Testing SSL Proxy Services

You can test or troubleshoot SSL proxy services by doing one of the following:

Generating a Self-Signed Certificate

Importing the Embedded Test Certificate

Generating a Self-Signed Certificate

You can generate multiple self-signed certificates for testing SSL proxy services, specifying the key label and the subject name, by entering the test crypto pki self command. You must generate a key pair with a label before you generate the self-signed certificate. See the "Generating RSA Key Pairs" section for details on generating key pairs.

After you enter the test crypto pki self command, you are prompted for the key pair label and the subject name of the certificate. A trustpoint with the key pair label as the trustpoint name is automatically created, and the hexadecimal dump of the self-signed certificate displays on the console. You can then assign the trustpoint to a proxy service for testing. You can repeat the procedure after reboot if necessary. The certificate is stored in memory only and cannot be saved in NVRAM as part of the configuration.

Note You cannot save the self-signed certificates as part of the configuration.

Note You can assign a generated self-signed certificate to a proxy service, but you cannot assign an imported self-signed certificate to a proxy service because you cannot import the key pair of the certificate authority that signed the imported certificate.

Note The show crypto ca certificate command does not display the self-signed certificates.

To generate a self-signed certificate and assign a trustpoint to the proxy service, perform this task:


Step 1 

ssl-proxy# test crypto pki self

Generates a self-signed certificate.

Note After you enter this command, you are prompted for the subject name (using the LDAP format) and key pair name.

Step 2 

ssl-proxy# show crypto ca 
trustpoint label

Displays information for the trustpoint.

Step 3 

ssl-proxy# configure terminal

Enters configuration mode, selecting the terminal option.

Step 4 

ssl-proxy(config)# ssl-proxy 
context name

Enters the SSL context subcommand mode. Use the optional SSL context name to specify an SSL virtualization instance. The context name is case-sensitive.

Step 5 

service service_name

Defines the name of the SSL proxy service.

Note The service-name is case-sensitive.

Step 6 

certificate rsa general-purpose 
trustpoint trustpoint_label

Assigns a trustpoint to a proxy service.

Step 7 


Exits configuration mode.

Step 8 

ssl-proxy# show ssl-proxy service 

Displays the key pair and the serial number of the certificate chain used for a specified proxy service.

Note If the trustpoint already exists, it might be replaced by the test certificate. We recommend that you generate a unique key pair for the test certificate.

This example shows how to generate a key pair, generate a self-signed certificate, and assign the certificate to a proxy service:

ssl-proxy# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
ssl-proxy(config)# crypto key generate rsa general-keys label k1 modulus 1024
The name for the keys will be:k1

% The key modulus size is 1024 bits
% Generating 1024 bit RSA keys ...[OK]

ssl-proxy(config)# end
*Mar 20 14:34:01.543:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
ssl-proxy# test crypto pki self
Enter subject name for certificate
CN=testhost.my.com, O=lab, OU=testgroup
Enter name of key to be used
     30 82 02 06 30 82 01 6F 02 20 45 32 30 38 39 32 
     45 37 38 31 42 41 46 45 45 45 44 45 37 37 41 36 
     43 41 44 37 44 43 45 38 34 37 30 0D 06 09 2A 86 
     48 86 F7 0D 01 01 04 05 00 30 3C 31 12 30 10 06 
     03 55 04 0B 13 09 74 65 73 74 67 72 6F 75 70 31 
     0C 30 0A 06 03 55 04 0A 13 03 6C 61 62 31 18 30 
     16 06 03 55 04 03 13 0F 74 65 73 74 68 6F 73 74 
     2E 6D 79 2E 63 6F 6D 30 1E 17 0D 30 33 30 33 32 
     30 31 34 33 35 30 30 5A 17 0D 31 33 30 33 31 37 
     31 34 33 35 30 30 5A 30 3C 31 12 30 10 06 03 55 
     04 0B 13 09 74 65 73 74 67 72 6F 75 70 31 0C 30 
     0A 06 03 55 04 0A 13 03 6C 61 62 31 18 30 16 06 
     03 55 04 03 13 0F 74 65 73 74 68 6F 73 74 2E 6D 
     79 2E 63 6F 6D 30 81 9F 30 0D 06 09 2A 86 48 86 
     F7 0D 01 01 01 05 00 03 81 8D 00 30 81 89 02 81 
     81 00 EC 21 35 B5 0E BF 9C 1C 71 05 05 B2 8A 47 
     C8 F9 13 6C 5A 14 77 63 BD 0C B7 D3 35 6A DB B8 
     0F C2 D2 39 A8 62 67 EE CB BC 8D 5E F8 C2 1E 8E 
     D6 39 62 07 B4 64 20 D8 29 25 1E 9E 06 C8 F8 F9 
     A6 29 05 19 CC D9 00 E9 2D 96 6D CE CA E0 D7 BF 
     DC 9D 1B 7E 71 C1 D7 3F 25 28 41 5A F9 FB 98 66 
     B9 A7 81 18 79 71 2A AC 55 F8 CC A4 4A 90 35 A7 
     E9 BD 79 66 BC 5B C5 98 16 B0 63 5B D3 6E 85 65 
     42 1B 02 03 01 00 01 30 0D 06 09 2A 86 48 86 F7 
     0D 01 01 04 05 00 03 81 81 00 A3 93 7A E6 60 54 
     8C 3A FF 6A 72 A8 1F 4B AD 79 53 C4 37 DF C4 D4 
     F9 F4 58 3C E4 D8 BE FF BB C5 F9 CD B0 20 7F 3D 
     0E B5 11 8E FA 33 02 9E 5E 52 36 4D 0F AB 21 41 
     97 A4 2D 94 4D DF D2 A0 B4 DE B0 2E 1C BA 16 A9 
     4C 28 34 72 8E D5 82 F6 B6 B2 D6 4E B5 1A F0 BB 
     6B 65 E7 85 52 72 9F 9C BC A7 D9 B4 79 AB 6B C2 
     DC FD AD 02 D3 28 87 CD 06 8B 11 3C 22 85 28 1B 
     DC 04 05 8D 4F 1D 07 8D D0 BC                   

ssl-proxy# show crypto ca trustpoint k1
Trustpoint k1:
    Subject Name:
    CN = testhost.my.com
     O = lab
     OU = testgroup
          Serial Number:4532303839324537383142414645454544453737413643414437444345383437
    Application generated trust point

ssl-proxy# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
ssl-proxy(config)# ssl-proxy context Default
ssl-proxy(config-context)# service ser1
ssl-proxy(config-ctx-ssl-proxy)# certificate rsa general trustpoint k1
*Mar 20 14:36:09.567:%STE-6-PKI_SERVER_CERT_INSTALL:Proxy:ser1, Trustpoint:k1, Key:k1,
Serial#:4532303839324537383142414645454544453737413643414437444345383437, Index:3
ssl-proxy(config-ctx-ssl-proxy)# end
*Mar 20 14:36:16.363:%SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
ssl-proxy# show ssl-proxy service ser1
Service id:2, bound_service_id:258
Virtual IP address not configured
Server IP address not configured
rsa-general-purpose certificate trustpoint:k1 
  Certificate chain for new connections:
    Server Certificate:
       Key Label:k1
       Serial Number:4532303839324537383142414645454544453737413643414437444345383437
Certificate chain complete 
Admin Status:down
Operation Status:down

Importing the Embedded Test Certificate

A test PKCS12 file (test/testssl.p12) is embedded in the SSL software on the module. You can install the file into NVRAM for testing purposes and for proof of concept. After you install the PKCS12 file, you can import it to a trustpoint and then assign it to a proxy service that is configured for testing.

To install and import the test file, perform this task:


Step 1 

ssl-proxy# test ssl-proxy 
certificate install 

Installs the test PKCS12 file to NVRAM.

Step 2 

ssl-proxy(config)# crypto ca 
import trustpoint_label pkcs12 
nvram:test/testssl.p12 passphrase

Imports the test PKCS12 file to the module.

Note For the test certificate, the passphrase is cisco.

Step 3 

ssl-proxy(config)# ssl-proxy 
context name

Enters the SSL context subcommand mode. Use the optional SSL context name to specify an SSL virtualization instance. The context name is case-sensitive.

Step 4 

service test_name 

Defines the name of the test proxy service.

Step 5 

certificate rsa general-purpose 
trustpoint trustpoint_label

Assigns a trustpoint to a proxy service.

Step 6 


Exits configuration mode.

Step 7 

ssl-proxy# show ssl-proxy stats 

Displays test statistics information.

This example shows how to import the test PKCS12 file:

ssl-proxy# test ssl-proxy certificate install
% Opening file, please wait ...
% Writing, please wait ............
% Please use the following config command to import the file.
  "crypto ca import <trustpoint-name> pkcs12 nvram:test/testssl.p12 cisco"
% Then you can assign the trustpoint to a proxy service for testing.
*Nov 18 22:59:06.331:%STE-6-PKI_TEST_CERT_INSTALL:Test key and certificate was installed 
into NVRAM in a PKCS#12 file.

ssl-proxy# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
ssl-proxy(config)# crypto ca import test-tp pkcs12 nvram:test/testssl.p12 cisco
Source filename [test/testssl.p12]?
CRYPTO_PKI:Imported PKCS12 file successfully.
*Nov 18 23:05:48.699:%CRYPTO-6-PKCS12IMPORT_SUCCESS:PKCS #12 Successfully Imported.
ssl-proxy(config)# ssl-proxy context Default
ssl-proxy(config-context)# service test-service
ssl-proxy(config-ctx-ssl-proxy)# certificate rsa general-purpose trustpoint test-tp
ssl-proxy(config-ctx-ssl-proxy)# end