Deploy the ASA Virtual On the AWS Cloud

You can deploy the ASA virtual on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud.


Beginning with 9.13(1), any ASA virtual license now can be used on any supported ASA virtual vCPU/memory configuration. This allows the ASA virtual customers to run on a wide variety of VM resource footprints. This also increases the number of supported AWS instances types.


The ASA virtual runs the same software as physical ASAs to deliver proven security functionality in a virtual form factor. The ASA virtual can be deployed in the public AWS cloud. It can then be configured to protect virtual and physical data center workloads that expand, contract, or shift their location over time.

The ASA virtual support the following AWS instance types.

Table 1. AWS Supported Instance Types



Maximum Number of Interfaces


Memory (GB)


















































































































































If you are using M4 or C4 instance type, then we recommend that you migrate to M5 or C5 instance type that uses Nitro hypervisor and Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) interface drivers for improved performance.

Table 2. ASA virtual Licensed Feature Limits Based on Entitlement

Performance Tier

Instance Type (Core/RAM)

Rate Limit

RA VPN Session Limit



2 core/4 GB

100 Mbps




2 core/4 GB

1 Gbps




4 core/8 GB

2 Gbps




8 core/16 GB

10 Gbps




16 core/42 GB

16 Gbps


You create an account on AWS, set up the ASA virtual using the AWS Wizard, and chose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI). The AMI is a template that contains the software configuration needed to launch your instance.


The AMI images are not available for download outside of the AWS environment.


  • Create an account on

  • License the ASA virtual. Until you license the ASA virtual, it will run in degraded mode, which allows only 100 connections and throughput of 100 Kbps. See Licensing for the ASA Virtual.


    All the default License entitlements offered by Cisco, previously for ASA Virtual, will have the IPv6 configuration support.

  • Interface requirements:

    • Management interface

    • Inside and outside interfaces

    • (Optional) Additional subnet (DMZ)

  • Communications paths:

    • Management interface—Used to connect the ASA virtual to the ASDM; can’t be used for through traffic.

    • Inside interface (required)—Used to connect the ASA virtual to inside hosts.

    • Outside interface (required)—Used to connect the ASA virtual to the public network.

    • DMZ interface (optional)—Used to connect the ASA virtual to the DMZ network when using the c3.xlarge interface.

  • For ASA virtual system requirements, see Cisco Secure Firewall ASA Compatibility.

Guidelines and Limitations

Supported Features

The ASA virtual on AWS supports the following features:

  • Support for Amazon EC2 C5 instances, the next generation of the Amazon EC2 Compute Optimized instance family.

  • Deployment in the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

  • Enhanced networking (SR-IOV) where available

  • Deployment from Amazon Marketplace

  • User deployment of L3 networks

  • Routed mode (default)

  • IPv6

  • Amazon CloudWatch

  • Clustering

Unsupported Features

The ASA virtual on AWS does not support the following:

  • Console access (management is performed using SSH or ASDM over network interfaces)

  • VLAN

  • Promiscuous mode (no sniffing or transparent mode firewall support)

  • Multiple context mode

  • ASA virtual native HA

  • EtherChannel is only supported on direct physical interfaces

  • VM import/export

  • Hypervisor agnostic packaging

  • VMware ESXi

  • Broadcast/multicast messages

    These messages are not propagated within AWS so routing protocols that require broadcast/multicast do not function as expected in AWS. VXLAN can operate only with static peers.

  • Gratuitous/unsolicited ARPs

    These ARPS are not accepted within AWS so NAT configurations that require gratuitous ARPs or unsolicited ARPs do not function as expected.

ASA Virtual Limitations for Instance Metadata Data Service (IMDS) Service

  • IMDS mode for instance can be changed at any point in time.

  • Before switching to IMDSv2 Required mode, ensure that the product version supports it otherwise some services, which depend on IMDS, might fail.

  • For older versions(without IMDSv2 support), deployment will be possible only with IMDSv2 Optional mode.

  • For newer versions(with IMDSv2 support), deployment is possible in both IMDSv2 Optional and IMDSv2 Required mode. But IMDSv2 Required mode is recommended.

Configuration Migration and SSH Authentication

Upgrade impact when using SSH public key authentication—Due to updates to SSH authentication, additional configuration is required to enable SSH public key authentication; as a result, existing SSH configurations using public key authentication no longer work after upgrading. Public key authentication is the default for the ASA virtual on Amazon Web Services (AWS), so AWS users will see this issue. To avoid loss of SSH connectivity, you can update your configuration before you upgrade. Or you can use ASDM after you upgrade (if you enabled ASDM access) to fix the configuration.

The following is a sample original configuration for a username "admin":

username admin nopassword privilege 15
username admin attributes
  ssh authentication publickey 55:06:47:eb:13:75:fc:5c:a8:c1:2c:bb:
  07:80:3a:fc:d9:08:a9:1f:34:76:31:ed:ab:bd:3a:9e:03:14:1e:1b hashed

To use the ssh authentication command, before you upgrade, enter the following commands:

aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
username admin password <password> privilege 15

We recommend setting a password for the username as opposed to keeping the nopassword keyword, if present. The nopassword keyword means that any password can be entered, not that no password can be entered. Prior to 9.6(2), the aaa command was not required for SSH public key authentication, so the nopassword keyword was not triggered. Now that the aaa command is required, it automatically also allows regular password authentication for a username if the password (or nopassword) keyword is present.

After you upgrade, the username command no longer requires the password or nopassword keyword; you can require that a user cannot enter a password. Therefore, to force public key authentication only, re-enter the username command:

username admin privilege 15

Sample Network Topology

The following figure shows the recommended topology for the ASA virtual in Routed Firewall Mode with four subnets configured in AWS for the ASA virtual (management, inside, outside, and DMZ).

Figure 1. Sample ASA Virtual on AWS Deployment

IPv6 Topology

Instance Metadata Data Service for ASA Virtual in AWS

Instance Metadata Data Service (IMDS) provides information about the ASA Virtual instances data deployed on AWS, including details about the virtual instance’s network, storage, and other data. This metadata can be used to automate configuration decisions (Day 0 configuration) and display instance information such as instance type, region, and so on.

IMDS APIs collect metadata of the ASA Virtual instance from AWS during device starts, and later configure the instance. Currently, ASA Virtual instances use the IMDSv1 API to fetch and validate the instance’s metadata. The IMDSv2 APIs are supported from ASA VirtualVersion 9.20.3.

Configure IMDS in AWS for ASA Virtual an Instance

AWS supports the following IMDSv2 modes for ASA Virtual:

  • V1 and V2 (token optional): Deploy ASA Virtual instance enabling IMDSv1, IMDSv2, or a combination of both IMDSv1 and IMDSv2 API.

  • V2 only (token required): (Recommended) Deploy ASA Virtual instance enabling only the IMDSv2 API.

You can configure IMDS in AWS for the instances in the following deployments scenarios:

New Deployments: Configure the IMDSv2 Required mode when you are deploying ASA Virtual instances for the first time. For new deployments, use one of the following methods to enable the IMDSv2.

  • AWS EC2 console – Enable the V2 only (token required) in the Advance Details section of the AWS EC2 console, for deployment of standalone instances.

  • CloudFormation template – Use HttpEndpoint: enabled and HttpTokens: required properties under MetadataOptions in the template to enable V2 only (token required) - IMDSv2 Required mode. This is applicable for auto scale and clustering deployment.

Existing Deployment: After upgrading the ASA Virtual to an IMDSv2 API supported version, configure the IMDSv2 Optional mode to IMDSv2 Required mode.

Deploy ASA Virtual

The following procedure provides a top-level list of steps to set up AWS on ASA virtual. For detailed steps, see Getting Started with AWS.


Step 1

Log in to and choose your region.



AWS is divided into multiple regions that are isolated from each other. The regions are displayed on the upper-right corner of your page. Resources available in one region do not appear in another region. Check periodically to make sure you are in the intended region.

Step 2

Click My Account > AWS Management Console, and under Networking, click VPC > Start VPC Wizard, and create your VPC by choosing a single public subnet, and set up the following (use the default settings unless otherwise specified):

  • Inside and Outside subnet—Enter a name for the VPC and the subnets.

  • Internet Gateway—Enter the name of the Internet gateway. It enables direct connectivity over the internet.

  • Outside table—Add an entry to enable outbound traffic to the internet (add to the internet gateway).



Virtual Networks, Subnets, Interface, etc., cannot be created by using IPv6 alone. The IPv4 is used by default, and IPv6 can be enabled along with it. For more information on IPv6, see AWS IPv6 Overview and AWS VPC Migration.

Step 3

Click My Account > AWS Management Console > EC2, and then click Create an Instance.

  • Select your AMI, for example, Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS.

    Use the AMI identified in the your image delivery notification.

  • Choose the instance type supported by ASA virtual, for example, c3.large.

  • Configure the instance (CPUs and memory are fixed).

  • Expand the Advanced Details section, and in the optional User data field you can enter the Day 0 configuration, which is the text input containing the ASA virtual configuration applied when the ASA virtual is launched. For more information on Day 0 configuration with more information, such as Smart Licensing, see Prepare the Day 0 Configuration File.

    • Management interface: If you choose to provide the Day 0 configuration details, you must provide management interface details, which should be configured to use DHCP.

    • Data interfaces: IP addresses for the data interfaces will be assigned and configured only if you provide that information as part of the Day 0 configuration. Data interfaces can be configured to use DHCP, or if the network interfaces to be attached are already created and the IP addresses that are known, you can provide the IP address details in the Day 0 configuration.

    • Without Day 0 Configuration: If you deploy the ASA virtual without providing the Day 0 configuration, ASA virtual applies the default ASA virtual configuration where it fetches the IP addresses of the attached interfaces from the AWS metadata server and allocates the IP addresses (the data interfaces get the IP addresses assigned but the ENIs will be down). The Management0/0 interface will be up and gets the IP address configured with the DHCP address. See IP Addressing in your VPC for information about Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC IP addressing.

      Sample Day 0 Configuration -

      ! ASA Version 9.x.1.200
      interface management0/0
      nameif management
      security-level 100
      ip address dhcp setroute
      ipv6 enable
      ipv6 address dhcp default
      no shutdown
      crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048
      ssh 0 0 management
      ssh ::/0 management
      ssh timeout 60
      ssh version 2
      username admin password Q1w2e3r4 privilege 15
      username admin attributes
      service-type admin
      aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
      same-security-traffic permit inter-interface
      same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
      access-list allow-all extended permit ip any any
      access-list allow-all extended permit ip any6 any6
      access-group allow-all global
      interface G0/0
      nameif outside
      ip address dhcp setroute
      ipv6 enable
      ipv6 address dhcp default
      no shutdown
      interface G0/1
      nameif inside
      ip address dhcp
      ipv6 enable
      ipv6 address dhcp default
      no shutdown
  • Storage: Retain the default values.

  • Tag Instance: You can create a lot of tags to classify your devices. Giving a name to your devices helps you locate them easily.

  • Security Group: Create a security group and name it. The security group is a virtual firewall for an instance to control inbound and outbound traffic.

    By default the Security Group is open to all addresses. Change the rules to only allow SSH in from addresses used to access your ASA virtual.

    For information on how the security group controls the traffic, refer to AWS documentation - Control traffic to your AWS resources using security groups.

  • Expand the Advanced Details section and in the User data field you can optionally enter a Day 0 configuration, which is text input that contains the ASA virtual configuration applied when the ASA virtual is launched. For more information on how to configure the Day 0 configuration with more information, such as Smart Licensing, see Prepare the Day 0 Configuration File.

    • Management interface - If you choose to provide a Day 0 configuration, you must provide management interface details, which should be configured to use DHCP.

    • Data interfaces - IP addresses for the data interfaces will be assigned and configured only if you provide that information as part of the Day 0 configuration. Data interfaces can be configured to use DHCP or, if the network interfaces to be attached are already created and the IP addresses are known, you can provide the IP details in the Day 0 configuration.

    • Without Day 0 Configuration - If you deploy the ASA virtual without providing the Day 0 configuration, the ASA virtual applies the default ASA virtual configuration where it fetches the IPs of the attached interfaces from the AWS metadata server and allocates the IP addresses (the data interfaces will get the IPs assigned but the ENIs will be down). Management0/0 interface will be up and gets the IP configured with DHCP address. See IP Addressing in your VPC for information about Amazon EC2 and Amazon VPC IP addressing.

    • Under Advanced Details, add the default login information. Modify the example below to match your requirements for device name and password.

    • Under Advanced Details, enable the IMDSv2 metadata:

      1. Choose Enabled from the Metadata accessible drop-down list.

      2. Choose V2 only (token required) from the Metadata version drop-down list.

      You can also enable the IMDSv2 from the AWS CLI by perform the following:

    • Open the AWS CLI console and add the following arguments to enable IMDSv2 Required mode --metadata-options "HttpEndpoint=enabled,HttpTokens=required”

      Sample IMDSv2 configuration:

      aws ec2 run-instances \,
      --image-id ami-0abcdef1234567890 \
      --instance-type c5x.large \
      --metadata-options "HttpEndpoint=enabled,HttpTokens=required"
  • Review your configuration and then click Launch.

Step 4

Create a Key Pair.



Give the key pair a name you will recognize and download the key to a safe place; the key can never be downloaded again. If you lose the key pair, you must destroy your instances and redeploy them again.

Step 5

Click Launch Instance to deploy your ASA virtual.

Step 6

Click My Account > AWS Management Console > EC2 > Launch an Instance > My AMIs.

Step 7

Make sure that the Source/Destination Check is disabled per interface for the ASA virtual.

AWS default settings only allow an instance to receive traffic for its IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) and only allow an instance to send traffic from its own IP address (IPv4 and IPv6) . To enable the ASA virtual to act as a routed hop, you must disable the Source/Destination Check on each of the ASA virtual's traffic interfaces (inside, outside, and DMZ).

Configure IMDSv2 Required Mode for Existing ASA Virtual Instances

You can configure the IMDSv2 Required mode for the ASA Virtual instances that are already deployed on the AWS.

Before you begin

IMDSv2 Required mode is only supported by ASA Virtual version 9.20.3 and later. You must ensure that your existing instance ASA Virtual version supports (9.20.3 and later) IMDSv2 APIs before configuring the IMDSv2 Required mode for your deployments or instances.


Step 1

Log into and choose your region.

Step 2

Click EC2 > Instances.

Step 3

Right-click the instance, then select Instance Settings > Modify instance metadata options. The Modify instance metadata options dialog box is displayed.

Step 4

Under Instance metadata service section, click Enable.

Step 5

Under IMDSv2 options, click Required.

This enables the IMDSv2 Required mode for the selected instance.

Step 6

Click Save.

Integrating Amazon GuardDuty Service and Threat Defense Virtual

Amazon GuardDuty is a monitoring service that processes data from various sources such as VPC logs, CloudTrail management event logs, CloudTrail S3 data event logs, DNS logs, and so on to identify potentially unauthorized and malicious activity in the AWS environment.

About Secure Firewall ASA Virtual and GuardDuty Integration

Cisco offers a solution to integrate the Amazon GuardDuty service with Secure Firewall ASA Virtual using CLI over SSH.

This solution use the threat analysis data or results from the Amazon GuardDuty (malicious IPs generating threats, attacks and so on) and feeds that information (malicious IP) to the Secure Firewall ASA Virtual to protect the underlying network and applications against future threats originating from these sources (malicious IP).

End-to-End Procedure

The following integration solutions with workflow illustrations help you understand the integration of Amazon GuardDuty with Secure Firewall Threat Defense Virtual.

The following workflow diagram shows the Amazon GuardDuty integration solution with ASA virtual.

Integration with Secure Firewall device manager using Network Object Group

The following workflow diagram shows the Amazon GuardDuty integration solution with Secure Firewall device manager using the network object group.

The GuardDuty service sends threat findings to CloudWatch when it detects a malicious activity.

The CloudWatch event activates the AWS Lambda function.

The Lambda function updates the malicious host in the report file in the S3 bucket and sends a notification via SNS.

The Lambda function configures or updates the network object group with the malicious host IP address in Secure Firewall device manager.

The Secure Firewall device manager access control policy directs the managed device to handle the traffic based on the configured actions, for example, block traffic from the malicious hosts reported by GuardDuty.

This access control policy uses the network object group with the malicious IP address provided by the Lambda function.

Key Components of This Integration



Amazon GuardDuty

An Amazon service responsible for generating threat findings for the various AWS resources in a specific region, such as EC2, S3, IAM, and so on.

Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

An Amazon service used for storing various artifacts associated with the solution:

  • Lambda function zip file

  • Lambda layer zip file

  • ASA virtual configuration input file(.ini)

  • Output report file (.txt) containing a list of malicious IP addresses reported by the Lambda function

Amazon CloudWatch

An Amazon service used for:

  • Monitoring the GuardDuty service for any reported findings and triggering the Lambda function to process the finding.

  • Logging the Lambda function-related activities in the CloudWatch log group.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

An Amazon service used to push email notifications. These email notifications contain:

  • The details of the GuardDuty finding that was successfully processed by the Lambda function.

  • The details of the updates performed on the Secure Firewall managers by the Lambda function.

  • Any significant errors encountered by the Lambda function.

AWS Lambda Function

An AWS serverless compute service that runs your code in response to events and automatically manages the underlying compute resources for you. The Lambda function is triggered by the CloudWatch event rule based on GuardDuty findings. In this integration, the Lambda function is responsible for:

  • Processing the GuardDuty findings to verify that all the required criteria are met, such as severity, connection direction, presence of malicious IP address, and so on.

  • (Depending on the configuration) Updating the network object group on the Secure Firewall managers with the malicious IP address.

  • Updating the malicious IP address in the report file on the S3 bucket.

  • Notifying the Secure Firewall administrator about various manager updates and any errors.

CloudFormation Template

Used to deploy various resources required for the integration in AWS.

The CloudFormation template contains the following resources:

  • AWS::SNS::Topic: The SNS Topic for pushing email notifications.

  • AWS::Lambda::Function, AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion : The Lambda function and layer files

  • AWS::Events::Rule: The CloudWatch event rule to trigger the Lambda function based on the GuardDuty findings event.

  • AWS::Lambda::Permission: Permission for the CloudWatch event rule to trigger the Lambda function.

  • AWS::IAM::Role, AWS::IAM::Policy: The IAM role and policy resources to allow various access permissions to the Lambda function for various AWS resources.

This template accepts user input parameters to customize the deployment.

Supported Software Platforms

  • The GuardDuty integration solution is applicable to Secure Firewall ASA Virtual managed using CLI over SSH.

  • The Lambda function can update the network object groups in the Secure Firewall ASA Virtual. Ensure that the Lambda function can connect to Secure Firewall ASA Virtual using public IP addresses.

Guidelines and Limitations for Amazon GuardDuty and Secure Firewall ASA Virtual Integration

  • The Lambda function is responsible only for updating the network objects groups with the malicious IP addresses. Depending on your requirement, create access rules and access policies to block any traffic that is not required.

  • The AWS services used in this integration are region-specific. If you want to use GuardDuty findings from different regions, you must deploy region-specific instances.

  • You can configure ASA Virtual updates using CLI over SSH. ASDM, CSM, and CDO, are not supported.

  • You can use only password-based login. No other authentication methods are supported.

  • If you are using encrypted passwords in the input file, keep in mind that:

    • Only encryption using the symmetric KMS keys is supported.

    • All the passwords must be encrypted using a single KMS key accessible to the Lambda function.

Integrate Amazon GuardDuty with ASA Virtual

Perform the following tasks to integrate Amazon GuardDuty with ASA Virtual



AWS Management Console

Enable Amazon GuardDuty Service on AWS

Local Machine

Download the Secure Firewall ASA Virtual and Amazon GuardDuty Solution Template

ASA Virtual

Configure your Managed Devices to Work with Amazon GuardDuty

Local Machine

Prepare Amazon GuardDuty Resource Files for Deployment

AWS Management Console

Upload Files to Amazon Simple Storage Service

Local Machine

Collect Input Parameters for CloudFormation Template

AWS Management Console

Deploy the Stack

Enable Amazon GuardDuty Service on AWS

This section describes how to enable Amazon GuardDuty service on AWS.

Before you begin

Ensure that all the AWS resources are in the same region.


Step 1

Go to (Amazon Marketplace) and sign in.

Step 2

Choose Services > GuardDuty.

Step 3

Click Get Started in the GuardDuty page.

Step 4

Click Enable GuardDuty to enable the Amazon GuardDuty service.

For more information on enabling GuardDuty, see Getting started with GuardDuty in AWS Documentation.

What to do next

Download the Amazon GuardDuty solution files (templates and scripts) from the Cisco GitHub repository. See .Download the Secure Firewall ASA Virtual and Amazon GuardDuty Solution Template

Download the Secure Firewall ASA Virtual and Amazon GuardDuty Solution Template

Download the files required for the Amazon GuardDuty solution. The deployment scripts and templates for your Secure Firewall ASA Virtual version are available from the Cisco GitHub repository at:

The following is a list of resources in the Cisco GitHub repository:




ReadMe file


Secure Firewall ASA Virtual Configuration file template.


It contains the Secure Firewall ASA Virtual and Amazon GuardDuty integration solution illustrations.


Lambda function Python files.


CloudFormation template for deployment.

Configure your Managed Devices to Work with Amazon GuardDuty

The Lambda function processes the Amazon GuardDuty findings and identifies the malicious IP address that triggered the CloudWatch Event. Then, the Lambda function updates the network object group in the ASAv with the malicious IP address. You can then configure an access control policy that uses this network object group to handle the traffic.

Create Network Object Group

In the ASA virtual, you must configure or create a network object group for the Lambda function to update the malicious IP address detected by the Amazon GuardDuty.

If you do not configure a network object group with the Lambda function, then a network object group with the default name aws-gd-suspicious-hosts is created by the Lambda function to update the malicious IP address.

Create Network Object Group in Secure Firewall ASA Virtual

In Secure Firewall ASA Virtual, you must create a network object group for the Lambda function to update the malicious IP address detected by the Amazon GuardDuty.

If you do not configure a network object group with the Lambda function, then a network object group with the default name aws-gd-suspicious-hosts is created by the Lambda function to update the malicious IP address.

Initially, to use the network object group in an ACL rule, you may have to create the object group with a dummy IP address. You can create multiple network object groups on a single ASAv.

For more information about network object group and access policy, see Cisco ASA Series Firewall CLI Configuration Guide.

To create the network object group, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Log in to Secure Firewall ASA Virtual.

Step 2

Create a network object group with a description. In this example, a dummy host IP address is added to the network object group created.


hostname(config)# object-group network aws-gd-suspicious-hosts
hostname(config)# description Malicious Hosts reported by AWS GuardDuty
hostname(config)# network-object host

Step 3

Create or update the Access Policy or Access Control Rule to handle the traffic using the network object group. \


You can also create or update the Access Control Policy or Access Control Rule after verifying that the Lambda function is updating the network object group with the malicious IP address.

hostname(config)# access-list out-iface-access line 1 extended deny ip object-group aws-gd-suspicious-hosts any

Creating User Accounts in ASAv for Lambda Function access

The Lambda function requires a dedicated user on ASAv to handle configuration updates. A privilege level of 15 ensures that the user has all privileges.

For more information about creating user, see Cisco ASA Series Firewall CLI Configuration Guide.


Step 1

Create a user.

username name [password password] privilege level


hostname(config)# username aws-gd password MyPassword@2021 privilege 15

Step 2

Configure username attributes.

username username attributes


hostname(config)# username aws-gd attributes

Step 3

Provide the user with admin level access to all services.

service-type admin


hostname(config)# service-type admin

(Optional) Encrypt Passwords

If required, you can provide encrypted passwords in the input configuration file. You can also provide passwords in plain text format.

Encrypt all the passwords using a single KMS key that is accessible to the Lambda function. Use the aws kms encrypt --key-id <KMS-ARN> --plaintext <password> command to generate the encrypted password. You have to install and configure AWS CLI to run this command.


Ensure that passwords are encrypted using symmetric KMS keys.

For more information on AWS CLI, see AWS Command Line Interface. For more information on master keys and encryption, see the AWS document Creating keys and the AWS CLI Command Reference about password encryption and KMS.


$ aws kms encrypt --key-id <KMS-ARN> --plaintext <password>
    "KeyId": "KMS-ARN", 

The value of CiphertextBlob key should be used as a password.

Prepare Amazon GuardDuty Resource Files for Deployment

The Amazon GuardDuty solution deployment resource files are available on the Cisco GitHub repository.

Before deploying the Amazon GuardDuty solution on AWS, you must prepare the following files:

  • Secure Firewall ASA virtual manager configuration input file

  • Lambda function zip file

  • Lambda layer zip file

Prepare Configuration Input file

In the configuration template, you must define the details of the ASAv you are integrating with the Amazon GuardDuty solution.

Before you begin
  • Ensure to authenticate and verify the user account of the device manager before you provide the user account details in the configuration file.

  • Ensure that you configure only one ASAv in the configuration file. If you configure multiple ASAvs, then the Lambda function may simultaneously update all the ASAvs configured in the file resulting in race conditions and non deterministic behavior.

  • You must have noted the IP address and name of the ASAv.

  • You must have created a user account having admin privileges for the Lambda function to access and update these network object groups in the ASAv.


Step 1

Log in to the local machine where you have downloaded the Amazon GuardDuty resource files.

Step 2

Browse to the asav-template > configuration folder.

Step 3

Open the asav-manager-config-input.ini file in a text editor tool. In this file, you must enter the details of the ASAv on which you plan to integrate and deploy the Amazon GuardDuty solution.

Step 4

Enter the following ASAv parameters:




Section name: Unique ASAv identifier within the file


Public IP address of the ASAv

user name

User name to log in to ASAv.


Password to log in to ASAv. The password can be in plain text format or an encrypted string that has been encrypted using KMS.


Enable password of the ASAv. The password can be in plain text format or an encrypted string that has been encrypted using KMS.


Name of the network object groups name that is updated with malicious host IP by the Lambda function. If you are entering multiple network object groups name, ensure that they are comma separated values.

Step 5

Save and close the asav-manager-config-input.inifile.

What to do next

Create the Lambda Function archive file.

Preparing Lambda Function Archive File

This section describes how to archive the Lambda function files in a Linux environment.


The archiving process may differ depending on the operating system of the local machine where you are archiving the files.

Before you begin

Ensure that your Linux host is running Ubuntu version 18.04 with Python version 3.6 or later.


Step 1

Open the CLI console on the local machine on which you have downloaded the Amazon GuardDuty resources.

Step 2

Navigate to the /lambda folder and archive the files. The following is a sample transcript from a Linux host.

$ cd lambda 
$ zip *.py 
adding: (deflated 71%)
adding: (deflated 79%) 
adding: (deflated 73%) 
adding: (deflated 65%) 
The zip file is created.

Step 3

Exit and close the CLI console.

What to do next

Create the Lambda layer zip file using the zip file file.

Prepare Lambda Layer File

This section describes how to archive the Lambda layer file in a Linux environment.


The archiving process may differ depending on the operating system of the local machine where you are archiving the file.


Step 1

Open the CLI console on the local machine where you have downloaded the Amazon GuardDuty resources.

Step 2

Perform the following actions in your CLI console.

The following is a sample transcript from a Linux host such as Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.9 installed.

$ mkdir -p layer
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.9 ./layer/
$ source ./layer/bin/activate
$ pip3.9 install cffi==1.15.0
$ pip3.9 install cryptography==37.0.2 
$ pip3.9 install paramiko==2.7.1
$ mkdir -p ./python/.libs_cffi_backend/
$ cp -r ./layer/lib/python3.9/site-packages/* ./python/
$ zip -r ./python 
The zip file is created.

Note that you must install Python 3.9 and its dependencies for creating the Lambda layer.

The following is the sample transcript for installing Python 3.9 on a Linux host such as Ubuntu 22.04.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install software-properties-common 
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa 
$ sudo apt install python3.9
$ sudo apt install python3-virtualenv
$ sudo apt install zip
$ sudo apt-get install python3.9-distutils
$ sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev

Step 3

Exit and close the CLI console.

What to do next

In Amazon S3 bucket, you must upload the Secure Firewall ASA virtual configuration file, the Lambda function zip file, and the Lambda layer zip file. See Upload Files to Amazon Simple Storage Service

Upload Files to Amazon Simple Storage Service

After you prepare all the Amazon GuardDuty solution artifacts, you must upload the files to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket folder in the AWS portal.


Step 1

Go to (Amazon Marketplace) and sign in.

Step 2

Open the Amazon S3 console.

Step 3

Create an Amazon S3 Bucket for uploading the Amazon GuardDuty artifacts. See Creating Amazon S3.

Step 4

Upload the following Amazon GuardDuty artifacts to the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • Secure Firewall ASA virtual configuration file: asav-config-input.ini



    This file is not required to be uploaded when you are using Security Intelligence Network Feed method for deploying the Amazon GuardDuty solution in management centers.

  • Lambda layer zip file:

  • Lambda function zip file:

What to do next

Prepare the CloudFormation template that is used for deploying Amazon GuardDuty resources. See Collect Input Parameters for CloudFormation Template.

Collect Input Parameters for CloudFormation Template

Cisco provides the CloudFormation template that is used to deploy resources required by Amazon GuardDuty solution in AWS. Collect values for the following template parameters before deployment.


Template Parameters




Deployment name*

The name you enter in this parameter is used as prefix for all the resources created by the Cloud Formation template.


Minimum severity level of GD finding*

Minimum severity level Amazon GuardDuty findings to be considered for processing must be in the range between 1.0 to 8.9. Any finding reported with a lesser severity than the minimum range is ignored.

Severity classification is as follows:

  • Low: 1.0 to 3.9

    Medium: 4.0 to 6.9

    High: 7.0 to 8.9.


Administrator email ID*

Administrator email address to receive notifications on Secure Firewall ASA virtual about the updates done by Lambda function in the Secure Firewall ASA virtual.

S3 Bucket name*

Name of the Amazon S3 bucket containing Amazon GuardDuty artifacts files (Lambda function zip, Lambda layer zip, and Secure Firewall ASA virtual configuration manager files).

For example: asav-gd-bucket

S3 Bucket folder/path prefix

Amazon S3 bucket path or folder name where the configuration files are stored. If there is no folder, leave this field empty.

For example: "" or "cisco/asav-gd/"

Lambda layer zip file name*

Lambda layer zip file name.

For example:

Lambda function zip file name*

Lambda function zip file name.


Secure Firewall ASA virtual manager configuration file name

The *.ini file containing the manager configuration details of the Secure Firewall ASA virtual. (Public IP, username, password, device-type, network object group names and so on.)

For example: asav-config-input.ini
ARN of KMS key used for password encryption

ARN of an existing KMS (AWS KMS key used for password encryption). You can leave this parameter empty in case plain text passwords are provided in the Secure Firewall ASA virtual configuration input file. If you specify, all the passwords mentioned in the Secure Firewall ASA virtual configuration input file must be encrypted. The passwords must be encrypted using only the specified ARN. Generating encrypted passwords: aws kms encrypt --key-id <KMS ARN> --plaintext <password>

For example:arn:aws:kms:<region>:<aws-account-id>:key/<key-id>
Enable/Disable debug logs*

Enable or Disable the Lambda function debug logs in the CloudWatch.

For example: enable or disable

*: Mandatory field

What to do next

Deploy the stack using the CloudFormation template. See Deploy the Stack

Deploy the Stack

After all the pre-requisite processes for Amazon GuardDuty solution deployment are completed, create the AWS CloudFormation stack. Use the template file in the target directory: templates/cisco-asav-gd-integration.yaml, and provide the parameters collected in Collect Input Parameters for CloudFormation Template.


Step 1

Log in to AWS console.

Step 2

Go to Services > CloudFormation > Stacks > Create stack (with new resources) > Prepare template (The template is provided in the folder) > Specify template > Template source (Upload the template file from the target directory: templates/cisco-asav-gd-integration.yaml) > Create Stack

For more information on deploying a stack on AWS, see AWS Documentation.

What to do next

Validate your deployment. See Validate Your Deployment.

Also, subscribe to receive an email notifications on threat detection updates reported by Amazon GuardDuty. See Subscribe to the Email Notifications.

Subscribe to the Email Notifications

In the CloudFormation template, an email ID is configured to receive notification about GuardDuty finding updates done by the Lambda function. After deploying the CloudFormation template on AWS, an email notification is sent to this email ID via Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) service requesting you to subcribe for notification updates.


Step 1

Open the email notification.

Step 2

Click the Subscription link available in the email notification.

What to do next

Validate your deployment. See Validate Your Deployment.

Validate Your Deployment

In AWS, you have options to verify the Amazon GuardDuty solution as described in this section. You can follow these deployment validation instructions after the CloudFormation deployment is complete.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have installed and configured AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to run commands for validating the deployment. For information on AWS CLI documentation, see AWS Command Line Interface.


Step 1

Log in to AWS Management console.

Step 2

Go to Services > GuardDuty > Settings > About GuardDuty > Detector ID to note the detector ID.

This detector ID is required for generating sample Amazon GuardDuty findings.

Step 3

Open the AWS CLI console to generate the sample Amazon GuardDuty finding by running the following commands:

aws guardduty create-sample-findings --detector-id <detector-id> --finding-types UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom

aws guardduty create-sample-findings --detector-id <detector-id> --finding-types UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/MaliciousIPCaller.Custom

Step 4

Check for the sample finding in the findings list on Amazon GuardDuty console.

The sample findings contains the prefix [sample]. You can check the sample finding details viewing the attributes such as connection direction, remote IP address and so on.

Step 5

Wait for the Lambda function to run.

After the Lambda function is triggered, verify the following:

  • An email notification with the details regarding Amazon GuardDuty finding received and Secure Firewall ASA virtual updates done by the Lambda function.

  • Verify whether the report file is generated in the Amazon S3 bucket. It contains the malicious IP address reported by the sample Amazon GuardDuty finding. You can identify the report file name in the format: <deployment-name>-report.txt.

  • Verify that the network object groups are updated on the configured managers (Secure Firewall ASA virtual) with the malicious IP address updated from the sample finding.

Step 6

Go to AWS Console > Services > CloudWatch > Logs > Log groups > select the log group to verify the Lambda logs in the CloudWatch console. You can identify the CloudWatch log group name in the format: <deployment-name>-lambda.

Step 7

After validating the deployment, we recommend that you can clean the data generated by the sample finding as follows:

  1. Go to AWS Console > Services > GuardDuty > Findings > Select the finding > Actions > Archive to view the sample finding data.

  2. Delete the malicious IP addresses added in the network object group to clear cached data from the Secure Firewall ASA virtual.

  3. Clean up the report file in Amazon S3 bucket. You may update the file by removing the malicious IP addresses reported by the sample finding.

Update Existing Solution Deployment Configuration

We recommend that you do not update the S3 bucket or the S3 bucket folder and path prefix values after deployment. However, if there is a requirement to update the configuration for a solution that has been deployed, use the Update Stack option on the CloudFormation page in the AWS console.

You can update any of the parameters given below.



Secure Firewall ASA virtual manager configuration file name

Add or update the configuration file in Amazon S3 bucket. You are allowed to update the file with same name as previous one. If the configuration file name is modified, then you can update this parameter by using Update stack option in the AWS console.

Minimum severity level of GD finding*

Use the Update stack option in AWS console to update the parameter value.

Administrator email ID*

Update the email ID parameter value using the Update Stack option in AWS console. You can also add or update email subscriptions via SNS service console.

S3 Bucket name*

Update the zip file in the Amazon S3 bucket with a new name and then update the parameter by using the Update Stack option in AWS console.

Lambda layer zip file name*

Update the Lambda layer zip file name in the Amazon S3 bucket with a new name and then update this parameter value by using the Update stack option in AWS console.

Lambda function zip file name*

Update the Lambda function zip file in the Amazon S3 bucket with a new name and then update this parameter value by using the Update stack option in AWS console.
ARN of KMS key used for password encryption

Use the Update stack option in AWS console to update the parameter value.

Enable/Disable debug logs*

Use the Update stack option in AWS console to update the parameter value.


Step 1

Go to the AWS management console.

Step 2

If required, create the new bucket and folder.

Step 3

Ensure that the artifacts given below are copied from the old bucket to the new bucket.

  • Secure Firewall ASA virtual configuration file: asav-config-input.ini

  • Lambda layer zip file:

  • Lambda function zip file:

  • Output report file: <deployment-name>-report.txt

Step 4

To update the parameter values, go to Services > CloudFormation > Stacks > > Update (Update Stack) > Prepare template > Use current template > Next > <update parameters> > Update Stack .

Performance Tuning

VPN Optimization

The AWS c5 instances offer much higher performance than the older c3, c4, and m4 instances. The approximate RA VPN throughput (DTLS using 450B TCP traffic with AES-CBC encryption) on the c5 instance family should be:

  • 0.5Gbps on c5.large

  • 1Gbps on c5.xlarge

  • 2Gbps on c5.2xlarge