Table Of Contents
Initializing the Sensor
System Configuration Dialog
Initializing the Sensor
Verifying Initialization
Initializing the Sensor
This chapter explains how to initialize the sensor using the setup command. It contains the following sections:
System Configuration Dialog
Initializing the Sensor
Verifying Initialization
After you have installed the sensor on your network, you must use the setup command to initialize it. With the setup command, you configure basic sensor settings, including the hostname, IP interfaces, Telnet server, web server port, access control lists, time settings, and assign and enable interfaces. After you have initialized the sensor, you can communicate with it over the network. You are then ready to configure intrusion prevention using either the CLI, IDM, or ASDM.
System Configuration Dialog
When you type the setup command, an interactive dialog called the System Configuration Dialog appears on the system console screen. The System Configuration Dialog guides you through the configuration process.
The values shown in brackets next to each prompt are the current values.
You must go through the entire System Configuration Dialog until you come to the option that you want to change. To accept default settings for items that you do not want to change, press Enter.
To return to the EXEC prompt without making changes and without going through the entire System Configuration Dialog, press Ctrl-C.
The System Configuration Dialog also provides help text for each prompt. To access the help text, press the question mark (?) key at a prompt.
When you complete your changes, the System Configuration Dialog shows you the configuration that you created during the setup session. It also asks you if you want to use this configuration. If you type yes, the configuration is saved. If you type no, the configuration is not saved and the process begins again. There is no default for this prompt; you must type either yes or no.
You can configure daylight savings time either in recurring mode or date mode. If you select recurring mode, the start and end days are based on week, day, month, and time. If you select date mode, the start and end days are based on month, day, year, and time. Selecting Disable turns off daylight savings time.
You can edit the default virtual sensor, vs0, through the System Configuration Dialog. You can assign promiscuous and/or inline-pairs to the virtual sensor. This also enables the assigned interfaces. After setup is complete, the virtual sensor is configured to monitor traffic.
You only need to set the date and time in the System Configuration Dialog if the system is an appliance and is NOT using NTP.
Initializing the Sensor
To initialize the sensor, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the sensor using an account with administrator privileges:
Log in to the appliance by using a serial connection or with a monitor and keyboard.
You cannot use a monitor and keyboard with IDS-4215, IPS-4240, or IPS-4255.
Session to IDSM-2:
For Catalyst software:
cat6k> (enable) session
For Cisco IOS software:
router# session slot
slot_number processor 1
Session to NM-CIDS:
router# service-module IDS-Sensor
slot_number/port_number session
Session to ASA-SSM:
The default username and password are both cisco.
Step 2
The first time you log in to the sensor you are prompted to change the default password.
Passwords must be at least eight characters long and be strong, that is, not be a dictionary word.
Caution ![](../../../../../../i/templates/blank.gif)
If you forget your password, you may have to reimage your sensor (refer to
Upgrading, Downgrading, and Installing System Images), unless there is another user with Administrator privileges. The other Administrator can log in and assign a new password to the user who forgot the password. Or, if you have created the service account for support purposes, you can have TAC create a password. For more information, refer to
Creating the Service Account.
After you change the password, the cat6k> enable
prompt appears.
Step 3
Type the setup command.
The System Configuration Dialog is displayed.
The System Configuration Dialog is an interactive dialog. The default settings are displayed.
--- System Configuration Dialog ---
At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help.
User ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt.
Default settings are in square brackets '[]'.
standard-time-zone-name UTC
summertime-option disabled
Current time: Wed May 5 10:25:35 2004
Step 4
Press the spacebar to get to the following question:
Continue with configuration dialog?[yes]:
Press the spacebar to show one page at a time. Press Enter to show one line at a time.
Step 5
Type yes to continue.
Step 6
Specify the hostname.
The hostname is a case-sensitive character string up to 64 characters. Numbers, "_" and "-" are valid, but spaces are not acceptable. The default is sensor.
Step 7
Specify the IP interface.
The IP interface is in the form of IP Address/Netmask,Gateway: X.X.X.X/nn,Y.Y.Y.Y, where X.X.X.X specifies the sensor IP address as a 32-bit address written as 4 octets separated by periods where X = 0-255, nn specifies the number of bits in the netmask, and Y.Y.Y.Y specifies the default gateway as a 32-bit address written as 4 octets separated by periods where Y = 0-255.
Step 8
Specify the Telnet server status.
You can disable or enable Telnet services. The default is disabled.
Step 9
Specify the web server port.
The web server port is the TCP port used by the web server (1 to 65535). The default is 443.
If you change the web server port, you must specify the port in the URL address of your browser when you connect to the IDM or ASDM in the format cat6k> (enable) session
sensor_ip_ address:port (for example, router# session slot
The web server is configured to use TLS and SSL encryption by default. Setting the port to 80 does not disable the encryption.
Step 10
Type yes to modify the network access list.
If you want to delete an entry, type the number of the entry and press Enter, or press Enter to get to the Permit line.
Type the IP address and netmask of the network you want to add to the access list.
The IP interface is in the form of IP Address/Netmask/Gateway: X.X.X.X/nn,Y.Y.Y.Y, where X.X.X.X specifies the sensor IP address as a 32-bit address written as 4 octets separated by periods where X = 0-255, nn specifies the number of bits in the netmask, and Y.Y.Y.Y specifies the default gateway as a 32-bit address written as 4 octets separated by periods where Y = 0-255.
Repeat Step b until you have added all networks that you want to add to the access list.
Press Enter at a blank permit line to proceed to the next step.
Step 11
Type yes to modify the system clock settings.
Type yes if you want to use NTP.
You will need the NTP server IP address, the NTP key ID, and the NTP key value. If you do not have those at this time, you can configure NTP later. For the procedure, refer to Configuring the Sensor to Use an NTP Time Source.
Type yes to modify summertime settings.
Summertime is also known as DST. If your location does not use Summertime, go to Step n.
Choose recurring, date, or disable to specify how you want to configure summertime settings.
The default is recurring.
If you chose recurring, specify the month you want to start summertime settings.
Valid entries are january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, and december.
The default is april.
Specify the week you want to start summertime settings.
Valid entries are first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and last.
The default is first.
Specify the day you want to start summertime settings.
Valid entries are sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday.
The default is sunday.
Specify the time you want to start summertime settings.
The default is 02:00:00.
The default recurring summertime parameters are correct for time zones in the United States. The default values specify a start time of 2 a.m. on the first Sunday in April, and a stop time of 2 a.m. on the fourth Sunday in October. The default summertime offset is 60 minutes.
Specify the month you want summertime settings to end.
Valid entries are january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, and december.
The default is october.
Specify the week you want the summertime settings to end.
Valid entries are first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and last.
The default is last.
Specify the day you want the summertime settings to end.
Valid entries are sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, and saturday.
The default is sunday.
Specify the time you want summertime settings to end.
Specify the DST zone.
The zone name is a character string up to 24 characters long in the pattern [A-Za-z0-9()+:,_/-]+$.
Specify the summertime offset.
Specify the summertime offset from UTC in minutes (negative numbers represent time zones west of the Prime Meridian).
The default is 0.
Type yes to modify the system time zone.
Specify the standard time zone name.
The zone name is a character string up to 24 characters long.
Specify the standard time offset.
The default is 0.
Specify the standard time zone offset from UTC in minutes (negative numbers represent time zones west of the Prime Meridian).
Step 12
Type yes to modify the virtual sensor configuration (vs0).
The current interface configuration appears:
Current interface configuration
Command control: GigabitEthernet0/1
Step 13
Type yes to add a promiscuous or monitoring interface.
Step 14
Type the interface you want to add, for example, GigabitEthernet0/1.
Step 15
Type yes to add inline pairs (appears only if your platform supports inline pairs).
Type the inline pair name.
Type the inline pair description.
The default is router# service-module IDS-Sensor
Type the name of the first interface in the inline pair, interface1.
Type the name of the second interface in the inline pair, interface2.
Your configuration appears with the following options:
[0] Go to the command prompt without saving this config.
[1] Return back to the setup without saving this config.
[2] Save this configuration and exit setup.
Step 16
Type 2 to save the configuration.
Enter your selection[2]: 2
Step 17
Type yes to modify the system date and time.
This option is not available on modules or when NTP has been configured. The modules get their time from the router or switch in which they are installed, or from the configured NTP server.
Type the local date (yyyy-mm-dd).
Type the local time (hh:mm:ss).
Step 18
Reboot the sensor:
Warning: Executing this command will stop all applications and reboot the node.
Step 19
Type yes to continue the reboot.
Step 20
Display the self-signed X.509 certificate (needed by TLS):
sensor# show tls fingerprint
MD5: C4:BC:F2:92:C2:E2:4D:EB:92:0F:E4:86:53:6A:C6:01
SHA1: 64:9B:AC:DE:21:62:0C:D3:57:2E:9B:E5:3D:04:8F:A7:FD:CD:6F:27
Step 21
Write down the certificate fingerprints.
You will need these to check the authenticity of the certificate when connecting to this sensor with a web browser.
Step 22
Apply the most recent service pack and signature update.
For information on how to obtain the most recent software, see Obtaining Cisco IPS Software. The Readme explains how to apply the most recent software update.
You are now ready to configure your sensor for intrusion prevention.
For More Information
For the procedure for using HTTPS to log in to IDM, refer to Logging In to IDM.
For the procedures for configuring intrusion prevention on your sensor, refer to the following documents:
Installing and Using Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Device Manager 5.0
Configuring the Cisco Intrusion Prevention System Sensor Using the Command Line Interface 5.0
Verifying Initialization
After you have run the setup command, you should verify that your sensor has been initialized correctly.
To verify that you initialized your sensor, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the sensor.
For the procedure, refer to Logging In to the Sensor.
Step 2
View your configuration:
sensor# show configuration
generating current config:
! ------------------------------
! Current configuration last modified Thu Aug 12 16:55:33 2004
! ------------------------------
description default virtual sensor
physical-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
! ------------------------------
! ------------------------------
standard-time-zone-name CST
summertime-option recurring
! ------------------------------
physical-interfaces GigabitEthernet0/1
alt-tcp-reset-interface none
missed-percentage-threshold 2
! ------------------------------exit
You can also use the more current-config command to view your configuration.
Step 3
Display the self-signed X.509 certificate (needed by TLS):
sensor# show tls fingerprint
MD5: C4:BC:F2:92:C2:E2:4D:EB:92:0F:E4:86:53:6A:C6:01
SHA1: 64:9B:AC:DE:21:62:0C:D3:57:2E:9B:E5:3D:04:8F:A7:FD:CD:6F:27
Step 4
Write down the certificate fingerprints.
You will need these to check the authenticity of the certificate when connecting to this sensor with a web browser.