Configuring PFC QoS Statistics Data Export

This chapter describes how to configure PFC QoS statistics data export on Catalyst 6500 series switches.

Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, refer to the Cisco IOS Master Command List, Release 12.2SX at this URL:

This chapter contains these sections:

Understanding PFC QoS Statistics Data Export

PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Default Configuration

Configuring PFC QoS Statistics Data Export

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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Understanding PFC QoS Statistics Data Export

The PFC QoS statistics data export feature generates per-LAN-port and per-aggregate policer utilization information and forwards this information in UDP packets to traffic monitoring, planning, or accounting applications. You can enable PFC QoS statistics data export on a per-LAN-port or on a per-aggregate policer basis. The statistics data generated per port consists of counts of the input and output packets and bytes. The aggregate policer statistics consist of counts of allowed packets and counts of packets exceeding the policed rate.

The PFC QoS statistics data collection occurs periodically at a fixed interval, but you can configure the interval at which the data is exported. PFC QoS statistics collection is enabled by default, and the data export feature is disabled by default for all ports and all aggregate policers configured on the Catalyst 6500 series switch.

Note The PFC QoS statistics data export feature is completely separate from NetFlow Data Export and does not interact with it.

PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Default Configuration

Table 43-1 shows the PFC QoS statistics data export default configuration.

Table 43-1 PFC QoS Default Configuration 

Default Value
PFC QoS Data Export

Global PFC QoS data export


Per port PFC QoS data export


Per named aggregate policer PFC QoS data export


Per class map policer PFC QoS data export


PFC QoS data export time interval

300 seconds

Export destination

Not configured

PFC QoS data export field delimiter

Pipe character ( | )

Configuring PFC QoS Statistics Data Export

These sections describe how to configure PFC QoS statistics data export:

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Globally

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export for a Port

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export for a Named Aggregate Policer

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export for a Class Map

Setting the PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Time Interval

Configuring PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Destination Host and UDP Port

Setting the PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Field Delimiter

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Globally

To enable PFC QoS statistics data export globally, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export

Enables PFC QoS statistics data export globally.

Router(config)# no mls qos statistics-export

Disables PFC QoS statistics data export globally.

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

This example shows how to enable PFC QoS statistics data export globally and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export 
Router(config)# end 
% Warning: Export destination not set.
% Use 'mls qos statistics-export destination' command to configure the export destination
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 300 seconds
Export Delimiter : |
Export Destination : Not configured

Note You must enable PFC QoS statistics data export globally for other PFC QoS statistics data export configuration to take effect.

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export for a Port

To enable PFC QoS statistics data export for a port, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# interface type1  slot/port

Selects the interface to configure.

Step 2 

Router(config-if)# mls qos statistics-export

Enables PFC QoS statistics data export for the port.

Router(config-if)# no mls qos statistics-export

Disables PFC QoS statistics data export for the port.

Step 3 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 4 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

1 type = ethernet, fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet

This example shows how to enable PFC QoS statistics data export on FastEthernet port 5/24 and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# interface fastethernet 5/24 
Router(config-if)# mls qos statistics-export 
Router(config-if)# end 
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 300 seconds
Export Delimiter : |
Export Destination : Not configured
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:

When enabled on a port, PFC QoS statistics data export contains the following fields, separated by the delimiter character:

Export type ("1" for a port)


Number of ingress packets

Number of ingress bytes

Number of egress packets

Number of egress bytes

Time stamp

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export for a Named Aggregate Policer

To enable PFC QoS statistics data export for a named aggregate policer, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export aggregate-policer aggregate_policer_name

Enables PFC QoS statistics data export for a named aggregate policer.

Router(config)# no mls qos statistics-export aggregate-policer aggregate_policer_name

Disables PFC QoS statistics data export for a named aggregate policer.

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

This example shows how to enable PFC QoS statistics data export for an aggregate policer named aggr1M and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export aggregate-policer aggr1M 
Router(config)# end 
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 300 seconds
Export Delimiter : |
Export Destination : Not configured
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:
QoS Statistics Data export is enabled on following shared aggregate policers:

When enabled for a named aggregate policer, PFC QoS statistics data export contains the following fields, separated by the delimiter character:

Export type ("3" for an aggregate policer)

Aggregate policer name

Direction ("in")

PFC or DFC slot number

Number of in-profile bytes

Number of bytes that exceed the CIR

Number of bytes that exceed the PIR

Time stamp

Enabling PFC QoS Statistics Data Export for a Class Map

To enable PFC QoS statistics data export for a class map, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export class-map classmap_name

Enables PFC QoS statistics data export for a class map.

Router(config)# no mls qos statistics-export class-map classmap_name

Disables PFC QoS statistics data export for a class map.

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

This example shows how to enable PFC QoS statistics data export for a class map named class3 and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export class-map class3 
Router(config)# end 
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 300 seconds
Export Delimiter : |
Export Destination : Not configured
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:
QoS Statistics Data export is enabled on following shared aggregate policers:
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following class-maps:

When enabled for a class map, PFC QoS statistics data export contains the following fields, separated by the delimiter character:

For data from a physical port:

Export type ("4" for a classmap and port)

Class map name

Direction ("in")


Number of in-profile bytes

Number of bytes that exceed the CIR

Number of bytes that exceed the PIR

Time stamp

For data from a VLAN interface:

Export type ("5" for a class map and VLAN)

Classmap name

Direction ("in")

PFC or DFC slot number


Number of in-profile bytes

Number of bytes that exceed the CIR

Number of bytes that exceed the PIR

Time stamp

For data from a port channel interface:

Export type ("6" for a class map and port channel)

Class map name

Direction ("in")

PFC or DFC slot number

Port channel ID

Number of in-profile bytes

Number of bytes that exceed the CIR

Number of bytes that exceed the PIR

Time stamp

Setting the PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Time Interval

To set the time interval for the PFC QoS statistics data export, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export interval interval_in_seconds

Sets the time interval for the PFC QoS statistics data export.

Note The interval needs to be short enough to avoid counter wraparound with the activity in your configuration, but because exporting PFC QoS statistic creates a significant load on the switch, be careful when decreasing the interval.

Router(config)# no mls qos statistics-export interval interval_in_seconds

Reverts to the default time interval for the PFC QoS statistics data export.

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

This example shows how to set the PFC QoS statistics data export interval and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export interval 250 
Router(config)# end 
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 250 seconds
Export Delimiter : |
Export Destination : Not configured
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:
QoS Statistics Data export is enabled on following shared aggregate policers:
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following class-maps:

Configuring PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Destination Host and UDP Port

To configure the PFC QoS statistics data export destination host and UDP port number, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export destination {host_name | host_ip_address} {port port_number | syslog [facility facility_name] [severity severity_value]}

Configures the PFC QoS statistics data export destination host and UDP port number.

Router(config)# no mls qos statistics-export destination

Clears configured values.

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

Note When the PFC QoS data export destination is a syslog server, the exported data is prefaced with a syslog header.

Table 43-2 lists the supported PFC QoS data export facility and severity parameter values.

Table 43-2 Supported PFC QoS Data Export Facility Parameter Values 



kernel messages


cron/at subsystem


random user-level messages


reserved for local use


mail system


reserved for local use


system daemons


reserved for local use


security/authentication messages


reserved for local use


internal syslogd messages


reserved for local use


line printer subsytem


reserved for local use


netnews subsytem


reserved for local use


uucp subsystem


reserved for local use

Table 43-3 lists the supported PFC QoS data export severity parameter values.

Table 43-3 Supported PFC QoS Data Export Severity Parameter Values 

Severity Parameter



system is unusable



action must be taken immediately



critical conditions



error conditions



warning conditions



normal but significant condition






debug-level messages

This example shows how to configure as the destination host and syslog as the UDP port number and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export destination syslog 
Router(config)# end 
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 250 seconds
Export Delimiter : |
Export Destination :, UDP port 514 Facility local6, Severity debug
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:
QoS Statistics Data export is enabled on following shared aggregate policers:
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following class-maps:

Setting the PFC QoS Statistics Data Export Field Delimiter

To set the PFC QoS statistics data export field delimiter, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export delimiter delimiter_character

Sets the PFC QoS statistics data export field delimiter.

Router(config)# no mls qos statistics-export delimiter

Reverts to the default PFC QoS statistics data export field delimiter

Step 2 

Router(config)# end

Exits configuration mode.

Step 3 

Router# show mls qos statistics-export info

Verifies the configuration.

This example shows how to set the PFC QoS statistics data export field delimiter and verify the configuration:

Router# configure terminal 
Router(config)# mls qos statistics-export delimiter , 
Router(config)# end 
Router# show mls qos statistics-export info 
QoS Statistics Data Export Status and Configuration information
Export Status : enabled
Export Interval : 250 seconds
Export Delimiter : ,
Export Destination :, UDP port 514 Facility local6, Severity debug
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following ports:
QoS Statistics Data export is enabled on following shared aggregate policers:
QoS Statistics Data Export is enabled on following class-maps:

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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