Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification

The Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification feature helps support, test, and development engineers to troubleshoot during high-density call volumes without significantly impacting performance. This feature introduces a new mechanism for tracing the calls and issues, and generating and collecting needed information, on Cisco UBE via Event Logging.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

Information About Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification


In a Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) system, serviceability refers to the ability of technical support and engineering personnel to troubleshoot issues and restore the service to customers in a high call-volume systems. Cisco UBE includes the following:

  • Enhacements to the existing debug logging mechanisms to allow SIP-INFO-DEBUG to be sub-categorized based on importance level (Verbose, Info, Notify, and Critical) and the feature set.
  • Cisco UBE Event Trace Manager, which supports tracing for Voice over IP (VoIP) networks.

Event Tracing

Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) event tracing enables support, test, and development engineers to debug specific issues related to Cisco UBE. For example, they can use it to identify the root cause of issues that occur in the past. Event -tracing allows various VoIP/SIP events related to the SIP signaling layer of the VoIP call to be traced as they occur. Event tracing provides flexibility to configure the mechanism to a specific customer topology and deployment, including the ability to filter the traces based on call-parameters and time.


The event tracing mechanism allows event-trace messages to be written in raw (binary) or encoded (pretty) format.

Debug Message Categories

The Cisco Unified Border Elelment (Cisco UBE) debug categorization mechanism enhances the existing debug framework by adding more filters to control the verbosity. These categories apply to the existing INFO debugs. The messages are subcategorized to control the amount of information logged when info logging in enabled. Therefore, INFO debugs comprise of the following subcategories based on their importance:
  • Critical—These errors are feature specific.
  • Notification—These errors provide information on important milestones reached.
  • Information—These errors provide details to help an engineer understand the workflow.
  • Verbose—These errors provide detailed information on all of the above.

The debug messages can also be subcategorized based on a selected feature set (such as SIP profile, fax, audio, or video).


Only one level can be selected. By default Verbose level is enabled. The amount of information provided by the debug messages grows in the increasing order of their listing. For example, Notification provides additional information to that provided by the previous category (Critical) and so on.

How to Configure Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification

How to Configure Event Tracing

Controlling Cisco UBE Serviceability Event Tracing

Perform this task to disable, clear, and re-enable event traces, and to allow the event traces to be stored permanently to secondary or network storage.


    1.    enable

    2.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip all dump [pretty]

    3.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip all disable

    4.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip all clear

    5.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip all enable

      Command or Action Purpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 2 monitor event-trace voip ccsip all dump [pretty]

    Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all dump pretty

    Writes the event trace results in ASCII format to the file configured with the global configuration monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file command. If you do not specify the pretty keyword, the trace messages are saved in binary format.

    Step 3 monitor event-trace voip ccsip all disable

    Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all disable

    Stops all API, Finite State Machine (FSM), Communicating Nested FSM (CNFSM), message and miscellaneous event tracing.

    Step 4 monitor event-trace voip ccsip all clear

    Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all clear

    Clear the traces for active calls captured so far.

    Step 5 monitor event-trace voip ccsip all enable

    Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all enable

    If event-tracing is disabled, this command reenables event tracing for API, FSM, CNFSM, message and miscellaneous events that are configured through global configuration mode. This command does not re-enable global or history event tracing.


    Configuring Cisco UBE Serviceability Event Tracing


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip trace-type [size number]

      4.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump dump-type

      5.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file file-name

      6.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit connections max-connections

      7.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit memory size

      8.    monitor event-trace voip ccsip stacktrace number

      9.    exit

        Command or Action Purpose
      Step 1 enable

      Device> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      • Enter your password if prompted.
      Step 2 configure terminal

      Device# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 3 monitor event-trace voip ccsip trace-type [size number]

      Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip api size 50

      Enables event tracing for various Voice Over IP (VoIP) CCSIP API events. Event tracing for other events, such as Finite State Machine (FSM), Communicating Nested FSM (CNFSM), miscellaneous, message, and global events can be enabled in a similar way.

      Step 4 monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump dump-type

      Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump marked

      (Optional) Specifies the automatic dump policy for VoIP CCSIP events. Available options are marked, all, or none (default).

      Step 5 monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file file-name

      Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip
      dump-file slot0:ccsip-dump-file
      Device(config)#monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file ftp://username:password@server_ip//path/ccsip-dump-file        
      Device(config)#monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file tftp://server_ip//path/ccsip-dump-file.txt 

      (Optional) Specifies the file where event trace messages are written from memory to permanent storage.

      Step 6 monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit connections max-connections

      Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit connections 500

      (Optional) Limits the resources used by the event tracing mechanism based on the number of connections or call legs. The default limit is 1000 connections.

      Step 7 monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit memory size

      Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit memory 50

      (Optional) Limits the resources used by the event tracing mechanism to 50 MBytes.

      Step 8 monitor event-trace voip ccsip stacktrace number

      Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip stacktrace 9

      (Optional) Enables the stack trace at tracepoints and specifies the depth of the stack trace stored.

      Step 9 exit

      Device(config)# exit

      Exits global configuration mode.


      Monitoring Cisco UBE Serviceability Event Tracing

      Perform this task to monitor Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) serviceability for event tracing and logging parameters. Depending on your requirements, you can view the event traces of the Cisco UBE based on several parameters. The commands can be entered in any order.


        1.    enable

        2.    show monitor event-trace voip ccsip trace-type filter called-num filter-value all

        3.    show monitor event-trace voip ccsip trace-type all

        4.    show monitor event-trace voip ccsip summary

        5.    show monitor event-trace voip history all

          Command or Action Purpose
        Step 1 enable

        Device> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode.

        Step 2 show monitor event-trace voip ccsip trace-type filter called-num filter-value all

        Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip api filter called-num 88888 all

        Displays the captured event traces for API events for in-progress calls made to the specified number.

        Step 3 show monitor event-trace voip ccsip trace-type all

        Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip fsm all

        Displays the captured event traces for Finite State Machine (FSM) and Communicating Nested FSM (CNFSM) events.

        Step 4 show monitor event-trace voip ccsip summary

        Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip summary

        Displays a summary of all captured event traces.

        Step 5 show monitor event-trace voip history all

        Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip history all

        Displays the captured traces for completed calls.


        Configuring Cisco UBE Serviceability Debug Classification

        Perform this task to classify debug messages to support Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) serviceability features, and to display Cisco UBE debug category code information.


          1.    enable

          2.    debug ccsip info

          3.    debug ccsip feature feature-name feature-name feature-name feature-name feature-name

          4.    debug ccsip level critical

          5.    show cube debug category codes

            Command or Action Purpose
          Step 1 enable

          Device> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode.

          • Enter your password if prompted.
          Step 2 debug ccsip info

          Device# debug ccsip info

          Enables CCSIP INFO debugging.

          Step 3 debug ccsip feature feature-name feature-name feature-name feature-name feature-name

          Device# debug ccsip feature audio cac dtmf fax registration

          Enables filtering of CCSIP INFO debugs based on various features. Debugs for specified and enabled features are printed.

          Step 4 debug ccsip level critical

          Device# debug ccsip level critical

          Enables CCSIP critical level debugging messages.

          Step 5 show cube debug category codes

          Device# show cube debug category codes

          Displays Cisco Unified Border Element debug category code information.


          Monitoring Active Calls

          Perform this task to monitor and display information on the total number of active calls in the system.


            1.    show call active total-calls

              Command or Action Purpose
            Step 1 show call active total-calls

            Device# show call active total-calls
            Total Number of Active Calls : 110

            Displays the total number of active calls in the system.


            Configuration Examples for Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification

            Example: Controlling Cisco UBE Serviceability Event Tracing

            The following example shows how to allow the event traces to be stored permanently to secondary storage and how to control event trace logging:

            Device> enable
            Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all dump pretty
            Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all disable
            Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all clear
            Device# monitor event-trace voip ccsip all enable

            Example: Configuring Cisco UBE Serviceability Event Tracing

            The following example shows how to configure event tracing in the system:

            Device> enable
            Device# configure terminal
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip api size 50
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip fsm size 100
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip global size 100
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip misc size 50
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip msg size 50
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump marked
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file slot0:ccsip-dump-file
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit connections 1000
            Device(config)# monitor event-trace voip ccsip stacktrace 9
            Device(config)# exit

            Example: Monitoring Cisco UBE Serviceability Event Tracing

            The following example shows how to monitor event tracing in the system:

            Device> enable
            Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip api filter called-num 88888 all
            Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip fsm all
            Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip summary 
            Device# show monitor event-trace voip ccsip history all

            Example: Configuring Cisco UBE Serviceability Debug Classification

            The following example shows how to configure debug messages for Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) serviceability features:

            Device> enable
            Device# debug ccsip info
            SIP Call info tracing is enabled
            Device# debug ccsip feature audio cac dtmf fax registration
            audio debugging for ccsip info is enabled (active)
            fax debugging for ccsip info is enabled (active)
            dtmf debugging for ccsip info is enabled (active)
            cac debugging for ccsip info is enabled (active)
            registration debugging for ccsip info is enabled (active)
            Device# debug ccsip level critical
            critical mode tracing for ccsip info is enabled (active)
            Device# show cube debug category codes
            | show cube debug category codes values.
            | Indx |  Debug Name           |   Value
            |  01  |  SDP Debugs           |   1
            |  02  |  Audio Debugs         |   2
            |  03  |  Video Debugs         |   4
            |  04  |  Fax Debugs           |   8
            |  05  |  SRTP Debugs          |   16
            |  06  |  DTMF Debugs          |   32
            |  07  |  SIP Profiles Debugs  |   64
            |  08  |  SDP Passthrough Deb  |   128
            |  09  |  Transcoder Debugs    |   256
            |  10  |  SIP Transport Debugs |   512
            |  11  |  Parse Debugs         |   1024
            |  12  |  Config Debugs        |   2048
            |  13  |  Control Debugs       |   4096
            |  14  |  Miscellaneous Debugs |   8192
            |  15  |  Supp Service Debugs  |   16384
            |  16  |  Misc  Features Debugs|   32768
            |  17  |  SIP Line-side Debugs |   65536
            |  18  |  CAC Debugs           |   131072
            |  19  |  Registration Debugs  |   262144

            Example: Monitoring Active Calls

            The following example shows how to view all active calls in the system:

            Device> enable
            Device# show call active total-calls
            Total Number of Active Calls : 110

            Additional References for Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification

            Related Documents

            Related Topic

            Document Title

            Cisco IOS commands

            Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

            Voice commands

            Technical Assistance

            Description Link

            The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies.

            To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds.

            Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password.


            Feature Information for Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification

            The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

            Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to​go/​cfn. An account on is not required.

            Table 1 Feature Information for Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification

            Feature Name


            Feature Information

            Cisco UBE Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification


            Cisco IOS Release XE 3.10S

            The Cisco Unified Border Element (Cisco UBE) Serviceability for Event Logging and Debug Classification feature helps support, test, and development engineers to troubleshoot during high-density call volumes without significantly impacting performance. This feature introduces a new mechanism for tracing the calls and issues, and generating and collecting needed information, on Cisco UBE via Event Logging.

            The following commands were introduced or modified: debug ccsip feature, debug ccsip level, monitor event-trace voip ccsip, monitor event-trace voip ccsip (EXEC), monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump-file, monitor event-trace voip ccsip dump, monitor event-trace voip ccsip limit, monitor event-trace voip ccsip stacktrace, show call active total-calls, show cube debug category codes, and show monitor event-trace voip ccsip (EXEC).