SW Commands

This chapter provides switch (SW) commands for Cisco ONS 15310-CL, Cisco ONS 15310-MA, Cisco ONS 15454, and Cisco ONS 15600.

Note SW commands do not apply to ONS 15310-CL.

24.1  SW-DX-EQPT

(Cisco ONS 15454 and Cisco ONS 15600) The Switch Duplex Equipment (SW-DX-EQPT) command switches a cross-connect card with the mate card within the NE.

Usage Guidelines

If sending a mode parameter with a value other than NORM, FRCD, or NULL, the IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message will be returned.





Input Format


Input Example


Input Parameters


Access identifier from the "EQPT" section. Identifies the equipment unit in the network element (NE) that is to be switched with its mate.


The parameter type is command mode (CMDMDE). Normal (NORM) mode is the default behavior for all commands but you can specify forced (FRCD) mode to force the system to override a state where the command would normally be denied. The FRCD mode of operation is applicable to delete a virtual concatenated (VCAT) member cross-connect in IS-NR or OOS-AU,AINS service states.


Force the system to override a state where the command would normally be denied. (FRCD is not supported in this command).


Execute the command normally. Do not override any conditions that could make the command fail.


(Cisco ONS 15454 and ONS 15310-MA) The Switch to Protection Equipment (SW-TOPROTN-EQPT) command performs an equipment unit protection switch.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used for electrical cards (for example, DS1, DS3, DS3XM, and EC1). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection.

This command will switch the traffic from the working card specified in the AID to the protect card.

There is a priority for the switch to protection commands. In a 1:N protection group with N > 1, consider two working cards: A and B. Card A is switched to the protect card with the SW-TOPROTN command. If Card B is pulled from the system, the protect card will carry the traffic of Card B and Card A will raise the FAILTOSW condition and carry traffic. When Card B is replaced and the revert timer expires, Card B will carry traffic and Card A will switch to the protect card. The FAILTOSW condition on Card A will be cleared. Note that 1:N protection groups in the system are always revertive.

In a revertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will raise the standing condition of WKSWPR if the command were executed without an error. In a nonrevertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will raise the transient condition of WKSWPR if the command were executed without an error.

The following actions will return error messages:

Sending this command to a card that is not in a protection group will return the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message.

Sending this command to a missing working card will return the SWFA (Status, Working Unit Failed) error message.

Sending this command to a protection card will return the IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message.

Sending a mode parameter with a value other than NORM, FRCD, or null will return the IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message.

Sending this command to a working card when the working card has raised INHSWPR will return the SWLD (Status, Working Unit Locked) error message.

Sending this command to a working card when the protection card has raised INHSWPR will return the SPLD (Status, Protection Unit Locked) error message.

Sending this command to an active working card when the protect card is already carrying traffic (this only occurs in a 1:N protection group where N is greater than 1) will return the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message.

Sending this command to an active working card when the protect card is failed or missing will return the SPFA (Status, Protection Unit Failed) error message.

Sending this command to a standby working card will return the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message.

NoteThe default PROTID is the protect unit if there is only one protect unit per protection group in the NE. Otherwise, a DENY error message will be responsed.

This command only supports the BTH or null value of the DIRN parameter. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command and will return An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message.

This command is not used for the common control (TCC2/TCC2P or XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will return an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To use the switch common control cards, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.

This command is not used for SONET (OC-N) cards. A command on a SONET card will return an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To switch a SONET card, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.





Input Format


Input Example


Input Parameters


Access identifier from the "EQPT" section. Specifies the working unit which will have traffic switched to protection.


Mode with which the command is to be implemented.The parameter will only support the NORM value. A null value defaults to NORM. Sending the FRCD value will generate the same switching behavior as sending the NORM value. The parameter type is CMDMDE, which forces the system to execute a given command regardless of any standing conditions. Normal mode is the default behavior for all commands but you can specify FRCD to force the system to override a state where the command would normally be denied.


Force the system to override a state where the command would normally be denied.


Execute the command normally. Do not override any conditions that could make the command fail.


(Optional) Access identifier from the "PRSLOT" section. Identifies the protection unit to be switched when there is more than one protection unit within the NE.


The direction relative to the entity defined in the AID field. The direction of the switching. This command only supports the BTH value of this parameter. DIRN defaults to BTH. The parameter type is DIRECTION, which is the transmit and receive directions.


Both transmit and receive directions


(Cisco ONS 15454 and ONS 15310-MA) The Switch to Working Equipment (SW-TOWKG-EQPT) command switches the protected working unit back to working unit.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used for electrical cards (for example, DS1, DS3, DS3XM, and EC1). DS1 and DS3 cards have 1:1 and 1:N equipment protection. DS3XM and EC1 cards have only 1:1 equipment protection cards.

This command will switch the traffic from the protection card to the working card specified by the AID.

In a revertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will clear the standing condition of WKSWPR if the command were executed without an error. In a nonrevertive protection group, the unit specified by the AID will raise the transient condition of WKSWBK if the command were executed without an error.

The following actions will return error messages:

Sending this command to a card that is not in a protection group will return the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message.

Sending this command to a missing working card will return the SWFA (Status, Working Unit Failed) error message.

Sending this command to a protection card will return the IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message.

Sending a mode parameter with a value other than NORM, FRCD, or null will return the IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message.

Sending this command to a working card when the working card has raised INHSWWKG will return the SWLD (Status, Working Unit Locked) error message.

Sending this command to a working card when the protection card has raised INHSWWKG will return the SPLD (Status, Protection Unit Locked) error message.

Sending this command to an active working card will return the SNVS (Status, Not in Valid State) error message.

NoteThis command only supports the BTH or null value of the DIRN parameter. A command with any other value is considered an incorrect use of the command and will return An IDNV (Input, Data Not Valid) error message.

This command is not used for the common control (TCC2/TCC2P or XCVT/XC10G) cards. A command on a common control card will return an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To switch the common control cards, use the SW-DX-EQPT and ALW-SWDX-EQPT commands.

This command is not used for SONET (OC-N) cards. A command on a SONET card will return an IIAC (Input, Invalid Access Identifier) error message. To switch a SONET card, use the OPR-PROTNSW and RLS-PROTNSW commands.





Input Format


Input Example


Input Parameters


Access identifier from the "PRSLOT" section. Specifies the working unit which will have traffic switched to protection.


Mode with which the command is to be implemented.The parameter will only support the NORM value. A null value defaults to NORM. Sending the FRCD value for will generate the same switching behavior as sending the NORM value. The parameter type is CMDMDE, which forces the system to execute a given command regardless of any standing conditions. Normal mode is the default behavior for all commands but you can specify FRCD to force the system to override a state where the command would normally be denied.


Force the system to override a state where the command would normally be denied.


Execute the command normally. Do not override any conditions that could make the command fail.


The direction relative to the entity defined in the AID field. The direction of the switching. This command only supports the BTH value of this parameter. DIRN defaults to BTH. The parameter type is DIRECTION, which is the transmit and receive directions.


Both transmit and receive directions