

In CPS, a 'Service' it what is assigned to a subscriber (in USuM) to define how that subscriber is treated. Some basic examples of services would be a 'GOLD' user might get a high upload/download speed whereas a 'BRONZE' user would get a low one. Other examples would include having one type of user be redirected to a portal when their Quota is exhausted whereas another type would only have their speed downgraded.

As the Service maps as closely as possible to how a Service Provider wants to classify their customers, the Service in CPS is flexibly defined to allow configuration at different levels.

Below is an overview of the different objects referenced in the Services tab in PB. The detailed description of each object is provided in below sections.
Figure 1. Services


  • A service is effectively just a 'code' to label the service and a collection of Service Options which contain the definition of what a service 'is'.

  • What a Customer Service Representative assigns to a subscriber to describe the user's plan.

  • Multiple services can be assigned to a single subscriber

  • If multiple services are assigned to a subscriber, the service options are combined between all assigned services.

    Therefore, there is no logical difference between a subscriber with:

    • A single service with 10 service options

    • 10 services with 1 option each

Service Option

  • Provides the concrete values which can be re-used for multiple services.

    For example, one subscriber might have one service option which describes the values for 10MB Upload/Download speed and another subscriber which describes 1MB Upload/Download speed. Continuing the example from above, 10MB could be assigned to a GOLD service and 1MB could be assigned to BRONZE.

  • What values are configurable in a Service Option are setup by the Use Case Template object. The Use Case Template can provide defaults to the Service Option or hide values in Service Configuration objects not necessary for certain use cases.

  • If a Service Configuration's value is not defined in a Service Option, the value from the Use Case Template will be used.

  • For more information on how to use service options, refer to Using RADIUS Service Templates.

Service Configuration

  • The low-level configuration objects used by the CPS code to drive functionality. These objects are used to drive functionality in the system. The whole point of the Service > Service Option > Use Case Template chain of functionality is to flexibly configure these Service Configuration objects which the code uses to drive system logic.

  • These objects are defined by the CPS code.

Types of service configurations:

  • PriorityConfiguration: Only one allowed to be active at a time. If multiples priority configurations are added, highest priority is used.

    These are used in cases where only a single value makes sense. For example, when sending an 'Accept' message, we can only have one template and multiples do not make sense.

    Objects of this type will always have a priority field. If multiple priority configurations are added, the highest priority object will be used.

    Example: AccessAcceptConfiguration, RegisterMacAddress

  • GroupConfiguration (most common): Only 1 per 'Group Name' are allowed to be active. If multiple configurations are added highest priority per 'Group Name' is used.

    These are used in cases where a configuration only makes sense for a single 'group' (key). For example, if it makes sense to control the upload/download speed based on the network type (cell, Wi-Fi, and so on) a service configuration to control network speed with a group set for cell/Wi-Fi would allow multiple service configurations to be added.

    These objects will always have a group field as well as a priority field. For each unique group value, the highest priority will be used.

    Example: IsgServiceConfiguration, All Diameter Configurations, OneTimeUsageCharge

  • ServiceConfiguration: Multiples allowed. If multiple configurations are added, all are used. 'Modify' functionality in PB for Use Case Options/Service Options can override values conditionally.

    Example: AutoChargeUpAccounts, AutoProvisionQuota, BalanceRateConfiguration

Use Case Template

  • Defines the Service Configuration objects to be set by a Service Option and can provide default values and/or hide values which don't need to be set by a use case.

  • Optionally contains 'Initiators' (Conditions) which define when the template is active.

  • Created by an advanced user (usually Engineering/AS).

  • Makes Service Option and Service creation easier.

For example, a Use Case Template setup to create different Upload/Download speeds might include a 'DefaultBearer' QoS Service Configuration object. The user creating a Use Case Template could default and/or hide the values for 'ARP' and other values not directly related to upload/download speed if they knew they were not required for a customers use case. This would allow the creation of the Service Option to be much simpler.

A copy of the Use Case Options is created while copying a Use Case Template.

Use Case Option

  • A child of Use Case Template used to add/modify Service Configurations objects when certain conditions occur.

  • Provides a way to separate Service Configurations within a use case based on conditions.

  • Contains the same functionality of a Use Case Template.

  • Can add new service options or modify service options from parent Use Case Template.

While copying a Use Case Option, all the corresponding children Use Case Options get copied as well.

For example, if a users upload/download speed should be decreased when they are out of quota. A Use Case Option would be added with a condition indicating the user is out of quota. The service configurations in the use case options could have a higher priority than those in the use case template so they would override the normal values. The service option would then allow setting both the normal upload/download speed and the upload/download speed when the user is out of quota.

RADIUS Service Templates

CPS provides reusable, extensible templates that can be used to initiate and reply to Radius requests. When the RADIUS plug-in is installed, the Policy Builder will contain a section with RADIUS Service Templates within the Reference Data tab.
Figure 2. RADIUS Services Templates

CPS comes by default with multiple folders that contain templates related to different access methods. This section discusses the Read Only templates under the ISG Access Accept and CoA Templates folder as well as the Service Provider Specific Templates. Both of these folders contain the templates most commonly used to deploy Wi-fi using the Cisco ISG. The ASR9K, ASR5K and ISG Prepaid templates are outside the scope of this section, however the details for configuring an ISG Prepaid service are outlined in ISG Prepaid.

ISG Access Accept and CoA Templates

The templates in the ISG Access Accept and CoA Templates folder are used internally by CPS as part of the overall ISG flow based on the specific client scenario being performed. For example, when an ExecuteAction API call of “location-query” comes in from an external portal with a location_query_device_type set to “isg”, CPS will by default use the ISG_COMPLETE_ID Read Only template to perform an account-profile-status-query against the ISG. The $accountInfo variable and <Radius> USER-NAME value are automatically populated at run time based on the active session.
Figure 3. RADIUS Service Template

In the event that CPS needs to change a service on the ISG based on a policy, CPS will internally use the appropriate Read Only template as needed. For example, in a scenario where a quota has expired requiring a new lower bandwidth ISG service to be installed, the CPS will call ISG_DEACTIVATE_SERVICE with the Cisco AVPair “subscriber:command=deactivate-service” and the $service variable will be populated with the appropriate service to deactivate. Likewise, CPS will call ISG_ACTIVATE_SERVICE with the new service to be installed.
Figure 4. AV Pairs


There is no need to edit or copy these Read Only templates as they are designed to work without modification in support of CPS policy configurations.

Service Provider Specific Templates

The templates in the Service Provider Specific Templates folder are provided for reference and can be used as-is or edited as needed. New templates can be created and added to this folder, or an entirely new folder can be created within the RADIUS Service Template section with new, custom templates. The contents of the templates in the Service Provider Specific Templates folder are discussed in more detail in Creating a New RADIUS Service Template, page 92.

Using RADIUS Service Templates

As part of configuring a Wi-fi service that is using the ISG as a policy enforcement point, there are various pieces of information that must be sent to the ISG or that might be requested by the ISG. For example, if a policy map is defined on the ISG that requests a service called OPENGARDEN_SERVICE, that service can be defined on the CPS as a template and supplied to the ISG via an Access Request. CPS ships with three useful templates that are common in an ISG service flow: the previously mentioned OPENGARDEN_SERVICE, a PBHK_SERVICE and an L4REDIRECT_SERVICE. The templates can be opened and studied to understand how they work, in addition you can validate how the templates work by issuing an Access Request from the ISG (or from a test utility such as radclient) to see the values returned by the template.

The following command run on the ISG will return the contents of the OPENGARDEN_SERVICE template:

test aaa group radius OPENGARDEN_SERVICE password legacy

After a user authenticates against the CPS Subscriber Profile Repository (SPR), the typical CPS Service assigned to the user will contain two templates required by the ISG, an Access Accept template and an ISG Service template. Whereas the Open Garden or PBHK templates are called directly via an Access Request, the Access Accept and ISG Service are contained within a CPS service, wrapped in CPS Service Options, based on an underlying Use Case Template.

For example, CPS ships with a Service Option called ISG Base Service which contains two service configuration objects: Base ISG Service and AccessAcceptConfiguration. Those service configurations are then populated with different RADIUS Service Templates within the Service Options: for example, in the “Base” ISG Base Service, the IsgServiceConfiguration uses the template 512K-DOWN and the AccessAcceptConfiguration uses the template ISG_ACCESS_ACCEPT.
Figure 5. Service Configurations for ISG Base Service

Create a New RADIUS Service Template

In the “Base” ISG Base Service described above, the Access Accept Template is defined by default as ISG_ACCESS_ACCEPT, however in the following example, we will create a new template based on the ISG_ACCESS_ACCEPT called TIMEOUT_ACCESS_ACCEPT. The example below introduces the concept of extending a Base Template with additional options.

    Step 1   Create a new RADIUS Service Template folder by clicking on Summary under the RADIUS Service Templates panel and then clicking on Create Child: RADIUS Service Template Group; call the group “Custom”.
    Figure 6. RADIUS Service Template

    Figure 7. Create Child

    Step 2   Click on the new, blank Custom group and click on the Create Child: Radius Service Template link; call the new template TIMEOUT_ACCESS_ACCEPT.
    Figure 8. New Template

    Step 3   The TIMEOUT_ACCESS_ACCEPT template is going to be based on the already existing Read Only template ISG_ACCESS_ACCEPT. Click select next to the Base Template field and navigate to the ISG_ACCESS_ACCEPT template.
    Figure 9. ISG Access Accept and CoA

    Step 4   Next we are going to populate two new Radius AV Pairs into the template. The pairs available are under the Show Available AV Pair Attributes to Add section.
    Figure 10. Show Available AV Pair Attributes

    1. Click to expand the “> Show...” dialog and a list of vendors and attributes are shown.
      Figure 11. Available AV Pairs

    2. Each vendor has their own specific AVPs. For example, begin typing Cisco in the Vendors text box, then click on Cisco and the various Cisco AVPs are shown in the Attributes window.
      Figure 12. AVPs

    Step 5   In this example, we are going to add new Radius AVPs. Type <Radius> in the Vendors text box and then click on the <Radius> vendor; a list of available Radius AVPs are returned. Type IDLE-TIMEOUT into the Attributes text box and that value is made available. Click Add to add the value to the template. Repeat the above and add the SESSION-TIMEOUT attribute to the template.
    Figure 13. Idle Time Out

    Step 6   Once the Radius attributes are added to the template, we can then add values to be passed with the template. Enter 600 for the number of seconds to instruct the ISG to wait before disconnecting an idle session, and then enter 3600 for the number of seconds to instruct the ISG to wait before disconnecting any session, regardless of activity.
    Figure 14. Session Time Out

    Note    The Tag field in the Radius Service Template AV Pair section is deprecated and no longer supported. No value should be entered into this field.
    Step 7   Once the new template is created, it can then be assigned to a service option via the pick list for the Access Accept template > Value field.
    Figure 15. AccessAcceptConfiguration Parameters

    AV Pair Substitutions

    It is often necessary to dynamically pass a value into a Radius template at runtime. The example below shows how to add a VLAN ID as a dynamic value in a custom Access Accept template, with the VLAN value pulled from the SPR for the user with the assigned service. The below example assumes familiarity with creating Use Case Templates in Policy Builder and using the Control Center interface.

      Step 1   Create a new Use Case Template to hold the new Access Accept Radius Service Template. The Use Case Template will have a single Service Configuration Object of type AccessAcceptConfiguration. Call the new Use Case Template “AccessAccept”.
      Figure 16. Service Configuration

      Step 2   Create a new Radius Service Template underneath the “Custom” group created earlier. Call the new template “VLAN” and add three <Radius> values: TUNNEL-TYPE, TUNNEL-MEDIUM-TYPE and TUNNEL-PRIVATE-GROUP-ID. Populate the value for TUNNEL-TYPE as 13-VLAN and TUNNEL-MEDIUM-TYPE as 6 - IEEE-802; leave the TUNNEL-PRIVATE-GROUP-ID blank.
      Figure 17. RADIUS Values

      Step 3   Hide the “Available AV Pair Attributes…” dialog and you will see the AV Pair Substitution dialog. Click Add and then select the TUNNEL-PRIVATE-GROUP-ID which will hold the VLAN ID we will want to substitute into the template.
      Figure 18. AV Pairs

      Step 4   A new blank row will be created in the AV Pair Substitution list (note, at first there will be a red X indicating an error, however this will be gone once the values are populated). Enter “VlanId” as the Name and $VlanId as the Replacement String.
      Note    The *Name field is simply a descriptive label and is not used by the system. The Replacement String will be used as a variable to hold the VlanId which will be defined later in the section.

      The template is now complete.

      Figure 19. AV Pair Substitutions

      Step 5   Next we are going to assign the template to a new Service Object built from the Use Case Template defined above. Go to the Services panel of the Policy Builder and navigate to the Services panel and to the Service Options folder. Find the new AccessAccept Service Option (based on the Use Case Template created earlier) and use the Create Child option to create a new Service Option. Call it VlanId.
      Step 6   Click on the Access Accept Template Display Name and use the 3 dots to bring up the pick list with the Radius templates; select the VLAN template that you created.
      Figure 20. Select RADIUS Template

      Step 7   Next we are going to use the “AVP Substitution” options within the Service Option to pull a VLAN ID from the subscriber's account in the SPR. Expand out the AVPSubstitution dialog and you will see several values. Fill out the Code with the value of $VlanId (the variable we assigned in the template).
      Step 8   Use the “Pull Value From…” in the “String Value” row to assign a value from the SPR to the variable. We are going to assign a variable called VLAN from the subscriber's SPR record.
      Figure 21. String Value

      Figure 22. Service Option

      Step 9   Create a new service called VlanService and add to it the Service Option VlanId created above.
      Figure 23. Service

      Step 10   Login to the Control Center and add the new VlanService to the Services section of a user account in the USuM.
      Step 11   Add a new AVP called VLAN to the users account that has the new VlanService assigned to it. Use the Custom Data interface to add a new value with the code VLAN and the appropriate Value.

      In the example below we have used a VLAN of 101.

      Figure 24. Subscribers

      Additional Notes

      In order to verify that a client making an access request to the CPS will get the expected VLAN ID and other VLAN AVP attributes needed to place the client onto a specific VLAN after they authenticate, you can:

      • Generate an Access Request to the CPS for the customer whose account contains the VlanService and the VLAN value.

      • Use tcpdump on the Radius authentication port (typically 1812) to monitor the Access Request tcpdump -i any port 1812 -s0 -w vlan.pcap

      • Verify that the CPS replies back with the TUNNEL-PRIVATE-GROUP-ID assigned as the VLAN in the Control Center. In addition, you can check the qns runtime logs to see the response to the Access Request.