Support for Advanced Request Sending Options

Feature Summary and Revision History

Table 1. Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

Not Applicable

Default Setting

Enabled - Always-on

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Contact your Cisco Account representative

Table 2. Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced


Feature Description

ATS now supports advanced request sending options as follows:

  • REST sends synchronous and asynchronous requests without using a message reference.

  • Utilizing dynamic rule values in URI of the REST request: The support is provided to use the Rules on Request URI of any load profile transactions. To use the rule value, the following value can be provided in the load testing REST send grammars.



Currently, REST requests are supported.

Deprecated grammars do not support this feature. This feature is supported only for new grammar with the transaction.

For more information, contact your Cisco Account representative.

Support for Conditional LFS Message Stubbing

Feature Summary and Revision History

Table 3. Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

Not Applicable

Default Setting

Enabled – Configuration Required

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Contact your Cisco Account representative

Table 4. Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced


Feature Description

ATS now provides support for conditional LFS Message Stubbing.

Details of the implementation on how specific steps from a feature file can be stubbed based on the criteria provided in the message bundle and config properties is captured in the CPS Automation Testing Grammar Reference.

The feature provides the following advantages:

  • Specific steps of a complex call flow can be skipped easily with a change in the configuration and message bundle.

  • If a transaction is skipped then its corresponding validation is skipped automatically.

  • Skipping of step is also applicable where duplicate transaction ID is used.

  • This feature also works for external feature file.


Currently, this feature is available for LFS driver.

The skipping of the steps is currently only based on two parameter: InterfaceType and NodeName.

Skip is not supported if dynamic message filter is provided in the asynchronous call.


To enable this feature, following properties needs to be added in the config properties file:

  • InterfaceType: <LFSInstanceName>.InterfaceType.Skip=<Comma separated interface names>



    LFSInstance01.InterfaceType.Skip=N1, N2

  • NodeName: <LFSInstanceName>.NodeName.Skip=<Comma separated node names>



    LFSInstance01.NodeName.Skip=amf1, amf2

For more information, contact your Cisco Account representative.

Support for Regular Expressions

Feature Summary and Revision History

Table 5. Summary Data

Applicable Product(s) or Functional Area


Applicable Platform(s)

Not Applicable

Default Setting

Enabled - Always-on

Related Changes in This Release

Not Applicable

Related Documentation

Contact your Cisco Account representative

Table 6. Revision History

Revision Details


First introduced


Feature Description

ATS now provides support for the usage of regular expressions in the array when an LFS message contains multiple similar pattern entries. The following operations can be performed:

  • Filtering pattern-based array element using the regular expression.

  • Predicate now supports multiple conditions.

  • Both ‘&&’ and ‘||’ is now supported in the predicate filtering.

    The ‘&&’ operator can be applied when multiple conditions are to be satisfied while filtering the predicate.

    The ‘||’ operator can be applied when any of the multiple cnditionas are to be satisfied while filtering the predicate.


    While using the ‘||’ operator in the feature file it needs to be added with an escape character such as, \|\|


Parenthesis are not supported within the predicate to group multiple conditions.

Multiple conditions are sequential.

For more information, contact your Cisco Account representative.