Relationship Between MIB Objects and CLI Show Commands

This chapter shows the Management Information Base (MIB) files and their object identifiers (OIDs) that correspond to the fields that are displayed by the command-line interface (CLI) show commands. Because different subsystems process CLI and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) commands, a slight variation should be expected between the counters returned by SNMP commands and those displayed by CLI commands.


Noteblank.gif Unless otherwise indicated, all SNMP counter objects are 32-bit counters. Also, all SNMP counters begin incrementing from zero when the CMTS router initially boots and continue incrementing until they wrap around to zero, or until the CMTS router is rebooted. For more information on the differences between CLI-based and SNMP-based counters, see the “SNMP-Based and CLI-Based Counters” section.


Tipblank.gif For the generic interface counters that are displayed by the show interface command, see the corresponding counters in the ifTable in IF-MIB.


The ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleTable in CISCO-CABLE-QOS-MONITOR-MIB contains objects that show the quality of service (QoS) enforce rules that are currently configured on the Cisco CMTS. Table B-1 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-1 Quality of Service Enforce Rules (ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

ccqmCmtsEnforceRuleName (

show cable qos enforce-rule :

Name of this enforce rule.

ccqmCmtsEnfRuleRegQoS (

show cable qos enforce-rule :

Pointer into the docsIfQosProfileTable for the QoS profile to be used when a subscriber registers (0 to 16383).

ccqmCmtsEnfRuleEnfQos (

show cable qos enforce-rule :

Pointer into the docsIfQosProfileTable for the QoS profile to be used when a subscriber violates the bandwidth specified by their service level agreement (SLA) (0 to 16383).

ccqmCmtsEnfRuleMonDuration (

show cable qos enforce-rule :
Dur (min)

Duration, in minutes, for the sliding window to be used to monitor subscribers (10 to 10080).

ccqmCmtsEnfRuleSampleRate (

show cable qos enforce-rule :
rate (min)

Sample rate, in minutes, at which the CMTS should check a subscriber’s bandwidth usage to determine whether the subscriber is overconsuming their allotted resources (10 to 120).

ccqmCmtsEnfRuleDirection (

show cable qos enforce-rule :

Direction in which this enforce rule should be applied: upstream, downstream, or both.

ccqmCmtsEnfRuleAutoEnforce (

show cable qos enforce-rule :
Auto enf

Indicates whether the enforced QoS profile should be automatically applied to subscribers who violate the maximum bandwidth limits during a sliding window monitoring period.

The ccqmEnfRuleViolateTable in CISCO-CABLE-QOS-MONITOR-MIB provides a snapshot of all subscribers who have violated their enforce rules. Table B-2 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-2 Enforce Rules Violators (ccqmEnfRuleViolateID)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

ccqmEnfRuleViolateID (

show cable subscriber-usage :

Index for this service flow.

ccqmEnfRuleViolateMacAddr (

show cable subscriber-usage :
MAC Address

MAC address of the subscriber.

ccqmEnfRuleViolateRuleName (

show cable subscriber-usage :
Enforce-rule Name

Name of the enforce rule being used for this subscriber.

ccqmEnfRuleViolateLastDetectTime (

show cable subscriber-usage :
Last-detect Time

Time stamp for when the subscriber was found to have violated the enforce rule. If the enforce rule automatically applies the enforced QoS profile, this time stamp also shows the time at which the enforced QoS profile was in effect.

ccqmEnfRuleViolatePenaltyExpTime (

show cable subscriber-usage :
Last-penalty Time

Time stamp for when the original (registered) QoS profile is scheduled to be restored to this subscriber.


The cdxQosCtrlUpTable in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB contains a number of QoS objects that the scheduler uses to control cable modem registration on each upstream interface. Table B-3 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-3 Quality of Service Upstream Control Objects (cdxQosCtrlUpTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdxQosCtrlUpAdmissionCtrl (


Indicates whether admission control is enabled to control minimum guaranteed upstream bandwidth scheduling service requests on this upstream.

cdxQosCtrlUpMaxRsvdBWPercent (


Maximum percentage of total upstream bandwidth that is allowed to be reserved for minimum guaranteed upstream scheduling service requests on this upstream (10 to 1000 percent), when admission control is enabled.

cdxQosCtrlUpAdmissionRejects (


Total number of cable modem Registration Requests (REG-REQ) that the CMTS rejected on this upstream when admission control is enabled, because insufficient bandwidth was reserved.

cdxQosCtrlUpReservedBW (

show interface cable upstream :
Total channel bandwidth reserved

Total reserved bandwidth, in bits per second (bps), that is currently reserved on this upstream (0 to 102400000).

cdxQosCtrlUpMaxVirtualBW (


Maximum virtual bandwidth of this capacity, in bits per second (bps), when admission control is enabled (0 to 102400000).

The cdxCmtsServiceExtTable in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB extends the information about a service ID (SID) in docsIfCmtsServiceTable. Table B-4 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-4 Service ID Information (cdxCmtsServiceExtTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdxIfCmtsServiceOutOctets (

show interface cable sid counter verbose :
Bytes received

Total number of data packet bytes that have been sent for this SID.

cdxIfCmtsServiceOutPackets (

show interface cable sid counter :
Packets received

Total number of data packets that have been sent for this SID.


show interface cable sid counter verbose :
Bytes received

The cumulative number of data packet octets received on this SID. The count does not include the size of the Cable MAC header. This object is a 64-bit version of docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets.


show interface cable sid counter :
Packets received

The cumulative number of data packets received on this SID. This object is a 64-bit version of docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets.


show cable modem mac-address counters :
DS Bytes

The cumulative number of data packet octets sent for this SID. This object is a 64-bit version of cdxIfCmtsServiceOutOctets.


show cable modem mac-address counters :
DS Packets

The cumulative number of data packets sent for this SID. This object is a 64-bit version of cdxIfCmtsServiceOutPackets.

The cdxBWQueueTable in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB displays the attributes for the QoS queues in a cable interface scheduler. Table B-5 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-5 Quality of Service Queues (cdxBWQueueTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdxBWQueueNameCode (

show interface cable upstream and show interface cable mac-scheduler :

Name code (type) for this queue:

  • cirQ(1)
  • tbeQ(2)
  • p0BEGrantQ(3)
  • p1BEGrantQ(4)
  • p2BEGrantQ(5)
  • p3BEGrantQ(6)
  • p4BEGrantQ(7)
  • p5BEGrantQ(8)
  • p6BEGrantQ(9)
  • p7BEGrantQ(10)
  • rngPollQ(11).

cdxBWQueueOrder (


Relative priority of this queue with regard to the other queues on this particular cable interface (0 to 10, where 0 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest priority).

cdxBWQueueNumServedBeforeYield (


Maximum number of requests or packets that the scheduler can serve on this queue, before granting access to the next highest-priority queue (0 to 64).

cdxBWQueueType (

show interface cable upstream :

Type of queue to be used to decide the position of a request or packet in the queue:

  • unknown(1)
  • other(2)
  • fifo(3)
  • priority(4).

cdxBWQueueMaxDepth (

show interface cable upstream and show interface cable mac-scheduler :

Maximum number of requests or packets that this queue can support (0 to 64).

cdxBWQueueDepth (

show interface cable upstream and show interface cable mac-scheduler :

Number of requests or packets that are currently in this queue (0 to 64).

cdxBWQueueDiscards (

show interface cable upstream and show interface cable mac-scheduler :

Total number of requests or packets that this queue has discarded because the queue overflowed beyond the maximum specified by cdxBWQueueDepth.

The cdxCmCpeTable in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB contains information about cable modems (CM) or customer premises equipments (CPE) devices. Table B-6 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-6 Cable Modem and Customer Premises Equipment Information (cdxCmCpeTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdxCmCpeMacAddress (

show cable device access-group :
MAC address

MAC address of the cable modem or customer premises equipment (CPE) device.

cdxCmCpeType (

show cable device access-group :

Type of device: cm(1) or cpe(2).

cdxCmCpeIpAddress (

show cable device access-group :
IP address

IP address for this cable modem or CPE device.

cdxCmCpeIfIndex (


ifIndex for the cable interface on the CMTS that is connected to this cable modem or CPE device.

cdxCmCpeCmtsServiceId (

show interface cable modem :

Primary service ID (SID) for the cable modem itself or for the cable modem that is providing services for this CPE device (1 to 16383).

cdxCmCpeCmStatusIndex (

show interface cable modem :

Pointer into the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifying the status of this cable modem or for the cable modem that is providing services for this CPE device (1 to 2147483647).

cdxCmCpeAccessGroup (

show cable device access-group :

ASCII string that identifies the access group to be used to filter the upstream traffic for this cable modem or CPE device.

cdxCmCpeResetNow (

clear cable modem a.b.c.d

To reset the CM. There is no equivalent CLI for CPE.

Here a.b.c.d may be MAC address or IPV4 address or IPV6 address.

Set this object to true(1) to remove a cable modem from the CMTS Station Maintenance list and to force the cable modem to reset its cable interface. If the device is a CPE device, the CMTS removes it from its internal address tables.


clear cable modem a.b.c.d

To delete CM.

clear cable host a.b.c.d

To delete CPE.

Here a.b.c.d may be MAC address or IPV4 address or IPV6 address.

Setting cdxCmCpeDeleteNow to true(1) deletes the CM/CPE. This object always returns false(2). If the value of cdxCmCpeType is cm(1), CMTS deletes CM from its interface.

If the value of cdxCmCpeType is cpe(2), CMTS deletes CPE from its associated CM.

The cdxCmtsCmStatusExtTable in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB extends the CM status information in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable. Table B-7 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-7 Cable Modem Status Information (cdxCmtsCmStatusExtTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdxCmtsCmStatusValue (

show cable modem :
MAC State

The current connectivity state of the cable modem. This object extends docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue by providing more detailed states.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusOnlineTimes (

show cable modem connectivity :
Times Online

Number of times that this cable modem has changed from the offline state to the online state, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusPercentOnline (

show cable modem connectivity :

Percentage of time, in hundredths of a percentage, that this cable modem has remained online, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS (0 to 10000).

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusMinOnlineTime (

show cable modem connectivity :
Online time (min)

Minimum period of time, in hundredths of a second, that this cable modem has remained online, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusAvgOnlineTime (

show cable modem connectivity :
Online time (avg)

Average period of time, in hundredths of a second, that this cable modem has remained online, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusMaxOnlineTime (

show cable modem connectivity :
Online time (max)

Maximum period of time, in hundredths of a second, that this cable modem has remained online, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusMinOfflineTime (

show cable modem connectivity :
Offline time (min)

Minimum period of time, in hundredths of a second, that this cable modem has remained offline, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusAvgOfflineTime (

show cable modem connectivity :
Offline time (avg)

Average period of time, in hundredths of a second, that this cable modem has remained offline, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusMaxOfflineTime (

show cable modem connectivity :
Offline time (max)

Maximum period of time, in hundredths of a second, that this cable modem has remained offline, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusDynSidCount (


Total number of dynamic service IDs (SIDs) that are active for this cable modem (0 to 16383).

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusAddlInfo (


Bit-mask providing additional information about this cable modem: noisyPlant(0) and modemPowerMaxOut(1).

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusOnlineTimesNum (

show cable modem connectivity :
Times Online

Number of times that this cable modem has changed from the offline state to the online state, from the time that the cable modem sent its first Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message to the CMTS. This object is similar to cdxIfCmtsCmStatusOnlineTimes, but this object is reset to 0 whenever cdxIfCmtsCmStatusLastResetTime is changed.

cdxIfCmtsCmStatusLastResetTime (


Time stamp, in terms of sysUpTime, for the last time that the connectivity statistics for this cable modem had been reset.

The cdxIfUpstreamChannelExtTable in CISCO-DOCS-EXT-MIB extends docsIfUpstreamChannelEntry with additional objects that describe the upstream channels. Table B-8 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-8 Upstream Channel Information (cdxIfUpstreamChannelExtTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdxIfUpChannelWidth (

show interface cable interface mac-scheduler upstream-port :
Channel width on this upstream channel

Lower frequency, in Hz, for this bandwidth (0 to 16000000) of upstream channel. The docsIfUpChannelWidth specifies the higher frequency, and these two objects together specify the upstream channel width to be used for automated advanced spectrum management.

cdxIfUpChannelModulationProfile (


Secondary modulation profile to be used for this upstream channel.

cdxIfUpChannelCmTotal (

show interface cable interface upstream upstream-id | inc NON-MTC:
Total NON-MTC Modems on This Upstream Channel

Total number of cable modems that have been on this upstream channel since the CMTS initially booted (0 to 8191).

cdxIfUpChannelCmActive (

show interface cable interface mac-scheduler upstream-port :
Total Modems on This Upstream Channel

Total number of cable modems that are currently active on this upstream channel (0 to 8191).

cdxIfUpChannelCmRegistered (


Total number of cable modems that are currently registered and online on this upstream channel (0 to 8191).

cdxIfUpChannelInputPowerLevel (


Upstream input power level, in tenths of a dBmV, for this upstream interface.

cdxIfUpChannelAvgUtil (


Average percentage of the upstream channel’s utilization, calculated as the running average of the utilization in the MAC upstream scheduler (0 to 100) of the channel.

cdxIfUpChannelAvgContSlots (


Average percentage of contention mini-slots on this upstream channel, calculated as the running average of contention mini-slots in the MAC upstream scheduler (0 to 100).

cdxIfUpChannelRangeSlots (


Average percentage of initial ranging mini-slots on this upstream channel, calculated as the running average of initial ranging mini-slots in the MAC upstream scheduler (0 to 100).

cdxIfUpChannelNumActiveUGS (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
# of Active UGS on the Upstream

Number of active unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests on this usptream channel.

cdxIfUpChannelMaxUGSLastOneHour (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
UGS Allocation Statistics (max)

Maximum number of unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests that were allocated on this upstream channel over the previous hour.

cdxIfUpChannelMinUGSLastOneHour (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
UGS Allocation Statistics (min)

Minimum number of unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests that were allocated on this upstream channel over the previous hour.

cdxIfUpChannelAvgUGSLastOneHour (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
UGS Allocation Statistics (avg)

Average number of unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests that were allocated on this upstream channel over the previous hour.

cdxIfUpChannelMaxUGSLastFiveMins (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
UGS Allocation Statistics (max)

Maximum number of unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests that were allocated on this upstream channel over the last five minutes.

cdxIfUpChannelMinUGSLastFiveMins (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
UGS Allocation Statistics (min)

Minimum number of unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests that were allocated on this upstream channel over the last five minutes.

cdxIfUpChannelAvgUGSLastFiveMins (

show interface cable upstream ugs statistics :
UGS Allocation Statistics (avg)

Average number of unsolicited grant service (UGS) requests that were allocated on this upstream channel over the last five minutes.


The cdrqCmtsCmStatusTable in CISCO-DOCS-REMOTE-QUERY-MIB contains the status of the cable modems that are polled by the remote-query feature. Table B-9 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-9 Remote Query Information for Cable Modems (cdrqCmtsCmStatusTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

cdrqCmtsCmDownChannelPower (

show cable modem remote-query :
DS Power

Received power level, in tenths of dBmV, of the cable modem.

cdrqCmtsCmStatusTxPower (

show cable modem remote-query :
US Power

Operational transmit power level, in tenths of dBmV, for the upstream of the cable modem.

cdrqCmtsCmUpChnlTxTimingOffset (

show cable modem remote-query :
TX Time Offset

Latest measure, as a 32-bit unsigned value, for the current round-trip time to the cable modem.

cdrqCmtsCmSigQSignalNoise (

show cable modem remote-query :
S/N Ratio

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), in tenths of dB, as perceived by the CMTS, for the downstream of the cable modem.

cdrqCmtsCmSigQMicroreflections (

show cable modem remote-query :
Micro (dB) Reflection

Total microreflections, expressed as dBc below the signal level, as perceived by the CMTS, for the cable modem’s downstream.This object is only a rough indication of microflections, including in-channel response, and not an absolute measurement.

cdrqCmtsCmPollTime (


Timestamp, in terms of sysUpTime, when this cable modem was last polled by the remote-query feature.


The docsIfSignalQualityTable in DOCS-IF-MIB contains upstream signal information for each ifEntry with an ifType of docsCableUpstreamChannel (205). Table B-10 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-10 Upstream Signal Information (docsIfSignalQualityTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-IF-MIB (docsIfMib)

docsIfSigQIncludesContention (

show interface cable signal-quality :
includes contention intervals

Indicates whether the CMTS includes contention intervals for the counters. Always false for CMs.

docsIfSigQUnerroreds (


Number of codewords received on this channel without errors.

docsIfSigQCorrecteds (


Number of codewords received on this channel with correctable errors.

docsIfSigQUncorrectables (

show interface cable upstream :

Number of codewords received on this channel with uncorrectable errors.

docsIfSigQSignalNoise (

show interface cable upstream :

Current signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), in tenths of dB, for this downstream channel (CM) or upstream channel (CMTS).

docsIfSigQMicroreflections (

show interface cable upstream :

Rough indication of the total number of microreflections including in-channel response as perceived on this interface, measured in dBc below the signal level (0 to 255).

docsIfSigQEqualizationData (


Equalization data for the downstream channel (CM) or upstream channel (CMTS).

The docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable in DOCS-IF-MIB contains the status information for each CM that is available in the CMTS. Table B-11 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-11 Cable Modem Status Information (docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-IF-MIB (docsIfMib)

docsIfCmtsCmStatusMacAddress (

show cable modem verbose :
MAC Address

MAC address for the CM’s cable interface.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusIpAddress (

show cable modem verbose :
IP Address

IP address for the cable interface of the CM. This object is deprecated and replaced by docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType and docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress, to enable migration to IPv6.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusDownChannelIfIndex (

show cable modem verbose :

ifIndex for the downstream channel being used by this CM.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusUpChannelIfIndex (

show cable modem verbose :

ifIndex for the upstream channel for this CM.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusRxPower (

show cable modem verbose :
Upstream Power

show cable modem verbose :
Received Power

Receive power level, in tenths of dBmV, for this CM, as perceived by the CMTS on the upstream.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset (

show cable modem verbose :
Timing Offset

Current round-trip time, in 6.25 microseconds/(64*256), for upstream transmissions for this CM.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusEqualizationData (

show cable modem verbose :
Transmit Equalizer Support

Equalization data for this CM.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue (

show cable modem :
MAC State

Current connectivity state for this CM. The valid values are:

  • other(1)
  • ranging(2)
  • rangingAborted(3)
  • rangingComplete(4)
  • ipComplete(5)
  • registrationComplete(6)
  • accessDenied(7)

docsIfCmtsCmStatusUnerroreds (


Number of codewords received without error from this CM. This object is the 32-bit version of docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds, which is a 64-bit counter.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds (


Number of codewords received with correctable errors from this CM. This object is the 32-bit version of docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds, which is a 64-bit counter.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables (


Number of codewords received with uncorrectable errors from this CM. This object is the 32-bit version of docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables, which is a 64-bit counter.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise (


Current signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), in tenths of dB, for this CM, as perceived from its upstream transmissions.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicroreflections (


Rough indication of the total number of microreflections, including in-channel response, perceived for this CM, as measured in dBc below the signal level.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds (


Number of codewords received without error from this CM. This object is the 64-bit version of docsIfCmtsCmStatusUnerroreds, which is a 32-bit counter.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds (


Number of codewords received with correctable errors from this CM. This object is the 64-bit version of docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds, which is a 32-bit counter.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables (


Number of codewords received with uncorrectable errors from this CM. This object is the 64-bit version of docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables, which is a 32-bit counter.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisRegMode (

show cable modem verbose :
QoS Provisioned Mode

Indicates the DOCSIS QoS revision level at which this CM is currently registered. This object replaces docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisMode from DOCS-IF-EXT-MIB.

docsIfCmtsCmStatusModulationType (

show cable modem verbose :
Phy Operating Mode

Indicates the upstream PHY mode (TDMA, A-TDMA, S-CDMA) that the CM is registered for and currently using. (The mixed TDMA/A-TDMA mode is not supported here, because that describes the upstream interface and not the behavior of individual CMs.)

docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType (

show cable modem verbose :
IP Address

Type of IP address that this CM is using (IPv4 or IPv6).

docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress (

show cable modem verbose :
IP Address

IP address for this CM cable interface of the CM. This object, together with docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType, replace docsIfCmtsCmStatusIpAddress.

The docsIfCmtsModulationTable in DOCS-IF-MIB describes an Interval Usage Code (IUC) for one or more upstream channel modulation profiles. Table B-12 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-12 Interval Usage Code Upstream Configuration (docsIfCmtsModulationTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-IF-MIB (docsIfMib)

docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:

Type of IUC being defined: request(1), requestData(2), initialRanging(3), periodicRanging(4), shortData(5), longData(6), dvPhyShortData(9), advPhyLongData(10), and ugs(11).

docsIfCmtsModType (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Type, Modulation

Modulation type for this burst profile: QPSK, 8-QAM, 16-QAM, 32-QAM, 64-QAM, and 128-QAM.

docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Pre len, Preamble length

Preamble length, in bits, for this burst profile (0 to 1536 bits).

docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Diff enco, Differential Encoding

Specifies whether differential encoding is enabled on this burst profile.

docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
FEC T BYTE, FEC parity T bytes

Number of correctable errored bytes (t) that should be used for forward error correction (FEC) on this burst profile (0 to 16).

docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
FEC k BYTE, FEC codeword length K bytes

Number of data bytes (k) in each FEC codeword (1 to 255).

docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Scrmb seed, Scrambler seed

Fifteen-bit seed value for the scrambler used on this burst profile (0 to 32767).

docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Max B siz, Max short busrt size B bytes

Maximum number of mini-slots that can be transmitted during this particular burst (0 to 255).

docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Guard time size, Guard time size in symbols

Number of symbol-times that are appended to this particular burst as a guard time.

docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Last CW short, Shortened last codeword

Indicates whether the last FEC codeword is truncated.

docsIfCmtsModScrambler (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Scrmb, Scrambler

Indicates whether the scrambler is enabled for this burst profile.

docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
RS interleaver depth

A-TDMA byte interleaver depth (Ir).

docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
RS interleaver block size

A-TDMA byte interleaver block size (Br).

docsIfCmtsModPreambleType (

show cable modulation-profile [ verbose ]:
Pre Type, Preamble type

Preamble type for DOCSIS 2.0 burst profiles: qpsk0(1), qpsk1(2).

docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn (


Indicates whether trellis code modulation (TCM) is enabled for S-CDMA burst profiles.

docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize (


Interleaver step size for S-CDMA burst profiles (0, 1 to 32).

docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable (


Indicates whether the spreader is enabled for S-CDMA burst profiles.

docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes (


Subframe size for S-CDMA burst profiles (0, 1 to 128).

docsIfCmtsModChannelType (


Modulation channel type for this burst profile, valid values are:

  • tdma (1)
  • atdma (2)
  • scdma (3)
  • tdmaAndAtdma (4)


The docsQosPktTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB describes the packet classification configured on the Cisco CMTS router. Table B-13 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-13 DOCSIS Packet Classifiers (docsQosPktTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosPktClassId (

show cable modem classifiers :

ID for this packet classifier entry (1 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassDirection (

show cable modem classifiers :

Indicates the direction (upstream or downstream) in which this classifier is applied.

docsQosPktClassPriority (

show cable modem classifiers :

Priority for this classifier; determines the order in which the classifiers are evaluated (0 to 255).

docsQosPktClassIpTosLow (

show cable modem classifiers cache :

Low 8 bits for the range of type of service (ToS) values to be matched (0 to 255).

docsQosPktClassIpTosHigh (

show cable modem classifiers cache :

High 8 bits for the range of ToS values to be matched (0 to 255).

docsQosPktClassIpTosMask (

show cable modem classifiers cache :

And Mask value for the ToS bytes in an IP packet, and the result is checked against the low and high ToS byte values.

docsQosPktClassIpProtocol (

show cable modem classifiers cache :

IP Layer-4 protocol field to be matched against packets (0 to 258, where 256 matches all protocols, and 257 matches both TCP and UDP).

docsQosPktClassIpSourceAddr (

show cable modem classifiers cache :

Source IP address to be matched.

docsQosPktClassIpSourceMask (


Source IP address mask to be matched.

docsQosPktClassIpDestAddr (

show cable modem classifiers cache :

Destination IP address to be matched.

docsQosPktClassIpDestMask (


Destination IP address mask to be matched.

docsQosPktClassSourcePortStart (


Low value of the range of source TCP/UDP port numbers to be matched (0 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassSourcePortEnd (


High value of the range of source TCP/UDP port numbers to be matched (0 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassDestPortStart (


Low value of the range of destination TCP/UDP port numbers to be matched (0 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassDestPortEnd (


High value of the range of destination TCP/UDP port numbers to be matched (0 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassDestMacAddr (


Destination MAC address to be matched.

docsQosPktClassDestMacMask (


Destination MAC address mask to be matched.

docsQosPktClassSourceMacAddr (


Source MAC address to be matched.

docsQosPktClassEnetProtocolType (


Layer 3 protocol ID in the Ethernet frame that should be matched (0 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassEnetProtocol (


Ethernet Type value to be matched (0 to 65535).

docsQosPktClassUserPriLow (


Indicates the low value of the range of 3-bit priority fields to be matched, for Ethernet frames with an EtherType of 0x8100 and an 802.1P/Q tag header (0 to 7).

docsQosPktClassUserPriHigh (


Indicates the high value of the range of 3-bit priority fields to be matched, for Ethernet frames with an EtherType of 0x8100 and an 802.1P/Q tag header (0 to 7).

docsQosPktClassVlanId (


Indicates the 12-bit VLAN ID to be matched, for Ethernet frames with an EtherType of 0x8100 and an 802.1P/Q tag header (0 to 7).

docsQosPktClassState (


Indicates whether the classifier is active(1) or inactive(2).

docsQosPktClassPkts (


Number of packets that have been classified using this classifier.

docsQosPktClassBitMap (


17-bit bitmask that indicates the parameter encodings that were actually present in the DOCSIS message that created the classifier, as opposed to parameters that were unspecified and left at their default values.

The docsQosParamSetTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB describes the DOCSIS 1.1 QoS parameters that are defined on the Cisco CMTS router. Table B-14 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-14 DOCSIS 1.1 Quality of Service Parameters (docsQosParamSetTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosParamSetServiceClassName (

show cable service-class verbose :

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :

Service class name (SCN) for this parameter set.

docsQosParamSetPriority (

show cable service-class verbose :
Traffic Priority

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Traffic Priority

Relative priority for this service flow (0 to 7), which determines the priority of service flows that have identical parameter sets.

docsQosParamSetMaxTrafficRate (

show cable service-class verbose :
Maximum Sustained Rate

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Maximum Sustained Rate

Maximum sustained traffic rate, in bits per second, for this service flow.

docsQosParamSetMaxTrafficBurst (

show cable service-class verbose :
Max Burst

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Max Burst

Token bucket size, in bytes, for this parameter set.

docsQosParamSetMinReservedRate (

show cable service-class verbose :
Minimum Reserved Rate

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Minimum Reserved Rate

Guaranteed minimum rate, in bits per second, for this parameter set.

docsQosParamSetMinReservedPkt (

show cable service-class verbose :
Minimum Packet Size

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Minimum Packet Size

Minimum packet size, in bytes, for which the docsQosParamSetMinReservedRate is provided (0 to 65535).

docsQosParamSetActiveTimeout (

show cable service-class verbose :
Active QoS Timeout

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Active QoS Timeout

Maximum time, in seconds, that resources can remain unused while in the active state being being released (0 to 65535, 0 indicates no timeout).

docsQosParamSetAdmittedTimeout (

show cable service-class verbose :
Admitted QoS Timeout

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Admitted QoS Timeout

Maximum time, in seconds, that resources can remain in the admitted state before being released (0 to 65535, where 0 indicates no timeout).

docsQosParamSetMaxConcatBurst (

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Maximum Concatenated Burst

Maximum size of the concatenated burst, in bytes, that is allowed on this upstream (0 to 65535).

docsQosParamSetSchedulingType (

show cable service-class verbose :
Scheduling Type

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Scheduling Type

Upstream scheduling type that is used for this upstream service flow.

docsQosParamSetNomPollInterval (


Interval, in microseconds, between successive unicast request opportunities on the upstream service flow.

docsQosParamSetTolPollJitter (


Maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that unicast request intervals can be delayed from the regularly scheduled times on an usptream service flow.

docsQosParamSetUnsolicitGrantSize (

show cable service-class verbose :
Unsolicited Grant Size

Unsolicited grant size, in bytes (0 to 65535) for UGS and UGS-AD service flows.

docsQosParamSetNomGrantInterval (

show cable service-class verbose :
Nominal Grant Interval

Nominal time, in microseconds, between successive data grant opportunities on an upstream service flow.

docsQosParamSetTolGrantJitter (

show cable service-class verbose :
Tolerated Grant Jitter

Maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that the transmission opportunities might be delayed from the regularly scheduled times for UGS and UGS-AD service flows.

docsQosParamSetGrantsPerInterval (

show cable service-class verbose :
Grants per Interval

Number of data grants allowed per grant interval (0 to 127).

docsQosParamSetTosAndMask (

show cable service-class verbose :
IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

AND mask for the IP ToS byte.

docsQosParamSetTosOrMask (

show cable service-class verbose :
IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

OR mask for the IP ToS byte.

docsQosParamSetMaxLatency (

show cable service-class verbose :
Max Latency

Maximum latency, in microseconds, between the time the CMTS receives a packet on its network-side interface (NSI) and forwards it on the RF cable interface.

docsQosParamSetType (


Indicates the type for this QoS parameter set: active(1), admitted(2), or provisioned(3).

docsQosParamSetRequestPolicyOct (

show cable service-class verbose :
Request/Transmission Policy

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Request/Transmission Policy

32-bit bitmask that specifies the transmit interval opportunities that the CM omits for upstream transmission requests and packet transmissions. This object replaces docsQosParamSetRequestPolicy.

docsQosParamSetBitMap (

show cable service-class verbose :
Parameter Presence Bitfield

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Parameter Presence Bitfield

Bitmask that indicates the set of parameters actually included in the DOCSIS registration or dynamic service request message that created the parameter set.

The docsQosServiceFlowIdTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB extends the information about a service ID (SID) in docsIfCmtsServiceTable. Table B-15 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-15 Service ID Information (docsQosServiceFlowIdTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosServiceFlowId (

show interface cable service-flow :

Service flow ID (SFID) assigned to this service flow (1 to 4294967295).

docsQosServiceFlowSID (

show interface cable service-flow :

Service ID (SID) that is assigned to an admitted or active service flow (0 to 16383). Provisioned service flows are not assigned a SID.

docsQosServiceFlowDirection (

show interface cable service-flow :

Direction of the service flow (upstream or downstream).

docsQosServiceFlowPrimary (

show interface cable service-flow :

Indicates whether the service flow is the primary flow or a secondary flow.

The docsQosServiceFlowStatsTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB contains service flow statistics. Table B-16 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-16 Service Flow Statistics (docsQosServiceFlowStatsTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosServiceFlowPkts (

show interface cable service-flow counters verbose :

Number of packets sent using this service flow.

docsQosServiceFlowOctets (

show interface cable service-flow counters verbose :

Number of octets sent using this service flow, after payload header suppression (PHS) has been applied.

docsQosServiceFlowTimeCreated (


Time stamp, in terms of sysUpTime, for when this service flow was created.

docsQosServiceFlowTimeActive (

show interface cable service-flow :
Active Time

Total time, in seconds, this service flow has been active.

docsQosServiceFlowPHSUnknowns (


Number of packets that had an unknown payload header suppression index.

docsQosServiceFlowPolicedDropPkts (

show interface cable service-flow counters verbose :
RateLimit Dropped Pkts

Number of packets sent using this service flow that were dropped due to a violation of the flow’s policies, especially because they would have exceeded the maximum traffic rate.

docsQosServiceFlowPolicedDelayPkts (

show interface cable service-flow counters verbose :
RateLimit Delayed Pkts

Number of packets sent using this service flow that were delayed because of the flow’s policies, especially because they would have otherwise exceeded the maximum traffic rate.

The docsQosUpstreamStatsTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB provides upstream service flow statistics. Table B-17 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-17 Upstream Service Flow Statistics (docsQosUpstreamStatsTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosSID (

show interface cable sid counters verbose :

Service ID (SID) for an admitted or active upstream service flow (1 to 16383).

docsQosUpstreamFragments (


Number of fragmentation headers that were received on an upstream service flow.

docsQosUpstreamFragDiscards (


Number of upstream fragments that were discarded and not reassembled into a complete packet.

docsQosUpstreamConcatBursts (


Number of concatenation headers received on an upstream service flow.

The docsQosServiceClassTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB describes the DOCSIS service classes on a CMTS. Table B-18 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-18 DOCSIS Service Classes (docsQosServiceClassTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosServiceClassName (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :

Unique name of the service class (up to 15 ASCII characters in length).

docsQosServiceClassPriority (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:
Prio, Traffic Priority

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Traffic Priority

Priority value (0 to 7) to be used for docsQosParamSetPriority.

docsQosServiceClassMaxTrafficRate (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:
MaxSusRate, Maximum Sustained Rate

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Maximum Sustained Rate

Maximum bit rate (in bps) for the docsQosParamSetMaxTrafficRate.

docsQosServiceClassMaxTrafficBurst (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:
MaxBurst, Max Burst

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Max Burst

Maximum number of bytes for the docsQosParamSetMaxTrafficBurst.

docsQosServiceClassMinReservedRate (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:
MinRsvRate, Minimum Reserved Rate

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Minimum Reserved Rate

Minimum bit rate (in bps) for the minimum guaranteed service rate (docsQosParamSEtMinReservedRate).

docsQosServiceClassMinReservedPkt (

show cable service-class verbose :
Minimum Packet Size

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Minimum Packet Size

Minimum packet size, in bytes, for docsQosParamSetMinReservedPkt (0 to 65535).

docsQosServiceClassMaxConcatBurst (

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Maximum Concatenated Burst

Maximum size of the concatenated burst, in bytes that is allowed on this upstream (0 to 65535), for docsQosParamSetMaxConcatBurst.

docsQosServiceClassNomPollInterval (


Interval, in microseconds, between successive unicast request opportunities on the upstream service flow (docsQosParamSetNomPollInterval.)

docsQosServiceClassTolPollJitter (


Maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that unicast request intervals can be delayed from the regularly scheduled times on an usptream service flow (docsQosParamSetTolPollJitter).

docsQosServiceClassUnsolicitGrantSize (

show cable service-class verbose :
Unsolicited Grant Size

Unsolicited grant size, in bytes (0 to 65535) for UGS and UGS-AD service flows (docsQosParamSetUnsolicitGrantSize).

docsQosServiceClassNomGrantInterval (

show cable service-class verbose :
Nominal Grant Interval

Nominal time, in microseconds, between successive data grant opportunities on an upstream service flow (docsQosParamSetNomGrantInterval).

docsQosServiceClassTolGrantJitter (

show cable service-class verbose :
Tolerated Grant Jitter

Maximum amount of time, in microseconds, that the transmission opportunities might be delayed from the regularly scheduled times for UGS and UGS-AD service flows (docsQosParamSetTolGrantJitter).

docsQosServiceClassGrantsPerInterval (

show cable service-class verbose :
Grants per Interval

Number of data grants allowed per grant interval (0 to 127) for docsQosParamSetGrantsPerInterval.

docsQosServiceClassMaxLatency (

show cable service-class verbose :
Max Latency

Maximum latency, in microseconds, between the time the CMTS receives a packet on its network-side interface (NSI) and forwards it on the RF cable interface, for docsQosParamSetClassMaxLatency.

docsQosServiceClassActiveTimeout (

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Active QoS Timeout

Maximum time, in seconds, that resources can remain unused while in the active state being being released (0 to 65535, 0 indicates no timeout), for docsQosServiceFlowActiveTimeout.

docsQosServiceClassAdmittedTimeout (

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Admitted QoS Timeout

Maximum time, in seconds, that resources can remain in the admitted state before being released (0 to 65535, 0 indicates no timeout), for docsQosServiceFlowAdmittedTimeout.

docsQosServiceClassSchedulingType (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:
Sched, Scheduling Type

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Scheduling Type

Upstream scheduling type that is used for this upstream service flow, for docsQosServiceFlowSchedulingType.

docsQosServiceClassRequestPolicy (

show cable service-class verbose :
Request/Transmission Policy

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
Request/Transmission Policy

32-bit bitmask that specifies the transmit interval opportunities that the CM omits for upstream transmission requests and packet transmissions, for docsQosServiceFlowRequestPolicy.

docsQosServiceClassTosAndMask (

show cable service-class verbose :
IP Tos Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

AND mask for the IP ToS byte, for docsQosServiceFlowTosAndMask.

docsQosServiceClassTosOrMask (

show cable service-class verbose :
IP Tos Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :
IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask, OR-mask]

OR mask for the IP ToS byte, for docsQosServiceFlowTosOrMask.

docsQosServiceClassDirection (

show cable service-class [ verbose ]:
Dir, Direction

show interface cable qos paramset verbose :

Direction for this service class template (upstream or downstream).

The docsQosPHSTable in DOCS-QOS-MIB describes the payload header suppression (PHS) rules that are configured on the Cisco CMTS router. Table B-19 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-19 Payload Header Suppression Rules (docsQosPHSTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field
DOCS-QOS-MIB (docsQosMib)

docsQosPHSField (

show interface cable service-flow phs verbose :

8-bit value that defines the header bytes that should be suppressed.

docsQosPHSMask (

show interface cable service-flow phs verbose :

5-bit PHS mask that defines the header bytes that should be suppressed.

docsQosPHSSize (

show interface cable service-flow phs verbose :

8-bit value specifying the number of header bytes to be suppressed.

docsQosPHSVerify (

show interface cable service-flow phs verbose :

Indicates whether PHS verification is enabled.

docsQosPHSIndex (

show interface cable service-flow phs verbose :

Index that uniquely references the PHS rule.


The docsSubMgtPktFilterTable in DOCS-SUBSCRIBER-MIB is a generic packet filter table that is linked to specific cable modems through the linked by the docsSubMgtCmFilterTable. Table B-20 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands.


Table B-20 Generic Packet Filter Table (docsSubMgtPktFilterTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

docsSubMgtPktFilterGroup (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
Filter Grp, Filter Group

Identifies this specific group of filters (1 to 1024).

docsSubMgtPktFilterIndex (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
Filter Id, Filter index

Index that describes the order in which filter groups are applied (1 to 1024).

docsSubMgtPktFilterSrcAddr (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
SrcAddr/Mask, Source IP Address

Source IP address to be matched.

docsSubMgtPktFilterSrcMask (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
SrcAddr/Mask, Source IP Address

Source IP address mask to be matched.

docsSubMgtPktFilterDstAddr (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
DestAddr/Mask, Destination IP Address

Destination IP address to be matched.

docsSubMgtPktFilterDstMask (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
DestAddr/Mask, Destination IP Address

Destination IP address mask to be matched.

docsSubMgtPktFilterUlp (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
Prot, IP Protocol type

Number of the upper level (Layer 4 and above) protocol to be matched (0 to 256, where 6 indicates TCP, 17 indicates UDP, and 256 matches anything).

docsSubMgtPktFilterTosValue (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
ToS, IP ToS (Mask, Value)

IP type of service (TOS) value to be matched (0 to 7).

docsSubMgtPktFilterTosMask (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
ToS, IP ToS (Mask, Value)

IP type of service (TOS) mask to be matched (0 to 7).

docsSubMgtPktFilterAction (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
Action, Match action

Action to be taken when a packet is matched: accept(1) or drop(2).

docsSubMgtPktFilterMatches (

show cable filter verbose :

Number of times this specific filter rule has been matched, which occurs only when all components of the filter are matched against a packet. If a packet might match multiple filters, this counter is incremented only on the first filter that is matched.

The docsSubMgtTcpUdpFilterTable in DOCS-SUBSCRIBER-MIB extends the docsSubMgtPktFilterTable to provide optional filtering based on elements in TCP or UDP headers. Table B-21 lists the most commonly used objects in this table and the related show commands:


Table B-21 TCP and UDP Header Filters (docsSubMgtTcpUdpFilterTable)

Object and OID
Equivalent Show Command and Field

docsSubMgtTcpUdpSrcPort (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
SPort, TCP/UDP Source Port

Source TCP/UDP port to be matched (0 to 65536, here 65536 matches any value).

docsSubMgtTcpUdpDstPort (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
DPort, TCP/UDP Destination Port

Destination TCP/UDP port to be matched (0 to 65536, here 65536 matches any value).

docsSubMgtTcpFlagValues (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
TCP flags, TCP Flags (mask, value)

Bit-mask containing the TCP flag values to be matched, valid values are:

  • urgent(0)
  • ack(1)
  • push(2)
  • reset(3)
  • syn(4)
  • fin(5).

docsSubMgtTcpFlagMask (

show cable filter [ verbose ]:
TCP flags, TCP Flags (mask, value)

Bit-mask containing mask for bits to be checked for matching, valid values are:

  • urgent(0)
  • ack(1)
  • push(2)
  • reset(3)
  • syn(4)
  • fin(5).