Working with Configuration Files

This chapter contains the following sections:

Finding Feature Information

Your software release might not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see the Bug Search Tool at https:/​/​​bugsearch/​ and the release notes for your software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “New and Changed Information” chapter or the Feature History table below.

Information About Configuration Files

Configuration files contain the Cisco NX-OS software commands used to configure the features on a Cisco NX-OS device. Commands are parsed (translated and executed) by the Cisco NX-OS software when the system is booted (from the startup-config file) or when you enter commands at the CLI in a configuration mode.

To change the startup configuration file, you can either save the running-configuration file to the startup configuration using the copy running-config startup-config command or copy a configuration file from a file server to the startup configuration.

Types of Configuration Files

The Cisco NX-OS software has two types of configuration files, running configuration and startup configuration. The device uses the startup configuration (startup-config) during device startup to configure the software features. The running configuration (running-config) contains the current changes that you make to the startup-configuration file. The two configuration files can be different. You might want to change the device configuration for a short time period rather than permanently. In this case, you would change the running configuration by using commands in global configuration mode but not save the changes to the startup configuration.

To change the running configuration, use the configure terminal command to enter global configuration mode. As you use the Cisco NX-OS configuration modes, commands generally are executed immediately and are saved to the running configuration file either immediately after you enter them or when you exit a configuration mode.

To change the startup-configuration file, you can either save the running configuration file to the startup configuration or download a configuration file from a file server to the startup configuration.

Related Tasks
Saving the Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration
Downloading the Startup Configuration From a Remote Server

Licensing Requirements for Configuration Files

The following table shows the licensing requirements for this feature:


License Requirement

Cisco NX-OS

Configuration files require no license. Any feature not included in a license package is bundled with the Cisco NX-OS system images and is provided at no extra charge to you. For a complete explanation of the Cisco NX-OS licensing scheme, see the Cisco NX-OS Licensing GuideCisco NX-OS Licensing Guide.

Managing Configuration Files

This section describes how to manage configuration files.

Saving the Running Configuration to the Startup Configuration

You can save the running configuration to the startup configuration to save your changes for the next time you that reload the device.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 show running-config

    switch# show running-config

    Displays the running configuration.

    Step 2 copy running-config startup-config

    switch# copy running-config startup-config

    Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.


    Copying a Configuration File to a Remote Server

    You can copy a configuration file stored in the internal memory to a remote server as a backup or to use for configuring other Cisco NX-OS devices.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 copy running-config scheme://server/[url /]filename

      switch# copy running-config 

      Copies the running-configuration file to a remote server.

      For the scheme argument, you can enter tftp:, ftp:, scp:, or sftp:. The server argument is the address or name of the remote server, and the url argument is the path to the source file on the remote server.

      The server, url, and filename arguments are case sensitive.

      Step 2 copy startup-config scheme://server/[url /]filename

      switch# copy startup-config 

      Copies the startup-configuration file to a remote server.

      For the scheme argument, you can enter tftp:, ftp:, scp:, or sftp:. The server argument is the address or name of the remote server, and the url argument is the path to the source file on the remote server.

      The server, url, and filename arguments are case sensitive.

      This example shows how to copy the bootflash file using FTP:
      switch# copy ftp: bootflash:
      Enter source filename: n5000-uk9-kickstart.5.0.2.N2.1.bin
      Warning: There is already a file existing with this name. Do you want to
      overwrite (y/n)?[n] y
      Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): management
      Enter hostname for the ftp server:
      Enter username: xxx
      ***** Transfer of file Completed Successfully *****
      Note: Boot variable kickstart is set to

      Downloading the Running Configuration From a Remote Server

      You can configure your Cisco NX-OS device by using configuration files that you created on another Cisco NX-OS device and uploaded to a remote server. You then download the file from the remote server to your device using TFTP, FTP, Secure Copy (SCP), or Secure Shell FTP (SFTP) to the running configuration.

      Before You Begin

      Ensure that the configuration file that you want to download is in the correct directory on the remote server.

      Ensure that the permissions on the file are set correctly. Permissions on the file should be set to world-read.

      Ensure that your Cisco NX-OS device has a route to the remote server. The Cisco NX-OS device and the remote server must be in the same subnetwork if you do not have a router or a default gateway to route traffic between subnets.

      Check connectivity to the remote server using the ping or ping6 command.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 copy scheme://server/[url/]filename running-config

        switch# copy tftp:// 

        Downloads the running-configuration file from a remote server.

        For the scheme argument, you can enter tftp:, ftp:, scp:, or sftp:. The server argument is the address or name of the remote server, and the url argument is the path to the source file on the remote server.

        The server, url, and filename arguments are case sensitive.

        Step 2 show running-config

        switch# show running-config

        Displays the running configuration.

        Step 3 copy running-config startup-config

        switch# copy running-config startup-config

        Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.

        Step 4 show startup-config

        switch# show startup-config

        Displays the startup configuration.


        Downloading the Startup Configuration From a Remote Server

        You can configure your Cisco NX-OS device by using configuration files that you created on another Cisco NX-OS device and uploaded to a remote server. You then download the file from the remote server to your device using TFTP, FTP, Secure Copy (SCP), or Secure Shell FTP (SFTP) to the startup configuration.


        This procedure disrupts all traffic on the Cisco NX-OS device.

        Before You Begin

        Log in to a session on the console port.

        Ensure that the configuration file that you want to download is in the correct directory on the remote server.

        Ensure that the permissions on the file are set correctly. Permissions on the file should be set to world-read.

        Ensure that your Cisco NX-OS device has a route to the remote server. The Cisco NX-OS device and the remote server must be in the same subnetwork if you do not have a router or a default gateway to route traffic between subnets.

        Check connectivity to the remote server using the ping or ping6 command.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1write erase

          switch# write erase

          Erases the startup configuration file.

          Step 2reload

          switch# reload
          This command will reboot the system. (y/n)?  [n] y
          Enter the password for "admin": <password>
          Confirm the password for "admin": <password>
          Would you like to enter the basic configuration 
          dialog (yes/no): n

          Reloads the Cisco NX-OS device.


          Do not use the setup utility to configure the device.

          Step 3 copy scheme://server/[url /]filename running-config

          switch# copy tftp:// 

          Downloads the running configuration file from a remote server.

          For the scheme argument, you can enter tftp:, ftp:, scp:, or sftp:. The server argument is the address or name of the remote server, and the url argument is the path to the source file on the remote server.

          The server, url, and filename arguments are case sensitive.

          Step 4copy running-config startup-config

          switch# copy running-config 

          Saves the running configuration file to the startup configuration file.

          Step 5 show startup-config

          switch# show startup-config

          Displays the running configuration.


          Copying Configuration Files to an External Flash Memory Device

          You can copy configuration files to an external flash memory device as a backup for later use.

          Before You Begin

          Insert the external Flash memory device into the active supervisor module.

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 dir {slot0: | usb1: | usb2:}[directory/]

            switch# dir slot0:

            Displays the files on the external flash memory device.

            Step 2 copy running-config {slot0: | usb1: | usb2:}[directory/]filename

            switch# copy running-config slot0:dsn-running-config.cfg

            Copies the running configuration to an external flash memory device. The filename argument is case sensitive.

            Step 3 copy startup-config {slot0: | usb1: | usb2:}[directory/]filename

            switch# copy startup-config slot0:dsn-startup-config.cfg

            Copies the startup configuration to an external flash memory device. The filename argument is case sensitive.


            Copying the Running Configuration from an External Flash Memory Device

            You can configure your Cisco NX-OS device by copying configuration files created on another Cisco NX-OS device and saved to an external flash memory device.

            Before You Begin

            Insert the external flash memory device into the active supervisor module.

               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 dir {slot0: | usb1: | usb2:}[directory/]

              switch# dir slot0:

              Displays the files on the external flash memory device.

              Step 2 copy {slot0: | usb1: | usb2:}[directory/]filename running-config

              switch# copy slot0:dsn-config.cfg running-config

              Copies the running configuration from an external flash memory device. The filename argument is case sensitive.

              Step 3 show running-config

              switch# show running-config

              Displays the running configuration.

              Step 4 copy running-config startup-config

              switch# copy running-config startup-config

              Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.

              Step 5 show startup-config

              switch# show startup-config

              Displays the startup configuration.


              Copying Configuration Files to an Internal File System

              You can copy configuration files to the internal memory as a backup for later use.

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 copy running-config [filesystem:][directory/] | [directory/]filename

                switch# copy running-config bootflash:sw1-run-config.bak 

                Copies the running-configuration file to internal memory.

                The filesystem, directory, and filename arguments are case sensitive.

                Step 2 copy startup-config [filesystem:][directory/] | [directory/]filename

                switch# copy startup-config bootflash:sw1-start-config.bak 

                Copies the startup-configuration file to internal memory.

                The filesystem, directory, and filename arguments are case sensitive.

                Related Information
                Copying Files

                Rolling Back to a Previous Configuration

                Problems, such as memory corruption, can occur that make it necessary for you to recover your configuration from a backed up version.


                Each time that you enter a copy running-config startup-config command, a binary file is created and the ASCII file is updated. A valid binary configuration file reduces the overall boot time significantly. A binary file cannot be uploaded, but its contents can be used to overwrite the existing startup configuration. The write erase command clears the binary file.

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1write erase

                  switch# write erase

                  Clears the current configuration of the switch.

                  Step 2reload

                  switch# reload

                  Restarts the device. You will be prompted to provide a kickstart and system image file for the device to boot and run.


                  By default, the reload command reloads the device from a binary version of the startup configuration.

                  Beginning with Cisco NX-OS 6.2(2), you can use the reload ascii command to copy an ASCII version of the configuration to the start up configuration when reloading the device.

                  Step 3 copy configuration_file running-configuration

                  switch# copy bootflash:start-config.bak running-configuration

                  Copies a previously saved configuration file to the running configuration.


                  The configuration_file filename argument is case sensitive.

                  Step 4copy running-config startup-config

                  switch# copy running-config startup-config

                  Copies the running configuration to the start-up configuration.


                  Removing the Configuration for a Missing Module

                  When you remove an I/O module from the chassis, you can also remove the configuration for that module from the running configuration.


                  You can only remove the configuration for an empty slot in the chassis.

                  Before You Begin

                  Remove the I/O module from the chassis.

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 show hardware

                    switch# show hardware

                    Displays the installed hardware for the device.

                    Step 2 purge module slot running-config

                    switch# purge module 3 running-config

                    Removes the configuration for a missing module from the running configuration.

                    Step 3 copy running-config startup-config

                    switch# copy running-config startup-config

                    Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.


                    Erasing a Configuration

                    You can erase the configuration on your device to return to the factory defaults.

                    You can erase the following configuration files saved in the persistent memory on the device:

                    • Startup

                    • Boot

                    • Debug


                    The write erase command erases the entire startup configuration, except for the following:

                    • Boot variable definitions
                    • The IPv4 configuration on the mgmt0 interface, including the following:
                      • Address
                      • Subnet mask

                    To remove the boot variable definitions and the IPv4 configuration on the mgmt0 interface, use the write erase boot command.

                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 write erase [boot | debug]

                      switch# write erase
                      Warning: This command will erase the startup-configuration.
                      Do you wish to proceed anyway? (y/n)  [n] y

                      Erases configurations in persistent memory. The default action erases the startup configuration.

                      The boot option erases the boot variable definitions and the IPv4 configuration on the mgmt0 interface.

                      The debug option erases the debugging configuration.


                      The running configuration file is not affected by this command.


                      Clearing Inactive Configurations

                      You can clear inactive Quality of Service (QoS) and/or access control list (ACL) configurations.

                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 show running-config type inactive-if-config

                        # show running-config ipqos inactive-if-config

                        Displays any inactive ACL or QoS configurations.

                        The values for the type argument are aclmgr and ipqos.

                        • aclmgr— Displays any inactive configurations for aclmgr.

                        • ipqos—Displays any inactive configurations for qosmgr.

                        Step 2 clear inactive-config policy

                        # clear inactive-config qos 
                        clear qos inactive config
                        Inactive if config for QoS manager is saved at/bootflash/qos_inactive_if_config.cfg 
                        for vdc default & for other than default vdc: /bootflash/vdc_x/qos_inactive_if_config.cfg (where x is vdc number)
                        you can see the log file @ show inactive-if-config log

                        Clears inactive configurations.

                        The values for the policy argument are qos and acl.

                        The following describes the values:

                        • qos—Clears inactive QoS configurations.

                        • acl— Clears inactive ACL configurations.

                        • acl qos—Clears inactive ACL configurations and inactive QoS configurations.

                        Step 3 show inactive-if-config log

                        # show inactive-if-config log

                        Displays the commands that were used to clear the inactive configurations.


                        Verifying the Device Configuration

                        To verify the configuration after bootstrapping the device using POAP, use one of the following commands:



                        show running-config

                        Displays the running configuration.

                        show startup-config

                        Displays the startup configuration.

                        For detailed information about the fields in the output from these commands, see the Cisco Nexus command reference for your device.

                        Examples of Working with Configuration Files

                        This section includes examples of working with configuration files.

                        Copying Configuration Files

                        This example shows how to copy a running configuration to the bootflash: file system:

                        switch# copy bootflash:running-config bootflash:my-config

                        Backing Up Configuration Files

                        This example shows how to back up the startup configuration to the bootflash: file system (ASCII file):

                        switch# copy startup-config bootflash:my-config

                        This example shows how to back up the startup configuration to the TFTP server (ASCII file):

                        switch# copy startup-config tftp://

                        This example shows how to back up the running configuration to the bootflash: file system (ASCII file):

                        switch# copy running-config bootflash:my-config

                        Rolling Back to a Previous Configuration

                        To roll back your configuration to a snapshot copy of a previously saved configuration, you need to perform the following steps:

                        1. Clear the current running image with the write erase command.

                        2. Restart the device with the reload command.


                          By default, the reload command reloads the device from a binary version of the startup configuration.

                          Beginning with Cisco NX-OS 6.2(2), you can use the reload ascii command to copy an ASCII version of the configuration to the start up configuration when reloading the device.

                        3. Copy the previously saved configuration file to the running configuration with the copy configuration_file running-configuration command.

                        4. Copy the running configuration to the start-up configuration with the copy running-config startup-config command.

                        Additional References for Configuration Files

                        This section includes additional information related to managing configuration files.

                        Related Documents for Configuration Files

                        Related Topic

                        Document Title


                        Cisco NX-OS Licensing Guide

                        Command reference

                        Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Command Reference