Subscription Plans

View Subscription Plan Options

To view available subscription plans and what features are included, click here or navigate to Purchasing icon > Purchase > Tier Information tab. Within each product tab you can expand categories and compare the various features that are available in each tier.

If you would like to purchase a subscription, see Purchase through a Cisco Partner or Reseller or Purchase through Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace.

For more information about each Crosswork Cloud product, see one of the following data sheets:

Free Subscription Plan Requirement

To maintain a free subscription plan, at least one of the following requirements must be met:

  • A user in an organization must log into Crosswork Cloud within the last 90 days.

  • An organization must maintain an active peer (with a complete internet routing table) in Crosswork Cloud Network Insights.

  • An organization must have an active entitlement for a different module.

To avoid automatic termination, please purchase a minimum of one IP route prefix to monitor with Crosswork Cloud Network Insights through a Cisco Partner or Reseller, or purchase through Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace.

For information on what features are available with a free subscription plan click here or navigate to > Purchase > Subscription Tiers tab within Crosswork Cloud.