Managing Events

This chapter describes how to use the Event Browser and feature-specific Events tabs in Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM).

This chapter includes the following sections:

Information About Events

Licensing Requirements for the Event Browser

Prerequisites for Events

Guidelines and Limitations

Using the Event Browser and Events Tabs

Field Descriptions for Events

Related Documents

Feature History for the Event Browser and Events Tabs

Information About Events

DCNM allows you to view and manage recent status events. An event can be either of the following:

A status-related system message that DCNM retrieves from managed devices. For more information, see the "Logfile Requirements" section on page 1-6.

A message generated by the DCNM server.

The DCNM client includes the Event Browser and feature-specific Events tabs that appears in the Details pane for features that can have events. The Event Browser shows all recent status events while a feature-specific Events tab shows recent status events that pertain to the feature. The DCNM client updates the Event Browser and Events tabs dynamically when it receives new events from the server.

In the Event Browser and on Events tabs, you can change the status of an event, add notes to an event, or delete an event.

In addition, the Event Browser provides a pie chart and a bar chart of events separated by the event severity. You can also delete individual events from the events database.

To control the minimum severity of event messages, you configure the logging level for Cisco NX-OS features and for DCNM server features. For more information, see the "Cisco NX-OS System-Message Logging Requirements" section on page 1-6.

Note DCNM has minimum logging level requirements for managed Cisco NX-OS devices. Logging levels on a managed device should never be lower than the minimum requirements.

For more information about DCNM server logging levels, see Chapter 17, "Administering DCNM Server Log Settings."

Note Configuring DCNM server log settings does not affect logging levels on managed Cisco NX-OS devices.

Licensing Requirements for the Event Browser

The following table shows the licensing requirements for this feature:

License Requirement


The Event Browser requires no license. Any feature not included in a license package is bundled with the Cisco DCNM and is provided at no charge to you. For information about obtaining and installing a DCNM LAN Enterprise license, see the "Installing Licenses" section on page 2-7.

Prerequisites for Events

The Event Browser has the following prerequisites:

You should be familiar with Cisco NX-OS system messages.

Managed Cisco NX-OS devices must be configured to send system messages to the DCNM server.

Guidelines and Limitations

The Event Browser has the following configuration guidelines and limitations:

The Event Browser and feature-specific Events tabs display only status events, which are events generated when the status of a feature or object changes. For example, configuration events do not appear in the Event Browser or on an Events tab.

The Event Browser can display event messages that are no older than 24 hours when you start the DCNM client. By default, the DCNM client fetches from the server messages that are no older than 1 hour.

The Event Browser can display up to 2000 events. The events database is limited by the amount of space available to the database.

You cannot use DCNM to control the logging levels of managed Cisco NX-OS devices. For more information, see the "Cisco NX-OS System-Message Logging Requirements" section on page 1-6.

We recommend that you delete events that you no longer need or that you have resolved. For information about deleting old events from the events database, see the "Deleting Data from the Events Database" section on page 15-6.

Using the Event Browser and Events Tabs

Figure 10-1 shows the Event Browser content pane.

Figure 10-1 Event Browser Content Pane

This section includes the following topics:

Viewing the Event Browser

Applying and Removing an Event Filter

Viewing Events on an Events Tab

Changing the Status of an Event

Adding a Note to One or More Events

Deleting an Event

Viewing the Event Browser

You can use the Event Browser to view recent events and a summary chart of those events. By default, the Event Browser shows events that occurred up to 1 hour prior to starting the DCNM client. For more information, see the "Configuring the Maximum Age of Events Fetched from the Server" section on page 4-15.


To view the Event Browser, follow these steps:

Step 1 From the Feature Selector pane, choose Event Browser.

The event table appears in the Contents pane. A summary chart appears above the Feature Selector pane.

Step 2 (Optional) If you want to change the summary chart that appears, above the Feature Selector, choose one of the following Chart Type options, as needed:

Bar Chart

Pie Chart

The colors of the chart correspond to event severity levels, as indicated in the legend that appears above the chart.

Step 3 (Optional) If you want to sort or filter events, you can use one or more of the filtering features as described in the following table:

Event Sorting and Filtering Feature
How to Use

Alphabetical sorting by column

Click the column heading to cycle through the sorting options, as follows:

First click—Events are sorted by ascending alphabetical order for the values in the column.

Second click—Events are sorted by descending alphabetical order for the values in the column.

Third click—Events are not sorted by the values in the column.

Event Filter

See the "Applying and Removing an Event Filter" section.

Filter by Column Values

1. From the menu bar, choose View > Filter.

The column headings become drop-down lists.

2. From each column heading list that you want to use to filter events, choose the value that events appearing in the Event Browser must include.

Filter by text

In the Event Browser toolbar, enter the text that you want to use to filter the events.

The Event Browser shows only the events that contain the text that you enter.

Tip To configure quick filtering options, use the drop-down list of the Event Browser toolbar.

Step 4 (Optional) If you want to view details about a specific event, follow these steps:

a. Find the event in the event list.

b. Click the event.

c. Expand the Details pane, if necessary.

Details about the selected event appear in the Details pane.

d. (Optional) To read notes and messages about status changes to the event, read the information in the Action Log field.

Applying and Removing an Event Filter

You can filter events in the Event Browser by the following criteria:

Event date and time—By default, the DCNM client displays all events received after you started the DCNM client and for a configurable number of hours prior to starting the DCNM client (for more information, see the "Configuring the Maximum Age of Events Fetched from the Server" section on page 4-15).

Event severity—By default, the DCNM client displays events of all severities.

Note When you apply an event filter, the Events tab continues to display events when the DCNM server receives them. The filter criteria that you select only affect the Filtered Events tab.


If the message "Filter Applied" appears at the top of the Contents pane, the DCNM client is applying an event filter to the Event Browser.


To apply or remove an event filter in the Event Browser, follow these steps:

Step 1 View events in the Event Browser (see the "Viewing the Event Browser" section).

Step 2 If you want to apply an event filter, follow these steps:

a. From the menu bar, choose View > Event Filter.

b. Check the Apply Filter check box.

c. Configure the filter criteria.

d. Click OK.

A Filtered Events tab appears in the Event Browser. The tab displays the events that match the filtering criteria that you specified. The message "Filter Applied" appears at the top of the Contents pane.

Step 3 If you want to remove an event filter, follow these steps:

a. From the menu bar, choose View > Event Filter.

b. Uncheck the Apply Filter check box.

c. Click OK.

The Filtered Events tab disappears. No message appears at the top of the Contents pane.

Viewing Events on an Events Tab

You can view feature-specific events on the Events tab that appears in the Details pane for a feature. By default, an Events tab shows events received up to 1 hour prior to starting the DCNM client. For more information, see the "Configuring the Maximum Age of Events Fetched from the Server" section on page 4-15.


Typically, the Events tab appears when, in the Summary pane, you select an object that can have events associated with it. For example, if you select Interfaces > Physical > Ethernet from the Feature Selector pane, the Summary pane displays devices. Devices contain slots, and slots contain Ethernet ports. When you select a device, slot, or port, the Details pane displays an Events tab.

What you select in the Summary pane affects which events are shown in the tab. Continuing the Ethernet interface example, the scope of the events in the Events tab depends on what you select, as follows:

Device—Events that pertain to the selected device, any slot within the device, and any Ethernet interface within the slot.

Slot—Events that pertain to the selected slot and to any Ethernet interface within the slot.

Port—Events that pertain to the selected Ethernet interface.


To view an event on an Events tab, follow these steps:

Step 1 From the Feature Selector pane, choose the feature for which you want to view events.

For example, choose Interfaces > Physical > Ethernet.

Step 2 From the Summary pane, select an object.

The Events tab appears in the Details pane. In the Events tab, the events table appears.

Note If no Events tab appears, then DCNM cannot display events for the object you selected.

Step 3 (Optional) If you want to sort or filter events, you can use one or more of the filtering features as described in the following table:

Event Sorting and Filtering Feature
How to Use

Alphabetical sorting by column

Click the column heading to cycle through the sorting options, as follows:

First click—Events are sorted by ascending alphabetical order for the values in the column.

Second click—Events are sorted by descending alphabetical order for the values in the column.

Third click—Events are not sorted by the values in the column.

Filter by Column Values

1. From the menu bar, choose View > Filter.

The column headings become drop-down lists.

2. From each column heading list that you want to use to filter events, choose the value that events appearing in the Events tab must include.

Step 4 (Optional) If you want to view details about a specific event, follow these steps:

a. Find the event in the event list.

b. Click the event.

c. Expand the Details pane, if necessary.

Details about the selected event appear in the Details pane.

d. (Optional) To read notes and messages about status changes to the event, read the information in the Action Log field.

Changing the Status of an Event

You can change the status of an event to one of the following statuses:

Acknowledged—Shown as a green check mark.

Closed—Shown as a yellow folder.

By default, the status of new event is Open, which is indicated in the Annotation column by a green check mark with a red slash across it.


Select an event in the Event Browser or on an Events tab for a specific feature. For more information, see the "Viewing the Event Browser" section or the "Viewing Events on an Events Tab" section.


Step 1 In the event table, right-click the selected event.

Step 2 Choose Acknowledge or Open, as needed.

The new status appears in the Annotation column for the selected event.

In the Details pane, the message about the status change appears in the Action Log field.

Adding a Note to One or More Events

You can add a note to one or more events. Notes can contain 1 to 1000 characters.


Find the events to which you want to add a note. For more information, see the "Viewing the Event Browser" section or the "Viewing Events on an Events Tab" section.


To add a note to one or more events, follow these steps:

Step 1 Select one or more events. Do one of the following:

To select one event, click the one event that you want to select.

To select two or more adjacent events, click and drag across the events.

To select two more events, press and hold Ctrl and click each event.

Step 2 On one of the selected events, right-click and then choose Add Notes.

The Notes dialog box appears.

Step 3 Enter the note. You can enter up to 1000 case-sensitive, alphanumeric characters.

Step 4 Click OK.

The note appears in the Action Log field for each selected event.

Deleting an Event

You can delete one or more events from the Event Browser or a feature-specific Events tab. A deleted event no longer appears in the Event Browser or on a feature-specific Events tab; however, the event remains in the events database.

For information about deleting old events from the events database, see the "Deleting Data from the Events Database" section on page 15-6.


Select an event in the Event Browser or on an Events tab for a specific feature. For more information, see the "Viewing the Event Browser" section or the "Viewing Events on an Events Tab" section.


Step 1 In the event table, select one or more events that you want to delete.

Note To select more than one event, you can click and drag across the events or you can press and hold Ctrl and click each event.

Step 2 Right-click a selected event.

Step 3 Choose Remove Event.

The selected events disappear from the Event Browser.

Field Descriptions for Events

This section includes the following field descriptions for Events:

Events Table

Event Details

Events Table

The events table appears in the Event Browser and on feature-specific Events tabs.

Table 10-1 Events Table 



Display only. Name and IP address of the device that the event is related to.


Display only. Where the event message originated. Sources are either a feature on a managed Cisco NX-OS device or the DCNM server.


Display only. Name of the Cisco NX-OS or DCNM server feature that the event pertains to.


Display only. Date and time that the event occurred.


Display only. Severity of the event. Possible severities are as follows:










Display only. Text of the event.


Status of the event. Possible statuses are as follows:

Open—The default status of an event. You cannot assign an event the status of Open.



Event Details

Event details appear below the events table in the Event Browser and on feature-specific Events tabs.

Table 10-2 Event Details 


Event Type

Display only. Type of the event. Event types are categories that describe the general nature of the event. Possible event types are as follows:




Processing Error

Quality of Service



Action Log

Shows all actions taken on the event and all notes added to the event.

Life Cycle Type

Display only. Type of life cycle of the event. Possible life cycle types are as follows:

State Change

Attribute Value Change

Instance Creation

Instance Deletion


Related Documents

Related Topic
Document Title

Minimum required Cisco NX-OS logging levels

Logging Severity-Level Requirements, page 1-7

DCNM server log settings

Administering DCNM Server Log Settings, page 17-1

Deleting events from the events database

Deleting Data from the Events Database, page 15-6

Cisco NX-OS system messages

Cisco NX-OS System Messages Reference

Feature History for the Event Browser and Events Tabs

Table 10-3 lists the release history for this feature.

Table 10-3 Feature History for the Event Browser and Events Tabs

Feature Name
Feature Information

Event filter results shown in a Filtered Events tab


This feature was added to the Event Browser.

Event Browser and Events tabs


This feature was preexisting.