TL1 Errors

Note The terms "Unidirectional Path Switched Ring" and "UPSR" may appear in Cisco literature. These terms do not refer to using Cisco ONS 15xxx products in a unidirectional path switched ring configuration. Rather, these terms, as well as "Path Protected Mesh Network" and "PPMN," refer generally to Cisco's path protection feature, which may be used in any topological network configuration. Cisco does not recommend using its path protection feature in any particular topological network configuration.

This chapter provides TL1 error information supported by the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15327, ONS 15600, and ONS 15310-CL. For alarm information, refer to the platform-specific procedure guide, troubleshooting guide, and reference manual.

3.1  Errors

Errors can be generated by any command or command response message. Table 3-1 through Table 3-65 list errors alphabetically by error code. The format of an error message is as follows:

/* <ERRMSG> */

Table 3-1 ENEQ Errors 

ENEQ Error Messages

At Least One Equipment Is Not Plugged

Communication Failed

Control Not Provisioned

Cost Not Found

EnvControl IF Is Not Found

Environmental Control Interface Not Found

Equipment Is Deleted

Equipment Must Be Present

Equipment Not Found

Equipment Not Present

Equipment Not Provisioned

IP Address Not Found

IP Mask Not Found

Internal Communication Error

Next Hop Not Found

No standby present

No standby provisioned

Not Equipped

Sensor IF Is Not Found

Sensor Interface Not Found

Standby not in valid state, please wait

TID Not Found

Table 3-2 IBEX Errors 

IBEX Error Messages

Extra Datablock

Extra parameters

Invalid AID Block. Extra Datablock

Invalid Payload Block. Extra Datablock

Table 3-3 ICNV Errors 

ICNV Error Messages

AIS on LOF Not Supported

AISV on AIS Not Supported

Admin SSM Not Supported

Cannot Change Threshold Values On Protect Port

Cannot Set DCC When G709 Is Enabled

Cannot set Timer value if FTP server is not enabled

Cross Connect Not Supported By XC Mode

Equipment Does Not Match Request

Equipment In Use

Impedance Not Supported With Current Configuration

Inhfelpbk Not Supported

Invalid Command

Invalid VLAN Remapping

Operation Not Supported By This Card

Operation Not Supported On This Shelf

PDIP Generation Not Supported

PDIP Not Supported

PM Threshold Type Not Supported

PM Type Not Supported

Payload Does Not Match Request

Performance Monitoring Type Not Supported

Protection Type Not Supported in SONET Media

SaBit Not Supported With Current Configuration

Senddus Not Supported

Syncmap Not Supported

Syncmsg Not Supported

Threshold Type Not Supported

Trace Not Supported On Protect Trunk Port

Unidirectional Not Supported

VT Map Not Supported

XC MODE Not Supported

Table 3-4 IDMS Errors 

IDMS Error Messages

Data Missing

Loopback Type Missing

Missing Internal Data

Table 3-5 IDNC Errors 

IDNC Error Messages

Invalid Data

Invalid PST Value

Invalid SST Value

PRI source cannot be INTERNAL when SEC source is not INTERNAL

PRI source cannot be INTERNAL when THIRD is not INTERNAL

Primary Source Cannot Be INTERNAL When Secondary Source Is Not INTERNAL

Primary Source Cannot Be INTERNAL When Third Source Is Not INTERNAL

Primary Source Cannot Be NONE When Secondary Source Is Not NONE

Primary Source Cannot Be NONE When Third Source Is Not NONE

SEC source cannot be INTERNAL when THIRD is not INTERNAL

SSM not supported on SDH

Secondary Source Cannot Be INTERNAL When Third Source Is Not INTERNAL

Secondary Source Cannot Be NONE When Third Source Is Not NONE

Third source must be INTERNAL

Table 3-6 IDNV Errors 

IDNV Error Messages

2F-BLSR Architecture Does Not Permit Manual/Forced Span Switching

ADM Peer Group Name Exceeds Maximum Length

AIS On Terminal Loopback Not Supported

AISONLPBK Not Supported

AMPLMODE Not Supported

AUTO ALS Mode Not Allowed With Digital Wrapper Disabled

AUTO Trace Mode Not Allowed

Alarm Message Must Be Enclosed Within a Pair of Quotes

Alarm Message Required for MISC

Alarm Type Exceeds Maximum Length Allowed

At least an XC10G XC card is needed for this equipment type

BERT Diagnostics Limited To VT Cross connections

CALOPWR Not Supported

CALTILT Not Supported

CHPOWER Not Supported

CKTID Exceeds Maximum Length

CMDMDE Only Applicable when Creating/Deleting Protection Group

Calibration Power Not Allowed

Cannot Access DCC

Cannot Change Protection Type

Cannot Change XC Mode

Cannot Delete Dynamic TDC Entry

Cannot Edit NAME When ADM Peer Group Not Present

Cannot Edit NAME When Regeneration Group Not Present

Cannot Modify Circuit Size While Active Equipment

Cannot turn off proxy server or firewall while in secure mode

Card Does Not Support Synchronization/Timing Parameters

Card Mode Incompatible With Configured Payload Type

Command Not Valid On Protect Card

Configuration Does Not Support AUTO ALS Mode

Current Interval Not Supported For RMON PMs

DCC Not Supported In Transparent Term Mode

DCC is in use

DS1 Mode Not Supported

Data Rate Already Provisioned

Description Too Long

Description cannot be more than 32 characters

Distance Extension Not Enabled

EXPGAIN Parameter Not Supported By Amplifier Facility

Edit FMT on an Invalid Card

Edit FMT with an Invalid Data

Edit Line Code Failed

Edit Line Code on an Invalid Card

Equipment Does Not Support ADM Peer Group

Equipment Does Not Support EXPWLEN

Equipment Does Not Support FCS

Equipment Does Not Support Fast Ring Protection Role

Equipment Does Not Support Fast Ring Protection State

Equipment Does Not Support PROTID

Equipment Does Not Support PRTYPE

Equipment Does Not Support Payload Type

Equipment Does Not Support RDIRN

Equipment Does Not Support RVRTV

Equipment Does Not Support RVTM

Equipment Does Not Support Regeneration Group

Equipment Does Not Support SUPERBLKS

Equipment Incompatible For Regeneration Group

Flow Control Value Not Supported

Frame Format Contains Invalid Data

Frame Format Not Supported On Equipment

GCC Not Supported On CLNT Port

GFP Buffer Out Of Range

High Threshold Should Be Lower Than Extreme High

Incompatible Equipment Type For Protection

Incompatible Equipment Type

Incompatible New Equipment Type

Incompatible Protect Slot For Protection

Input, Data Not Valid

Interval Out Of Range

Invalid AID For PCA Cross-Connection

Invalid Alarm Message

Invalid Buffer Type

Invalid Card Mode For Equipment Type

Invalid Committed Rate

Invalid Community

Invalid Data For 2F-BLSR

Invalid Data Rate

Invalid Drop Path

Invalid Enable Value

Invalid Equipment Type

Invalid Ethernet Frame Size

Invalid Expected Path Trace Message

Invalid Fast Ring Protection Role

Invalid Fast Ring Protection State

Invalid Holdoff Timer Value

Invalid Interval

Invalid Log Name

Invalid MONLEV Value

Invalid MONTYPE Value

Invalid MTU Size

Invalid MAC Address

Invalid NI Mode

Invalid Next Hop

Invalid Notification Code

Invalid PM Interval

Invalid PPM Port

Invalid Port Number

Invalid Protect Group Identifier

Invalid PROTID

Invalid QNQ Mode

Invalid Recovery Pulse Width

Invalid Reference

Invalid Regeneration Group AID

Invalid Regeneration Group Configuration

Invalid Report Interval

Invalid Start Time

Invalid Static Route Destination

Invalid Switch Command

Invalid Switch Type For BLSR

Invalid TAP Number



Invalid Threshold Value Ordering

Invalid Time Offset

Invalid Timer Value

Invalid Trace Level

Invalid User Name

Invalid VCAT Group Name

Invalid area ID, format is nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn

J0 Section Trace Not Supported In Transparent Term Mode

Keyword All Not Allowed

Line Code Not Supported

Link Credit Out Of Range

Link Recovery And Distance Extension are Mutually Exclusive

Low Threshold Should Be Greater Than Extreme Low


Maximum Number Of Protected VLAN Reached

Maximum Number Of Routes Reached

Maximum Number Of VLAN Reached

Multiple AIDs Not Allowed

Multiple PROTID Not valid

Multiple Protection Group Card Slot Identifiers Not Allowed

Multiple References Not Allowed

Must Provide PROTID for Adding Working Modules


Next Hop Conflicts Default Router

Node Has Default GRE Tunnel

Null Userid Or Range In Userid List Not Allowed

Number Of Reports Is Negative

OSRI Not Supported

Only One Trunk Required For Card Mode

PPM Does Not Exist

PPM Type Parameter Not Supported By This Card

PRIVLVL Not Allowed When PAGE = 0

PRIVLVL Not Allowed Without PAGE, PCND, or TMOUT


Parameter Not Supported By Payload Type

Parameter Not Supported By This Optical Node Type

Parameter Not Supported On Protect Trunk Port

Payload Mapping Type Incompatible With G.709 Settings

Payload Type Does Not Support AUTO ALS Mode

Payload Type Does Not Support DCC

Payload Type Does Not Support IS-AINS State

Payload Type Does Not Support OTN/FEC

Payload Type Not Supported

Peer Card Not Present

Peerid Must Be Different From Aid

Port Name Exceeds Maximum Length

Port Unsupported in Card Mode

Power Setpoint Adjust Failed

Protect Card Does Not Support Protection Type

Protect Slot Not Provisioned

Protection Group Card Slot Identifier Field Required

Protection Group Does Not Exist

Protection Group Name Cannot Be Null

Protection Group Name Exceeds Maximum Length

QNQ Entry Not Provisioned

REFTILT Not Supported

RMON Threshold Not Supported

Rate Capacity Exceeded

Regeneration Group Name Exceeds Maximum Length

Requested CRSTYPE Not Supported

Retime Not Supported

Ring Lockout BLSR Switching Is Not Supported

SDCC is in use


Shelf Role Invalid For Equipment Type

Span Lockout of Working on BLSR Switching Is Not Supported

Squelch Not Allowed With Current Setting

Static Route Cannot Be

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Class A Broadcast Address

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Class B Broadcast Address

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Class C Broadcast Address

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Default Router Mask

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Internal Network

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Node Broadcast Address

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Node IP

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Node Subnet

Static Route Cannot Be Same As Old Class E Address

Static Route Cannot be Same As Local Net

Switch Type Is Not Allowed On 1+1

TID Name Exceeds Maximum Length

TMPER Type Not Supported

Tap Out Of Range

Term Mode Does Not Support Synchronization/Timing Parameters

Threshold Increment Invalid

Threshold Value Out Of Range

Trace Level Not Supported By Client Port

Trace Level Required

Trace Not Supported In Transparent Term Mode

Transmitted Path Trace Message not supported

Transport Mode Invalid For Equipment Type

Unsupported Or Incompatible Termination Mode

Unsupported Protection Option

VLAN Name Exceeds Maximum Length

VLAN Out Of Range

VOA Not Supported

VOA Out Of Range

Value Or Threshold Read Only

Value Out Of Range

Table 3-7 IDRG Errors 

IDRG Error Messages

DST Not Supported For The Time Zone

Difference Value Range Error

Invalid DURAL Value

Invalid GFPBUF Value

Invalid MXINV Value

Invalid MXINV or DURAL Value

Invalid PAGE Value

Invalid PAGE or PCND Value

Invalid PCND Value

Invalid PDIF Value

Invalid PINT Value

Invalid PJMON Value

Invalid POLD Value

Invalid TMOUT Value

Invalid Threshold Value

Invalid Time Zone

Invalid Trap Destination

Invalid Trap Port

Invalid UOUT Value

Invalid Watermark Value

PJMON Out Of Range

Table 3-8 IIAC Errors 

IIAC Error Messages

AID Does Not Match with Requested BLSR Path Type


ALL AID Not Allowed

ALL, Ranging and Grouping Are Not Supported for Hard Reset

ALL, Ranging and Grouping Are Not Supported

AID validation failed

BERT Diagnostic Cross connection Source Must Equal Destination

BLSR East and West On Same Slot Not Allowed

BLSR Time Slot Mismatch

Bad Ring Id

CCT=1WAY Not Allowed For The Card

Cannot Create Schedule On Protect Card

Cannot Access One Plus One Protect Line

Cannot Make Changes To Protect Card

Cross-Connection Cannot Overlap PCA Boundary

Cross-Connection Cannot Use GIGE Ports When In Transponder Mode

Cross-connection PathWidth Not Supported by Card

DS1 Out of Range

EQPT Prot AID parse failed

Equipment Can Not Be Provisioned On Low Speed Slot

Equipment Does Not Match Request

Equipment Does Not Support This Type Of Cross-connection

Equipment Type Is Same As Provisioned Equipment

Expected Trace Not Supported On This Card Type

Expected Trace String Exceeds Max Length (62)

Expected Trace String Exceeds Maximum Length

FAC parse failed

Incoming Trace Not Supported On This Card Type

Incorrect Card Type

Input, Invalid Access

Invalid AID

Invalid Cross-connection Name

Invalid Cross-connection Path Number

Invalid DRI Node Type

Invalid DRI Topology

Invalid DS1 AID

Invalid FROM AID

Invalid G1000 Facility Port

Invalid Month Or Day

Invalid Node Side

Invalid NodeId

Invalid Operation On Drop AID

Invalid PJMON Value

Invalid PM Direction parameter

Invalid Protect AID or Working AID

Invalid Protect AID




Invalid RTO AID


Invalid Reference

Invalid RingID

Invalid Roll From And/Or Roll To AID

Invalid Source AID

Invalid Source/Destination AID Count For Cross-Connection Type

Invalid TAP

Invalid TO AID


Invalid Time

Invalid VCG Member Number

Invalid Year

Invalid fac-n-m input

J1 Trace Not Supported On This Card

List AID Not Allowed For ALL AID

List Or All AID Not Supported

Loopback type mismatch

LpbkType Does Not Match

Multiple AIDs Not Allowed With All AID

Multiple AIDs Not Allowed

Multiple AIDs Not Supported

Multiple Destination AID Exceeds Limit

Multiple Destinations Not Supported By Cross-Connection

Multiple Source AID Exceeds Limit

Multiple TAP AIDs Not Supported

Multiple AIDs Not Allowed


No TPORT With Removing TRANS Mode

Not Allowed On 1+1 Protect Line

Not Allowed On BLSR Protect Line

Not Allowed On Protect Line

Optional AIDs Are Not Supported

Ranging and Grouping Are Not Supported for Soft Reset

RingID Does Not Match with AID Number

TPORT Must Use The Same Slot As The Aid

TPORT Supports Only A Single AID

Trace Format Not Supported On This Card Type

Trace Mode Not Supported On This Card Type

Trace Not Supported For Current Configuration

Trace String Exceeds Maximum Length

Transmit Trace Not Supported On This Card Type

Path Protection Cross-Connections Not Allowed For The Facility Of Data Card

Use Of TPORT Argument Requires Use Of TRANS

Table 3-9 IICM Errors 

IICM Error Messages

Command not implemented yet...

Command not supported in this release

Input, Invalid Command

Input, Invalid MOD1

Input, Invalid MOD2

Input, Invalid VERB

Memory Allocation Error

Table 3-10 IICT Error 

IICT Error Message

Invalid Correlation Tag

Table 3-11 IIDT Errors 

IIDT Error Messages

'%xx' Encoding Error In URL Parsing

0 Sec Revertive Time Not Supported


AUTO trace mode not supported


Can Not Delete A Schedule Which Does Not Exist

Cannot Activate To Older Software

Cannot Add And Remove Drops Together

Cannot Create More RMON Threshold

Cannot Edit OSPF When Both SDCC and LDCC are Enabled

Cannot Revert From R2 To R1

Cannot Revert To Newer Software

Cannot Revert While In Permanent Secure Mode

Cannot Revert While In Secure Mode

Command Already In Progress

DEST Incompatible With RFR Type

DEST Incompatible With SWDL Type

DEST Required For RFBU Type

Duplicate BLSR Working/Protect Facilities

Duplicate Performance Monitoring Schedule

Duplicate RMON Threshold

Duplicate Schedule

Error Adding New Schedule

FRCD mode not supported

FTTD Host Cannot Be IP Address

FTTD Is Not Supported. Only Direct File Transfers Are Supported

FTTD URL Missing

Facility Already in OSC Group

File Name Missing In URL

Flash Manager Not Active

Hostname Missing In URL

IOS Config File Too Big

Invalid 2 Fiber Blsr Parameter

Invalid BLSR Mode

Invalid BLSR Protect Facility

Invalid BLSR Working Facility

Invalid Data Parameter

Invalid East Protect Port

Invalid East Working Port

Invalid FTTD Host

Invalid NSAP Character

Invalid NSAP Length

Invalid NSAP Selector

Invalid NSAP

Invalid OSC Group Facility

Invalid Phase Number

Invalid Port In URL

Invalid Revertive Time

Invalid Shelf Id 1 For SC

Invalid Software Switch Type

Invalid State Transition Request

Invalid State Value

Invalid Type Value In FTP URL. Only 'a', 'i', or 'd' Is Allowed.

Invalid West Protect Port

Invalid West Working Port

Invalid type= Syntax In FTP URL

Loopback type not supported

Mandatory FTP URL Not Provided

Maximum Performance Monitoring Schedule Limit Reached

Memory Out Of Range

Missing/Invalid Destination

Missing/Invalid Source

NSAP FTTD Hosts Unsupported

No TID matches FTTD hostname

Non-IP Hostname In FTP URL

Non-IP Hostname or Invalid TID In FTP URL

Null Outputs In URL Parsing

Only IS PST Is Supported

Only MAINT STATE Supported

Only NORM CMD_MODE Is Supported

Only OOS PST Is Supported

Only OVWRT of YES is Allowed For Uploads

Only Port 21 Is Supported

Only SWDL Is Supported For The xfertype Argument

Only Type 'a' Is Supported In The COPY-IOSCFG FTP URL

Only Type 'i' Is Supported In The COPY-RFILE FTP URL

Password Missing In URL

Performance Monitoring Schedule Does Not Exist

Port Missing In URL

RFBU Type Required With RFILE-LOG Aid

Reach Limits Of MAX Schedules Allowed. Cannot Add More

SRC Incompatible With RFBU Type

SRC Required For RFR Type

SRC Required For SWDL Type

SWDL Incompatible With RFILE-COMPDB Aid

SWDL Incompatible With RFILE-PKG Aid

Software Activate/Revert Failed

Software Not Available For Switch

Terminal Loopback is not supported

The URL Contains Unsafe Characters. Please Encode

Unknown Error Processing FTP URL

Unsupported Locn Value

Username Missing In URL

ftp:// Missing In FTP URL

fttd:// Missing In FTTD URL

Table 3-12 IIFM Errors 

IIFM Error Messages

Invalid AID Block. Invalid Data Format

Invalid Alarm Type - Must Conform To TL1 Rules

Invalid Data Format

Invalid Password

Invalid Payload Block. Invalid Data Format

Invalid User ID

Table 3-13 IIPG Errors 

IIPG Error Messages

Configuration Requires Transparent Termination Mode

Equipment Payload Type Incompatible For Regeneration Group

Payload Type Requires Squelch Card Mode

Payload Type Requires Transparent Termination Mode

Transparent Termination Mode Required For Regeneration Group

Table 3-14 IISP Errors 

IISP Error Messages

Input, Garbage

Invalid AID Block. Extraneous ',' Found

Table 3-15 IITA Errors 

IITA Error Messages

GNE: Input, Invalid Target Identifier

Input, Invalid Target Identifier

Table 3-16 INUP Errors 

INUP Error Messages

EXTRNG Configuration Is Not Supported

General Block Unsupported

Missing mandatory field

NODEID Configuration Is Not Supported

RNGID Configuration Is Not Supported

RNGMAPAUTO Configuration Is Not Supported

RNGWTR Configuration Is Not Supported

Table 3-17 IPEX Errors 

IPEX Error Messages

Duplicate N/V field

Invalid Payload Block. Extra Parameters

Table 3-18 IPMS Errors 

IPMS Error Messages

Invalid AID Block. Missing Mandatory Field

Invalid Payload Block. Missing Mandatory Field

Invalid syntax

Missing mandatory field

Parameter Missing

Table 3-19 IPNC Errors 

IPNC Error Messages

Cannot Change Existing Protection Type

Cross-connect Doesn't Have Path Protection Path Selector

Description Too Long

Expected Duplex Not Supported

Expected Speed Not Supported

Invalid Auto Negotiate Value

Invalid Encapsulation Type

Invalid Flow Control Value

Invalid Maximum Frame Size

Invalid Oprnominal Value

Invalid Parameter

Invalid Trans Value

Parameter Not Valid

Parameters Are Not Consistent

Parameters Not Compatible

Selective auto Negotiate Cannot be enabled

Table 3-20 IPNV Errors 

IPNV Error Messages

AID or Condition Must Be Specified

Bad IP Configuration Parameter

Bad Parameter

Bad Reference

Cannot Set Expected Path Trace For Source Path

Cannot Set Expected Path Trace In Auto Mode

Cannot Set Outgoing Path Trace For Drop Path

Cross-Connection Does Not Have Path Protection Path Selector

DRITYPE Not Supported For Connection Type

Empty parameter

Exercise Is Not Allowed On Protected Facility

Expected Trace String Exceeds Max Length (62)

Facility Does Not Support Montype

Far End Loopback Type Not Supported In Current Framing Format

Far End Performance Monitoring Values Not Supported

Holdoff Timer Not Supported For Non-DRI Cross-Connections

INT Not Valid For BITS-OUT


Internal-Ip Lookup Failed

Internal-Network Nodes Lookup Failed

Invalid BITS Framing

Invalid BITS Rate

Invalid Clock Source

Invalid Condition Type


Invalid Default Router Address

Invalid IIOP Port number

Invalid IP Address

Invalid IP Configuration Parameter

Invalid IP Mask

Invalid IP Port Number

Invalid Link Termination Port

Invalid MONLEV Value

Invalid OSPF Cost

Invalid PM register

Invalid Parameter

Invalid Payload Block. Empty Parameter

Invalid Report Interval

Invalid SNTP Host Address

Invalid Start Time

Invalid Switch Command For Synchronization

Invalid Switch Type

Invalid Threshold Value

Invalid Why Parameter

New Source Must Be Specified

Node Name Exceeds Maximum Length

Number Of Reports Is Negative

Optical Performance Monitoring Not Supported For This Card Type

PM Not Supported

Parameter Not Valid

Path is not associated with Path Protection Path Selector

Payload Does Not Support Optics Montypes

Primary Reference Incompatible With Timing Mode

Protection Type Does Not Support Reversion Mode

Protocol Does Not Support This State

RMON PM History Not Supported

Reference Type Not Supported

SPNWTR Parameter Not Supported


Secondary Reference Incompatible With Timing Mode

Synchronization Source Already Defined For Protection Group

Synchronization Source Already Defined For The Slot

TL1 Can Not Set Its Own Access Level

TMGREF Parameter Not Supported

Third Reference Incompatible With Timing Mode

Time Period Not Applicable

Timing Mode Not Compatible

Table 3-21 NO Errors 

NO Error Messages

No Applicable PM Data

No Error

Table 3-22 PICC Errors 

PICC Error Messages

AID Required

AID does not match this session UID

Bad Password Toggling - New Password Same As A Prior Password

Can't logout if user is not logged in

Can't change own security level

Can't login

Command Not Available to this User Level

IP Address Display Is Suppressed

Invalid User Access Privilege Value

Invalid User Identifier - Must Conform To TL1 Rules

Invalid User Password - Must Conform To Provisioned Password Rules

Invalid User Password - Must Conform To TL1 Rules

Logout failed

New Password Too Similar To Old Password

Password Cannot Be Changed Before Minimum Wait Time Expires.

Password Must Be Changed Before Continuing

Unexpected Default Case

Unknown CORBA Exception (Internal Error)

Unknown User

User Access Privilege Required

User Already Exists

User Identifier Exceeds Maximum Length Allowed

User Not Authorized

User Password Required

Table 3-23 PIMA Errors 

PIMA Error Message

Memory Out Of Range

Table 3-24 PIUC Errors 

PIUC Error Messages

Cannot Delete The Logged In User

Cannot Remove The Last Superuser

Unauthorized change of PID


User Currently Logged Into Another Session

User Is Not Superuser

User Not Allowed To Change User Access Privilege

User Not Allowed To Change User Password

User Not Allowed To Disable/Enable Self

User Not Allowed To Terminate Self

User Not Logged In

Table 3-25 PLNA Error 

PLNA Error Message

Login Not Active

Table 3-26 RALB Errors 

RALB Error Messages

GNE: All ENE Connections in Use

Requested DCC In Use

Table 3-27 RANB Error 

RANB Error Message

GNE: No Response from ENE - IENE

Table 3-28 RNBY Errors 

RNBY Error Message

Software upgrade in progress

Table 3-29 RRNG Errors 

RRNG Error Messages

I/O Slot Out Of Range

Invalid Slot Number For SDH Electrical Cards

Invalid Slot Number

Table 3-30 RTBY Errors 

RTBY Error Messages

Connection In Service

Side In Service

TAP Already In Use

TAP Number In Use

Table 3-31 RTEN Errors 

RTEN Error Messages

Cannot Access VT

Cannot Change Access Mode

Cannot Set Access Mode

Invalid Access Mode

Invalid STS TAP Number

Invalid TAP AID

Invalid TAP Mode

Invalid TAP Number

Invalid VT Path TAP Number

Requested TAP Does Not Exist

Requested Tap Busy

TAP Not Found

Table 3-32 SAAL Error 

SAAL Error Message

Already Allowed

Table 3-33 SAAS Error 

SAAS Error Message

Equipment Already Provisioned

Table 3-34 SADC Errors 

SADC Error Messages

Already Disconnected

GNE: ENE is down

TAP Not Connected

Table 3-35 SADS Error 

SADS Error Message

Loopback Applied On Cross-connection

Table 3-36 SAIN Errors 

SAIN Error Messages

Already Inhibited

Already Locked On

Already Locked Out

Table 3-37 SAIS Errors 

SAIS Error Messages

Connection In Service

Port Already In Service

Table 3-38 SAMS Errors 

SAMS Error Messages

Already In Clear Maintenance State

Already In Force Maintenance State

Already In Lockout Maintenance State

Already In Manual Maintenance State

Table 3-39 SAOP Errors 

SAOP Error Messages

Control Already Operated

Control Already Released

Control Operated In Mntry

Table 3-40 SAOS Errors 

SAOS Error Messages

Port Already in IS-AINS

Port Already In OOS-MT

Port Already Out Of Service

Table 3-41 SAPR Errors 

SAPR Error Messages

Cannot Provision Regeneration Group When A Protection Group Is Present

Card Already In A Regeneration Group

Card Has Y Cable Protection

Peer Card Already In A Regeneration Group

Peer Card Has Y Cable Protection

Table 3-42 SARB Errors 

SARB Error Messages

GNE: All Gateways in Use

System Memory Exhausted. Retry A Few Seconds Later

Table 3-43 SCAT Errors 

SCAT Error Messages

Connection Already In Loopback

Connection Already In Test Access

Connection Is Tapped

End Point Is Already Connected

STS Is Already Used

Test Access Busy

VT Is Already Used

Would exceed max number of drops

Table 3-44 SDBE Errors 

SDBE Error Messages

AID Parser Failed

Asymmetric VCG Not Supported

Bad Parameter

Cannot Access Alarms

Cannot Access Conditions

Cannot Access Controls

Cannot Access Date/Time

Cannot Access Defaults Description

Cannot Access Environmental Settings

Cannot Access Equipment

Cannot Access Facility

Cannot Access IP Configuration

Cannot Access IP Display Suppression

Cannot Access Interface

Cannot Access Node ID

Cannot Access Node Name

Cannot Access Object

Cannot Access Orderwire

Cannot Access Protection Group

Cannot Access Protection State

Cannot Access SNMP Ip Addr

Cannot Access SNTP Host

Cannot Access STS

Cannot Access Security Mode

Cannot Access Software Version

Cannot Access Synchronization Configuration

Cannot Access Timezone

Cannot Access Trace Information

Cannot Access VT Performance Monitoring Parameters

Cannot Access VT

Cannot Configure Extension Byte For Current Configuration

Cannot Configure SYNC

Cannot Create 1+1 Protection Group

Cannot Edit STS

Cannot Get Line Information

Cannot Get Synchronization Configuration

Cannot Set Date When Using SNTP

Cannot Set Date

Cannot Set IP Configuration

Cannot Set Node Name

Cannot Set Pointer Justification Monitoring Parameter (PJMON)

Cannot Set SNTP Host Configuration

Cannot Set Timezone

Cannot Soft Reset System

Card Type Not Supported

DLT prg Failed

Delete Protection Group Failed

Equipment Not Found

Ethernet Port Not Provisioned

Facility Does Not Exist

Facility Does Not Match Request

Facility Does Not Support Mac Address

Facility Is Not Provisioned

Facility Not Provisioned

File Transfer In Progress

Get Sonet Line Info Failed

Getting SONET sync configurations

IOS Config Update In Progress

IP Configuration Failed

Incompatible Parameter Values

Incorrect Facility Type

Interface Does Not Exist

Interface Does Not Support Loopback Type

Internal Access Failed

Internal Database Error

Invalid Command

Invalid Cross Connect Type For VCG

Invalid DCC

Invalid Mondat Format

Invalid Montm Format

Invalid Performance Monitoring Mode

Invalid Protection Group

Invalid Time Period

Invalid Trace Mode for Card Type

LCAS Not Supported By This Card

Location Value Invalid

Loopback Is Invalid

Loopback Port In Service

Loopback type not supported

Mac Address Not Supported By Payload

No such interface

Node Name Configuration Failed

Not a Sonet interface

Object Already In Use

Object Not Provisioned

Object Not Supported

Operation Not Supported On EC1 Interface

Operation not supported by this card

Optical Channel Not Provisioned

Path Width Not Supported

Path loopback already exists

Reach Not Supported With Current Configuration

SNTP Configuration Failed

SSM not supported on SDH

STS Path Not Provisioned

Synchronization Configuration Not Available

Synchronization Status Messaging(SSM) Not Supported On EC1 Interface

Synchronization Status Messaging(SSM) Not Supported On SDH

Synchronization::Sync not available

System Timing Not Applicable For This Platform

Trace Not Applicable On This Card

Used Frame Format Does Not Support Synchronization Status Messaging (SSM)

VLAN Not Provisioned

VT Path Not Provisioned

Wavelength Not Supported With Current Configuration

Wrong Facility Type

Wrong Interface Type

bind failed for Sonet gen

getActiveRefSource failed

getRefSources failed

Table 3-45 SDLD Error 

SDLD Error Message

Duplex Unit Locked

Table 3-46 SDNA Errors 

SDNA Error Messages

Active TCC Not Ready

Standby TCC Not Ready

Table 3-47 SDNR Error 

SDNR Error Message

Data Not Ready

Table 3-48 SNCC Errors 

SNCC Error Messages

Cross-connection does not exist

Path Roll Does Not Exist

Replace This Message When A SNCC message is needed

Table 3-49 SNCN Errors 

SNCN Error Messages

Bad Quality

Cannot Switch To Bad Reference

Cannot Switch To Inferior Reference Source

Command Not Implemented

Cross-Connection Type Not Supported In TL1

Invalid Clock Source

Requested Direction Not Supported

STS Rate Change Not Supported

Sync Switch Operation Failed, Reference In OOS

Table 3-50 SNNS Error 

SNNS Error Message

Reference Not From Optical Card

Table 3-51 SNOS Errors 

SNOS Error Messages

Cannot Change Card Wavelength With Port(s) Not In OOS,DSBLD State

Cannot Change Payload With Port(s) Not In OOS State

Cannot Change Payload With Port(s) Not In OOS-MA,DSBLD State

Cannot Change Termination Mode With Port(s) Not In OOS State

Table 3-52 SNPR Errors 

SNPR Error Messages

Cannot Get Role Of Port

Get Port Role Failed

Table 3-53 SNVS Errors 

SNVS Error Messages

Already Switched To Internal Reference Source

BLSR East Operation Already Set

BLSR West Operation Already Set

CCAT Cross Connect Exists

Cannot Change BITS Configuration With Current State/Status

Cannot Change Configuration When Trunk Ports (or Peer Ports, if any) Are Not In OOS,DSBLD State

Cannot Change Parameter With Current State/Status

Cannot Change Payload For Port Used For Overhead

Cannot Change Payload When Port(s) Are Used As A Clock Source

Cannot Change Port State With Current State/Status

Cannot Change Revertive Behavior When A Protection Switch Is Active

Cannot Change Synchronization Configuration With Current State/Status

Cannot Change Termination Mode When Port(s) Are DCC Enabled

Cannot Change Termination Mode When Port(s) Are Used As a Clock Source

Cannot Change Termination Mode With Trace Enabled

Cannot Change Timing Reference With Current State/Status

Cannot Change or Delete Payload When Port(s) Are DCC Enabled

Cannot Configure Port When J0 Section Trace Enabled

Cannot Delete Port Involved In Loopback

Cannot END An AUTO Roll

Cannot Edit Facility When Not OOS State

Cannot Operate Loopback In Current Cross-connection State

Cannot Operate Loopback In Current State

Cannot Provision Regeneration Group When A Protection Switch Operation Is Present

Cannot Provision Regeneration Group When Equipment Has Different FEC Settings

Cannot Provision Regeneration Group When Equipment Has Different G.709 Settings

Connection Already In Roll

Cross-Connect Exists

Facility Not Part Of BLSR

Invalid AINS Soak Time

Invalid Admin State

Invalid BLSR Element

Invalid Clock Source

Invalid Equipment State

Invalid Transponder Provisioning

Loopback Already In Progress

Loopback Not In Progress

No Switch In Progress

No Valid Roll Signal

No loopback in progress

Operation Can Not Be Completed. NE Is In Version UP State

Protection Group Does Not Exist

Protection Unit Active

Provisioning Not Allowed On Protecting Card

Roll Condition Does Not Exist

Roll is not controlled by TL1

Status, Not in Valid State

Unable To Complete Roll

VCG Already Created

Working Unit Already Active

Working Unit Already Standby

Table 3-54 SOSE Error 

SOSE Error Message

Unrecognized Message Type

Table 3-55 SPFA Errors 

SPFA Error Messages

Cannot Get Current Card Status

Protection Unit Failed Or Missing

Status, Protection Unit Failed or Missing

Table 3-56 SPLD Errors 

SPLD Error Messages

Cannot Create 1+1 Protection Group

Cannot Delete Equipment

Equipment In Use

FTP Task Is Busy

Facility Is Busy

Protection Unit Locked

Table 3-57 SRAC Errors 

SRAC Error Messages

Invalid Connection Type

Requested Access Configuration is Invalid

Table 3-58 SRCN Errors 

SRCN Error Messages

Already In Requested Mode

Area already exists on lan interface

Cannot use backbone area, lan active

Protection Group Already Exists

Requested Condition Already Exists

Table 3-59 SROF Errors 

SROF Error Messages

1+1 Protection Group Not Found

1WAYMON not supported

2F BLSR Pool Not Available

4F BLSR EastProtect Pool Is Not Available

4F BLSR Pool Not Available

4F BLSR WestProtect Pool Is Not Available

ADM Peer Group Does Not Exist

ADM Peer Group Is Provisioned

AID Does Not Match With Requested Roll Type

AID Listing Not Allowed

ALL Rolls Failed

ALS Mode Does Not Allow Laser Restart

APC Not Applicable

APC System Is Busy

APC System Is Not Enabled

Active Flash Not Ready

Alarm Type Not Found

Alarm type In Use

All DCCs In Use

All Link Terminations On Port Must Terminate On Same Remote Node

All Rolls Failed to Cancel

All Rolls Failed to Complete

All Rolls Failed to Edit

BFDL Mode Requires ESF Framing


BLSR Pool Not Available

BLSR Protect STS Path List Is Empty

BLSR Spans Are Not Locked

Bridge And Roll Not Supported On Roll From And/Or Roll To

CKTID Does Not Match

CMDMDE Must Be FRCD To Create Protection Group With Pre-provisioned Cards

Can Not Get IOS Config Source Origin

Cannot Access 1+1 Line

Cannot Access 1+1 Protected Line

Cannot Access 2 Fiber BLSR

Cannot Access 4 Fiber BLSR East Protection

Cannot Access 4 Fiber BLSR West Protection

Cannot Access 4F BLSR

Cannot Access Alarm Log

Cannot Access Audit Log

Cannot Access BLSR 2-Wire Line

Cannot Access BLSR

Cannot Access Cross-Connection

Cannot Access DCC

Cannot Access Facility

Cannot Access PM Mode

Cannot Access Performance Monitoring Statistics

Cannot Access Protected Equipment

Cannot Access Protection Group Information

Cannot Access Protection Group Name

Cannot Access Protection Group Reversion Information

Cannot Access Reversion Information

Cannot Access STS

Cannot Access TAP

Cannot Access TL1 Craft Session

Cannot Access Unprotected Line

Cannot Access VT

Cannot Add Equipment

Cannot Change Card Mode In SWDL State

Cannot Change Configuration With Port Having Connection

Cannot Change Entity In A Protection Group

Cannot Change Equipment Type

Cannot Change Ethernet IP With DHCP Provisioned

Cannot Change Ethernet IP With OSPF Provisioned

Cannot Change Parameter When User Switch Exists

Cannot Change G.709 Setting On This Card

Cannot Change G.709 Setting With Port Having Connection

Cannot Change Payload When Regeneration Group Exist

Cannot Change Threshold Values On Protect Card

Cannot Change Timing Reference When User Switch Exists

Cannot Change XTC Protection Group

Cannot Clear Performance Monitoring Statistics On Protect Card

Cannot Configure SYNC

Cannot Create Cross-Connection Between Incompatible Interfaces

Cannot Create OCHNC With Invalid DWDM Network Type

Cannot Create Protection Group

Cannot Create TAP On Last VT

Cannot Create TAP

Cannot Create Y-cable Protection

Cannot Delete CCAT Cross-Connection In Forced Mode

Cannot Delete Cross-Connection

Cannot Delete Last Drop

Cannot Delete Link Termination Having Active Circuit

Cannot Delete Protected Equipment

Cannot Delete Protection Group

Cannot Delete System Defined Alarm Type

Cannot Delete VCAT Group When Members Are In Group

Cannot Delete VCAT Group

Cannot Delete VCAT Member When It Is In Group

Cannot Delete VCG Member In Current State

Cannot Disable DWRAP With FEC Enabled

Cannot Disable DWRAP With GCC Enabled

Cannot Disable DWRAP. Orderwire Circuit Exists

Cannot Disable DWRAP. Y-Cable Protection Exists

Cannot Edit Ethernet IP

Cannot Edit STS

Cannot Enable DWRAP With DCC Enabled

Cannot Enable FEC When G.709 Is Disabled

Cannot Enable FEC With DWRAP Disabled

Cannot Modify Protect Card

Cannot Operate Terminal Loopback With AISONLPBK Enabled

Cannot Perform ACO

Cannot Provision Equipment

Cannot Provision Filler Equipment

Cannot Provision Protection Equipment

Cannot Retrieve Performance Monitoring Statistics From Protect Card

Cannot Retrieve Threshold Values From Protect Card

Cannot Roll Hairpin Connection

Cannot Set ALS Mode

Cannot Set Bidirectional Protection Group

Cannot Set DCC When Digital Wrapper Is Enabled

Cannot Set GCC When DWRAP Is Disabled

Cannot Set GCCRATE With GCC Disabled

Cannot Set GFP Buffer With AutoThresholdGfpBuf On

Cannot Set Linkcredits With AutoDetection On

Cannot Set Loopback In Current Mode

Cannot Set NodeID

Cannot Set Payload Type

Cannot Set Protection Group Name

Cannot Set RETIME, Port In Use

Cannot Set ROLE When WDM Is Disabled

Cannot Set RingID

Cannot Set Span Revertive Mode Unless 4-Fiber Ring

Cannot Set Span Revertive Time In Non-revertive Mode

Cannot Set Span Revertive Time Unless 4-Fiber Ring

Cannot Set Termination Mode

Cannot Set Wave Length

Cannot Setup Connection With Port In OOS-MT

Cannot Switch For Specified Connection Type

Cannot Switch For Specified Path

Cannot Update AISONLPBK When Loopback In Progress

Cannot Update Synchronization Reference List

Cannot force 1way destination roll

Cannot modify cross-connect right now

Card Mode Provisioning Failed

Clear PM Not Supported

Command Not Supported

Connection In Loopback

Connection In Roll

Connection In Test Access

Connection In Topology Upgrade

Connection Is Already In Roll

Connection Type Error

Control Channel In Use

Could Not Delete Protection

Could not provision area

Cross-Connection Creation Failed

Cross-Connection Does Not Exist

Cross-connection Was Not Found

Cross-connection deletion failed

DCC Does Not Exist

DCC In Use

DCC Not In Use

DCC Termination Is Required to Set OSPF

DWRAP Not Enabled

Data Link Using TE Link

Data Not Available

Database Is Busy

Distance Extension And Directional Mode Are Not Compatible

Duplicate Alarm Type Create Attempted

Duplicate FTP Server Create Attempted

Duplicate IP Address Route

Duplicate Remote Link Termination Information

Duplicate Remote TE Link

Duplicate Tunnel Create Attempted

Duplicate VLAN Create Attempted

East And West Ports Must Have Dcc Terminations

Element Not Found

Element not available

End Facilities Are Using Different Wavelength

End Facilities Do Not Have An Internal Path

Equipment Does Not Match Request

Equipment Does Not Support 8B10B Montypes

Equipment Does Not Support Cross-connection Loopback

Equipment Is Double Slot Sized

Equipment Provisioning Failed

Ethernet IP And Default Router IP Subnets Are Different

Exceed Max Matrix Port Allowed For VT1 Path

Exceed Max Matrix Port Allowed For VT2 Path

Expected Trace Size Exceeds Trace Format Limit

FTP Server Not Found

Facilities Are Not On Boundary

Facilities Belong To Different Node Sides

Facilities Must Be On Different Node Sides

Facility Does Not Support Laser Restart

Facility Has Unknown Node Side

Facility Not Part Of Appropriate BLSR

Facility Not Protected

Fail To Add RTO

Flash Is Busy

Force To Primary Not Allowed

Frame Format Not Applicable With Current Configuration

Generation 1 Does Not Support Given Quality Of RES

Generic IOS config upload failure message

Get IOR Failed

Has Valid Roll Signal Already

Hello Dead Less Than 3X Hello

Hello Dead Max Less Than Max

Hello Dead Max Less Than Min

Hello Dead Max Too Large

Hello Dead Min Less Than Min

Hello Dead Min Too Small

Hello Dead Out Of Range

Hello Max Less Than Min

Hello Max Too Large

Hello Min Too Small

Hello Out Of Range

Host Not In IP Address Format

IPPM Not Supported By Equipment Type

Impedance Not Applicable With Current Configuration

Insufficient Path Width For Cross-Connection

Insufficient Path Width For Test Access

Insufficient Path Width on Roll Destination

Interlink Port Does Not Exist

Internal Database Error

Internal Exercise Failure

Internal Facility Type Failure

Invalid AID

Invalid ALS Recovery Interval

Invalid ALS Recovery Pulse Width

Invalid BLSR DRI Drop

Invalid Broadcast Remote IP Address

Invalid Class A Remote IP Address

Invalid Class B Remote IP Address

Invalid Class C Remote IP Address

Invalid Control Type (CONTTYPE) For AID

Invalid Cross-Connect Type For VCG

Invalid Cross-Connection Path

Invalid Cross-Connection Type (CRSTYPE)

Invalid Cross-Connection Type For Drops

Invalid Drop Path

Invalid Local Node ID

Invalid Local Port

Invalid Loopback Provision

Invalid Operation For Connection Type

Invalid Operation For Specified Path

Invalid Path

Invalid Payload For LMP Data Link

Invalid Protection Group

Invalid Protection Switch Operation

Invalid Provisioning For Current Configuration

Invalid RMODE

Invalid Reference Source for Timing

Invalid Remote Data Link ID

Invalid Remote Network Element

Invalid Remote TE Link ID

Invalid SYNC entity

Invalid State When Loopback Present

Invalid Subnet Mask

Invalid Synchronization Source

Invalid Path Protection Path

Invalid Username/Password

Invalid WDMANS PPMESH Parameter

Invalid type for this Cross-connection

Is Not 1+1 Element Type

J0 Section Trace Level Not Supported By 10GE Payload Type

LMP Data Link Using Port

Laser Was Not Shutdown.Cannot Restart Laser

Line Code Not Applicable With Current Configuration

Link Does Not Exist

Link Termination Does Not Exist

Link Termination Id Already In Use

Local And Remote IP Addresses the Same

Location Incompatible With Loopback Type

Loopback Not Allowed On Drop Path

Loopback Type Does Not Match

MIC Cards Cannot Be Reset

Maximum Control Controls Provisioned

Maximum DIAG Crossconnect Limit Reached

Maximum Data Links For TE Link Provisioned

Maximum Data Links Provisioned

Maximum Drop Limit Reached

Maximum FTP server Creation Limit Exceeded

Maximum Link Terminations On Port Reached

Maximum TE Links Provisioned

Maximum Tunnel Creation Limit Exceeded

Maximum User Limit Reached

Maximum UserDefined Alarm Type Limit

Maximum VT Cross Connection Limit Reached

Multi-Shelf Mode Not Supported On This Equipment

Multi-Shelf Mode Not Supported On This Platform

Multi-Shelf disable not allowed

No Path To Regulate

No Start-Up IOS Config

No clock and data copy information from Line cards and SSXC cards

Node::General not available

Node::NetworkConfig not available

Non Revertive Mode Does Not Allow to Set RVTM

Not Compatible With Protect

Not Enough Path Width For TACC

Number of Drops Exceed Allowable

OCH Client Connection Already Exist

OCH Client Connection Does Not Exist

OCHNC Connection Does Not Exist

One Plus One Line pool not available

Operate Alarm Cutoff Failed

Operation Not Suported By XC Card

Operation Not Supported On Port

Operation Not Supported

Operation not Valid for Connection Type

Operation not Valid for Path Specified

OspfTopology::OSPFTopo not available

PM Not Supported For Specified Path

Parameter Not Supported When DWRAP Is Enabled

Path Already In Use

Path Specified Is Not Valid

Path Used For Test Access

Payload Provisioning Failed

Payload Type Does Not Support Trace

Peer Equipment Attributes Do Not Match

Peer Equipment Type Does Not Match

Peer Facility Has Loopback

Peer Facility Is IS

Peer Facility Not In OOS-MT

Peer Payload Type Does Not Match

Peer Termination Mode Does Not Match

Platform Does Not Support Given AIS Threshold Value

Platform Does Not Support Given Frame-Format Value

Platform Does Not Support Given Line Code Value

Platform Does Not Support Given Quality Of RES

Pool Does Not Exist

Pool not available

Port In Use

Port Type Already Provisioned

Port Type Mismatch

Port Type Not Provisioned

Protect Port Active

Protection Group Busy

Protection Group Does Not Exist

Protection Switch In Progress

Protection Switching Failed

Protection Type Mismatch

Protection Type Not Compatible With Facility

Provisioning Rules Failed

Quality Of Clock Reference Not Applicable For This Platform Or Selected System Timing

RMON Threshold Does Not Exist

ROLL TO Path Is Already In The Cross-connection

Regeneration Group Already Exist

Regeneration Group Does Not Exist

Remote IP Address Cannot Be Class D Or E

Remote IP Address Cannot Equal The Node IP Address

Remote IP Address Cannot Equal The Node Mask

Remote IP Address Has Invalid Host Portion

Remote IP Address Is All Ones

Remote IP Address On Internal Net

Remote IP Address On Local Net

Requested Operation Failed

Requested Tap Busy

Revertive Mode Not Supported

Ring Reversion Failed

Roll Failed

Roll To Path Not Aligned

SDBER Out Of Range

SDCC creation failed

SFBER Out Of Range

SSet PRG Reversion Failed

STS Does Not Exist

STS Does Not Have TAP

STS Path Width Does Not Match

STS Rates Do Not Match

SaBit Not Applicable With Current Configuration

Section Termination Mode Not Supported

Security::General not available

Set PRG Bidirectional Failed

Set PRG Name Failed

Side Not Applicable To WDMANS Application

Slot Does Not Support New Equipment Type

Software Activation Failed

Software Download Failed

Software Error

Software Reversion Failed

Span Reversion Failed

Specified Operation Is Not Valid

Standby Flash Not Ready

Sync Reference List Update Failed

Synchronization Status Messaging (SSM) Not Supported In Current Configuration

Synchronization/Timing Parameters Not Supported With DWRAP Enabled

TAP connected

TARP Origination Is Disabled

TCC Type Does Not Support Given Framing Type

TE Link In Use

TE Link Using Control Channel

TID exists in TADRMAP

TL1 Cannot Roll Connections In A Port Group

TTI Trace Not Allowed With G709 Disabled

Tap Not Provisioned

Test Access Active

Test Access Not Supported On Card

The Maximum number of TID-Address pairs has been reached

This Timer Not Applicable to Standard 1+1

Trace Format Not Supported By J0 Section Trace

Trace Format Not Supported By TTI Section Trace

Trace Format Unsupported

Trace Message Size Exceeds Trace Format Limit

Trace Mode Incompatible With Termination Mode

Trace Mode Not Supported

Trap Destination Already Exists

Trap Destination Does Not Exist

Trap Table Full

Tunnel Not Found

Path Protection Needed To Change Revertive Behavior

Path Protection Selector Not Allowed On Non-Optical Ports

Unable To Cancel Roll

Unknown Internal Error

Unprotected Line pool not available

Unprovisioning Rules Failed

Unsupported BLSR STS Path Operation

Unsupported Command Type

Unsupported Element Type

VCG Does Not Exist

VLAN Already In Use

VLAN Not Applicable

VT Cross-Connection Does Not Exist

VT Does Not Exist

VT Does Not Have TAP

VT Path Width Does Not Match

WDMANS Not Regulated

WDMANS System Is Busy

Wavelength Value Not Supported

Working/Peer Card In Use

Wrong Interface Type

XC Card Does Not Support VT Cross-Connection

XC Card Not Present

XCVXL Card Not Present

Y-Cable Protection Does Not Exist

Table 3-60 SRQN Errors 

SRQN Error Messages

Admssm Not Allowed When SSM Enabled

BLSR Creation Failed

BLSR Deletion Failed

BLSR Does Not Exist

BLSR Editing Failed

Cannot Create Automatic Links

Cannot Edit ADMSSM On Protect Port

Cannot Edit HIWRMK While Port Is In Transponder Mode

Cannot Edit LOWRMK While Port Is In Transponder Mode

Cannot Edit MFS While Port Is In Transponder Mode

Cannot Edit SENDDUS On Protect Port

Cannot Edit SYNCMSG On Protect Port

DCC Not Allowed In SDH Mode

DCC Not Allowed On Protect Port

DCC not enabled

Data Access Request Failed

Invalid Mode For Current Configuration

Invalid Request

OSC Group Already Exists

OSC Group Does Not Exist

Path loopback already exists

Protect Card Does Not Support Electrical Protection

Protect Card Does Not Support Protection Type

SDH Not Allowed On Protect Port

SDH Not Allowed With DCC

SDH Not Allowed With SENDDUS

SDH Not Allowed With SYNCMSG

SDH Not Allowed


SENDDUS Not Allowed With SDH Mode

STS Cross-Connection Does Not Exist

SYNCMSG Not Allowed With SDH Mode

Sync Status Messaging(SSM) Not Allowed With SDH Mode


VT Cross-Connection Does Not Exist

Table 3-61 SRTN Error 

SRTN Error Message

TAP Not Found

Table 3-62 SSRD Errors 

SSRD Error Messages

Manual Switch Cannot Override Forced Switch

Switch Request Denied

Table 3-63 SSRE Errors 

SSRE Error Messages

GNE: ENE Connection Closed

GNE: System Resources Exceeded - FD

GNE: System Resources Exceeded - Lock

GNE: System Resources Exceeded - Thread

Memory Resources Exceeded

Memory resource denial

Table 3-64 SWFA Errors 

SWFA Error Messages

Status, Working Unit Failed or Missing

Working Unit Failed Or Missing

Table 3-65 SWLD Error 

SWLD Error Message

Working Unit Locked

3.2  Echo

In order to improve Telnet functionality for automated systems, the echo function has been turned off in ONS 15454 Release 3.0 and later. This change is transparent to users running standard UNIX-compliant Telnet clients; however, PC users might need to change their client setup to enable "local echo." This is normally accomplished by a drop-down list or a preference attribute.

To test the local echo on your PC client, use the RTRV-HDR command. If you receive a response but no data, set the local echo to ON. Cisco recommends that you close any windows containing sensitive information after exiting a TL1 session.