Configuring Communication Services

This chapter includes the following sections:

Configuring HTTP

Before You Begin

You must log in as a user with admin privileges to configure HTTP.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1Server# scope http  

    Enters the HTTP command mode.

    Step 2Server /http # set enabled {yes | no}  

    Enables or disables HTTP and HTTPS service on the Cisco IMC.

    Step 3Server /http # set http-port number  

    Sets the port to use for HTTP communication. The default is 80.

    Step 4Server /http # set https-port number  

    Sets the port to use for HTTPS communication. The default is 443.

    Step 5Server /http # set http-redirect {yes | no}  

    Enables or disables the redirection of an HTTP request to HTTPS.

    Step 6Server /http # set timeout seconds  

    Sets the number of seconds to wait between HTTP requests before the Cisco IMC times out and terminates the session.

    Enter an integer between 60 and 10,800. The default is 1,800 seconds.

    Step 7Server /http # commit  

    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


    This example configures HTTP for the Cisco IMC:

    Server# scope http
    Server /http # set enabled yes
    Server /http *# set http-port 80
    Server /http *# set https-port 443
    Server /http *# set http-redirect yes
    Server /http *# set timeout 1800
    Server /http *# commit
    Server /http # show
    HTTP Port  HTTPS Port Timeout  Active Sessions Enabled HTTP Redirected  
    ---------- ---------- -------- --------------- ------- ---------------- 
    80         443        1800     0               yes     yes   
    Server /http #         

    Configuring SSH

    Before You Begin

    You must log in as a user with admin privileges to configure SSH.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1Server# scope ssh  

      Enters the SSH command mode.

      Step 2Server /ssh # set enabled {yes | no}  

      Enables or disables SSH on the Cisco IMC.

      Step 3Server /ssh # set ssh-port number  

      Sets the port to use for secure shell access. The default is 22.

      Step 4Server /ssh # set timeout seconds  

      Sets the number of seconds to wait before the system considers an SSH request to have timed out.

      Enter an integer between 60 and 10,800. The default is 300 seconds.

      Step 5Server /ssh # commit  

      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

      Step 6Server /ssh # show [detail]  

      (Optional) Displays the SSH configuration.


      This example configures SSH for the Cisco IMC:

      Server# scope ssh
      Server /ssh # set enabled yes
      Server /ssh *# set ssh-port 22
      Server /ssh *# set timeout 600
      Server /ssh *# commit
      Server /ssh # show
      SSH Port   Timeout  Active Sessions Enabled 
      ---------- -------- --------------- ------- 
      22         600      1               yes     
      Server /ssh #         

      Configuring XML API

      XML API for Cisco IMC

      The Cisco Cisco IMC XML application programming interface (API) is a programmatic interface to Cisco IMC for a C-Series Rack-Mount Server. The API accepts XML documents through HTTP or HTTPS.

      For detailed information about the XML API, see Cisco UCS Rack-Mount Servers Cisco IMC XML API Programmer’s Guide.

      Enabling XML API

      Before You Begin

      You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this task.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1Server# scope xmlapi  

        Enters XML API command mode.

        Step 2Server /xmlapi # set enabled {yes | no}  

        Enables or disables XML API control of Cisco IMC.

        Step 3Server /xmlapi # commit  

        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


        This example enables XML API control of Cisco IMC and commits the transaction:

        Server# scope xmlapi
        Server /xmlapi # set enabled yes
        Server /xmlapi *# commit
        Server /xmlapi #  show detail
        XMLAPI Settings:
            Enabled: yes
            Active Sessions: 0
            Max Sessions: 4
        Server /xmlapi #  

        Enabling Redfish

        Before You Begin

        You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this task.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1Server# scope redfish  

          Enters redfish command mode.

          Step 2Server /redfish # set enabled {yes | no}  

          Enables or disables redfish control of Cisco IMC.

          Step 3Server /redfish* # commit  

          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


          This example enables redfish control of Cisco IMC and commits the transaction:

          Server# scope redfish
          Server /redfish # set enabled yes
          Server /redfish *# commit
          Server /redfish #  show detail
          REDFISH Settings:
              Enabled: yes
              Active Sessions: 0
              Max Sessions: 4
          Server /redfish #  

          Configuring IPMI

          IPMI Over LAN

          Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) defines the protocols for interfacing with a service processor embedded in a server platform. This service processor is called a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) and resides on the server motherboard. The BMC links to a main processor and other on-board elements using a simple serial bus.

          During normal operations, IPMI lets a server operating system obtain information about system health and control system hardware. For example, IPMI enables the monitoring of sensors, such as temperature, fan speeds and voltages, for proactive problem detection. If server temperature rises above specified levels, the server operating system can direct the BMC to increase fan speed or reduce processor speed to address the problem.

          Configuring IPMI over LAN

          Configure IPMI over LAN when you want to manage the Cisco IMC with IPMI messages.

          Before You Begin

          You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1Server# scope ipmi  

            Enters the IPMI command mode.

            Step 2Server /ipmi # set enabled {yes | no}  

            Enables or disables IPMI access on this server.

            Step 3Server /ipmi # set privilege-level {readonly | user | admin}  
            Specifies the highest privilege level that can be assigned to an IPMI session on this server. This can be:
            • readonly — IPMI users can view information but cannot make any changes. If you select this option, IPMI users with the "Administrator", "Operator", or "User" user roles can only create read-only IPMI sessions, regardless of their other IPMI privileges.

            • user — IPMI users can perform some functions but cannot perform administrative tasks. If you select this option, IPMI users with the "Administrator" or "Operator" user role can create user and read-only sessions on this server.

            • admin — IPMI users can perform all available actions. If you select this option, IPMI users with the "Administrator" user role can create admin, user, and read-only sessions on this server.

            Step 4Server /ipmi # set encryption-key key  

            Sets the IPMI encryption key to use for IPMI communications. The key value must be 40 hexadecimal numbers.

            Step 5Server /ipmi # commit  

            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

            Step 6Server /ipmi # randomise-key  
            Sets the IPMI encryption key to a random value.

            You can perform the Step 6 action instead of Steps 4 and 5.

            Step 7At the prompt, enter y to randomize the encryption key.  

            Sets the IPMI encryption key to a random value.


            This example configures IPMI over LAN for the Cisco IMC:

            Server# scope ipmi
            Server /ipmi # set enabled yes
            Server /ipmi *# set privilege-level admin
            Server /ipmi *# set encryption-key abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef
            Server /ipmi *# commit
            Server /ipmi *# show
            Enabled Encryption Key                           Privilege Level Limit
            ------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------
            yes     ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF01234567890ABCDEF admin
            Server /ipmi # randomise-key
            This operation will change the IPMI Encryption Key to a random value
            Setting IPMI Encryption Key to a random value...
            Server /ipmi # show
            Enabled Encryption Key                           Privilege Level Limit 
            ------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------- 
            yes     abcdef01234567890abcdef01234567890abcdef admin              
            Server /ipmi #         

            Configuring SNMP


            The Cisco UCS C-Series Rack-Mount Servers support the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) for viewing server configuration and status and for sending fault and alert information by SNMP traps. For information on Management Information Base (MIB) files supported by Cisco IMC, see the MIB Quick Reference for Cisco UCS at this URL: http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​td/​docs/​unified_computing/​ucs/​sw/​mib/​b-series/​b_​UCS_​MIBRef.html.

            Configuring SNMP Properties

            Before You Begin

            You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this task.

               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1Server# scope snmp  

              Enters SNMP command mode.

              Step 2Server /snmp # set enabled {yes | no}  

              Enables or disables SNMP.


              SNMP must be enabled and saved before additional SNMP configuration commands are accepted.

              Step 3Server /snmp # commit  

              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

              Step 4Server /snmp # set enable-serial-num {yes | no}  

              Prefixes the traps with the serial number of the server.

              Step 5Server /snmp # set snmp-port port number  

              Sets the port number on which the SNMP agent runs. You can choose a number within the range 1 to 65535. The default port number is 161.

              Note    The port numbers that are reserved for system calls, such as 22,23,80,123,443,623,389,636,3268,3269 and 2068, cannot be used as an SNMP port.
              Step 6Server /snmp # set community-str community  

              Specifies the default SNMP v1 or v2c community name that Cisco IMC includes on any trap messages it sends to the SNMP host. The name can be up to 18 characters.

              Step 7Server /snmp # set community-access  

              This can be one of the following : Disabled, Limited, or Full.

              Step 8Server /snmp # set trap-community-str  

              Specifies the SNMP community group to which trap information should be sent. The name can be up to 18 characters

              Step 9Server /snmp # set sys-contact contact  

              Specifies the system contact person responsible for the SNMP implementation. The contact information can be up to 254 characters, such as an email address or a name and telephone number. To enter a value that contains spaces, you must enclose the entry with quotation marks.

              Step 10Server /snmp # set sys-location location  

              Specifies the location of the host on which the SNMP agent (server) runs. The location information can be up to 254 characters. To enter a value that contains spaces, you must enclose the entry with quotation marks.

              Step 11Server /snmp # commit  

              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


              This example configures the SNMP properties and commits the transaction:

              Server# scope snmp
              Server /snmp # set enabled yes
              Server /snmp *# commit
              Server /snmp *# set enable-serial-num yes
              Server /snmp *# set snmp-port 20000
              Server /snmp *# set community-str cimcpublic
              Server /snmp *# set community-access Full
              Server /snmp *# set trap-community-str public
              Server /snmp *# set sys-contact "User Name <> +1-408-555-1212"
              Server /snmp *# set sys-location "San Jose, California"
              Server /snmp *# commit
              Server /snmp #  show detail
              SNMP Settings:
                  SNMP Port: 20000	
                  System Contact: User Name <> +1-408-555-1212
                  System Location: San Jose, California
                  SNMP Community: cimcpublic
                  SNMP Trap Community: public
              				SNMP Community access: Full
                  Enabled: yes
                  Serial Number Enabled: yes
              Server /snmp #  
              What to Do Next

              Configure SNMP trap settings as described in Configuring SNMP Trap Settings.

              Configuring SNMP Trap Settings

              Before You Begin

              • You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.

              • SNMP must be enabled and saved before trap settings can be configured.

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1Server# scope snmp  

                Enters the SNMP command mode.

                Step 2Server /snmp # scope trap-destinations number  

                Enters the SNMP trap destination command mode for the specified destination. Four SNMP trap destinations are available. The destination number is an integer between 1 and 15.

                Step 3Server /snmp/trap-destinations # set enabled {yes | no}  

                Enables or disables the SNMP trap destination.

                Step 4Server /snmp/trap-destinations # set version { | 2 | 3}  

                Specify the desired SNMP version of the trap message.


                SNMPv3 traps will be delivered only to locations where the SNMPv3 user and key values are configured correctly.

                Step 5Server /snmp/trap-destinations # set type {trap | inform}  

                Specifies whether SNMP notification messages are sent as simple traps or as inform requests requiring acknowledgment by the receiver.


                The inform option can be chosen only for V2 users.

                Step 6Server /snmp/trap-destinations # set user user    
                Step 7Server /snmp/trap-destination # set trap-addr trap destination address   Specifies the trap destination address to which the trap information is sent. You can set an IPv4 or IPv6 address or a domain name as the trap destination.

                When IPv6 is enabled, the SNMP Trap destination source address can either be the SLAAC IPv6 address (if available) or a user assigned IPv6 address. Both these are valid SNMP IPv6 destination addresses that uniquely identify the server.

                Step 8Server /snmp/trap-destinations # set trap-port trap destination port   Sets the port number the server uses to communicate with the trap destination. You can choose a number within the range 1 to 65535.  
                Step 9Server /snmp/trap-destination # commit  

                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                This example configures general SNMP trap settings and trap destination number 1 and commits the transaction:

                Server# scope snmp
                Server /snmp # Scope trap-destinations 1
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *# set enabled yes
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *#  set version 2
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *# set type inform
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *# set user user1
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *# set trap-addr
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *# set trap-port 10000
                Server /snmp/trap-destination *# commit
                Server /snmp/trap-destination # show detail
                Trap Destination 1:
                    Enabled: yes
                    SNMP version: 2
                    Trap type: inform
                    SNMP user: user1
                    Trap Address:
                				Trap Port: 10000
                    Delete Trap: no
                Server /snmp/trap-destination #      

                Sending a Test SNMP Trap Message

                Before You Begin

                You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1Server# scope snmp  

                  Enters the SNMP command mode.

                  Step 2Server /snmp # send-test-trap  

                  Sends an SNMP test trap to the configured SNMP trap destination that are enabled.


                  The trap must be configured and enabled in order to send a test message.


                  This example sends a test message to all the enabled SNMP trap destinations:

                  Server# scope snmp
                  Server /snmp #  send-test-trap
                  SNMP Test Trap sent to the destination. 
                  Server /snmp #   

                  Configuring SNMPv3 Users

                  Before You Begin

                  • You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this task.

                  • SNMP must be enabled and saved before these configuration commands are accepted.

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1Server# scope snmp  

                    Enters the SNMP command mode.

                    Step 2Server /snmp # scope v3users number  

                    Enters the SNMPv3 users command mode for the specified user number.

                    Step 3Server /snmp/v3users # set v3add {yes | no}  

                    Adds or deletes an SNMPv3 user. This can be one of the following:

                    • yes—This user is enabled as an SNMPv3 user and is allowed to access the SNMP OID tree.


                      The security name and security level must also be configured at this time or the user addition will fail.

                    • no—This user configuration is deleted.

                    Step 4Server /snmp/v3users # set v3security-name security-name  

                    Enter an SNMP username for this user.

                    Step 5Server /snmp/v3users # set v3security-level {noauthnopriv | authnopriv | authpriv}  

                    Select a security level for this user. This can be one of the following:

                    • noauthnopriv—The user does not require an authorization or privacy password.

                    • authnopriv—The user requires an authorization password but not a privacy password. If you select this option, you must configure an authentication key.

                    • authpriv—The user requires both an authorization password and a privacy password. If you select this option, you must configure an authentication key and a private encryption key.

                    Step 6Server /snmp/v3users # set v3proto {MD5 | SHA}  

                    Select an authentication protocol for this user.

                    Step 7Server /snmp/v3users # set v3auth-key auth-key  

                    Enter an authorization password for this user.

                    Step 8Server /snmp/v3users # set v3priv-proto {DES | AES}  

                    Select an encryption protocol for this user.

                    Step 9Server /snmp/v3users # set v3priv-auth-key priv-auth-key  

                    Enter a private encryption key (privacy password) for this user.

                    Step 10Server /snmp/v3users # commit  

                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                    This example configures SNMPv3 user number 2 and commits the transaction:

                    Server# scope snmp
                    Server /snmp # scope v3users 2
                    Server /snmp/v3users # set v3add yes
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# set v3security-name ucsSNMPV3user
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# set v3security-level authpriv
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# set v3proto SHA
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# set v3auth-key 
                    Please enter v3auth-key:ex4mp1ek3y
                    Please confirm v3auth-key:ex4mp1ek3y
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# set v3priv-proto AES
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# set v3priv-auth-key 
                    Please enter v3priv-auth-key:!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8
                    Please confirm v3priv-auth-key:!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8
                    Server /snmp/v3users *# commit
                    Settings are being applied ... allow a few minutes for the process to complete
                    Server /snmp/v3users # show detail
                    User 2:
                        Add User: yes
                        Security Name: ucsSNMPV3user
                        Security Level: authpriv
                        Auth Type: SHA
                        Auth Key: ******
                        Encryption: AES
                        Private Key: ******
                    Server /snmp/v3users #      

                    Configuring a Server to Send Email Alerts Using SMTP

                    The Cisco IMC supports email-based notification of server faults to recipients without relying on the SNMP. The system uses the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send server faults as email alerts to the configured SMTP server.

                    A maximum of four recipients is supported.

                    Configuring SMTP Servers for Receiving E-Mail Alerts

                    Before You Begin

                    You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this task.

                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1Server# scope smtp  

                      Enters the SMTP command mode.

                      Step 2Server /smtp # set enabled {yes | no}  

                      Enables or disables the SMTP feature.

                      Step 3Server /smtp * # set server-addr IP_Address  

                      Assigns the SMTP server IP address.

                      Step 4Server /smtp * # set fault-severity {critical | major | minor | warning | condition}  

                      Assigns the fault severity to the mail alerts.

                      Step 5Server /smtp * # set port port_number  

                      Sets the port number for the SMTP server.

                      Step 6Server /smtp * # commit  

                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                      Step 7Server /smtp # set-mail-addr {recipient1 | recipient2 | recipient3 | recipient4} email_address  

                      Sends a test mail alert to the email address assigned to the chosen recipient.

                      Step 8Server /smtp # send-test-mail recipient1  

                      Sends a test mail alert to the email address assigned to the chosen recipient.


                      This example shows how to configure SMTP for receiving mail alerts:

                      Server # scope smtp 
                      Server /smtp # set enabled yes
                      Server /smtp *# set server-addr
                      Server /smtp *# set fault-severity major
                      Server /smtp *# set port 25
                      There is no change in the configured port number.
                      Please verify if you wish to choose a different one before commit.
                      Server /smtp *# commit
                      Server /smtp # set-mail-addr recipient1
                      Server /smtp # show detail 
                      SMTP Setting:
                          Enabled: yes
                          Port Number: 25
                          Server Address:
                          Minimum Severity to Report: critical
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                      Server /smtp # send-test-mail recipient1
                      Test mail sent Successful.
                      Server /smtp # show detail 
                      SMTP Setting:
                          Enabled: yes
                          Port Number: 25
                          Server Address:
                          Minimum Severity to Report: critical
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: yes
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                              Name     :
                              Reachable: na
                      Server /smtp #