Group-Based Policy

This chapter contains the following sections:

About Group-Based Policy

Group-Based Policy (GBP) is an API framework for OpenStack that offers an intent-driven model intended to describe application requirements in a way that is independent of the underlying infrastructure. Rather than offering network-centric constructs, such as Layer 2 domains, GBP introduces a generic "Group" primitive along with a policy model to describe connectivity, security, and network services between groups. While GBP has focused on the networking domain, it can be a generic framework that extends beyond networking.

GBP runs as a service plug-in within the Neutron process space.

Group-Based Policy Use Cases

Group-Based Policy (GBP) was designed to offer a powerful, but simple language for capturing the requirements of and deploying complex applications on OpenStack clouds. GBP addresses disconnect between application developers who understand application requirements and infrastructure teams who understand various infrastructure capabilities.

GBP offers the following capabilities beyond what is present in OpenStack:

Dependency mapping GBP enables users to specify the relationships between different tiers of applications. This dependency map acts as documentation for the security requirements of the application and allows different tiers of the application to evolve separately. The dependency map also makes it extremely easy to scale and automate infrastructure.
Separation of concerns GBP was designed to separate application security requirements, such as who can talk to whom, from network-specific requirements, such as what IP address ranges to use, where to draw network boundaries, and how to assign virtual IP addresses. This allows application, security, and operation teams to operate independently, but cooperatively.

How Group-Based Policy works

Group-Based Policy (GBP) offers a policy API through multiple OpenStack interfaces, including Horizon extensions (openstack-dashboard-gbp), Heat (openstack-heat-gbp), and cli (openstack-neutron-gbp). GBP was designed to act as a layer on top of Neutron.

GBP supports two forms of mapping to the underlying infrastructure:

Neutron Mapping Driver The Neutron mapping driver converts GBP resources into existing Neutron API calls. This allows Neutron to run any existing open source or vendor plugin, including ML2. It also allows GBP to be used in any OpenStack environment. You should define the OpenStack projects either with Neutron API or GBP API. Different projects of the same OpenStack installation could potentially use different APIs. For example, Neutron or GBP.
Native Drivers You can create drivers that directly render policy constructs through a separate SDN controller or external entity without first converting them to Neutron APIs. This is valuable as it gives the controller additional flexibility on how to interpret and enforce policy without being tied to L2/L3 behaviors. There are currently four native drivers, including Cisco APIC, VMware NSX policy, and One Convergence NSP.

About the Group-Based Policy Model

Group-Based Policy (GBP) introduces a policy model to describe the relationships between different logical groups or tiers of an application. The primitives have been chosen in a way that separates their semantics from the underlying infrastructure capabilities. Resources can be public or local to a specific tenant.

The key primitives are:

Resource Description
Policy Target An individual network endpoint (generally a NIC). A policy target is a basic addressable unit in the architecture.
Policy Group Policy targets with the same properties are organized into policy groups, which is the fundamental primitive of GBP. Policy groups offer an infrastructure agnostic grouping construct without specifying any network semantics in the same way as a broadcast. Each group models its dependencies by declaring the rule sets that it provides to groups as well as rule sets that it will consume.
Policy Classifier A means of filtering network traffic, including protocol, port range, and direction (in, out, or bidirectional).
Policy Action An action to take when a particular rule is applied. The supported type include "allow".
Policy Rules Classifiers paired with actions.
Policy Rule Sets Policy rule sets contain a number of policy rules. Rule sets can be nested through parent-child relationships.

About Network Policies

Group-Based Policy (GBP) aims to centralize the description of network policies and keep them separate from application-level policies, such as groups and rule sets. This allows a separation of concerns between application owners and cloud/infrastructure administrators.

Resource Description
Layer 2 Policy Specifies set of groups within the same switching domain. Layer 2 policies must reference a particular Layer 3 policy.
Layer 3 Policy Specifies potentially overlapping IP address space that contains any number of Layer 2 policies.
Network Service Policy Specifies network-specific parameters that are required for network service chaining, such as VIP allocation.

About Shared Policies

Resources in the Group-Based Policy (GBP) model support a shared attribute that can be set to make a resource visible across tenants. The sharing of policy resources promotes the separation of concerns by allowing the relevant team to create a policy and for other users to consume the policy. A shared resource has global visibility, meaning that all tenants are able to see a shared resource. The shared attribute can be set or updated only by a user in the administrator role.

The following example creates a shared Layer 3 policy using the CLI:

# gbp l3policy-create --shared True my-shared-l3p

Similarly, the GUI has a checkbox that enables the sharing or unsharing a resource.

There are certain constraints on when and how a resource is shared:

  • A shared resource can only be associated with other shared resources. For example, a shared Layer 2 policy can only exist on a shared Layer 3 policy.

  • A shared resource cannot be unshared if it is currently being used.


A policy target resource does not support the shared attribute.

About the Neutron Mapping Driver

One of the most useful aspects of the Group-Based Policy (GBP) model and its implementation is the ability to map a policy directly into the Neutron API and thus be able to use the existing Neutron plugins as is. The default mapping is as follows:

GBP Resource Neutron
Policy Target Port
Policy Target Group Subnet
Layer 2 Policy Network
Layer 3 Policy Router


You can design a custom mapping and implement it in a "resource mapping" policy driver.

External Connectivity

The Group-Based Policy (GBP) model supports an API that captures the user's intent to allow the policy targets to communicate with the external world. The following primitives are used to achieve this:



External Segment

Models an external network that is defined by a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) and any other networks that are reachable through this segment using a specified next-hop.

External Policy

Models a policy target group on a external segment. Think of this as an external policy target group that can provide and consume the policy rule set, but the difference is that no policy targets can be created on the external policy.

Neutron Mapping External Segment

The Neutron subnet that is created on a Neutron external network.

This example represents a configuration for an external network with the name "Datacenter-Out". By creating an external segment with the same name, you can automatically configure it with the relevant CIDR and other attributes.

The following command creates an external segment with the name "Datacenter-Out":

# export EXT_SEG_ID=$(gbp external-segment-create Datacenter-Out --shared
  True --external-route destination=,nexthop= | awk "/ id / {print \$4}")

The following command creates an external policy that models a group that represents the external world:

# gbp external-policy-create my-external-policy --external-segments $EXT_SEG_ID

The following commands create a policy rule set to allow TCP access:

# gbp policy-classifier-create all-tcp-traffic --protocol tcp --direction in
# gbp policy-rule-create tcp-policy-rule --classifier all-tcp-traffic --actions allow
# gbp policy-rule-set-create   tcp-ruleset --policy-rules tcp-policy-rule

The following commands set up provide/consume relationships to allow all TCP traffic for the web policy target group to access the external world:

# gbp external-policy-update my-external-policy
  --provided-policy-rule-sets "tcp-ruleset=true"

This example assumes that the Layer 3 policy is called "default".

The following commands link the implicitly created Layer 3 policy for the web policy target group to the external segment that you created.

# gbp l3policy-update default -external-segment Datacenter-Out

Network Address Translation Pools and Floating IP Addresses

Each external segment can be configured with zero or more pools of IP addresses that can be used for assigning floating IP addresses. Floating IP addresses in this context is specific to the Neutron floating IP address resource.



NAT Pool

A pool of IP addresses that is used to assign floating IP addresses for virtual machines.

In this example the range can be anything as long it is routable. Also it does not have to correlate to a CIDR in a configuration.

The following command creates a NAT pool from the subnet that is used for the external subnet:

# gbp nat-pool-create --ip-version 4 --ip-pool 
--external-segment Datacenter-Out my-nat-pool

The following command creates a Network Service Policy (NSP) that uses the NAT pool that you created by the previous command:

# gbp network-service-policy-create --network-service-params 
type=ip_pool,name=nat_fip,value=nat_pool my-nat-pool-nsp

The following command associates the NSP that you created by the previous command with the web policy target group:

# gbp group-update web --network-service-policy my-nat-pool-nsp

At this point, every new policy target that gets created in the web policy target group automatically gets a floating IP address assignment from the NAT pool.

The NAT pool can be any address range as long as it does not overlap with the Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) external network configuration as specified in the configuration file by the cidr_exposed and host_pool_cidr options.

The above workflow should not be used if the user wants to assign floating IP addresses explicitly only to specific members of a policy target group. In such cases, do not create an NSP, but instead follow the explicit workflow for associating a floating IP address to a Neutron port. Choose the floating IP address from the subnet that corresponds to the NAT pool that you created.

Example of Creating a Multi-Tier Application Using the Group-Based Policy CLI

The following example creates a simple policy using Group-Based Policy (GBP). This policy creates two groups and a policy rule set between them.


Step 1

Set the rules and rule set, which describes a policy for a set of Web servers.

The rules contain classifiers designed to match a portion of the traffic and actions for dealing with that traffic. Common actions include actions to allow or redirect traffic to a network service.

  1. Create the allow action:

    # gbp policy-action-create allow --action-type allow
  2. Create the HTTP rule:

    # gbp policy-classifier-create web-traffic --protocol tcp --port-range 80 \
    --direction in
    # gbp policy-rule-create web-policy-rule --classifier web-traffic --actions allow
  3. Create the HTTPS rule:

    # gbp policy-classifier-create secure-web-traffic --protocol tcp --port-range 443 \
    --direction in
    # gbp policy-rule-create secure-web-policy-rule --classifier secure-web-traffic \
    --actions allow
  4. Create the Web rule set:

    # gbp policy-rule-set-create web-ruleset --policy-rules "web-policy-rule secure-web-policy-rule"
Step 2

Create the groups and associate the rule sets.

Rule sets describe a bidirectional set of rules. However, the API is designed to allow a group to "provide" a rule set that describes its behavior, and other groups to "consume" that rule set to connect to it. The model intends for groups to provide rule sets that describe their behavior, which other groups can then choose to access.

  1. Create the groups:

    # gbp group-create web
    # gbp group-create client-1
    # gbp group-create client-2
  2. Associate the rule sets:

    # gbp group-update client-1 --consumed-policy-rule-sets "web-ruleset=scope"
    # gbp group-update client-2 --consumed-policy-rule-sets "web-ruleset=scope"
    # gbp group-update web --provided-policy-rule-sets "web-ruleset=scope"
Step 3

Create a member within each of the previously-created groups.

Each member inherits all of the properties of the group to specify its connectivity and security requirements.

  1. Create a policy target in the Web group, and extract the Neutron port that is associated with that policy target:

    # export WEB_PORT=$(gbp policy-target-create web-pt-1 --policy-target-group web \
    | awk "/port_id/ {print \$4}”)
  2. Create a Web group member (a virtual machine instance) using the Neutron port that you extracted earlier:

    # nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image image_name --nic port-id=$WEB_PORT web-vm-1
  3. Create members in the client-1 and client-2 groups:

    # export CLIENT1_PORT=$(gbp policy-target-create client-pt-1 \
    --policy-target-groupclient-1 | awk "/port_id/ {print \$4}") nova boot \
    --flavor m1.tiny --image image_name --nic port-id=$CLIENT1_PORT \
    # export CLIENT2_PORT=$(gbp policy-target-create client-pt-2 \
    --policy-target-group client-2 | awk "/port_id/ {print \$4}") nova boot \
    --flavor m1.tiny --image image_name --nic port-id=$CLIENT2_PORT \

Example of Creating a Multi-Tier Application Using the Group-Based Policy GUI

The following example creates a simple policy for a multi-tier application using Group-Based Policy (GBP). This policy creates two groups and a policy rule set between them.


Step 1

Log into the OpenStack platform GUI as an administrator.

Step 2

On the menu bar, choose Project > Policy > Application Policy > Policy Rule Set.

Step 3

In the Policy Rule Set pane, click Create Policy Rule Set.

Step 4

In the Create Policy Rule Set dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the new policy rule set (web-ruleset).

  2. In the Description field, enter the description of the new policy rule set (web-ruleset).

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Policy Rules field, click the + icon.

Step 5

In the Create Policy-Rule dialog box, perform the following actions to create a rule for HTTP:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the new policy-rule (http-rule).

  2. In the Description field, enter the description of the new policy-rule (http-rule).

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Policy Classifier field, click the + icon.

Step 6

In the Create Policy Classifier dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the new policy classifier (http-classifier).

  2. In the Port/Range(min:max) field, enter the port range (80).

  3. In the Direction drop-down list, choose the direction (BI).

  4. Click Create Policy Classifier.

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Policy Action field, choose the action for your policy-rule (allow).

  7. Click Create.

Step 7

In the Create Policy Rule Set dialog box, perform the following actions for HTTPS:

  1. In the Policy Rules field, click the + icon.

  2. In the Name field, enter the name of the new policy-rule (https-rule).

  3. In the Description field, enter the description of the new policy-rule (https-rule).

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Policy Classifier field, click the + icon.

Step 8

In the Create Policy Classifier dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the new policy classifier (https-classifier).

  2. In the Port/Range(min:max) field, enter the port range (443).

  3. In the Direction drop-down list, choose the direction (BI).

  4. Click Create Policy Classifier.

Step 9

In the Create Policy-Rule dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. Click Next.

  2. In the Policy Action field, choose the action for your policy-rule (allow).

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the Policy Rules field, choose the policy rules for your policy rule set (http-rule and https-rule).

  5. Click Create.

Step 10

On the menu bar, choose Project > Policy > Application Policy > Policy Rule Set.

Step 11

In the Policy Rule Set pane, you can verify your rule set exists including the policy rules.

Step 12

Click Policy Rules.

Step 13

In the Policy Rules pane, you can verify your policy rules exists.

Step 14

Click Policy Classifier.

Step 15

In the Policy Classifier pane, you can verify your policy classifier exists.

Step 16

Click Policy Actions.

Step 17

In the Policy Actions pane, you can verify the previous created policy action exists.

Step 18

Create the policy target group. On the menu bar, choose Project > Policy > Groups.

Step 19

Click Create Group.

Step 20

In the Create Group dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the new group (web-group).

  2. In the Description field, enter the description of the new group (web-group).

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Provided Policy Rule Set field, choose the policy rule set for the group (web-ruleset).

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Network Policy drop-down list, choose the network policy for the group (Default). Choosing Default creates a Layer 2 policy automatically that has the same name as the group.

  7. Click Create.

Step 21

Create a second group for clients. Click Create Group.

Step 22

In the Create Group dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the name of the new group for clients (client-group).

  2. In the Description field, enter the description of the new group for clients (client-group).

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Consumed Policy Rule Set field, choose the policy rule set to be consumed for the group (web-ruleset).

  5. Click Next.

  6. In the Network Policy field, choose the network policy for the group (Default). Choosing Default puts the group in the default Layer 2 policy that was implicitly created in Step 20.

  7. Click Create.

Step 23

On the menu bar, choose Project > Policy > Network and Services' Policy.

Step 24

In the L3 Policy pane, you can verify that the default Layer 3 policy was created.

Step 25

Click the network policy default to verify the Layer 2 policies were created.

Step 26

Create virtual machines. On the menu bar, choose Project > Policy > Groups.

Step 27

In the Groups pane, click on a group (web-group).

Step 28

In the Members pane, click Create Member.

Step 29

In the Create Member dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Instance Name field, enter the instance name (web1).

  2. In the Instance Boot Source drop-down list, choose the instance boot source (Boot from image).

  3. In the Image Name drop-down list, choose the image (cirros-web).

  4. Click Launch.

  5. In the Members pane, you can verify the newly created group (web-group).

Step 30

Create the client virtual machine. On the menu bar, choose Project > Policy > Groups.

Step 31

In the Groups pane, click on a group (client-group).

Step 32

In the Members pane, click Create Member.

Step 33

In the Create Member dialog box, choose Details, and perform the following actions:

  1. In the Instance Name field, enter the instance name (client1).

  2. In the Instance Boot Source drop-down list, choose the instance boot source (Boot from image).

  3. In the Image Name drop-down list, choose the image (cirros-web).

  4. Click Launch.

  5. In the Members pane, you can verify the newly created group (client-group).

Step 34

To view all instances, on the menu bar, choose Admin > System > Instances.