Configuring COAP Proxy Server

Restrictions for the COAP Proxy Server

The following restrictions apply to COAP proxy server:

  • Switch cannot advertise itself as CoAP client using ipv6 broadcast (CSCuw26467).

  • Support for Observe Not Implemented.

  • Blockwise requests are not supported. We handle block-wise responses and can generate block-wise responses.

  • DTLS Support is for the following modes only RawPublicKey and Certificate Based.

  • Switch does not act as DTLS client. DTLS for endpoints only.

  • Endpoints are expected to handle and respond with CBOR payloads.

  • Client side requests are expected to be in JSON.

  • Switch cannot advertise itself to other Resource Directories as IPv6, due to an IPv6 broadcast

Information About the COAP Proxy Server

The COAP protocol is designed for use with constrained devices. COAP works in the same way on constrained devices as HTTP works on servers in accessing information.

The comparison of COAP and HTTP is shown below:

  • In the case of a webserver: HTTP is the protocol; TCP is the transport; and HTML is the most common information format transported.
  • In case of a constrained device: COAP is the protocol; UDP is the transport; and JSON/link-format/CBOR is the popular information format.

COAP provides a means to access and control device using a similar GET /POST metaphor and restful API as in HTTP.

How to Configure the COAP Proxy Server

To configure the COAP proxy server, you can configure the COAP Proxy and COAP Endpoints in the Configuration mode.

The commands are: coap [proxy | endpoints] .

Configuring the COAP Proxy

To start or stop the COAP proxy on the switch, perform the steps given below:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. coap proxy
  4. security [none [[ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {ip-address ip-mask/prefix } | list {ipv4-list name | ipv6-list-name }] | dtls [id-trustpoint {identity-trustpoint label }] [verification-trustpoint {verification-trustpoint } | [ ipv4 | ipv6 {ip-address ip-mask/prefix }] | list {ipv4-list name | ipv6-list-name }]]
  5. max-endpoints {number }
  6. port-unsecure {port-num }
  7. port-dtls {port-num }
  8. resource-directory [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {ip-address } ]
  9. list [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {list-name }
  10. start
  11. stop
  12. exit
  13. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

coap proxy


Device(config)# coap proxy

Enters the COAP proxy sub mode.


To stop the coap proxy and delete all configurations under coap proxy, use the no coap proxy command.

Step 4

security [none [[ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {ip-address ip-mask/prefix } | list {ipv4-list name | ipv6-list-name }] | dtls [id-trustpoint {identity-trustpoint label }] [verification-trustpoint {verification-trustpoint } | [ ipv4 | ipv6 {ip-address ip-mask/prefix }] | list {ipv4-list name | ipv6-list-name }]]


Device(config-coap-proxy)# security none ipv4

Takes the encryption type as argument. The two security modes supported are none and dtls
  • none - Indicates no security on that port.

    With security none , a maximum of 5 ipv4 and 5 ipv6 addresses can be associated.

  • dtls - The DTLS security takes RSA trustpoint and Verification trustpoint which are optional. Without Verification trustpoint it does the normal Public Key Exchange.

    With security dtls , a maximum of 5 ipv4 and 5 ipv6 addresses can be associated.


To delete all security configurations under coap proxy, use the no security command.

Step 5

max-endpoints {number }


Device(config-coap-proxy)#max-endpoints 10

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of endpoints that can be learnt on the switch. The default value is 10. The range is 1 to 500.


To delete all max-endpoints configured under coap proxy, use the no max-endpoints command.

Step 6

port-unsecure {port-num }


Device(config-coap-proxy)#port-unsecure 5683

(Optional) Configures a port other than the default 5683. The range is 1 to 65000.


To delete all port configurations under coap proxy, use the no port-unsecure command.

Step 7

port-dtls {port-num }


Device(config-coap-proxy)#port-dtls 5864

(Optional) Configures a port other than the default 5684.


To delete all dtls port configurations under coap proxy, use the no port-dtls command.

Step 8

resource-directory [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {ip-address } ]


Device(config-coap-proxy)#resource-directory ipv4

Configures a unicast upstream resource directory server to which the switch can act as a COAP client.

With resource-directory , a maximum of 5 of ipv4 and 5 ipv6, ip addresses can be configured.


To delete all resource directory configurations under coap proxy, use the no resource-directory command.

Step 9

list [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {list-name }


Device(config-coap-proxy)#list ipv4 trial_list

(Optional) Restricts the IP address range where the lights and their resources can be learnt. Creates a named list of ip address/masks, to be used in the security [ none | dtls ] command options above.

With list , a maximum of 5 ip-lists can be configured, irrespective of ipv4 or ipv6. We can configure a max of 5 ip addresses per ip-list.


To delete any ip list on the COAP proxy server, use the no list [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {list-name } command.

Step 10




Starts the COAP proxy on this switch.

Step 11




Stops the COAP proxy on this switch.

Step 12



Device(config-coap-proxy)# exit

Exits the COAP proxy sub mode.

Step 13



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring COAP Endpoints

To configure the COAP Proxy to support multiple IPv4/IPv6 static-endpoints, perform the steps given below:


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. coap endpoint [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {ip-address }
  4. exit
  5. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

coap endpoint [ ipv4 | ipv6 ] {ip-address }


Device(config)#coap endpoint ipv4
Device(config)#coap endpoint ipv6  2001::1

Configures the static endpoints on the switch.
  • ipv4 - Configures the IPv4 Static endpoints.

  • ipv6 - Configures the IPv6 Static endpoints.


To stop the coap proxy on any endpoint, use the no coap endpoint [ ipv4 |ipv6 ] {ip-address } command.

Step 4



Device(config-coap-endpoint)# exit

Exits the COAP endpoint sub mode.

Step 5



Device(config)# end

Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuration Examples for the COAP Proxy Server

Examples: Configuring the COAP Proxy Server

This example shows how you can configure the port number 5683 to support a maximum of 10 endpoints.

Device#coap proxy security none ipv4 port 5683 max-endpoints 10 


This example shows how to configure COAP proxy on ipv4 with no security settings.

Device(config-coap-proxy)# security ?
  dtls  dtls
  none  no security

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security none ?
  ipv4    IP address range on which to learn lights
  ipv6    IPv6 address range on which to learn lights
  list    IP address range on which to learn lights

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security none ipv4 ?
  A.B.C.D  {/nn || A.B.C.D}  IP address range on which to learn lights

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security none ipv4


This example shows how to configure COAP proxy on ipv4 with dtls id trustpoint security settings.

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls ?
  id-trustpoint DTLS RSA and X.509 Trustpoint Labels
  ipv4 IP address range on which to learn lights
  ipv6 IPv6 address range on which to learn lights
  list IP address range on which to learn lights

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint ?
  WORD  Identity TrustPoint Label

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint RSA-TRUSTPOINT ?
  verification-trustpoint  Certificate Verification Label

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint RSA-TRUSTPOINT

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls ?
  id-trustpoint DTLS RSA and X.509 Trustpoint Labels
  ipv4 IP address range on which to learn lights
  ipv6 IPv6 address range on which to learn lights
  list IP address range on which to learn lights

Device(config-coap-proxy)# security dtls ipv4


For configuring ipv4 / ipv6 / list , the id-trustpoint and (optional) verification-trustpoint , should be pre-configured, else the system shows an error.


This example shows how to configure a Trustpoint. This is a pre-requisite for COAP security dtls with id trustpoint configurations.

ip domain-name myDomain
crypto key generate rsa general-keys exportable label MyLabel modulus 2048

Device(config)#crypto pki trustpoint MY_TRUSTPOINT
Device(ca-trustpoint)#rsakeypair MyLabel 2048
Device(ca-trustpoint)#enrollment selfsigned

Device(config)#crypto pki enroll MY_TRUSTPOINT
% Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no
% Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no
Generate Self Signed Router Certificate? [yes/no]: yes


This example shows how to configure COAP proxy on ipv4 with dtls verification trustpoint (DTLS with certificates or verification trustpoints)

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls ?
  id-trustpoint DTLS RSA and X.509 Trustpoint Labels
  ipv4 IP address range on which to learn lights
  ipv6 IPv6 address range on which to learn lights
  list IP address range on which to learn lights

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint ?
  WORD  Identity TrustPoint Label

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint RSA-TRUSTPOINT ?
  verification-trustpoint  Certificate Verification Label

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint RSA-TRUSTPOINT verification-trustpoint ?
  WORD  Identity TrustPoint Label

Device(config-coap-proxy)#security dtls id-trustpoint RSA-TRUSTPOINT verification-trustpoint CA-TRUSTPOINT ?


This example shows how to configure Verification Trustpoint. This is a pre-requisite for COAP security dtls with verification trustpoint configurations.

Device(config)#crypto pki import CA-TRUSTPOINT pkcs12 flash:hostA.p12 password cisco123
% Importing pkcs12...
Source filename [hostA.p12]? 
Reading file from flash:hostA.p12
CRYPTO_PKI: Imported PKCS12 file successfully.


This example shows how to create a list named trial-list, to be used in the security [ none | dtls ] command options.

Device(config-coap-proxy)#list ipv4 trial_list
Device (config-coap-proxy-iplist)#
Device (config-coap-proxy-iplist)#
Device (config-coap-proxy-iplist)#
Device (config-coap-proxy-iplist)#exit
Device (config-coap-proxy)#security none list trial_list


This example shows all the negation commands available in the coap-proxy sub mode.

Device(config-coap-proxy)#no ?     
  ip-list             Configure IP-List
  max-endpoints       maximum number of endpoints supported
  port-unsecure       Specify a port number to use
  port-dtls           Specify a dtls-port number to use
  resource-discovery  Resource Discovery Server
  security            CoAP Security features


This example shows how you can configure multiple IPv4/IPv6 static-endpoints on the coap proxy.

Device (config)# coap endpoint ipv4
Device (config)# coap endpoint ipv4
Device (config)# coap endpoint ipv6 2001::1


This example shows how you can display the COAP protocol details.
Device#show coap version
CoAP version 1.0.0
RFC 7252 


Device#show coap resources
Link format data = 


Device#show coap globals 
Coap System Timer Values : 
	  Discovery  : 120 sec
	  Cache Exp  : 5 sec
	  Keep Alive : 120 sec
	  Client DB  : 60 sec
  	Query Queue: 500 ms
	  Ack delay  : 500 ms
	  Timeout    : 5 sec

Max Endpoints      : 10
Resource Disc Mode : POST


Device#show coap stats 
Coap Stats :
Endpoints : 2
Requests : 20
Ext Queries : 0


Device#show coap endpoints 
List of all endpoints : 

Code : D - Discovered , N - New
#	   Status 		Age(s)	 LastWKC(s)	 IP
1 	  D 		     10 	    94
2 	  D 		     6 	     34

Endpoints - Total : 2 Discovered : 2 New : 0 


Device#show coap dtls-endpoints 
#     Index State  String State     Value   Port IP
1     3     SSLOK       3           48969
2     2     SSLOK       3           53430
3     4     SSLOK       3           54133
4     7     SSLOK       3           48236


This example shows all options available to debug the COAP protocol.

Device#debug coap ?
all       Debug CoAP all
database  Debug CoAP Database
errors    Debug CoAP errors
events    Debug CoAP events
packet    Debug CoAP packet
trace     Debug CoAP Trace
warnings  Debug CoAP warnings

Monitoring COAP Proxy Server

To display the COAP protocol details, use the commands in the following table:

Table 1. Commands to Display to COAP specific data

show coap version

Shows the IOS COAP version and the RFC information.

show coap resources

Shows the resources of the switch and those learnt by it.

show coap endpoints

Shows the endpoints which are discovered and learnt.

show coap globals

Shows the timer values and end point values.

show coap stats

Shows the message counts for endpoints, requests and external queries.

show coap dtls-endpoints

Shows the dtls endpoint status.

Table 2. Commands to Clear COAP Commands

clear coap database

Clears the COAP learnt on the switch, and the internal database of endpoint information.

To debug the COAP protocol, use the commands in the following table:

Table 3. Commands to Debug COAP protocol

debug coap database

Debugs the COAP database output.

debug coap errors

Debugs the COAP errors output.

debug coap events

Debugs the COAP events output.

debug coap packets

Debugs the COAP packets output.

debug coap trace

Debugs the COAP traces output.

debug coap warnings

Debugs the COAP warnings output.

debug coap all

Debugs all the COAP output.


If you wish to disable the debugs, prepend the command with a "no " keyword.

Feature Information for COAP

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Table 4. Feature Information for COAP

Feature Name


Feature Information


Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

The COAP protocol is designed for use with constrained devices. COAP works in the same way on constrained devices as HTTP works on servers in accessing information.