Server Utilities

This chapter includes the following sections:

Enabling Or Disabling Smart Access USB

When you enable the smart access USB feature, the front panel USB device disconnects from the host operating system and connects to Cisco IMC. After enabling the smart access USB feature, you can use the front panel USB device to export technical support data, import or export Cisco IMC configuration, or update Cisco IMC, BIOS, and VIC firmware.

The supported file systems for smart access USB are as follows:

  • EXT2

  • EXT3

  • EXT 4

  • FAT 32

  • FAT 16

  • DOS


Huge file support is not supported in BMC. For EXT 4 file system, huge file support has to be turned off.

Before You Begin

You must be logged in with admin privileges to perform this task.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1Server # scope cimc  

    Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

    Step 2Server /cimc # scope smart-access-usb  

    Enters the smart access USB command mode.

    Step 3Server /cimc/smart-access-usb # set enabled { yes | no }  

    set enabled yes enables smart access USB. set enabled no disables the smart access USB.

    When you enable the smart access usb feature, the front panel USB device disconnects from the host operating system. When you disable the smart access usb feature, the front panel USB device disconnects from CIMC.

    Step 4Server /cimc/smart-access-usb *# commit  

    Commits the transaction to the system.

    Step 5Server /cimc/smart-access-usb # show detail  

    Displays the properties of the smart access USB.


    This example shows how to enable smart access USB:

    Server# scope cimc
    Server /cimc # scope smart-access-usb
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb # set enabled yes
    Enabling smart-access-usb feature will
    disconnect front panel USB devices from
    host operating system.
    Do you wish to continue? [y/N] y
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb *# commit
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb # show detail
    			Enabled: yes
       Storage Device attached: no
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb #  

    This example shows how to disable smart access USB:

    Server# scope cimc
    Server /cimc # scope smart-access-usb
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb # set enabled no
    Disabling smart-access-usb feature will
    disconnect front panel USB devices from CIMC.
    Do you wish to continue? [y/N] y
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb *# commit
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb # show detail
    			Enabled: no
       Storage Device attached: no
    Server /cimc/smart-access-usb #  

    Exporting Technical Support Data

    Perform this task when requested by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). This utility creates a summary report containing configuration information, logs and diagnostic data that will help TAC in troubleshooting and resolving a technical issue.


    If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not export the technical support data until those tasks are complete.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1Server# scope cimc  

      Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

      Step 2Server /cimc # scope tech-support  

      Enters the tech-support command mode.

      Step 3Server /cimc/tech-support # set remote-ip ip-address  

      Specifies the IP address of the remote server on which the technical support data file should be stored.

      Step 4Server /cimc/tech-support # set remote-path path/filename  

      Specifies the file name in which the support data should be stored on the remote server. When you enter this name, include the relative path for the file from the top of the server tree to the desired location.


      To have the system auto-generate the file name, enter the file name as default.tar.gz.

      Step 5Server /cimc/tech-support # set remote-protocol protocol  
      Specifies the protocol to connect to the remote server. It can be of the following types:
      • TFTP

      • FTP

      • SFTP

      • SCP

      • HTTP


      The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

      If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

      The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

      Step 6Server /cimc/tech-support # set remote-username name  

      Specifies the user name on the remote server on which the technical support data file should be stored. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP or HTTP.

      Step 7Server /cimc/tech-support # set remote-password password  

      Specifies the password on the remote server on which the technical support data file should be stored. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP or HTTP.

      Step 8Server /cimc/tech-support # commit  

      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

      Step 9Server /cimc/tech-support # start  

      Begins the transfer of the data file to the remote server.

      Step 10Server /cimc/tech-support # show detail   (Optional)

      Displays the progress of the transfer of the data file to the remote server.

      Step 11Server /cimc/tech-support # cancel   (Optional)

      Cancels the transfer of the data file to the remote server.


      This example creates a technical support data file and transfers the file to a TFTP server:

      Server# scope cimc
      Server /cimc # scope tech-support 
      Server /cimc/tech-support # set remote-ip
      Server /cimc/tech-support* # set remote-protocol tftp
      Server /cimc/tech-support *# set remote-path /user/user1/default.tar.gz
      Server /cimc/tech-support *# commit
      Server /cimc/tech-support # start
      Tech Support upload started.
      Server /cimc/tech-support # show detail
      Tech Support:
        Server Address:
        Path: default.tar.gz
        Protocol: tftp
        Password: *******
        Progress (%): 5
        Status: Collecting
      Server /cimc/tech-support #
      What to Do Next

      Provide the generated report file to Cisco TAC.

      Exporting Technical Support Data to Front Panel USB Device

      Perform this task when requested by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). This utility creates a summary report containing configuration information, logs and diagnostic data that will help TAC in troubleshooting and resolving a technical issue.

      • Make sure that the Smart USB option has been enabled and that the USB device is connected to the front panel.

      • If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not export the technical support data until those tasks are complete.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1Server# scope cimc  

        Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

        Step 2Server /cimc # scope tech-support  

        Enters the tech-support command mode.

        Step 3Server /cimc/tech-support # scope fp-usb  

        Enters the USB mode.

        Step 4Server /cimc/tech-support /fp-usb # start filename   Creates a technical support data file and transfers the file to a USB device. If you do not specify the file name, it will take a default file name.  

        This example creates a technical support data file and transfers the file to a USB device connected to the front panel:

        Server# scope cimc
        Server /cimc # scope tech-support 
        Server /cimc/tech-support # scope fp-usb
        Server /cimc/tech-support/fp-usb # start techsupportUSB.tar.gz
        Tech Support collection started.
        Server /cimc/tech-support/fp-usb # show detail
        Tech Support:
          Path(on USB device): techsupportUSB.tar.gz
          Progress(%): 6               
          Status: COLLECTING
        Server /cimc/tech-support/fp-usb #
        What to Do Next

        Provide the generated report file to Cisco TAC.

        Rebooting the Cisco IMC

        On rare occasions, such as an issue with the current running firmware, troubleshooting a server may require you to reboot the Cisco IMC. This procedure is not part of the normal maintenance of a server. After you reboot the Cisco IMC, you are logged off and the Cisco IMC will be unavailable for a few minutes.


        If you reboot the Cisco IMC while the server is performing power-on self test (POST) or is operating in the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) shell, the server will be powered down until the Cisco IMC reboot is complete.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1Server# scope cimc  

          Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

          Step 2Server /cimc # reboot  

          The Cisco IMC reboots.


          This example reboots the Cisco IMC:

          Server# scope cimc
          Server /cimc # reboot

          Clearing the BIOS CMOS

          On rare occasions, troubleshooting a server may require you to clear the server's BIOS CMOS memory. This procedure is not part of the normal maintenance of a server.

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1Server# scope bios  

            Enters the bios command mode.

            Step 2Server /bios # clear-cmos  

            After a prompt to confirm, clears the CMOS memory.


            This example clears the BIOS CMOS memory:

            Server# scope bios
            Server /bios # clear-cmos
            This operation will clear the BIOS CMOS.
            Note: Server should be in powered off state to clear CMOS.
            Continue?[y|n] y
            Server /bios # 

            Recovering from a Corrupted BIOS


            This procedure is not available in some server models.

            In addition to this procedure, there are three other methods for recovering from a corrupted BIOS:

            • Use the Cisco Host Upgrade Utility (HUU). This is the recommended method.

            • Use the Cisco IMC GUI interface.

            • If your server model supports it, use the BIOS recovery function of the hardware jumper on the server motherboard. For instructions, see the Cisco UCS Server Installation and Service Guide for your server model.

            Before You Begin

            • You must be logged in as admin to recover from a corrupted BIOS.

            • Have the BIOS recovery ISO image ready. You will find the BIOS recovery ISO image under the Recovery folder of the firmware distribution package.

            • Schedule some down time for the server because it will be power cycled at the end of the recovery procedure.

               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1Server# scope bios  

              Enters the bios command mode.

              Step 2Server# recover  

              Launches a dialog for loading the BIOS recovery image.


              This example shows how to recover from a corrupted BIOS:

              Server# scope bios
              Server /bios # recover
              This operation will automatically power on the server to perform BIOS FW recovery.
              What to Do Next

              Power cycle or reset the server.

              Resetting the Cisco IMC to Factory Defaults

              On rare occasions, such as an issue with the current running firmware, troubleshooting a server may require you to reset the Cisco IMC to the factory default. When this happens, all user-configurable settings are reset.

              This procedure is not part of the normal server maintenance. After you reset the Cisco IMC, you are logged off and must log in again. You may also lose connectivity and may need to reconfigure the network settings.

              When you upgrade from version 1.5(1) to version 1.5(2), the hostname in the Cisco IMC interface is retained as is. However, after upgrading to version 1.5(2), if you do a factory reset, the hostname changes to CXXX-YYYYYY format, where XXX is the model number and YYYYYY is the serial number of the server.

              When you downgrade from version 1.5(2) to version 1.5(1), the hostname is retained as is. However, if you do a factory reset, the hostname changes to ucs-cxx-mx format.


              If you reset Cisco IMC 1.5(x), 2.0, and 2.0(3) versions to factory defaults, Shared LOM mode is configured by default. For C3160 servers, if you reset Cisco IMC to factory defaults, Dedicated mode is configured to Full duplex with 100 Mbps speed by default.

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1Server# scope cimc  

                Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

                Step 2Server /cimc # factory-default  

                After a prompt to confirm, the Cisco IMC resets to factory defaults.


                The Cisco IMC factory defaults include the following conditions:
                • SSH is enabled for access to the Cisco IMC CLI. Telnet is disabled.

                • HTTPS is enabled for access to the Cisco IMC GUI.

                • A single user account exists (user name is admin , password is password ).

                • DHCP is enabled on the management port.

                • The previous actual boot order is retained.

                • KVM and vMedia are enabled.

                • USB is enabled.

                • SoL is disabled.

                This example resets the Cisco IMC to factory defaults:

                Server# scope cimc
                Server /cimc # factory-default 
                This operation will reset the CIMC configuration to factory default.
                All your configuration will be lost.
                Server /cimc #

                Resetting to Factory Defaults

                Resetting to factory defaults will not reset the KMIP related information. You must run the individual restore commands from various KMIP scopes to reset the KMIP settings.


                When you move VIC adapters from other generation C-Series servers (for example M4 servers) to the M5 generation C-Series servers or M5 servers to other generation servers, you must reset the adapters to factory defaults.

                Before You Begin

                You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1Server# scope chassis  

                  Enters the chassis command mode.

                  Step 2Server /chassis # factory-default {all | bmc | storage | vic }  
                  Depending on the component that you choose to rest to factory default, the configuration parameters of that component is restored to factory defaults. You can choose one of the following components:
                  • all—Resets the storage controllers, VIC, and BMC settings to factory defaults.

                  • bmc —Resets the BMC settings to factory defaults.

                  • storage —Resets the storage controller settings to factory default.

                  • vic —Resets the VICs settings to factory default.

                  Enter y at the confirmation prompt to reset the chosen component to default.

                  Step 3Server /chassis # show factory-reset-status   (Optional)

                  Displays the factory defaults status.


                  This example resets to factory defaults:

                  Server# scope chassis
                  Server /chassis # factory-default vic 
                  his factory-default operation does the following on these components without any back-up:
                  VIC – all user configured data will deleted and controller properties reset to default values 
                  (Host power-cycle is required for it to be effective)
                  Storage – all user configured data (including OS VD/drive if any) will be deleted, 
                  controller properties and zoning settings reset to default values (Host power-cycle is required for it to be effective)
                  BMC –  all Server BMC configuration reset to factory default values
                  CMC – all user configured data (including admin password) will be deleted and CMC settings reset to default values
                  factory-default for ' vic' started. Please check the status using "show factory-reset-status".
                  Server /chassis # show factory-reset-status
                  Storage                             VIC                                 BMC
                  ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------
                  NA                                  Pending                             NA
                  C240-FCH1828V0PN /chassis #
                  Server /chassis #

                  Exporting and Importing the Cisco IMC Configuration

                  Exporting the Cisco IMC Configuration


                  • If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not export the Cisco IMC configuration until those tasks are complete.

                  • If you are exporting Cisco IMC configuration to a front panel USB device, make sure that the Smart Access USB option has been enabled.

                  • For security reasons, this operation does not export user accounts or the server certificate.

                  Before You Begin

                  Obtain the backup remote server IP address.

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 Server# scope cimc  

                    Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

                    Step 2 Server /cimc # scope import-export  

                    The configuration file is exported to the specified path and file name on the front panel USB device.

                    Step 3 Server /cimc/import-export # export-config protocol ip-address path-and-filename  

                    The configuration file will be stored at the specified path and file name on a remote server at the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address or a hostname. The remote server could be one of the following types:

                    • TFTP

                    • FTP

                    • SFTP

                    • SCP

                    • HTTP


                    The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

                    If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

                    The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

                    Step 4 Server /cimc/import-export # export-config usb path-and-filename  

                    Exports the configuration data to the connected USB.

                    Step 5Enter the Username, Password and Pass Phrase.   Sets the username, password and the pass phrase for the file being exported. Starts the backup operation.  

                    To determine whether the export operation has completed successfully, use the show detail command. To abort the operation, type CTRL+C.

                    This example shows how to back up the Cisco IMC configuration:

                    Server# scope cimc
                    Server /cimc # scope import-export
                    Server /cimc/import-export # export-config tftp /ucs/backups/cimc5.xml
                    Export config started. Please check the status using "show detail".
                    Server /cimc/import-export # show detail
                    Import Export:
                        Operation: EXPORT
                        Status: COMPLETED
                        Error Code: 100 (No Error)
                        Diagnostic Message: NONE
                    Server /cimc/import-export # 

                    Exporting and Importing the Cisco IMC Configuration

                    To perform a backup of the Cisco IMC configuration, you take a snapshot of the system configuration and export the resulting Cisco IMC configuration file to a location on your network. The export operation saves information from the management plane only; it does not back up data on the servers. Sensitive configuration information such as user accounts and the server certificate are not exported.

                    You can restore an exported Cisco IMC configuration file to the same system or you can import it to another Cisco IMC system, provided that the software version of the importing system is the same as or is configuration-compatible with the software version of the exporting system. When you import a configuration file to another system as a configuration template, you must modify system-specific settings such as IP addresses and host names. An import operation modifies information on the management plane only.

                    The Cisco IMC configuration file is an XML text file whose structure and elements correspond to the Cisco IMC command modes.

                    When performing an export or import operation, consider these guidelines:

                    • You can perform an export or an import while the system is up and running. While an export operation has no impact on the server or network traffic, some modifications caused by an import operation, such as IP address changes, can disrupt traffic or cause a server reboot.

                    • You cannot execute an export and an import simultaneously.

                    You can perform an import or an export operation on the following features:

                    • Cisco IMC version


                      You can only export this information.

                    • Network settings

                    • Technical support

                    • Logging control for local and remote logs

                    • Power policies

                    • BIOS - BIOS Parameters


                      Precision boot is not supported.

                    • Communication services

                    • Remote presence

                    • User management - LDAP

                    • Event management

                    • SNMP

                    Exporting the Cisco IMC Configuration


                    • If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not export the Cisco IMC configuration until those tasks are complete.

                    • If you are exporting Cisco IMC configuration to a front panel USB device, make sure that the Smart Access USB option has been enabled.

                    • For security reasons, this operation does not export user accounts or the server certificate.

                    Before You Begin

                    Obtain the backup remote server IP address.

                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 Server# scope cimc  

                      Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

                      Step 2 Server /cimc # scope import-export  

                      The configuration file is exported to the specified path and file name on the front panel USB device.

                      Step 3 Server /cimc/import-export # export-config protocol ip-address path-and-filename  

                      The configuration file will be stored at the specified path and file name on a remote server at the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address or a hostname. The remote server could be one of the following types:

                      • TFTP

                      • FTP

                      • SFTP

                      • SCP

                      • HTTP


                      The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

                      If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

                      The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

                      Step 4 Server /cimc/import-export # export-config usb path-and-filename  

                      Exports the configuration data to the connected USB.

                      Step 5Enter the Username, Password and Pass Phrase.   Sets the username, password and the pass phrase for the file being exported. Starts the backup operation.  

                      To determine whether the export operation has completed successfully, use the show detail command. To abort the operation, type CTRL+C.

                      This example shows how to back up the Cisco IMC configuration:

                      Server# scope cimc
                      Server /cimc # scope import-export
                      Server /cimc/import-export # export-config tftp /ucs/backups/cimc5.xml
                      Export config started. Please check the status using "show detail".
                      Server /cimc/import-export # show detail
                      Import Export:
                          Operation: EXPORT
                          Status: COMPLETED
                          Error Code: 100 (No Error)
                          Diagnostic Message: NONE
                      Server /cimc/import-export # 

                      Importing a Cisco IMC Configuration

                      • If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not import the Cisco IMC configuration until those tasks are complete.

                      • If you are importing Cisco IMC configuration through a front panel USB device, make sure that the Smart Access USB option has been enabled.

                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 Server# scope cimc  

                        Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

                        Step 2 Server /cimc # scope import-export  

                        Enters the import-export command mode.

                        Step 3 Server /cimc/import-export # import-config protocol ip-address path-and-filename  

                        The configuration file at the specified path and file name on the remote server at the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address or a hostname will be imported. The remote server can be one of the following:

                        • TFTP

                        • FTP

                        • SFTP

                        • SCP

                        • HTTP


                        The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

                        If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

                        The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

                        Step 4 Server /cimc/import-export # import-config usb path and filename  

                        The configuration file is imported to the specified path and file name on the front panel USB device.

                        Step 5Enter the Username, Password and Pass Phrase.   Sets the username, password and the pass phrase for the file being imported. Starts the import operation.  

                        To determine whether the import operation has completed successfully, use the show detail command. To abort the operation, type CTRL+C.

                        This example shows how to import a Cisco IMC configuration:

                        Server# scope cimc
                        Server /cimc # scope import-export
                        Server /cimc/import-export # import-config tftp /ucs/backups/cimc5.xml
                        Import config started. Please check the status using "show detail".
                        Server /cimc/import-export # show detail
                        Import Export:
                            Operation: Import
                            Status: COMPLETED
                            Error Code: 100 (No Error)
                            Diagnostic Message: NONE
                        Server /cimc/import-export # 

                        Exporting VIC Adapter Configuration


                        If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not export the VIC adapter configuration until those tasks are complete.

                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1 Server# scope chassis  

                          Enters the chassis command mode.

                          Step 2 Server /chassis # export-all-adapters protocol ip-address path-and-filename  
                          The configuration file at the specified path and file name on the remote server at the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address or a hostname will be imported. The remote server can be one of the following:
                          • TFTP

                          • FTP

                          • SFTP

                          • SCP

                          • HTTP


                          The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

                          If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

                          The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.


                          To determine whether the export operation has completed successfully, use the show detail command. To abort the operation, type CTRL+C.

                          This example shows how to export a VIC adapter configuration:

                          Server# scope chassis
                          Server /chassis # export-all-adapters tftp /ucs/backups/cfdes.xml
                          Do you wish to continue? [y/N]y
                          Username: draf
                          Export config for all Adapters is triggered. Please check status using show adapter-ie-status detail.
                          Server /chassis # show adapter-ie-status detail
                          All VIC Import Export:
                              Operation: ALL-VIC-EXPORT
                              Status: COMPLETED
                              Error Code: 100 (No Error)
                              Diagnostic Message: NONE
                          Server /chassis # 

                          Importing VIC Adapter Configuration


                          If any firmware or BIOS updates are in progress, do not import the VIC Adapter configuration until those tasks are complete.

                             Command or ActionPurpose
                            Step 1 Server# scope chassis  

                            Enters the chassis command mode.

                            Step 2 Server /chassis # import-all-adapters protocol ip-address path-and-filename  
                            The configuration file at the specified path and file name on the remote server at the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address or a hostname will be imported. The remote server can be one of the following:
                            • TFTP

                            • FTP

                            • SFTP

                            • SCP

                            • HTTP


                            The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

                            If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

                            The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

                            Step 3Enter the username, and password.   Starts the import operation.  

                            To determine whether the import operation has completed successfully, use the show detail command. To abort the operation, type CTRL+C.

                            This example shows how to import the VIC adapter configuration:

                            Server# scope chassis
                            Server /chassis # import-all-adapters tftp /ucs/backups/cfdes.xml
                            Do you wish to continue? [y/N]y
                            Username: gdts
                            Import config for all Adapters is triggered. Please check status using show adapter-ie-status detail.
                            Server /chassis # show adapter-ie-status detail
                            All VIC Import Export:
                                Operation: ALL-VIC-IMPORT
                                Status: COMPLETED
                                Error Code: 100 (No Error)
                                Diagnostic Message: NONE
                            Server /chassis # 

                            Adding Cisco IMC Banner

                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1Server # scope chassis  

                              Enters chassis command mode.

                              Step 2Server /chassis # upload-banner  

                              A prompt to enter the banner displays.

                              Step 3Enter the banner and press CTRL+D.  

                              At the prompt, enter y. This results in a loss of the current session, when you log back on again, the new banner appears.

                              Step 4Server /chassis # show-banner   (Optional)

                              The banner that you have added displays.


                              This example shows how to add the Cisco IMC banner:

                              Server # scope chassis
                              Server /chassis # upload-banner
                              Please paste your custom banner here, when finished, press enter and CTRL+D.
                              hello world
                              This will terminate all open SSH session to take an immediate action.
                              Do you wish to continue? [y/N] yy
                              Server /chassis # show-banner
                              hello world
                              Server /chassis # 

                              Deleting Cisco IMC Banner

                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                Step 1Server # scope chassis  

                                Enters chassis command mode.

                                Step 2Server /chassis # delete-banner  

                                At the prompt, enter y. This results in a loss of the current session, when you log back on again, the banner is deleted.

                                Step 3Server /chassis # show-banner   (Optional)

                                The banner that you have added displays.


                                This example shows how to delete the Cisco IMC banner:

                                Server # scope chassis
                                Server /chassis # delete-banner
                                This will terminate all open SSH session to take an immediate action.
                                Do you wish to continue? [y/N] yy
                                Server /chassis # show-banner
                                Server /chassis # 

                                Enabling Secure Adapter Update

                                Before You Begin

                                You must log in as a user with admin privileges to perform this action.

                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                  Step 1 Server# scope cimc  

                                  Enters the Cisco IMC command mode.

                                  Step 2 Server /cimc # scope adapter-secure-update  

                                  Enters the adapter-secure-update command mode.

                                  Step 3 Server /cimc/adapter-secure-update # enable-security-version-check {yes | no}  

                                  Enter yes at the prompt.


                                  If you enter no at the prompt, secure adapter update is disabled.

                                  Step 4 Server /cimc/adapter-secure-update # enable-security-version-check status   (Optional)

                                  Displays the secure update status.


                                  This example shows how to enable the secure adapter update:

                                  Server# scope cimc
                                  Server /cimc # scope adapter-secure-update
                                  Server /cimc/adapter-secure-update # enable-security-version-check yes
                                  Server /cimc/adapter-secure-update # enable-security-version-check status
                                  enable-security-version-check: Enabled
                                  Server /cimc/adapter-secure-update # 

                                  Downloading and Viewing Inventory Details

                                  You can retrieve and save in a file, the following inventory details from the Web UI:

                                  • System Properties

                                  • CPU Information

                                  • Power supply unit inventory

                                  • PCI adapters Cards

                                  • Memory Details

                                  • Trusted Platform Module information

                                  • Disk Information

                                  • Network interface card

                                  • Storage adapter card

                                  • Virtual interface card

                                  • Fan status

                                  • Flex flash card

                                  • BBU Status

                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                    Step 1Server # scope chassis  

                                    Enters chassis command mode.

                                    Step 2Server /chassis # inventory-refresh  

                                    Initiates the data collection activity and saves the data in a file.

                                    Step 3Server /chassis # inventory-all  

                                    Displays inventory information.


                                    This example shows the inventory details and the status of inventory collection :

                                    Server# scope chassis 
                                    Server /chassis #inventory-refresh 
                                    Inventory data collection started.
                                    Server /chassis #inventory-all 
                                    Hardware Inventory Information:
                                    Status: IN-PROGRESS
                                    Progress(%): 5
                                    Progress(%): 50
                                    sysProductName: UCS C240 M3S
                                    sysProductID: UCSC-C240-M3S
                                    sysSerialNum: FCH1925V21U
                                    id: 1
                                    SocketDesignation: CPU1
                                    ProcessorManufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
                                    ProcessorFamily: Xeon
                                    ThreadCount: 4
                                    Server /chassis #