Table Of Contents
Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454
Release 4.0.2DDTS # CSCdv05723 and DDTS # CSCdw37046
SONET and SDH Card Compatibility
Active Cross Connect or TCC+/TCC2 Card Removal
DDTS # CSCdu71847: DS3 Equipment Protection
DDTS # CSCds02031 E1000-2/E100
Maintenance and Administration
Transmission Control Protocol Specification
DDTS # CSCdx40462, CSCdx47176, CSCdw22170
ONS 15454 Conducted Emissions Kit
Upgrading to Use the G1000-4 Ethernet Card
DDTS # CSCdv10824: Netscape Plugins Directory
DDTS # CSCds13769: Fujitsu FLM-150 and Nortel OC-3 Express
Path Protection Configuration Functionality
Active Cross Connect or TCC+/TCC2 Card Removal
Transponder (TXP_MR_10G) and Muxponder (MXP_2.5G_10G) Documentation
Resolved Software Caveats for Release 4.0.2
DDTS # CSCdy24967 and CSCdy21173
Maintenance and Administration
Performance Monitoring Using Cisco Transport Manager
DDTS # CSCdy56366 and CSCdy12392
DDTS # CSCdx89312 and CSCdy52392
DDTS # CSCdv89939 and CSCdy46597
Path Protection Configuration Functionality
New Features and Functionality
OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx Card
New Software Features and Functionality
Path Protection Configuration Dual Ring Interconnect
Port Based Numbering of Alarms
Ethernet Tx and Rx Utilization
FTP Database Backup and Restore Support
New Commands Supporting the ML-Series Cards
Changes in TL1 Functionality Since Release 3.4
TL1 Syntax Changes Since Release 3.4
ENUM Changes to TL1 Since Release 3.4
ENUM Value Changes for Existing Commands
Enum Table Changes for Existing TL1 Commands Since Release 3.4
Enum Changes For New Commands in Release 4.0.x
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Contacting TAC by Using the Cisco TAC Website
Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454
Release 4.0.2
Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.
August 2007
Release notes address closed (maintenance) issues, caveats, and new features for the Cisco ONS 15454 SONET multiplexer. For detailed information regarding features, capabilities, hardware, and software introduced with this release, refer to Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide, Release 4.0; Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide, Release.4.0; Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide, Release 4.0; and Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15327 TL1 Command Guide, Release 4.0. For the most current version of the Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454 Release 4.0.2, visit the following URL:
Cisco also provides Bug Toolkit, a web resource for tracking defects. To access Bug Toolkit, visit the following URL:
Resolved Software Caveats for Release 4.0.2
New Features and Functionality
Obtaining Technical Assistance
Changes to the Release Notes
This section documents supplemental changes that have been added to the Release Notes for Cisco ONS 15454 Release 4.0.2 since the production of the Cisco ONS 15454 System Software CD for Release 4.0.2.
The following changes have been added to the release notes for Release 4.0.2.
Changes to Caveats
The following caveats have been added.
Transmission Control Protocol Specification
Review the notes listed below before deploying the ONS 15454. Caveats with DDTS tracking numbers are known system limitations that are scheduled to be addressed in a subsequent release. Caveats without DDTS tracking numbers are provided to point out procedural or situational considerations when deploying the product.
DDTS # CSCdv05723 and DDTS # CSCdw37046
DS-3 traffic hits can occur during synchronization changes (frequency offsets applied) on the node's timing.
A specific scenario under which this has been seen involves configurations with multiple nodes line-timed off each other in series. If a network configuration has a DS-3 circuit routed over a chain of nodes that are line-timed off each other in sequence (more than 1 line-timed "hop"), the DS-3 traffic might exhibit errors on timing disturbances applied on the source node.
The other scenario involves an abrupt change in reference frequency between two nodes. This can result in test set errors.
This issue is under investigation for possible resolution in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdw57215
In a configuration with OC-48 Any Slot cards and an STS-24c circuit, provisioned between G1000-4 cards with traffic going over the OC-48 span, extracting the G1000-4 card at one end of the STS-24c circuit before deleting the circuit will result in a traffic hit on all existing SONET circuits defined over that same span. This only occurs when the STS-24c is provisioned on timeslot 25.
In the Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide, Release 3.4.1, refer to the "NTP-77 Delete Circuits" procedure to delete the 24c circuit before removing the card. Once you have deleted the circuit, refer to the "DLP-191 Delete a Card from CTC" task (also in the procedure guide) to delete the G1000-4 card. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
Line Cards
DDTS # CSCdz44369
Rarely, when the active TCC2 is removed, small traffic errors of 2 to 30 ms can sometimes occur, especially on boards with OCN ASIC. To avoid this issue, switch to the protect TCC2 before removing the working TCC2. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCdz49928
When using KLM type fuses with specific types of fuse and alarm panels, the PWR-REDUN alarm may not be displayed once the fuse is blown. A KLM fuse does not have a blown fuse indicator build into it. As a result, the blown fuse detection circuitry on the FAP may continue to provide voltage on its output despite a blown fuse.
Ethernet Polarity Detection
The TCC2 does not support polarity detection & correction on the LAN Ethernet port. This is a change from prior common control cards, such as the TCC+. If your LAN Ethernet connection has the wrong polarity (due to incorrect wiring on the backplane wire-wrap pins), the connection will work when using a TCC+, but not with a TCC2. To avoid possible problems, ensure that your Ethernet cable has the correct mapping of the backplane wire-wrap pins. For Ethernet pin mappings, consult the "DLP-A 21 Install LAN Wires on the Backplane" procedure in the user documentation.
If you are using a TCC+, the Release 4.0.x or 4.1 software will report the polarity issue (previous releases do not), by raising the standing condition: LAN Connection Polarity Reverse Detected (COND-LAN-POL-REV). Also, notification will appear on the fan tray LCD, which will display "BP LAN POL. NEG." The issue will typically be reported during the software upgrade process, but can also be raised during a new installation when using TCC+ and Release 4.0.x or 4.1.
If this is a new installation with a TCC2 and you have the Ethernet polarity reversed, the TCC2 will not communicate over the LAN Ethernet interface (no polarity correction will occur), and no condition will be reported, nor will the fan tray LCD indicate an issue.
SONET and SDH Card Compatibility
Tables 1, 2, and 3 list the cards that are compatible for the ONS 15454 SONET and ONS 15454 SDH platforms. All other cards are platform specific.
DDTS # CSCdv40700
In either a DS1 or DS3 1:N protection group, deleting a standby working card from the provisioned protection group can cause a traffic hit of greater than 60 ms. Do not delete any working cards from the protection group when the protect card is active. Instead, switch traffic away from the protect card, then delete the working card from the protection group. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdw27380
Performing cross connect card switches repeatedly might cause a signal degrade condition on the lines or paths that can trigger switching on these lines or paths. If you must perform repeated cross connect card switches, lock out the corresponding span path protection configuration, BLSR, or 1+1) first, or, wait 60 seconds between cross connect switches to avoid causing signal degrade crossings for bit error rate thresholds up to 10E-9.
LOS Behavior
When an OC-N card is seeing LOS and the problem is resolved (for example, the pulled fiber is reinserted) the LOS will normally clear quickly, and any other errors seen on the signal will be raised. However, in the special case where the restored signal is unframed, the LOS will remain raised (that is, the LOS will not be replaced by an LOF). This is standard SONET behavior per Telcordia GR-253 R6-57, Method 1, where to clear LOS the signal must also contain valid framing alignment patterns.
DDTS # CSCdx26701
Older revisions of the DS-3 card (which are no longer manufactured) may be subject to protection switch times on the order of 100 ms. The older DS-3 cards can be identified by the single color Active LED on the front panel. This issue will not be resolved on these older cards. Newer DS-3 cards and the DS3E card have a bicolored Active/Standby LED. The newer DS-3 cards do not have this issue with switch times.
DDTS # CSCdw66444
When an SDH signal is sent into an ONS 15454 OC-12/STM-4 (IR, 1310 LR and 1550 LR) or an OC-48/STM-16 high-speed (IR and LR) port which has been configured to support SDH, an SD-P (Signal Degrade) alarm will appear as soon as the circuit is created. This alarm will continue to exist until the circuit is deleted.
To avoid this problem, when provisioning an OC-12/STM-4 (IR, 1310 LR and 1550 LR) or an OC-48/STM-16 high-speed (IR and LR) port to support SDH, disable the signal degrade alarm at the path level (SD-P) on the port.
Also, PM data at the path level will not be reliable. You must set associated threshold values to 0 in order to avoid threshold crossing alerts (TCA) on that port. The path threshold values to set to zero are CV-P, ES-P, SES-P, and UAS-P.
These issues are the result of a hardware limitation, and there are no current plans to resolve them.
XC10G Boot Process
If you install a new XC10G card to the node and it fails to boot, remove the card and reinsert it. If the card still fails to boot, return it using the RMA procedure. This issue will be resolved in future hardware.
DDTS # CSCdw09604
If you are using an XC10G with OC-48, you must use either OC-48AS or OC-48 cards with a revision number higher than 005D.
Jitter Performance with XC10G
During testing with the XC10G, jitter generation above 0.10 UI p-p related to temperature gradient testing has been observed. This effect is not expected to be seen under standard operating conditions. Changes are being investigated to improve jitter performance in a future release. DDTS numbers related to this issue include CSCdv50357, CSCdv63567, CSCdv68418, CSCdv68441, CSCdv68389, CSCdv59621, and CSCdv73402.
Active Cross Connect or TCC+/TCC2 Card Removal
You must perform a lockout in BLSR, path protection configuration, and 1+1 before physically removing an active cross connect or TCC+/TCC2 card. The following rules apply.
Active cross connect cards should not generally be physically removed. If the active cross connect or TCC+/TCC2 card must be removed, you can first perform an XC/XCVT side switch and then remove the card once it is in standby, or you can perform a lockout on all circuits that originate from the node whose active cross connect or active TCC+/TCC2 will be removed (performing a lockout on all spans will also accomplish the same goal). No lockout is necessary for switches initiated through CTC or through TL1.
DDTS # CSCdv62565, CSCdv62573
In a 1:N protection group, traffic loss could occur if a DS-N card is preprovisioned and then added to the group while another working card in the group is removed from its slot. To avoid this, before adding slots to a protection group ensure that:
•The protect card is not actively carrying traffic (that is, the card is in standby)
•Any working slot you add to the group actually contains a working card at the time you add it
This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdu71847: DS3 Equipment Protection
DS3N-12E and DS3N-12 cards can be provisioned in the same 1:1 or 1:N protection group only if a DS3N-12E card is the protect member. If a DS3N-12 card is chosen as the protect member, only the DS3-12 cards will be available to be the working members of that protection group. This applies to both the 1:1 and 1:N protection schemes. This functionality is as designed.
E Series and G Series Cards
Note When using ONS 15327s as passthrough nodes with Release 3.2, you cannot create 9c or 24c gigabit Ethernet circuits through any 15327.
DDTS # CSCdy37198
On Cisco ONS 15454s equipped with XC or XCVT cross-connect cards, neither the E100T-12 nor the E1000-2 cards raise an alarm or condition in CTC when Ethernet traffic is predictably lost due to the following circumstances:
Circuits exist between Ethernet cards (E100T-12 and/or E1000-2) built over Protection Channel Access (PCA) bandwidth on BLSR spans. When BLSR issues a switch, the PCA bandwidth is preempted. Since there is no longer a connection between the ends of the Ethernet circuit, traffic is lost.
Note In nodes equipped with XC10G, these Ethernet cards will raise an AIS-P condition.
This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdr94172
Multicast traffic can cause minimal packet loss on the E1000-2, E100-12, and E100-4 cards. Packet loss due to normal multicast control traffic should be less than 1%. This issue was resolved in Release 2.2.1 for broadcast, and in Release 2.2.2 for OSPF, and some multicast frames. As of Release 3.0.3, the ONS 15454 supports HSRP, CDP, IGMP, PVST, and EIGRP, along with the previously supported broadcast and OSPF.
Note If multicast is used for such applications as video distribution, significant loss of unicast and multicast traffic will result. These cards were not designed for, and therefore should not be used for, such applications.
Note If the multicast and flood traffic is very rare and low-rate, as occurs in most networks due to certain control protocols and occasional learning of new MAC addresses, the loss of unicast frames will be rare and likely unnoticeable.
Note A workaround for this issue is to use the port-mapped mode of the E-series cards.
Multicast MAC addresses used by the following control protocols have been added to the static MAC address table to guarantee no loss of unicast traffic during normal usage of these MAC addresses:
Do not use the repair circuit option with provisioned stitched Ethernet circuits.This issue is under investigation.
Single-card EtherSwitch
Starting with Release 2.2.0, each E100/E1000 card can be configured as a single-card EtherSwitch configuration to allow STS-12c of bandwidth to be dropped at each card. The following scenarios for provisioning are available:
1. 12c
2. 6c, 6c
3. 6c, 3c, 3c
4. 6c, six STS-1s
5. 3c, 3c, 3c, 3c
6. 3c, 3c, six STS-1s
7. Twelve STS-1s
When configuring scenario 3, the STS-6c must be provisioned before either of the STS-3c circuits.
Multicard EtherSwitch
When deleting and recreating Ethernet circuits that have different sizes, you must delete all STS circuits provisioned to the EtherSwitch before you create the new circuit scenario. (See the preceding "Single-card EtherSwitch" section for details on the proper order of circuit creation.) Enable front ports so that the VLANs for the ports are carried by the largest circuit first. A safe approach is to enable the front port before you create any circuits and then retain the front port VLAN assignment afterwards. If you break the rules when creating a circuit, or if you have to delete circuits and recreate them again, delete all circuits and start over with the largest first.
DDTS # CSCds02031 E1000-2/E100
Whenever you drop two 3c multicard EtherSwitch circuits onto an Ethernet card and delete only the first circuit, you should not provision STS-1 circuits to the card without first deleting the remaining STS-3c circuit. If you attempt to create an STS-1 circuit after deleting the first STS-3c circuit, the STS-1 circuit will not work and no alarms will indicate this condition. To avoid a failed STS-1 circuit, delete the second STS-3c prior to creating any STS-1 circuit.
DDTS # CSCdy31775
Packets discarded due to output queue congestion are not included in any discard count. This occurs under either of the following conditions:
•Traffic on ML-series cards between Ethernet and SONET ports, with oversubscription of available circuit bandwidth configured, leading to output queue congestion.
•Traffic from SONET to Ethernet, with oversubscription of the available Ethernet bandwidth.
This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdz49700
ML-series cards do not appear in the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) adjacencies and do not participate in the Spanning-Tree Protocol. All packets are counted as multicast.
The ML-series cards always forward Dynamic Trunking protocol (DTP) packets between connected devices. If DTP is enabled on connected devices (which might be the default), DTP might negotiate parameters, such as ISL, that are not supported by the ML-series cards. All packets on a link negotiated to use ISL are always counted as multicast packets by the ML-series card, and STP and CDP packets are bridged between connected devices using ISL without being processed. To avoid this issue, disable DTP and ISL on connected devices. This functionality is as designed.
DDTS # CSCdz68649
Under certain conditions, the flow-control status may indicate that flow control is functioning, when it is not. Flow-control on the ML-series cards only functions when a port-level policer is configured. A port-level policer is a policer on the default and only class of an input policy-map. Flow-control also only functions to limit the source rate to the configured policer discard rate, it does not prevent packet discards due to output queue congestion.
Therefore, if a port-level policer is not configured, or if output queue congestion is occurring, policing does not function. However, it might still mistakenly display as enabled under these conditions. To avoid this issue, configure a port-level policer and prevent output queue congestion. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdz69700
Issuing a shutdown/no shutdown command sequence on an ML1000 port clears the counters. This is a normal part of the startup process and there are no plans to change this functionality.
DDTS # CSCdz87944
Error messages indicating "Stuck Ucode" and "MDA_INTERNAL_ERROR" occur when routing 64-byte VLAN tagged frames at line rate. For VLANs, use bridging instead of routing. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCea01675
Packets without an 802.1q VLAN tag are classified as COS 0. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCea11742
When a circuit between two ML POS ports is provisioned OOS, one of the ports might erroneously report TPTFAIL. This issue exists for both ML100T-12 and ML1000-2 cards. If this occurs, open a console window to each ML card and configure the POS port to shutdown. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0.
DDTS # CSCea18623
To avoid possible ML-series card resets when adding interfaces to a bridge group, always configure the Spanning-Tree Protocol for the bridge group (using the bridge number protocol command) before performing any other configuration on the bridge group.
If you want to use a bridge group that does not run the Spanning-Tree Protocol, you must first configure the bridge group with the Spanning-Tree Protocol, and then disable the Spanning-Tree Protocol for that bridge group on every interface where it is used (using the bridge-group number spanning-disabled interface configuration command). This issue will be resolved in Release 4.1.
DDTS # CSCea20962
No warning is displayed when applying OOS to ML drop ports on the circuit provisioning window. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0.
DDTS # CSCea23629
During an upgrade, all ML-series cards are reset at the same time. This can result in a lengthy disruption to local traffic. This issue will be resolved in a future release, in which the upgrade will be altered to reset ML cards one at a time, so that L2/L3 protection can be used to minimize loss of local add/drop traffic during node upgrade.
DDTS # CSCin25238
If you configure Fast EtherChannel and POS-channel in the same bridge group, during system boot, the Fast EtherChannel or POS-channel configuration may be lost and following error message displayed:
Interface FastEthernet1 is attempting to join Port-channel1. But Port-channel1 belongs to bridge-group 1 which has another FE(C) member in it. FEC + FE(C) is not allowed in the same bridge group. Please change your configuration and retry
.This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCea26847
An unexpected card reload can occur when a card is configured to route IP-Multicast traffic and subsequently sends IP-Multicast frames larger than 1649 bytes. To prevent this, avoid routing IP-Multicast frames larger than 1649 bytes. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCin29274
When configuring the same static route over two or more interfaces, use the following command:
ip route a-prefix a-networkmask a.b.c.d
Where a.b.c.d is the address of the outgoing gateway, or, similarly, use the command:
ip route vrf vrf-name
Do not try to configure this type of static route using only the interface instead of the address of the outgoing gateway in Release 4.0.x. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCin32057
If no BGP session comes up when VRF is configured and all interfaces have VRF enabled ensure that at least one IP interface (without VRF) is configured and add an IP loopback interface on each node. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCin35960
POS ingress classification based on IP precedence does not match the packets when inbound policy map classifying based on IP precedence is applied to the POS interface, which is configured for HDLC or PPP encapsulation. To avoid this issue, use LEX encapsulation (default) or, at the Ethernet ingress point, mark the COS based on an IP precedence classification, then classify based on the COS during POS ingress. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy47284
ML-100 FastEthernet MTU is not enforced. However, frames larger than 9050 bytes may be discarded and cause Rx and Tx errors.
DDTS # CSCdz74432
Issuing a "clear IP route *" command can result in high CPU utilization, causing other processes to be delayed in their execution. To avoid this issue do not clear a large number of route table entries at once, or, if you must use the "clear IP route *" command, do not install more than 5000 EIGRP network routes.
Maintenance and Administration
Caution VxWorks is intended for qualified Cisco personnel only. Customer use of VxWorks is not recommended, nor is it supported by Cisco's Technical Assistance Center. Inappropriate use of VxWorks commands can have a negative and service affecting impact on your network. Please consult the troubleshooting guide for your release and platform for appropriate troubleshooting procedures. To exit without logging in, enter a Control-D (hold down the Control and D keys at the same time) at the Username prompt. To exit after logging in, type "logout" at the VxWorks shell prompt.
DDTS # CSCea84427
CTC or Cisco Transport Manager (CTM) communication to a node might be lost while the node is still able to respond to a ping. The CORBA interface on the node can be locked by sending invalid (non-Corba) data to the TCC IIOP listener port. When the CORBA interface is locked, legitimate CORBA communications are lost. To prevent this from occuring, the ONS 15454 should be placed on a secure network or behind a firewall. In the event that this issue arises, CTC/CTM managment can be regained by performing a Manual TCC reset using TL1. This issue is resolved in Release 4.6.
Transmission Control Protocol Specification
A vulnerability in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) specification (RFC793) has been discovered by an external researcher. The successful exploitation enables an adversary to reset any established TCP connection in a much shorter time than was previously discussed publicly. Depending on the application, the connection might be automatically reestablished. In other cases, a user must repeat the action (for example, open a new Telnet or SSH session). Depending on the attacked protocol, a successful attack might have consequences beyond terminated connection that also must be considered. This attack vector is only applicable to those sessions that terminate on a device (such as a router, switch, or computer) and not to those sessions that only pass through the device (for example, transit traffic that is being routed by a router). Also, this attack vector does not directly compromise data integrity or confidentiality.
All Cisco products that contain TCP stack are susceptible to this vulnerability.
This advisory is available at, and describes the vulnerability as it applies to Cisco products that run Cisco IOS® software.
A companion advisory that describes the vulnerability for products that do not run Cisco IOS software is available at
This issue is resolved in Releases 2.3.5, 4.1.4 and 4.6.2.
DDTS # CSCdx35561
CTC is unable to communicate with an ONS 15454 that is connected via an Ethernet craft port. CTC does, however, communicate over an SDCC link with an ONS 15454 that is Ethernet connected, yielding a slow connection. This situation occurs when multiple ONS 15454s are on a single Ethernet segment and the nodes have different values for any of the following features:
•Enable OSPF on the LAN
•Enable Firewall
•Craft Access Only
When any of these features are enabled, the proxy ARP service on the node is also disabled. The ONS 15454 proxy ARP service assumes that all nodes are participating in the service.
This situation can also occur immediately after the aforementioned features are enabled. Other hosts on the Ethernet segment (for example, the subnet router) may retain incorrect ARP settings for the ONS 15454s.
To avoid this issue, all nodes on the same Ethernet segment must have the same values for Enable OSPF on the LAN, Enable Firewall, and Craft Access Only. If any of these values have changed recently, it may be necessary to allow connected hosts (such as the subnet router) to expire their ARP entries.
You can avoid waiting for the ARP entries to expire on their own by removing the SDCC links from the affected ONS 15454 nodes. This will disconnect them for the purposes of the proxy ARP service and the nodes should become directly accessible over the Ethernet. Network settings on the nodes can then be provisioned as desired, after which the SDCC can be restored.
This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCdz84149
If a user is logged into CTC as a superuser (or other higher level security type), and then another superuser changes the first user's security level to "retrieve" (or another lower level security type) without first logging the user out, the lower level user is then still able to perform some actions authorized only for the original login security level. For example, a "provisioning" level user demoted to "retrieve" level in this manner can still provision and edit MS-SPRings (BLSRs) while logged into the current session, though the same user may no longer provision DCCs. To ensure that a user's level is changed completely, the superuser must log the user out prior to changing the security level. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCdz90753
In the Maintenance > Cross Connect Resource Pane, the VT matrix port detail is inconsistent with the general VT matrix data. This can occur when a 1+1 protection scheme is in place. To avoid confusion, note that the VT matrix data counts the VTs for both the working and protect card, while the detail data counts the VTs only for the working card. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCdz35479
Rarely, CTC Network view can freeze following the deletion or addition of a node from or to a BLSR/MS-SPRing. This can result in the CTC Network view no longer updating correctly. If this occurs, restart CTC. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCea06007
CTC does not support adding/creating more than 5 circuits in auto-ranged provisioning. This is as designed.
DDTS # CSCdy27484
The UCP ND-FAIL alarm is not functional. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy57891
An LOP-P alarm can be inadvertently cleared by an LOS that is raised and cleared. On OC48AS, OC192, and OC12-4 cards, when an LOP condition and an LOS condition are both present on the input, an LOS will be raised as per Telcordia GR 253 alarm hierarchy. However, upon clearing the LOS with the LOP still present, the LOP alarm, which should then be raised, is not. An AIS-P condition will be visible. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy56693
Microsoft Windows XP uses more memory than previous Microsoft operating systems, and this may result in reduced CTC performance. To avoid reduced performance, you can:
•Limit the number of nodes you log into
•Avoid or limit bulk operations
•Avoid bulk circuit deletion
•Prevent CTC's discovery of DCC connected nodes by using the login "Disable Network Discovery" feature
•Prevent CTC's discovery of circuits unless needed by using the login "Disable Circuit Management"
DDTS # CSCdy62092
When a node connected via SDCC has no Ethernet LAN connectivity, display of SDCC termination alarms is delayed if the fiber connecting a DCC connected node is removed. This issue cannot be resolved.
DDTS # CSCdy61275
Far end path FC-P is not counted on EC1 or OC3 cards. When a path defect is transmitted to the far end, it reports RDI-P. However, the condition is not examined and reported as a PM count. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy10030
CVs are not positively adjusted after exiting a UAS state. When a transition has been made from counting UAS, at least 10 seconds of non-SES must be counted to exit UAS. When this event occurs, Telcordia GR-253 specifies that CVs that occurred during this time be counted, but they are not. There are no plans to resolve this issue at this time.
DDTS # CSCdy55556
In a 1:N protection group, where a protect card is protecting a failed card and another working card, which is missing, has a lockon condition, upon removing the lockon condition from the missing working card, the protect card may switch from the card it had been protecting to carry the traffic of the missing working card that just had the lockon removed. To avoid this issue, replace the failed working card before removing the lockon. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy38603
VT Cross-connects downstream from a DS1 can automatically transition from the OOS-AINS state to the IS state even though the DS1 signal is not clean (for example, when there is an LOS present). This can occur when you have created a VT circuit across multiple nodes with DS1s at each end, and you have not yet applied a signal to the DS1 ports, and then you place the DS1 ports in OOS-AINS, OOS-MT, or IS. When you then place the circuit in OOS-AINS, the circuit state changes to IS (within one minute). This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy11012
When the topology host is connected to multiple OSPF areas, but CTC is launched on a node that is connected to fewer areas, the topology host appears in CTC, and all nodes appear in the network view, but some nodes remain disconnected. This can occur when the CTC host does not have routing information to connect to the disconnected nodes. (This can happen, for example, if automatic host detection was used to connect the CTC workstation to the initial node.)
CTC will be able to contact the topology host to learn about all the nodes in all the OSPF areas, but will be unable to contact any nodes that are not in the OSPF areas used by the launch node. Therefore, some nodes will remain disconnected in the CTC network view.
To work around this issue, if no firewall enabled, then the network configuration of the CTC host can be changed to allow CTC to see all nodes in the network. The launch node must be on its own subnet to prevent network partitioning, and craft access must not be enabled. The CTC host must be provisioned with an address on the same subnet as the initial node (but this address must not conflict with any other node in the network), and with the default gateway of the initial node. CTC will now be able to contact all nodes in the network.
If a firewall is enabled on any node in the network, then CTC will be unable to contact nodes outside of the initial OSPF areas. This issue is under investigation.
NE Defaults
The following caveats apply for NE defaults.
•OC12-4 allows provisioning of PJStsMon from 0 to 48. The workaround is to limit provisioning to between Off and 1 to 12 only.
•CTC displays "PJStsMon=off" in the standard provisioning pane when provisioning PJStsMon off; however, TL1 and the NE Defaults editor both display 0 for this same condition.
•If you only make changes to a single default in the NE defaults editor, you must click on another default or column before the Apply button becomes functional.
DDTS # CSCdy35514
The terminology used for provisioning overhead circuits has changed as of Release 3.4 as follows.
Overhead Circuit Types
•LDCC_TUNNEL has changed to DCC Tunnel D4-D12
•SDCC_TUNNEL has changed to DCC Tunnel D1-D3
Overhead Channel Types
•SDCC has changed to DCC1(D1-D3)
•LDCC_TUNNEL1 has changed to DCC2(D4-D6)
•LDCC_TUNNEL2 has changed to DCC3(D7-D9)
•LDCC_TUNNEL3 has changed to DCC4(D10-D12)
•LDCC has changed to DCC(D4-D12)
Note These circuits are now provisioned at the network level, rather than on a node-by-node basis.
DDTS # CSCdy48478
When you generate a lamp test, the lamps on the fan tray may fail to cycle. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy01598
Rarely, there is a delay in CTC before the correct card status is displayed after a protection switch. When a manual or forced switch is made to a protection type, the protection switch occurs immediately, but the card status might take a while approximately 2 minutes to show up under rare circumstances. If a switch is not reflected right away, wait for the status change to occur. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCds88976
When a new circuit is created around a ring (path protection configuration or BLSR), the SD BER or SF BER alarm can be raised depending on the order in which the spans are provisioned. The alarms will eventually clear by themselves. Traffic is not affected. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdx40462, CSCdx47176, CSCdw22170
While upgrading nodes from releases prior to 3.2, CTC might lose connection to the far end nodes. When this occurs, you will not be able to ping the grayed-out nodes; however, if you continue the upgrade, this problem resolves itself. This issue is resolved in Release 3.2, but can still occur when upgrading from nodes with earlier software releases.
DDTS # CSCdw66895
XCVTs (both active and standby) reboot continuously when the K3 byte is mapped to the E2 byte on one side of a WTR span. The rebooting occurs after the WTR timer expires. This has been seen on a two fiber BLSR with OC-48AS. To avoid this issue, if possible, change the K3 mapping on both ends of the span before creating the ring; or, alternatively, you can prevent the ring from reverting during the K3 mapping by setting the Ring Reversion time to "never." Once you have completed the mapping of the K3 byte to the E2 byte on both sides, return the Ring Reversion to its normal value. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
ONS 15454 Conducted Emissions Kit
If you are deploying the Cisco ONS 15454 within a European Union country that requires compliance with the EN300-386-TC requirements for Conducted Emissions, you must obtain and install the Cisco ONS 15454 Conducted Emissions kit (15454-EMEA-KIT) in order to comply with this standard.
Upgrading to Use the G1000-4 Ethernet Card
Before installing or seating the G1000-4 Ethernet card on node running Release 3.1 or prior, you must upgrade the software on that node to Release 3.2 or later. This is as designed.
DDTS # CSCdv10824: Netscape Plugins Directory
If you use CTC, JRE, and the Netscape browser with a Microsoft Windows platform, you must ensure that any new installation of Netscape uses the same Netscape directory as the previous installation did, if such an installation existed. If you install Netscape using a different path for the plugins directory, you will need to reinstall JRE so that it can detect the new directory.
DDTS # CSCdu82934
When you auto-route a VT circuit on an ONS 15454 node, a path is computed based on the availability of STSs on the nodes involved. This selection process, when combined with a lack of VT matrix (or STS-VT connections) on an auto-route selected node, can result in the VT circuit creation failing with the message "unable to create connection object at node." To correct this situation, manually route VT circuits in cases when auto-routing fails. The error message will indicate which node is at issue.
"Are you sure" Prompts
Whenever a proposed change occurs, the "Are you sure" dialog box appears to warn the user that the action can change existing provisioning states or can cause traffic disruptions.
DDTS # CSCds13769: Fujitsu FLM-150 and Nortel OC-3 Express
You cannot provision the FLM-150 and OC-3 Express in 1+1 revertive switching mode. The problem occurs when the ONS 15454 issues a user request in revertive mode to the protect channel. When the user request is cleared, the ONS 15454 issues a No Request. However, the FLM-150 and OC-3 Express issues a Do Not Revert, which causes traffic to remain on the protection channel. Based on GR-253, section, the FLM-150 and the OC-3 Express should respond with a No Request.
BLSR Functionality
DDTS # CSCdy58058
Clearing a signal degrade on the working span with an existing signal degrade on the protect span in both directions may fail to cause a ring switch to drop.
For example, in a four-fiber BLSR, say the east side of Node 1 is connected to the west side of Node 2.
Step 1 Inject SD into the east protect span of Node 1.
Step 2 Inject SD into the west protect span of Node 2.
Step 3 Inject SD into the east working span of Node 1. A Ring switch occurs.
Step 4 Clear the SD on the east working span of Node 1. The ring switch does not drop, even after the WTR timer expires.
To recover from this situation, issue a lockout span to return traffic to the working span. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy68207
Failing the working and protect spans on a four-fiber BLSR while an extra traffic (PCA) circuit runs over the span and a lockout is on the span can cause the ET to permanently fail, with no AIS.
The failure scenario is only reproducible by failing and restoring fibers in the following sequence.
Step 1 Create a four-fiber BLSR.
Step 2 Create extra traffic circuits (one or more) over one of the spans, say, from Node A east to Node B west. At Node A, issue a lockout span east. This causes the BLSR to not switch in the event of a span failure.
Step 3 At node A, remove the working transmit fiber east, then remove the protect transmit fiber east. Both protected traffic and extra traffic are down, as expected.
Step 4 Reinsert the protect transmit fiber east, then reinsert the working transmit fiber east. Protected traffic is restored, but extra traffic is not restored.
If this issue occurs, clear the lockout span. All extra traffic is immediately restored. You may then reissue the lockout span. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0.
DDTS # CSCdy56668
Ethernet circuits may appear in the CTC circuit table with an INCOMPLETE status after a BLSR/MSSP span is upgraded. The circuits, when this occurs, are not truly incomplete. They are unaffected and continue to carry traffic. To see the circuit status correctly, restart CTC. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCdy65890
If you have PCA circuits over two-fiber or four-fiber BLSR protect channels, an incorrect auto-inservice transition occurs after traffic preemption. You may place the circuit back into the OOS-AINS state after the BLSR has returned to the unswitched mode, using the Circuit Editing pane of the CTC. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy48872
Issuing an LK-S in one direction while a ring switch (SF-R) is active on the other direction may result in a failure to restore PCA circuits on the ring.
To see this issue, on a node participating in a two fiber BLSR with PCA circuits terminating at the node over the two fiber BLSR, cause an SF-R by failing the receive fiber in one direction (say, west). Then, issue an LK-S in the other direction (in our example, east). Since the LK-S has higher priority than the SF-R, the ring switch should clear and PCA traffic should be restored on spans without a fiber fault. The ring switch does clear, but PCA traffic does not restore. To correct this issue, clear the fiber fault. All traffic restores properly. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0.
DDTS # CSCdy37654
Nodes may appear in CTC as gray and auto-ranged circuit creation may fail when CTC is connected to a large BLSR. This usually only occurs when most of the nodes in the ring are not connected to the LAN, and so, management traffic is flowing through the DCC channels.
Avoid creation of a large number of auto-ranged circuits for large BLSRs. Also try to connect more nodes to the LAN and try running OSPF on the LAN to avoid this issue. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdy45902
Traffic that should be dropped remains unaffected when a BLSR Protection Channel Access (PCA) VT tunnel is placed OOS. You must place all circuits in the tunnel OOS before the traffic will be dropped. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCdw32540
The two protect OC48AS cards at the ends of a four fiber BLSR span must both be configured as either K3 or Z2 (not a mixture). If both ends are not the same, the BLSR may fail to switch correctly. In Release 3.4 the BLSR wizard ensures that both ends are configured correctly; however, you must still avoid manually changing the value on one side only (and hence, causing a mismatch) at the card level. If you do mismatch bytes at the card level, you can discover this by going to the BLSR edit map tied in with the BLSR wizard. The mismatched span will be red, and right-clicking on the span will allow you to correct the problem.
DDTS # CSCdw58950
You must lock out protection BLSR, 1+1, and path protection configuration traffic to avoid long, or double traffic hits before removing an active XC, XCVT, or XC10G card. You should also make the active cross connect card standby before removing it.
DDTS # CSCdv70175
When configuring a node with one 4 Fiber BLSR and one 2 Fiber BLSR, or with two 2 fiber BLSRs, an issue exists related to the version of XC deployed. Revision 004H and earlier revisions of the XC do not support these configurations. All later revisions of the XC and all versions of the XCVT and XC10G cross connects support all permutations of two BLSRs per node.
DDTS # CSCdv53427
In a two ring, two fiber BLSR configuration (or a two ring BLSR configuration with one two fiber and one four fiber ring) it is possible to provision a circuit that begins on one ring, crosses to a second ring, and returns to the original ring. Such a circuit can have protection vulnerabilities if one of the common nodes is isolated, or if a ring is segmented in such a way that two non-contiguous segments of the circuit on the same ring are each broken. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
DDTS # CSCct03919
VT1.5 BLSR squelching in BLSRs is not supported.
Database Restore on a BLSR
When restoring the database on a BLSR, follow these steps:
Step 1 To isolate the failed node, issue a force switch toward the failure node from the adjacent east and west nodes.
Step 2 If more than one node has failed, restore the database one node at a time.
Step 3 After the TCC+/TCC2 has reset and booted up, release the force switch from each node.
Path Protection Configuration Functionality
DDTS # CSCea23862
After you perform a force switch on one of the spans of a DRI or IDRI topology with Path Protection Configuration-DRI circuits present, if you then apply a clear on the same span, the state will not show up immediately in CTC. This issue is under investigation.
DDTS # CSCdv42151
When a path protection configuration circuit is created end-to-end, CTC might not create the cross-connection on all the nodes along the path at the same time. This might cause an SD-P condition along the path. When the circuit is fully provisioned on all nodes, the SD-P will clear automatically. Other conditions that can be expected while the circuit is being created are LOP-P and UNEQ-P. This issue will be resolved in a future release.
Active Cross Connect or TCC+/TCC2 Card Removal
As in BLSR and 1+1, you must perform a lockout on path protection configuration before removing an active cross connect or TCC+/TCC2 card. The following rules apply to path protection configuration.
Active cross connect cards should not generally be removed. If the active cross connect or TCC+/TCC2 card must be removed, you can first perform an XC/XCVT side switch and then remove the card once it is in standby, or you can perform a lockout on all circuits that originate from the node whose active cross connect or active TCC+/TCC2 will be removed (performing a lockout on all spans will also accomplish the same goal). No lockout is necessary for switches initiated through CTC or through TL1.
Transponder (TXP_MR_10G) and Muxponder (MXP_2.5G_10G) Documentation
The documentation set for the Cisco ONS 15454 contains references to new transponder (TXP_MR_10G) and muxponder (MXP_2.5G_10G) cards. These portions of the documentation are meant to refer to cards that will become available with a future release. The nXP cards are not available with Release 4.0.x. Cisco apologizes for any confusion this may cause.
Note To be compatible with TL1 and DNS, all nodes must have valid names. Node names should contain alphanumeric characters or hyphens, but no special characters or spaces.
DDTS # CSCdz86121
In one rare case, the ONS 15454/15327 times out a user session without communicating the timeout to TL1. If this happens, the TL1 user remains logged in, although the session is actually timed out. This can occur when you log into the node with a timeout of X minutes. If the user session sits idle for all but 5 seconds of the X minutes, then you have only 5 seconds to type in a command to notify the node that the session is active. If you try this, you will likely miss the five second window, in which case the node will respond as though the session is inactive and deny access. However, because you have typed a key, irrespective of the five second window, TL1 responds as though the session is active and does not log you out (time out). You will not have access to the node and will receive a "DENY" response to TL1 commands. The error message may vary depending on commands issued. To recover from this situation, log out and log back in to TL1. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0.
DDTS # CSCdz26071
The TL1 COPY-RFILE command, used for SW download, database backup, and database restore, currently does not allow a user-selected port parameter to make connections to the host. The command expects the default parameter of Port 21 and will only allow that number. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0
DDTS # CSCea03186
The TL1 command, INH-USER-SECU, does not disable the userid appropriately. The command should disable the userid until the corresponding ALW-USER-SECU command is issued; however, the userid is automatically re-enabled after the user lock-out period expires. The user lockout period is set from the CTC. This issue will be alleviated in Release 4.1 by removal of the ALW-USER-SECU and INH-USER-SECU commands. The commands will be reinstated correctly in Release 4.6.
DDTS # CSCdz79471
The default state, when no PST or SST inputs are given for The TL1 command, RMV-<MOD2_IO>, is OOS instead of OOS-MT. Thus, if you issue a RMV statement, followed by maintenance-state-only commands, such as OPR-LPBK, the maintenance state commands will not work, since the port will be in the out-of-service state (OOS), instead of the out-of-service maintenance state (OOS-MT). To work around this issue, place ports in the OOS-MT state, by specifying the primary state as OOS and a secondary state of MT in either the RMV-<MOD2_IO> command or the ED-<MOD2_IO> command.
Scripts that depend on the RMV-<MOD2_IO> command defaulting to OOS-MT without specifying the primary and secondary states should be updated to force the primary and secondary state inputs to be populated. This issue will be resolved in Release 5.0.
DDTS # CSCdu53509
When a TL1 session to a remote node (ENE) is established via a gateway node (GNE) and you have changed the node name of the ENE via either TL1, CTC or SNMP, then you must wait for about 30 seconds to issue a TL1 command via the GNE. This delay is to permit the updates to propagate to all nodes in the network. During this transition, neither the old node name nor the new node name can be used in the TL1 session to access the ENE. This 30 second window may be reduced in a future release.
Resolved Software Caveats for Release 4.0.2
The following items are resolved in Release 4.0.2.
DDTS # CSCdy15615
In some instances, the AIC-i card could reboot as a result of a 500 V DC line power surge, as defined by CISPR24/EN55024 and EN61000-6-1. This issue was determined to have been local to a single system.
Line Cards
DDTS # CSCed29187
A DS3XM-6 card in an ONS 15454 can reset after running for approximately 5 months. This can occur with nodes running any software release from Release 3.2.x to Release 4.1.2, or Release 4.5. This issue is resolved in Release 4.6 and maintenance Releases 4.0.2 and 4.1.3.
DDTS # CSCed05846
In Releases 4.0, 4.0.1, and 4.1 the standby TCC+, TCC2, or XTC card might reset automatically. This can occur at any time, but only rarely. This issue is resolved in Release 4.6, and maintenance Releases 4.0.2, 4.1.1, and 4.1.3.
DDTS # CSCeb25250
In an EC1 protection group, the protect EC1 may reboot a few seconds after a switch. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.1.
DDTS # CSCea78368
Release 4.0 ONS 15454 and 15327 nodes may encounter spontaneous DS-1, DS-1N, or XTC card resets following a loss of frame on a DS1 port. To observe this issue, when a DS1 port is provisioned for ESF framing, inject LOF (loss of frame) into the port (in other words, use D4 framing on the test set or external equipment). The active DS1 card reboots (or on the ONS 15327, the active XTC reboots) when frame returns. If the DS1 card (or XTC) is part of a protection group, the protect card will become active and may also reboot due to a second LOF. Outage can occur for the time that both cards are in reset.
This behavior is not configuration dependent. It occurs on any DS-1 or DS-1N card present in any slot and for any port, provided it is provisioned for ESF framing and is active. If all ports on the active DS1 card are provisioned for D4 framing, this behavior is not observed.
To avoid this issue, provision all ports and external DS-1 equipment for D4 framing. This applies to both ONS 15454 and 15327.
Another workaround is to provision the circuit from the affected DS1 port to another unused port on which line framing is stable. If the DS1 card autoresets due to LOF (as discussed above), the traffic on adjacent ports will not be affected if protection is not enabled. Disabling the protection group is not an option for the ONS 15327, so, if an XTC switch occurs when the working XTC resets (due to LOF on one of the DS1 port), the protect XTC will become active. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.1.
DDTS # CSCdv81011, CSCdu15203
When performing an XC/XCVT to XC10G upgrade on a two fiber BLSR configuration, E-series traffic disruptions can exceed seven minutes. This issue is not reproducible in Release 4.0.x.
DDTS # CSCdy48966
Rarely, a user requested switch on a DS3 1:1 protection group with an STS circuit going through OC-48 may undergo unexpected traffic hits. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy59228
OC-3 1+1 protection switch time may exceed 60 ms following a fiber pull. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy60775
For DS1, DS3, or DS3XM cards, when the working card is removed, traffic switches to the protect card. However, upon inserting a working card, the power on diagnostics test will be run on the card, and, if the card fails, the red FAIL LED on the front panel will remain lit, but, the protect card will start the restore timer and will switch traffic back to the working card after the timer has expired. To avoid losing traffic, remove the working card that failed the diagnostics before the protect card's restore time has expired. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy63760
If you place a DS3E, OC-12, STS-1 circuit in the OOS state, while the port is still IS, traffic remains. To stop the traffic, delete the circuit. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy47148
Traffic loss can occur when a working DS1 card is reset while the protect card is in a wait to restore state. This occurs with DS1 cards in a 1:N protection group, where traffic is running on the protect card and the protect card is in the wait to restore state. Under these conditions, resetting another active working card will result in a traffic loss while the working card is resetting. To avoid this issue, switch the traffic from the protect card to the standby working card before resetting the other working card. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
E Series and G Series Cards
DDTS # CSCdy69624
If alarms are suppressed at the port level from CTC, an incorrect CARLOSS may be reported on a E100 or E1000 card. The Incorrect CARLOSS alarm can be ignored.This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy24967 and CSCdy21173
A G1000-4 card cannot auto-negotiate with a Catalyst 6500, CatOS Version 7.1.2, using the supervisor-1A module (8-port gig-e module). To avoid this issue, use previous version of CatOS, or use an IOS native image, or do not use flow control. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
Maintenance and Administration
DDTS # CSCec20521
After adding or deleting a static route with a destination address that is included in the 192.168.190.x range, cards in the node reboot. This issue is resolved in Releases 4.0.2, 4.1.1, and 4.6.
DDTS # CSCdy52361
While provisioning an STS-x UCP circuit, the STS pulldown menu allows more STSs than are defined in CTC's circuit provisioning specification, or in Telcordia GR253. Do not use these extra STSs. If you do try to use one of these extra, invalid STSs, the node will reject it with an appropriate exception. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy65599
DS1 VT alarms report as occurring only on port 1 regardless of which port they actually occurred on. After testing, use CTC or TL1 to change the state from OOS-MT. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdz05847
After launching CTC from an ONS 15xxx running Release 3.3 or 3.4, you cannot launch CTC (on that computer) from an ONS 15454 running Release 3.1-3.2.x. Further, no error message is displayed indicating the issue. To recover from this situation, one of the following recovery procedures may be necessary.
•Delete the CTC cache (using the button in the browser applet window) before launching from the Release 3.1 or 3.2.x node.
•Continue to launch from the Release 3.3 or 3.4 node but access the Release 3.1 or 3.2.x node (if necessary) using a login group (defined in the Edit:Preferences dialog).
This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
Performance Monitoring Using Cisco Transport Manager
In Release 3.4, Cisco Transport Manager users that performed PM retrievals might have encountered any or all of the following issues:
•G1000 statistics appearing unpredictably in the wrong fields
•Missing PM data
•Correct PMs falsely marked as invalid
•Incorrect PMs not marked as invalid
These issues were most likely to occur with SONET path data. SDH path data was unaffected. All of these issues have been resolved in Release 3.4.1 and Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdz00573
The OC3 and EC1 are the only cards for which near end STS path PM is available to CTM . To retrieve near end path PM for other cards, use TL1, SNMP, or CTC. Note that far end STS path PM is available for all electrical cards and the OC3. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy55161
A hard reset of the TCC card can cause a 1+1 circuit not carrying traffic to prematurely transition from the OOS-AINS state to the IS state. To recover from this situation, place the circuit back in the OOS-AINS state. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy64663
If there is PCA traffic on a protection span and an orderwire connection passes through the working span, the orderwire connection may be lost after a protection switch. If this occurs, delete the affected orderwire circuit and recreate it after the protection switch. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy63102
ONS 15454s reject send code requests on DS3XM ports (DS3 level). If you attempt a send code maintenance operation, CTC passes the send code operation to the NE but the NE improperly rejects it. Further, the message returned improperly indicates that the port is in an invalid state, even though it is in OOS-MT state. To work around this issue, establish the loopback directly on the remote equipment. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy73904
Because test access systems do not have the ability to automatically change the state of a connection, testing using intrusive modes of test access (SPLT) will fail if the circuit or connection is not already in the OOS-MT state. To avoid this issue, prior to testing the circuit or connection, ensure that its state is set to OOS-MT by changing the state using CTC or TL1. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy56366 and CSCdy12392
With a 1+1 protection group and OC-3 or OC-12 cards, when a protection switch occurs, the PSC and PSD fields on the performance pane do not increment. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdu62591
After deleting a node from a ring, any circuits that had passed through that node show INCOMPLETE status in CTC. The deleted node is still visible to CTC, along with the reduced ring. CTC sees the cross-connects on the deleted node as being part of the pass-through circuits, but cannot connect the now-disjoint pieces of the circuit.
To correct this issue if it occurs, restart CTC so that it sees only the reduced ring nodes. Make sure the deleted node is not still visible due to other DCC links. The pass-through circuits will now have ACTIVE status.
If you need to remove the pass-through cross-connects from the deleted node, start CTC from that node with network discovery disabled. From the Circuits tab of either former trunk card, delete all INCOMPLETE circuits.
Note It is imperative that you do this from a CTC session managing only the deleted node, otherwise the circuits on the reduced ring might be deleted.
This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdx89312 and CSCdy52392
A sub-millisecond traffic hit can occur on DS3, DS1, E1 and E3 cards upon activation to the Release 3.4 software during an upgrade. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy36936
An existing database file could be deleted if a database backup fails. This only occurs when you choose to name the database file the same name as the existing file. In this case, CTC warns you in advance that the existing file will be overwritten. If the database backup then fails, the existing file is deleted. To prevent this issue from occurring, use a new file name for each consecutive database backup. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy47562
Orderwire may fail after a direct OC-12 to OC-192 upgrade. To correct this, delete the Orderwire and then add it again. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy48494
A Maintenance Security user can provision an EXT AEP on an AIC-I card, although this user level is not expected to have this capability. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy47232
F1 UDC circuits can not be terminated from an optical card in a 1+1 protection group. The circuit will be created, but it will not function. This is true regardless of whether the circuit is created first or the protection group is created first. There is no workaround; however, D4-D12 UDC circuits (over LDCC) will work correctly with 1+1 protection groups and can be used in place of F1 UDC circuits. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy43742
When a UDC circuit is created with no UDC traffic running yet, there is normally an LOS alarm raised to indicate the lack of UDC traffic. However, when such a circuit with no traffic running on it is present and the AIC-I card is removed and reinserted, no UDC LOS alarm is reported once the card is reinserted. To work around this issue, after reinserting the AIC-I card, delete and then recreate any UDC circuits. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdw47506
A CTC communications failure on the network during circuit creation can cause a "Circuit Provisioning Error" exception. An attempt to continue with the errored circuit creation results in other exceptions that occur repeatedly on each attempt to continue. This issue has been seen infrequently, and only on extremely large networks. To correct the problem, abandon the attempted circuit creation and start over. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
BLSR Functionality
DDTS # CSCdy59242
A fail-to-switch alarm is raised when introducing SF-R with an existing lockout span command. The alarm can become stuck after the SF-R and lockout span are cleared.
For example, in a two-fiber BLSR, say the east side of Node 1 is connected to the west side of Node 2.
Step 1 Perform a lockout span on the east side on Node 1
Step 2 Remove the transmit fiber on the east span of Node 1. Node 2 detects signal failure on its west side. Traffic is lost as expected due to the lockout span existing on the ring. A fail-to-Switch alarm is raised.
Step 3 Reinsert the transmit fiber. Traffic returns, but the fail-to-switch alarm is still reported.
Step 4 Clear the lockout span. The fail-to-Switch alarm becomes stuck.
To clear the alarm, ensure that the ring is in the idle state, then issue an exercise ring command on the span that reports the fail-to-Switch. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy48538
After a 2 fiber BLSR is deleted, in some cases the PCA links remain in the Manual Routing and Circuit Edit pane. This usually occurs when there is a loss of connection between CTC and one of the BLSR nodes during deletion of the BLSR. To clear the pane, restart CTC. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy19310
Rarely, in a four-node, OC-192, four fiber BLSR, traffic can remain lost after an LOS recovery on an adjacent node when the local node has an SF-R raised. To correct this problem if it occurs, issue a force ring on the side of the SF-R affected node that the SF-R is raised on. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy37939
In OC-12 BLSR configurations, a WKSWPR alarm that occurs can take several seconds before it appears. The workaround is to simply wait for the alarm, which should appear after a brief delay. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy30125
In a two by two BLSR configuration, with PCA circuits passing through the common node, if one of the rings is a two fiber BLSR and you upgrade it, a PCA connection will be promoted to become protected on the upgraded ring side. In this scenario, you can end up with a circuit that is PCA on one ring and protected on the other ring.
This can occur with any colliding STSs; in other words, any situation where the STS from the working side is going to overlay the STS from the protection side when a ring or span switch occurs. On a span switch in a four fiber BLSR this would be STS #1 on the working and STS #1 on the protect on the same side (i.e. east or west). For a ring switch on a four fiber BLSR it would be STS #1 on the working and STS #1 on the protect on the opposite side of the ring. In a two fiber BSLR there is only a ring switch, so the colliding STSs would be STS #1 on one side of the ring and STS #7 on the opposite side (for an OC-12 ring, for example). Symptoms of a failure will be protected traffic that is dropped or that has a stuck AIS-P.
When you perform a two fiber BLSR upgrade in a two by two configuration, ensure that no PCA circuits cross through the common node before you start the upgrade. Note that the PCA circuits that are added and dropped on the same ring are safe, as they will be promoted to become fully protected. All PCA circuits that cross the common node to go to another ring must be deleted before the upgrade, then recreated once the upgrade is successfully finished. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy69580
An oscillating SF-P can prevent the WTR-R timer from expiring indefinitely. If this occurs, issue a lockout span to normalize the ring. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy68414
If you issue a lockout on the protection span of a BLSR where an SD preexists, traffic may remain on the SD span, even though it should switch. To recover from this situation, issue a force span on the SD-affected span, then clear the command once the switch occurs. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdz31562
Rarely, after all spans are upgraded for a BLSR, you cannot create circuits on higher STSs. To recover from this situation, delete the ring and then recreate it. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy64543
After you issue a BLSR protection switch command with a switch type other than ring or span, TL1 cannot query any BLSR ring info.
For example, say the entered switch type is "frcdwkswbk," so you entered:
This results in subsequent failures to query BLRS information in TL1 or CTC. CTC is unable to retrieve any BLSR information from the node, and other possible issues may arise. If at this point you close CTC, it may not launch again.
To recover from this issue, call the TAC and tell them which side you entered the incorrect command for. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy54882
After a software upgrade from Release 3.3 to 3.4, where a Lockout Protect Span is issued on all nodes before activation (as it should be), the lockout conditions may persist even after clearing them in CTC. To correct this situation, reissue each lockout and then clear it again. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy10805
If you upgrade one of the rings in a two by two BLSR configuration, an EXTRA-TRAF-PREEMPT alarm may be raised and subsequently fail to clear on one of the rings. If the ring that has the stuck alarm already has some PCA circuits on it, you can issue and then clear a Force Ring. This should clear the stuck alarm. If no PCA circuits exist on the ring, then create one temporarily, and follow the above procedure to clear the alarm. After the alarm clears, you can remove the Force Ring, then delete the PCA circuit. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdv89939 and CSCdy46597
After a BLSR span or ring switch, traffic is switched to a different set of nodes and a protection STS is used. At this point, any ongoing J1 monitoring does not follow the switch. As a result, there is no J1 monitoring on the protection path. If there is a mismatch of the J1 string on the protection path, the TIM_P alarm will not be raised. Also, you can retrieve the actual captured J1 string on the working path, but if BLSR switched from working to protect, you cannot retrieve the J1 string on the protect path. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy22745
In a 2 fiber BLSR, if there is a ring or span Wait to Restore (WTR), the Clear button in CTC will clear the WTR state and revert traffic to Working right away, while the TL1 RLS-PROTNSW command does not behave in this same manner. To get the WTR to clear immediately, you must use the CTC Clear button. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy35901
In a four-node, OC-192, four fiber BLSR, traffic remains lost after a lockout is cleared on an adjacent node when the local node has an SF-R raised. To correct this problem if it occurs, issue a force ring on the side of the SF-R affected node that the SF-R is raised on. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy48209
Under some conditions, a lockout-of-protect span condition might be raised (or fail to clear) upon creating a BLSR. If this occurs, issue a manual switch ring command, then check to see that the ring switched properly. Afterwards, clear the command. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy48690
On a four-node, OC-192, four fiber BLSR, switching will not occur when an SD-R is present after clearing an SD-P. After clearing the SD-P, issue a force ring on the side of the SD-R affected node that the SD-R is reported against. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
Path Protection Configuration Functionality
DDTS # CSCdy62713
If you change non-revertive path protection configuration VT circuits for IS to OOS and then back to IS, then fail an active fiber span carrying the circuit, the circuit will fail to switch, resulting in traffic outage. To avoid this issue, make sure the circuit is revertive before placing it in the OOS (out of service) state, and wait at least 30 seconds before changing the VT path protection configuration selector from one state to another. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdx58989
Occasionally, the path protection configuration span upgrade wizard may fail to release a force switch on a path protection configuration span. It is not clear what prompts this response. If this occurs, from the Network Map, right-click on the span and invoke the "Circuits on Span" dialog box. Select Clear from "Perform UPSR span switching" combo box, then click the Apply button. This will switch all circuits back onto this span. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdw66071
After a switch to protect is cleared for a revertive path protection configuration circuit, the WTR alarm is not raised, although the wait period is observed and the circuit reverts back to working. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCec87770
If you do not log in to a GNE node, the TCC might reset and some lower priority tasks might be "CPU starved," resulting in one or all of the following consequences:
•TL1 Autonomous messages (alarms, events, and report database changes) not generated or processed
•LCD display not updated
This issue is resolved in Releases 4.0.2, 4.1.1, 4.1.4, and 4.6. It is not resolved in Releases 4.1.2 or 4.1.3.
DDTS # CSCdy68877
If you create STS1 and STS3C circuits through TL1 and then put the pass through cross connect in the OOS state, traffic remains, when it should stop. To work around this issue, either use CTC to place the circuit in the OOS state, or place the end cross connects in the OOS state in TL1, instead of pass through cross connect. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
DDTS # CSCdy71894
The TL1 ED-BLSR command changes the ring-id even though the command is denied because of a duplicate node-id. The following example illustrates.
Set up a BLSR (with a Ring ID of 1) with node IDs 1 and 2 (for a 2 node BLSR). On Node 1, use the ED-BLSR command to try to change the Ring ID to 2 and the Node ID to 2. Since, the Node ID is a duplicate, the command is denied. However, the Ring ID is still changed to 2. To avoid this issue, use 2 separate ED-BLSR commands to change the Node ID and Ring ID. This issue is resolved in Release 4.0.
New Features and Functionality
This section highlights new features and functionality for Release 4.0.x. For detailed documentation of each of these features, consult the user documentation.
New Hardware
G1K-4 Card
The G1K-4 card provides four ports of IEEE-compliant, 1000-Mbps interfaces. Each interface supports full-duplex operation for a maximum bandwidth of 1 Gbps or 2 Gbps bidirectional per port, and 2.5 Gbps or 5 Gbps bidirectional per card. Each port autonegotiates for full duplex and 802.3x flow control. The G1K-4 card uses GBIC modular receptacles for the optical interfaces.
The G1K-4 card is an enhancement to the G1000-4 card, enabling compatibility with all cross-connect types. In XC-10G equipped systems, the card can be installed in any of the 12 multiservice interface slots. In XC/XCVT equipped systems, the card can be installed in the 4 high-speed slots.
Cisco offers three GBIC modules as separate orderable products for maximum flexibility:
•IEEE 1000Base-SX compliant, 850-nm, optical module
•IEEE 1000Base-LX compliant, 1300-nm, optical module
•IEEE 1000Base-ZX compliant, 1550-nm, optical module
The 850-nm SX optics are designed for multimode fiber and distances of up to 220 meters on 62.5 micron fiber and up to 550 meters on 50 micron fiber. The 1300-nm LX optics are designed for single-mode fiber and distances of up to ten kilometers. The 1550-nm ZX optics are designed for single-mode fiber and distances of up to eighty kilometers.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
OC3IR/STM1SH 1310-8 Card
The OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310-8 card provides eight intermediate or short range SONET/SDH OC-3 ports compliant with standards prescribed by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) G.707 and G.957, and by Telcordia GR-253. Each port operates at 155.52 Mbps over a single-mode fiber span. The card supports VT and non-concatenated or concatenated payloads at the STS-1 or STS-3c signal levels.
You can install the OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310-8 card in any multispeed slot. The card can be provisioned as part of a path protection configuration or in a linear add-drop multiplexer (ADM) configuration. Each port features a 1310 nm laser and contains a transmit and receive connector (labeled) on the card faceplate. The card uses LC connectors.
The OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310-8 card supports 1+1 unidirectional or bidirectional protection switching. You can provision protection on a per port basis.
The OC3 IR/STM1 SH 1310-8 detects LOS, LOF, Loss of Pointer (LOP), line Alarm Indication Signal (AIS-L), and line Remote Defect Indication (RDI-L) conditions. See the "ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide," Release 4.0, for a description of these conditions. The card also counts section and line bit interleaved parity (BIP) errors.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx Card
Eight distinct STM-64 ITU 100 GHz DWDM cards comprise the ONS 15454 DWDM channel plan. The OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx card provides one long-range, ITU-T G.707- and G.957-compliant and Telcordia GR-1377 and GR-253 compliant STM-64/OC-192 port per card. The port operates at 9.95328 Gbps over unamplified distances up to 60 km with different types of fiber such as C-SMF or dispersion compensated fiber limited by loss and/or dispersion. The card supports VT and non-concatenated or concatenated payloads.
Four of the cards operate in the blue band with a spacing of 100 GHz in the ITU grid (1534.25 nm, 1535.04 nm, 1535.82 nm, and 1536.61 nm). The other four cards operate in the red band with a spacing of 100 GHz in the ITU grid (1550.12 nm, 1550.92 nm, 1551.72 nm, and 1552.52 nm). You can install OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx cards in any high-speed slot, slot 5, 6, 12, or 13, on the ONS 15454. You can provision this card as part of a BLSR, path protection configuration, or linear configuration or also as a regenerator for longer span reaches.
The OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx port features a laser on an ITU compliant, 100GHz spaced wavelength in the 1550-nm range (order this card by specifying the desired wavelength) and contains a transmit and receive connector (labeled) on the card faceplate. The card uses a dual SC connector for optical cable termination. The card supports multiple protection formats including 1+1 unidirectional and bidirectional facility protection, path protection configuration, two-fiber and four-fiber bidirectional line switched rings (BLSR), and unprotected.
The OC192 LR/STM64 LH ITU 15xx.xx card detects SF, LOS, or LOF conditions on the optical facility. Refer to the "Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide," Release 4.0, for a description of these conditions. The card also counts section and line BIP errors from B1 and B2 byte registers in the section and line overhead.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 Card
The OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 card provides one short-range SONET/SDH OC-192 port in the 1550 nm wavelength range, compliant with standards prescribed by ITU G.707, G.957, and by Telcordia GR-1377 and GR-253. The port operates at 9.95328 Gbps over unamplified distances up to 40 km with SMF-28 fiber limited by loss and/or dispersion. The card supports VT and non-concatenated or concatenated payloads.
You can install OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 cards in any high-speed slot, slot 5, 6, 12, or 13, on the ONS 15454. You can provision this card as part of an BLSR, path protection configuration, or linear configuration, or also as a regenerator for longer span reaches.
The OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 port features a 1550-nm laser and contains a transmit and receive connector (labeled) on the card faceplate. The card uses a dual SC connector for optical cable termination. The card supports 1+1 unidirectional and bidirectional facility protection. It also supports 1:1 protection in four-fiber bidirectional line switched ring applications where both span switching and ring switching might occur.
The OC192 IR/STM64 SH 1550 card detects SF, LOS, or LOF conditions on the optical facility. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide for a description of these conditions. The card also counts section and line BIP errors from B1 and B2 byte registers in the section and line overhead.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 Card
The OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 card provides one intra-office haul SONET/SDH OC-192 port in the 1310 nm wavelength range, compliant with the International Telecommunication Union's G.707, G.957, and Telcordia's GR-1377 and GR-253. The port operates at 9.95328 Gbps over unamplified distances up to 2 km. The card supports VT and non-concatenated or concatenated payloads. You can install OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 cards in any high-speed slot, slot 5, 6, 12, or 13, on the ONS 15454 SDH. You can provision this card as part of an BLSR, a path protection configuration, a linear configuration, or as a regenerator for longer span reaches.
The OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 port features a 1310-nm laser and contains a transmit and receive connector (labeled) on the card faceplate. The card uses a dual SC connector for optical cable termination. The card supports 1+1 unidirectional and bidirectional facility protection. It also supports 1:1 protection in four-fiber bidirectional line switched ring applications where both span switching and ring switching might occur.
The OC192 SR/STM64 IO 1310 card detects SF, LOS, or LOF conditions on the optical facility. Refer to the "Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide" for a description of these conditions. The card also counts section and line BIP errors from B1 and B2 byte registers in the section and line overhead.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
ML-series Cards
The ML-Series 10/100/Gigabit Ethernet cards provide high throughput, low latency packet transport of Ethernet traffic (L2, IP and other L3 protocols), and a port based STS-48 backend for your SDH/SONET network. With ML-Series cards, efficient Ethernet transport and TDM can coexist on same card, thus enabling low cost interconnectivity for hubs and routers. The ML-Series works with Cisco IOS and takes advantage of IOS's IP rich features and reliability. The ML-Series functions as a Fast-Ethernet or Gigabit-Ethernet extension, or, in an aggregation application, such as high-capacity customer LAN traffic, Internet traffic, or VPN, with 1 Mbps and above bandwidth guaranteed traffic grooming. The following summaries highlight ML-Series card features.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
ML1000-2 Card
The ML1000-2 card provides two ports of IEEE-compliant, 1000-Mbps interfaces. Each interface supports full-duplex operation for a maximum bandwidth of 2 Gbps per port and 4 Gbps per card. Each port autoconfigures for full duplex and IEEE 802.3x flow control.
The ML1000-2 card works in any of the slots from 1 to 6 or 12 to 17 if you use the XC10G cross-connect card.
Two SFP modules are offered as separate orderable products for maximum customer flexibility: an IEEE 1000Base-SX compliant, 850-nm optical module and an IEEE 1000Base-LX-compliant, 1300-nm optical module. The 850-nm SX optics are designed for multimode fiber and distances of up to 220 meters on 62.5 micron fiber and up to 550 meters on 50 micron fiber. The 1300-nm LX optics are designed for single-mode fiber and distances of up to five kilometers. Other SFP modules for long-reach 1550-nm and twisted-pair copper will be offered for use with the E1000 card in a future release.
The ML1000-2 Gigabit Ethernet card provides high-throughput, low-latency packet switching of Ethernet encapsulated traffic (IP and other Layer 3 protocols) across an SONET network while providing a greater degree of reliability through SONET "self-healing" protection services. This enables network operators to provide multiple 1000 Mbps access drops for high-capacity customer LAN interconnects, Internet traffic, and cable modem traffic aggregation. Efficient transport and co-existence of traditional TDM traffic with packet-switched data traffic is provided.
The ML1000-2 card eliminates the need for external aggregation equipment such as Ethernet or ATM switches at the customer site, remote headends, or distributed POPs.
Each ML1000-2 card supports standards-based, Layer 2 Ethernet switching between its Ethernet ports and any other Ethernet or SONET trunk interfaces on the ONS 15454. The IEEE 802.1Q tag and port-based VLANS logically isolate traffic (typically subscribers). Priority queuing is also supported to provide multiple classes of service. Two queues are provided on card. Queue level is settable from 0 to 7; 0 to 3 map, and 4 to 7 map.
You can install the ML1000-2 card into any multispeed slot for a total shelf capacity of 20 Gigabit Ethernet ports. Multiple Ethernet cards installed in an ONS 15454 can act as either a single switching entity or as a single switch supporting a variety of SONET port configurations.
You can create logical SONET ports by provisioning VC channels to the packet switch entity within an ADM. Logical ports can be created with a bandwidth granularity of VC-4. In a single or multicard configuration, the ONS 15454 can support 2 virtual ports. The virtual port's supported circuit sizes are STS-1, -3c, -6c, -9c, -12c, and -24c.
ML100T-12 Card
The ML100T-12 card provides 12 ports of IEEE 802.3-compliant, 10/100 interfaces. Each interface supports full-duplex operation for a maximum bandwidth of 200 Mbps per port and 2.488 Gbps per card. Each port independently detects the speed of an attached device (autosenses) and automatically connects at the appropriate speed. The ports autoconfigure to operate at either half or full duplex and can determine whether to enable or disable flow control. The ML100T-12 card works in any slot from1 to 6 or 12 to 17 if you use the XC10G cross-connect card.
The ML100T-12 Ethernet card provides high-throughput, low-latency packet switching of Ethernet traffic across an SONET network while providing a greater degree of reliability through SONET "self-healing" protection services. This Ethernet capability enables network operators to provide multiple 10/100-Mbps access drops for high-capacity customer LAN interconnects, Internet traffic, and cable modem traffic aggregation. Efficient transport and co-existence of traditional TDM traffic with packet-switched data traffic are provided.
The ML100T-12 eliminates the need for external aggregation equipment such as Ethernet switches, remote headends, or distributed POPs.
Each ML100T-12 card supports standards-based, wire-speed, Layer 2 Ethernet switching between its Ethernet ports. The 802.1Q tag and port-based VLANs logically isolate traffic (typically subscribers). Priority queuing is also supported to provide multiple classes of service.
You can install the ML100T-12 card in any multispeed slot. Multiple Ethernet cards installed in an ONS 15454 act as a single switch supporting a variety of SONET port configurations. You can create logical SONET ports by provisioning a number of VC-4 channels to the packet switch entity within the ADM. Logical ports can be created with a bandwidth granularity of VC-4. In a single or multicard configuration, the ONS 15454 can support 2 virtual ports. The virtual port's supported circuit sizes are STS-1, -3c, -6c, -9c, -12c, and -24c.
TCC2 System Processor Card
The Advanced Timing Communications and Control (TCC2) card performs system initialization, provisioning, alarm reporting, maintenance, diagnostics, IP address detection/resolution, SONET section overhead (SOH) data communication channel/generic communication channel (DCC/GCC) termination, and system fault detection for the ONS 15454. The TCC2 also ensures that the system maintains Stratum 3 (Telcordia GR-253-CORE) timing requirements. It monitors the supply voltage of the system.
Note The TCC2 card requires the XC, XCVT and XC-10G cross-connect cards and Release 4.0 or higher.
Note The LAN interfaces of the TCC2 card meet the standard Ethernet specifications by supporting a cable length of 100 meters at temperatures from 0 degrees C to 65 degrees C (32 degrees F to 149 degrees F). The interfaces can operate with a cable length of 10 meters maximum at temperatures from -40 degrees C to 0 degrees C (-40 degrees F to 32 degrees F).
For TCC2 card functionality and details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
New Software Features and Functionality
Cross-connect Loopback
A cross-connect loopback tests a circuit path as it passes through the cross-connect card and loops back to the port being tested. Testing and verifying circuit integrity often involves taking down the whole line; however, with Release the 4.0.x cross-connect loopback, you can create a loopback on any embedded channel at supported payloads at the STS-1 granularity and higher. For example, you can loop back a single STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, etc., on an optical facility without interrupting the other STS circuits. Cross-connect loopbacks are supported for optical cards.
A cross-connect loopback is allowed only if the connection state of the circuit is OOS-AINS or OOS-MT. The cross-connect loopback option is available on all optical paths in the system that are cross-connected. When a cross-connect loopback is selected, if the near end is involved in a cross-connect loopback, an AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) is transmitted from the far end of the existing cross-connect. If the line supporting the path involved with a cross-connect loopback is involved in a 1+1 protection scheme, both the Active and Working paths are looped back in the cross connect matrix. Paths that are in a cross-connect loopback are not permitted to be used for test access. Only one type of loopback is allowed on a supporting line and path. If a facility loopback exists on an OC-48 line, you may not perform a cross-connect loopback on any paths in that line, and vice-versa. Addition and deletion of cross connects is permitted while the port is in an active loopback. However, if a cross-connect is deleted while the path is in a cross-connect loopback, the loopback is automatically removed by the system.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
LCD Enhancements
As of Release 4.0.x, the information displayed on the LCD, located on the fan tray assembly, can be controlled via software.
Release 4.0.x allows you to modify parameters and control the following displayed information:
•Suppression of LCD IP display
•Display of the NE defaults name
•Alarm output one-button toggle (alarm counts and alarm summary in the LCD are displayed alternately)
You can also modify display parameters to prohibit configuration changes via the LCD display touchpad.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
Path Protection Configuration Dual Ring Interconnect
The path protection configuration dual ring interconnect topology (Path Protection Configuration DRI) provides an extra level of path protection between interconnected path protection configurations. In DRIs traffic is dropped and continued at the interconnecting nodes to eliminate single points of failure. Two DRI topologies can be implemented on the ONS 15454. The traditional DRI uses four ONS 15454s at the interconnect nodes, while the integrated DRI uses two nodes.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
Audit Trail Enhancements
In Release 4.0.x, the Audit Trail feature has been improved. To use the Audit Trail features, you must be logged on with either Provisioning or Superuser privileges.
You can now save Audit Trail records created since the last archive operation to a local file. Multiple archive files, when put together, provide a view of the node's audit travel over time with no omissions or overlap.
Two new alarms indicate when an archive of the Audit Trail is needed:
•AUD-LOG-LOW is raised when the audit trail is 80% full.
•AUD-LOG-LOSS is raised when the audit trail begins to overwrite records that have not yet been archived.
Both of the new alarms clear automatically when you perform an archive via CTC.
CTC Logical Network View
In the Network view, the graphic area displays a background image with colored ONS 15454 icons. With Release 4.0.x, a superuser can set up the new logical network view feature to enable each user to see the same network view.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
Port Based Numbering of Alarms
With Release 4.0.x, all alarms and conditions are announced against the associated externally visible port (numbered to match the ingress port of the signal). No alarms or conditions are announced against internal ports.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
E-series Linear Mapper
The Linear Mapper is a new operation mode added to the current line of E-Series cards available on the ONS 15454 SONET, ONS 15454 SDH and the ONS 15327. This new mode accompanies the Multi-card EtherSwitch Group (Multi-card) mode and the Single-card (Single-card) EtherSwitch mode on each version of E-Series card starting with Release 4.0.x.
The Linear Mapper is a software feature and does not require you to purchase additional hardware if you have already deployed the E-Series cards. The Linear Mapper feature will become available to you in the form of a "Port-mapped" mode after you activate Release 4.0 or higher on the ONS platform.
The benefit of the Linear Mapper, which can also be referred to as Port-mapped mode, is that it allows Ethernet traffic to be mapped directly onto the SONET/SDH circuit without passing through a layer 2 (L2) switching engine. Although the L2 switching capabilities of E-Series cards provide a much wider range of functionality than a simple L1 Ethernet-to-SONET/SDH mapping scheme, there are several characteristics unique to the E-Series card's L2 switching engine that may present limitations in some applications. Such limitations of the L2 switching engine on the E-Series card include:
•Broadcast and Multicast rate limitation: Unicast packet loss can occur when Broadcast or Multicast traffic is present in the Ethernet circuit (for reference see Field Notice 13171).
•Excessive Ethernet circuit down time when a protection switch, TCC switch, or XC switch occurs. This is due to the fact that each circuit must wait for Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) reconvergence, which can take several minutes.
•Each card is limited to eight Spanning Tree instances, limiting the number of VLANs that can be provisioned from one card without implementing provisioning workarounds.
When you place the E-Series card in port-mapped mode, you can realize the following benefits:
•No Unicast packet loss due to Multicast or Broadcast traffic
•No Multicast limitations
•No Excessive Ethernet circuit downtime since, there is no STP or need for STP reconvergence
•No limitation on the number of STP instances
Note Whether port-mapped mode is beneficial to your network or not depends on the particular application. Several applications may benefit more from the L2 features provided by Multi-card EtherSwitch Group mode and/or Single-card EtherSwitch mode. Use the guidelines above in combination with the user documentation to analyze your particular network and determine if port-mapped mode will improve performance.
Note Cisco offers other Ethernet data cards for the ONS 15454 and ONS 15327. These include the L1 Ethernet-to-SONET/SDH G-Series card and the L2/L3 switching ML-Series card (ONS 15454 only). When choosing a data solution, each card family should be considered to ensure that you have achieved the most appropriate solution.
Graphical Display of Lockout
Release 4.0.x offers a new, detailed graphical display of lockout conditions on a span. Prior to Release 4.0.x, there is no clear indication when a span that is locked out has been manually switched. In previous releases, these events are reported in the Conditions tab or as a non-reporting event in the alarm tab.
Graphical indications of a Lockout, Force, or Manual switch condition are displayed for the following schemes:
•1 + 1 configuration
•2 Fiber BLSR
•4 Fiber BLSR
The graphical display of a condition can be viewed from the Network, Circuit and Detailed Circuit maps when a protection switch is applied.
Possible displayed values are:
Database Downgrade Protection
With Release 4.0.x, CTC prevents restoration of a database written by a software version newer than what the TCC, TCC+, or TCC2 is running. CTC issues a warning, but allows you to proceed, when reverting to an older software version.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
Proxy Server Port Reduction
In previous releases, CTC was able to manage nodes behind routers that performed network address translation (NAT) but required that intermediate routers allow connections on many ports. Additionally, these intermediate routers needed to be configured to allow connections to be initiated from both CTC and the GNE. With Release 4.0.x, CTC can now manage nodes behind routers that perform NAT or port address translation (PAT). Intermediate routers need only be configured to allow connections from CTC to the GNE on ports 80 (HTTP) and 1080 (SOCKS) and packets for established connections from the GNE to CTC. The superuser can enable this functionality on the node level Provisioning > Network tab.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
Ethernet Tx and Rx Utilization
The node view port utilization values for Release 4.0.x now separate transmit values from receive values. This affords you a clearer picture of actual utilization levels in this view, even when levels are very small.
DCC Expansion
An important benefit of the TCC2 card offered with Release 4.0.x is that each node in which TCC2s are installed can terminate up to 32 section DCCs. Routing abilities of the system are also enhanced to ensure that the TCC2 can effectively manage the increased amount of DCC traffic resulting from the change in the number of possible DCC terminations. This gives your network greater capacity for creating and administering path protection configurations.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
In Release 4.0.x, several enhancements have been made to improve support for C2 and unmatched J1 path trace with BLSR protection switching. In summary, the following have been addressed.
In Release 4.0.x, CTC displays all unmatched J1 Path Trace detected and C2 byte, including:
•STS Number
•Expected J1 Byte
•Received J1 Byte
•Received C2 Byte
This allows you to locate Path Trace Mismatch even for a switched BLSR circuit.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
CTC Path Trace Alarm Support
In Release 4.0.x, after traffic has switched to a protection span, standard TIM-P alarms will be raised when there is a J1 mismatch detected on the switched STSs.
CTC NCP Display Enhancement
In Release 4.0.x, NCP is enhanced to support the display of a switched BLSR path, in addition to the working path. NCP is also enhanced to display alarms on the STSs where the switched BLSR path is, and allows you to monitor path trace on the switched BLSR path such that:
•CTC provides visibility of the ASCII contents of the monitored J1 byte for each STS path even when Active traffic has switched to protection span of an BLSR.
•CTC provides visibility to the Expected J1 value for each STS path even when active traffic has switched to protection span of an BLSR.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
CTC PM Support
In Release 4.0.x, when traffic is switched from the working to the protection span, standard SONET and SDH Near End Path PM values are available over the protection span in the 2-fiber and 4-fiber BLSR.
For more specific details, consult the "Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Manual," Release 4.0.
New TL1 Features
FTP Database Backup and Restore Support
The new FTP database backup/restore support feature allows you to back up and restore your database via FTP using the TL1 interface. The following commands support the FTP download functionality.
Additional Port Information
Port Information has been added for STS/VTAIDs over the Optical cards (OCn) and EC1.
New Commands Supporting the ML-Series Cards
The following new commands have been added to support the ML-Series cards.
•Added ML1000-2, ML100T-12, ML1000-1, ML100T-8 for ML-Series cards.
•Added VFAC AID to support the following cross connection commands of the ML-Series cards:
Security Enhancements
The following new commands have been added to enhance security.
The following additional features support security.
Configurable User Access Features
Provisionable User Security Timeouts are now configurable via CTC. CTC allows timeout values ranging from 0 to 16 hours and 39 minutes (999 minutes). A value of 0 means the timeout is to be treated as infinite (no timeout). The timeout configuration via CTC only applies to users who are not currently logged in. Users logged in when the timeout is changed continue to use the timeout that was in effect when they logged in until they logout.
Provisionable One User per UserID
One session per user is now supported and is configurable via CTC. This means that a login will fail for a valid username/password combination if someone has already logged into the system using that combination. This restriction applies to both CTC and TL1. For instance, if a user is logged in using CTC, the TL1 ACT-USER command will be denied.
Failed User Attempt Lockout
If you fail to log in to a node because of a correct userid and an incorrect password, that userid will be locked out after X tries, where X is configurable. You may remain locked out or may be re-admitted after a period of N seconds, where N is configurable. The default settings are X = 5 and N = 30, causing a short 30 second lockout after 5 failed attempts. During the lockout period, attempts to login with a valid username/password combination will be denied.
Configurable Password Features
Also configurable via CTC, but enforceable in TL1 are the following password enhancements.
Number of unusable password days and number of distinct passwords: When you change your password, the new password must differ from the previous X passwords that have been used in the last Y days. The defaults are X = 1 and Y = 20, which means that the new password cannot be the same as the current password. In this case, the Y days is unused because the current password is always in use. A setting of X = 2 and Y = 20 would mean that the new password cannot be the same as the current password and cannot be the same as the previous password unless the previous password has not been used for 20 days. A setting of X = 5 and Y = 30 would mean that the new password cannot be the same as the current password and cannot be the same as the other previous 4 passwords unless the other previous 4 passwords have not been used for 30 days.
Forcible logout: An administrator now has the capability to forcibly log out a user. The interface is via CTC only, but a TL1 user can be logged out too. If a TL1 user is logged out, the REPT^EVT^SESSION message will appear indicating the forced logout.
Cross-Connect Loopback
The following new commands support cross-connect loopbacks.
Active Path Determination
The RTRV-<STS_PATH> command has added UPSRPTHSTATE in its output to indicate the path state in cases where the STS path is the path of path protection configuration.
Dual Ring Interconnect
The ENT-CRS-<STS_PATH> and ENT-CRS-VT1 commands now support the 2WAYDC connection type.
The ED-<STS_PATH>, RTRV-<STS_PATH>, and ED-VT1, RTRV-VT1 commands have added a new field, HOLDOFFTIMER.
Eight Port OC-3
A new equipment type, OC3-8, has been added for the ENT-EQPT command. OC3IR-STM1SH-1310-8 has been added to the "EQPT_TYPE" enum table. The LASEREOL ("Laser Approaching End Of Life") alarm has also been added. All TL1 commands supported for 4 port OC3 also apply to the eight port OC-3.
Prompting Feature
A TL1 Prompting tool has been added. This feature is primarily for prompting options for command (VMM) and payload prompting. Other fields are mostly mandatory and user input is required for them.
Prompting can be invoked by entering "Ctrl-P."
Note The CTC-TL1 window does not support this feature.
If the prompting tool requires user input, a message "User Input Required" will be displayed. If the prompting tool is asked for fields that are not supported, a message "Field Not Supported" will be displayed.
Pattern Matching enables you to enter only the first few characters of a command, or only as many as is necessary to distinguish the command from others. The prompting tool will return a list of possible named parameters.
Prompting can be invoked for Named or Positional parameter blocks.
In a GNE to ENE scenario, the GNE prompts the user on behalf of the ENE.
Add or Drop a Cross Connect
The following new commands support adding or dropping a cross connect over a cross connection or a circuit via TL1.
J1 and C2 Support
As of Release 4.0.x, the C2 byte can be retrieved using the following commands. Also, J1 STS path trace can be provisioned on the protect STS path of a switched BLSR.
The RTRV-TRC-<BLSR_OCN> command is introduced with this feature to retrieve all J1 for each SONET port that has a BLSR and supports the J1 path trace. (In other words, this command can be applied for the OC-48AS and OC-192 cards only.)
The RTRV-<STS_PATH> command adds a new input field, BLSRPTHTYPE, allowing you to retrieve the STS J1 path trace information on either the STS path of PCA circuits or the STS path of NON-PCA circuits.
The RTRV-<STS_PATH> command also adds a new output field, BLSRPTHSTATE.
Test Access
As of Release 4.0.x, PCA test access is supported. Creation of an STS (or VT) Test Access point on a protect channel of a two-fiber, or four-fiber BLSR is supported. Connecting to an STS or VT PCA circuit is also now supported.
Note Test access on a PCA will be preempted when a BLSR switch takes place.
Test Access Intrusive modes (splta, spltb, loope, loopf, splte, spltf, spltef) are allowed on circuits that are IS. The circuit state will be internally changed to OOS_MT during the period the connection is maintained. Test Access will then remember and restore the original circuit state once the connection is disabled via the DISC-TACC command or a session timeout.
Other New Commands Added
The following new command has been added for Release 4.0.x.
Changes in TL1 Functionality Since Release 3.4
AID Formats
The STS/VT path AID formats for optical cards (OCn, EC1) have been changed to add the port number between the slot number and the STS number. Format differences are as follows.
For STS AID formats:
•Prior to Release 4.0.x, the optical card STS AID format is:
STS-SlotNumber-RealStsNumber•As of Release 4.0.x, the new format is:
STS-SlotNumber-PortNumber-RelativeStsNumberFor VT AID formats:
•Prior to Release 4.0.x, the optical card VT AID format is:
VT1-SlotNumber-RealStsNumber-VtGroupNumber-RelativeVtNumber•As of Release 4.0.x, the new format is:
VT1-SlotNumber-PortNumber-RelativeStsNumber-VtGroupNumber-RelativeVtNumberSecurity Enhancements
Additional autonomous messages are reported via the REPT^EVT^SECU message in Release 4.0.x.
The new messages, available to Superusers only, are:
•COND_SEC_ADMIN_LOCKOUT—an administrator has locked a userid (the userid cannot log into the system, but has not been deleted)
•COND_SEC_ADMIN_LOCKOUT_CLR—an administrator has unlocked a userid
•COND_SEC_ADMINLOGOUT—an administrator has forcibly logged a user off
•COND_SEC_LOGIN—a user has logged into the NE
•COND_SEC_LOGINFAIL_LOCKOUT—a user has failed to log in because the userid is currently locked out.
•COND_SEC_LOGINFAIL_LOGGEDIN—a user has attempted to log in when the userid is already logged in (available when the single user login option is turned on)
•COND_SEC_LOGINFAIL_PSWD—a user login has failed because the provided password is invalid
•COND_SEC_LOGINFAIL_USER—a user login has failed because the provided userid is invalid
•COND_SEC_LOGOUT—a user has logged out
•COND_SEC_USER_LOCKOUT—a user has been locked out because of too many invalid login attempts
Changes to Change Reporting
Change reporting in Release 4.0.x adds the following new support:
•ED-SYNCN DB change report
•Report Dbchg for ALW-USER-SECU
•Report Dbchg for INH-USER-SECU
•Report Dbchg for the provisioning commands supported in ML-Series and 8 port OC-3
New Conditions
The following new conditions have been added as of Release 4.0.x.
•AUD-LOG-LOW, AUD-LOG-LOSS (Audit Log event reported by "Rept Evt Com" command)
Minor Changes
The following minor changes have been made to TL1 commands for Release 4.0.x.
•ED-G1000—change FLOW to ON_OFF enum
•OPR-SYNCNSW—change the parameter name from <syncsw> to <switchto>
UCP Command Changes:
•NBR (nbr-#) and CC (cc-#)—AID maximum value is changed from 23 to 16
•ED-UCP-NBR—NUMRXTS has been removed from the input/output
•ENT-UCP-NBR—the NAME field is now mandatory
•ED/ENT-UCP-CC—the MTU valid data range of [0-65535] is now an enforced limit
•ENT/ED/RTRV-UCP-IF—ADMSTATE has been removed from the command input/output
•RTRV-<OCN_TYPE>—NBRIX output format is changed from [NBRIX=<tap>] to [NBRIX=<nbrix>]
TL1 Syntax Changes Since Release 3.4
Command Syntax Changes
In the following section the Release 3.4 command is listed first, followed by the new Release 4.0.x command.
ED-CRS-<STS_PATH> syntax changed:
ED-CRS-VT1 syntax changed:
ED-G1000 syntax changed:
ED-<STS_PATH> syntax changed:
ED-VT1 syntax changed:
Response Changes of TL1 Commands
In the following section the Release 3.4 response is listed first and the new Release 4.0.x response is listed second:
RTRV-ALM-ALL response changes:
RTRV-ALM-BITS response changes:
RTRV-ALM-ENV response changes:
RTRV-ALM-EQPT response changes:
RTRV-ALM-RING response changes:
RTRV-ALM-SYNCN response changes:
RTRV-ALM-UCP response changes:
RTRV-ALM-VT1 response changes
RTRV-COND-ALL response changes:
RTRV-COND-BITS response changes:
RTRV-COND-ENV response changes:
RTRV-COND-EQPT response changes:
RTRV-COND-RING response changes:
RTRV-COND-SYNCN response changes:
RTRV-COND-UCP response changes:
RTRV-COND-VT1 response changes:
RTRV-EQPT response changes:
RTRV-INV response changes:
<aid>,<aidtype>::[<pn>],[<hwrev>],[<fwrev>],[<sn>],[<clei>],[<dwl=nwl in code>],[<twl1= wl1 in code>],[<twl2=wl2 in code>],[<twl3=wl3 in code>]
RTRV-NE-GEN response changes:
RTRV-PMSCHED-ALL response changes:
RTRV-PMSCHED-<MOD2> response changes:
RTRV-<STS_PATH> syntax changed:
RTRV-<STS_PATH> response changes:
RTRV-VT1 response changes:
SCHED-PMREPT-<MOD2> syntax changed:
ENUM Changes to TL1 Since Release 3.4
ENUM Value Changes for Existing Commands
The CCT enum has added the following item in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-CRS
The CRS_TYPE enum has added the following 8 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-T3 and RTRV-T3
The DS_LINE_TYPE enum has changed the following 2 items for Release 4.0.x:
M23— has been dropped from this enum table
M13—has been added to this enum table
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-PM-<MOD2>, RTRV-PM-VT1, RTRV-TH-<MOD2>, RTRV-TH-VT1, and SET-TH-<MOD2>
ALL_MONTYPE enums have added the following 83 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for REPT^EVT
The ALL_THR enum has added the following 46 items in Release 4.0.x:
The ALM_THR enum has added the following 9 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ENT-EQPT
The EQUIPMENT_TYPE enum has added the following 22 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-G1000
Note These changes also apply to RTRV-FSTE, and RTRV-GIGE, both new commands.
The FLOW enum has added the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for OPR-LPBK-<MOD2> and RLS-LPBK-<MOD2>
Note The CLNT, OCH, OMS, OTS are new modifiers in Release 4.0.x.
The LPBK_TYPE enum has added the following item in Release 4.0.x:
The MOD2 enum has added the following 4 items in Release 4.0.x:
The MOD2ALM enum has added the following 7 items in Release 4.0.x:
The SYNC_CLOCK_REG_QUALITY_LEVEL enum has added the following 7 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-NE-SYNCN and RTRV-NE-SYNCN
The SYNC_CLOCK_LEVEL enum has added the following 7 items in Release 4.0.x:
Enum Table Changes for Existing TL1 Commands Since Release 3.4
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-<STS_PATH>
The BLSR_PTH_STATE enum type has been added into the RTRV-<STS_PATH> command output format with the following 5 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-<STS_PATH>
The BLSR_PTH_TYPE enum has been added into the RTRV-<STS_PATH> command input syntax with the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
The DIRN enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. DIRN is UNUSED in any command.
The DS3_FMT enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. DS3_FMT is UNUSED in any command.
The ENV_CRTL_MODE enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. ENV_CRTL_MODE is UNUSED in any command.
The EXT_RING enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. EXT_RING is UNUSED in any command.
The MODIFIER enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. MODIFIER is UNUSED in any command.
ENUM Value Changes for REPT^RMV^<MOD_IO> and REPT^RST^<MOD_IO>
The MOD2_IO enum has added the following 4 items in Release 4.0.x:
The STM_TYPE enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. STM_TYPE is UNUSED in any command.
The TMG_REF enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. TMG_REG is UNUSED in any command.
The USE_DST enum has been dropped in Release 4.0.x. USE_DST is UNUSED in any command.
Enum Changes For New Commands in Release 4.0.x
The ALS_MODE enum type has added the following 4 items in Release 4.0.x:
The COMM_TYPE enum has added the following 3 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for INIT-REG-OTS and INIT-REG-VT1
The EQPT_TYPE enum has added the following 38 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-FSTE and RTRV-GIGE
The ETHER_DUPLEX enum has added the following 3 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-FSTE and RTRV-GIGE
The ETHER_SPEED enum has added the following 5 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-FSTE, RTRV-G1000, and RTRV-GIGE
The FLOW enum has added the following 4 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-OCH and RTRV-OCH
The GCCRATE enum has been added the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
The OPTICAL_WLEN enum has been added the following 33 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for RTRV-GIGE, RTRV-G1000
The OPTICS enum has added the following 4 items in Release 4.0.x:
The PROTTYPE enum has added the following item in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-OCH and RTRV-OCH
The RDIRN_MODE enum has added the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for COPY-RFILE
The RFILE enum has added the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-DWDM and RTRV-DWDM
The TERM_MODE enum has added the following 3 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-TRC-OCH and RTRV-TRC-CLNT
The TRCFORMAT enum has added the following 3 items in Release 4.0.x:
The TRCLEVEL enum has added the following 5 items in Release 4.0.x:
The UP_DOWN enum has added the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
ENUM Value Changes for ED-OCH and RTRV-OCH
The VOA_STATE enum has added the following 2 items in Release 4.0.x:
Related Documentation
Release-Specific Documents
•Release Notes for the Cisco ONS 15454, Release 4.0.1
•Release Notes for the Cisco ONS 15454 SDH, Release 4.0.1
•Release Notes for the Cisco ONS 15327, Release 4.0.1
•Cisco ONS 15454 Software Upgrade Guide, Release 4.0
Platform-Specific Documents
•Cisco ONS 15454 Procedure Guide, Release 4.0
•Cisco ONS 15454 Reference Guide, Release 4.0
•Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting Guide, Release 4.0
•Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15327 TL1 Command Guide, Release 4.0
•Cisco ONS 15454 Product Overview, Release 4.0
Obtaining Documentation
The following sections provide sources for obtaining documentation from Cisco Systems.
World Wide Web
You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following sites:
Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or as an annual subscription.
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Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:
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This document is to be used in conjunction with the documents listed in the "Related Documentation" section.
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