Step 1
Enable the telemetry feature.
"fmEntity" : {
"children" : [{
"fmTelemetry" : {
"attributes" : {
"adminSt" : "enabled"
The root element is fmTelemetry and the base path
for this element is sys/fm . Configure the
adminSt attribute as
enabled .
Step 2
Create the root level of the JSON payload to describe the telemetry
"telemetryEntity": {
"attributes": {
"dn": "sys/tm"
The root element is telemetryEntity and the base
path for this element is sys/tm . Configure the
attribute as sys/tm .
Step 3
a sensor group to contain the defined sensor paths.
"telemetrySensorGroup": {
"attributes": {
"id": "10",
"rn": "sensor-10"
}, "children": [{
A telemetry sensor group is defined in an object of class
telemetrySensorGroup . Configure the
following attributes of the object:
id — An identifier for the sensor group.
Currently only numeric ID values are supported.
rn — The relative name of the sensor group
object in the format:
sensor-id .
— Selects the data source from
or NX-API .
Children of the sensor group object include sensor paths and one or more
relation objects (telemetryRtSensorGroupRel ) to
associate the sensor group with a telemetry subscription.
Step 4
(Optional) Add an SSL/TLS certificate and a
"telemetryCertificate": {
"attributes": {
"filename": "root.pem"
"hostname": ""
The telemetryCertificate defines the location of
the SSL/TLS certificate with the telemetry subscription/destination.
Step 5
Define a telemetry destination
"telemetryDestGroup": {
"attributes": {
"id": "20"
A telemetry destination group is defined in
telemetryEntity . Configure the id
Step 6
Define a telemetry destination profile.
"telemetryDestProfile": {
"attributes": {
"adminSt": "enabled"
"children": [
"telemetryDestOptSourceInterface": {
"attributes": {
"name": "lo0"
A telemetry destination profile is defined in
telemetryDestProfile .
Configure the adminSt attribute as
enabled .
Under telemetryDestOptSourceInterface ,
configure the name attribute with an
interface name to stream data from the configured interface to a
destination with the source IP address.
Step 7
Define one or more telemetry destinations, consisting of an IP address and port
number to which telemetry data will be sent.
"telemetryDest": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"enc": "GPB",
"port": "50001",
"proto": "gRPC",
"rn": "addr-[]-port-50001"
A telemetry destination is defined in an object of class
telemetryDest . Configure the following
attributes of the object:
addr — The IP address of the destination.
port — The port number of the destination.
rn — The relative name of the destination
object in the format:
path-[path] .
enc — The encoding type of the telemetry
data to be sent. NX-OS supports:
proto — The transport protocol type of the
telemetry data to be sent. NX-OS supports:
Supported encoded types are:
Step 8
Enable gRPC chunking and set the chunking size, between 64 and 4096 bytes.
"telemetryDestGrpOptChunking": {
"attributes": {
"chunkSize": "2048",
"dn": "sys/tm/dest-1/chunking"
Step 9
Create a telemetry subscription to configure the telemetry behavior.
"telemetrySubscription": {
"attributes": {
"id": "30",
"rn": "subs-30"
}, "children": [{
A telemetry subscription is defined in an object of class
telemetrySubscription . Configure the
following attributes of the object:
Children of the subscription object include relation objects for sensor
groups (telemetryRsSensorGroupRel ) and destination
groups (telemetryRsDestGroupRel ).
Step 10
Add the sensor group object as a child object to the
element under the root element
(telemetryEntity ).
"telemetrySubscription": {
"attributes": {
"id": "30"
"children": [{
"telemetryRsSensorGroupRel": {
"attributes": {
"sampleIntvl": "5000",
"tDn": "sys/tm/sensor-10"
Step 11
Create a relation object as a child object of the subscription to associate the
subscription to the telemetry sensor group and to specify the data sampling
"telemetryRsSensorGroupRel": {
"attributes": {
"rType": "mo",
"rn": "rssensorGroupRel-[sys/tm/sensor-10]",
"sampleIntvl": "5000",
"tCl": "telemetrySensorGroup",
"tDn": "sys/tm/sensor-10",
"tType": "mo"
The relation object is of class
telemetryRsSensorGroupRel and is a child
object of telemetrySubscription . Configure the
following attributes of the relation object:
rn — The relative name of the relation
object in the format:
rssensorGroupRel-[sys/tm/sensor-group-id] .
sampleIntvl — The data sampling period in
milliseconds. An interval value of 0 creates an event-based
subscription, in which telemetry data is sent only upon changes
under the specified MO. An interval value greater than 0 creates a
frequency-based subscription, in which telemetry data is sent
periodically at the specified interval. For example, an interval
value of 15000 results in the sending of telemetry data every 15
tCl — The class of the target (sensor
group) object, which is
telemetrySensorGroup .
tDn — The distinguished name of the target
(sensor group) object, which is
sys/tm/sensor-group-id .
rType — The relation type, which is
mo for managed object.
tType — The target type, which is
mo for managed object.
Step 12
Define one or more sensor paths or nodes to be monitored for telemetry.
Single sensor
"telemetrySensorPath": {
"attributes": {
"path": "sys/cdp",
"rn": "path-[sys/cdp]",
"excludeFilter": "",
"filterCondition": "",
"path": "sys/fm/bgp",
"secondaryGroup": "0",
"secondaryPath": "",
"depth": "0"
Multiple sensor
"telemetrySensorPath": {
"attributes": {
"path": "sys/cdp",
"rn": "path-[sys/cdp]",
"excludeFilter": "",
"filterCondition": "",
"path": "sys/fm/bgp",
"secondaryGroup": "0",
"secondaryPath": "",
"depth": "0"
"telemetrySensorPath": {
"attributes": {
"excludeFilter": "",
"filterCondition": "",
"path": "sys/fm/dhcp",
"secondaryGroup": "0",
"secondaryPath": "",
"depth": "0"
Single sensor path filtering for BGP disable
"telemetrySensorPath": {
"attributes": {
"path": "sys/cdp",
"rn": "path-[sys/cdp]",
"excludeFilter": "",
"filterCondition": "eq(fmBgp.operSt.\"disabled\")",
"path": "sys/fm/bgp",
"secondaryGroup": "0",
"secondaryPath": "",
"depth": "0"
A sensor path is defined in an object of class
telemetrySensorPath . Configure the
following attributes of the object:
path — The path to be monitored.
rn — The relative name of the path object
in the format:
depth — The retrieval level for the sensor
path. A depth setting of 0 retrieves only
the root MO properties.
filterCondition — (Optional) Creates a
specific filter for event-based subscriptions. The DME provides the
filter expressions. For more information about filtering, see the
Cisco APIC REST API Usage Guidelines on composing queries. You can
find it at the following Cisco APIC documents landing
Step 13
Add sensor paths as child objects to the sensor group object
(telemetrySensorGroup ).
Step 14
Add destinations as child objects to the destination group object
(telemetryDestGroup ).
Step 15
Add the destination group object as a child object to the root element
(telemetryEntity ).
Step 16
Create a relation object as a child object of the telemetry sensor group to
associate the sensor group to the subscription.
"telemetryRtSensorGroupRel": {
"attributes": {
"rn": "rtsensorGroupRel-[sys/tm/subs-30]",
"tCl": "telemetrySubscription",
"tDn": "sys/tm/subs-30"
The relation object is of class
telemetryRtSensorGroupRel and is a child
object of telemetrySensorGroup . Configure the
following attributes of the relation object:
rn — The relative name of the relation
object in the format:
rtsensorGroupRel-[sys/tm/subscription-id] .
tCl — The target class of the subscription
object, which is telemetrySubscription .
tDn — The target distinguished name of the
subscription object, which is
sys/tm/subscription-id .
Step 17
Create a relation object as a child object of the telemetry destination group
to associate the destination group to the subscription.
"telemetryRtDestGroupRel": {
"attributes": {
"rn": "rtdestGroupRel-[sys/tm/subs-30]",
"tCl": "telemetrySubscription",
"tDn": "sys/tm/subs-30"
The relation object is of class
telemetryRtDestGroupRel and is a child object
of telemetryDestGroup . Configure the following
attributes of the relation object:
rn — The relative name of the relation
object in the format:
rtdestGroupRel-[sys/tm/subscription-id] .
tCl — The target class of the subscription
object, which is telemetrySubscription .
tDn — The target distinguished name of the
subscription object, which is
sys/tm/subscription-id .
Step 18
Create a relation object as a child object of the subscription to associate the
subscription to the telemetry destination group.
"telemetryRsDestGroupRel": {
"attributes": {
"rType": "mo",
"rn": "rsdestGroupRel-[sys/tm/dest-20]",
"tCl": "telemetryDestGroup",
"tDn": "sys/tm/dest-20",
"tType": "mo"
The relation object is of class
telemetryRsDestGroupRel and is a child object
of telemetrySubscription . Configure the following
attributes of the relation object:
rn — The relative name of the relation
object in the format:
rsdestGroupRel-[sys/tm/destination-group-id] .
tCl — The class of the target (destination
group) object, which is
telemetryDestGroup .
tDn — The distinguished name of the target
(destination group) object, which is
sys/tm/destination-group-id .
rType — The relation type, which is
mo for managed object.
tType — The target type, which is
mo for managed object.
Step 19
Send the resulting JSON structure as an HTTP/HTTPS POST payload to the NX-API
endpoint for telemetry configuration.
The base path for the telemetry entity is sys/tm and the
NX-API endpoint is: