Installing Cisco VIM through Cisco VIM Insight

The VIM Insight has an UI admin, who has the privilege to manage the UI offering. The Insight UI admin, has the rights to add the right users as Pod administrators. Post bootstrap, the URL for the UI will be: https://br_api:9000.

The following topics helps you to install and configure Cisco Virtual Infrastructure Manager with VIM Insight:

Registering New Pod to Insight

In this step the user registers a new pod.

Before You Begin

UI Admin has to register a Pod Admin to allow the user to access a pod. Following are the steps required for UI Admin to register a Pod Admin:

    Step 1   Login as UI Admin and navigate to Manage Pod Admin(s) page.
    Step 2   Click Add Pod Admin.
    Step 3   Enter the Email ID of the user.
    1. If email is already registered then Username will be populated automatically.
    2. If not registered, an email would be sent to the user Email ID.
    Step 4   Navigate to https://br_api:9000.
    Step 5   Click the Register Management Node Link
    • Enter the Endpoint IP for the management node. Run time validation will check if the endpoint is already registered.

    • Give the name or tag for the particular management node

    • Enter the REST API Password (REST Password is present on the Pod at "/opt/cisco/ui_config.json")

    • Provide the Location and the brief description about the management node (Max 200 characters are allowed).

    • Enter the Pod Admin's Email ID. Run time validation will check if the entered Email ID belong to the Pod Admin.

      1. Run time validation will check if the entered Email ID belong to the Pod Admin.

      2. If entered Email ID is not the Pod Admin's ID, then User is not registered as Pod Admin error is displayed.

      3. If entered Email ID is the Pod Admin's ID, then User-Name is auto-populated.

      4. Section to upload Management Node CA

      • Server certificate is located on management node at /var/www/mercury/mercury-ca.crt.

      • Validation to check the cert file size and extensions are handled.

      • Click on Upload and Update button.

      • If certificate file passes all the validation then a message would be visible "Uploaded Root CA Certificate).

    • Click Register and management node health validation would take place.

      • If Management Node Validation fails due to invalid certificate, then Insight will delete the certificate from the uploaded path.

      • If Management Node Validation fails due to Password mismatch, then proper message for password mismatch would be visible but certificate won't be deleted hence you can fix the password then go ahead with the Registration.

      • If Rest API service is down on the Management Node then error message "Installer REST API Service is not available" message would be visible.

    Login to Insight as Pod Admin

    To login to Insight as Pod Admin, follow these steps:

      Step 1   Enter the registered Email ID.
      Step 2   Enter the valid password.
      Step 3   Click Login as POD.

      After successful Sign in user will be redirected to the Dashboard.

      The VIM Insight UI

      The VIM Insight UI is divided into four parts:

      1. Dashboard

        Dashboard of the VIM Installer provides the user an intuitive view of monitoring deployment. Dashboard provides a 3D view of 8 stages, which are present in the Installer CLI. The Carrousel displays the real-time status of the install steps, and it rotates automatically once an install stage is completed and a new install stage is started or scheduled. Dashboard maintains the pod state even when the User logs out. It will show the most recent data available via the VIM REST API on the management node. Dashboard provides the following rights to the administrator:

        1. Deployed Blueprint Details: Shows information about the current Blueprint (Active/In-Progress). In case of an Inactive Blueprint, the table will be blank.

          1. Deployment Status: This tells the status of the Blueprint. There are 3 stages of a Blueprint : Active, in-progress and Failed. Incase of in-progress and Failed states, the stage name would be mentioned in Deployment Status which is a hyperlink. If you click on the stage name, the carrousel will directly jump to that particular stage.

          2. Deployment Started at: This tells the time when the installation was started.

          3. Last Updated at: This tells the last updated time of the installation.

          4. Click Here to check logs: If you click Here you will be redirected to the logs page in a new tab for which you will have to enter the REST Username and Password located at /opt/cisco/ui_config.json on the node. By default REST Username is "admin".

        2. POD Operation Details: Displays the status regarding all the POD Activities done POST Installation like POD Management, Re-generate Secrets, etc. Following are the information shared in POD Operation Details table:

          1. Current Operation: Name of the Operation Running.

          2. POD Operation Status: Status of the Operation.

          3. Operation Started at: Operation Start time.

          4. Last Updated at: Operation last update time.

        3. Blueprint Deployment Progress bar for a given POD: Shows the Blueprint success or failure state in percentage.

        4. Switch Between Management Nodes: Will be covered later in this chapter.

          Figure 1. VIM Insight Dashboard

      2. Pre-install

        This section has two menus:

        1. Blueprint Setup: Blueprint is the YAML (setupdata) present in the Management node. There are two ways to create a Blueprint:

          1. Form based through the UI.

          2. Upload an existing YAML.

          In case of manual creation the user has to fill in details for Initial setup, physical setup and OpenStack, which covers core and optional features like VMTP, NFVI Monitoring, Auto configuration of ToR, Optional services like Heat, Keystonev3 and so on. In case of upload of an existing YAML, the user can just upload the file and click Upload to automatically populate all the corresponding fields in the UI. At any given point, one can initiate the offline validation of the entry, by clicking the Offline Validate button, on the upper right hand corner in the Blueprint Setup menu.

          Offline Validation will only take place if all the fields marked in Blueprint are filled and there are no client side validations remaining. Even if they are the Offline Validation, pop up will show which field is missing.

          Figure 2. Blueprint Creation

          After filling all the details offline validation will take place, if successful, Save Blueprint option will be enabled, else user will not be allowed to save the Blueprint. Click Save blueprint to be redirected to Blueprint Management.

          Figure 3. Blueprint Successful

        2. Blueprint Management:Blueprint Management gives CRUD access to users for Blueprints in the System. A user can use following features in Blueprint Management:

          Figure 4. Blueprint Management

          1. Delete Single or Multiple Blueprints which are in Inactive State.

          2. Edit Blueprint which are in Inactive State.

          3. Deploy Blueprint.

          4. Uninstall or Abort Blueprint.

          5. Preview and Download created Blueprint on local machine.

          6. Search Blueprint from created Blueprints.

      3. Post-install.

        This section is active only when a Blueprint is in active state; that is if the install is successful, hence day-n operations are allowed.

      4. Topology.

        Topology is a logical representation of the Blueprint where it tells the user about the nodes connectivity with the respective networks and hardware information. Topology shows the active blueprints and user can select one among them.

        Figure 5. Topology

      5. Pod User Administration

        Pod User Administration menu is available only to admin of the Management Node. This admin can be default admin of the pod or users assigned with Pod Admin role by the default admin. It has two additional sub-panel options:

        1. Manage Roles:

          1. Add/Edit/Delete Roles.

          2. Permissions to restrict the user access.

          3. Roles provide the granular access to a specific user.

          4. A role cannot be deleted directly if it is associated to an user.

            Figure 6. Manage roles

        2. Manage Users:

          1. Add/Edit/Delete Users.

          2. List User name and Email ID for the users registered in the system.

          3. Roles associated to users.

          4. The current status of the user (Online and Offline user with Green and Red dot respectively).

          5. User registration status.

          6. Refresh button to get latest information about the users status.

            Figure 7. Manage users

        3. Manage Root CA Certificate:

          1. Edit existing Root CA Certificate of the Management Node ( Location: /var/www/mercury/mercury-ca.crt)

          2. You can also download existing certificate from Insight.

          3. If invalid Certificate is uploaded through Insight then previous working state will be recovered after clicking the Upload button.

          4. If Certificate is valid Management Node HEALTH check will be executed.

            Figure 8. Manage Root CA Certificate

      VIM Insight also have some extra features in the header:
      1. User ID and Role - Indicates the User ID and Role of the current user.

      2. Management Node Context Switching - User can switch between two or more nodes. (Right in the middle for the header).

      3. Management Node Name and IP Address: Indicates the name and IP address of the management node.
      4. User Profile - User can change the Password or Logout or change log level between Info and Debug.

      Context Switching within Insight

      One of the key features in VIM Insight, is that if you have permission for the node you can switch between two or more pods. You can be a Admin for one or more pods, and a normal user for some other pod, simultaneously. Ability to access multiple pods, provides the user to maintain context and yet scale from a pod management.

      There are two ways that you can switch to another pod:

      1. Context Switching Icon: Context Switching Icon is located at the middle of the UI header. Click Management Node Context Switching to access all available pods.

      2. Switch Between Management Nodes: Switch Between Management Nodes is situated in the Dashboard. You can navigate to any pod by a single click. If the REST password provided during registration of the Management node does not match the current REST Password for that particular node, the cloud icon at the middle of the UI header will turn red instead of green. The Pod Admin/User can reach out to UI Admin and ask them to update the password for that node from Manage Nodes in Insight UI Admin Portal.

      Configuring OpenStack Installation

      Before You Begin

      You need to create a Blueprint (B or C Series) to initiate OpenStack Installation through the VIM.

        Step 1   In the Navigation pane, choose Pre-Install > Blueprint Setup.
        Step 2   To create a B Series Blueprint:
        1. On the Blueprint Initial Setup page of the Cisco VIM Insight , complete the following fields:

          Name Description

          Blueprint Name field

          Enter blueprint configuration name.

          Platform Type drop-down list

          Choose one of the following platform types:

          • B-Series (By default) choose B series for this section.

          • C-Series

          Tenant Network drop-down list

          Choose one of the following tenant network types:

          • Linuxbridge/VXLAN

          • OVS/VLAN

          Pod Type drop-down list

          Choose one of the following pod types:

          • Fullon(By Default)

          • Micro

          • UMHC

          Note    UMHC pod type is only supported for OVS/VLAN tenant type.

          Note    Pod type micro is supported for OVS/VLAN, ACI/VLAN,VPP/VLAN.

          Ceph Mode drop-down list

          Choose one of the following Ceph types:

          • Dedicated

          • Central (By Default) - Not supported in Production

          Optional Features and Services Checkbox

          Swiftstack, LDAP, Syslog Export Settings, Install Mode, TorSwitch Information, TLS, Nfvmon, Pod Name, VMTP, Nfvbench, Auto Backup, Heat, Keystone v3, Enable Esc Priv.

          If any one is selected, the corresponding section is visible in various Blueprint sections.

          By default all features are disabled except Auto Backup.

          Import Existing YAML file

          Click Browse button to import the existing yaml file.

          If you have an existing B Series YAML file you can use this feature to upload the file.

          Insight will automatically fill in the fields and if any mandatory field is missed then it will be highlight it in the respective section.

        2. Click Physical Setup to navigate to the Registry Setup configuration page. Fill in the following details for Registry Setup:

          Name Description

          Registry User Name text field

          User-Name for Registry (Mandatory).

          Registry Password text field

          Password for Registry (Mandatory).

          Registry Email text field

          Email ID for Registry (Mandatory).

          Once all mandatory fields are filled the Validation Check Registry Page will show a Green Tick.

        3. Click UCSM Common Tab and complete the following fields:

          Name Description

          User name disabled field

          By default value is Admin.

          Password text field

          Enter Password for UCSM Common (Mandatory).

          UCSM IP text field

          Enter IP Address for UCSM Common(Mandatory).

          Resource Prefix text field

          Enter the resource prefix(Mandatory).

          QOS Policy Type drop-down

          Choose one of the following types:

          • NFVI (Default)

          • Media

          Max VF Count text field

          Select the Max VF Count.

          <1-54> Maximum VF count 54, default is 20.

          If VF performance is enabled we recommend you to keep MAX_VF_COUNT to 20 else may fail on some VICs like 1240.

          Enable VF Performance optional checkbox

          Default is false. Set to true to apply adaptor policy at VF level.

          Enable Prov FI PIN optional checkbox

          Default is false.

          MRAID-CARD optional checkbox

          Enables JBOD mode to be set on disks. Applicable only if you have RAID controller configured on Storage C240 Rack servers.

          Enable UCSM Plugin optional checkbox

          Visible when Tenant Network type is OVS/VLAN

          Enable QoS Policy optional checkbox

          Visible only when UCSM Plugin is enabled. If UCSM Plugin is disabled then this option is set to False.

          Enable QOS for Port Profile optional checkbox

          Visible only when UCSM Plugin is enabled.

          SRIOV Multi VLAN Trunk optional grid

          Visible when UCSM Plugin is enabled. Enter the values for network and vlans ranges. Grid can handle all CRUD operations like Add, Delete, Edit and, Multiple Delete.

        4. Click Networking to advance to the networking section of the Blueprint:

          Name Description

          Domain Name field

          Enter the domain name (Mandatory).

          HTTP Proxy Server field

          If your configuration uses an HTTP proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.

          HTTPS Proxy Server field

          If your configuration uses an HTTPS proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.

          IP Tables on Management Pods

          Specifies the list of IP Address with Mask.

          NTP Server

          Enter a maximum of four and minimum of one IPv4 and /or IPv6 addresses in the table.

          Domain Name Server

          Enter a maximum of three and minimum of one IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses.

          Network table

          Network table is pre-populated with segments. To add Networks you can either clear all the table using Delete All or click Edit icon for each segment and fill in the details.

          You can add, edit, or delete network information in the table:

          • Click + to enter new entries (networks) to the table.

          • Specify the following fields in the Edit Entry to Networks dialog box.

          Name Description

          VLAN field

          Enter the VLAN ID.

          For Segment - Provider, the VLAN ID value is always "none".

          Segment drop-down list

          You can select any one segment from the dropdown list.

          • API

          • Management/Provision

          • Tenant

          • CIMC

          • Storage

          • External

          • Provider (optional)


          Some segments do not need some of the values listed in the preceding points.

          Subnet field

          Enter the IPv4 address for the subnet.

          IPv6 Subnet field

          Enter IPv6 address. This field will be available only for Management provision and API.

          Gateway field

          Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.

          IPv6 Gateway field

          Enter IPv6 gateway. This field will only available only for Management provision and API network.

          Pool field

          Enter the pool information in the required format, for example: or to

          IPv6 Pool field

          Enter the pool information in the required format, for example:,

          This field is only available for the Mgmt/Provision.

          Click Save.

        5. On the Servers and Roles page of the Cisco VIM Suite wizard, you will see a pre-populated table filled with Roles: Control, Compute and Block Storage (Only if CEPH Dedicated is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup.
          Name Description

          Server User Name field

          Enter the username of the server.

          Disable Hyperthreading

          Default value is false. You can set it as true or false.


          Enter the Cobbler details in the following fields:



          Cobbler Timeout field

          The default value is 45 min.

          This is an optional parameter. Timeout is displayed in minutes, and its value ranges from 30 to 120.

          Block Storage Kickstart field

          Kickstart file for Storage Node.

          Admin Password Hash field

          Enter the Admin Password. Password should be Alphanumeric. Password should contain minimum 8 characters and maximum of 32 characters.

          Cobbler Username field

          Enter the cobbler username to access the cobbler server.

          Control Kickstart field

          Kickstart file for Control Node.

          Compute Kickstart field

          Kickstart file for Compute Node.

          Cobbler Admin Username field

          Enter the admin username of the Cobbler.

          Add Entry to Servers and Roles

          Click Edit or + to add a new server and role to the table.

          Server Name

          Enter a server name

          Server Type drop-down list

          Choose Blade or Rack from the drop-down list.

          Rack ID

          The Rack ID for the server.

          Chassis ID

          Enter a Chassis ID.

          If Rack is chosen, the Rack Unit ID field is displayed.

          Enter a Rack Unit ID.

          If Blade is chosen, the Blade ID field is displayed.

          Enter a Blade ID.

          Select the Role from the drop-down list.

          If Server type is Blade then select Control and Compute. If server is Rack then select Block Storage.

          Management IP

          It is an optional field but if provided for one server then it is mandatory to provide details for other Servers as well.

          Management IPv6

          Enter the Management IPv6 Address.

          Click Save.

        6. Click ToR Switch checkbox in Blueprint Initial Setup to enable the TOR SWITCH configuration page. It is an Optional section in Blueprint Setup but once all the fields are filled it is a part of the Blueprint.

          Name Description

          Configure ToR optional checkbox.

          Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.

          ToR Switch Information mandatory table.

          Click (+) to add information for ToR Switch.




          ToR switch hostname.


          ToR switch username.


          Tor switch password.

          SSH IP

          ToR switch SSH IP Address.

          SSN Num

          ToR switch ssn num.

          VPC Peer Keepalive

          Peer Management IP. You do not define if there is no peer.

          VPC Domain

          Do not define if peer is absent.

          VPC Peer Port Info

          Interface for vpc peer ports.

          BR Management Port Info

          Management interface of management node.

          BR Management PO Info

          Port channel number for management interface of management node.


          On clicking save button, Add ToR Info Connected to Fabric field will be visible.

          Port Channel field.

          Enter the Port Channel input.

          Switch Name field.

          Enter the Port number.

        7. Click OpenStack Setup tab to advance to the OpenStack Setup Configuration page.

        8. On the OpenStack Setup page of the Cisco VIM Insight wizard, complete the following fields:



          HA Proxy

          Fill in the following details:

          External VIP Address field

          Enter IP address of External VIP.

          External VIP Address IPv6 field

          Enter IPv6 address of External VIP.

          Virtual Router ID field

          Enter the Router ID for HA.

          Internal VIP Address IPv6 field

          Enter IPv6 address of Internal IP.

          Internal VIP Address field

          Enter IP address of Internal VIP.


          Pre-populated field values. This option would always be true.

          Admin Username field admin
          Admin Tenant Name field admin

          LDAP (Only if Keystonev3 is enabled)


          This option is only available with Keystone v3

          This is available only when Keystone v3 and LDAP both are enabled under Optional Features and Services in Blueprint Initial Setup.

          Domain Name field

          Enter name for Domain name.

          Object Class for Users field

          Enter a string as input.

          Object Class for Groupsfield

          Enter a string.

          Domain Name Tree for Users field

          Enter a string.

          Domain Name Tree for Groups field

          Enter a string.

          Suffix for Domain Name field

          Enter a string.

          URL field

          Enter a URL with ending port number.

          Domain Name of bind user field

          Enter a string.

          Password field

          Enter Password as string format.

          User Filter field

          Enter filter name as string.

          User ID Attribute field

          Enter a string.

          User Name Attribute field

          Enter a string.

          User Mail Attribute field

          Enter a string.

          Group Name Attribute field

          Enter a string.


          Neutron fields would change on the basis of Tenant Network Type Selection from Blueprint Initial Setup. Following are the options available for Neutron for OVS/VLAN:

          Tenant Network Type field

          Auto Filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in the Blueprint Initial Setup page.

          Mechanism Drivers field

          Auto Filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in Blueprint Initial Setup page.

          NFV Hosts field

          Auto filled with the Compute you added in Server and Roles.

          If you select All in this section NFV_HOSTS: ALL will be added to the Blueprint or you can select one particular compute. For Eg:

          NFV_HOSTS: compute-server-1, compute-server-2.

          Tenant VLAN Ranges field

          List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.

          Provider VLAN Ranges field

          List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.

          VM Hugh Page Size (available for NFV_HOSTS option) field

          2M or 1G

          Enable Jumbo Frames field

          Enable the checkbox

          For Tenant Network Type Linux Bridge everything remains the same but Tenant VLAN Ranges will be removed.


          Ceph has two pre-populated fields

          • CEPH Mode : By default Dedicated.

          • NOVA Boot from: Drop Down selection. You can choose Ceph or local.


          By default populated for CEPH Dedicated with Store Backend value as CEPH.


          By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Volume Driver value as CEPH.


          VMTP optional section will only be visible once VMTP is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup.

          Check one of the check boxes to specify a VMTP network:

          • Provider Network

          • External Network

          For the Provider Network complete the following:

          Network Name field

          Enter the name for the external network.

          Subnet field

          Enter the Subnet for Provider Network.

          Network IP Start field

          Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.

          Network IP End field

          Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.

          Network Gatewayfield

          Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.

          DNS Server field

          Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.

          Segmentation ID field

          Enter the segmentation ID.

          For External Network fill in the following details:

          Network Name field

          Enter the name for the external network.

          Subnet field

          Enter the Subnet for External Network.

          Network IP Start field

          Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.

          Network IP End field

          Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.

          Network Gateway field

          Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.

          DNS Server field

          Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.

          TLS This optional section will only be visible once TLS is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page.

          TLS has two options:

          • External LB VIP FQDN - -Text field.

          • External LB VIP TLS True/False. By default this option is false.

          Under the OpenStack setup tab, Vim_admins tab will be visible only when Vim_admins is selected from the Optional Features & Services under the Blueprint Initial setup tab

          Following are the field descriptions for VIM Admins:

          • User Name - Text field.

          • Password -Password field. Admin hash password should always start with $6.

          SwiftStack optional section will be visible once SwiftStack is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page. SwiftStack is only supported with KeyStonev2 . If you select Keystonev3, swiftstack will not be available for configuration.

          Following are the options that needs to be filled for SwiftStack:

          Cluster End Point field IP address of PAC (proxy-account-container) endpoint.
          Admin User field Admin user for swift to authenticate in keystone.
          Admin Tenant field The service tenant corresponding to the Account-Container used by Swiftstack.
          Reseller Prefix field Reseller_prefix as configured for Keysone Auth,AuthToken support in Swiftstack E.g KEY_
          Admin Password field swiftstack_admin_password
          Protocol http or https
        9. If Syslog Export or NFVBENCH is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup Page, the Services Setup page will be enabled for the user to view. Following are the options under Services Setup Tab:

          Name Description

          Syslog Export

          Following are the options for Syslog Settings:

          Remote Host

          Enter Syslog IP address.


          Only UDP is supported.


          Defaults to local5.


          Defaults to debug.


          Defaults to ELK.


          Defaults to 514 but can be modified by the User.


          NFVBENCH enable checkbox which by default is false.

          Add ToR information connected to switch:

          • Select a TOR Switch and enter the Switch name.

          • Enter the port number. For example:eth1/5. VTEP VLANS (mandatory and needed only for VXLAN): Enter 2 different VLANs for VLAN1 and VLAN2

          • NIC Ports: INT1 and INT2 optional input. Enter the 2 port numbers of the 4-port 10G Intel NIC at the management node used for NFVBench.


          Enable the checkbox to set it as True. By default it is False.

        Step 3   To create a C Series Blueprint:
        1. On the Blueprint Initial Setup page of the Cisco VIM Insight, complete the following fields:
          Name Description

          Blueprint Name field.

          Enter the name for the blueprint configuration.

          Platform Type drop-down list

          Choose one of the following platform types:

          • B-Series (By default)
          • C-Series ( Select C Series)

          Tenant Network drop-down list

          Choose one of the following tenant network types:

          • Linux Bridge/VXLAN

          • OVS/VLAN

          • VTS/VLAN

          • VPP/VLAN

          • ACI/VLAN

          Note    when VTS/VLAN or ACI/VLAN is selected then respective tabs are available on Blueprint setup.

          Pod Type drop-down list

          Choose one of the following pod type :

          • Fullon(By Default)

          • Micro

          • UMHC

          Note    UMHC pod type is only supported for OVS/VLAN tenant type.
          Note    Pod type micro is supported for OVS/VLAN, ACI/VLAN,VPP/VLAN.

          Ceph Mode drop-down list

          Choose one of the following Ceph types:

          • Dedicated (By Default)
          • Central. Central is not supported in Production

          Optional and Services Features checkbox

          Swiftstack, LDAP, Syslog Export Settings, Install Mode, TorSwitch Information, TLS, NFVMON, Pod Name, VMTP, NFVBench, Autbackup, Heat, Keystone v3, Enable Esc Priv.

          If any one is selected, the corresponding section is visible in various Blueprint sections.

          By default all features are disabled except Auto Backup.

          Import Existing YAML file

          If you have an existing C Series YAML file you can use this feature to upload the file.

          Insight will automatically fill in the fields and any missed mandatory field will be highlighted in the respective section.

        2. Click Physical Setup to advance to the Registry Setup configuration page. Fill in the following details for Registry Setup:



          Registry User Name text field

          User-Name for Registry (Mandatory).

          Registry Password text field

          Password for Registry (Mandatory).

          Registry Email text field

          Email ID for Registry (Mandatory).

          Once all the mandatory fields are filled the Validation Check Registry Page will be changed to a Green Tick.

        3. Click CIMC Common Tab and complete the following fields:



          User Name disabled field

          By default value is Admin.

          Password text field

          Enter Password for UCSM Common (Mandatory).

        4. Click Networking to advance to the networking section of the Blueprint.



          Domain Name field

          Enter the domain name. (Mandatory)

          HTTP Proxy Server field

          If your configuration uses an HTTP proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.

          HTTPS Proxy Server field

          If your configuration uses an HTTPS proxy server, enter the IP address of the server.

          IP Tables on Management Pods

          Specifies the list of IP Address with Mask.

          NTP Servers field

          Enter a maximum of four and minimum of one IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses in the table.

          Domain Name Servers field

          Enter a maximum of three and minimum of one IPv4 and/or IPV6 addresses.

          Networks table

          Network table is pre-populated with Segments. To add Networks you can either clear all the table with Delete all or click edit icon for each segment and fill in the details.

          You can add, edit, or delete network information in the table.

          • Click Add (+) to add new entries (networks) to the table.

          • Specify the following fields in the Edit Entry to Networks dialog:

          Name Description

          VLAN field

          Enter the VLAN ID.

          For Segment - Provider, the VLAN ID value is 'none'.

          Segment drop-down list

          When you add/edit new segment then following segments types are available in the form of dropdown list and you can select only one.

          • API

          • Management/provision

          • Tenant

          • Storage

          • External

          • Provider

          • ACIINFRA


          Aciinfra segment is available only when ACI/VLAN tenant type is selected) Depending upon the segment some of the entries below are not needed. Please refer to the example file in openstack-configs dir for details.

          Subnet field

          Enter the IPv4 address for the subnet.

          IPv6 Subnet field

          Enter IPv6 Address. This field will be available only for Management provision and API

          Gateway field

          Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.

          Gateway IPv6 field

          Enter the IPv6 address for the gateway. This will support for API and management provision.

          Pool field

          Enter the pool information in the required format, for example:,

          This field is available only for the Mgmt/Provision, Storage, and Tenant segments.

          IPv6 Pool field

          Enter the pool information in the required format. For example:,

          Click Save.

        5. On the Servers and Roles page of the Cisco VIM Suite wizard, a pre-populated table filled with Roles : Control, Compute and Block Storage (Only if CEPH Dedicated is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup is available.



          Server User Name field

          Enter the username of the Server.

          Disable Hyperthreading

          Default value is false. You can set it as true or false.


          Enter the Cobbler details in the following fields:



          Cobbler Timeout field

          The default value is 45 min.

          This is an optional parameter. Timeout is displayed in minutes, and its value ranges from 30 to 120.

          Block Storage Kickstart field

          Kickstart file for Storage Node.

          Admin Password Hash field

          Enter the Admin Password. Password should be Alphanumeric. Password should contain minimum 8 characters and maximum of 32 characters.

          Cobbler Username field

          Enter the cobbler username to access the cobbler server.

          Control Kickstart field

          Kickstart file for Control Node.

          Compute Kickstart field

          Kickstart file for Compute Node.

          Cobbler Admin Username field

          Enter the admin username of the Cobbler.

          Add Entry to Servers and Roles


          when Pod type micro is selected then all the three servers will be associated with control, compute and block storage role.

          For Example:


          • Block Storage

            • -Server 1

            • -Server 2

            • -Server 3

          • Control

            • -Server 1

            • -Server 2

            • -Server 3

          • Compute

            • -Server 1

            • -Server 2

            • -Server 3


          When Pod type UMHC is selected then auto ToR configuration is not supported and the ToR info at server and roles level is not allowed to be entered.

          Click Edit or + to add a new server and role to the table.

          Server Name

          Entry a friendly name.

          Rack ID field

          The rack ID for the server.

          VIC Slot field

          Enter a VIC Slot.

          CIMC IP field

          Enter a IP address.

          CIMC Username field

          Enter a Username.

          CIMC Password field

          Enter a Password for CIMC.

          Select the Role from the drop down list

          Choose Control or Compute or Block Storage from the drop-down list.

          Management IP

          It is an optional field but if provided for one Server then it is mandatory to provide it for other Servers as well.

          Management IPv6

          Routable and valid IPv6 address. It is an optional field but if provided for one server then it is mandatory for all other servers as well.

          Click Save or Add .

          On clicking Save or Add all information related to Servers and Roles gets saved.

          If Configure ToR checkbox is Truewith at-least one switch detail, these fields will be displayed for each server and this is similar to DP Tor: Port Channel and Switch Name (Mandatory if Configure ToR is true)

          • Port Channel field

          • Switch Name field

          • Switch Port Info field

          • Enter the port channel input.

          • Enter the switch name.

          • Enter the switch port information.

          DP ToR (Only for Control and Compute) : Mandatory if Intel NIC and Configure TOR is True.

          • Port Channel field

          • Switch Name field

          • Switch Port Info field

          • Enter the port channel input.

          • Enter the switch name.

          • Enter the switch port information.

          SRIOV TOR INFO (Only for Compute Nodes). It is mandatory in server and roles if Intel NIC and Configure TOR is True. Switch Name (Mandatory if Configure ToR is true). This field appears only when Intel NIC support is true, as Auto TOR config is not supported in VIC_NIC combo

          • Switch Name field

          • Switch Port Info field

          • Enter the switch name.

          • Enter the switch port information.

          Intel SRIOV VFS (valid for Intel NIC testbeds) and can be integer.

          For SRIOV support for Intel NIC. By Default, SRIOV support is disabled. To enable, define a value in the range # * 1-32 when INTEL_NIC_SUPPORT is set True (X710 Max VFs = 32) # * 1-63 when CISCO_VIC_INTEL_SRIOV is set True (X520 Max VFs = 63)

          INTEL_SRIOV_PHYS_PORTS (valid for Intel NIC test beds) and can be of value 2 or 4 (default is 2)

          In some cases the # of Physical SRIOV port needed is 4; to meet that requirement, define the following: # this is optional, if nothing is defined code will assume it to be 2; the only 2 integer values this parameter # takes is 2 or 4 and is true when INTEL_NIC_SUPPORT is True and INTEL_SRIOV_VFS is valid

          Click Save or Add .

          If all mandatory fields are filled click Save or Add to add information on Servers and Roles.

          Disable Hyperthreading

          Default value is false. You can set it as true or false.

          Click Save

          Note    Maximum two ToR info needs to be configured for each connection type on each node (control, compute and block_storage node).
          Note    If pod type UMHC is selected then CISCO_VIC_INTEL_SRIOV is enabled to be TRUE.
          Note    For Tenant type ACI/VLAN, port channel for each ToR port will not be available in servers and roles, as APIC will automatically assign port-channel numbers.
        6. Click ToR Switch checkbox in Blueprint Initial Setup to enable the TOR SWITCH configuration page. It is an Optional section in Blueprint Setup but once all the fields are filled in then it will become a part of the Blueprint.



          Configure ToR optional checkbox.


          If UMHC is selected as podtype, configure TOR is not allowed.

          Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.


          Configure tor is true then ToR switch info maps in servers

          ToR Switch Information mandatory table if you want to enter ToR information.

          Click (+) to add information for ToR Switch.




          ToR switch name.


          ToR switch username.


          ToR switch password.

          SSH IP

          ToR switch SSH IP.

          SSN Num

          ToR switch ssn num.

          VPC Peer Keepalive

          Peer Management IP. You cannot define if there is no peer.

          VPC Domain

          Cannot define if there is no peer.

          VPC Peer Port Info

          Interface for vpc peer ports.

          VPC Peer VLAN Info

          VLAN ids for vpc peer ports (optional).

          BR Management Port Info

          Management interface of build node.

          BR Management PO Info

          Port channel number for management interface of build node.

          BR Management VLAN info

          VLAN id for management interface of build node (access).

          Click Save.


          When tenant type ACI/VLAN is selected, the TOR switch information table differs and is mandatory.



          Configure ToR optional checkbox.


          If UMHC is selected as podtype, configure TOR is not allowed.

          Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.


          Configure tor is true then ToR switch info maps in servers

          ToR Switch Information mandatory table if you want to enter ToR information.

          Click (+) to add information for ToR Switch.




          ToR switch name.


          ToR switch username.


          ToR switch password.

          SSH IP

          ToR switch SSH IP.

          SSN Num

          ToR switch ssn num.

          VPC Peer Keepalive

          Peer Management IP. You cannot define if there is no peer.

          VPC Domain

          Cannot define if there is no peer.

          VPC Peer Port Info

          Interface for vpc peer ports.

          VPC Peer VLAN Info

          VLAN ids for vpc peer ports (optional).

          BR Management Port Info

          Management interface of build node.

          BR Management PO Info

          Port channel number for management interface of build node.

          BR Management VLAN info

          VLAN id for management interface of build node (access).

          Click Save.


          When the Tenant type ACI/VLAN is selected, the ToR switch information table differs and is mandatory.



          Configure ToR

          Is not checked, as by default ACI will configure the ToRs

          Host Name

          ToR switch name.

          VPC Peer keep alive

          Enter Peer must be exist pair.

          VPC Domain

          Enter an integer.

          BR management port info

          Enter BR management port info eg. Eth1/19 ,atleast one pair to be exist.

          Enter Node ID

          Entered integer must be unique.


          If TOR_TYPE is selected as NCS-5500, the TOR switch information table differs and is mandatory.



          Configure ToR optional checkbox


          If NSC-5500 is selected as TOR_TYPE, configure TOR is set as mandatory.

          Enabling this checkbox, changes the configure ToR section from false to true.


          Configure TOR is true then ToR switchinfo maps in servers.

          If you want to enter Fretta details fill in the NCS-5500 Information table.

          Click (+) to add information for Fretta Switch.




          Enter the NCS-5500 hostname.

          User Name

          Enter the NCS-5500 username.


          Enter the NCS-5500 password.

          SSH IP

          Enter the NCS-5500 ssh IP Address.

          VPC Peer Link

          Peer management IP.

          BR Management PO Info

          Port channel number for management interface of build node.

          BR Management VLAN info

          VLAN id for management interface of build node (access).

          VPC Peer Port Info

          Interface for vpc peer ports.

          VPC Peer Port Address

          Address for ISIS exchange.

          ISIS Loopback Interface address

          ISIS loopack IP Address.

          ISIS net entity title

          Enter a String.

          ISIS prefix SID

          Integer between 16000 to 1048575.

          When TOR-TYPE selected as NCS-5500 and 2 NCS-5500 are configured it is mandatory to configure MULTI_SEGMENT_ROUTING_INFO



          BGP AS Number field

          Integer between 1 to 65535.

          ISIS Area Tagfield

          A valid string.

          Loopback Interface namefield

          Loopback Interface name.

          API bundle IDfield

          Integer between 1 to 65535.

          API bridge domain field

          String (Optional, only needed when br_api of mgmt node is also going through NCS-5500; this item and api_bundle_id are mutually exclusive).

          EXT bridge domain field

          A valid string (user pre-provisions physical, bundle interface, sub-interface and external BD for external uplink and provides external BD info setup_data).

        7. Click OpenStack Setup Tab to advance to the OpenStack Setup Configuration page.

        8. On the OpenStack Setup Configuration page of the Cisco VIM Insight wizard, complete the following fields:



          HA Proxy

          Fill in the following details:

          External VIP Address field

          Enter IP address of External VIP.

          External VIP Address IPv6 field

          Enter IPv6 address of External VIP.

          Virtual Router ID field

          Enter the Router ID for HA.

          Internal VIP Address IPv6 field

          Enter IPv6 address of Internal IP.

          Internal VIP Address field

          Enter IP address of Internal VIP.


          Mandatory fields are pre-populated.

          Admin User Name


          Admin Tenant Name



          LDAP enable checkbox which by default is false, if LDAP is enabled on keystone.

          Domain Name field

          Enter name for Domain name.

          Object Class for Users field

          Enter a string as input.

          Object Class for Groupsfield

          Enter a string.

          Domain Name Tree for Users field

          Enter a string.

          Domain Name Tree for Groups field

          Enter a string.

          Suffix for Domain Name field

          Enter a string.

          URL field

          Enter a URL with ending port number.

          Domain Name of Bind User field

          Enter a string.

          Password field

          Enter Password as string format.

          User Filter field

          Enter filter name as string.

          User ID Attribute field

          Enter a string.

          User Name Attribute field

          Enter a string.

          User Mail Attribute field

          Enter a string.

          Group Name Attribute field

          Enter a string.


          Neutron fields would change on the basis of Tenant Network Type Selection from Blueprint Initial Setup. Following are the options available for Neutron for OVS/VLAN:

          Tenant Network Type field

          Auto Filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in the Blueprint Initial Setup page.

          Mechanism Drivers field

          Auto Filled based on the Tenant Network Type selected in Blueprint Initial Setup page.

          NFV Hosts field

          Auto filled with the Compute you added in Server and Roles.

          If you select All in this section NFV_HOSTS: ALL will be added to the Blueprint or you can select one particular compute. For Eg:

          NFV_HOSTS: compute-server-1, compute-server-2.

          Tenant VLAN Ranges field

          List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.

          Provider VLAN Ranges field

          List of ranges separated by comma form start:end.

          VM Hugh Page Size (available for NFV_HOSTS option) field

          2M or 1G

          Enable Jumbo Frames field

          Enable the checkbox

          For Tenant Network Type Linux Bridge everything remains the same but Tenant VLAN Ranges will be removed.


          Ceph has two pre-populated fields:

          • CEPH Mode : By default Dedicated.

          • NOVA Boot: From drop down selection you can choose Ceph or local.


          By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Store Backend value as CEPH.


          By default Populated for CEPH Dedicated with Volume Driver value as CEPH.

          VMTP optional section, this will be visible only if VMTP is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup. For VTS tenant type Provider network is only supported.

          Check one of the check boxes to specify a VMTP network:

          • Provider Network

          • External Network

          For the Provider Network complete the following:

          Network Name field

          Enter the name for the external network.

          Subnet field

          Enter the Subnet for Provider Network.

          Network IP Start field

          Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.

          Network IP End field

          Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.

          Network Gatewayfield

          Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.

          DNS Server field

          Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.

          Segmentation ID field

          Enter the segmentation ID.

          For External Network fill in the following details:

          Network Name field

          Enter the name for the external network.

          IP Start field

          Enter the starting floating IPv4 address.

          IP End field

          Enter the ending floating IPv4 address.

          Gateway field

          Enter the IPv4 address for the Gateway.

          DNS Server field

          Enter the DNS server IPv4 address.

          Subnet field

          Enter the Subnet for External Network.

          TLS optional section, this will be visible only if TLS is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page.

          TLS has two options:

          • External LB VIP FQDN - Text Field.

          • External LB VIP TLS - True/False. By default this option is false.

          SwiftStack optional section will be visible only if SwiftStack is selected from Blueprint Initial Setup Page. SwiftStack is only supported with KeyStonev2. If you select Keystonev3, swiftstack will not be available to configure.

          Following are the options that needs to be filled for SwiftStack:

          Cluster End Point

          IP address of PAC (proxy-account-container) endpoint.

          Admin User

          Admin user for swift to authenticate in keystone.

          Admin Tenant

          The service tenant corresponding to the Account-Container used by Swiftstack.

          Reseller Prefix

          Reseller_prefix as configured for Keysone Auth,AuthToken support in Swiftstack E.g KEY_

          Admin Password



          http or https


          When the Tenant type ACI/VLAN is selected then ACIINFO tab is available in blueprint setup.


          When ACI/VLAN is selected then ToR switch from initial setup is mandatory.



          APIC Hosts field

          Enter host input. Example: <ip1|host1>:[port] . max of 3, min of 1, not 2;

          apic_username field

          Enter a string format.

          apic_password filed

          Enter Password.

          apic_system_id field

          Enter input as string. Max length 8.

          apic_resource_prefix field

          Enter string max length 6.

          apic_tep_address_ pool field

          Allowed only

          multiclass_address_pool field

          Allowed only

          apic_pod_id field

          Enter integer(1- 65535)

          apic_installer_tenant field

          Enter String, max length 32

          apic_installer_vrf field

          Enter String, max length 32

          api_l3out_network field

          Enter String, max length 32




          VTS Day0 (checkbox)

          True or false default is false.

          VTS User name

          Enter as string does not contain special characters.

          VTS Password

          Enter password

          VTS NCS IP

          Enter IP Address format.

          VTC SSH Username

          Enter a string

          VTC SHH Password

          Enter password

          When Tenant Type is VTS/VLAN then VTS tab is available in blueprint setup.

          If vts day0 is enabled then SSH username and SSH password is mandatory.

          If SSH_username is input present then SSH password is mandatory vice-versa

        9. If Syslog Export or NFVBENCH is selected in Blueprint Initial Setup Page, then Services Setup page will be enabled for user to view. Following are the options under Services Setup Tab:



          Syslog Export

          Following are the options for Syslog Settings:

          Remote Host

          Enter Syslog IP Address.


          Supports only UDP.


          Defaults to local5.


          Defaults to debug.


          Defaults to ELK.


          Defaults to 514 but can be modified by the User.


          NFVBENCH enable checkbox by default isfalse.

          Add ToR information connect to Switch:

          • Select a TOR Switch and enter the Switch name.

          • Enter the port number. For Example: eth1/5 . VTEP VLANS (mandatory and needed only for VTS/VXLAN,): Enter 2 different VLANs for VLAN1 and VLAN2.

          • NIC Ports: INT1 and INT2 optional input. Enter the 2 port numbers of the 4-port 10G Intel NIC at the management node used for NFVBench.


          Enable the checkbox to set it as True. By default it is False.

        Step 4   Click Offlinevalidation, to initiate an offline validation of the Blueprint.
        Step 5   Blueprint can also be created using an Upload functionality:
        • In Blueprint Initial Setup.

        • Click Browse in the blueprint initial setup.

        • Select the YAML file you want to upload.

        • Click Select button.

        • Clicking on load button in the Insight UI Application. All the fields present in the YAML file would be uploaded to the respective fields in UI.
        • Enter the name of the Blueprint (Make sure you enter unique name while saving Blueprints. There would be no two Blueprints with same name.)

        • Click Offline Validation.

        • If all the mandatory fields in the UI are populated, then Offline Validation of the Blueprint will start else a pop up would be visible which will inform which section of Blueprint Creation has a missing information error.

        • On Validation Success of Blueprint Save Blueprint button will be enabled with Cancel button

        • A pop up will be generated asking to initiate the deployment with Blueprint Name and the stages you need to run.

          On Validation Failure of Blueprint Cancel button will be enabled.

        Once the Offlinevalidation is successful, Save option will be enabled which will redirect you to the Blueprint Management Page.

        The wizard advances to the Blueprint Management page. On the Blueprint Management page you can select the recently added Inactive Blueprint and click Install button which is disabled by default.

        A pop up will be generated asking to initiate the deployment with Blueprint Name and the stages you need to run.

        By default all stages are selected but you can also do an incremented install.

        In case of Incremented Install you should select stages in the order. For Example: If you select Validation Stage then the 2nd stage Management Node Orchestration will be enabled. You cannot skip stages and run a deployment.

        Once you click Proceed the Cloud Deployment would be initiated and the progress can be viewed from "Dashboard".


        Once the Blueprint is in Active State, the Post-Install features listed in Navigation Bar will changed to Active stage.

        Post Installation Features for Active Blueprint

        This option is only available to a pod, which is successfully deployed. There are multiple sub-links available to manage the day-n operation of the pod. However, in many cases, Insight cross-launches the relevant services, thereby delegating the actual rendering to the individual services.

        Monitoring the Pod

        VIM 2.2 uses ELK (elasticsearch, logstash and Kibana) to monitor the OpenStack services, by cross-launching the Kibana dashboard.

        To cross launch Kibana, complete the following instructions:

          Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click POST-Install > Monitoring. The Authentication Required browser pop up is displayed.
          Step 2   Enter the username as admin.
          Step 3   Enter the ELK_PASSWORD password obtained from /root/installer-<tagid>/openstack-configs/secrets.yaml in the management node. Kibana is launched in an I-Frame

          Click Click here to view Kibana logs in new tab link to view Kibana Logs in a new tab.

          Cross Launching Horizon

          Horizon is the canonical implementation of Openstack's Dashboard, which provides a web based user interface to OpenStack services including Nova, Swift and, Keystone.

            Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click Post-Install > Horizon.
            Step 2   Click Click here to view Horizon logs in new tab. You will be redirected to Horizon landing page in a new tab.

            NFVI Monitoring

            NFVI monitoring is a Cross launch browser same as Horizon. NFVI monitoring link is available in the post install only if the setupdata has NFVI Monitoring configuration during the cloud deployment which basically pings the monitoring and checks status of Collector VM1 Info and Collector VM2 Info.

              Step 1   In the Navigationpane, click Post-Install >NFVI monitoring.
              Step 2   Click the link Click here to view NFVI monitoring..

              You will be redirected to NFVI monitoring page

              Run VMTP

              Run VMTP is divided in two sections:

              • Results for Auto Run: This will show the results of VMTP which was run during cloud deployment (Blueprint Installation).

              • Results for Manual Run: Here you have an option to run the VMTP on demand. To run VMTP on demand just click Run VMTP button.


                If VMTP stage was skipped/not-run during Blueprint Installation, this section of POST Install would be disabled for the user.

              Run CloudPulse

              Endpoints Tests:

              1. cinder_endpoint

              2. glace_endpoint

              3. keystone_endpoint

              4. nova_endpoint

              5. neutron_endpoint

              6. all_endpoint_tests

              Operator Tests:

              1. rabbitmq_check

              2. galera_check

              3. ceph_check

              4. node_check

              5. docker_check

              6. all_operator_tests

              Run NFV Bench

              One can Run NFV Bench for BandC series Pod, through Cisco VIM Insight. On a pod running with CVIM 2.2, click on the NFVBench link on the NAV-Menu.

              You can run either fixed rate test or NDR/PDR test. As the settings and results for the test types differ, the options to run these tests are presented in two tabs, with its own settings and results .

              NDR/PDR Test

                Step 1   Log-in to CISCO VIM Insight.
                Step 2   In the Navigation pane, click Post-Install >Run NFV Bench.
                Step 3   Click on NDR/PDR test and complete the following fields



                Iteration Duration

                Select duration from 10 to 60 sec. Default is 20 sec

                Frame Size

                Select the correct frame size to run

                Run NDR/PDR test

                Click on Run NDR/PDR test. Once NDR/PDR test is finished it will display each type of test with its own settings and results.

                Fixed Rate Test

                  Step 1   Log-in to CISCO VIM Insight.
                  Step 2   In the Navigation pane, click Post-Install >Run NFV Bench.
                  Step 3   Click Fixed rate test and complete the following fields.




                  Rate: Select right configuration pps or bps from drop down-list and enter values :

                  For pps: minimum: 2500pps; maximum: 14500000pps (=14.5Mpps); default: 1000000pps (=1Mpps)

                  For bps: minimum: 1400000bps; maximum: 10000000000bps (=10Gbps); default: 1000000000 (=1Gbps)

                  Iteration Duration

                  Select duration from 10-60Sec. Default is 20sec.

                  Frame Size

                  Select the right frame size(64,IMIX,1518) to run.

                  Run Fixed rate test

                  Click on Run Fixed rate test. Once Fixed rate test is finished it will display each type of test with its own settings and results.

                  POD Management

                  One of the key aspects of Cisco VIM is that it provides the ability for the admin to perform pod life-cycle management from a hardware and software perspective. Nodes of a given pod corrupts at times and VIM provides the ability to add, remove or replace nodes, based on the respective roles with some restrictions. Details of pod management will be listed in the admin guide, however as a summary the following operations are allowed on a running pod:

                    Step 1   Add or Remove Storage Nodes: You can add one node at a time, given that we run Ceph as a distributed storage offering.
                    Step 2   Add or Remove Computes Nodes: N-computes nodes can be replaced simultaneously; however at any given point, at least one compute node should be active.
                    Step 3   Replace Control Nodes: We do not support double fault scenarios, replacement of one controller at a time is supported.

                    System Update

                    As part of the lifecycle management of the cloud, VIM has the ability to bring in patches (bug fixes related to code, security, etc.), thereby providing the additional value of seamless cloud management from software perspective. Software update of the cloud is achieved by uploading a valid tar file following initiation of a System Update from the Insight as follows:

                      Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click Post-Install > System Update.
                      Step 2   Click Browse button.
                      Step 3   Select the valid tar file.
                      Step 4   Click Open > Upload and Update . Message stating System Update has been initiated will be displayed. Logs front-ended by hyperlink would be visible in the section below before Update Logs to help see the progress of the update. During the software update, all other pod management activities will be disabled. Post-update, normal cloud management will commence.

                      Reconfiguring CIMC Password through Insight

                      Update the cimc_password in the CIMC-COMMON section, and/or the individual cimc_password for each server and then run the update password option.

                      To update a password, you need to follow the password rules:

                      • Must contain at least one lower case letter.

                      • Must contain at least one upper case letter.

                      • Must contain at least one digit between 0 to 9.

                      • One of these special characters !$#@%^-_+=*&

                      • Your password has to be 8 to 14 characters long.

                      Before You Begin

                      You must have a C-series pod up and running with Cisco VIM to reconfigure CIMC password.


                      Reconfigure CIMC password section would be disabled if the pod is in failed state as indicated by ciscovim install-status.

                        Step 1   Log-in to CISCO VIM Insight.
                        Step 2   In the navigation pane, select Post-Install
                        Step 3   Click Reconfigure CIMC Password.
                        Step 4   On the Reconfigure CIMC Password page of the Cisco VIM Insight, complete the following fields:



                        CIMC_COMMON old Password

                        CIMC_COMMON old password field cannot be edited.

                        CIMC-COMMON new Password

                        Enter new CIMC-COMMON password. Password should be alphanumeric according to the password rule.

                        Click Update Password

                        Old CIMC-COMMON password will be updated with new CIMC-COMMON password.

                        Reconfiguring OpenStack Password

                        Cisco VIM has been designed with security to accommodate customers' password policy.

                        There are two options to regenerate the Password:

                        1. Regenerate all passwords: Click the checkbox of Regenerate all passwords and click Set Password. This will automatically regenerate all passwords in alphanumeric format.

                        2. Regenerate single or more password: If user wants to set a specific password for any service like Horizon's ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD they can add it by doing an inline edit. Double click on the filed under Password and then enter the password which will enable Set Password button.


                        During the reconfiguration of password, all other pod management activities will be disabled. Post-update, normal cloud management will commence.

                        Reconfiguring OpenStack Services, TLS certs and ELK configurations

                        Cisco VIM supports the reconfiguration of OpenStack log level services, TLS certificates, and ELK configuration. Listed below are the steps to reconfigure the OpenStack and other services:

                          Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click Post-Install > Reconfigure OpenStack Config.
                          Step 2   Click on the specific item to be changed and updated; For TLS certificate it is the path to certificate location.
                          Step 3   Enter Set Config and the process will commence.

                          During the reconfiguration process, all other pod management activities will be disabled. Post-update, normal cloud management will commence.

                          Reconfiguring Optional Services

                          Cisco VIM offers optional services such as heat, migration to Keystone v3, NFVBench, NFVIMON and so on, that can be enabled as post-pod deployment. Optional services can be un-configured as post-deployment in 2.2 feature. These services can be enabled in one-shot or selectively. Listed below are the steps to enable optional services:

                            Step 1   In the Navigation pane, click Post-Install > Reconfigure Optional Services.
                            Step 2   Choose the right service and update the fields with the right values.
                            Step 3   Enter Reconfigure to commence the process.

                            During the reconfiguration process, all other pod management activities will be disabled. Post-update, normal cloud management will commence. Once reconfigure is initiated than optional feature would be updated in active blueprint. If reconfigure of Optional Services fail in the time of reconfigure process then it is advised to contact CiscoTAC to resolve the situation through CLI.


                            All reconfigure operation feature contains repeated deployment true or false.

                            • Repeated re-deployment true - Feature can be re-deployed again.

                            • Repeated re-deployment false- Deployment of feature allowed only once.

                            Deployment Status :

                            Optional Features

                            Repeated re-deployment Options





























                            VIM _ ADMINS











                            Keystone v3


                            HTTP Proxy Server


                            HTTPS Proxy Server


                            Pod User Administration

                            Cisco VIM Insight offers Users (Pod Admin(s) or Pod Users) to manage Users and roles associated with them.

                            Managing Users

                            To add new User

                              Step 1   Click Login as POD User.
                              Step 2   Navigate to POD User Administration.
                              Step 3   Click Manage Users.
                              Step 4   Click Add Users to add a new user.
                              Step 5   Complete the following fields in the Add Users page of the Cisco VIM Insight:

                              Field Name

                              Field Description

                              Email ID

                              Enter the Email ID of the User.

                              User Name

                              Enter the User Name if the User is new. If the User is already registered to the Insight the User-Name gets auto-populated.


                              Select the Role from the drop-down list.

                              Step 6   Click Save.

                              Managing Roles

                              To create a new Role

                                Step 1   Click Login as POD User.
                                Step 2   Navigate to Pod User Administration and click Manage Roles. By default you will see full-pod-access role in the table.
                                Step 3   Click Add Role to create a new role.
                                Step 4   Complete the following fields in the Add Roles page in Cisco VIM Insight:

                                Field Name

                                Field Description


                                Enter the name of the role.


                                Enter the description of the role.

                                Permission Check the Permission checkbox to select the permission.
                                Step 5   Click Save. Once the Blueprint is in Active state all the permissions are same for C-series and B-series Pods other than Reconfigure CIMC Password which is missing for B-series Pod.

                                Permissions are divided in granular level where viewing Dashboard is the default role that is implicitly added while creating a role.

                                Managing Root CA Certificate

                                You can update the CA Certificate during the registration of the POD. Once, logged in as POD User and if you have the permission to update the certificate you can view under POD User Administration>> Manage Root CA Certificate.

                                To update the Certificate:

                                  Step 1   Click Login as POD User
                                  Step 2   Navigate to POD User Administration>>Manage Root CA certificate.
                                  Step 3   Click Browse and select the certificate that you want to upload.
                                  Step 4   Click Upload.
                                  • If the certificate is Invalid, and does not matches with the certificate on the management node located at (var/www/mercury/mercury-ca.crt) then Insight will revert the certificate which was working previously.

                                  • If the Certificate is valid, Insight will run a management node health check and then update the certificate with the latest one.


                                  The CA Certificate which is uploaded should be same as the one which is in the management node.