Installing and Configuring Licenses

This chapter describes how to install and configure licenses and includes the following sections:

Information About Licenses

Obtaining and Installing a License

Transferring Licenses

Uninstalling a License

Configuring Volatile Licenses

Verifying the License Configuration

Changing the Serial Number in a License

Feature History for Licenses

Information About Licenses

A Cisco Nexus 1000V license is required for each server CPU in your system. Evaluation licenses are available for a limited period as part of the VSM software installation. Permanent licenses can be purchased and then installed on your VSM. For more information, see Chapter 1, "Overview."

Obtaining and Installing a License

This section describes how to obtain the license file that is required for each VSM and then install it.

This section includes the following topics:

Flow Chart: Obtaining and Installing a License

Obtaining the License File

Installing the License File on the VSM

Verifying the License Configuration


Before beginning the procedures in this section, you must know or do the following:

A license file is tied to each VSM by the host ID or the serial number associated with the VSM device.

A license file contains the number of licenses ordered for your VSM. One license is required for each CPU on each VEM.

A VSM can have more than one license file depending on the number of installed VEM CPUs.

Flow Chart: Obtaining and Installing a License

Use the flow chart in Figure 1 to guide you through the process of installing a license on a VSM. After completing a procedure, return to the flow chart to make sure you complete all procedures in the correct sequence.

Figure 1 Flow Chart: Obtaining and Installing a License

Obtaining the License File

You can obtain a license file for a VSM.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

A license file is tied to each VSM by the host ID or the serial number of the VSM.

Make sure that you have your product authorization key (PAK), found in your software license claim certificate.

If you cannot locate your software license claim certificate, contact Cisco Technical Support.

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

This procedure requires you to copy a license file. Your username must have a role equal to that of network-admin that allows you to copy files.

For information about user accounts and roles, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Security Configuration Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).

When copying your license file to bootflash, make sure to use the .lic extension in lower case. If your filename extension is .LIC (upper case), it will not work,


Step 1 Obtain the serial number, also called the host ID, for your VSM:

n1000v# show license host-id
License hostid: VDH=1280389551234985805

Note The host ID includes everything that appears after the equal sign (=). In this example, the host ID is 1280389551234985805. You will need the host ID in Step 5.

Step 2 From your software license claim certificate, locate the product authorization key (PAK).

You will need the PAK in Step 5.

Step 3 Go to the Software Download website.

Step 4 From the Software Download website, go to the Product License Registration website.

Step 5 From the Product License Registration website, follow the instructions for registering your VSM license.

The license key file is sent to you in an e-mail. The license key authorizes use on only the host ID device. You must obtain separate license key file(s) for each of your VSMs.

Caution The license key file is invalidated if you modify it.

Step 6 Copy your license key file to bootflash on the VSM.

copy [source url] filename [destination filesystem:] filename

Note The file in bootflash: must have a filename that ends in .lic One that ends in .LIC will not work.

n1000v# copy scp:// bootflash: 
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered):'s password:
n1kv_license.lic                                   100%  252     0.3KB/s   00:00


Installing the License File on the VSM

You can use the procedure to install the license file(s) on a VSM. Installing multiple licenses is called stacking.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

This procedure installs the license file using the name, license_file.lic. You can specify a different name.

If you are installing multiple licenses for the same VSM, also called license stacking, make sure that each license key filename is unique.

Repeat this procedure for each additional license file you are installing, or stacking, on the VSM.

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You need to be logged in as a user with a role equal to that of network-admin to install a license.

For information about user accounts and roles, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Security Configuration Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).


1. install license bootflash: filename

2. show license file filename

3. show license usage package_name

4. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

install license bootflash: filename


n1000v# install license 
Installing license ..done 

Installs the license from the active VSM console.

Note If you specify a license filename, the file is installed with the specified name. Otherwise, the default filename is used.

Note The file in bootflash: must have a filename that ends in .lic One that ends in .LIC will not work.

The license is installed on the VSM and each VEM automatically acquires a license for every CPU socket.

Step 2 

show license file filename


n1000v# show license file license.lic

Verifies the license installation by displaying the license configured for the VSM.

Step 3 

show license usage package_name


n1000v#show license usage NEXUS1000V_LAN_SERVICES_PKG

Verifies the license installation by displaying it in the license usage table.

Note If you already have VEMs installed, the output of this command shows installed VEMs and sockets.

Step 4 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to display the license file:

n1000v# show license file license.lic
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
INCREMENT NEXUS1000V_LAN_SERVICES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent 10 \
        HOSTID=VDH=1575337335122974806 \
        NOTICE="<LicFileID>license.lic</LicFileID><LicLineID>0</LicLineID> \
        <PAK>PAK12345678</PAK>" SIGN=3AF5C2D26E1A

The following example shows how to display the license file usage:

n1000v# show license usage NEXUS1000V_LAN_SERVICES_PKG


Feature Usage Info


Installed Licenses : 10

Eval Licenses : 0

Max Overdraft Licenses : 16

Installed Licenses in Use : 4

Overdraft Licenses in Use : 0

Eval Licenses in Use : 0

Licenses Available : 22




VEM 3 - Socket 1

VEM 3 - Socket 2

VEM 4 - Socket 1

VEM 4 - Socket 2


Transferring Licenses

This section provides information about transferring licenses between VEMs and uninstalling a license. This section includes the following topics:

Transferring Licenses Between VEMs

Transferring Licenses to the License Pool

Transferring Licenses Between VEMs

You can transfer licenses from one VEM to another, after moving a VM from one host to another.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You know the VEM that you want to transfer licenses from and the number of licenses it has.

You know the VEM that you are transferring licenses to and the number of licenses required.

You know the number of CPUs installed on the destination VEM.

Licenses cannot be transferred to a VEM unless there are sufficient licenses in the pool for all CPUs on that VEM.

When licenses are successfully transferred from one VEM to another, then the virtual Ethernet interfaces on the source VEM are removed from service, and the virtual Ethernet interfaces on the destination VEM are brought into service.

For detailed information about the fields in the output of these commands, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Command Reference, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).


1. svs license transfer src-vem vem_no dst-vem vem_no

2. show license usage package_name



Step 1 

svs license transfer src-vem vem_no dst-vem vem_no


n1000v# svs license transfer src-vem 3 dst-vem 5


Transfers the licenses from one VEM to another.

Step 2 

show license usage package_name


n1000v#show license usage

Verifies the transfer by displaying the licenses in use on each VEM.


This example shows how to transfer a license from VEM 3 to VEM 5 and display the new license usage:

n1000v# svs license transfer src-vem 3 dst-vem 5


n1000v# show license usage NEXUS1000V_LAN_SERVICES_PKG


Feature Usage Info


Installed Licenses : 10

Eval Licenses :   0

Max Overdraft Licenses :  16

Installed Licenses in Use :   4

Overdraft Licenses in Use :  0

Eval Licenses in Use :  0

Licenses Available :    22




VEM 4 - Socket 1

VEM 4 - Socket 2

VEM 5 - Socket 1

VEM 5 - Socket 2


Transferring Licenses to the License Pool

You can transfer licenses from a VEM to the VSM license pool.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

All of the virtual Ethernet interfaces on the VEM are removed from service when its licenses are transferred to the license pool.

For detailed information about the fields in the output of these commands, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Command Reference, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).


1. svs license transfer src-vem vem no license_pool

2. show license usage package_name



Step 1 

svs license transfer src-vem vem_no license_pool


n1000v# svs license transfer src-vem 3 license_pool


Transfers the licenses from a VEM to the license pool.

Step 2 

show license usage package_name


n1000v# show license usage

Verifies the transfer by displaying the licenses in use on each VEM.


The following example shows how to display the licenses in use on each VEM. Notice that the licenses on VEM 3 are no longer in use.

n1000v#show license usage NEXUS1000V_LAN_SERVICES_PKG


Feature Usage Info


Installed Licenses : 10

Eval Licenses :   0

Max Overdraft Licenses : 16

Installed Licenses in Use :  2

Overdraft Licenses in Use :  0

Eval Licenses in Use :  0

Licenses Available :    24




VEM 4 - Socket 1

VEM 4 - Socket 2


Uninstalling a License

You can uninstall a license that is not in use.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

Note Service Disruption—When you uninstall a license file from a VSM, the vEthernet interfaces on the VEMs are removed from service and the traffic flowing to them from virtual machines is dropped. This traffic flow is not resumed until you add a new license file with licenses for the VEMs. We recommend that you notify the server administrator that you are uninstalling a license, and this action will cause the vEthernet interfaces to shut down.

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

If a license is in use, you cannot delete it. This procedure includes instructions for transferring all licenses from the VEMs to the VSM license pool before uninstalling the license file.

Only users with the network-admin role can uninstall licenses. For information on user accounts and roles, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Security Configuration Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).

For detailed information about the fields in the output of these commands, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Command Reference, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).


1. copy running-config tftp://server/path/filename

2. show license brief

3. show license usage package_name

4. svs license transfer src-vem vem no license_pool

5. Repeat 4. for each VEM.

6. clear license license_name

7. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

copy running-config tftp://server/path/filename


n1000v# copy running-config tftp:


Copies the VSM running configuration to a remote server.

Step 2 

show license brief


n1000v# show license brief

Identifies the name of the license file to uninstall.

Step 3 

show license usage package_name


n1000v#show license usage

Displays the licenses in use on each VEM so that you can transfer them back to the VSM license pool before uninstalling the license file.

Step 4 

svs license transfer src-vem vem no license_pool


n1000v# svs license transfer src-vem 3 

Transfers the licenses from the VEM back to the VSM license pool.

As the licenses are transferred from a VEM, its vEthernet interfaces are shut down and the following syslog is generated:


Step 5 

Repeat Step 4 for each VEM until all licenses in use have been transferred back to the VSM license pool.

Step 6 

clear license license_name


n1000v# clear license Enterprise.lic 
Clearing license Enterprise.lic:
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
Clearing license ..done

Begins the uninstall of the named license file.

In this example, the Enterprise.lic file is uninstalled.

Step 7 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


This example shows how to uninstall a license that is no longer in use. In this example, the file to uninstall is the Enterprise.lic file.

n1000v# show license brief

n1000v# show license usage NEXUS1000V_LAN_SERVICES_PKG


Feature Usage Info


Installed Licenses : 10

Eval Licenses : 0

Max Overdraft Licenses : 16

Installed Licenses in Use : 4

Overdraft Licenses in Use : 0

Eval Licenses in Use : 0

Licenses Available : 22




VEM 3 - Socket 1

VEM 3 - Socket 2

VEM 4 - Socket 1

VEM 4 - Socket 2


n1000v# svs license transfer src-vem 3 license_pool 
n1000v# clear license Enterprise.lic 
Clearing license Enterprise.lic:
SERVER this_host ANY
VENDOR cisco
Do you want to continue? (y/n) y
Clearing license ..done

n1000v(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Configuring Volatile Licenses

This section provides information about enabling and disabling the volatile license feature and includes the following sections:

Enabling Volatile Licenses

Disabling Volatile Licenses

Enabling Volatile Licenses

You can enable volatile licenses so that whenever a VEM is taken out of service its licenses are returned to the VSM pool of available licenses.

Note Service Disruption—Volatile licenses are removed from a VEM during a loss in connectivity and are not returned to the VEM when connectivity resumes. We recommend that the volatile licenses remain disabled and that you transfer unused licenses using the "Transferring Licenses to the License Pool" section.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

A volatile license is disabled by default. That is, by default, licenses are not returned to the VSM pool when a VEM is removed from service.


1. config t

2. svs license volatile

3. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Places you into global configuration mode.

Step 2 

svs license volatile


n1000v(config)# svs license volatile


Enables volatile licenses in the running configuration.

Step 3 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.

Disabling Volatile Licenses

You can disable volatile licenses so that when a VEM is taken out of service, its licenses are not returned to the VSM pool of available licenses.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

A volatile license is disabled by default. That is, by default, licenses are not returned to the VSM pool when a VEM is removed from service.

For detailed information about the fields in the output of these commands, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Command Reference, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).


1. config t

2. no svs license volatile

3. copy running-config startup-config



Step 1 

config t


n1000v# config t


Places you into CLI Global Configuration mode.

Step 2 

no svs license volatile


n1000v(config)# no svs license volatile


Disables volatile licenses in the running configuration.

Step 3 

copy running-config startup-config


n1000v(config)# copy running-config startup-config

(Optional) Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.

Verifying the License Configuration

To verify licenses configured in your system, enter one of the following commands:


show license

Displays the license configured for the VSM.

show license brief

Displays the license installed on the VSM.

show license file filename

Displays the license configured for the VSM.

show license usage

Displays the total number of licenses in use on the VEMs.

show license usage package_name

Displays statistics about the number of evaluation and permanent licenses available, installed, and in use on the VSM.

Changing the Serial Number in a License

You can change the serial number, or host ID, associated with a license. This process is also called rehosting and is required if you replace a VSM in your network with a new VSM.

This section includes the following topics:

Flow Chart: Changing the Serial Number in a License

Obtaining the License File

Installing the License File on the VSM

Verifying the License Configuration


Before beginning the procedures in this section, you must know or do the following:

Note Service Disruption—When you remove a VSM from your network, the vEthernet interfaces on the VEMs are removed from service and the traffic flowing to them from virtual machines is dropped. This traffic flow is not resumed until you add a new VSM and new license file with the new host ID.

You have a copy of your existing license file(s) with the host ID of the existing VSM.

A license file is tied to each VSM by the host ID, or the serial number, associated with the VSM device.

A license file contains the number of licenses ordered for your VSM. One license is required for each CPU on each VEM.

A VSM can have more than one license file depending on the number of installed VEM CPUs.

If you have multiple license files stacked on your VSM, repeat this process for each license file.

Flow Chart: Changing the Serial Number in a License

Use the flow chart in Figure 2 to guide you through the process required to change the serial number, or host ID, in an existing license. After completing a procedure, return to the flow chart to make sure you complete all procedures in the correct sequence.

Figure 2 Flow Chart: Changing the Serial Number in a License

Obtaining a License File for Rehosting

You can obtain a license file for a new VSM host, if the old VSM host is lost or destroyed.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

A license file is tied to each VSM by the host ID, or the VSM serial number.

You are logged in to the CLI in EXEC mode.

You must copy a license file. Your username must have the network-admin role that allows you to copy files. For information about user accounts and roles, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Security Configuration Guide, Release 4.0(4)SV1(2).


Step 1 Obtain the serial number, also called the host ID, for your new VSM:

n1000v# show license host-id
License hostid: VDH=1280389551234985805

Note The host ID number appears after the equal sign (=). In this example, the host ID is 1280389551234985805. You will need the host ID in Step 5.

Step 2 E-mail the following information to, requesting the license file be rehosted to the new host ID:

The new host ID

A copy of the existing license file from the old VSM

A new license key file, with the host ID of the new VSM, is sent to you in e-mail within 48 hours.

Note Do not modify the license key file. The license key file is invalidated if you modify it.

Step 3 Save your license to a TFTP server.

Step 4 Copy your license to bootflash on the VSM.

n1000v@ copy scp:// bootflash: 
Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered):'s password:
n1kv_license.lic                                   100%  252     0.3KB/s   00:00

Feature History for Licenses

This section provides the license release history.

Feature Name
Feature Information



This feature was introduced.

Evaluation licensing


Evaluation licenses are available as part of the software installation or upgrade. A separate evaluation license file no longer needs to be installed.

show license usage package_name command


The show license usage filename command output has been updated to display statistics about the number of evaluation and permanent licenses available, installed, and in use on the VSM.