Cisco Success Network and Telemetry Data

This chapter describes about Cisco Success Network and how to enable it on ASA. It also lists the telemetry data points that are sent to the Security Service Engine(SSE) cloud.

About Cisco Success Network

Cisco Success Network is user-enabled cloud service that establishes a secured connection with the Security Service Exchange (SSE) cloud to stream ASA usage information and statistics. Streaming telemetry provides a mechanism to transmit ASA usage and other details in structured format (JSON) to remote management stations for the following benefits:

  • To inform you of extra technical support services and monitoring that are available for your product.

  • To help Cisco improve its products.

By default, the Cisco Success Network is enabled on the Firepower 4100/9300 platforms that hosts ASA devices (at the blade level). However, for the telemetry data to be transmitted, you must enable the configuration on FXOS at chassis level (see Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS CLI Configuration Guide) or enable the Cisco Success Network on the chassis manager (see Cisco Firepower 4100/9300 FXOS Firepower Chassis Manager Configuration Guide) ASA allows you to disable the telemetry service at any point in time.

The telemetry data that is collected on your ASA devices includes CPU, memory, disk, bandwidth, and license usage, configured feature list, cluster/failover information, and the alike. Refer Cisco Success Network - Telemetry Data.

Supported Platforms and Required Configurations

  • Supported on FP9300/4100 platforms with ASA version 9.13.1 or above running on it.

  • Requires FXOS version 2.7.1 or above to connect with the cloud.

  • The SSE connector on FXOS must be connected to the SSE cloud. This connection is established by enabling and registering the smart license with smart licensing backend. The SSE connector on FXOS is automatically registered to the SSE cloud by registering smart license.

  • The Cisco Success Network configuration must be enabled on chassis manager.

  • The telemetry configuration must be enabled on ASA.

How Does ASA Telemetry Data Reach the SSE Cloud

Cisco Success Network is supported on Firepower 4100/9300 platforms in ASA 9.13(1) by default. The FXOS service manager sends telemetry request daily to the ASA application running on the platform. The ASA engine, based on the configuration and connectivity status, sends the telemetry data either in standalone mode or cluster mode to FXOS. That is, if the telemetry support is enabled in ASA and SSE connector status is connected, the telemetry thread pulls the needed information from various sources such as system or platform or device APIs, license APIs, CPU APIs, memory APIs, disk APIs, smart call home feature APIs, and so on. However, if the telemetry support is disabled in ASA or the SSE connector status is disconnected, ASA sends a response to FXOS (appAgent) indicating the telemetry configuration status and does not send any telemetry data.

FXOS has only one SSE connector instance running on it. When it gets registered with the SSE cloud, it is considered as one device and SSE infra assigns FXOS with one device ID. Any telemetry report that is sent through the SSE connector is categorized under the same device ID. Therefore, FXOS aggregates the telemetry report from each ASA into a single report. Other contents such as smart license account information are added to the report. FXOS then sends the final report to the SSE cloud. The telemetry data is saved in the SSE data exchange (DEX) and available for the Cisco IT team to use.

Enable or Disable Cisco Success Network

Before you begin


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Device Management > Telemetry.

The Enable Cisco Success Network checkbox is selected by default.

Step 2

Ensure the Cisco Success Network is enabled by checking the Enable Cisco Success Network check box.

Step 3

To disable the Cisco Success Network, clear the Enable Cisco Success Network check box.

Step 4

Click Apply.

What to do next

View ASA Telemetry Data

Before you begin


Step 1

Choose Monitoring > Properties > Telemetry.

Step 2

Under Telemetry, click the relevant option:

  • History—To view the past 100 events related to telemetry configuration and activities.

  • Sample—To view the instantly generated telemetry data in JSON format.

  • Last-report—To view the latest telemetry data sent to FXOS in JSON format.

Step 3

Click Refresh to view the report.

Cisco Success Network - Telemetry Data

Cisco Success Network is supported on Firepower 4100/9300 platforms by default. The FXOS service manager sends telemetry request daily to the ASA engine running on the platform. The ASA engine, on receiving the request, based on the connectivity status, sends the telemetry data either in standalone mode or cluster mode to FXOS. Following tables provide information on the telemetry data points, its description, and sample values.

Table 1. Device Info

Data Point


Example Value

Device Model

Device model

Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance

Serial Number

Serial number of the device


System Time

System uptime





Deployment Mode

Deployment type


Security context mode



Table 2. Versions Info

Data Point


Example Value

Version Global Variable

ASA version

Device Manager Version

Device manager version


Table 3. License Info

Data Point


Example Value

Smart License Global Variable

Activated licenses - SSP-STRONG-ENCRYPTION, 1.0_555507e9-85f8-4e41-96de- 860b59f10bbe

Table 4. Platform Info

Data Point


Example Value


CPU usage in past 5 minutes

fiveSecondsPercentage: 0.2000000,

oneMinutePercentage: 0,

fiveMinutesPercentage: 0


Memory usage

freeMemoryInBytes: 225854966384,

usedMemoryInBytes: 17798281616,

totalMemoryInBytes: 243653248000


Disk usage

freeGB: 21.237285,

usedGB: 0.238805,

totalGB: 21.476090


Bandwidth usage

receivedPktsPerSec: 3,

receivedBytesPerSec: 212,

transmittedPktsPerSec: 3,

transmittedBytesPerSec: 399

Table 5. Feature Info

Data Point


Example Value

Feature List

Enabled feature list

name: cluster

status: enabled

Table 6. Cluster Info

Data Point


Example Value

Cluster Info

Cluster information

clusterGroupName : ssp-cluster

interfaceMode : spanned

unitName : unit-3-3

unitState : SLAVE

otherMembers :

items :

memberName : unit-2-1

memberState : MASTER

memberSerialNum : FCH183771BA

Table 7. Failover Info

Data Point


Example Value


Failover information

myRole: Primary,

peerRole: Secondary,

myState: active,

peerState: standby,

peerSerialNum: FCH183770EZ

Table 8. Login Info

Data Point


Example Value


Login history

loginTimes: 2 times in last 2 days,

lastSuccessfulLogin: 12:25:36 PDT Mar 11 2019

ASA Telemetry Data Sample

Following is an example of the telemetry data that are sent from ASA in JSON format. When service manager receives this input, it aggregates the data from all ASAs and adds necessary headers/fields before sending to the SSE connector. The headers/fields include “version”, “metadata”, “payload” with “recordedAt”, “recordType”, “recordVersion”, and ASA telemetry data, "smartLicenseProductInstanceIdentifier", "smartLicenseVirtualAccountName", and alike.

  "version": "1.0", 
  "metadata": {
    "topic": "ASA.telemetry", 
    "contentType": "application/json"
  "payload": {
    "recordType": "CST_ASA", 
    "recordVersion": "1.0", 
    "recordedAt": 1557363423705, 
    "SSP": {
      "SSPdeviceInfo": {
        "deviceModel": "Cisco Firepower FP9300 Security Appliance",
        "serialNumber": "JMX2235L01J", 
        "smartLicenseProductInstanceIdentifier": "f85a5bb0-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx", 
        "smartLicenseVirtualAccountName": "SSP-general", 
        "systemUptime": 198599, 
        "udiProductIdentifier": "FPR-C9300-AC"
      "versions": {
        "items": [
            "type": "package_version", 
            "version": "92.7(1.342g)"
    "asaDevices": {
      "items": [
    "deviceInfo": {
        "deviceModel": "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance",
        "serialNumber": "AANNNXXX",
        "systemUptime": 285,
        "udiProductIdentifier": "FPR9K-SM-36",
        "deploymentType": "Native",
        "securityContextMode": "Single"
    "versions": {
        "items": [
                "type": "asa_version",
                "version": "201.4(1)82"
                "type": "device_mgr_version",
                "version": "7.12(1)44"
    "licenseActivated": {
        "items": [
                "type": "Strong encryption",
                "tag": ",1.0_xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-96de-860b59f10bbe",
                "count": 1
                "type": "Carrier",
                "tag": ",1.0_xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx",
                "count": 1
    "CPUUsage": {
        "fiveSecondsPercentage": 0,
        "oneMinutePercentage": 0,
        "fiveMinutesPercentage": 0
    "memoryUsage": {
        "freeMemoryInBytes": 99545662064,
        "usedMemoryInBytes": 20545378704,
        "totalMemoryInBytes": 120091040768
    "diskUsage": {
        "freeGB": 21.237027,
        "usedGB": 0.239063,
        "totalGB": 21.476090
    "bandwidthUsage": {
        "receivedPktsPerSec": 3,
        "receivedBytesPerSec": 268,
        "transmittedPktsPerSec": 4,
        "transmittedBytesPerSec": 461
    "featureStatus": {
        "items": [
                "name": "call-home",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "cluster",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "firewall_user_authentication",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-dns",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-esmtp",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-ftp",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-netbios",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-rsh",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-sip",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-sqlnet",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-sunrpc",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-tftp",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "inspection-xdmcp",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "logging-console",
                "status": "informational"
                "name": "management-mode",
                "status": "normal"
                "name": "sctp-engine",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "threat_detection_basic_threat",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "threat_detection_stat_access_list",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "webvpn-activex-relay",
                "status": "enabled"
                "name": "webvpn-dtls",
                "status": "enabled"
    "clusterInfo": {
        "clusterGroupName": "ssp-cluster",
        "interfaceMode": "spanned",
        "unitName": "unit-3-3",
        "unitState": "SLAVE",
        "otherMembers": {
            "items": [
                    "memberName": "unit-2-1",
                    "memberState": "MASTER",
                    "memberSerialNum": "FCH183771BA"
                    "memberName": "unit-2-3",
                    "memberState": "SLAVE",
                    "memberSerialNum": "FLM1949C6JR"
                    "memberName": "unit-2-2",
                    "memberState": "SLAVE",
                    "memberSerialNum": "xxxxxxxx"
                    "memberName": "unit-3-2",
                    "memberState": "SLAVE",
                    "memberSerialNum": "xxxxxxxx"
                    "memberName": "unit-3-1",
                    "memberState": "SLAVE",
                    "memberSerialNum": "xxxxxxxx"
    "loginHistory": {
        "loginTimes": "1 times in last 1 days",
        "lastSuccessfulLogin": "12:25:36 PDT Mar 11 2019"