Creating an L2VPN Policy

This chapter covers the basic steps to create an L2VPN policy. It contains the following sections:

Defining an L2VPN Policy

Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy with a CE

Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy without a CE

Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE

Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy without a CE

Defining a Frame Relay Policy with a CE

Defining a Frame Relay Policy without a CE

Defining an ATM Policy with a CE

Defining an ATM Policy without a CE

Defining an L2VPN Policy

You must define an L2VPN policy before you can provision a Prime Fulfillment service. An L2VPN policy defines the common characteristics shared by the end-to-end wire attributes and Attachment Circuit (AC) attributes.

A policy is a template of most of the parameters needed to define an L2VPN service request. After you define it, an L2VPN policy can be used by all the L2VPN service requests that share a common set of characteristics. You create a new L2VPN policy whenever you create a new type of service or a service with different parameters. L2VPN policy creation is normally performed by experienced network engineers.

A policy can be shared by one or more service requests that have similar service requirements. The Editable check box gives the network operator the option of making a field editable. If the value is set to editable, the service request creator can change to other valid values for the particular policy item. If the value is not set to editable, the service request creator cannot change the policy item.

The four major categories of an L2VPN policy correspond to the four major services that L2VPN provides:

Point-to-point Ethernet Relay Service (ERS). The Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) name for this service is Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL). For more information about terms used to denote L2VPN services in this guide, see the section "Layer 2 Terminology Conventions" in the L2VPN Concepts chapter in the Cisco Prime Fulfillment Theory of Operations Guide 6.1.

Point-to-point Ethernet Wire Service (EWS). The MEF name for this service is Ethernet Private Line (EPL).

Frame Relay over MPLS (FRoMPLS)


To define an L2VPN policy in Prime Fulfillment, perform the following steps.

Step 1 Choose Service Design > Policies > Policy Manager.

The Policy Manager window appears.

Step 2 Click Create.

Step 3 Choose L2VPN (P2P) Policy.

The L2VPN Policy Editor window appears.

Step 4 Enter a Policy Name for the L2VPN policy.

Step 5 Choose the Policy Owner for the L2VPN policy.

There are three types of L2VPN policy ownership:

Customer ownership

Provider ownership

Global ownership—Any service operator can make use of this L2VPN policy.

This ownership has relevance when the Prime Fulfillment Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) comes into play. For example, an L2VPN policy that is customer-owned can only be seen by operators who are allowed to work on this customer-owned policy.

Similarly, operators who are allowed to work on a provider's network can view, use, and deploy a particular provider-owned policy.

Step 6 Click Select to choose the owner of the L2VPN.

(If you choose Global ownership, the Select function is not available.) The Select Customer window or the Select Provider window appears and you can choose an owner of the policy and click Select.

Step 7 Choose the Service Type of the L2VPN policy.

There are four service types for L2VPN policies:



Frame Relay


Subsequent sections of this chapter cover setting up the policies for each of these services.

Step 8 Check the CE Present check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to ask the service operator who uses this L2VPN policy to provide a CE router and interface during service activation.

The default is CE present in the service.

If you do not check the CE Present check box, Prime Fulfillment asks the service operator, during service activation, only for the U-PE or the N-PE router and customer-facing interface.

Step 9 Click Next.

The next sections contain examples of setting policies for the service types, with and without a CE present.

Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy with a CE

This section describes defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) policy with CE present.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose L2VPN ERS for the Service Type.

Step 2 Check the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Check the Standard UNI Port check box to enable port security.

This is the default. When you uncheck the check box, the port is treated as an uplink with no security features, and the window dynamically changes to eliminate items related to port security.

Note The Standard UNI Port attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy if the UNI is on an N-PE device running IOS XR.

Step 5 Choose an Interface Type from the drop-down list.

You can choose a particular interface on a U-PE or N-PE interface based on the service provider's POP design. The interfaces are:

ANY (Any interface can be chosen.)

Port-Channel (A bundle of ports that share the same characteristics—this gives the service provider the ability to aggregate bandwidth and protection.)







The value defined here functions as a filter to restrict the interface types an operator can see during L2VPN service request creation.

Step 6 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the CE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 7 Choose an Encapsulation type.

The choices are:



If DEFAULT is the CE encapsulation type, Prime Fulfillment shows another field for the UNI port type.

Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 8 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 9 Check the Keep Alive check box to configure keepalives on the UNI port.

By default, this check box is unchecked, which causes the command no keepalive to be provisioned on the UNI port. This prevents a CPE from sending keepalive packets to the U-PE, for security purposes. This attribute is editable to support modification on a per-service request basis.

Step 10 Check the ANY check box to display all interface types as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is checked by default.

Step 11 Check the UNI check box to display all interfaces defined as type UNI as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is checked by default.

Step 12 Check the VLAN ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VLAN ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VLAN in a Provider VLAN ID field during service activation.

Step 13 Check the VC ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VC ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VC ID in a VC ID field during service activation.

Step 14 Enter a VLAN NAME (optional) to specify a name to describe the VLAN.

The name must be one token (no spaces allowed.) The limit for the VLAN name is 32 characters. The name has to be unique.

Step 15 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If the check box is checked, an additional attribute, PseudoWireClass, appears in the GUI. Click the Select button of PseudoWireClass attribute to choose a pseudowire class previously created in Prime Fulfillment. The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 7-10, for additional information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.

Step 16 Choose an L2VPN Group Name from the drop-down list.

The choices are:



This attribute is used for provisioning the L2VPN group name on IOS XR devices.

Note The choices in the drop-down list are derived from a configurable DCPL property. For information about how to define the L2VPN Group Name choices available in the drop-down list, see Defining L2VPN Group Names for IOS XR Devices, page 7-13.

Step 17 Enter an E-Line Name to specify the point-to-point (p2p) E-line name.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If no value is specified for the p2p name, Prime Fulfillment generates a default name consisting of the names of the two PEs forming the pseudowire, separated by hyphens (for example, 6503-A----6503-B). If the default name is more than 32 characters, the device names are truncated.

Step 18 Enter a Link Media type (optional) of None, auto-select, rj45, or sfp.

Usage notes:

The default is None.

When this attribute is used, a new CLI will be generated in the UNI interface to define the media type.

The Link Media attribute is supported only for ME3400 platforms.

Step 19 Enter a Link Speed (optional) of None, 10, 100, 1000, Auto, or nonegotiate.

Step 20 Enter a Link Duplex (optional) of None, Full, Half, or Auto.

Step 21 Check the Use Existing ACL Name check box if you want assign your own named access list to the port.

By default, this box is unchecked and Prime Fulfillment automatically assigns a MAC-based ACL on the customer facing UNI port, based on values you enter in UNI MAC addresses (below).

Step 22 Enter a Port-Based ACL Name (if you checked the Use Existing ACL Name check box, as mentioned in the previous step).

Note Prime Fulfillment does not create this ACL automatically. The ACL must already exist on the device, or be added as part of a template, before the service request is deployed. Otherwise, deployment will fail.

Step 23 Enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses in UNI MAC addresses.

This selection is present only if you uncheck the Use Existing ACL Name check box. Click the Edit button to bring up a pop-up window in which you enter MAC addresses to be allowed or denied on the port. You can also specify a range of addresses by setting a base MAC address and a filtered MAC address.

Step 24 Choose a UNI Port Type.

The choices are:

Access Port

Trunk with Native VLAN

Note Enter a UNI Port Type only if the encapsulation type is DEFAULT.

Step 25 Check the UNI Port Security check box if you to want to provision port security-related CLIs to the UNI port by controlling the MAC addresses that are allowed to go through the interface.

a. For Maximum Number of MAC address, enter the number of MAC addresses allowed for port security.

b. For Aging, enter the length of time the MAC address can stay on the port security table.

c. For Violation Action, choose what action will occur when a port security violation is detected:

PROTECT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value.

RESTRICT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value and causes the Security Violation counter to increment.

SHUTDOWN—Puts the interface into the error-disabled state immediately and sends an SNMP trap notification.

d. In the Secure MAC Addresses field, enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses.

Step 26 Check the Enable Storm Control check box to help prevent the UNI port from being disrupted by a broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm.

Enter a threshold value for each type of traffic. The value, which can be specified to two significant digits, represents the percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port. If the threshold of a traffic type is reached, further traffic of that type is suppressed until the incoming traffic falls below the threshold level.

Step 27 Check the N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI check box to configure the pseudowire connection on the switched virtual interface of the OSM card.

This check box is checked by default. If the check box is not checked, the pseudowire will be provisioned on the subinterface of the PFC card, if it is available. This option is only available for C76xx devices.

Note The N-PE Pseudo-wire on SVI attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 28 Specify the type of VLAN Translation for this policy by clicking the appropriate radio button.

The choices are:

No—No VLAN translation is performed. (This is the default.)

1:1—1:1 VLAN translation.

2:1—2:1 VLAN translation.

Note For detailed coverage of setting up VLAN translation, see Chapter 19, "Setting Up VLAN Translation."

Step 29 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Note The PW Tunnel Selection attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 30 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 31 Click Finish.

Defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) Policy without a CE

This section describes defining an Ethernet ERS (EVPL) policy without a CE present.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose L2VPN ERS for the Service Type.

Step 2 Uncheck the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Choose a N-PE/U-PE Interface Type from the drop-down list.

You can choose a particular interface as a CE, N-PE, or U-PE interface based on the service provider's POP design. The interfaces are:

ANY (Any interface can be chosen.)

Port-Channel (A bundle of ports that share the same characteristics—this gives the service provider the ability to aggregate bandwidth and protection.)







The value defined here functions as a filter to restrict the interface types an operator can see during L2VPN service request creation.

Step 5 Check the Standard UNI Port check box to enable port security.

This is the default. When you uncheck the check box, the port is treated as an uplink with no security features, and the window dynamically changes to eliminate items related to port security.

Note The Standard UNI Port attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy if the UNI is on an N-PE device running IOS XR.

Step 6 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the PE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 7 Choose an Encapsulation type.

The choices are:



If DEFAULT is the CE encapsulation type, Prime Fulfillment shows another field for the UNI port type.

Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 8 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 9 Check the Keep Alive check box to configure keepalives on the UNI port.

By default, this check box is unchecked, which causes the command no keepalive to be provisioned on the UNI port. This prevents a CPE from sending keepalive packets to the U-PE, for security purposes. This attribute is editable to support modification on a per-service request basis.

Step 10 Check the ANY check box to display all interface types as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is checked by default.

Step 11 Check the UNI check box to display all interfaces defined as type UNI as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is checked by default.

Step 12 Check the VLAN ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VLAN ID. If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VLAN in a Provider VLAN ID field during service activation.

Step 13 Check the VC ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VC ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VC ID in a VC ID field during service activation.

Step 14 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If the check box is checked, an additional attribute, PseudoWireClass, appears in the GUI. Click the Select button of PseudoWireClass attribute to choose a pseudowire class previously created in Prime Fulfillment. The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 7-10, for additional information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.

Step 15 Choose an L2VPN Group Name from the drop-down list.

The choices are:



This attribute is used for provisioning the L2VPN group name on IOS XR devices.

Note The choices in the drop-down list are derived from a configurable DCPL property. For information about how to define the L2VPN Group Name choices available in the drop-down list, see Defining L2VPN Group Names for IOS XR Devices, page 7-13.

Step 16 Enter an E-Line Name to specify the point-to-point (p2p) E-line name.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If no value is specified for the p2p name, Prime Fulfillment generates a default name consisting of the names of the two PEs forming the pseudowire, separated by hyphens (for example, 6503-A----6503-B). If the default name is more than 32 characters, the device names are truncated.

Step 17 Enter a VLAN NAME (optional) to specify a name to describe the VLAN.

The name must be one token (no spaces allowed.) The limit for the VLAN name is 32 characters. The name has to be unique.

Step 18 Enter a Link Media type (optional) of None, auto-select, rj45, or sfp.

Usage notes:

The default is None.

When this attribute is used, a new CLI will be generated in the UNI interface to define the media type.

The Link Media attribute is supported only for ME3400 platforms.

Step 19 Enter a Link Speed (optional) of None, 10, 100, 1000, Auto, or nonegotiate.

Step 20 Enter a Link Duplex (optional) of None, Full, Half, or Auto.

Step 21 Check the Use Existing ACL Name check box if you want assign your own named access list to the port.

By default, this check box is unchecked and Prime Fulfillment automatically assigns a MAC-based ACL on the customer facing UNI port, based on values you enter in UNI MAC addresses (below).

Step 22 Enter a Port-Based ACL Name (if you checked the Use Existing ACL Name check box, as mentioned in the previous step).

Note Prime Fulfillment does not create this ACL automatically. The ACL must already exist on the device, or be added as part of a template, before the service request is deployed. Otherwise, deployment will fail.

Step 23 Enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses in UNI MAC addresses.

This selection is present only if you unchecked the Use Existing ACL Name check box. Click the Edit button to bring up a pop-up window in which you enter MAC addresses to be allowed or denied on the port. You can also specify a range of addresses by setting a base MAC address and a filtered MAC address.

Step 24 Choose a UNI Port Type.

The choices are:

Access Port

Trunk with Native VLAN

Note Enter a UNI Port Type only if the encapsulation type is DEFAULT.

Step 25 Check the UNI Port Security check box if you to want to provision port security-related CLIs to the UNI port by controlling the MAC addresses that are allowed to go through the interface.

a. For Maximum Number of MAC address, enter the number of MAC addresses allowed for port security.

b. For Aging, enter the length of time the MAC address can stay on the port security table.

c. For Violation Action, choose what action will occur when a port security violation is detected:

PROTECT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value.

RESTRICT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value and causes the Security Violation counter to increment.

SHUTDOWN—Puts the interface into the error-disabled state immediately and sends an SNMP trap notification.

d. In the Secure MAC Addresses field, enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses.

Step 26 Check the Enable Storm Control check box to help prevent the UNI port from being disrupted by a broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm.

Enter a threshold value for each type of traffic. The value, which can be specified to two significant digits, represents the percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port. If the threshold of a traffic type is reached, further traffic of that type is suppressed until the incoming traffic falls below the threshold level.

Step 27 Check the N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI check box to configure the pseudowire connection on the switched virtual interface of the OSM card.

This check box is checked by default. If the check box is not checked, the pseudowire will be provisioned on the subinterface of the PFC card, if it is available. This option is only available for C76xx devices.

Note The N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 28 Specify the type of VLAN Translation for this policy by clicking the appropriate radio button.

The choices are:

No—No VLAN translation is performed. (This is the default.)

1:1—1:1 VLAN translation.

2:1—2:1 VLAN translation.

Note For detailed coverage of setting up VLAN translation, see Chapter 19, "Setting Up VLAN Translation."

Step 29 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Note The PW Tunnel Selection attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 30 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 31 Click Finish.

Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy with a CE

This section describes defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) policy with CE present.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose L2VPN EWS for the Service Type.

Step 2 Check the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Check the Standard UNI Port check box to enable port security.

This is the default. When you uncheck the check box, the port is treated as an uplink with no security features, and the window dynamically changes to eliminate items related to port security.

Note The Standard UNI Port attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy if the UNI is on an N-PE device running IOS XR.

Note In previous releases, the only Layer 2 VPN support for EWS (EPL) was from EWS (EPL) to EWS (EPL). In ISC 4.1.2 and later, support is also from EWS (EPL) to Network to Network Interface (NNI) as a trunk port. To create this new type of service request, you need to create an EWS (EPL) "hybrid" policy by unchecking the standard UNI flag. When using the EWS (EPL) hybrid policy for service request creation, check the Standard UNI Port flag for the EWS (EPL) side of the connection and uncheck the standard UNI flag for the NNI side of the connection.

Note In the case of hybrid services, UNI on an N-PE running IOS XR is not supported.

Step 5 Choose an Interface Type from the drop-down list.

You can choose a particular interface on a U-PE or N-PE interface based on the service provider's POP design. The interfaces are:

ANY (Any interface can be chosen.)

Port-Channel (A bundle of ports that share the same characteristics—this gives the service provider the ability to aggregate bandwidth and protection.)







The value defined here functions as a filter to restrict the interface types an operator can see during L2VPN service request creation.

Step 6 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the CE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 7 Choose an Encapsulation type.

The choices are:



If DEFAULT is the CE encapsulation type, Prime Fulfillment shows another field for the UNI port type.

Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 8 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 9 Check the Keep Alive check box to configure keepalives on the UNI port.

By default, this check box is unchecked, which causes the command no keepalive to be provisioned on the UNI port. This prevents a CPE from sending keepalive packets to the U-PE, for security purposes. This attribute is editable to support modification on a per-service request basis.

Step 10 Check the ANY check box to display all interface types as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is checked by default.

Step 11 Check the UNI check box to display all interfaces defined as type UNI as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is checked by default.

Step 12 Check the VLAN ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VLAN ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VLAN in a Provider VLAN ID field during service activation.

Step 13 Check the VC ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VC ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VC ID in a VC ID field during service activation.

Step 14 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If the check box is checked, an additional attribute, PseudoWireClass, appears in the GUI. Click the Select button of PseudoWireClass attribute to choose a pseudowire class previously created in Prime Fulfillment. The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 7-10 for additional information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.

Step 15 Choose an L2VPN Group Name from the drop-down list.

The choices are:



This attribute is used for provisioning the L2VPN group name on IOS XR devices.

Note The choices in the drop-down list are derived from a configurable DCPL property. For information about how to define the L2VPN Group Name choices available in the drop-down list, see Defining L2VPN Group Names for IOS XR Devices, page 7-13.

Step 16 Enter an E-Line Name to specify the point-to-point (p2p) E-line name.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If no value is specified for the p2p name, Prime Fulfillment generates a default name consisting of the names of the two PEs forming the pseudowire, separated by hyphens (for example, 6503-A----6503-B). If the default name is more than 32 characters, the device names are truncated.

Step 17 Enter a VLAN NAME (optional) to specify a name to describe the VLAN.

The name must be one token (no spaces allowed.) The limit for the VLAN name is 32 characters. The name has to be unique.

Step 18 Check the VLAN ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VLAN ID. If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VLAN in a Provider VLAN ID field during service activation.

Step 19 Enter a Link Media type (optional) of None, auto-select, rj45, or sfp.

Usage notes:

The default is None.

When this attribute is used, a new CLI will be generated in the UNI interface to define the media type.

The Link Media attribute is supported only for ME3400 platforms.

Step 20 Enter a Link Speed (optional) of None, 10, 100, 1000, Auto, or nonegotiate.

Step 21 Enter a Link Duplex (optional) of None, Full, Half, or Auto.

Step 22 Check the Use Existing ACL Name check box if you want assign your own named access list to the port. By default, this check box is not checked and Prime Fulfillment automatically assigns a MAC-based ACL on the customer facing UNI port, based on values you enter in UNI MAC addresses (below).

Step 23 Enter a Port-Based ACL Name (if you checked the Use Existing ACL Name check box, as mentioned in the previous step).

Note Prime Fulfillment does not create this ACL automatically. The ACL must already exist on the device, or be added as part of a template, before the service request is deployed. Otherwise, deployment will fail.

Step 24 Enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses in UNI MAC addresses.

This selection is present only if you uncheck the Use Existing ACL Name check box. Click the Edit button to bring up a pop-up window in which you enter MAC addresses to be allowed or denied on the port. You can also specify a range of addresses by setting a base MAC address and a filtered MAC address.

Step 25 Check the UNI Port Security check box if you to want to provision port security-related CLIs to the UNI port by controlling the MAC addresses that are allowed to go through the interface.

a. For Maximum Number of MAC address, enter the number of MAC addresses allowed for port security.

b. For Aging, enter the length of time the MAC address can stay on the port security table.

c. For Violation Action, choose what action will occur when a port security violation is detected:

PROTECT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value.

RESTRICT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value and causes the Security Violation counter to increment.

SHUTDOWN—Puts the interface into the error-disabled state immediately and sends an SNMP trap notification.

d. In the Secure MAC Addresses field, enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses.

Step 26 Check the Enable Storm Control check box to help prevent the UNI port from being disrupted by a broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm. Enter a threshold value for each type of traffic.

The value, which can be specified to two significant digits, represents the percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port. If the threshold of a traffic type is reached, further traffic of that type is suppressed until the incoming traffic falls below the threshold level.

Step 27 Check the Protocol Tunnelling check box if you want to define the Layer 2 Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) frames that can be tunneled over the core to the other end.

For each protocol that you choose, enter the shutdown threshold and drop threshold for that protocol:

a. Enable cdp—Enable Layer 2 tunnelling on Cisco Discover Protocol (CDP).

b. cdp shutdown threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received before the interface is shut down.

c. cdp drop threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received at which point the interface will start dropping CDP packets.

d. Enable vtp—Enable Layer 2 tunnelling on VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP).

e. vtp shutdown threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received before the interface is shut down.

f. vtp drop threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received at which point the interface will start dropping VTP packets.

g. Enable stp—Enable Layer 2 tunnelling on Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).

h. stp shutdown threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received before the interface is shut down.

i. stp drop threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received at which point the interface will start dropping STP packets.

j. Recovery IntervalEnter the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before recovering a UNI port.

Step 28 Check the N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI check box to configure the pseudowire connection on the switched virtual interface of the OSM card.

This check box is checked by default. If the check box is not checked, the pseudowire will be provisioned on the subinterface of the PFC card, if it is available. This option is only available for C76xx devices.

Note The N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 29 Enter the MTU Size in bytes.

The maximum transmission unit (MTU) size is configurable and optional. The default size is 9216, and the range is 1500 to 9216. Prime Fulfillment does not perform an integrity check for this customized value. If a service request goes to the Failed Deploy state because this size is not accepted, you must adjust the size until the Service Request is deployed.

In Cisco Prime Fulfillment 1.0, different platforms support different ranges.

For the 3750 and 3550 platforms, the MTU range is 1500-1546.

For the 7600 ethernet port, the MTU size is always 9216. Even with the same platform and same IOS release, different line cards support the MTU differently. For example, older line cards only take an MTU size of 9216 and newer cards support 1500-9216. However, Cisco Prime Fulfillment 1.0 uses 9216 in both cases.

For the 7600 SVI (interface VLAN), the MTU size is 1500-9216.

Step 30 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Note The PW Tunnel Selection attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 31 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 32 Click Finish.

Defining an Ethernet EWS (EPL) Policy without a CE

This section describes how to define an Ethernet EWS (EPL) policy without a CE present.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose L2VPN EWS for the Service Type.

Step 2 Uncheck the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Choose a N-PE/U-PE Interface Type from the drop-down list.

You can choose a particular interface as a CE, N-PE, or U-PE interface based on the service provider's POP design. The interfaces are:

ANY (Any interface can be chosen.)

Port-Channel (A bundle of ports that share the same characteristics—this gives the service provider the ability to aggregate bandwidth and protection.)







The value defined here functions as a filter to restrict the interface types an operator can see during L2VPN service request creation.

Step 5 Check the Standard UNI Port check box to enable port security.

This is the default. When you uncheck the check box, the port is treated as an uplink with no security features, and the window dynamically changes to eliminate items related to port security.

Note The Standard UNI Port attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy if the UNI is on an N-PE device running IOS XR.

Note In previous releases, the only Layer 2 VPN support for EWS (EPL) was from EWS (EPL) to EWS (EPL). In ISC 4.1.2 and later, support is also from EWS (EPL) to Network to Network Interface (NNI) as a trunk port. To create this new type of service request, you need to create an EWS (EPL) "hybrid" policy by unchecking the standard UNI flag. When using the EWS (EPL) hybrid policy for service request creation, check the Standard UNI Port flag for the EWS (EPL) side of the connection and uncheck the standard UNI flag for the NNI side of the connection.

Note In the case of hybrid services, UNI on an N-PE running IOS XR is not supported.

Step 6 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the PE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 7 Choose an Encapsulation type.

The choices are:



If DEFAULT is the CE encapsulation type, Prime Fulfillment shows another field for the UNI port type.

Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 8 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 9 Check the Keep Alive check box to configure keepalives on the UNI port.

By default, this check box is unchecked, which causes the command no keepalive to be provisioned on the UNI port. This prevents a CPE from sending keepalive packets to the U-PE, for security purposes. This attribute is editable to support modification on a per-service request basis.

Step 10 Check the ANY check box to display all interface types as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is not checked by default.

Step 11 Check the UNI check box to display all interfaces defined as type UNI as choices for the UNI interface (when creating service requests based on this policy).

This check box is not checked by default.

Step 12 Check the VLAN ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VLAN ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VLAN in a Provider VLAN ID field during service activation.

Step 13 Check the VC ID AutoPick check box if you want Prime Fulfillment to choose a VC ID.

If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VC ID in a VC ID field during service activation.

Step 14 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If the check box is checked, an additional attribute, PseudoWireClass, appears in the GUI. Click the Select button of PseudoWireClass attribute to choose a pseudowire class previously created in Prime Fulfillment. The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 7-10, for additional information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.

Step 15 Choose an L2VPN Group Name from the drop-down list.

The choices are:



This attribute is used for provisioning the L2VPN group name on IOS XR devices.

Note The choices in the drop-down list are derived from a configurable DCPL property. For information about how to define the L2VPN Group Name choices available in the drop-down list, see Defining L2VPN Group Names for IOS XR Devices, page 7-13.

Step 16 Enter an E-Line Name to specify the point-to-point (p2p) E-line name.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If no value is specified for the p2p name, Prime Fulfillment generates a default name consisting of the names of the two PEs forming the pseudowire, separated by hyphens (for example, 6503-A----6503-B). If the default name is more than 32 characters, the device names are truncated.

Step 17 Enter a VLAN NAME (optional) to specify a name to describe the VLAN.

The name must be one token (no spaces allowed.) The limit for the VLAN name is 32 characters. The name has to be unique.

Step 18 Enter a Link Media type (optional) of None, auto-select, rj45, or sfp.

Usage notes:

The default is None.

When this attribute is used, a new CLI will be generated in the UNI interface to define the media type.

The Link Media attribute is supported only for ME3400 platforms.

Step 19 Enter a Link Speed (optional) of None, 10, 100, 1000, Auto, or nonegotiate.

Step 20 Enter a Link Duplex (optional) of None, Full, Half, or Auto.

Step 21 Check the Use Existing ACL Name check box if you want assign your own named access list to the port.

By default, this check box is not checked and Prime Fulfillment automatically assigns a MAC-based ACL on the customer facing UNI port, based on values you enter in UNI MAC addresses (below).

Step 22 Enter a Port-Based ACL Name (if you checked the Use Existing ACL Name check box, as mentioned in the previous step).

Note Prime Fulfillment does not create this ACL automatically. The ACL must already exist on the device, or be added as part of a template, before the service request is deployed. Otherwise, deployment will fail.

Step 23 Enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses in UNI MAC addresses.

This selection is present only if you uncheck the Use Existing ACL Name check box. Click the Edit button to bring up a pop-up window in which you enter MAC addresses to be allowed or denied on the port. You can also specify a range of addresses by setting a base MAC address and a filtered MAC address.

Step 24 Check the UNI Port Security check box if you to want to provision port security-related CLIs to the UNI port by controlling the MAC addresses that are allowed to go through the interface.

a. For Maximum Number of MAC address, enter the number of MAC addresses allowed for port security.

b. For Aging, enter the length of time the MAC address can stay on the port security table.

c. For Violation Action, choose what action will occur when a port security violation is detected:

PROTECT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value.

RESTRICT—Drops packets with unknown source addresses until a sufficient number of secure MAC addresses are removed to drop below the maximum value and causes the Security Violation counter to increment.

SHUTDOWN—Puts the interface into the error-disabled state immediately and sends an SNMP trap notification.

d. In the Secure MAC Addresses field, enter one or more Ethernet MAC addresses.

Step 25 Check the Enable Storm Control check box to help prevent the UNI port from being disrupted by a broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm.

Enter a threshold value for each type of traffic. The value, which can be specified to two significant digits, represents the percentage of the total available bandwidth of the port. If the threshold of a traffic type is reached, further traffic of that type is suppressed until the incoming traffic falls below the threshold level.

Step 26 Check the Protocol Tunnelling check box if you want to define the Layer 2 Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) frames that can be tunneled over the core to the other end.

For each protocol that you check, enter the shutdown threshold and drop threshold for that protocol:

a. Enable cdp—Enable Layer 2 tunnelling on Cisco Discover Protocol (CDP).

b. cdp shutdown threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received before the interface is shut down.

c. cdp drop threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received at which point the interface will start dropping CDP packets.

d. Enable vtp—Enable Layer 2 tunnelling on VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP).

e. vtp shutdown threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received before the interface is shut down.

f. vtp drop threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received at which point the interface will start dropping VTP packets.

g. Enable stp—Enable Layer 2 tunnelling on Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).

h. stp shutdown threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received before the interface is shut down.

i. stp drop threshold—Enter the number of packets per second to be received at which point the interface will start dropping STP packets.

j. Recovery IntervalEnter the amount of time, in seconds, to wait before recovering a UNI port.

Step 27 Check the N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI check box to configure the pseudowire connection on the switched virtual interface of the OSM card.

This check box is checked by default. If the check box is not checked, the pseudowire will be provisioned on the subinterface of the PFC card, if it is available. This option is only available for C76xx devices.

Note The N-PE Pseudo-wire On SVI attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 28 Enter the MTU Size in bytes.

The maximum transmission unit (MTU) size is configurable and optional. The default size is 9216, and the range is 1500 to 9216. Prime Fulfillment does not perform an integrity check for this customized value. If a service request goes to the Failed Deploy state because this size is not accepted, you must adjust the size until the Service Request is deployed.

In Cisco Prime Fulfillment 1.0, different platforms support different ranges.

For the 3750 and 3550 platforms, the MTU range is 1500-1546.

For the 7600 ethernet port, the MTU size is always 9216. Even with the same platform and same IOS release, different line cards support the MTU differently. For example, older line cards only take an MTU size of 9216 and newer cards support 1500-9216. However, Cisco Prime Fulfillment 1.0 uses 9216 in both cases.

For the 7600 SVI (interface VLAN), the MTU size is 1500-9216.

Step 29 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Note The PW Tunnel Selection attribute will be unavailable within service requests based on this policy for devices running IOS XR.

Step 30 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 31 Click Finish.

Defining a Frame Relay Policy with a CE

This section describes how to define a Frame Relay policy with CE present.

Note Frame Relay policies are not supported for devices running IOS XR.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose Frame Relay for the Service Type.

Step 2 Check the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Choose the Interface Type for the CE from the drop-down list.

The choices are:







Step 5 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the CE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 6 Choose the CE Encapsulation type.

The choices are:



Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 7 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 8 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Step 9 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 10 Click Finish.

Defining a Frame Relay Policy without a CE

This section describes how to define a Frame Relay policy without a CE present. Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose Frame Relay for the Service Type.

Step 2 Uncheck the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Choose the N-PE/U-PE Interface Type for the CE from the drop-down list.

The choices are:







Step 5 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the PE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 6 Choose the N-PE/U-PE Encapsulation type.

The choices are:



Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 7 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 8 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Step 9 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 10 Click Finish.

Defining an ATM Policy with a CE

This section describes how to define an ATM policy with CE present.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose ATM for the Service Type.

Step 2 Check the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Choose the Transport Mode from the drop-down list.

The choices are:

VP—Virtual path mode. This is the default.

VC—Virtual circuit mode.

PORT—Port mode. (Only supported for the IOS XR 3.7 platform.) Usage notes:

If you choose PORT as the transport mode, the attributes ATM VCD/Sub-interface # and ATM VPI will be disabled in the Link Attributes window of the service request based on this policy.

If you choose PORT as the transport mode, three attributes for setting timer values a will appear in the Link Attributes window of the service request based on this policy. These attributes are Timer1, Timer2, and Timer3. They are used to add timer values. The permissible range for these values is 50 to 4095. This feature is supported only for an N-PE as a UNI device.

If you choose PORT as the transport mode, two attributes for setting cell packing will appear in the Link Attributes window of the service request based on this policy. These attributes are Maximum no. of cells to be packed and Cell packing timer. This feature is supported only for an N-PE as a UNI device.

Step 5 Choose the CE Interface Type from the drop-down list.

The choices are:




Step 6 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the CE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 7 Choose a CE Encapsulation.

The choices are:





Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 8 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 9 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If the check box is checked, an additional attribute, PseudoWireClass, appears in the GUI. Click the Select button of PseudoWireClass attribute to choose a pseudowire class previously created in Prime Fulfillment. The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 7-10, for additional information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.

Step 10 Choose an L2VPN Group Name from the drop-down list.

The choices are:



This attribute is used for provisioning the L2VPN group name on IOS XR devices.

Note The choices in the drop-down list are derived from a configurable DCPL property. For information about how to define the L2VPN Group Name choices available in the drop-down list, see Defining L2VPN Group Names for IOS XR Devices, page 7-13.

Step 11 Enter an E-Line Name to specify the point-to-point (p2p) E-line name.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If no value is specified for the p2p name, Prime Fulfillment generates a default name consisting of the names of the two PEs forming the pseudowire, separated by hyphens (for example, 6503-A----6503-B). If the default name is more than 32 characters, the device names are truncated.

Step 12 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Step 13 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 14 Click Finish.

Defining an ATM Policy without a CE

This section describes how to define an ATM policy without a CE present.

Perform the following steps.

Step 1 In the Service Information window of the L2VPN Policy Editor, choose ATM for the Service Type.

Step 2 Uncheck the CE Present check box.

Step 3 Click Next.

The Interface Type window appears.

Step 4 Choose the Transport Mode from the drop-down list.

The choices are:

VP—Virtual path mode. This is the default.

VC—Virtual circuit mode.

PORT—Port mode. (Only supported for the IOS XR 3.7 platform.) Usage notes:

If you choose PORT as the transport mode, the attributes ATM VCD/Sub-interface # and ATM VPI will be disabled in the Link Attributes window of the service request based on this policy.

If you choose PORT as the transport mode, three attributes for setting timer values a will appear in the Link Attributes window of the service request based on this policy. These attributes are Timer1, Timer2, and Timer3. They are used to add timer values. The permissible range for these values is 50 to 4095. This feature is supported only for an N-PE as a UNI device.

If you choose PORT as the transport mode, two attributes for setting cell packing will appear in the Link Attributes window of the service request based on this policy. These attributes are Maximum no. of cells to be packed and Cell packing timer. This feature is supported only for an N-PE as a UNI device.

Step 5 Choose the N-PE/U-PE Interface Type from the drop-down list.

The choices are:




Step 6 Enter an Interface Format as the slot number/port number for the PE interface (for example, 1/0 indicates that the interface is located at slot 1, port 0).

This is especially useful to specify here if you know that the link will always go through a particular interface's slot/port location on all or most of the network devices in the service.

Step 7 Choose a PE Encapsulation.

The choices are:






Note If the Interface Type is ANY, Prime Fulfillment will not ask for an Encapsulation type in the policy.

Step 8 Check the UNI Shutdown check box if you want to leave the UNI port shut during service activation, for example, when the service provider wants to deploy a service in the network but wants to activate it at a later time.

Step 9 Check the Use PseudoWireClass check box to enable the selection of a pseudowire class.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If the check box is checked, an additional attribute, PseudoWireClass, appears in the GUI. Click the Select button of PseudoWireClass attribute to choose a pseudowire class previously created in Prime Fulfillment. The pseudowire class name is used for provisioning pw-class commands on IOS XR devices. See Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices, page 7-10, for additional information on pseudowire class support for IOS XR devices.

Step 10 Choose an L2VPN Group Name from the drop-down list.

The choices are:



This attribute is used for provisioning the L2VPN group name on IOS XR devices.

Note The choices in the drop-down list are derived from a configurable DCPL property. For information about how to define the L2VPN Group Name choices available in the drop-down list, see Defining L2VPN Group Names for IOS XR Devices, page 7-13.

Step 11 Enter an E-Line Name to specify the point-to-point (p2p) E-line name.

This attribute is only applicable for IOS XR devices. If no value is specified for the p2p name, Prime Fulfillment generates a default name consisting of the names of the two PEs forming the pseudowire, separated by hyphens (for example, 6503-A----6503-B). If the default name is more than 32 characters, the device names are truncated.

Step 12 Check the PW Tunnel Selection check box if you want to be able to manually select the Traffic Engineering (TE) tunnel for the pseudowire connecting point-to-point N-PEs.

This attribute is unchecked by default

Subsequently, when you create a service request based on this policy, you must specify the TE tunnel ID in a field provided. Prime Fulfillment uses the tunnel information to create and provision a pseudowire class that describes the pseudowire connection between two N-PEs. This pseudowire class can be shared by more than one pseudowire, as long as the pseudowires share the same tunnel ID and remote loopback address. You are responsible to ensure that the tunnel interface and associated ID are configured. During service request creation when you specify the tunnel ID number, Prime Fulfillment does not check the validity of the value. That is, Prime Fulfillment does not verify the existence of the tunnel.

Step 13 Click the Next button, if you want to enable template support for the policy.

The Template Association window appears. In this window, you can enable template support and, optionally, associate templates and data files with the policy. For instructions about associating templates with policies and how to use the features in this window, see Chapter 49, "Using Templates and Data Files with Policies and Service Requests." When you have completed setting up templates and data files for the policy, click Finish in the Template Association window to close it and return to the Policy Editor window.

Step 14 Click Finish.