Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE

First Published: July 22, 2011

Last Updated: July 22, 2011

The Multicast Music-on-Hold (MMOH) feature enables you to subscribe to a music streaming service when you are using a Cisco Unified Border Element. Music streams from an MMOH server to the interface of Cisco UBE, which then converts it into unicast. To play the MMOH to customers using Cisco UBE, you must enable the MMOH feature on Cisco UBE.

Prerequisites for Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE

Cisco Unified Border Element

  • Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)T or a later release must be installed and running on your Cisco Unified Border Element.

Restrictions for Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE

  • The Multicast Music-on-Hold (MMOH) feature will not work when the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Passthrough feature is enabled on Cisco UBE.
  • The MMOH feature will work for Low Density Transcoded calls but not for High Density Transcoded calls.
  • MMOH is supported only on SIP-to-SIP call flows on Cisco UBE.

Information About Multicast Music-on-Hold Support onCisco UBE

Multicast Music-on-Hold

To play Multicast Music-on-Hold (MMOH) to customers using Cisco UBE, you must enable the MMOH feature on Cisco UBE. When Cisco UBE receives an MMOH call, it converts the multicast address received on the inbound leg into a unicast address and sends the address on the outbound leg.

Cisco UBE uses preconfigured CLIs to "listen" for Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets that are broadcast from an MMOH server in the network and converts them to unicast. When a call is placed on hold, the MOH server streams the RTP packets to the Cisco UBE interface. This interface converts the RTP packets to unicast and relays the packets to the appropriate voice interfaces that have been placed on hold.


MMOH is already supported on SIP-TDM gateways.

How to Enable Multicast Music-on-Hold on Cisco UBE

Enabling MMOH on Cisco UBE

Perform this task to enable the MMOH feature on Cisco UBE.


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    ip multicast-routing

    4.    ccm-manager music-on-hold

    5.    exit

      Command or Action Purpose
    Step 1 enable

    Device> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode.

    • Enter your password if prompted.
    Step 2 configure terminal

    Device# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 3 ip multicast-routing

    Device(config)# ip multicast-routing

    Enables IP multicast routing.

    Step 4 ccm-manager music-on-hold

    Device(config)# ccm-manager music-on-hold

    Enables the multicast music-on-hold feature on a voice gateway.

    Step 5 exit

    Device(config)# exit

    Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.


    Verifying the MMOH Support on Cisco UBE

    Perform this task to verify the MMOH support on Cisco UBE. The show commands can be entered in any order.


      1.    enable

      2.    show ccm-manager music-on-hold

      3.    show voip rtp connections

      4.    show call active voice compact

      Step 1   enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode.

      Device> enable
      Step 2   show ccm-manager music-on-hold

      Displays information about all the multicast music-on-hold (MOH) sessions in the gateway at any given time.

      Device# show ccm-manager music-on-hold
      Current active multicast sessions: 1
      Multicast Address     RTP port number    Packets in/out    CallId   Codec      Incoming Interface           16386              614/614              132     g711ulaw

      Step 3   show voip rtp connections

      Displays RTP-named event packets.

      Device# show voip rtp connections
      VoIP RTP active connections:
      No. CallId     dstCallId       LocalRTP RmtRTP     LocalIP                                RemoteIP
      1     140        141            18792    18638                   
      2     141        140            19256    26184                   
      Found 2 active RTP sessions

      Step 4   show call active voice compact

      Displays a compact version of voice calls in progress.

      Device# show call active voice compact
      <callID>  A/O FAX T<sec> Codec       type        Peer Address       IP R<ip>:<udp>
      Total call-legs: 3
             140 ANS     T644   g711ulaw    VOIP        P10000
             141 ORG     T644   g711ulaw    VOIP        P708090

      145 ORG T643 g711ulaw VOIP P595959

      Troubleshooting Tips

      The following commands can help troubleshoot MMOH:

      • debug ccm-manager music-on-hold [ all | errors | events ]
      • debug voip rtp
      • debug ccsip all

      Configuration Examples for Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE

      Example Enabling MMOH on Cisco UBE

      Device> enable
      Device# configure terminal
      Device(config)# ip multicast-routing
      Device(config)# ccm-manager music-on-hold
      Device# show running-config
      Building configuration...
      Current configuration : 2375 bytes
      ! Last configuration change at 11:01:36 UTC Wed Jan 5 2011
      version 15.1
      service timestamps debug datetime msec
      service timestamps log datetime msec
      no service password-encryption
      hostname carbon-1
      boot system flash usbflash0:c2951-universalk9-mz.SSA.MMOH-carbon_dev
      no aaa new-model
      no ipv6 cef
      ip source-route
      ip cef
      ip multicast-routing
      no ip domain lookup
      multilink bundle-name authenticated
      crypto pki token default removal timeout 0
      voice-card 0
      voice service voip
       mode border-element license capacity 1200
       allow-connections sip to sip
      license udi pid CISCO2951/K9 sn FHK1433F39H
      hw-module pvdm 0/0
      redundancy inter-device
      interface GigabitEthernet0/0
       ip address
       duplex auto
       speed auto
      interface GigabitEthernet0/1
      no ip address
       duplex auto
       speed auto
      interface GigabitEthernet0/2
       no ip address
       duplex auto
       speed auto
      ip forward-protocol nd
      no ip http server
      no ip http secure-server
      ip route
      nls resp-timeout 1
      cpd cr-id 1
      ccm-manager music-on-hold
      mgcp profile default
      dial-peer voice 100 voip
       destination-pattern 878767
       session protocol sipv2
       session target ipv4:
       codec g711ulaw
      line con 0
       speed 115200
      line aux 0
      line vty 0 4
       transport input all
      exception data-corruption buffer truncate
      scheduler allocate 20000 1000

      Feature Information for Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE

      The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

      Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http:/​/​​go/​cfn . An account on is not required.

      Table 1 Feature Information for Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE

      Feature Name


      Feature Information

      Multicast Music-on-Hold Support on Cisco UBE


      The Multicast Music-on-Hold (MMOH) feature enables you to subscribe to a music streaming service when you are using a Cisco Unified Border Element. To play MMOH to customers using Cisco UBE, you must enable the MMOH feature on Cisco UBE.

      No new commands were introduced or modified.