R through setup

R through setup


To define and enable a line-in-use message, use the refuse-message command in line configuration mode. To disable the message, use the no form of this command.

refuse-message d message d

no refuse-message

Syntax Description


Delimiting character of your choice--a pound sign (#), for example. You cannot use the delimiting character in the message.


Message text.

Command Default

Disabled (no line-in-use message is displayed).

Command Modes

Line configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Follow this command with one or more blank spaces and a delimiting character of your choice. Then enter one or more lines of text, terminating the message with the second occurrence of the delimiting character. You cannot use the delimiting character within the text of the message.

When you define a message using this command, the Cisco IOS software performs the following steps:

  1. Accepts the connection.

  2. Prints the custom message.

  3. Clears the connection.


In the following example, line 5 is configured with a line-in-use message, and the user is instructed to try again later:

line 5
refuse-message  /The dial-out modem is currently in use.
Please try again later./

regexp optimize

To optimize the compilation of a regular expression access list, use the regexp optimize command in global configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

regexp optimize

no regexp optimize

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.


The following example shows how to optimize the compilation of regular expression access list:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# regexp optimize


To reload the operating system, use the reload command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

reload [/verify | /noverify] [ [warm file] [line | in [hhh:mm | mmm [text] ] | at hh:mm [day month] [text] ] | reason [reason-string] | cancel]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Verifies the digital signature of the file that will be loaded onto the operating system.


(Optional) Does not verify the digital signature of the file that will be loaded onto the operating system.



This keyword is often issued if the file verify auto command is enabled, which automatically verifies the digital signature of all images that are copied.


(Optional) Specifies warm rebooting.


(Optional) Specifies the image file for warm rebooting.


(Optional) Reason for reloading; the string can be from 1 to 255 characters long.

in hhh : mm | mmm

(Optional) Schedules a reload of the software to take effect in the specified minutes or hours and minutes. The reload must take place within approximately 24 days.


(Optional) Reason for reloading; the string can be from 1 to 255 characters long.

at hh : mm

(Optional) Schedules a reload of the software to take place at the specified time (using a 24-hour clock). If you specify the month and day, the reload is scheduled to take place at the specified time and date. If you do not specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day (if the specified time is later than the current time) or on the next day (if the specified time is earlier than the current time). Specifying 00:00 schedules the reload for midnight. The reload must take place within 24 days.


(Optional) Number of the day in the range from 1 to 31.


Month of the year.

reason reason-string

(Optional) Specifies a reason for reloading.


(Optional) Cancels a scheduled reload.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic (diag)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. Support for this command was added for the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was modified. The warm keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S. The /verify and /noverify keywords were added.


This command was modified. Support was added for the Cisco 7304 router. The Cisco 7500 series router in not supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)S.


This command was modified. The /verify and /noverify keywords were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(26)S.


This command was modified. The /verify and /noverify keywords were integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was modified. Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was modified. The file keyword and url argument were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was modified. The reason keyword and reason-string argument were added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router and was made available in diagnostic mode.

Usage Guidelines

The reload command halts the system. If the system is set to restart on error, it reboots itself. Use the reload command after configuration information is entered into a file and saved to the startup configuration.

You cannot reload from a virtual terminal if the system is not set up for automatic booting. This restriction prevents the system from using an image stored in the ROM monitor and taking the system out of the remote user’s control.

If you modify your configuration file, the system prompts you to save the configuration. During a save operation, the system prompts whether you want to proceed with the save if the CONFIG_FILE variable points to a startup configuration file that no longer exists. If you respond “yes” in this situation, the system enters setup mode upon reload.

When you schedule a reload to occur at a later time (using the in keyword), it must take place within 24 days.

The at keyword can be used only if the system clock has been set on the router (either through Network Time Protocol [NTP], the hardware calendar, or manually). The time is relative to the configured time zone on the router. To schedule reloads across several routers to occur simultaneously, synchronize the time on each router with NTP.

When you specify the reload time using the at keyword, if you specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time and date. If you do not specify the month and day, the reload takes place at the specified time on the current day (if the specified time is later than the current time), or on the next day (if the specified time is earlier than the current time). Specifying 00:00 schedules the reload for midnight. The reload must take place within 24 days.

To display information about a scheduled reload, use the show reload command.

The /verify and /noverify Keywords

If the /verify keyword is specified, the integrity of the image will be verified before it is reloaded onto a router. If verification fails, the image reload will not occur. Image verification is important because it assures the user that the image is protected from accidental corruption, which can occur at any time during transit, starting from the moment the files are generated by Cisco until they reach the user.

The /noverify keyword overrides any global automatic image verification that may be enabled via the file verify auto command.

The warm Keyword

If you issue the reload command after you have configured the warm-reboot global configuration command, a cold reboot will occur. Thus, if you want to reload your system, but do not want to override the warm reboot functionality, you should specify the warm keyword with the reload command. The warm reboot functionality allows a Cisco IOS image to reload without ROM monitor intervention. That is, read-write data is saved in RAM during a cold startup and restored during a warm reboot. Warm rebooting allows the router to reboot quicker than conventional rebooting (where control is transferred to ROM monitor and back to the image) because nothing is copied from flash to RAM.


The following example shows how to immediately reload the software on the router:

Router# reload

The following example shows how to reload the software on the router in 10 minutes:

Router# reload in 10
Router# Reload scheduled for 11:57:08 PDT Fri Apr 21 1996 (in 10 minutes)
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

The following example shows how to reload the software on the router at 1:00 p.m. on that day:

Router# reload at 13:00
Router# Reload scheduled for 13:00:00 PDT Fri Apr 21 1996 (in 1 hour and 2 minutes)
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

The following example shows how to reload the software on the router on April 21 at 2:00 a.m.:

Router# reload at 02:00 apr 21
Router# Reload scheduled for 02:00:00 PDT Sat Apr 21 1996 (in 38 hours and 9 minutes)
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

The following example shows how to cancel a pending reload:

Router# reload cancel
%Reload cancelled.

The following example shows how to perform a warm reboot at 4:00 a.m. on that day:

Router# reload warm at 04:00

The following example shows how to specify a reason for the reload:

Router# reload reason reloaded with updated version

The following example shows how to specify image verification via the /verify keyword before reloading an image onto the router:

Router# reload /verify
Verifying file integrity of bootflash:c7200-kboot-mz.121-8a.E
%ERROR:Signature not found in file bootflash:c7200-kboot-mz.121-8a.E.
Signature not present. Proceed with verify? [confirm]
Verifying file disk0:c7200-js-mz ..........................................................................
Embedded Hash     MD5 :CFA258948C4ECE52085DCF428A426DCD
Computed Hash     MD5 :CFA258948C4ECE52085DCF428A426DCD
CCO Hash          MD5 :44A7B9BDDD9638128C35528466318183
Signature Verified
Proceed with reload? [confirm]n

remote command

To execute a Cisco 7600 series router command directly on the switch console or a specified module without having to log into the Cisco 7600 series router first, use the remote command command in privileged EXEC mode.

remote command {module num | standby-rp | switch} command

Syntax Description

module num

Specifies the module to access; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.


Specifies the standby route processor.


Specifies the active switch processor.


Command to be executed.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


The standby-rp keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The module num keyword and argument designate the module number. Valid values depend on the chassis that is used. For example, if you have a 13-slot chassis, valid values are from 1 to 13. The module num keyword and argument are supported on DFC-equipped modules and the standby supervisor engine only.

When you execute the remote command switch command, the prompt changes to Switch-sp#.

This command is supported on DFC-equipped modules and the supervisor engine only.

This command does not support command completion, but you can use shortened forms of the command (for example, entering sh for show ).


This example shows how to execute the show calendar command from the standby route processor:

remote command standby-rp show calendar
09:52:50 UTC Mon Nov 12 2001

remote login

To access the Cisco 7600 series router console or a specific module, use the remote login command in privileged EXEC mode.

remote login {module num | standby-rp | switch}

Syntax Description

module num

Specifies the module to access; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.


Specifies the standby route processor.


Specifies the active switch processor.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was changed to include the standby-rp keyword.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines


When you enter the attach or remote login command to access another console from your switch, if you enter global or interface configuration mode commands, the switch might reset.

The module num keyword and argument designate the module number. Valid values depend on the chassis that is used. For example, if you have a 13-slot chassis, valid values are from 1 to 13. The module num keyword and argument are supported on DFC-equipped modules and the standby supervisor engine only.

When you execute the remote login module num command, the prompt changes to Router-dfcx# or Switch-sp#, depending on the type of module to which you are connecting.

When you execute the remote login standby-rp command, the prompt changes to Router-sdby#.

When you execute the remote login switch command, the prompt changes to Switch-sp#.

The remote login module num command is identical to the attach command.

There are two ways to end the session:

  • You can enter the exit command as follows:

Switch-sp# exit
[Connection to Switch closed by foreign host]
  • You can press Ctrl-C three times as follows:

Switch-sp# ^C
Switch-sp# ^C
Switch-sp# ^C
Terminate remote login session? [confirm] y
[Connection to Switch closed by local host]


This example shows how to perform a remote login to a specific module:

Router# remote login module 1
Trying Switch ...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session

This example shows how to perform a remote login to the Cisco 7600 series router processor:

Router# remote login switch
Trying Switch ...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session

This example shows how to perform a remote login to the standby route processor:

Router# remote login standby-rp
Trying Switch ...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session


To configure a virtual local area network (VLAN) as a remote switched port analyzer (RSPAN) VLAN, use the remote-span command in config-VLAN mode. To remove the RSPAN designation, use the no form of this command.


no remote-span

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Config-VLAN mode

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command is not supported in the VLAN database mode.

You can enter the show vlan remote-span command to display the RSPAN VLANs in the Cisco 7600 series router.


This example shows how to configure a VLAN as an RSPAN VLAN:

Router(config-vlan)# remote-span

This example shows how to remove the RSPAN designation:

Router(config-vlan)# no remote-span


To rename a file in a Class C Flash file system, use the rename command in EXEC, privileged EXEC, or diagnostic mode.

rename url1 url2

Syntax Description


The original path and filename.


The new path and filename.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic (diag)

Command History



11.3 AA

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router and was made available in diagnostic mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid only on Class C Flash file systems.


In the following example, the file named Karen.1 is renamed test:

Router# dir
Directory of disk0:/Karen.dir/
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:29  Karen.1
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:29  Karen.2
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:29  Karen.3
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:31  Karen.4
243  -rw-         165   Jan 21 1998 09:53:17  Karen.cur
340492288 bytes total (328400896 bytes free)
Router# rename disk0:Karen.dir/Karen.1 disk0:Karen.dir/test
Router# dir
Directory of disk0:/Karen.dir/
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:29  Karen.2
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:29  Karen.3
  0  -rw-           0   Jan 21 1998 09:51:31  Karen.4
243  -rw-         165   Jan 21 1998 09:53:17  Karen.cur
  0  -rw-           0   Apr 24 1998 09:49:19  test
340492288 bytes total (328384512 bytes free)

request consent-token accept-response shell-access

To submit the Consent Token response to a previously generated challenge, use the request consent-token accept-response shell-access command.

request consent-token accept-response shell-access response-string

Syntax Description




Specifies the character string representing the response.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must enter the response string within 30 minutes of challenge generation. If it is not entered, the challenge expires and a new challenge must be requested.


The following is sample output from the request consent-token accept-response shell-access response-string command:

% Consent token authorization success
*Jan 18 02:51:37.807: %CTOKEN-6-AUTH_UPDATE: Consent Token Update (authentication success: Shell access 0).

request consent-token generate-challenge shell-access

To generate a Consent Token challenge for system shell access, use the request consent-token generate-challenge shell-access command.

request consent-token generate-challenge shell-access auth-timeout time-validity-slot

Syntax Description



auth-timeout time-validity-slot

Specifies the time slot in minutes for which shell-access is requested.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When the requested time-slot for system shell expires, the session gets terminated automatically.

The maximum authorization timeout for system shell access is seven days.


The following is sample output from the request consent-token generate-challenge shell-access auth-timeout time-validity-slot command:

Device# request consent-token generate-challenge shell-access auth-timeout 900
*Jan 18 02:47:06.733: %CTOKEN-6-AUTH_UPDATE: Consent Token Update (challenge generation attempt: Shell access 0).

request consent-token terminate-auth

To terminate the Consent Token based authorization to system shell, use the request consent-token terminate-auth command.

request consent-token terminate-auth

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.11.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

In system shell access scenario, exiting the shell does not terminate authorization until the authorization timeout occurs.

We recommend that you force terminate system shell authorization by explicitly issuing the request consent-token terminate-auth command once the purpose of system shell access is complete.

If the current authentication is terminated using the request consent-token terminate-auth command, the user will have to repeat the authentication process to gain access to system shell.


The following is sample output from the request consent-token terminate-auth command:

Device# request consent-token terminate-auth shell-access
% Consent token authorization termination success

*Mar 13 01:45:39.197: %CTOKEN-6-AUTH_UPDATE: Consent Token Update (terminate authentication: Shell access 0).

request platform software package describe file

To gather descriptive information about an individual module or a Cisco IOS-XE image file, use the request platform software package describe file command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software package describe file URL [detail] [verbose]

Syntax Description


Specifies the URL to the file. The URL contains the file system, directories, and the filename.


Specifies detailed output.


Displays verbose information, meaning all information that can be displayed on the console about the file will be displayed.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic (diag)

Command History



IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command can only be used to gather information on individual module and Cisco IOS-XE image files. Using this command to collect information on any other file will generate output, but the generated output is useless.

The output of this command can be used for the following functions:

  • To confirm the individual module files that are part of a Cisco IOS-XE image.

  • To confirm whether or not a file is bootable.

  • To confirm the contexts in which a file must be reloaded or booted.

  • To confirm whether or not a file is corrupted.

  • To confirm file and header sizes, build dates, and various other general information.


In the following example, this command is entered to gather information about an individual SIP Base module file on the bootflash: file system.

Router# request platform software package describe file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
Package: asr1000rp1-sipbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
  Size: 36954316
  Timestamp: 2007-12-05 15:36:27 UTC
  Canonical path: /bootflash/asr1000rp1-sipbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
  Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
  Computed SHA1sum:
  Contained SHA1sum:
  Hashes match. Package is valid.
  Header size:     204 bytes
  Package type:    10000
  Package flags:   0
  Header version:  0
  Internal package information:
    Name: cc
    BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
    ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
    RouteProcessor: rp1
    Platform: ASR1000
    User: mcpre
    PackageName: sipbase
    Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
  Package is bootable on SIP when specified
  by packages provisioning file.

In the following example, this command is used to gather information about a Cisco IOS-XE image on the bootflash: file system.

Router# request platform software package describe file bootflash:ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9.
Package: ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9.
  Size: 218783948
  Timestamp: 2007-12-04 17:14:09 UTC
  Canonical path: /bootflash/ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9.
  Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
  Computed SHA1sum:
  Contained SHA1sum:
  Hashes match. Package is valid.
  Header size:     204 bytes
  Package type:    30000
  Package flags:   0
  Header version:  0
  Internal package information:
    Name: rp_super
    BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
    ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
    RouteProcessor: rp1
    Platform: ASR1000
    User: mcpre
    PackageName: advipservicesk9
    Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
  Package is bootable from media and tftp.
  Package contents:
  Package: asr1000rp1-espbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 52072652
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:13 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    20000
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: fp
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: espbase
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is bootable on ESP when specified
    by packages provisioning file.
  Package: asr1000rp1-rpaccess-k9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 21844172
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:01 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    30004
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: rp_security
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: rpaccess-k9
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is not bootable.
  Package: asr1000rp1-rpbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 21520588
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:06 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    30001
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: rp_base
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: rpbase
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is bootable on RP when specified
    by packages provisioning file.
  Package: asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 24965324
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:08 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    30002
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: rp_daemons
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: rpcontrol
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is not bootable.
  Package: asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 48515276
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:13 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    30003
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: rp_iosd
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: rpios-advipservicesk9
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is not bootable.
  Package: asr1000rp1-sipbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 36954316
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:11 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    10000
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: cc
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: sipbase
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is bootable on SIP when specified
    by packages provisioning file.
  Package: asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
    Size: 19933388
    Timestamp: 2007-12-04 13:33:06 UTC
    Raw disk-file SHA1sum:
    Computed SHA1sum:
    Contained SHA1sum:
    Hashes match. Package is valid.
    Header size:     204 bytes
    Package type:    10001
    Package flags:   0
    Header version:  0
    Internal package information:
      Name: cc_spa
      BuildTime: 2007-12-04_05.24
      ReleaseDate: Tue 04-Dec-07 01:00
      RouteProcessor: rp1
      Platform: ASR1000
      User: mcpre
      PackageName: sipspa
      Build: v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318
    Package is not bootable.

request platform software package expand file

To extract the individual modules from a Cisco IOS-XE image, use the request platform software package expand file command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software package expand file source-URL [to destination-URL] [force] [verbose] [wipe]

Syntax Description


Specifies the URL to the Cisco IOS-XE file that stores the contents that will be extracted.

to destination-URL

Specifies the destination URL where the files that were extracted from the Cisco IOS-XE file are left after the operation is complete.

If this option is not entered, the Cisco IOS-XE image file contents are extracted onto the same directory where the Cisco IOS-XE image file is currently stored.


(Optional) Specifies that the operation will be forced, meaning that the upgrade will proceed despite any warning messages.


(Optional) Displays verbose information, meaning all output that can be displayed on the console during the process will be displayed.


(Optional) Erases all content on the destination snapshot directory before extracting the files and placing them on the snapshot directory.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic Mode (diag)

Command History



IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command only extracts individual module files and a provisioning file from the Cisco IOS-XE image. Additional configuration is needed to configure the router to boot using the provisioning files and run using the individual modules.

When this command is used, copies of each module and the provisioning file within the Cisco IOS-XE image are copied and placed on the destination directory. The Cisco IOS-XE image file is unchanged after the operation is complete.

If the to destination-URL option is not entered, the Cisco IOS-XE image contents will be extracted onto the same directory where the Cisco IOS-XE image is currently stored.

If this command is used to extract individual module files onto a directory that already contains individual module files, the files that would have been extracted onto the same directory are instead extracted to an automatically created directory on the destination device.


The following example shows how to extract the individual modules and the provisioning file from a Cisco IOS-XE image that has already been placed in the directory where the user wants to store the individual modules and the provisioning file.

Output of the directory before and after the extraction is given to confirm the files were extracted.

Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
   11  drwx       16384   Dec 4 2007 11:26:07 +00:00  lost+found
14401  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 11:27:41 +00:00  .installer
   12  -rw-   218783948   Dec 4 2007 12:12:16 +00:00 ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9.
Router# request platform software package expand file bootflash:ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9.
Verifying parameters
Validating package type
Copying package files
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
   11  drwx       16384   Dec 4 2007 11:26:07 +00:00  lost+found
14401  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 11:27:41 +00:00  .installer
   12  -rw-   218783948   Dec 4 2007 12:12:16 +00:00 ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9.
28803  -rw-    52072652   Dec 4 2007 12:14:17 +00:00  
28804  -rw-    21844172   Dec 4 2007 12:14:17 +00:00 asr1000rp1-rpaccess-k9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
28805  -rw-    21520588   Dec 4 2007 12:14:18 +00:00 asr1000rp1-rpbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
28806  -rw-    24965324   Dec 4 2007 12:14:19 +00:00 asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
28807  -rw-    48515276   Dec 4 2007 12:14:20 +00:00  
28808  -rw-    36954316   Dec 4 2007 12:14:21 +00:00  
28809  -rw-    19933388   Dec 4 2007 12:14:22 +00:00  
28802  -rw-        7145   Dec 4 2007 12:14:22 +00:00  packages.conf
928833536 bytes total (483700736 bytes free)

The following example shows how to extract the individual modules and the provisioning file from a Cisco IOS-XE image that has already been placed on the router in a directory that will not store the individual modules and the provisioning file. In this particular example, the contents of a Cisco IOS-XE image stored in usb0: are extracted into bootflash:.

Output of the bootflash: directory before and after the extraction is given to confirm the files were extracted.

Router# dir usb0:
Directory of usb0:/
1120  -rwx   213225676   Dec 4 2007 10:50:36 +00:00 asr1000rp1-advipservicesk9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.bin
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
   11  drwx       16384   Dec 4 2007 12:32:46 +00:00  lost+found
86401  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 14:06:24 +00:00  .ssh
14401  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 14:06:36 +00:00  .rollback_timer
43201  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 12:34:45 +00:00  .installer
Router# request platform software package expand file usb0:asr1000rp1-advipservicesk9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.bin to bootflash:
Verifying parameters
Validating package type
Copying package files
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
   11  drwx       16384   Dec 4 2007 12:32:46 +00:00  lost+found
86401  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 14:06:24 +00:00  .ssh
14401  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 14:06:36 +00:00  .rollback_timer
43201  drwx        4096   Dec 4 2007 12:34:45 +00:00  .installer
28803  -rw-    51986636   Dec 4 2007 16:40:38 +00:00 asr1000rp1-espbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.pkg
28804  -rw-    21838028   Dec 4 2007 16:40:39 +00:00  
28805  -rw-    21508300   Dec 4 2007 16:40:39 +00:00  
28806  -rw-    24963276   Dec 4 2007 16:40:40 +00:00  
28807  -rw-    48419020   Dec 4 2007 16:40:41 +00:00  
28808  -rw-    36946124   Dec 4 2007 16:40:43 +00:00  
28809  -rw-    14670028   Dec 4 2007 16:40:43 +00:00  
28802  -rw-        6563   Dec 4 2007 16:40:43 +00:00  packages.conf
928862208 bytes total (708186112 bytes free)

request platform software package install commit

To cancel the rollback timer and commit a software upgrade, use the request platform software package install commit command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number commit [verbose]

Syntax Description

rp rp-slot-number

Specifies the RP slot number.


Specifies that an upgrade that was done using a rollback timer that has not expired can be committed.


(Optional) Displays verbose information, meaning all information that can be displayed on the console during the process will be displayed.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic Mode (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is entered after the request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number file command is used with the auto-rollback minutes option to begin an individual sub-package or a consolidated package upgrade. When the auto-rollback minutes option is used in this context, a rollback timer that cancels the upgrade after the number of specified minutes cancels the upgrade if the request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number commit command is not entered to commit the upgrade.

If this command is not entered after the request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number file command is used with the auto-rollback minutes option to upgrade an individual sub-package or a consolidated package and the rollback timer expires, the upgrade does not complete and the router continues running the previous sub-package or consolidated package.


In the following example, this command is entered to commit an upgrade:

request platform software package install rp 1 commit

request platform software package install file

To upgrade a consolidated package or an individual sub-package, use the request platform software package install file command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number file file-URL [auto-rollback minutes] [provisioning-file URL] [slot slot-number] [bay bay-number] [force] [on-reboot] [verbose]

Syntax Description

rp rp-slot-number

Specifies the route processor (RP) slot number.

file file-URL

Specifies the URL to the consolidated package or sub-package.

auto-rollback minutes

Specifies the setting of a rollback timer, and sets the number of minutes on the rollback timer before the rollback timer expires.

provisioning-file provisioning-file-URL

Specifies the URL to the provisioning file. A provisioning file is used for booting only when a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Device is booted using individual sub-packages.

slot slot-number

Specifies the device slot number where a shared port adapter interface processor (SIP) can be installed.

bay bay-number

Specifies the shared port adapter (SPA) bay number within a SIP.


Specifies that the operation will be forced, meaning that the upgrade will proceed despite any warning messages.


Specifies that the installation will not be completed until the next RP reboot.


Displays verbose information, meaning all output that can be displayed on the console during the process will be displayed.

Command Default

If you do not enter the request platform software package install file command, the consolidated or sub package upgrades are not initiated on the device.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was modified. The mdr keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to upgrade consolidated packages and individual sub-packages.

When this command is used to upgrade a SIPBASE sub-package, the slot slot-number of the SIP must be specified.

When this command is used to upgrade a SIPSPA sub-package, the slot slot-number of the SIP and the bay bay-number of the SPA must be specified.

When the auto-rollback minutes option is used, the request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number commit command must be entered before the rollback timer expires to complete the upgrade. If this command is not entered, the device rolls back to the previous software version. The rollback timer expires after the number of specified minutes . If the auto-rollback minutes option is not used, the upgrade simply occurs.


In the following example, the request platform software package install command is used to upgrade a consolidated package running on RP 0. The force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same consolidated package installed), is used in this example.

Device# request platform software package install rp 0 file 
bootflash:ASR1000rp1-advipservicesk9. force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Extracting super package content
Verifying parameters
Validating package type
Copying package files
Checking and verifying packages contained in super package
Creating candidate provisioning file
  WARNING: Candidate software will be installed upon reboot
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Checking command output
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking IPC compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned.  New software will load on reboot.

Device# reload


A reload must be performed to finish this procedure.


In the following example, the SIP sub-package for the SIP in slot 1 is installed using the request platform software package install command. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same sub-package installed), and the verbose option, which displays all possible output during the installation, are used.

Device# request platform software package install rp 0 
file bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.pkg slot 1 force verbose
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
... file names checked
Verifying image file locations
... image file locations verified
Locating image files and validating name syntax
... image file names validated
Inspecting image file types
... image file types acceptable
Processing image file constraints
... constraints satisfied
Creating candidate provisioning file
... created candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
... verified existing software set is valid
Processing candidate provisioning file
... candidate provisioning file processed
Constructing working set for candidate package set
... working set constructed
Constructing working set for running package set
... working set for running package set constructed
Checking command output
... command output is consistent with command set
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
... merged running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
... candidate package set is valid
Determining whether installation is valid
Software is unchanged
Software sets are identified as compatible
... installation is valid
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
calling minime_merge.sh for /tmp/tdlresolve/compat/_tmp_issu_provision_sw_
minime_merge done for /tmp/tdlresolve/compat/_tmp_issu_provision_sw_
... IPC is compatible with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
... candidate package set infrastructure is compatible
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
... infrastructure is compatible with running software
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
... operational impact of change is allowable
Finished impact testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
... rollback provisioning files updated
Creating pending provisioning file
  Ensuring that cached content is written to media
... cached content flushed to media
... pending provisioning file created
Committing provisioning file
  Ensuring that cached content is written to media
  ... cached content flushed to media
... running provisioning file committed
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
------------ changes to running software ------------
0 0 cc
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
... peer synchronization blocked
Creating the command set placeholder directory
  Finding latest command set
  ... latest command set identified
  Assembling CLI output libraries
  ... CLI output libraries assembled
  Assembling CLI input libraries
  ... CLI input libraries assembled
  Applying interim IPC and database definitions
    interim IPC and database definitions applied
      Replacing running software
      ... running software replaced
      Replacing CLI software
      ... CLI software replaced
      Restarting software
Restarting CC0
Restarting CC0
      ... software restarted
      Applying interim IPC and database definitions
*Oct  9 09:52:25.333: %MCP_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 0
*Oct  9 09:52:25.334: %MCP_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/0, 
interfaces disabled
*Oct  9 09:52:25.334: %MCP_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/1, 
interfaces disabled
*Oct  9 09:52:25.334: %MCP_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/2, 
interfaces disabled
*Oct  9 09:52:25.334: %MCP_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 0/3, 
interfaces disabled      ... interim IPC and database definitions applied
      Notifying running software of updates
      ... running software notified
      Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
      ... peer synchronization unblocked
    ... unmount of old packages scheduled
    Unmounting old packages
    ... inactive old packages unmounted
    Cleaning temporary installation files
    ... temporary installation files cleaned
    Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.


In the following example, the SIP sub-package for the SIP in slot 1 is installed using the request platform software package install command. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same sub-package installed), is used. The verbose option is not used in this example.

Device# request platform software package install rp 0 file 
bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle.pkg slot 1 force
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Checking command output
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
Finished impact testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
  Finding latest command set
  Assembling CLI output libraries
  Assembling CLI input libraries
  Applying interim IPC and database definitions
    interim IPC and database definitions applied
      Replacing running software
      Replacing CLI software
      Restarting software
Restarting CC1
Restarting CC1
      Applying interim IPC and database definitions
*Oct  9 09:54:55.365: %MCP_OIR-6-OFFLINECARD: Card (cc) offline in slot 1
*Oct  9 09:54:55.365: %MCP_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/1, 
interfaces disabled
*Oct  9 09:54:55.365: %MCP_OIR-6-REMSPA: SPA removed from subslot 1/2, 
interfaces disabled      Notifying running software of updates
      Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
    Unmounting old packages
    Cleaning temporary installation files
      Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.


In the following example, the request platform software package install command is used to upgrade an IOS sub-package. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same module installed), is used.

Device# request platform software package install rp 0 file 
bootflash:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg force 
--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
    WARNING: In-service installation of IOSD package
    WARNING: requires software redundancy on target RP
    WARNING: or on-reboot parameter
    WARNING: Automatically setting the on-reboot flag
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Checking command output
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Determining whether installation is valid ... skipped
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking IPC compatibility with running software ... skipped
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software ... skipped
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
SUCCESS: Software provisioned.  New software will load on reboot.

Note that the new RPIOS sub-package will become active only after a reboot. Reboot the device to finish this procedure.


In the following example, the request platform software package install command is use to upgrade a SIPSPA sub-package for the SPA in bay 0 of device slot 1. In this example, the force option, which forces the upgrade past any prompt (such as already having the same module installed), is used.

Device# request platform software package install rp 0 file 
bootflash:asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg slot 1 bay 0 force

--- Starting installation state synchronization ---
Finished installation state synchronization
--- Starting file path checking ---
Finished file path checking
--- Starting image file verification ---
Checking image file names
Verifying image file locations
Locating image files and validating name syntax
Inspecting image file types
Processing image file constraints
Creating candidate provisioning file
Finished image file verification
--- Starting candidate package set construction ---
Verifying existing software set
Processing candidate provisioning file
Constructing working set for candidate package set
Constructing working set for running package set
Checking command output
Constructing merge of running and candidate packages
Finished candidate package set construction
--- Starting compatibility testing ---
Determining whether candidate package set is compatible
WARNING: Candidate software combination not found in compatibility database
Determining whether installation is valid
Software sets are identified as compatible
Checking IPC compatibility with running software
Checking candidate package set infrastructure compatibility
Checking infrastructure compatibility with running software
Finished compatibility testing
--- Starting impact testing ---
Checking operational impact of change
Finished impact testing
--- Starting commit of software changes ---
Updating provisioning rollback files
Creating pending provisioning file
Committing provisioning file
Finished commit of software changes
--- Starting analysis of software changes ---
Finished analysis of software changes
--- Starting update running software ---
Blocking peer synchronization of operating information
Creating the command set placeholder directory
  Finding latest command set
  Assembling CLI output libraries
  Assembling CLI input libraries
  Applying interim IPC and database definitions
    interim IPC and database definitions applied
      Replacing running software
      Replacing CLI software
      Restarting software
Restarting SPA CC1/0
      Applying interim IPC and database definitions
      Notifying running software of updates
      Unblocking peer synchronization of operating information
    Unmounting old packages
    Cleaning temporary installation files
      Finished update running software
SUCCESS: Finished installing software.

request platform software package install rollback

To roll back a previous software upgrade, use the request platform software package install rollback command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number rollback [as-booted | provisioning-file provisioning-file-URL] [force] [on-reboot] [verbose]

Syntax Description

rp rp-slot-number

Specifies the slot number of the RP doing the request.


Specifies that the software update will not occur, and that the router will instead boot using the same procedure that it used during the last bootup.

provisioning-file provisioning-file-URL

Specifies that the software update will not occur, and that the router will instead boot using the specified provisioning file.


Specifies that the operation will be forced, meaning that the upgrade will proceed despite any warning messages.


Specifies that the installation will not be completed until the next RP reboot.


Displays verbose information, meaning all output that can be displayed on the console during the process will be displayed.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command rolls back a configuration that has an active rollback timer. Active rollback timers are used when the auto-rollback option is entered when software is being upgraded using the request platform software package install file command.


In the following example, an upgrade that was using a rollback timer is rolled back to the previous configuration instead of upgraded:

request platform software package install rp 0 rollback

request platform software package install snapshot

To create a snapshot directory that contains all the files extracted from a consolidated package, use the request platform software package install snapshot command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software package install rp rp-slot-number snapshot to URL [as snapshot-provisioning-filename] [force] [verbose] [wipe]

Syntax Description

rp rp-slot-number

Specifies the slot number.

snapshot to URL

Creates a directory and extracts all files from the consolidated package into that directory. The directory is named in the command-line as part of the URL_FS .

If the URL_FS is specified as a file system, the files in the consolidated package will be extracted onto the file system and not a directory on the file system.

as snapshot-provisioning-filename

(Optional) Renames the provisioning file in the snapshot directory.

If this option is not used, the existing provisioning filename of the provisioning file in the consolidated package is used as the provisioning filename.


(Optional) Erases all content on the destination snapshot directory before extracting the files and placing them on the snapshot directory.


(Optional) Specifies that the operation will be forced, meaning that the upgrade will proceed despite any warning messages.


(Optional) Displays verbose information, meaning all output that can be displayed on the console during the process will be displayed.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Diagnostic (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to create a directory at the destination device and extract the individual sub-packages in a consolidated package to that directory.

The request platform software package expand command is the only other command that can be used to extract individual sub-packages from a consolidated package.


In the following example, a snapshot directory named snapdir1_snap is created in the bootflash: file system, and the individual sub-package files from the consolidated package are extracted into the snapshot directory.

The second portion of the example first sets up the router to reboot using the files in the snapshot directory (deletes all previous boot system commands, configures the configuration register, then enters a boot system command to boot using the extracted provisioning file), saves the new configuration, then reboots so the router will boot using the extracted provisioning file, which allows the router to run using the extracted individual sub-package files.

Router(diag)# request platform software package install rp 0 snapshot to bootflash:snapdir1_snap
--- Starting active image file snapshot --- Validating snapshot parameters Creating destination directory Copying files to destination media
   Copied provisioning file as packages.conf
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-rpbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-rpcontrol.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-rpaccess-k9.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-sipbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-sipspa.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg
   Copying package file asr1000rp1-espbase.v122_33_xn_asr_rls0_throttle_20071204_051318.pkg 
Moving files into final location Finished active image file snapshot
Router(config)# no boot system
Router(config)# config-register 0x1
Router(config)# boot system harddisk:snapdir1_snap/packages.conf
Router(config)# exit
*May 11 01:31:04.815: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by con 
Router# write mem 
Building configuration...

Router# reload

request platform software process release

To restart processes that have been placed in the hold down state by the Process Manager on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, use the request platform software process release command in privileged EXEC or diagnostic mode.

request platform software process release slot all

Syntax Description


Specifies the hardware slot. Options include:

  • number --The number of the SIP slot of the hardware module where the trace level is being set. For instance, if you wanted to specify the SIP in SIP slot 2 of the router, enter 2 as the number .

  • f0 --The ESP in ESP slot 0.

  • f1 --The ESP in ESP slot 1

  • fp active --The active ESP.

  • fp standby --The standby ESP.

  • r0 --The RP in RP slot 0.

  • r1 --The RP in RP slot 1.

  • rp active --The active RP.

  • rp standby --The standby RP.


Specifies that all processes currently in the holddown state within the selected slot will be restarted.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic Mode (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to restart processes in the holddown state. If a process is in the holddown state, a console message is generated to notify the user that the process is helddown.

Before placing any process in the holddown state, the Process Manager makes up to 5 attempts over 120 seconds to enable the process. These attempts to enable the process also happen automatically at startup. If the Process Manager is unable to enable the process after these attempts, the process will then be placed in the holddown state.

When this command is entered, it only attempts to restart processes currently in the holddown state. Active processes will not be affected by entering this command.


In the following example, this command is entered to restart any process currently on RP 0 in the holddown state:

request platform software process release r0 all

request platform software system shell

To request platform shell access, use the request platform software system shell command in privileged EXEC mode.

request platform software system shell [rp | esp | sip]

Syntax Description


Specifies the Route Processor (RP); it can be either active or standby.


Specifies the Embedded Services Processor (ESP) control processor; it can be either active or standby.


Specifies the SPA Interface Processor (SIP).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The platform shell command needs to be entered before before using the request platform software system shell command. Providing shell access would not be necessary. However, there might be some cases where the command may not be available, or the IOS process hangs, or IOS console may not be available. In such cases, you can login to the shell and see the status of the system.

The shell should be accessed under Cisco supervision, and no support is provided if accessed without supervision. The following message is displayed , before the shell access is granted:

"Activity within this shell can jeopardize the functioning of the system.

Use this functionality only under supervision of Cisco Support."


In the following example,

Router(config)# platform shell
Router(config)# exit
Router# request platform software shell system
Activity within this shell can jeopardize the functioning of the system.
Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n] y
Activity within this shell can jeopardize the functioning 
of the system.
Use this functionality only under supervision of Cisco Support.

request platform software shell session output format

To modify the format of the output of some show commands on the Cisco ASR1000 Series Routers, use the request platform software shell session output format command in privileged EXEC and diagnostic mode.

request platform software shell session output format format

Syntax Description


Specifies the output format for show command output. Options include:

  • html --Specifies Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) output.

  • raw --Specifies the raw message output.

  • text --Specifies plaintext output, which is the default.

  • xml -- Specifies Extensible Markup Language (XML) output

Command Default

All show command output is seen in plaintext (the text format) by default.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic Mode (diag)

Command History



IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced

Usage Guidelines

Entering this command can only change the output of some show commands that are available in both privileged EXEC and diagnostic mode. At the current time, most of these commands are show platform software and show platform hardware commands.

Only a small subset of commands currently produce output using the html option.


In the following example, the request platform software shell session output format command is used to change the show output format from text to raw . The output of the show platform hardware slot r0 alarms visual command is shown both before and after the request platform software shell session output format command was entered to illustrate the change in output format.

Router# show platform hardware slot r0 alarms visual 
Current Visual Alarm States
Critical: On
Major   : On
Minor   : Off
Router# request platform software shell session output format raw
Router# show platform hardware slot r0 alarms visual
message@alarms_msg: {
  tdl_cman_alarms_data@tdl_cman_alarms_data: {
message@ui_req_msg: {
  ui_req@ui_req: {
    client@ui_client: {
      location@svc_loc: {

In the following example, the request platform software shell session output format command is used to change the show output format from text to xml . The output of the show platform hardware slot r0 alarms visual command is shown both before and after the request platform software shell session output format command was entered to illustrate the change in output format.

Router# show platform hardware slot r0 alarms visual 
Current Visual Alarm States
Critical: On
Major   : On
Minor   : Off
Router# request platform software shell session output format xml
Router# show platform hardware slot r0 alarms visual 
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<iossr-response action="3">

request platform software snapshot

To take a snapshot of the bootflash, use the request platform software snapshot command in privilege EXEC mode.

request platform software snapshot slot {cancel | create | delete | restore} name

Syntax Description


Requests snapshot actions.


Specifies the hardware slot. Options include:

  • number --The number of the SIP slot of the hardware module where the trace level is being set. For instance, if you wanted to specify the SIP in SIP slot 2 of the router, enter 2 as the number .

  • f0 --The ESP in ESP slot 0.

  • f1 --The ESP in ESP slot 1

  • fp active --The active ESP.

  • fp standby --The standby ESP.

  • r0 --The RP in RP slot 0.

  • r1 --The RP in RP slot 1.

  • rp active --The active RP.

  • rp standby --The standby RP.


Cancels a snapshot operation.


Creates a snapshot


Deletes a snapshot


Restores a snapshot


Specifies the name of the snapshot to be modified.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic Mode (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the request platform software snapshot command to create a snapshot of the bootflash, including the NVRAM partitions and the ROMMON memory, on the harddisk. This command can also be used to restore a snapshot.


This example shows how to create a snapshot named "stan" on the processor in the RO slot.

        router#request platform software snapshot R0 create stan

request platform software vty attach

To enter EXEC mode on a router after persistent SSH or persistent Telnet is configured to connect to the router in diagnostic mode, use the request platform software vty attach command in diagnostic mode.

request platform software vty attach [permanent]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies that the router should not return to diagnostic mode if EXEC mode is exited.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Diagnostic (diag)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If persistent Telnet or persistent SSH is configured to make users wait for an IOS vty line before allowing them to access the IOS CLI, this command can be used to attach to an IOS vty line and place the user in EXEC mode. Exiting EXEC mode returns the user to diagnostic mode unless the permanent keyword is entered. When the permanent keyword is entered, exiting EXEC mode exits the router.

The vty lines must be configured to allow local login for this command to work. The vty lines must also be configured to accept the type of transport traffic (SSH or Telnet) being used to connect to the router for the session in which the request platform software vty attach command is entered.


In the following example, this command is used to leave diagnostic mode and enter privileged EXEC mode:

request platform software vty attach

In the following example, this command is used to leave diagnostic mode and enter privileged EXEC mode. The user then re-enters diagnostic mode by exiting privileged EXEC mode:

Router(diag)# request platform software vty attach
Router# exit


In the following example, this command is used with the permanent option to leave diagnostic mode and enter privileged EXEC mode. The user then exits the router by exiting privileged EXEC mode:

Router(diag)# request platform software vty attach permanent 
Router# exit 
Connection to Router closed.


To set the revision number for the Multiple Spanning Tree (802.1s) (MST) configuration, use the revision command in MST configuration submode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

revision version

no revision

Syntax Description


Revision number for the configuration; valid values are from 0 to 65535.

Command Default

version is 0

Command Modes

MST configuration (config-mst)

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Two Cisco 7600 series routers that have the same configuration but different revision numbers are considered to be part of two different regions.


Be careful when using the revision command to set the revision number of the MST configuration because a mistake can put the switch in a different region.


This example shows how to set the revision number of the MST configuration:

Router(config-mst)# revision 5


To remove an existing directory in a Class C Flash file system, use the rmdir command in EXEC, privileged EXEC, or diagnostic mode.

rmdir directory

Syntax Description


Directory to delete.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC


Command History



11.3 AA

This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR1000 Series Router and was made available in diagnostic mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid only on Class C Flash file systems.


You can use the rmdir command to remove a directory that another user is currently accessing in read-only mode, for example if it is that user’s default working directory. If you use the rmdir command to remove such a directory and a user whose current directory is set to the deleted directory then uses the pwd command to display the current working directory, the following error message is displayed: Cannot determine current directory.


The following example deletes the directory named newdir:

Router# dir
Directory of flash:
  2  drwx           0   Mar 13 1993 13:16:21  newdir
8128000 bytes total (8126976 bytes free)
Router# rmdir newdir
Rmdir file name [newdir]?
Delete flash:newdir? [confirm]
Removed dir flash:newdir
Router# dir
Directory of flash:
No files in directory
8128000 bytes total (8126976 bytes free)


To select a ReadOnly or Upgrade ROMmon image to be booted on the next reload of a Cisco 7200 VXR router or Cisco 7301 router when you are in ROMmon, use the rommon-pref command in ROM monitor mode.

rommon-pref [readonly | upgrade]

Syntax Description


Selects the ReadOnly ROMmon image to be booted on the next reload.


Selects the Upgrade, second ROMmon image to be booted on the next reload.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

ROM monitor mode

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco 7200 VXR router. It was introduced in ROMmon version 12.3(4r)T1 for the Cisco 7200 VXR router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T and supported on the Cisco 7200 VXR router and Cisco 7301 router. It was introduced in ROMmon version 12.3(4r)T2 for the Cisco 7301 router.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(9) and supported on the Cisco 7200 VXR router and Cisco 7301 router.

Usage Guidelines

You might select the ReadOnly ROMmon image to be booted on the next reload because the Upgrade image has features or side effects you do not like.

When you are in ROMmon, there is no descriptive output to inform you whether the ReadOnly ROMmon image was reloaded. To confirm the reload, use the showmon command after entering the rommon-pref readonly command.

Use this command when you are in ROMmon mode. Use the upgrade rom-monitor preference command when you are in Cisco IOS.


The following example, applicable to both the Cisco 7200 VXR and Cisco 7301 routers, shows how to select the ReadOnly ROMmon image to be booted on the next reload of the router when you are already in ROMmon mode:

rommon 2 > rommon-pref readonly


To configure the time interval after which the old FIB entries are purged, use the route-converge-interval command in main CPU submode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

route-converge-interval seconds

no route-converge-interval

Syntax Description


Time interval, in seconds, after which the old FIB entries are purged ; valid values are from 60 to 3600 seconds.

Command Default

seconds is 120 seconds (2 minutes).

Command Modes

Main CPU submode

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command is supported on releases prior to Release 12.2(18)SXD.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

SRM/SSO is supported in the following releases only.

  • Release 12.2(17b)SXA and later rebuilds of Release 12.2(17b)SXA

  • Release 12.2(17d)SXB and later rebuilds of Release 12.2(17d)SXB

This command is not supported in Cisco 7600 series routers that are configured with a Supervisor Engine 2.

The time interval for route-converge delay is needed to simulate the route-converge time when routing protocols restart on switchover.


This example shows how to set the time interval for the route-converge delay:

Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# main-cpu
Router(config-red-main)# route-converge-interval 90

This example shows how to return to the default time interval for the route-converge delay:

Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# main-cpu
Router(config-red-main)# no route-converge-interval


To execute a command remotely on a remote shell protocol (rsh) host, use the rsh command in privileged EXEC mode.

rsh {ip-address | host} [/user username] remote-command

Syntax Description


IP address of the remote host on which to execute the rsh command. Either the IP address or the host name is required.


Name of the remote host on which to execute the command. Either the host name or the IP address is required.

/user username

(Optional) Remote username.


Command to be executed remotely.

Command Default

If you do not specify the /user username keyword and argument, the Cisco IOS software sends a default remote username. As the default value of the remote username, the software sends the username associated with the current tty process, if that name is valid. For example, if the user is connected to the router through Telnet and the user was authenticated through the username command, then the software sends that username as the remote username. If the tty username is invalid, the software uses the host name as the both the remote and local usernames.


For Cisco, tty lines are commonly used for access services. The concept of tty originated with UNIX. For UNIX systems, each physical device is represented in the file system. Terminals are sometimes called tty devices (tty stands for teletype, the original UNIX terminal).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Use the rsh command to execute commands remotely. The host on which you remotely execute the command must support the rsh protocol, and the .rhosts files on the rsh host must include an entry that permits you to remotely execute commands on that host.

For security reasons, the software does not default to a remote login if no command is specified, as does UNIX. Instead, the router provides Telnet and connect services that you can use rather than rsh.


The following command specifies that the user named sharon attempts to remotely execute the UNIX ls command with the -a argument on the remote host named mysys.cisco.com. The command output resulting from the remote execution follows the command example:

Router1# rsh mysys.cisco.com /user sharon ls -a

scheduler allocate

To guarantee CPU time for processes, use the scheduler allocate command in global configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

scheduler allocate interrupt-time process-time

no scheduler allocate

Syntax Description


Integer (in microseconds) that limits the maximum number of microseconds to spend on fast switching within any one network interrupt context. The range is from 400 to 60000 microseconds. The default is 4000 microseconds.


Integer (in microseconds) that guarantees the minimum number of microseconds to spend at the process level when network interrupts are disabled. The range is from 100 to 4000 microseconds.The default is 200 microseconds. The default for Catalyst 6500 series switches and Cisco 7600 series routers is 800 microseconds.

Command Default

Approximately 5 percent of the CPU is available for process tasks.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was changed as follows:

  • The process-time default setting was changed from 200 microseconds to 800 microseconds.

  • The no scheduler allocate action was changed to return to the default settings.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to the 12.2(17d)SXB release.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command applies to the Catalyst 6500 series switches, Cisco 7200 series, Cisco 7500 series, and Cisco 7600 series routers.


We recommend that you do not change the default settings. Changing settings associated with CPU processes can negatively impact system performance.

Entering the scheduler allocate command without arguments is the same as entering the no scheduler allocate or the default scheduler allocate command.


The following example makes 20 percent of the CPU available for process tasks:

Router(config)# scheduler allocate 2000 500

scheduler heapcheck enable

To enable heapcheck processing, use the scheduler heapcheck enable command in global configuration mode. To disable scheduler heapcheck processing, use the no form of this command.

scheduler heapcheck enable

no scheduler heapcheck enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The scheduler heapcheck enable command is disabled by default. If no keywords are specified, scheduler heapcheck processing will not be performed.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in the Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T.


The following example shows how to enable scheduler heapcheck processing:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler heapcheck enable

scheduler heapcheck poll

To validate the memory and edisms poll routine, use the scheduler heapcheck poll command in global configuration mode. To disable the memory check and edisms poll routine, use the no form of this command.

scheduler heapcheck poll

no scheduler heapcheck poll

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The scheduler heapcheck poll command is disabled by default. If no keywords are specified, a sanity check is performed on all the memory blocks and memory pools.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.


The following example shows how to validate the memory check and edisms poll routine:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler heapcheck poll

scheduler heapcheck process

To perform a “sanity check” for corruption in memory blocks when a process switch occurs, use the scheduler heapcheck process command in global configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

scheduler heapcheck process [memory [fast] [io] [multibus] [pci] [processor] [checktype {all | data | magic | mlite-data | pointer | refcount | lite-chunks}]]

no scheduler heapcheck process

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies checking all memory blocks and memory pools.


(Optional) Specifies checking the fast memory block.


(Optional) Specifies checking the I/O memory block.


(Optional) Specifies checking the multibus memory block.


(Optional) Specifies checking the process control information (PCI) memory block.


(Optional) Specifies checking the processor memory block.


(Optional) Specifies checking specific memory pools.


(Optional) Specifies checking the value of the block magic, red zone, size, refcount, and pointers (next and previous).


(Optional) Specifies checking the value of normal blocks.


(Optional) Specifies checking the value of the block magic, red zone, and size.


(Optional) Specifies checking the value of memory allocation lite (malloc-lite) blocks.


(Optional) Specifies checking the value of the next and previous pointers.


(Optional) Specifies checking the value of the block magic and refcount.


(Optional) Specifies checking the memory blocks allocated by the memory allocation lite (malloc_lite) feature.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default. If no keywords are specified, a sanity check will be performed on all the memory blocks and memory pools.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The lite-chunks keyword was added.


The data and mlite-data keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

When configuring this command, you can choose none or all memory block keywords (fast , io , multibus , pci , processor , and checktype ).

Enabling this command has a significant impact on router performance.


The following example shows how to sanity check for corruption in the I/O memory block when a process switch occurs. In this example, the values of only the block magic, red zone, and size will be checked.

scheduler heapcheck process memory io checktype magic

The following example shows how to sanity check for corruption in the processor memory block when a process switch occurs. In this example, the values of only the next and previous pointers will be checked.

scheduler heapcheck process memory processor checktype pointer

scheduler interrupt mask profile

To start interrupt mask profiling for all processes running on the system, use the scheduler interrupt mask profile command in global configuration mode. To stop interrupt mask profiling, use the no form of this command.

scheduler interrupt mask profile

no scheduler interrupt mask profile

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Interrupt mask profiling is disabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the collection of details regarding the total amount of time a process has masked interrupts since the interrupt mask profiler was enabled.


The following example shows how to enable interrupt mask profiling:

Router(config)# scheduler interrupt mask profile

scheduler interrupt mask size

To configure the maximum number of entries that can exist in the interrupt mask buffer, use the scheduler interrupt mask size command in global configuration mode. To reset the maximum number of entries that can exist in the interrupt mask buffer to the default, use the no form of this command.

scheduler interrupt mask size buffersize

no scheduler interrupt mask size

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of entries that can exist in the interrupt mask buffer.

Command Default

The default buffer size is 50 entries.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to configure 100 entries the maximum number of entries that can exist in the interrupt mask buffer:

Router(config)# scheduler interrupt mask size 100

scheduler interrupt mask time

To configure the maximum time that a process can run with interrupts masked before another entry is created in the interrupt mask buffer, use the scheduler interrupt mask time command in global configuration mode. To reset the threshold time to the default, use the no form of this command.

scheduler interrupt mask time threshold-time

no scheduler interrupt mask time

Syntax Description


Specifies the maximum amount of timein microseconds a process can be in interrupt masked state without creating an entry in the interrupt mask buffer.

Command Default

The default threshold time value is 50 microseconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following shows how to configure 100 microseconds as the maximum time a process can run with interrupts masked before another entry is created in the interrupt mask buffer:

Router(config)# scheduler interrupt mask time 100

scheduler interval

To control the maximum amount of time that can elapse without running system processes, use the scheduler interval command in global configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

scheduler interval milliseconds

no scheduler interval

Syntax Description


Integer that specifies the interval (in milliseconds). The minimum interval that you can specify is 500 milliseconds; there is no maximum value.

Command Default

High-priority operations are allowed to use as much of the CPU as needed.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

The normal operation of the network server allows the switching operations to use as much of the central processor as is required. If the network is running unusually heavy loads that do not allow the processor the time to handle the routing protocols, give priority to the system process scheduler. High-priority operations are allowed to use as much of the CPU as needed.


Changing settings associated with CPU processes can negatively impact system performance.

On the Cisco 7200 series and Cisco 7500 series, use the scheduler allocate global configuration command instead of the scheduler interval command.


The following example changes the low-priority process schedule to an interval of 750 milliseconds:

Router(config)# scheduler interval 750

scheduler isr-watchdog

To detect if an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is suspended or stalled and to schedule and manage a watchdog timeout on an ISR, use the scheduler isr-watchdog command in global configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

scheduler isr-watchdog

no scheduler isr-watchdog

Syntax Description

There are no additional keywords or arguments with this command.

Command Default

The default detection time is 2 minutes.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

The timer ISR checks the current context to avoid holding processes accountable for CPU time spent servicing interrupts during the process time slice, and vice versa for interrupt-level code accountability. However, at each timer tick, the timer ISR applies the full 4 milliseconds of CPU time to the current context. As a result, depending on when the timer tick occurs in relation to a context switch, you might see inaccuracies in CPU utilization accounting compared with the actual computation time because some or all of the tick is being applied to the wrong context.


The following example shows how to detect if an ISR is suspended or stalled and to manage a watchdog timeout on an ISR:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler isr-watchdog

scheduler max-sched-time

To configure or change the maximum time, in milliseconds that a scheduler can run without flagging an error or overload of the CPU, use the scheduler max-sched-time command in global configuration mode. To disable this configuration, use the no form of this command.

scheduler max-sched-time milliseconds

no scheduler max-sched-time

Syntax Description


The maximum time, in milliseconds (ms). The range is from 1 to 3600.

Command Default

The default time is 2000 ms to signal an overload of the CPU.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

The default behavior of the scheduler max-sched-time command is to stop the process only if it is fatal. A task is defined as fatal if the task gets another watchdog within 12 hours of being assigned the first watchdog, and a handler has been registered.


The following example shows how to configure the maximum time in milliseconds (to 1000 ms in this example) that a scheduler can run without flagging an error:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler max-sched-time 1000

scheduler process-watchdog

To configure the default action of a watchdog timeout for a process using a scheduler, use the scheduler process-watchdog command in global configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

scheduler process-watchdog {hang | normal | reload | terminate}

no scheduler process-watchdog

Syntax Description


Retains the process but does not schedule it.


Enables factory-specified per-process behavior.


Reloads the system.


Terminates the process and continues.

Command Default

The default value is normal .

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

The watchdog timer sets the interval after which the scheduler assumes a process has been suspended or stalled and needs to be stopped.


The following example shows how to configure the default action of a watchdog timeout for a process using a scheduler:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler process-watchdog normal

scheduler timercheck process

To configure process-level timer validation on a scheduler, and check the timer tree of the process after every context switch of the process Packet Identification number (PID) is configured, use the scheduler timercheck process command in global configuration mode. To disable this configuration, use the no form of this command.

scheduler timercheck process pid

no scheduler timercheck process pid

Syntax Description


PID number in the range is from 1 to 2147483647.

Command Default

The process-level timer validation is not configured on a scheduler.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

Specify the show processes timercheck command after configuring the schedule timercheck process command to display the details of the configuration.


The following example shows how to configure process-level timer validation on a scheduler with a PID value of 5:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler timercheck process 5
Router# show processes timer
System timer check not configured.
Process timer check configuration follows.
PID   Configuration            Name
1     On every context switch. Chunk Manager

scheduler timercheck system context

To configure system-level validation on context switches on a scheduler, and check system level-timers, use the scheduler timercheck system context command in global configuration mode. To disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.

scheduler timercheck system context

no scheduler timercheck system context

Syntax Description

This command has no additional keywords or arguments.

Command Default

The system-level validation on context switches on a scheduler is not configured.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS 15.0(1)M.


The following example shows how to configure system level validation on context switches on a scheduler:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# scheduler timercheck system context


To send messages to one or all terminal lines, use the send command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

send {line-number | * | aux number | console number | log number [msg-ext] | tty number | vty number | xsm [client client-id] message text}

Syntax Description


Line number to which the message will be sent.


Sends a message to all lines.

aux number

Sends a message to the specified auxiliary (AUX) port.

console number

Sends a message to the specified console port.

log number

Logs a message of the specified severity.


Logging message text.

client client-id

(Optional) Sends the message to the specified client. The message is sent to all clients if the client ID is not specified.

message text

Sends a message to XSM client when it is used with the xsm keyword.

tty number

Sends a message to the specified asynchronous line.

vty number

Sends a message to the specified virtual asynchronous line.

xsm client-id

Sends a message to the XML Subscription Manager (XSM) client.

Command Default

No messages are sent.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Priviledged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

After entering the send command, the system prompts for the message to be sent, which can be up to 500 characters long. Press Ctrl-Z to end the message. Press Ctrl-C to terminate this command.


Be aware that in some circumstances text sent using the send command may be interpreted as an executable command by the receiving device. For example, if the receiving device is UNIX workstation, and the receiving device is in a state (shell) where commands can be executed, the incoming text, if it is a properly formatted UNIX command, will be accepted by the workstation as a command. For this reason, you should limit your exposure to potential messages from terminal servers or other Cisco IOS-based devices when running an interactive shell.


The following example shows how to send a message to all lines:

Router# send
Enter message, end with CTRL/Z; abort with CTRL/C:
The system 2509 will be shut down in 10 minutes for repairs.^Z
Send message? [confirm]
*** Message from tty0 to all terminals:
The system 2509 will be shut down in 10 minutes for repairs.

service compress-config

To compress startup configuration files, use the service compress-config command in global configuration mode. To disable compression, use the no form of this command.

service compress-config

no service compress-config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

After you configure the service compress-config command, the router will compress configuration files every time you save a configuration to the startup configuration. For example, when you enter the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config command, the running configuration will be compressed before storage in NVRAM.

If the file compression succeeds, the following message is displayed:

Compressing configuration from configuration-size
 to compressed-size

If the boot ROMs do not recognize a compressed configuration, the following message is displayed:

Boot ROMs do not support NVRAM compression Config NOT written to NVRAM

If the file compression fails, the following message is displayed:

Error trying to compress nvram

One way to determine whether a configuration file will be compressed enough to fit into NVRAM is to use a text editor to enter the configuration, then use the UNIX compress command to check the compressed size. To get a closer approximation of the compression ratio, use the UNIX compress -b12 command.

Once the configuration file has been compressed, the router functions normally. At boot time, the system recognizes that the configuration file is compressed, uncompresses it, and proceeds normally. A partition nvram:startup-config command uncompresses the configuration before displaying it.

To disable compression of the configuration file, enter configuration mode and specify the no service compress-config command. Then, exit global configuration mode and enter the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config command. The router displays an OK message if it is able to write the uncompressed configuration to NVRAM. Otherwise, the router displays an error message indicating that the configuration is too large to store. If the configuration file is larger than the physical NVRAM, the following message is displayed:

##Configuration too large to fit uncompressed in NVRAM Truncate configuration? [confirm]

When the file is truncated, commands at the end of the file are erased. Therefore, you will lose part of your configuration. To truncate and save the configuration, type Y . To not truncate and not save the configuration, type N .


In the following example, the configuration file is compressed:

Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# service compress-config
Router(config)# end
%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Building configuration...
Compressing configuration from 1179 bytes to 674 bytes

service config

To enable autoloading of configuration files from a network server, use the service config command in global configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

service config

no service config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Autoloading of configuration files from a network server is disabled, except on systems without NVRAM or with invalid or incomplete information in NVRAM. In these cases, autoloading of configuration files from a network server is enabled automatically.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Usually, the service config command is used in conjunction with the boot host or boot network command. You must enter the service config command to enable the router to automatically configure the system from the file specified by the boot host or boot network command. With Cisco IOS software Releases 12.3(2)T, 12.3(1)B, and later releases, you no longer have to specify the service config command for the boot host or boot network command to be active. If you specify both the no service config command and the boot host command, the router attempts to find the specified host configuration file. The service config command can also be used without the boot host or boot network command. If you do not specify host or network configuration filenames, the router uses the default configuration files. The default network configuration file is network-confg. The default host configuration file is host-confg, where host is the hostname of the router. If the Cisco IOS software cannot resolve its hostname, the default host configuration file is router-confg.


You must issue the reload command for the service config command to take effect.


In the following example, a router is configured to autoload the default network and host configuration files. Because no boot host or boot network commands are specified, the router uses the broadcast address to request the files from a TFTP server.

Router(config)# service config

The following example changes the network configuration filename to bridge_9.1, specifies that rcp is to be used as the transport mechanism, and gives as the IP address of the server on which the network configuration file resides:

Router(config)# service config
Router(config)# boot network rcp://

service counters max age

To set the time interval for retrieving statistics, use the service counters max age command in global configuration mode. To return to the default settings, use the no form of this command.

service counters max age seconds

no service counters max age

Syntax Description


Specifies the maximum age in seconds to retrieve statistics from the CLI or SNMP. Valid values are from 0 to 60.

Command Default

By default, seconds is 0 seconds.


For the 6500 and 7600 platforms, a different value is set at system initialization.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720 and the Supervisor Engine 2.


This command was modified.

  • The default was changed from 10 seconds to 5 seconds.

  • The valid values for seconds was changed from 1 to 60 seconds to 0 to 60 seconds.


This command was integrated in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

A fully loaded Catalyst 6500 series switch chassis that is running Cisco IOS software version 12.2(18)SXF or its minor variants (SXF through SXF5) takes 1 to 2 minutes to update the SNMP counters maintained under ifTable and ifXTable.

To understand the amount of traffic that a specific port/interface handles, the ifTable/ifXTable is polled. The typical polling interval to meet this is 3 to 5 minutes. There is no advantage if you reduce the polling interval to less than 3 minutes.


If you decrease the time interval for retrieving statistics from the default setting (5 seconds), traffic congestion results in situations where frequent SNMP (SMNP bulk) retrievals occur.


This example shows how to set the time interval for retrieving statistics:

Router(config)# service counters max age 10

This example shows how to return to the default setting:

Router(config)# no service counters max age

service decimal-tty

To specify that line numbers be displayed and interpreted as octal numbers rather than decimal numbers, use the no service decimal-tty command in global configuration mode. To restore the default, use the service decimal-tty command.

service decimal-tty

no service decimal-tty

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Enabled (line numbers displayed as decimal numbers)

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


In the following example, the router is configured to display decimal rather than octal line numbers:

Router(config)# service decimal-tty

service exec-wait

To delay the startup of the EXEC on noisy lines, use the service exec-wait command in global configuration mode. To disable the delay function, use the no form of this command.

service exec-wait

no service exec-wait

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command delays startup of the EXEC until the line has been idle (no traffic seen) for 3 seconds. The default is to enable the line immediately on modem activation.

This command is useful on noisy modem lines or when a modem attached to the line is configured to ignore MNP/V.42 negotiations, and MNP/V.42 modems may be dialing in. In these cases, noise or MNP/V.42 packets may be interpreted as usernames and passwords, causing authentication failure before the user has a chance to type a username or password. The command is not useful on nonmodem lines or lines without some kind of login configured.


The following example delays the startup of the EXEC:

Router(config)# service exec-wait

service finger

The service finger command has been replaced by the ip finger command. However, the service finge r and no service finger commands continue to function to maintain backward compatibility with older versions of Cisco IOS software. Support for this command may be removed in a future release. See the description of the ip finger command for more information.

service hide-telnet-address

To hide addresses while trying to establish a Telnet session, use the service hide-telnet-address command in global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

service hide-telnet-address

no service hide-telnet-address

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Addresses are displayed.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

When you attempt to connect to a device, the router displays addresses and other messages (for example, “Trying router1 (, 2008)...).” With the hide feature, the router suppresses the display of the address (for example, “Trying router1 address #1...”). The router continues to display all other messages that would normally be displayed during a connection attempt, such as detailed error messages if the connection was not successful.

The hide feature improves the functionality of the busy-message feature. When you configure only the busy-message command, the normal messages generated during a connection attempt are not displayed; only the busy-message is displayed. When you use the hide and busy features together you can customize the information displayed during Telnet connection attempts. When you configure the service hide-telnet-address command and the busy-message command, the router suppresses the address and displays the message specified with the busy-message command if the connection attempt is not successful.


The following example hides Telnet addresses:

Router(config)# service hide-telnet-address

service linenumber

To configure the Cisco IOS software to display line number information after the EXEC or incoming banner, use the service linenumber command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

service linenumber

no service linenumber

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

With the service linenumber command, you can have the Cisco IOS software display the host name, line number, and location each time an EXEC process is started, or an incoming connection is made. The line number banner appears immediately after the EXEC banner or incoming banner. This feature is useful for tracking problems with modems, because the host and line for the modem connection are listed. Modem type information can also be included.


In the following example, a user Telnets to Router2 before and after the service linenumber command is enabled. The second time, information about the line is displayed after the banner.

Router1> telnet Router2
Trying Router2 ( Open
Welcome to Router2.
User Access Verification
Router2> enable
Router2# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router2(config)# service linenumber
Router2(config)# end
Router2# logout
[Connection to Router2 closed by foreign host]
Router1> telnet Router2
Trying Router2 ( Open
Welcome to Router2.
Router2 line 10
User Access Verification

service nagle

To enable the Nagle congestion control algorithm, use the service nagle command in global configuration mode. To disable the algorithm, use the no form of this command.

service nagle

no service nagle

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

When using a standard TCP implementation to send keystrokes between machines, TCP tends to send one packet for each keystroke typed. On larger networks, many small packets use up bandwidth and contribute to congestion.

The algorithm developed by John Nagle (RFC 896) helps alleviate the small-packet problem in TCP. In general, it works this way: The first character typed after connection establishment is sent in a single packet, but TCP holds any additional characters typed until the receiver acknowledges the previous packet. Then the second, larger packet is sent, and additional typed characters are saved until the acknowledgment comes back. The effect is to accumulate characters into larger chunks, and pace them out to the network at a rate matching the round-trip time of the given connection. This method is usually effective for all TCP-based traffic. However, do not use the service nagle command if you have XRemote users on X Window system sessions.


The following example enables the Nagle algorithm:

Router(config)# service nagle

service prompt config

To display the configuration prompt (config), use the service prompt config command in global configuration mode. To remove the configuration prompt, use the no form of this command.

service prompt config

no service prompt config

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The configuration prompts appear in all configuration modes.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


In the following example, the no service prompt config command prevents the configuration prompt from being displayed. The prompt is still displayed in EXEC mode. When the service prompt config command is entered, the configuration mode prompt reappears.

Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# no service prompt config
hostname newname
newname# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
service prompt config
newname(config)# hostname Router
Router(config)# end

service sequence-numbers

To enable visible sequence numbering of system logging messages, use the service sequence-numbers command in global configuration mode. To disable visible sequence numbering of logging messages, use the no form of this command.

service sequence-numbers

no service sequence-numbers

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Each system status messages logged in the system logging process have a sequence reference number applied. This command makes that number visible by displaying it with the message. The sequence number is displayed as the first part of the system status message. See the description of the logging commands for information on displaying logging messages.


In the following example logging message sequence numbers are enabled:

.Mar 22 15:28:02 PST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# service sequence-numbers
Router(config)# end
000066: .Mar 22 15:35:57 PST: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

service slave-log

To allow secondary Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) cards to log important error messages to the console, use the service slave-log command in global configuration mode . To disable secondary logging, use the no form of this command.

service slave-log

no service slave-log

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

This command allows secondary slots to log error messages of level 2 or higher (critical, alerts, and emergencies).


In the following example, the router is configured to log important messages from the secondary cards to the console:

Router(config)# service slave-log

The following is sample output generated when this command is enabled:

 IPC-2-NOMEM: No memory available for IPC system initialization

The first line indicates which slot sent the message. The second line contains the error message.

service tcp-keepalives-in

To generate keepalive packets on idle incoming network connections (initiated by the remote host), use the service tcp-keepalives-in command in global configuration mode . To disable the keepalives, use the no form of this command.

service tcp-keepalives-in

no service tcp-keepalives-in

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


In the following example, keepalives on incoming TCP connections are generated:

Router(config)# service tcp-keepalives-in

service tcp-keepalives-out

To generate keepalive packets on idle outgoing network connections (initiated by a user), use the service tcp-keepalives-out command in global configuration mode . To disable the keepalives, use the no form of this command.

service tcp-keepalives-out

no service tcp-keepalives-out

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


In the following example, keepalives on outgoing TCP connections are generated:

Router(config)# service tcp-keepalives-out

service tcp-small-servers

To enable small TCP servers such as the Echo, use the service tcp-small-servers command in global configuration mode. To disable the TCP server, use the no form of this command.

service tcp-small-servers [max-servers number | no-limit]

no service tcp-small-servers [max-servers number | no-limit]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Sets the number of allowable TCP small servers.


(Optional) Maximum number of TCP small servers. Range is 1 to 2147483647.


(Optional) Allows the number of TCP small servers to have no limit.

Command Default

TCP small servers are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

To use the service tcp-small-servers command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper task IDs. If you suspect user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) administrator for assistance.

The TCP small servers consist of three services: Discard (port 9), Echo (port 7), and Chargen (port 19). These services are used to test the TCP transport functionality. The discard server receives data and discards it. The echo server receives data and echoes the same data to the sending host. The chargen server generates a sequence of data and sends it to the remote host.


The following example shows how to enable small TCP servers and set the maximum number of allowable small servers to 14:

 service tcp-small-servers max-servers 14

service telnet-zeroidle

To set the TCP window to zero (0) when the Telnet connection is idle, use the service telnet-zeroidle command in global configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

service telnet-zero-idle

no service telnet-zeroidle

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The TCP window is not set to zero when the the Telnet connection is idle.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.

Usage Guidelines

Normally, data sent to noncurrent Telnet connections is accepted and discarded. When the service telnet-zero-idle command is enabled, if a session is suspended (that is, some other connection is made active or the router is in the privileged EXEC mode), the TCP window is set to zero. This action prevents the remote host from sending any more data until the connection is resumed. Use this command when it is important that all messages sent by the host be seen by the users and the users are likely to use multiple sessions.

Do not use this command if your host will eventually time out and log out a TCP user whose window is zero.


The following example shows how to set the TCP window to zero when the Telnet connection is idle:

Router(config)# service telnet-zeroidle

service timestamps

To configure the system to apply a time stamp to debugging messages or system logging messages, use the service timestamps command in global configuration mode . To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

service timestamps [debug | log] [uptime | datetime [msec]] [localtime] [show-timezone] [year]

no service timestamps [debug | log]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates time-stamping for debugging messages.


(Optional) Indicates time-stamping for system logging messages.


(Optional) Specifies that the time stamp should consist of the time since the system was last rebooted. For example “4w6d” (time since last reboot is 4 weeks and 6 days).

  • This is the default time-stamp format for both debugging messages and logging messages.

  • The format for uptime varies depending on how much time has elapsed:
    • HHHH :MM :SS (HHHH hours: MM minutes: SS seconds) for the first 24 hours
    • D dHH h (D days HH hours) after the first day
    • W wD d (W weeks D days) after the first week


(Optional) Specifies that the time stamp should consist of the date and time.

  • The time-stamp format for datetime is MMM DD HH:MM:SS, where MMM is the month, DD is the date, HH is the hour (in 24-hour notation), MM is the minute, and SS is the second.

  • If the datetime keyword is specified, you can optionally add the msec localtime , show-timezone , or year keywords.

  • If the service timestamps datetime command is used without addtional keywords, time stamps will be shown using UTC, without the year, without milliseconds, and without a time zone name.


(Optional) Includes milliseconds in the time stamp, in the format HH: DD: MM: SS. mmm , where .mmm is milliseconds


(Optional) Time stamp relative to the local time zone.


(Optional) Include the year in the date-time format.


(Optional) Include the time zone name in the time stamp.



If the localtime keyword option is not used (or if the local time zone has not been configured using the clock timezone command), time will be displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Command Default

Time stamps are applied to debug and logging messages.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


Service time stamps are enabled by default.


The year keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB.

Usage Guidelines

Time stamps can be added to either debugging messages (service timestamp debug ) or logging messages (service timestamp log ) independently.

If the service timestamps command is specified with no arguments or keywords, the default is service timestamps debug uptime .

The no service timestamps command by itself disables time stamps for both debug and log messages.

The uptime form of the command adds time stamps (such as “2w3d”) that indicating the time since the system was rebooted. The datetime form of the command adds time stamps (such as “Sep 5 2002 07:28:20”) that indicate the date and time according to the system clock.

Entering the service timestamps {debug | log } command a second time will overwrite any previously configured service timestamp {debug | log } commands and associated options.

To set the local time zone, use the clock timezone zonehours-offset command in global configuration mode.

The time stamp will be preceeded by an asterisk or period if the time is potentially inaccurate. The table below describes the symbols that proceed the time stamp.

Table 1. Time-Stamping Symbols for syslog Messages





Time is authoritative: the software clock is in sync or has just been set manually

15:29:03.158 UTC Tue Feb 25 2003:


Time is not authoritative: the software clock has not been set, or is not in sync with configured Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers.

*15:29:03.158 UTC Tue Feb 25 2003:


Time is authoritative, but the NTP is not synchronized: the software clock was in sync, but has since lost contact with all configured NTP servers.

.15:29:03.158 UTC Tue Feb 25 2003:


In the following example, the router begins with time-stamping disabled. Then, the default time-stamping is enabled (uptime time stamps applied to debug output). Then, the default time-stamping for logging is enabled (uptime time stamps applied to logging output).

Router# show running-config | include time
no service timestamps debug uptime
no service timestamps log uptime
Router# config terminal
Router(config)# service timestamps
! issue the show running-config command in config mode using  do  Router(config)# do show running-config | inc time
! shows that debug timestamping is enabled, log timestamping is disabled  
service timestamps debug uptime
no service timestamps log uptime
! enable timestamps for logging messages  
Router(config)# service timestamps log 
Router(config)# do show run | inc time
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
Router(config)# service sequence-numbers
Router(config)# end
000075: 5w0d: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
! The following is a level 5 system logging message  
! The leading number comes from the  service sequence-numbers command.  
! 4w6d indicates the timestamp of 4 weeks, 6 days 000075: 4w6d: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

In the following example, the user enables time-stamping on logging messages using the current time and date in Coordinated Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time (UTC/GMT), and enables the year to be shown.

! The following line shows the timestamp with uptime (1 week 0 days)  
1w0d: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router(config)# service timestamps log datetime show-timezone
Router(config)# end
! The following line shows the timestamp with datetime (11:13 PM March 22nd)  
.Mar 22 2004 23:13:25 UTC: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

The following example shows the change from UTC to local time:

Router# configure terminal
! Logging output can be quite long; first changing line width to show ful l 
! logging message  
Router(config)# line 0
Router(config-line)# width 180
Router(config-line)# logging synchronous
Router(config-line)# end
! Timestamping already enabled for logging messages; time shown in UTC.  
Oct 13 23:20:05 UTC: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
Router# show clock
23:20:53.919 UTC Wed Oct 13 2004
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with the end command. 
! Timezone set as Pacific Standard Time, with an 8 hour offset from UTC  
Router(config)# clock timezone PST -8
Oct 13 23:21:27 UTC: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: 
System clock has been updated from 23:21:27 UTC Wed Oct 13 2004 
to 15:21:27 PST Wed Oct 13 2004, configured from console by console.
! Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) configured to start in April and end in October.  
! Default offset is +1 hour.  
Router(config)# clock summer-time PDT recurring first Sunday April 2:00 last Sunday October 2:00 
! Time changed from 3:22 P.M. Pacific Standard Time (15:22 PST)
! to 4:22 P.M. Pacific Daylight (16:22 PDT)
Oct 13 23:22:09 UTC: %SYS-6-CLOCKUPDATE: 
System clock has been updated from 15:22:09 PST Wed Oct 13 2004 
to 16:22:09 PDT Wed Oct 13 2004, configured from console by console.
! Change the timestamp to show the local time and timezone.  
Router(config)# service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone
Router(config)# end
Oct 13 16:23:19 PDT: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console 
Router# show clock
16:23:58.747 PDT Wed Oct 13 2004 
Router# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with the end command. 
Router(config)# service sequence-numbers
Router(config)# end

In the following example, the service timestamps log datetime command is used to change previously configured options for the date-time time stamp.

Router(config)# service timestamps log datetime localtime show-timezone 
Router(config)# end 
! The year is not displayed.  
Oct 13 15:44:46 PDT: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console 
Router# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with the end command.
Router(config)# service timestamps log datetime show-timezone year
Router(config)# end
! note: because the 
localtime option was not specified again, that option is
! removed from the output, and time is displayed in UTC (the default)
Oct 13 2004 22:45:31 UTC: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console

service udp-small-servers

To enable small User Datagram Protocol (UDP) servers such as the Echo, use the service udp-small-servers command in global configuration mode. To disable the UDP server, use the no form of this command.

service udp-small-servers [max-servers number | no-limit]

no service udp-small-servers [max-servers number | no-limit]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Sets the number of allowable UDP small servers.


(Optional) Maximum number of UDP small servers. Range is 1 to 2147483647.


(Optional) Allows the number of TCP small servers to have no limit.

Command Default

UDP small servers are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper task IDs. If you suspect user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) administrator for assistance.

The UDP small servers currently consist of three services: Discard (port 9), Echo (port 7), and Chargen (port 19). These services are used to test the UDP transport functionality. The discard server receives data and discards it. The echo server receives data and echoes the same data to the sending host. The chargen server generates a sequence of data and sends it to the remote host.


The following example shows how to enable small UDP servers and set the maximum number of allowable small servers to 10:

 service udp-small-servers max-servers 10

service-module apa traffic-management

To configure traffic management on the router, use the service-module apa traffic-management command in interface configuration mode.

service-module apa traffic-management [monitor | inline]

Syntax Description


Enables promiscuous monitoring.


Enables inline monitoring.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History




This command was introduced for the NME-APA on Cisco 2811, 2821, 2851, and Cisco 3800 Series Integrated Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

To perform traffic management, you enable or disable the flow of packets by configuring the service module interface and the router interface.

  • Configure the router interface with the service-module apa traffic-management [monitor | inline] command.

Two traffic management options are available:

    • Monitor--will copy the packet and designate the copy as the one forwarded to the Application Performance Assurance module (NME-APA).
    • Inline--will send the packet to the NME-APA, rather than sending a copy of the packet. After the NME-APA has processes the packet, it sends it back to the router.


Enable only one traffic management option on the router, but not both concurrently.

  • Configure the service module interface with the Application Performance Assurance (APA) graphical user interface (GUI). See the Cisco Application Performance Assurance User Guide for details.


The following example configures an interface on a Cisco 2851 Integrated Services Router for inline traffic management.

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# service-module apa traffic-management inline
Router(config-if)# exit


service-module wlan-ap bootimage

To configure the boot image on the service module, use the service-module wlan-ap bootimage command in privileged EXEC mode.

service-module wlan-ap interface number bootimage [autonomous | unified]

Syntax Description

interface number

The interface number for the wireless device. Always use 0.


Autonomous software image.


Upgrade image with Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP).

Command Default

Autonomous software image

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



12.4(20) T

This command was introduced for wireless-enabled Cisco 880 Series and Cisco 890 Series Integrated Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

When running the advanced IP services feature set on either Cisco 880 Series routers or Cisco 890 Series routers, use the service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage unified command to enable the Cisco unified software upgrade image on the embedded wireless access point. After enabling the unified image, use the service-module wlan-ap 0 reload command to perform a graceful shutdown and reboot of the access point.


The service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage command does not support recovery images on the embedded access point. Use the service-module wlan-ap 0 reload command to shutdown and reboot the access point.

Cisco 880 Series and Cisco 890 Series routers with embedded access point running the unified software image require DHCP to obtain an IP address for the access point. An IP address is needed to communicate with the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) and to download its image upon boot up. The host router can provide DHCP server functionality through the DHCP pool to reach the WLC, and setup option 43 for the controller IP address in the DHCP pool configuration.

Use the following guideline to setup a DHCP pool on the host router.

ip dhcp pool embedded-ap-pool
    default router
    option 43 hex f104.0a0a.0a0f  /* Single WLC IP address ( in HEX format */
int vlan 1  /* Default Vlan */
ip address
int Wlan-GigabitEthernet0 /* internal switch-port to AP */
switchport access vlan 1


The following example upgrades the embedded access point image from autonomous to unified.

Router#configure terminal
Router(config)#service-module wlan-ap 0 bootimage unified
 *Jan 18 05:31:58.172: %WLAN_AP_SM-6-UNIFIED_IMAGE: Embedded AP will change boot image to mini-IOS also called LWAPP recovery Please check router config to ensure connectivity between WLC and AP. Use service-module wlan-ap 0 reload to bootup mini-IOS image on AP
*Jan 18 05:32:04.136: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console Router#service-module wlan-ap 0 reload
 Reload will save AP config....
Do you want to proceed with reload?[confirm] Trying to reload Service Module wlan-ap0.
Service Module saved config, start reset.
Received reload request from router
Saving configuration...
Building configuration...

service-module wlan-ap reload

To perform a graceful shutdown and reboot of the service module use the service-module wlan-ap reload command in privileged EXEC mode.

service-module wlan-ap interface number reload

Syntax Description

interface number

The interface number for the wireless device. Always use 0.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for wireless-enabled Cisco 860, 880, and 890 Integrated Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Autonomous Mode

At the confirmation prompt, press Enter to confirm the action, or press n to cancel.


When running in autonomous mode, the reload command saves the configuration before rebooting. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the following message displays: Failed to save service module configuration.

Unified Mode

The service module reload command is usually handled by the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC).


When running in Unified mode, the reload command will produce the following message: The embedded wireless device is in Unified mode. Reload/reset is normally handled by WLC controller. Still want to proceed? [yes]


The following examples show a graceful shut down and reboot of the service module:


Router# service-module wlan-ap0 reload
Do you want to proceed with reload?[confirm]
Router# reload 
Do you want to reload the internal AP ? [yes/no]:
Do you want to save the configuration of the AP ? [yes/no]:
System configuration has been modified. Save [yes/no]:
Proceed with reload? [confirm]


Router# service-module wlan-ap0 reload
The embedded AP is in Unified mode. Reload/reset is normally handled by WLC controller. 
Still want to proceed? [yes]
Router# reload
The embedded AP is in Unified mode. Reload/reset is normally handled by WLC controller.
Do you want to reload the internal AP [yes/no]:
System configuration has been modified. Save [yes/no]:
Proceed with reload [Confirm]

service-module wlan-ap reset

To reset the service module hardware, software, and configuration, use the service-module wlan-ap reset command in privileged EXEC mode.

service-module wlan-ap interface number reset [bootloader | default-config]

Syntax Description

interface number

The interface number for the wireless device. Always use 0.


Resets the wireless device to the bootloader for manual image recovery.


Resets the wireless device to the factory default configuration.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for wireless-enabled Cisco 860, 880, and 890 Integrated Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

At the confirmation prompt, press Enter to confirm the action, or press n to cancel.


Because you may lose data, use the service-module wlan-ap reset command only to recover from a shutdown or failed state.


The following example resets a wireless device on a router that is operating in either autonomous mode or LWAPP mode:


Router# service-module wlan-ap0 reset
Use reset only to recover from shutdown or failed state.


Router# service-module wlan-ap0 reset
The embedded device is in LWAPP mode. Reload/reset is normally handled by WLC controller. 
Still want to proceed? [yes]


The following example resets the wireless device to the default configuration.

Router#service-module wlan-ap 0 reset default-config


The following example resets the wireless device down to the bootloader level for manual image recovery.

Router#service-module wlan-ap0 reset bootloader

service-module wlan-ap session

To begin a configuration session with a service module through a console connection use the service-module wlan-ap session command in privileged EXEC mode.

service-module wlan-ap interface number session [clear | disconnect]

Syntax Description

interface number

The interface number for the wireless device. Always use 0.


(Optional) Clears the wireless device configuration session.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for wireless-enabled Cisco 860, 880, and 890 Integrated Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Only one session is allowed at a time into the wireless device from a router console-port connection. After starting a session, perform configuration tasks on the wireless device. You first access the router in a user-level shell. To access the privileged EXEC command shell, where most commands are available, use the enable command.

When you finish configuring the device, and would like to exit the console session, type Ctrl-Shift 6x to return to the router’s console. Type service-module wlan-ap session clear or disconnect to close the session with the device. At the confirmation prompt, press Enter twice to confirm the action or n to cancel.


If you do not clear or disconnect the session on the service module, it will remain open in the background after you return to the router's console prompt. When the session is open in the background, pressing Enter will toggle you back to the wireless device prompt.


The following example shows a session being opened on a service-module in an ISR:

Router# service-module wlan-ap 0 session
Trying, 2002 ... Open

The following example clears the session on the service-module in the ISR:

Router#service-module wlan-ap 0 session clear

service-module wlan-ap statistics

To display reset and reload information for a service module and its operating system software, use the service-module wlan-ap statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

service-module wlan-ap interface number statistics

Syntax Description

interface number

The interface number for the wireless device. Always use 0.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for wireless-enabled Cisco 860, 880, and 890 Integrated Services Routers.


The following example displays information for wireless-enabled Cisco ISRs:

Router#service-module wlan-ap 0 statistics 
Module Reset Statistics:
  CLI reset count = 0
  CLI reload count = 1
  Registration request timeout reset count = 0
  Error recovery timeout reset count = 0
  Module registration count = 10
The last IOS initiated event was a cli reload at *04:27:32.041 UTC Fri Mar 8 2007

service-module wlan-ap status

To display configuration information related to hardware and software on the service module, use the service-module wlan-ap status command in privileged EXEC mode.

service-module wlan-ap interface number status

Syntax Description

interface number

The interface number for the wireless device. Aways use 0.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced for wireless-enabled Cisco 860, 880, and 890 Integrated Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use the service-module wlan-ap status command to

  • Display the wireless device’s software release version

  • Check the wireless device’s status (steady or down)

  • Display hardware information for the wireless device, including image, memory, interface, and system uptime


The following example displays information for the wireless device on a Cisco Integrated Services Router:

Router#service-module wlan-ap 0 status

Service Module is Cisco wlan-ap0
Service Module supports session via TTY line 2
Service Module is in Steady state
Service Module reset on error is disabled
Getting status from the Service Module, please wait..
Image path = flash:c8xx_19xx_ap-k9w7-mx.acregr/c8xx_19xx_ap-k9w7-mx.acre
System uptime = 0 days, 4 hours, 28 minutes, 5 seconds
Router#d was introduced for embedded wireless LAN access points on Cisco 860 and 880 Series Integrated Services Routers.

session slot

To open a session with a module (for example, the Multilayer Switch Module (MSM), Network Analysis Module (NAM), or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)), use the session slot command in EXEC mode.

session slot mod processor processor-id

Syntax Description


Slot number.

processor processor-id

Specifies the processor ID.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes


Command History




Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

To end the session, enter the quit command.

This command allows you to use the module-specific CLI.


This example shows how to open a session with an MSM (module 4):

Router# session slot 4 processor 2

set memory debug incremental starting-time

To set the current time as the starting time for incremental analysis, use the set memory debug incremental starting-time command in privileged EXEC mode.

set memory debug incremental starting-time [none]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Resets the defined start time for incremental analysis.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

For incremental analysis, a starting point can be defined by using the set memory debug incremental starting-time command. When a starting time is set, only memory allocated after that starting time will be considered for reporting as leaks.


The following example shows the command used to set the starting time for incremental analysis to the time when the command was issued:

Router# set memory debug incremental starting-time


To enter Setup mode, use the setup command in privileged EXEC mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Setup mode gives you the option of configuring your system without using the Cisco IOS Command Line Interface (CLI). For some tasks, you may find it easier to use Setup than to enter Cisco IOS commands individually. For example, you might want to use Setup to add a protocol suite, to make major addressing scheme changes, or to configure a newly installed interface. Although you can use the CLI to make these changes, Setup provides you with a high-level view of the configuration and guides you through the configuration process.

If you are not familiar with Cisco products and the CLI, Setup is a particularly valuable tool because it prompts you for the specific information required to configure your system.


If you use the Setup mode to modify a configuration because you have added or modified the hardware, be sure to verify the physical connections using the show version EXEC command. Also, verify the logical port assignments using the show running-config EXEC command to ensure that you configure the correct port. Refer to the hardware documentation for your platform for more information on physical and logical port assignments.

Before using the Setup mode, you should have the following information so that you can configure the system properly:

  • Which interfaces you want to configure

  • Which routing protocols you wish to enable

  • Whether the router is to perform bridging

  • Network addresses for the protocols being configured

  • Password strategy for your environment

When you enter the setup EXEC command after first-time startup, an interactive dialog called the System Configuration Dialog appears on the system console screen. The System Configuration Dialog guides you through the configuration process. It prompts you first for global parameters and then for interface parameters. The values shown in brackets next to each prompt reflect either the default settings or the last configured setting.

The prompts and the order in which they appear on the screen vary depending on the platform and the interfaces installed in the device.

You must progress through the System Configuration Dialog until you come to the item that you intend to change. To accept default settings for items that you do not want to change, press the Return or Enter key. The default choice is indicated by square brackets (for example, [yes]) before the prompt colon (:).

To exit Setup mode and return to privileged EXEC mode without making changes and without progressing through the entire System Configuration Dialog, press Ctrl -C

The facility also provides help text for each prompt. To access help text, press the question mark (? ) key at a prompt.

When you complete your changes, the system will automatically display the configuration file that was created during the Setup session. It also asks you if you want to use this configuration. If you answer Yes, the configuration is saved to NVRAM as the startup configuration file. If you answer No, the configuration is not saved and the process begins again. There is no default for this prompt; you must answer either Yes or No.


The following example displays the setup command facility to configure serial interface 0 and to add ARAP and IP/IPX PPP support on the asynchronous interfaces:

Router# setup
         --- System Configuration Dialog
At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.
Use ctrl-c to 
abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.
Continue with configuration dialog? [yes]: 
First, would you like to see the current 
interface summary? [yes]: 
Interface          IP-Address      OK?  Method    Status                 Protocol
Ethernet0     YES  manual    up                     up      
Serial0            unassigned      YES  not set   administratively down  down    
Serial1       YES  not set   up                     up    
Configuring global parameters:
  Enter host name [Router]: 
The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret used
instead of the enable password when it exists.
  Enter enable secret [<Use current secret>]: 

The enable password is used when there is no enable secret
and when using older software and some boot images.

  Enter enable password [ww]: 
  Enter virtual terminal password [ww]: 
  Configure SNMP Network Management? [yes]: 
    Community string [public]: 
  Configure DECnet? [no]: 
  Configure AppleTalk? [yes]: 
    Multizone networks? [no]: yes
  Configure IPX? [yes]: 
  Configure IP? [yes]: 
    Configure IGRP routing? [yes]: 
      Your IGRP autonomous system number [15]: 
  Configure Async lines? [yes]: 
    Async line speed [9600]: 57600
    Configure for HW flow control? [yes]: 
    Configure for modems? [yes/no]: yes
      Configure for default chat script? [yes]: no
    Configure for Dial-in IP SLIP/PPP access? [no]: yes
      Configure for Dynamic IP addresses? [yes]: no
      Configure Default IP addresses? [no]: yes
      Configure for TCP Header Compression? [yes]: no
      Configure for routing updates on async links? [no]: 
    Configure for Async IPX? [yes]: 
    Configure for Appletalk Remote Access? [yes]: 
      AppleTalk Network for ARAP clients [1]: 20
      Zone name for ARAP clients [ARA Dialins]: 
Configuring interface parameters:
Configuring interface Ethernet0:
  Is this interface in use? [yes]: 
  Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: 
    IP address for this interface []: 
    Number of bits in subnet field [8]: 
    Class B network is, 8 subnet bits; mask is /24
  Configure AppleTalk on this interface? [yes]: 
    Extended AppleTalk network? [yes]: 
    AppleTalk starting cable range [1]: 
    AppleTalk ending cable range [1]: 
    AppleTalk zone name [Sales]: 
    AppleTalk additional zone name: 
  Configure IPX on this interface? [yes]: 
    IPX network number [1]: 
Configuring interface Serial0:
  Is this interface in use? [no]: yes
  Configure IP on this interface? [no]: yes
  Configure IP unnumbered on this interface? [no]: yes
    Assign to which interface [Ethernet0]: 
  Configure AppleTalk on this interface? [no]: yes
    Extended AppleTalk network? [yes]: 
    AppleTalk starting cable range [2]: 3
    AppleTalk ending cable range [3]: 3
    AppleTalk zone name [myzone]: ZZ Serial
    AppleTalk additional zone name: 
  Configure IPX on this interface? [no]: yes
    IPX network number [2]: 3
Configuring interface Serial1:
  Is this interface in use? [yes]: 
  Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: 
  Configure IP unnumbered on this interface? [yes]: 
    Assign to which interface [Ethernet0]: 
  Configure AppleTalk on this interface? [yes]: 
    Extended AppleTalk network? [yes]: 
    AppleTalk starting cable range [2]: 
    AppleTalk ending cable range [2]: 
    AppleTalk zone name [ZZ Serial]: 
    AppleTalk additional zone name: 
  Configure IPX on this interface? [yes]: 
    IPX network number [2]: 
Configuring interface Async1: 
    IPX network number [4]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface [none]: 
Configuring interface Async2:
    IPX network number [5]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async3:
    IPX network number [6]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async4:
    IPX network number [7]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async5:
    IPX network number [8]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async6:
    IPX network number [9]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async7:
    IPX network number [A]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async8:
    IPX network number [B]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async9:
    IPX network number [C]:  
    Default client IP address for this interface []:  
Configuring interface Async10:
    IPX network number [D]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async11:
    IPX network number [E]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async12:
    IPX network number [F]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async13:
    IPX network number [10]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async14:
    IPX network number [11]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async15:
    IPX network number [12]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []: 
Configuring interface Async16: 
    IPX network number [13]: 
    Default client IP address for this interface []:  
The following configuration command script was created:
hostname Router
enable secret 5 $1$krIg$emfYm/1OwHVspDuS8Gy0K1
enable password ww
line vty 0 4
password ww
snmp-server community public
no decnet routing
appletalk routing
ipx routing
ip routing
line 1 16
speed 57600
flowcontrol hardware
modem inout
arap network 20 ARA Dialins
line 1 16
arap enable
! Turn off IPX to prevent network conflicts.
interface Ethernet0
no ipx network
interface Serial0
no ipx network
interface Serial1
no ipx network
interface Ethernet0
ip address
appletalk cable-range 1-1 1.204
appletalk zone Sales
ipx network 1
no mop enabled
interface Serial0
no shutdown
no ip address
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
appletalk cable-range 3-3
appletalk zone ZZ Serial
ipx network 3
no mop enabled
interface Serial1
no ip address
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
appletalk cable-range 2-2 2.2
appletalk zone ZZ Serial
ipx network 2
no mop enabled
Interface Async1
ipx network 4
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async2
ipx network 5
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async3
ipx network 6
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async4
ipx network 7
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
async dynamic address
Interface Async5
ipx network 8
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async6
ipx network 9
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async7
ipx network A
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async8
ipx network B
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async9
ipx network C
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async10
ipx network D
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async11
ipx network E
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async12
ipx network F
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async13
ipx network 10
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async14
ipx network 11
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async15
ipx network 12
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
Interface Async16
ipx network 13
ip unnumbered Ethernet0
peer default ip address
async mode interactive
router igrp 15
Use this configuration? [yes/no]: yes
Building configuration...
Use the enabled mode 'configure' command to modify this configuration. 