Zero Touch Auto-IP

The Zero touch Auto-IP feature enables automatic allocation and configuration of IP addresses for nodes in a ring topology. The IP addresses are allocated from a pool of IP addresses that is predefined by you.

The advantages of Zero Touch Auto-IP over Auto-IP are:

  • IP addresses can be configured automatically on ring nodes. Manual IP address configuration is not required on each node.

  • IP addresses are allocated from a common IP address pool, and the IP address range can be predefined by you.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Zero Touch Auto-IP

  • Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) must be enabled on all the Auto-IP ring device ports.
  • In an Auto-IP ring, you must identify one Auto-IP device as an Auto-IP server.
  • None of the ports identified to be part of the Zero Touch Auto-IP ring should be manually configured with the Auto-IP functionality. If a port that is identified for Zero touch Auto-IP configuration has a manual Auto-IP configuration, disable the manual Auto-IP configuration on that port.

Restrictions for Zero Touch Auto-IP

  • Zero Touch Auto-IP and Auto-IP cannot coexist. To implement Zero Touch Auto-IP functionality, all the ports of the Auto-IP ring have to be configured as Zero Touch Auto-IP ports.
  • Zero Touch Auto-IP works if the designated Auto-IP server is in an autonomic network.

Information About Zero Touch Auto-IP

The Zero Touch Auto-IP feature uses Autonomic Networking and Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) to achieve the objective of automatic IP address configuration on nodes in a ring network.

Consider the topology for Zero Touch Auto-IP configuration. The devices R1, R2, R3 and R4 are connected in a ring network and LLDP is enabled on all the ring ports.

Figure 1. Zero Touch Auto-IP Topology

To know about and configure the Zero touch Auto-IP functionality, use the information given below:

  1. Associate one device in the ring network (say R1) to the autonomic network. Enable autonomic status for the other Auto-IP devices. For more information on autonomic networks, refer Autonomic Networking.

    R1(config)# autonomic registrar
    R1(config-registrar)# domain-id
    R1(config-registrar)# no shutdown
    R1(config-registrar)# CA local
    R1(config-registrar)# exit
    R1(config)# autonomic
    R2(config)# autonomic
    R3(config)# autonomic
    R4(config)# autonomic

    Note that R1 is configured on the registrar and receives a certificate. The remaining devices are configured as autonomic devices.

  2. Enable the auto mode on all the ports in the ring to enable automatic IP address configuration. Auto mode must be enabled on the e0/0 and e0/1 ports on R1, R2, R3 and R4. For ports of the same device, the ring ID must be identical.

    Device(config-if)# auto-ip-ring 1 ipv4-auto
  3. Configure the device added to the autonomic network (R1) as the Auto-IP server. The server stores a pool of IP addresses.

    R1(config)# auto-ip-ring server 
  4. Reserve a pool of IP addresses on the Auto-IP server for IP address allocation to the ring ports.


    In Zero Touch and manual Auto-IP configuration, a /31 subnet is created for a pair of owner and nonowner ports (each device will have a owner and non owner port). An odd-numbered IP address (such as is issued to an owner port and an even-numbered IP address ( is reserved for a nonowner port. Therefore, specify the first IP address in the range along with the number of devices (or /31 subnets) that make up the Auto-IP ring

    R1(config-auto-ip-server)# ipv4-address-pool 6 

    Result—A range of IP addresses from to is allocated for the Auto-IP ring. The Auto-IP server is added to the autonomic network and is reachable by other nodes in the autonomic network.


    IP addresses for six devices will be reserved (though the requirement is for four devices); the additional IP addresses will be allocated when you add new devices to the ring.

  5. Auto-IP negotiation process— IP addresses are allocated to the Auto-IP ring nodes through a negotiation process. To initiate the process, configure one port as the seed port in the Auto-IP ring.

    R1(config-if)# auto-ip-ring 1 ipv4-seed 
    The negotiation process is explained below:
    1. The priority of the seed port (a port on R1, for example) is set to 2 and it is made an owner port. An IP address from the reserved pool is configured on the port.

    2. The seed port advertises its priority (2) to its connected neighbor, and makes the neighbor port a non owner. The seed port assigns an IP address to the neighbor port and the neighbor port's priority is changed to 0.

    3. Each owner port in the ring gets an IP address from the Auto IP server. The owner port, in turn, assigns an IP address to the connected neighbor port.

  6. Auto-IP communication—After initial configuration, each owner port sends periodic messages to the Auto-IP server to continue preserving its IP address. If there is no message from the owner port to the Auto-IP server for 15 minutes, the server moves the IP address to the pool of free IP addresses.
The following are some points to keep in mind in the context of Zero Touch Auto-IP configuration:
  • LLDP has to be enabled on all the Auto-IP ring ports before Auto-IP configuration.
  • Before you insert a new interface into the ring, configure auto mode on the ring ports.
  • For Zero Touch Auto-IP configuration, the number of devices (or /31 subnets) that make up the Auto-IP ring must be between 1 and 128.
  • When you specify a pool of IP addresses, ensure that IP addresses in the specified range are not already in use.
  • Ensure that you reserve some additional IP addresses for the Auto-IP ring, in case more devices are added to the ring topology at a later point in time.
  • The starting IP address used for the Auto-IP address pool reservation must be an even number. For example, is a valid IP address but is not.
  • If you remove a device from an Auto-IP ring, the Auto-IP addresses are released back to the Auto-IP server.

How to Configure Zero Touch Auto-IP

Associating an Auto-IP Server with an Autonomic Network

The Auto-IP server (R1) must be associated with the autonomic network, and configured in the Autonomic Network registrar. The other devices in the network (R2, R3, and R4) must be enabled with the autonomic status.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    autonomic registrar

    4.    domain-id

    5.    no shutdown

    6.    CA local

    7.    exit

    8.    autonomic

    9.    autonomic

    10.    autonomic

    11.    autonomic

    12.    exit

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    R1> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.

    Step 2 configure terminal

    R1# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 autonomic registrar

    R1(config)# autonomic registrar

    Enables the Auto-IP server in the Autonomic Network registrar and enters registrar configuration mode.

    Step 4 domain-id

    R1(config-registrar)# domain-id
    Represents a common group of all devices registering with the registrar.

    If R1 is configured on the AN registrar, then R1 represents the Auto-IP ring devices R2, R3, and R4.

    Step 5 no shutdown

    R1(config-registrar)# no shutdown

    Enables the autonomic registrar.

    Step 6 CA local

    R1(config-registrar)# CA local

    Issues a Local CA certificate to the Auto-IP server.

    Step 7 exit

    R1(config-registrar)# exit

    Exits registrar configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

    Step 8 autonomic

    R1(config)# autonomic

    Configures the Auto-IP server as an autonomic device.


    You should associate the remaining devices (R2, R3, and R4) in the Auto-IP ring with the autonomic network, as given in the next few steps.

    Step 9 autonomic

    R2(config)# autonomic

    Configures R2 as an autonomic device.

    Step 10 autonomic

    R3(config)# autonomic

    Configures R3 as an autonomic device.

    Step 11 autonomic

    R4(config)# autonomic

    Configures R4 as an autonomic device.

    Step 12 exit

    Device(config)# exit

    Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.

    What to Do Next

    Enable auto mode on Auto-IP ring ports

    Enabling Auto Mode on Auto-IP Ring Ports

    Before You Begin

    Identify the ports that will be part of the Auto-IP ring. Remember that you must enable Auto mode on all the ports in an Auto-IP ring.


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    lldp run

      4.    interface type number

      5.    auto-ip-ring ring-id ipv4-auto

      6.    exit

      7.    Repeat steps to configure auto mode on each Auto-IP ring port.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.

      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 lldp run

      Device(config)# lldp run

      Enables Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) for the device.

      Step 4 interface type number

      Device(config)# interface ethernet 0/0 

      Specifies an interface type and number, and enters interface configuration mode.

      Step 5 auto-ip-ring ring-id ipv4-auto

      Device(config-if)# auto-ip-ring 1 ipv4-auto

      Configures auto mode on the Auto-IP ring port.

      Step 6 exit

      Device(config-if)# exit

      Exits interface configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

      Step 7Repeat steps to configure auto mode on each Auto-IP ring port.  


      What to Do Next

      Configure an Auto-IP server and reserve a pool of IP addresses for the Auto-IP ring ports.

      Configuring an Auto-IP Server and Reserving a Pool of IP Addresses on the Server

      Before You BeginEnsure that all ports of the ring are identified and auto mode is enabled on the ports.

        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    auto-ip-ring server

        4.    ipv4-address-pool auto-ipv4-address number-of-subnets

        5.    exit

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        • Enter your password if prompted.

        Step 2 configure terminal

        Device# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 3 auto-ip-ring server

        Device(config)# auto-ip-ring server 

        Configures the device as an Auto-IP server and enters Auto-IP server configuration mode.

        Step 4 ipv4-address-pool auto-ipv4-address number-of-subnets

        Device(config-auto-ip-server)# ipv4-address-pool 6

        Reserves a pool of IP addresses on the Auto-IP server.

        The number of subnets should, at a minimum, be the total number of owner ports or devices in the ring. The odd-numbered IP addresses are assigned to the owner ports, and each non owner port fetches its IP address from the owner port through LLDP

        Step 5 exit

        Device(config-auto-ip-server)# exit

        Exits Auto-IP server configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

        What to Do Next

        Configure a seed port to start the Auto-IP negotiation process.

        Configuring a Seed Port

        Before You Begin

        Ensure all the Auto-IP ports are in auto mode, and a pool of IP addresses is reserved for the Auto-IP ports.


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    interface type number

          4.    auto-ip-ring ring-id ipv4-seed

          5.    exit

          6.    end

          7.    show auto-ip-ring [ring-id][detail]

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.

          Step 2 configure terminal

          Device# configure terminal

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 3 interface type number

          Device(config)# interface ethernet 0/1 

          Specifies an interface type and number, and enters interface configuration mode.

          Step 4 auto-ip-ring ring-id ipv4-seed

          Device(config-if)# auto-ip-ring 1 ipv4-seed

          Designates the port as the seed port and initiates the Auto-IP negotiation process.

          Step 5 exit

          Device(config-if)# exit

          Exits interface configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

          Step 6 end

          Device(config-if)# end

          Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

          Step 7 show auto-ip-ring [ring-id][detail]

          Device# show auto-ip-ring 4 detail

          Displays auto-IP information.

          What to Do Next

          Verify if the IP addresses have been configured.

          Verifying and Troubleshooting Zero Touch Auto-IP

          Perform this task to verify Zero touch Auto-IP functions.


          The commands are not in any specific order.


            1.    enable

            2.    show auto-ip-ring [ring-id][detail]

            3.    show autonomic service

            4.    show autonomic device

            5.    show autonomic neighbors

            6.    debug auto-ip-ring {ring-id {errors | events} |errors | events}

            Step 1   enable

            Enables privileged EXEC mode.

            Device> enable
            Step 2   show auto-ip-ring [ring-id][detail]

            This command displays Auto-IP ring information for a specific device or Auto-IP ring. The sample output given below displays two ports representing a ring, their IP addresses, and the connected ports and IP addresses (neighboring port information is denoted by Rx).

            Device# show auto-ip-ring 1
            Auto-IP ring 1
             Auto-IP Address          :
             Ring Port0               : Ethernet0/1
             My Current-IP            :
             My Priority              : 2
             Rx Auto-IP Address       :
             Rx Current-IP            :
             Rx-Priority              : 0
             Ring Port1               : Ethernet0/0
             My Current-IP            :
             My Priority              : 0
             Rx Auto-IP Address       : 
             Rx Current-IP            :
             Rx-Priority              : 2
            Step 3   show autonomic service

            The following is sample output from this command, and it displays autonomic services configured on a device connected to an autonomic network.

            Device# show autonomic service
            Service                        IP-Addr
            Autonomic registrar            FD53:EE55:A541:0:AABB:CC00:100:1
            ANR type                       IOS CA
            Auto IP Server                 FD53:EE55:A541:0:AABB:CC00:100:1
            Step 4   show autonomic device

            The following is sample output from this command, and it displays autonomic network configuration credentials for a device that is connected to the autonomic network. Details like unique identifier (UDI), device identifier (Device ID), associated domain (Domain ID), and so on, are displayed.

            Device# show autonomic device
                    UDI                            PID:Unix SN:655773698
                    Device ID                      aabb.cc00.0100-2
                    Domain ID            
                    Domain Certificate             (sub:) SN:655773698,cn=aabb.cc00.0100-2
                    Certificate Serial Number      03
                    Device Address                 FD53:EE55:A541:0:AABB:CC00:100:2
                    Domain Cert is Valid    
            Step 5   show autonomic neighbors

            The following is sample output from this command, and it displays autonomic configuration details of connected, neighbor devices. Details such as unique identifier (UDI), device identifier (Device ID), and associated domain (Domain ID), are displayed.

            Device# show autonomic neighbors
                    UDI                                           Device-ID             Domain     Interface     
            PID:Unix SN:655773697                         aabb.cc00.0100-1   Ethernet0/0                  
            PID:Unix SN:655773699                         aabb.cc00.0100-4   Ethernet0/1 
            Step 6   debug auto-ip-ring {ring-id {errors | events} |errors | events}

            The following is sample output from this command, and it displays debug errors and events for the specified Auto-IP ring.


            A conflict is detected in the sample debug output below because the priority in the Auto-IP Type Length Value (TLV) that is sent from the interface and the priority that is received from the neighbor interface are the same.

            Device# debug auto-ip-ring 2 errors
            Auto IP Ring errors debugging is on for the ring id : 2
            *Jul 26 11:30:40.541: (Ethernet0/0) priority (value:1) conflict detected,  need admin intervention 

            Configuration Examples for Zero Touch Auto-IP

            Example: Associating an Auto-IP Server with an Autonomic Network

            Auto-IP server (R1) is associated with the autonomic network. The other devices in the network (R2, R3, and R4) are enabled with the autonomic status.
            R1(config)# autonomic registrar
            R1(config-registrar)# domain-id
            R1(config-registrar)# no shutdown
            R1(config-registrar)# CA local
            R1(config-registrar)# exit
            R1(config)# autonomic
            R2(config)# autonomic
            R3(config)# autonomic
            R4(config)# autonomic

            Example: Enabling Auto Mode on Auto-IP Ring Ports

            Device> enable
            Device# configure terminal
            Device(config)# lldp run
            Device(config)# interface ethernet 0/0
            Device(config-if)# auto-ip-ring 1 ipv4-auto
            Device(config-if)# exit
            Repeat the preceding steps to configure the auto mode on each Auto-IP ring port

            Example: Configuring an Auto-IP Server and Reserving a Pool of IP Addresses on the Server

            Device> enable
            Device# configure terminal
            Device(config)# auto-ip-ring server 
            Device(config-auto-ip-server)# ipv4-address-pool 6
            Device(config-auto-ip-server)# exit

            Example: Configuring a Seed Port

            Device> enable
            Device# configure terminal
            Device(config)# interface e0/0
            Device(config-if)# auto-ip-ring 1 ipv4-seed 
            Device(config-if)# exit 

            Additional References for Zero Touch Auto-IP

            Related Documents

            Related Topic

            Document Title


            IP Addressing: IPv4 Addressing Configuration Guide

            Configuring IPv4 Addresses

            IP Addressing: IPv4 Addressing Configuration Guide

            Using Link Layer Discovery Protocol in Multivendor Networks

            Carrier Ethernet Configuration Guide

            IPv4 Addressing commands

            Cisco IOS IP Addressing Services Command Reference

            Cisco IOS commands

            Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

            Technical Assistance



            The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.


            Feature Information for Auto-IP

            Table 1 Feature Information for Auto-IP

            Feature Name


            Feature Information

            Zero Touch Auto-IP

            Cisco IOS XE Release 3.15S

            The Zero Touch Auto-IP feature enables automatic allocation and configuration of IP addresses for nodes in an Auto-IP ring. The IP addresses are allocated from a pool of IP addresses.

            The following commands were introduced or modified: auto-ip-ring ipv4-auto, auto-ip-ring ipv4-seed, auto-ip-ring server, ipv4-address-pool.