Removing and Installing Port Adapters

This chapter describes how to remove the PA-A3 from supported platforms, how to install a new or replacement PA-A3, and how to connect interface cables.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Handling Port Adapters

Online Insertion and Removal

Warnings and Cautions

Port Adapter Removal and Installation

"Connecting Port Adapter Cables" section

Handling Port Adapters

Each port adapter circuit board is mounted to a metal carrier and is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.

Note When a port adapter slot is not in use, a blank port adapter must be installed in the empty slot to allow the router or switch to conform to electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions requirements and to allow proper airflow across the port adapters.

Caution Always handle the port adapter by the carrier edges and handle; never touch the port adapter components or connector pins. (See Figure 3-1.)

Figure 3-1 Handling a Port Adapter

Online Insertion and Removal

Several platforms support online insertion and removal (OIR) of port adapters; therefore, you do not have to power down routers when removing and replacing a PA-A3 in Cisco 7200 series routers, Cisco 7200 VXR routers, Cisco uBR7200 series routers, the Cisco 7201 router, the Cisco 7301 router, or the Cisco 7401ASR router.

Although the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module, Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, and VIP support online insertion and removal, individual port adapters do not. To replace port adapters, you must first remove the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module, Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, or VIP from the chassis and then install or replace port adapters as required. If a blank port adapter is installed on the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module, Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, and VIP on which you want to install a new port adapter, you must first remove the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module, Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, and VIP from the router and then remove the blank port adapter.

Caution To prevent system problems, do not remove port adapters from the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module, Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, and VIP motherboard or attempt to install other port adapters when the system is operating. To install or replace port adapters, first remove the Catalyst RSM/VIP2, Catalyst 6000 family FlexWAN module, Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, and VIP from its slot.

It is wise to gracefully shut down the system before removing a port adapter that has active traffic moving through it. Removing a port adapter while traffic is flowing through the ports can cause system disruption. Once the port adapter is inserted, the ports can be brought back up.

Note As you disengage the port adapter from the router or switch, online insertion and removal (OIR) administratively shuts down all active interfaces in the port adapter.

OIR allows you to install and replace port adapters and service adapters while the router is operating; you do not need to notify the software or shut down the system power, although you should not run traffic through the port adapter you are removing while it is being removed. OIR is a method that is seamless to end users on the network, maintains all routing information, and preserves sessions.

The following is a functional description of OIR for background information only; for specific procedures for installing and replacing a PA-A3 in a supported platform, refer to the "Port Adapter Removal and Installation" section.

Each PA-A3 has a bus connector that connects it to the router. The connector has a set of tiered pins in three lengths that send specific signals to the system as they make contact with the port adapter. The system assesses the signals it receives and the order in which it receives them to determine if a port adapter is being removed from or introduced to the system. From these signals, the system determines whether to reinitialize a new interface or to shut down a disconnected interface.

Specifically, when you insert a port adapter, the longest pins make contact with the port adapter first, and the shortest pins make contact last. The system recognizes the signals and the sequence in which it receives them.

When you remove or insert a port adapter, the pins send signals to notify the system of changes. The router then performs the following procedure:

1. Rapidly scans the system for configuration changes.

2. Initializes newly inserted port adapters or administratively shuts down any vacant interfaces.

Brings all previously configured interfaces on the port adapter back to their previously installed state. Any newly inserted interface is put in the administratively shutdown state, as if it was present (but not configured) at boot time. If a similar port adapter type is reinserted into a slot, its ports are configured and brought online up to the port count of the originally installed port adapter of that type.

Warnings and Cautions

Observe the following warnings and cautions when installing or removing port adapters.

Caution Do not slide a port adapter all the way into the slot until you have connected all required cables. Trying to do so disrupts normal operation of the router or switch.

Caution If a port adapter lever or other retaining mechanism does not move to the locked position, the port adapter is not completely seated in the midplane. Carefully pull the port adapter halfway out of the slot, reinsert it, and move the port adapter lever or other mechanism to the locked position.

Caution To prevent jamming the carrier between the upper and the lower edges of the port adapter slot, and to ensure that the edge connector at the rear of the port adapter mates with the connection at the rear of the port adapter slot, make certain that the carrier is positioned correctly, as shown in the cutaways in the following illustrations.

When performing the following procedures, always wear a grounding wrist strap to avoid ESD damage to the card. Some platforms have an ESD connector for attaching the wrist strap.

Equipment Installation


Only trained and qualified personnel should be allowed to install, replace, or service this equipment. Statement 1030


Deze apparatuur mag alleen worden geïnstalleerd, vervangen of hersteld door bevoegd geschoold personeel.


Tämän laitteen saa asentaa, vaihtaa tai huoltaa ainoastaan koulutettu ja laitteen tunteva henkilökunta.


Il est vivement recommandé de confier l'installation, le remplacement et la maintenance de ces équipements à des personnels qualifiés et expérimentés.


Das Installieren, Ersetzen oder Bedienen dieser Ausrüstung sollte nur geschultem, qualifiziertem Personal gestattet werden.


Questo apparato può essere installato, sostituito o mantenuto unicamente da un personale competente.


Bare opplært og kvalifisert personell skal foreta installasjoner, utskiftninger eller service på dette utstyret.


Apenas pessoal treinado e qualificado deve ser autorizado a instalar, substituir ou fazer a revisão deste equipamento.


Solamente el personal calificado debe instalar, reemplazar o utilizar este equipo.


Endast utbildad och kvalificerad personal bör få tillåtelse att installera, byta ut eller reparera denna utrustning.


Somente uma equipe treinada e qualificada tem permissão para instalar, substituir ou dar manutenção a este equipamento.


Kun uddannede personer må installere, udskifte komponenter i eller servicere dette udstyr.


Somente uma equipe treinada e qualificada tem permissão para instalar, substituir ou dar manutenção a este equipamento.


Kun uddannede personer må installere, udskifte komponenter i eller servicere dette udstyr.

Blank Faceplates and Cover Panels


Blank faceplates and cover panels serve three important functions: they prevent exposure to hazardous voltages and currents inside the chassis; they contain electromagnetic interference (EMI) that might disrupt other equipment; and they direct the flow of cooling air through the chassis. Do not operate the system unless all cards, faceplates, front covers, and rear covers are in place. Statement 1029


Lege vlakplaten en afdekpanelen vervullen drie belangrijke functies: ze voorkomen blootstelling aan gevaarlijke voltages en stroom binnenin het frame, ze bevatten elektromagnetische storing (EMI) hetgeen andere apparaten kan verstoren en ze leiden de stroom van koellucht door het frame. Het systeem niet bedienen tenzij alle kaarten, vlakplaten en afdekkingen aan de voor- en achterkant zich op hun plaats bevinden.


Tyhjillä tasolaikoilla ja suojapaneeleilla on kolme tärkeää käyttötarkoitusta: Ne suojaavat asennuspohjan sisäisille vaarallisille jännitteille ja sähkövirralle altistumiselta; ne pitävät sisällään elektromagneettisen häiriön (EMI), joka voi häiritä muita laitteita; ja ne suuntaavat tuuletusilman asennuspohjan läpi. Järjestelmää ei saa käyttää, elleivät kaikki tasolaikat, etukannet ja takakannet ole kunnolla paikoillaan.


Ne jamais faire fonctionner le système sans que l'intégralité des cartes, des plaques métalliques et des panneaux avant et arrière ne soient fixés à leur emplacement. Ceux-ci remplissent trois fonctions essentielles : ils évitent tout risque de contact avec des tensions et des courants dangereux à l'intérieur du châssis, ils évitent toute diffusion d'interférences électromagnétiques qui pourraient perturber le fonctionnement des autres équipements, et ils canalisent le flux d'air de refroidissement dans le châssis.


Blanke Faceplates und Abdeckungen haben drei wichtigen Funktionen: (1) Sie schützen vor gefährlichen Spannungen und Strom innerhalb des Chassis; (2) sie halten elektromagnetische Interferenzen (EMI) zurück, die andere Geräte stören könnten; (3) sie lenken den kühlenden Luftstrom durch das Chassis. Das System darf nur betrieben werden, wenn alle Karten, Faceplates, Voder- und Rückabdeckungen an Ort und Stelle sind.


Le piattaforme bianche e i panelli di protezione hanno tre funzioni importanti: Evitano l'esposizione a voltaggi e correnti elettriche pericolose nello chassis, trattengono le interferenze elettromagnetiche (EMI) che potrebbero scombussolare altri apparati e dirigono il flusso di aria per il raffreddamento attraverso lo chassis. Non mettete in funzione il sistema se le schede, le piattaforme, i panelli frontali e posteriori non sono in posizione.


Blanke ytterplater og deksler sørger for tre viktige funksjoner: de forhindrer utsettelse for farlig spenning og strøm inni kabinettet; de inneholder elektromagnetisk forstyrrelse (EMI) som kan avbryte annet utstyr, og de dirigerer luftavkjølingsstrømmen gjennom kabinettet. Betjen ikke systemet med mindre alle kort, ytterplater, frontdeksler og bakdeksler sitter på plass.


As faces furadas e os painéis de protecção desempenham três importantes funções: previnem contra uma exposição perigosa a voltagens e correntes existentes no interior do chassis; previnem contra interferência electromagnética (EMI) que poderá danificar outro equipamento; e canalizam o fluxo do ar de refrigeração através do chassis. Não deverá operar o sistema sem que todas as placas, faces, protecções anteriores e posteriores estejam nos seus lugares.


Las placas frontales y los paneles de relleno cumplen tres funciones importantes: evitan la exposición a niveles peligrosos de voltaje y corriente dentro del chasis; reducen la interferencia electromagnética (EMI) que podría perturbar la operación de otros equipos y dirigen el flujo de aire de enfriamiento a través del chasis. No haga funcionar el sistema a menos que todas las tarjetas, placas frontales, cubiertas frontales y cubiertas traseras estén en su lugar.


Tomma framplattor och skyddspaneler har tre viktiga funktioner: de förhindrar att personer utsätts för farlig spänning och ström som finns inuti chassit; de innehåller elektromagnetisk interferens (EMI) som kan störa annan utrustning; och de styr riktningen på kylluftsflödet genom chassit. Använd inte systemet om inte alla kort, framplattor, fram- och bakskydd är på plats.


Plaquetas vazias e painéis de proteção têm três funções importantes: impedem a exposição a tensões e correntes elétricas perigosas dentro do chassi; apresentam interferência eletromagnética (EMI) que pode danificar outros equipamentos: direcionam o fluxo do ar refrigerado pelo chassi. Não opere o sistema a menos que todas as placas, plaquetas, tampas frontais e tampas traseiras estejam em seu devido lugar.


Blanke frontplader og sidepaneler tjener tre vigtige formål: de forhinder udsættelse for farlig spænding og strøm inde i chassiset, de isolerer elektromagnetisk interferens (EMI), der kan forstyre andet udstyr, og de leder en strøm af kølig luft gennem chassiset. Betjen ikke systemet medmindre alle kort, frontplader, sidepaneler og bagpaneler er på plads.

WAN Port Static Shock


Hazardous network voltages are present in WAN ports regardless of whether power to the unit is OFF or ON. To avoid electric shock, use caution when working near WAN ports. When detaching cables, detach the end away from the unit first. Statement 1026


Er is gevaarlijke netwerkspanning aanwezig in WAN poorten ongeacht of de stroom naar de router INGESCHAKELD of UITGESCHAKELD is. Om elektrische schokken te vermijden, dient u voorzichtig te werk te gaan wanneer u in de nabijheid van WAN poorten werkt. Wanneer u kabels losmaakt, dient u eerst het uiteinde dat zich het verst van de eenheid vandaan bevindt, te verwijderen.


WAN-porteissa on vaarallisia verkkojännitteitä riippumatta siitä, onko yksikön virta kytketty vai ei. Välttyäksesi sähköiskulta ole varovainen työskennellessäsi WAN-porttien lähettyvillä. Kun irrotat kaapeleita, irrota yksiköstä kauimpana sijaitseva pää ensiksi.


Les ports de réseau longue distance (WAN) gèrent des tensions de réseau dangereuses, que l'unité soit sous tension ou pas. Pour éviter tout risque d'électrocution, prenez toutes les précautions nécessaires avant de travailler à proximité des ports WAN. Pour déconnecter les câbles, commencez par débrancher l'extrémité la plus éloignée du routeur.


In WAN-Ports sind gefährliche Netzspannungen vorhanden, auch wenn der Strom zur Einheit abgeschaltet wurde. Zur Vermeidung von Elektroschock Vorsicht bei der Arbeit in der Nähe von WAN-Ports. Beim Abtrennen von Kabeln zuerst das vom Router entfernte Ende lösen.


Nelle porte WAN sono presenti tensioni di rete pericolose, sia che il sistema sia acceso o meno (ON od OFF). Per evitare scosse elettriche, fare attenzione quando si lavora in prossimità di porte WAN. Quando si scollegano cavi, staccare per primo il connettore collegato al router.


Det er livsfarlig nettverksspenning i WAN-utganger, uavhengig av om strømmen til enheten er slått av (OFF) eller på (ON). Vær forsiktig når du jobber nær WAN-utganger slik at du unngår elektrisk støt. Hvis du skal løsne kabler, må du først løsne den enden som er lengst borte fra fordelingsenheten.


Existem sempre tensões de rede perigosas nas portas WAN, independentemente da corrente para a unidade estar desligada (OFF) ou ligada (ON). Para evitar choques eléctricos, tenha o devido cuidado ao trabalhar junto das portas WAN. Ao desconectar os cabos, separe primeiro a extremidade do cabo que se encontra ligada à unidade.


En los puertos de redes de área extendida (WAN) existen tensiones de red peligrosas, tanto si la unidad está conectada como si está desconectada. Para evitar descargas eléctricas, proceda con precaución cuando trabaje cerca de los puertos WAN. Para desconectar los cables, desconecte primero el extremo que va a la unidad.


Farlig nätverksspänning föreligger i WAN-portarna oavsett om strömförsörjningen till enheten är bruten eller ej. För att undvika elektriska stötar ska du vara försiktig vid arbete i närheten av dessa portar. När du kopplar bort en kabel ska du först koppla bort den ände som inte är ansluten till enheten.

Port Adapter Removal and Installation

In this section, the illustrations that follow give step-by-step instructions on how to remove and install port adapters in each of the following supported platforms:

Catalyst RSM/VIP2—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Catalyst 6000 Family FlexWAN Module—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7100 Series Routers—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7200 Series Routers and Cisco 7200 VXR Routers—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7200 Series Routers and Cisco 7200 VXR Routers—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco uBR7200 Series Routers—Removing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7201 Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7301 Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7401ASR Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7000 Series Routers and Cisco 7500 Series Routers VIP—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Catalyst RSM/VIP2—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Catalyst 6000 Family FlexWAN Module—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7100 Series Routers—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7200 Series Routers and Cisco 7200 VXR Routers—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco uBR7200 Series Routers—Removing a Port Adapter

Cisco uBR7200 Series Routers—Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7201 Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7301 Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

You can install one single-width port adapter in a Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card. This section provides step-by-step instructions for removing and installing a port adapter in a Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card.

Caution When performing the following procedures, wear a grounding wrist strap to avoid ESD damage to the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card. Some platforms have an ESD connector for attaching the wrist strap.

To remove and install a port adapter in a Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, refer to Figure 3-2 and do the following:

Step 1 If the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card is still in the router, you must remove the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card before removing a port adapter.

Step 2 To remove the port adapter from the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, turn the port adapter lock from its locked and horizontal position shown in A of Figure 3-2 to its unlocked and vertical position shown in B of Figure 3-2.

Step 3 Grasp the handle of the port adapter and pull the port adapter from the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card. (You have already disconnected the cables from the port adapter when removing the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card).

Step 4 To insert the port adapter in the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card, locate the guide rails inside the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card that hold the port adapter in place. They are at the top left and top right of the port adapter slot and are recessed about an inch, as shown in C of Figure 3-2.

Step 5 Carefully slide the port adapter in the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card until the port adapter makes contact with the port adapter interface connector. When fully seated, the port adapter front panel should be flush with the face of the Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card.

Step 6 After the port adapter is properly seated, turn the port adapter lock to its locked and horizontal position, as shown in A of Figure 3-2.

Figure 3-2 Cisco 7304 PCI Port Adapter Carrier Card—Port Adapter Removal and Installation

Cisco 7401ASR Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7000 Series Routers and Cisco 7500 Series Routers VIP—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Connecting Port Adapter Cables

The PA-A3 interfaces provide an interface to ATM switching fabrics for transmitting and receiving data. The single-mode intermediate reach and multimode interfaces connect to the SONET/SDH, multimode or single-mode optical fiber.

For SONET/SDH multimode and single-mode connections, use one duplex SC connector or two simplex SC connectors. Be sure to remove the dust covers from each connector before installing new cables.

E3 or T3 Connections

To connect an ATM E3 or T3 port to the network, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Attach the appropriate coaxial cable directly to the receptacle on the router. (See Figure 3-3.) For cable information, see the "Cables and Connectors" section.

Step 2 Attach the network end of the coaxial cable to the external E3 or T3 equipment.

Figure 3-3 Attaching an E3 or T3 cable

OC-3 Connections

The PA-A3-OC3SMI (OC-3c/STM-1 single-mode intermediate reach) and PA-A3-OC3MM (OC-3c/STM-1 multimode) interfaces provide an interface to ATM switching fabrics for transmitting and receiving data at rates of up to 155 Mbps bidirectionally. The single-mode intermediate reach and multimode interfaces connect to the SONET/SDH, 155-Mbps multimode or single-mode optical fiber.

For SONET/SDH multimode and single-mode connections, use one duplex SC connector or two simplex SC connectors. The simplex and duplex SC connectors are shipped with removable dust covers on each connector. These cables are not available from Cisco.

To connect an ATM OC-3c/STM-1 port to the network, use the following procedure:

Step 1 Attach the appropriate optical fiber cable directly to the receptacle on the router. (See Figure 3-4.) For cable information, "Cables and Connectors" section.

Step 2 Attach the network end of the cable to an external DSU (an ATM network).

Figure 3-4 Attaching a PA-A3 Interface Cable—Duplex Cable Connector Shown

Note Figure 3-4 shows a cable with one duplex SC connector; however, you could also use two cables with one simplex SC connector on each. If you do use separate cables with single SC connectors, you must observe the proper relationship between the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) receptacles on the PA-A3.
