


Indicates that a FRU was inserted. The trap indicates the entPhysicalIndex of the slot that the line card was inserted in.

A new field-replaceable unit such as the line card, SIP and SPA modules, fan, port, power supply, or redundant power supply was added.

No action is required; but you can enable this trap through the CLI or by setting cefcMIBEnableStatusNotification to true(1).


Indicates that a FRU was removed and indicates the entPhysicalIndex of the slot from which the line card was removed.

A field-replaceable unit such as the line cards, SIP, SPA, fan, ports, power supply, or redundant power supply was removed.

Replace the field-replaceable unit.


Indicates that a FRU status has changed.

The chassis temperature is too high, a minor or major alarm has been detected.

Inspect the indicated component closely to determine why it is operating out of the normal operating temperature range and whether it eventually exceeds the allowed operating temperature range.



A redundant power supply has been powered off.

Replace the field-replaceable unit.


Cooling fan of the router could be close to failure.

One or more fans in the system fan tray have failed. Although this is a minor alarm, system components may overheat and shut down.

Replace the fan as soon as possible or the system might shut itself down or fail to operate properly.


Indicates that a FRU status has changed.

A redundant power supply has been powered on.

No action is required.

Cisco Router Line Card Notifications

These notifications indicate the failure of a line card or error conditions on the card that might affect the functionality of all interfaces and connected customers.

Table 4-2 lists ENTITY-MIB notifications that the Cisco CMTS uBR router cards and SPAs generate.


Table 4-2 Line Card Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

An entry for the line card or a shared port adapter is removed from the entPhysicalTable causing the value of entLastchangeTime to change.

A line card was removed.

Replace the field-replaceable unit.


Indicates that the line card operational state changed. A management application uses this trap to update the status of a module that it is managing.

A line card is provisioned for a slot but it is not present in the slot.

Add a module.


Indicates that the sensor value crossed the threshold. This notification reports the most recent measurement detected by the sensor and indicates the value of the threshold.

The sensor value in a module crossed the threshold listed in entSensorThresholdTable. This notification is generated once each time the sensor value crosses the threshold.

Remove the configuration that bypasses the module shutdown due to sensor thresholds being exceeded. Shut down the module after removing the configuration as it has exceeded major sensor thresholds.



The local CPU was unable to access the temperature sensor on the module. The module attempts to recover by resetting itself.

Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log, contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the gathered information.


The agent generates this trap when a physical entity asserts an alarm, such as the power entry module 0 failure.

You manually shut down the line card, then you get the line card error or the alarm Card Stopped Responding OIR occurs.

Check the entPhysicalDescr type and take the corresponding action; there are many types of asserted alarms.


The agent generates this trap when a physical entity clears a previously asserted alarm or when the core or inlet temperature exceed a threshold, such as inlet critical temperature limit.

The agent generates this trap when:

  • a physical entity clears a previously asserted alarm
  • a line card is installed in a slot and the alarm Active Card Removed OIR is cleared

No action is required.


Sensor entities are the physical entities where entity class must be defined to type entity sensor(8) in the entPhysicalTable.

Notifications are generated only if the particular entity has an entry in the entity table.

If ceAlarmNotifiesEnable is set to 0, it disables ceAlarmAsserted and ceAlarmCleared notifications. Similarly, when ceAlarmSyslogEnable is set to 0, it disables syslog messages corresponding to alarms.

If ceAlarmHistTableSize is set to 0, it prevents any history from being retained in the ceAlarmHistTable. In addition, whenever the ceAlarmHistTableSize is reset (either increased or decreased), the existing log is deleted.

When a new alarm condition is detected, the line card software sets the carrier alarm LEDs in the individual line cards. The Cisco IOS alarm subsystem does not control the LEDs.

Flash Card Notifications

Table 4-3 lists CISCO-FLASH-MIB notifications that the Cisco CMTS uBR router flash cards generate.. These notifications indicate the failure of a flash card or error conditions on the card that might affect the functionality of all interfaces and connected custom.


Table 4-3 Flash Card Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates a removable flash device was inserted into the router.

Status change occurred when a removable flash card is inserted in the router.

To identify the flash card inserted, use the ciscoFlashDeviceIndex to check the ciscoFlashDeviceTable.


Generated every time a conceptual row is created, modified, or deleted in any of the following tables:

  • entPhysicalTable
  • entLogicalTable
  • entLPMappingTable
  • entAliasMappingTable
  • entPhysicalContainsTabl

Indicates that a new device (flash or any card) is added or removed from the router.

And the entLastChangeTime is the sysUpTime at the time a flash card is added or deleted.

Status change occurred when a flash card was added or removed.

To identify the flash card removed from the router, use the ciscoFlashDeviceIndex to check the ciscoFlashDeviceTable.



Indicates that a flash operation has occurred.

Sent when the following flash operations occur:

  • Copy operation finishes
  • Partitioning operation finishes
  • Miscellaneous flash card operation finishes

Enable this trap through the CLI or setting the corresponding flash object to true(1).

Link Notifications

Table 4-4 lists notifications that the router generates for link-related (interface) events.


Table 4-4 Interface Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action
  • Indicates that a link is about to enter the down state, which means it cannot transmit or receive traffic. The ifOperStatus object shows the current link state. Value is down(2).
  • Indicates that the wideband downstream ports on the SPA are in a down state.

An internal software error might have occurred.

To see if link traps are enabled or disabled on an interface, check ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (IF-MIB) for the interface. To enable link traps, set ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable to enabled(1).

Enable the IETF (RFC 2233) format of link traps by issuing the snmp-server trap link ietf CLI command.

  • Indicates that a link is about to enter the Up state and the ifOperStatus object shows the current link status.
  • Indicates that the wideband downstream ports on the SPA are in a up state.

The port manager reactivated a port in the link-down state during a switchover.

To see if link traps are enabled or disabled on an interface, check ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (IF-MIB) for the interface. To enable link traps, set ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable to enabled(1).

Enable the IETF (RFC 2233) format of link traps by issuing the snmp-server trap link ietf CLI command.




Packet Forwarding Engine Notifications

Table 4-5 lists notifications that the router generates for Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE) events on the Cisco uBR10012 router. For Cisco uBR10012 router, the PFE is the parallel express forwarding network processor (PXF), which is part of the performance routing engine (PRE).


Table 4-5 Packet Forwarding Engine Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action


  • cePfeHistEntPhysIndex,
  • cePfeHistType,
  • cePfeHistThld,
  • cePfeHistValue

Indicates that the configured threshold is exceeded. The threshold value and type are found from the cePfeHistType and cePfeHistThld. And the event type can be any of the enumerations of the HistEventType.

A threshold event has occurred and the cePfeHistNotifiesEnable is set to notify(3) or logAndNotify(4).

No action is required, the system waits for the value to fall below the threshold value.





  • thldUtilizationEvent

Generated if the cePfePerfCurrentUtilization, at the time of sampling, becomes greater than or equal to the cePfePerfThldUtilization.



  • thldEfficiencyEvent

Generated if the cePfePerfCurrentEfficiency, at the time of sampling, becomes less than or equal to the cePfePerfThldEfficiency.



  • thld1MinUtilizationEvent

Generated if the cePfePerfCurrent1MinUtilization, at the time of sampling, becomes greater than or equal to the cePfePerfThld1MinUtilization.



  • thld1MinEfficiencyEvent

Generated if the cePfePerfCurrent1MinEfficiency, at the time of sampling, becomes less than or equal to the cePfePerfThld1MinEfficiency.



  • thld5MinUtilizationEvent

Generated if the cePfePerfCurrent5MinUtilization, at the time of sampling, becomes greater than or equal to the cePfePerfThld5MinUtilization.



  • thld5MinEfficiencyEvent

Generated if the cePfePerfCurrent5MinEfficiency, at the time of sampling, becomes less than or equal to the cePfePerfThld5MinEfficiency.




Indicates a PFE restart occurred.

The PFE processor restarted.

Enable this trap using the snmp-server CLI command or by setting cePfeHistNotifiesEnable to notify(3) or logAndNotify(4).

Configuration Notifications

Table 4-6 lists notifications generated by the CMTS router for events related to system configuration.


Table 4-6 CMTS Configuration Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action
  • ccCopyServerAddress
  • ccCopyFileName
  • ccCopyState
  • ccCopyTimeStarted
  • ccCopyTimeCompleted
  • ccCopyFailCause

A ccCopyCompletion trap is sent when a config-copy request is completed. The ccCopyFailCause is not instantiated, and hence not included in a trap, when the ccCopyState is successful.

Sent when the CMTS router finishes copying a configuration file to or from another location.

Enable this trap by setting ccCopyNotificationOnCompletion to true(1).


The current configuration changed.

Sent when the running configuration changes.

No action is required.

MPLS Service Notifications

Table 4-7 lists service notifications generated by the CMTS router to indicate conditions for services.


Table 4-7 MPLS-Service Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that a mplsTunnelOperStatus object for a configured tunnel is about to transition from the Down state to any state except NotPresent.

A configured tunnel transitioned from the Down state to any state except NotPresent.

May be caused by an administrative or operational status check of the tunnel.

No action is required.

Enable this trap through the CLI or by setting mplsTunnelTrapEnable to true(1).


Indicates that the mplsTunnelOperStatus object for a configured MPLS traffic engineering tunnel is about to transition to up(1) or down(2) state respectively.

A configured tunnel is transitioning to the down state.

May be caused by an administrative or operational status check of the tunnel.



Indicates that the signalling path for an MPLS traffic engineering tunnel changed.

A tunnel was rerouted or reoptimized.

If you use the actual path, write the new path to mplsTunnelRerouted after the notification is issued.

Routing Protocol Notifications

Table 4-8 lists notifications that the Cisco CMTS uBR router generates to indicate error conditions for routing protocols.


Table 4-8 Routing Protocol Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

The BGP FSM enters the Established state. It becomes active on the router.

BGP changed status.

No action is required.


Indicates that BGP transitions from a higher-level state to a lower-level state. The prefix count for an address family on a BGP session exceeded the configured threshold value.

BGP changed status.

This threshold value is configured using the neighbor nbr_addr max_prefixes [threshold] [warning-only] CLI command.


Indicates a loopback test.

Sent when an OAM loopback test completes.

Enable this trap through the CLI or by setting oamLoopbackPingTrapOnCompletion to true(1).


Indicates that the PPPoE system session exceeded a threshold.

Sent when the number of active PPPoE sessions exceeds the value of cPppoeSystemThresholdSessions.

Enable this trap through the CLI.


Indicates that the PPPoE VC session exceeded a threshold.

Sent when the number of active PPPoE sessions on the VC exceeds the value of cPppoeVcThresholdSessions.

Enable this trap through the CLI.

Routing Service Notifications

Table 4-9 lists notifications generated by the Cisco CMTS uBR router to indicate error conditions for routing services.


Table 4-9 Routing Protocol Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

The casState object changes status.

The object casState does not necessarily indicate the current state of the server. This is because casState is always up(1) unless an AAA request fails. In that case, casState is set to dead(2) and then reset to up(1) to allow the router to send requests to the server after a failure.

The number of minutes casState remains dead(2) is specified by the radius-server deadtime minutes command. For example, if server deadtime is 5 minutes and an AAA request fails, a trap is generated with casState set to dead(2). Five minutes later, another trap is generated with casState set to up(1) even though the server may still be down.

Sent when the casState object changes state. The value of casState indicates if the router should send requests to the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server:

• up(1)—Send requests to the server.

• dead(2)—Do not send requests to the server. Send requests to the next available server instead.

Enable this trap by setting casServerStateChangeEnable to true(1).


Sent when the Service Selection Gateway (SSG) detects that a RADIUS client has rebooted. SSG uses RADIUS servers to authenticate subscribers.

A RADIUS client has rebooted.

Enable this trap by setting ssgCfgRadiusClientRebootNotification to true(1).

SONET Notifications

Table 4-10 lists alarm notifications generated by the router for SONET events.


Table 4-10 SONET Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action


These notifications indicate error conditions on a SONET circuit and the status of SONET layers.

Not all SONET and Packet over SONET (POS) line cards generate all of the traps.

Sent when one of the following alarm status has changed. See footnote below.

Check out the AlarmType and ceAlarmHistSeverity values.

Paths, for example a Path Alarm Indication Signal

Line, for example a Line Remove Failure Indication

Section, for example a Section Loss of Frame Failure

Clock problems, for example a Far End Clock Out of Range

Signal, for example a Out of Frame Failure

Near End/Far End, for example a Far End Alarm Indication Signal

Thresholds, for example a Threshold Cross Alarm-B1

Chassis Notifications

Table 4-11 lists CISCO-STACK-MIB notifications generated by the router to indicate that a chassis module has become active or stopped responding. These notifications are supported by the Cisco CMTS router.


Table 4-11 Chassis Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

The status of a module changes from the OK state to another state.

The agent entity has detected that the moduleStatus object in this MIB has transitioned out of the ok (2) state for one of its modules. The generation of this trap can be controlled by the sysEnableModuleTraps object in this MIB.

Replace module.


The status of a module changes to the OK state.

The agent entity has detected that the moduleStatus object in this MIB has transitioned to the ok (2) state for one of its modules. The generation of this trap can be controlled by the sysEnableModuleTraps object in this MIB.

No action is required.

RTT Monitor Notifications

Table 4-12 lists CISCO-RTTMON-MIB notifications that can occur during round-trip time (RTT) monitoring.


Table 4-12 RTT Monitor Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Sent when the value of rttMonCtrlOperConnectionLostOccurred changes.

Occurs when the connection to a target has either failed to be established or was lost and then re-established. Note that this is a connection to a target not to a hop in the path to the target.

Check for the connectivity to the target. There could be link problems to the target through different hops.


A timeout occurred or was cleared during an RTT probe.

An RTT probe occurred and the system sends the notice when the value of rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred changes.

Check for the end-to-end connectivity if rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred if the notification returns true.

No action is required if rttMonCtrlOperTimeoutOccurred is false.


Threshold violation occurred during an RTT probe.

Indicates that the previous violation has subsided for a subsequent RTT operation that results in rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred changing value.

Check for the end-to-end connectivity if rttMonCtrlOperOverThresholdOccurred in the notification is true otherwise no action is required.

Environmental Notifications

Table 4-13 lists CISCO-ENVMON-MIB notifications generated for events that might indicate the failure of the Cisco CMTS uBR router or conditions that might affect the router functionality.


Table 4-13 Environmental Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

A ciscoEnvMonShutdown
Notification is sent if the environmental monitor detects a testpoint reaching a critical state and is about to initiate a shutdown.

This notification contains no objects so that it may be encoded and sent in the shortest amount of time possible. Management applications should not rely on receiving such a notification as it may not be sent before the shutdown completes.

A test point nears a critical state and the router is about to shut down (for example, if auto-shutdown is enabled and the chassis core or inlet temperature reaches critical state and remains there for more than 2 minutes).

The system has a configuration to shut down a module if its operating temperature exceeds a temperature threshold. This configuration has been bypassed, and a module will still operate in an over-temperature condition. Operating at an over-temperature condition can damage the hardware.

Do not override the system critical alarms like facility-alarm-intake-temperature.

Enable this trap through the snmp-server-enable traps envmon shutdown CLI command or by setting the ciscoEnvMonEnableShutdownNotification to true(1).


Fan status. A ciscoEnvMonFanNotification is sent if the system detects a fan failure or an empty tray.

One or more fans in the system fan tray failed, or the fan tray is missing. Although this is a minor alarm, system components could overheat and shut down.

Replace the system fan tray.

Enable this trap using the snmp-server-enable traps envmon fan CLI command or by setting ciscoEnvMonEnableFanNotification to true (1).


Power supply status. Sent if the redundant power supply (if available) fails.

An environmental condition, an over-temperature condition, or inconsistent voltage to the module occurred. Since such a notification is usually generated before the shutdown state is reached, it can convey more data and has a better chance of being sent than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.

Ensure that the system power supplies are optimally redundant.

Use power supplies with identical output ratings or reduce system power consumption.

Enable this trap using the snmp-server enable traps envmon supply CLI command or by setting ciscoEnvMonEnableRedundantSupplyNotification to true (1).


Temperature status. The core or inlet temperature is outside its normal range, when ciscoEnvMonState is at the Warning or Critical state.

Since such a Notification is usually generated before the shutdown state is reached, it can convey more data and has a better chance of being sent than does the ciscoEnvMonShutdownNotification.

During previous reloads, this module experienced a timeout while accessing the temperature sensor. All further access to the temperature sensor is disabled. This condition indicates a possible problem with the temperature sensor.

Copy the error message as it appears on the console or in the system log, contact your Cisco technical support representative, and provide the representative with the error message.

Enable this trap using the snmp-server enable traps envmon temperature CLI command or by setting ciscoEnvMonEnableTemperatureNotification to true (1).

The cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus is on(1) when a redundant power supply is disabled. When there is a redundant power supply, the cefcFRUPowerAdminStatus is always on(1) for both power supplies, regardless of whether the redundant power supply is disabled.


Redundancy Framework Notifications

Table 4-14 lists CISCO-RF-MIB notifications that can occur in a redundant system. There are two types of notifications:

  • Switch of Activity (SWACT)—Either a forced or automatic switch of active status from the active unit to the standby unit. The former standby unit is now referred to as the active unit.
  • Progression—The process of making redundancy state of the standby unit equivalent to that of the active unit. This includes transitioning the RF state machine through several states which drives the RF clients on the active unit to synchronize any relevant data with their peer on the standby unit.


Table 4-14 Redundancy Framework Notifications

Probable Cause
Recommended Action

Indicates that the RF state changed.

A switch of activity notification is sent by the newly active redundant unit.

A switch of activity occurs. If a SWACT event is indistinguishable from a reset event, then a network management station should use this notification to differentiate the activity.

If the switchover occurred due to active unit failed indicated by cRFStatusLastSwactReasonCode, see if there is any hardware failures, otherwise no action is required.


Indicates that the RF state changed.

The active redundant unit RF state changed or the RF state of the peer unit changed.

To avoid an increase of notifications for all state transitions, send notifications for transitions to the following RF states:

  • standbyCold(5)
  • standbyHot(9)
  • active(14)
  • activeExtraload(15)

Cable Device Notifications

Table 4-16 lists the notifications that occur in the following supported MIBs:


Table 4-15 CMTS Diagnostic MIB Notifications

MIB and Event
Probable Cause
Recommended Action
  • docsDevCmtsInitRegReqFailNotif

Reports failure of a registration request from a Cable Modem (CM) during CM initialization process. CMTS detects this failure.

A registration request failed during the CM initialization process.

Correct the registration request failure.

  • docsDevCmtsInitRegRspFailNotif

Reports failure of a registration response during the CM initialization process. CMTS detects this failure.

A registration response failed during the CM initialization process.

Correct the registration response failures.

  • docsDevCmtsInitRegAckFailNotif

Reports failure of a registration acknowledgement from the CM during the CM initialization process. CMTS detects this failure.

A registration acknowledgement failed during the CM initialization process.

Correct the registration acknowledgement failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynServReqFailNotif

Reports failure of a dynamic service request during the dynamic services process. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic service request failed during the dynamic services process.

Correct the dynamic service request failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynServRspFailNotif

Reports failure of a dynamic service response during the dynamic services process. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic service response failed during the dynamic services process.

Correct the dynamic service response failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynServAckFailNotif

Reports failure of a dynamic service acknowledgement during the dynamic services. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic service acknowledgement failed during the dynamic services process.

Correct the dynamic service acknowledgement failures.

  • docsDevCmtsBpiInitNotif

Reports failure of a BPI initialization attempt during the CM registration process. CMTS detects this failure.

A BPI initialization attempt failed during the CM registration process.

Correct the BPI initialization attempt failures.

  • docsDevCmtsBPKMNotif

Reports failure of a BPKM operation. CMTS detects this failure.

A BPKM operation failed.

Correct the BPKM operation failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynamicSANotif

Reports failure of a dynamic security association operation. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic security association operation failed.

Correct the dynamic security association operation failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDCCReqFailNotif

Reports the failure of a dynamic channel change request, during the dynamic channel change process. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic channel change request failed during the dynamic channel change process

Correct the dynamic channel change request failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDCCRspFailNotif

Reports failure of a dynamic channel change response during the dynamic channel process. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic channel change response failed during the dynamic channel change process.

Correct the dynamic channel change response failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDCCAckFailNotif

Reports failure of a dynamic channel change acknowledgement during the dynamic channel change process. CMTS detects this failure.

A dynamic channel change acknowledgement failed during the dynamic channel change process.

Correct the dynamic channel change acknowledgement failures.

CMTS Diagnostic Notifications

Table 4-16 lists the notifications that occur in the DOCS-DIAG-MIB.


Table 4-16 CMTS Diagnostic MIB Notifications

MIB and Event
Probable Cause
Recommended Action
  • docsDiagLogSizeHighThrshldReached

Indicates that the size of Diagnostic Log has exceeded docsDiagLogNotifyLogSizeHighThrshld.

Diagnostic log record exeeds the given maximum threshold. (docsDiagLogNotifyLogSizeHighThrshld.0)

Clear the out-of-date log. Use the set docsDiagLogClearAll.0 command via SNMP.

  • docsDiagLogSizeLowThrshldReached

Indicates that the size of Diagnostic Log is below the docsDiagLogNotifyLogSizeLowThrdshld size after exceeding docsDiagLogNotifyLogSizeHighThrshld size.

Diagnostic log record reaches the give minimum threshold. (docsDiagLogNotifyLogSizeLowThrshld.0)

No action is required.

  • docsDiagLogSizeFull

Indicates that the Diagnostic Log is full.

Diagnostic log reaches the given maximum size. (docsDiagLogMaxSize.0)

Clear the out-of-date log. Use the set docsDiagLogClearAll.0 CLI command via SNMP.

Cable MIB Notifications

Table 4-17 lists the notifications that occur in the following supported MIBs:


Table 4-17 CABLE MIB Notifications

MIB and Event
Probable Cause
Recommended Action
  • docsDevCmtsInitRegReqFailTrap

Indicates that a registration request failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A registration request failed during the CM initialization process.

Correct the registration request failure.

  • docsDevCmtsInitRegRspFailTrap

Indicates a registration response failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A registration response failed during the CM initialization process.

Correct the registration response failures.

  • docsDevCmtsInitRegAckFailTrap

Indicates a registration acknowledgement failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A registration acknowledgement failed during the CM initialization process.

Correct the registration acknowledgement failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynServReqFailTrap

Indicates a dynamic service request failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic service request failed during the dynamic services process.

Correct the dynamic service request failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynServRspFailTrap

Indicates a dynamic service response failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic service response failed during the dynamic services process.

Correct the dynamic service response failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynServAckFailTrap

Indicates a dynamic service acknowledgement failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic service acknowledgement failed during the dynamic services process.

Correct the dynamic service acknowledgement failures.

  • docsDevCmtsBpiInitTrap

Indicates a BPI initialization attempt failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A BPI initialization attempt failed during the CM registration process.

Correct the BPI initialization attempt failures.

  • docsDevCmtsBPKMTrap

Indicates a BPKM operation failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A BPKM operation failed.

Correct the BPKM operation failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDynamicSATrapTrap

Indicates a dynamic security association operation failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic security association operation failed.

Correct the dynamic security association operation failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDCCReqFailTrap

A dynamic channel change request failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic channel change request failed during the dynamic channel change process

Correct the dynamic channel change request failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDCCRspFailTrap

Indicates a dynamic channel change response failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic channel change response failed during the dynamic channel change process.

Correct the dynamic channel change response failures.

  • docsDevCmtsDCCAckFailTrap

A dynamic channel change acknowledgement failed. The failure was detected on the CMTS side.

A dynamic channel change acknowledgement failed during the dynamic channel change process.

Correct the dynamic channel change acknowledgement failures.

1 The following traps can be enabled using the CLI snmp-server enable trap docsis-cmts command.

bpi—Enable BPI init fail trap

bpkm—Enable BPKM fail trap

dccack—Enable dynamic channel change acknowledgement fail trap

dccreq—Enable dynamic channel change request fail trap

dccrsp—Enable dynamic channel change response fail trap

dsack—Enable dynamic service acknowledgement fail trap

dsreq—Enable dynamic service request fail trap

dsrsp—Enable dynamic service response fail trap

dynsa—Enable Dynamic SA fail trap

regack—Enable registration acknowledgement fail trap

regreq—Enable registration request fail trap

regrsp—Enable registration response fail trap


2 The following traps can be enabled by setting the bit value in docsDevCmtsTrapControl:

cmtsInitRegReqFailTrap( 0)

cmtsInitRegRspFailTrap( 1)

cmtsInitRegAckFailTrap( 2)

cmtsDynServReqFailTrap( 3)

cmtsDynServRspFailTrap( 4)

cmtsDynServAckFailTrap( 5)

cmtsBpiInitTrap( 6)

cmtsBPKMTrap( 7)

cmtsDynamicSATrap( 8)

cmtsDCCReqFailTrap( 9)

cmtsDCCRspFailTrap( 10)

cmtsDCCAckFailTrap( 11)

  • cdrqCmtsCmRQDoneNotification

Indicates the CMTS CM poller finished polling for the current cycle.



  • cdrqCmtsCmPollerStartTime

Indicates the time when the polling cycle started.

CMTS CM poller started polling.

No action is required.

  • cdrqCmtsCmPollerStopTime

Indicates the time when the polling cycle finished.

CMTS CM poller finished polling.

No action is required.


Indicates the link of the SFP port is lost.

SFP port link status goes down.



Indicates the link of the SFP port is Up.

SFP port link status changes to Up.



Enables or disables the trap function.

The traps ccwbSFPLinkDownNotification and ccwbSFPLinkUpNotification are generated.

Enable or disable the trap. Use the snmp-server enable traps cable sfp-link command to enable the trap.






Indicates if the metering record file was created successfully or not and if streaming the file to the collection server was successful or not.

The receipt of this notification is an indication to the collection server that the file can be accessed through FTP or any file transfer protocol in the case of local storage.

Enable this trap by setting ccmtrMeteringNotifEnable to true(1).

  • ccmtrCollectionStatus,

Indicates the success or failure of the export.



  • ccmtrCollectionDestination,

Indicates the destination of the export in both the success and failure scenarios.



  • ccmtrCollectionTimestamp

Indicates the timestamp of the export in both the success and failure scenarios.




Indicates a failure relating to DMIC.

Sent whenever a modem is locked because it failed the Dynamic Message Integrity Check (DMIC).



Describes a change in status for cable hopping, modulation profile, or channel width.

Cable upstream runtime frequency (hopping), profile, or channel width status changed. See footnote below.

Use the cable upstream threshold command to change these values The CNR threshold for the secondary modulation profile defaults to 15 dB. The correctable FEC error threshold defaults to 1 percent of total packets received, and the invalid FEC error threshold defaults to 1 percent of total packets received.

1. In the case of frequency hopping, ccsUpSpecMgmtHopCondition would indicate whether SNR or modemOffline that caused the hopping.

2. Frequency hopping is based on the carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) and the correctable FEC error and uncorrectable FEC error values. A channel performs frequency hop if the CNR falls below the configurable threshold AND either the correctable or uncorrectable FEC error values exceed the configurable threshold values.

3. Channel width may be too small.

  • ifIndex
  • ifDescr
  • cdxWBResilEventLevel

This notification indicates the RF channel change to the logical DOWN state.

The RF channel is removed from the bonding group by downstream resiliency.

The RF channel is reported as impairment by the cable modems using that channel, when the cable modems exceed the threshold value configured using the cable rf-change-trigger percent | count command.


  • ifIndex
  • ifDescr
  • cdxWBResilEventLevel

This notification indicates the RF channel change to the logical UP state.

The RF channel is added again to the bonding group by downstream resiliency.

The RF channel is reported as good by the cable modems using that channel, when the cable modems exceeds half of the threshold value configured using the cable rf-change-trigger percent | count command.


  • ifIndex
  • docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress,
  • docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex
  • cdxWBResilEventLevel

This notification indicates that a CM is in a partial service.

Cable modem is in a partial service.


  • ifIndex
  • docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress,
  • docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex
  • cdxWBResilEventLevel

This notification indicates that a CM has recovered from a partial service.

Cable modem has recovered from a partial service.


  • docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress
  • cdxWBResilEventType
  • cdxWBResilUpdateTime
  • cdxWBResilEventTotalCount
  • cdxWBResilEventTotalDupCount
  • cdxWBResilEventLevel

This notification indicates that a wideband resiliency event is received by the Cisco CMTS.

Wideband resiliency event is configured.