Viewing Mobility Group Statistics

Viewing Mobility Group Statistics (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Statistics > Mobility Statistics to open the Mobility Statistics page.

This page contains the following fields

  • Global Mobility Statistics

    • Rx Errors—Generic protocol packet receive errors, such as packet too short or format incorrect.

    • Tx Errors—Generic protocol packet transmit errors, such as packet transmission fail.

    • Responses Retransmitted—Mobility protocol that uses UDP and resends requests several times if it does not receive a response. Because of network or processing delays, the responder may receive one or more retry requests after it initially responds to a request. This text box shows a count of the response resends.

    • Handoff Requests Received—Total number of handoff requests received, ignored, or responded to.

    • Handoff End Requests Received—Total number of handoff end requests received. These requests are sent by the anchor or foreign controller to notify the other about the close of a client session.

    • State Transitions Disallowed—Policy enforcement module (PEM) that has denied a client state transition, usually resulting in the handoff being terminated.

    • Resource Unavailable—Necessary resource, such as a buffer, was unavailable, resulting in the handoff being terminated.

  • Mobility Initiator Statistics

    • Handoff Requests Sent—Number of clients that have associated to the controller and have been announced to the mobility group.

    • Handoff Replies Received—Number of handoff replies that have been received in response to the requests sent.

    • Handoff as Local Received—Number of handoffs in which the entire client session has been transferred.

    • Handoff as Foreign Received—Number of handoffs in which the client session was anchored elsewhere.

    • Handoff Denys Received—Number of handoffs that were denied.

    • Anchor Request Sent—Number of anchor requests that were sent for a three-party (foreign-to-foreign) handoff. The handoff was received from another foreign controller, and the new controller is requesting the anchor to move the client.

    • Anchor Deny Received—Number of anchor requests that were denied by the current anchor.

    • Anchor Grant Received—Number of anchor requests that were approved by the current anchor.

    • Anchor Transfer Received—Number of anchor requests that closed the session on the current anchor and transferred the anchor back to the requestor.

  • Mobility Responder Statistics

    • Handoff Requests Ignored—Number of handoff requests or client announcements that were ignored because the controller had no knowledge of that client.

    • Ping Pong Handoff Requests Dropped—Number of handoff requests that were denied because the handoff period was too short (3 seconds).

    • Handoff Requests Dropped—Number of handoff requests that were dropped due to either an incomplete knowledge of the client or a problem with the packet.

    • Handoff Requests Denied—Number of handoff requests that were denied.

    • Client Handoff as Local—Number of handoff responses sent while the client is in the local role.

    • Client Handoff as Foreign—Number of handoff responses sent while the client is in the foreign role.

    • Anchor Requests Received—Number of anchor requests received.

    • Anchor Requests Denied—Number of anchor requests denied.

    • Anchor Requests Granted—Number of anchor requests granted.

    • Anchor Transferred—Number of anchors transferred because the client has moved from a foreign controller to a controller on the same subnet as the current anchor.

Step 2

If you want to clear the current mobility statistics, click Clear Stats.

Viewing Mobility Group Statistics (CLI)


Step 1

See mobility group statistics by entering this command:

show mobility statistics

Step 2

Clear the current mobility statistics by entering this command:

clear stats mobility