
About Bash

In addition to the NX-OS CLI, Cisco Nexus 3600 devices support access to the Bourne-Again SHell (Bash). Bash interprets commands that you enter or commands that are read from a shell script. Using Bash enables access to the underlying Linux system on the device and to manage the system.

Guidelines and Limitations

The Bash shell has the following guidelines and limitations:

  • The binaries located in the /isan folder are meant to be run in an environment which is setup differently from that of the shell entered from the run bash command. It is advisable not to use these binaries from the Bash shell as the behavior within this environment is not predictable.

Accessing Bash

In Cisco NX-OS, Bash is accessible from user accounts that are associated with the Cisco NX-OS dev-ops role or the Cisco NX-OS network-admin role.

The following example shows the authority of the dev-ops role and the network-admin role:

switch# show role name dev-ops

Role: dev-ops
  Description: Predefined system role for devops access. This role
  cannot be modified.
  Vlan policy: permit (default)
  Interface policy: permit (default)
  Vrf policy: permit (default)
  Rule    Perm    Type        Scope               Entity
  4       permit  command                         conf t ; username *
  3       permit  command                         bcm module *
  2       permit  command                         run bash *
  1       permit  command                         python *
switch# show role name network-admin

Role: network-admin
  Description: Predefined network admin role has access to all commands
  on the switch
  Rule    Perm    Type        Scope               Entity
  1       permit  read-write

Bash is enabled by running the feature bash-shell command.

The run bash command loads Bash and begins at the home directory for the user.

The following examples show how to enable the Bash shell feature and how to run Bash.

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature bash-shell
switch# run?
  run         Execute/run program
  run-script  Run shell scripts

switch# run bash?
  bash  Linux-bash

switch# run bash 
bash-4.2$ whoami
bash-4.2$ pwd


You can also execute Bash commands with run bash command .

For instance, you can run whoami using run bash command :

run bash whoami

You can also run Bash by configuring the user shelltype :

username foo shelltype bash

This command puts you directly into the Bash shell.

Escalate Privileges to Root

The privileges of an admin user can escalate their privileges for root access.

The following are guidelines for escalating privileges:

  • Only an admin user can escalate privileges to root.

  • Bash must be enabled before escalating privileges.

  • Escalation to root is password protected.

  • SSH to the switch using root username through a non-management interface will default to Linux Bash shell-type access for the root user. Type vsh to return to NX-OS shell access.

NX-OS network administrator users must escalate to root to pass configuration commands to the NX-OS VSH if:

  • The NX-OS user has a shell-type Bash and logs into the switch with a shell-type Bash.

  • The NX-OS user logged into the switch in Bash continues to use Bash on the switch.

Run sudo su 'vsh -c "<configuration commands>"' or sudo bash -c 'vsh -c "<configuration commands>"'.

The example below demonstrates with network administrator user MyUser with a default shelltype Bash using sudo to pass configuration commands to the NX-OS:
ssh -l MyUser
-bash-4.2$ sudo vsh -c "configure terminal ; interface eth1/2 ; shutdown ; sleep 2 ; show interface eth1/2 brief"

Ethernet      VLAN    Type Mode   Status  Reason                   Speed     Port
Interface                                                                    Ch #
Eth1/2        --      eth  routed down    Administratively down      auto(D) --

The example below demonstrates with network administrator user MyUser with default shelltype Bash entering the NX-OS and then running Bash on the NX-OS:

ssh -l MyUser
-bash-4.2$ vsh -h
Cisco NX-OS Software
Copyright (c) 2002-2016, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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*  Nexus 3600 is strictly limited to use for evaluation, demonstration      *
*  and NX-OS education. Any use or disclosure, in whole or in part of     *
*  the Nexus 3600 Software or Documentation to any third party for any      *
*  purposes is expressly prohibited except as otherwise authorized by     *
*  Cisco in writing.                                                      *
switch# run bash
bash-4.2$ vsh -c "configure terminal ; interface eth1/2 ; shutdown ; sleep 2 ; show interface eth1/2 brief"

Ethernet      VLAN    Type Mode   Status  Reason                   Speed     Port
Interface                                                                    Ch #
Eth1/2        --      eth  routed down    Administratively down      auto(D) --

The following example shows how to escalate privileges to root and how to verify the escalation:

switch# run bash
bash-4.2$ sudo su root
bash-4.2# whoami
bash-4.2# exit

Examples of Bash Commands

This section contains examples of Bash commands and output.

Displaying System Statistics

The following example displays system statistics:

switch# run bash
bash-4.2$ cat /proc/meminfo 
MemTotal:       16402560 kB
MemFree:        14098136 kB
Buffers:           11492 kB
Cached:          1287880 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB
Active:          1109448 kB
Inactive:         717036 kB
Active(anon):     817856 kB
Inactive(anon):   702880 kB
Active(file):     291592 kB
Inactive(file):    14156 kB
Unevictable:           0 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB
SwapTotal:             0 kB
SwapFree:              0 kB
Dirty:                32 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        527088 kB
Mapped:            97832 kB

Running Bash from CLI

The following example runs ps from Bash using run bash command :

switch# run bash ps -el
4 S     0     1     0  0  80   0 -   528 poll_s ?        00:00:03 init
1 S     0     2     0  0  80   0 -     0 kthrea ?        00:00:00 kthreadd
1 S     0     3     2  0  80   0 -     0 run_ks ?        00:00:56 ksoftirqd/0
1 S     0     6     2  0 -40   - -     0 cpu_st ?        00:00:00 migration/0
1 S     0     7     2  0 -40   - -     0 watchd ?        00:00:00 watchdog/0
1 S     0     8     2  0 -40   - -     0 cpu_st ?        00:00:00 migration/1
1 S     0     9     2  0  80   0 -     0 worker ?        00:00:00 kworker/1:0
1 S     0    10     2  0  80   0 -     0 run_ks ?        00:00:00 ksoftirqd/1

Running Python from Bash

The following example shows how to load Python and configure a switch using Python objects:

switch# run bash
bash-4.2$ python
Python 2.7.5 (default, Oct  8 2013, 23:59:43)
[GCC 4.7.2] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from cisco import *
>>> from cisco.vrf import *
>>> from cisco.interface import *
>>> vrfobj=VRF('myvrf')
>>> vrfobj.get_name()
>>> vrfobj.add_interface('Ethernet1/3')
>>> intf=Interface('Ethernet1/3')
>>> print intf.config()

!Command: show running-config interface Ethernet1/3
!Time: Mon Nov 4 13:17:56 2013

version 6.1(2)I2(1)

interface Ethernet1/3
  vrf member myvrf

Installing RPMs from Bash


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

sudo yum installed | grep platform

Displays a list of the NX-OS feature RPMs installed on the switch.

Step 2

sudo yum list available

Displays a list of the available RPMs.

Step 3

sudo yum -y install rpm

Installs an available RPM.


The following is an example of installing the bfd RPM:

bash-4.2$ sudo yum list installed | grep n3600
base-files.n3600                        3.0.14-r74.2                   installed
bfd.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0                       installed
core.lib32_n3600                        1.0.0-r0                       installed
eigrp.lib32_n3600                       1.0.0-r0                       installed
eth.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0                       installed
isis.lib32_n3600                        1.0.0-r0                       installed
lacp.lib32_n3600                        1.0.0-r0                       installed
linecard.lib32_n3600                    1.0.0-r0                       installed
lldp.lib32_n3600                        1.0.0-r0                       installed
ntp.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0                       installed
nxos-ssh.lib32_n3600                    1.0.0-r0                       installed
ospf.lib32_n3600                        1.0.0-r0                       installed
perf-cisco.n3600_gdb                    3.12-r0                        installed
platform.lib32_n3600                    1.0.0-r0                       installed
shadow-securetty.n3600_gdb                         installed
snmp.lib32_n3600                        1.0.0-r0                       installed
svi.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0                       installed
sysvinit-inittab.n3600_gdb              2.88dsf-r14                    installed
tacacs.lib32_n3600                      1.0.0-r0                       installed
task-nxos-base.n3600_gdb                1.0-r0                         installed
tor.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0                       installed
vtp.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0                       installed
bash-4.2$ sudo yum list available
bgp.lib32_n3600                         1.0.0-r0
bash-4.2$ sudo yum -y install bfd


Upon switch reload during boot up, use the rpm command instead of yum for persistent RPMs. Otherwise, RPMs initially installed using yum bash or install CLI will show reponame or filename instead of installed .

Upgrading RPMs

Before you begin

There must be a higher version of the RPM in the Yum repository.


Command or Action Purpose

sudo yum -y upgrade rpm

Upgrades an installed RPM.


The following is an example of upgrading the bfd RPM:

bash-4.2$ sudo yum -y upgrade bfd

Downgrading an RPM


Command or Action Purpose

sudo yum -y downgrade rpm

Downgrades the RPM if any of the Yum repositories has a lower version of the RPM.


The following example shows how to downgrade the bfd RPM:

bash-4.2$ sudo yum -y downgrade bfd

Erasing an RPM


The SNMP RPM and the NTP RPM are protected and cannot be erased.

You can upgrade or downgrade these RPMs. It requires a system reload for the upgrade or downgrade to take effect.

For the list of protected rpms, see /etc/yum/protected.d/protected_pkgs.conf.


Command or Action Purpose

sudo yum -y erase rpm

Erases the RPM.


The following example shows how to erase the bfd RPM:

bash-4.2$ sudo yum -y erase bfd

Persistently Daemonizing an SDK- or ISO-built Third Party Process

Your application should have a startup bash script that gets installed in /etc/init.d/application_name. This startup bash script should have the following general format (for more information on this format, see

# <application_name> Short description of your application
# chkconfig: 2345 15 85
# description: Short description of your application
# Provides: <application_name>
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $named
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Description: Short description of your application
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
# Put your startup commands here
# Set RETVAL to 0 for success, non-0 for failure
# Put your stop commands here
# Set RETVAL to 0 for success, non-0 for failure
# Put your status commands here
# Set RETVAL to 0 for success, non-0 for failure
# Put your restart commands here
# Set RETVAL to 0 for success, non-0 for failure
echo $"Usage: $prog {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}"
exit $RETVAL

Persistently Starting Your Application from the Native Bash Shell


Step 1

Install your application startup bash script that you created above into /etc/init.d/application_name

Step 2

Start your application with /etc/init.d/application_name start

Step 3

Enter chkconfig --add application_name

Step 4

Enter chkconfig --level 3 application_name on

Run level 3 is the standard multi-user run level, and the level at which the switch normally runs.

Step 5

Verify that your application is scheduled to run on level 3 by running chkconfig --list application_name and confirm that level 3 is set to on

Step 6

Verify that your application is listed in /etc/rc3.d. You should see something like this, where there is an 'S' followed by a number, followed by your application name (tcollector in this example), and a link to your bash startup script in ../init.d/application_name

bash-4.2# ls -l /etc/rc3.d/tcollector

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Sep 25 22:56 /etc/rc3.d/S15tcollector -> ../init.d/tcollector


An Example Application in the Native Bash Shell

The following example demonstrates an application in the Native Bash Shell:

bash-4.2# cat /etc/init.d/
echo $$ > $PIDFILE
while true
    echo $(date) >> $OUTPUTFILE
    echo 'Hello World' >> $OUTPUTFILE
    sleep 10
bash-4.2# cat /etc/init.d/hello
# hello Trivial "hello world" example Third Party App
# chkconfig: 2345 15 85
# description: Trivial example Third Party App
# Provides: hello
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $named
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network
# Description: Trivial example Third Party App
# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
    /etc/init.d/ &
    kill -9 `cat $PIDFILE`
    ps -p `cat $PIDFILE`
    kill -9 `cat $PIDFILE`
    /etc/init.d/ &
echo $"Usage: $prog {start|stop|status|restart|force-reload}"
exit $RETVAL
bash-4.2# chkconfig --add hello
bash-4.2# chkconfig --level 3 hello on
bash-4.2# chkconfig --list hello
hello           0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off
bash-4.2# ls -al /etc/rc3.d/*hello*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Sep 27 18:00 /etc/rc3.d/S15hello -> ../init.d/hello
bash-4.2# reboot

After reload

bash-4.2# ps -ef | grep hello
root      8790     1  0 18:03 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /etc/init.d/
root      8973  8775  0 18:04 ttyS0    00:00:00 grep hello
bash-4.2# ls -al /tmp/hello*
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 205 Sep 27 18:04 /tmp/hello
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root   5 Sep 27 18:03 /tmp/
bash-4.2# cat /tmp/
bash-4.2# cat /tmp/hello
Sun Sep 27 18:03:49 UTC 2015
Hello World
Sun Sep 27 18:03:59 UTC 2015
Hello World
Sun Sep 27 18:04:09 UTC 2015
Hello World
Sun Sep 27 18:04:19 UTC 2015
Hello World
Sun Sep 27 18:04:29 UTC 2015
Hello World
Sun Sep 27 18:04:39 UTC 2015
Hello World