Cisco CallManager Serviceability Administration Guide, Release 3.3(4)
Real-Time Monitoring Configuration

Table Of Contents

Real-Time Monitoring Configuration

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

RTMT Window Overview

RTMT Default Configuration

Customizing the RTMT Window

Viewing Cluster Information in the RTMT Window

Viewing Cluster Information Using the CallMgr Info Icon

Using Preferences

Viewing Preferences

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

Enabling Directory Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Directory Status

Using Resource Usage

Viewing Last 24 hr. Calls

Viewing Process Activity

Viewing Directory Servers

Viewing About RTMT

Viewing Help

Viewing Alert Icon Information

Using Category Tabs

Creating a Category

Removing a Category

Renaming a Category

Configuring Sample Polling Rate

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Understanding Performance Counters

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Removing a Counter From Monitor

Understanding Counter Properties

Displaying a Property Description

Configuring a Data Sample

Viewing Counter Data

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Understanding Device Monitoring

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Device Properties

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

Gateway Configuration Settings

Understanding CTI Application Monitoring

Adding CTI Application to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Device to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Lines to Monitor

Real-Time Monitoring Configuration

This chapter provides procedural information to configure the Serviceability Real-Time Monitoring tool (RTMT).

The following topics cover the Real-Time Monitoring tool configuration options:

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

Viewing Cluster Information in the RTMT Window

Using Preferences

Using Resource Usage

Viewing About RTMT

Viewing Help

Viewing Alert Icon Information

Using Category Tabs

Creating a Category

Removing a Category

Renaming a Category

Configuring Sample Polling Rate

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

The following topics cover the Real-Time Monitoring tool performance monitoring configuration information:

Understanding Performance Counters

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Viewing Counter Data

Removing a Counter From Monitor

Understanding Counter Properties

The following topics cover RTMT device status configuration information:

Understanding Device Monitoring

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Device Properties

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

The following topics cover RTMT CTI applications status configuration information:

Understanding CTI Application Monitoring

Adding CTI Application to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Device to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Lines to Monitor

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

This section describes how to load the Real-Time Monitoring tool (RTMT). The Cisco CallManager Serviceability program lists RTMT under the Tools menu item.


Step 1 From the Cisco CallManager Administration window, choose Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability.

The Cisco CallManager Serviceability window displays.

Step 2 Choose Tools > Real-Time Monitoring.

The tool displays. See Figure 11-1.

Step 3 From the Select Configuration window, choose the configuration that you want displayed.

Note RTMT provides a default configuration. For more information, see the "RTMT Default Configuration" section.

Step 4 Click the OK button.

Note If you do not want a configuration that displays in the Select Configuration window, click the Cancel button. To create configurations, see the "Creating Configuration Preferences" section.

The configuration that you chose displays. The cluster information displays in the pane area called Monitoring Objects. Performance and Devices designate the tabs in this pane.

Step 5 If you want to monitor the performance of object counters, see the "Understanding Performance Counters" section; otherwise, continue with the next step.

Step 6 If you want to monitor Cisco CallManager Devices, see the "Adding Device to Monitor" section.

Related Topics

RTMT Window Overview

RTMT Default Configuration

Customizing the RTMT Window

Creating Configuration Preferences

RTMT Window Overview

The RTMT window comprises the following panes:

The Monitoring Objects pane that appears on the left contains two tabs: Performance and Devices.

The Performance Monitoring pane or the Device Monitoring pane appears on the right.

The window status bar appears in the bottom, right corner and contains icons for preferences, cluster information, resource usage, about information, and help.

Figure 11-1 Real-Time Monitoring Window

RTMT Default Configuration

When you initially load RTMT, it comes with a default configuration called CM-Default. Dynamically created, CM-Default monitors all registered phones in all the Cisco CallManager nodes. If your cluster has five Cisco CallManager nodes configured, CM-Default displays all the registered phones for each node in the Performance Monitoring pane. See Figure 11-2.

Figure 11-2 RTMT Window with CM-Default Configuration

Customizing the RTMT Window

You can customize your RTMT window to contain any information that you need for troubleshooting purposes. See the "Using Preferences" section.

Viewing Cluster Information in the RTMT Window

You can easily view server information (such as active calls, registered phones, and memory usage) of the Cisco CallManager cluster. This section describes how to view cluster information from the RTMT window.


Step 1 In the Monitoring Objects pane, right-click the cluster name or the server folder.

A popup menu displays.

Step 2 Choose Properties.

The CallManager Cluster Information window displays.

Step 3 In the window, click the tab with the server name for which you want information.

Step 4 To view updated information such as uptime or number of active calls, click the Update button.

Step 5 To close the window, click the Cancel button.

Related Topic

Viewing Cluster Information Using the CallMgr Info Icon

Viewing Cluster Information Using the CallMgr Info Icon

You can easily view server information (such as active calls, registered phones, and memory usage) of the Cisco CallManager cluster. This section describes how to view cluster information from the CallMgr Info icon on the RTMT window status bar.


Step 1 Click the CallMgr Info icon located in the RTMT window status bar (second icon from the left).

The CallManager cluster information window displays.

Step 2 In the window, click the tab with the server name for which you want information.

The CallManager cluster information for that server displays.

Step 3 To view updated information such as uptime or number of active calls, click the Update button.

Step 4 To close the window, click the Cancel button.

Related Topic

Viewing Cluster Information in the RTMT Window

Using Preferences

The Preferences icon that is located in the Real-Time Monitoring (RTMT) window status bar performs the following functions:

Save, restore, and delete RTMT configuration preferences.

Add, edit, and delete Alert Notify settings.

Configure heartbeat monitoring and polling rates.

The Configuration preference saves the following information:

Performance monitoring categories including associated counters, counter thresholds, counter alerts, and polling rate.

Monitored devices categories including search criteria and polling rate.

Heartbeat monitoring polling settings.

Viewing Preferences

This section describes how to view the RTMT preferences.


Step 1 Click the Preferences icon located in the RTMT window status bar (first icon on the left).

The Preferences window displays.

Step 2 To view the RTMT configuration list and description, click the Configuration tab.

Step 3 To view the RTMT alert list and descriptions, click the Alert tab.

Step 4 To close the window, click the Close button.

Related Topics

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

This section describes how to change the displayed RTMT configuration.


Step 1 Click the Preferences icon located in the RTMT window status bar (first icon on the left).

The Preferences window displays.

Step 2 In the Preferences window, click the Configuration tab.

The Configuration List displays the configuration options.

Step 3 In the Configuration List area, choose the configuration you want to display.

Step 4 To load the configuration, click the Restore button.

Related Topics

Viewing Preferences

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

Creating Configuration Preferences

You can create custom RTMT windows to aid you in troubleshooting system problems. The customized window may display device or performance monitoring windows, alert notifications for counters and gateway ports, or multiple categories containing various information. See the following sections to create windows, alerts, or categories:

Using Category Tabs

Understanding Performance Counters

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

After you have customized your RTMT window to contain the specific information that you need for troubleshooting, you can save it to a configuration preference.

This section describes how to create a RTMT configuration preference.


Step 1 Click the Preferences icon located in the RTMT window status bar (first icon on the left).

The Preferences window displays.

Step 2 In the Preferences window, click the Configuration tab.

The Configuration List displays the configuration options.

Step 3 To save your customized configuration, click the Save button.

Step 4 In the Configuration name field, enter the name of the configuration preference.

Step 5 In the Configuration description field, enter a description.

Step 6 Click the OK button.

Related Topics

Viewing Preferences

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Configuring Alert Notify

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notify

Add, edit, and delete Alert preferences using the Preferences button located in the RTMT monitoring window status bar. Configure Alert notifications for performance counter value thresholds, schedule for alert checking, and status change of device (for example, port is out of service).

To configure the alert notification for performance counters, see the "Configuring Alert Notification for Counter" section. To configure the alert notification for gateways, see the "Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway" section.

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Enable heartbeat monitoring using the Preferences icon located in the RTMT monitoring window status bar. You can configure heartbeat monitoring for one or more Cisco CallManager servers in a cluster.

This section describes how to enable heartbeat monitoring.

Tip Make sure that the alert is previously configured. See the "Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring" section, "Configuring Alert Notification for Counter" section, or "Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway" section.


Step 1 Click the Preferences icon located in the RTMT window status bar (first icon on the left).

The Preferences window displays.

Step 2 In the Preferences window, click the CM Heartbeat tab.

The Heartbeat Monitoring window displays.

Step 3 Check the Enable Heartbeat Monitoring check box.

Step 4 Choose a CallManager server to monitor.

Step 5 Enter time in the polling interval field; for example, 30.

Step 6 Click the down arrow in the drop-down menu.

Step 7 Choose Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.

Step 8 If you want an alert sent when the heartbeat for the server is lost, click the Enable Alert check box.

Step 9 If you only want one alert sent when the heartbeat for the server is lost, click the Notify Once check box.

Note Notify once means that RTMT sends an alert for one heartbeat lost condition. If the heartbeat is lost again, RTMT sends another alert.

Step 10 Choose the alert that you want sent when the heartbeat is lost by clicking the down arrow in the Alert drop-down box.

Step 11 To activate the heartbeat monitoring, click the Apply button.

To close the window without making changes, click the Close button.

Related Topics

Viewing Preferences

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

This section describes how to configure the alert notification parameters for heartbeat monitoring.


Step 1 In the status bar, click the Preferences icon.

Step 2 Click the Alert tab.

Step 3 Click the Add button.

The Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 4 In the Alert Name field, enter the name for the alert; for example, CallMgr Heartbeat.

Step 5 In the Alert Description field, enter the description of the alert; for example, Lost heartbeat for CallMgr number 1.

If you want the alert information sent in an e-mail, continue with the following steps.

If you want the alert to pop up a message, go to Step 14.

Step 6 To send the alert as an e-mail, click the Email Alert radio button.

Step 7 Click the Config MailServer button if this is the first time that you are setting up an e-mail notification; otherwise, continue with Step 11.

The Mail Server Configuration window displays.

Step 8 In Server field, enter the server name.

Step 9 In the Port field, enter the port number.

Step 10 Click the OK button.

The window closes, and the Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 11 In the To field, enter the e-mail recipient address.

Step 12 In the Subj field, enter the subject text.

Step 13 In the Msg field, enter information about the alert. Continue with Step 16.

Step 14 Click the Message Popup radio button.

Step 15 Enter the text of the message for the alert; for example, Lost heartbeat.

Step 16 Click the OK button.

The Preferences window displays. The Alert list box displays the alert that you added.

Related Topics

Viewing Preferences

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Enabling Directory Status

Enable directory status using the Preferences icon located in the RTMT monitoring window status bar. You can configure directory status for one or more Cisco CallManager servers in a cluster.

This section describes how to enable directory status.

Tip Make sure that the alert is previously configured. See the "Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring" section, "Configuring Alert Notification for Directory Status" section, "Configuring Alert Notification for Counter" section, or "Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway" section.


Step 1 Click the Preferences icon located in the RTMT window status bar (first icon on the left).

The Preferences window displays.

Step 2 In the Preferences window, click the Directory tab.

The Directory Status Monitoring window displays.

Step 3 Check the Enable Directory Monitoring check box.

Note Leave this check box unchecked if you do not want the directory servers polled.

Step 4 Choose a CallManager server for which you want to monitor directory status.

Step 5 Enter time in the connection polling interval field; for example, 10.

Step 6 Click the down arrow in the drop-down menu.

Step 7 Choose Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.

Step 8 Enter time in the replication polling interval field; for example, 1.

Step 9 Click the down arrow in the drop-down menu.

Step 10 Choose Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.

Note Default value for connection polling interval is 10 minutes; default value for replication polling interval is 1 hour.

Step 11 If you want an alert sent when the directory connection status for the server is lost, click the Enable Alert check box.

Step 12 If you only want one alert sent when the directory connection status for the server is lost, click the Notify Once check box.

Note Notify once means that RTMT sends an alert for one directory connection status lost condition. If the connection status is lost again, RTMT sends another alert.

Step 13 Choose the alert that you want sent when the directory connection status is lost by clicking the down arrow in the Alert drop-down box.

Step 14 To activate the directory status monitoring, click the Apply button.

To close the window without making changes, click the Close button.

Related Topics

Viewing Preferences

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Configuring Alert Notification for Directory Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Directory Status

This section describes how to configure the alert notification parameters for directory status.


Step 1 In the status bar, click the Preferences icon.

Step 2 Click the Alert tab.

Step 3 Click the Add button.

The Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 4 In the Alert Name field, enter the name for the alert; for example, Directory Status.

Step 5 In the Alert Description field, enter the description of the alert; for example, Directory connection status is lost.

If you want the alert information sent in an e-mail, continue with the following steps.

If you want the alert to pop up a message, go to Step 14.

Step 6 To send the alert as an e-mail, click the Email Alert radio button.

Step 7 Click the Config MailServer button if this is the first time that you are setting up an e-mail notification; otherwise, continue with Step 11.

The Mail Server Configuration window displays.

Step 8 In Server field, enter the server name.

Step 9 In the Port field, enter the port number.

Step 10 Click the OK button.

The window closes, and the Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 11 In the To field, enter the e-mail recipient address.

Step 12 In the Subj field, enter the subject text.

Step 13 In the Msg field, enter information about the alert. Continue with Step 16.

Step 14 Click the Message Popup radio button.

Step 15 Enter the text of the message for the alert; for example, Lost directory connection.

Step 16 Click the OK button.

The Preferences window displays. The Alert list box displays the alert that you added.

Related Topics

Viewing Preferences

Changing RTMT Configuration Display

Creating Configuration Preferences

Configuring Alert Notify

Enabling Directory Status

Using Resource Usage

If the system is running slowly, or calls are not getting through, you can view Cisco CallManager resources. See the following topics for more information:

Viewing Last 24 hr. Calls

Viewing Process Activity

Viewing Directory Servers

Viewing Last 24 hr. Calls

Serviceability monitors calls attempted and calls completed every hour for 24 hours (this is an automatic setting). See the following Note.

Note The Real-Time Monitoring tool (RTMT) collects data each hour about calls attempted and completed. The program stores this information in its background. If you click the Update button before the hour of collecting data completes, the information displayed in the window does not change. If the hour of collecting data is complete, the information updates when you click the Update button. For example, if you click the resource usage icon at 7:15, the system displays the calls attempted and completed information at that hour (for example, 7:00). If you click the Update button at 7:30, the system displays the same information as it did at 7:15. If you click the Update button at 8:15, the system displays the updated information about the calls attempted and completed for that hour (for example, 8:00).

This section describes how to view the Cisco CallManager resource usage for calls during the last 24 hours.


Step 1 Click the Resource Usage icon located in the RTMT window status bar (third icon on the left).

The Resource Usage window displays.

Step 2 To view your system resource usage information, click the Last 24 hr. Calls tab.

The window displays the usage information in bar graph form. Two bars display for every hour for the last 24 hours: one for calls attempted, one for calls completed.

Step 3 In the drop-down menu box, click the down arrow.

Step 4 Choose the server for which you want resource usage information.

Step 5 To view updated information, click the Refresh button.

Step 6 To close the window, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Viewing Process Activity

Viewing Directory Servers

Viewing Process Activity

This section describes how to view the Cisco CallManager process activity resource usage.


Step 1 Click the Resource Usage icon located in the RTMT window status bar (third icon on the left).

The Resource Usage window displays.

Step 2 In the window, click the Process Activity tab for which you want resource usage information.

Step 3 In the drop-down menu box, click the down arrow.

Step 4 Choose the server for which you want resource usage information.

Step 5 To view updated information, click the Refresh button.

Note The information displayed represents the resource usage when you accessed the program (that is, it is static information). To view changes in status (such as processes that have ended or started), click the Refresh button.

Step 6 To close the window, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Viewing Last 24 hr. Calls

Viewing Directory Servers

Viewing Directory Servers

This section describes how to view the Cisco CallManager directory servers resource usage.


Step 1 Click the Resource Usage icon located in the RTMT window status bar (third icon on the left).

The Resource Usage window displays.

Step 2 In the window, click the Directory Servers tab for which you want resource usage information.

The Directory Servers pane displays. See Table 11-1 for a description of the directory servers information.

Table 11-1 Directory Servers Information 


CallManager Node

The name of the Cisco CallManager node (IP address or host name) as configured in the database.

Directory Server

The IP address or host name and the port number of the Cisco CallManager server on which the directory resides.

Directory Type

Embedded, Netscape, or Active Directory.

Connection Status (Reason)

Operational or Not Connected. If there is a Not Connected connection status, an error message displays describing the error return code that the Directory API returns.

Replication Status (Reason)

If the directory type is Embedded and a subscriber node, a status displays. Status specifies Operational or Not Operational. If the directory type is Embedded and a publisher/subscriber node, it is also a directory publisher node.

If the replication status is Not Operational, an error message displays describing the error return code that the Directory API returns.

Note You can expand and contract the columns of the Directory Services window. Move the cursor to the column edge. When the double arrow appears, click the mouse and move left and right to expand and contract.

Step 3 To view updated information, click the Refresh button.

Note The information displayed represents the resource usage when you accessed the program (that is, it is static information). To view changes in status, click the Refresh button.

Step 4 Click the OK button to close the window.

Related Topics

Viewing Last 24 hr. Calls

Viewing Process Activity

Viewing About RTMT

This section describes how to view the RTMT About information.


Step 1 Click the About icon located in the RTMT window status bar (fourth icon on the left).

The About window displays the following information:

Real-Time Monitoring Tool

RTMT Client Version—3.2(1)

RTMT Server Version—

Third-party libraries:

JVM by Microsoft Corp.

JFC by Sun Microsystems

JCLASS by K&L Group

Xerces by Apache

Step 2 To view the version of the Cisco CallManager software, click the Version button.

The Cisco CallManager Component Versions window displays.

Step 3 To return to the About window, choose File > Close.

Step 4 To close the About window, click the OK button.

Viewing Help

This section describes how to view the Serviceability Online Help information.


Step 1 Click the Help button located in the RTMT window status bar (last icon).

The Help window displays.

Step 2 Choose the type of help information that you want displayed.

Step 3 To return to the Real-Time Monitoring program, close or minimize the Help window.

Viewing Alert Icon Information

The Real-Time Monitoring tool monitors the Cisco CallManager heartbeat and directory connection status. When the heartbeat is lost or the directory connection status becomes disconnected, a blinking icon appears in the RTMT window status bar. To find out about the alert, click the blinking icon.

An e-mail can notify you of a heartbeat loss or the directory connection status.

This section describes how to view the Cisco CallManager Alert information.


Step 1 In the RTMT window status bar, click the blinking Alert icon.

A popup window displays providing the time and node of the lost heartbeat.

Step 2 To close the window, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Enabling Heartbeat Monitoring

Configuring Alert Notification for Heartbeat Monitoring

Enabling Directory Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Directory Status

Using Category Tabs

A category comprises monitored performance counters. A tab in the RTMT monitoring pane contains the category name. All performance counters monitored in this tab belong to a category. The system polls the performance counters in the tab at the same rate, with each category configured to have its own polling rate.

To create custom categories, you add a new category tab. When the tab is created, you specify the specific performance counters, devices, and alerts within that tab and then save your custom category using Preferences.

Related Topics

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Using Preferences

Creating a Category

This section describes how to create a new category for the RTMT performance or device monitoring pane.

Note You can have up to 15 performance monitoring categories. You can have unlimited device monitoring categories.


Step 1 In the monitoring pane, right-click any tab.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose New Category.

Step 3 In the tab name field, enter the tab name.

Step 4 To display the performance counters in table format, check the Present Data in Table View check box; otherwise, leave box unchecked for chart view.

Note Performance counters display in chart or table view. Device monitors display only in table view.

Step 5 Click the OK button.

A new tab with the name that you chose displays.

Step 6 Choose an object or a device in the Monitoring Objects pane. See the "Adding a Counter to Monitor" section, and the "Adding Device to Monitor" section.

Related Topics

Using Preferences

Removing a Category

Renaming a Category

Configuring Sample Polling Rate

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Removing a Category

This section describes how to remove a category from the performance or device monitoring pane.


Step 1 In the RTMT monitoring pane, right-click the tab that you want to remove.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose Remove Category.

The tab that you removed, along with any counters or devices that displayed in that pane, no longer displays.

Related Topics

Using Preferences

Creating a Category

Renaming a Category

Configuring Sample Polling Rate

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Renaming a Category

This section describes how to rename a category in the RTMT performance or device monitoring pane.

Step 1 In the RTMT monitoring pane, right-click the tab that you want to rename.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose Rename Category.

Step 3 In the tab name field, enter the new name of the tab.

Step 4 Click the OK button.

The tab that you renamed displays.

Related Topics

Using Preferences

Creating a Category

Removing a Category

Configuring Sample Polling Rate

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Sample Polling Rate

The Cisco CallManager software polls counters, devices, and gateway ports to gather status information. In the RTMT monitoring pane, you configure the polling intervals for the performance counters, devices, and gateway ports for each category tab that you create. For a description of the polling intervals for gateway ports, see the "Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway" section.

Note High-frequency polling rate affects Cisco CallManager performance. The minimum polling rate for monitoring a performance counter in chart view equals 5 seconds; the minimum rate for monitoring a performance counter in table view specifies 1 second. The default for both categories is 10 seconds.

This section describes how to configure the polling interval.


Step 1 In the RTMT monitoring pane, right-click any tab for which you want to configure the polling interval.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose Sample Rate.

The Polling Rate window displays. You can configure polling rates from 1 second to 24 hours. The default is 10 minutes.

Step 3 In the polling interval field, enter a number using the digits 1 to 9.

The maximum polling interval equals 24 hours, which the system calculates. An error displays if you configure more than 24 hours in the polling interval field.

Step 4 Click the down arrow in the drop-down box.

Step 5 From the drop-down menu, choose Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.

Step 6 Click the OK button.

Related Topics

Using Preferences

Using Category Tabs

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

The Cisco CallManager software displays performance counters in chart or table format. Chart format looks like a miniature screen of information. Up to six charts display in the RTMT performance monitoring pane for each category tab that you create. Because chart view is the default, you configure the performance counters to display in table format when you create a category.

This section describes how to configure table format for the performance monitoring pane.


Step 1 In the performance monitoring pane, right-click any tab.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose New Category.

Step 3 In the tab name field, enter the tab name.

Step 4 To display the performance counters in table format, check the Present Data in Table View check box; otherwise, leave box unchecked for chart view.

Step 5 Click the OK button.

A new tab with the name that you chose displays.

Step 6 In the Monitoring Objects pane, choose an object. See Adding a Counter to Monitor.

Related Topics

Using Preferences

Using Category Tabs

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

To change the contents of the device monitoring pane without going to the device name in the Monitoring Objects pane, use the Re-Select option. This section describes how to change the contents of the device monitoring pane.


Note This procedure works only when device information displays; otherwise, the system shows the Re-Select option as grayed out.

Step 1 In the RTMT device monitoring pane, right-click any tab.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose Re-Select.

The Select Device to Monitor window displays. You can check or uncheck the appropriate check boxes, or you can navigate backward or forward within the window.

Step 3 When your changes are complete, click the Finish button; otherwise, click the Cancel button.

The RTMT device monitoring pane displays the changed information.

Related Topics

Using Preferences

Using Category Tabs

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Adding Device to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Understanding Performance Counters

You monitor the performance of the Cisco CallManager software by selecting the counters for any object. The counters for each object display when the folder is expanded.

Related Topics

"Microsoft Performance"

Chapter 2, "Objects and Counters," Cisco CallManager Serviceability System Guide

Appendix A, "Cisco CallManager Perfmon Counters, RTMT, and CISCO-CCM-MIB," Cisco CallManager Serviceability System Guide

Adding a Counter to Monitor

To troubleshoot system performance problems, you add the counter associated with the performance object to the RTMT performance monitoring pane, which displays a chart for the counter. Category tabs contain up to six performance counter charts.

Before You Begin

See the following sections before adding counters:

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

Using Category Tabs

This section describes how to add a counter to the RTMT performance monitoring pane.

Note To choose a counter, double-click the name, right-click the name, or drag the counter and drop it in the performance monitoring pane. A double-click displays the counter information in chart format in the RTMT performance monitoring pane. A right-click opens a menu and displays the Add option; choose Add to display the counter information in the RTMT performance monitoring pane. In the following procedure, use any method to choose a device.

Note You can display up to three counters in one chart in the RTMT performance monitoring pane. To add three counters in one chart, click the counter and drag it to the RTMT performance monitoring pane. Repeat for each counter.


Step 1 In the Performance Monitoring pane, click the file icon next to the server name.

The file icon opens, and a list of objects displays.

Step 2 Click the file icon next to the object name that contains the counters that you want to monitor.

The object icon opens, and a list of counters displays.

Step 3 Choose the counter that you want to monitor.

Step 4 Right-click the counter name.

Step 5 Click the Add button.

The counter displays in the RTMT performance monitoring pane.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Removing a Counter From Monitor

Understanding Counter Properties

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Viewing Counter Data

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Cisco CallManager notifies you of system problems using the alert notification feature.

Before You Begin

Consider the following configuration setup to activate alert notifications for a system counter:

From the RTMT performance monitoring pane, choose the system performance counter.

Set up an e-mail or a message popup window for alert notification.

Determine the threshold for the alert (for example, an alert activates when Calls in progress exceed the threshold of over 100 calls, or under 50 calls).

Determine the frequency of the alert notification (for example, the alert occurs once or every hour). See Table 11-3.

Determine the schedule for when the alert activates (for example, on a daily basis or at certain times of the day). See Table 11-3.

This section describes how to configure the alert notification parameters for a counter.


Step 1 In the RTMT performance monitoring pane, right-click the counter displayed for which you want to configure the alert notification.

Step 2 Choose Alert/Threshold.

The Counter Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 3 Click the Configuration button.

The Preferences window displays the Alert List and Description information.

Step 4 Click the Add button.

The Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 5 In the Alert Name field, enter the name for the alert; for example, HeartBeat counter.

Step 6 In the Alert Description field, enter the description of the alert; for example, the HeartBeat counter is performing slowly.

If you want the alert information sent in an e-mail, continue with the following steps.

If you want the alert to pop up a message, go to Step 15.

Step 7 To send the alert as an e-mail, click the Email Alert radio button.

Step 8 If this is the first time that you are setting up an e-mail notification, click the Config MailServer button; otherwise, continue.

The Mail Server Configuration window displays.

Step 9 In Server field, enter the server name.

Step 10 In the Port field, enter the port number.

Step 11 Click the OK button.

The window closes, and the Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 12 In the To field, enter the e-mail recipient address.

Step 13 In the Subj field, enter the subject text.

Step 14 In the Msg field, enter information about the alert. Go to Step 17.

Step 15 Click the Message Popup radio button.

Step 16 Enter the text of the message for the alert; for example, HeartBeat is too slow.

Step 17 Click the OK button.

Step 18 Click the Close button.

The Alert Configuration window displays. In the Alert drop-down box, choose the alert that you added.

Step 19 If you want the alert threshold to be over a certain value, check the Over check box.

Step 20 In the Over value field, enter a value. For example, enter a value that is the number of calls in progress.

Note Use the Over check box in conjunction with the Frequency and Schedule configuration parameters.

Step 21 If you want the alert threshold to be under a certain value, check the Under check box.

Step 22 In the Under value field, enter a value. For example, enter a value that is the number of calls in progress.

Note Use the Under check box in conjunction with the Frequency and Schedule configuration parameters.

Step 23 Click the Next > button.

The Frequency and Schedule window of the Counter Alert Configuration displays.

Step 24 If you want the alert notification activated only once when the threshold is met, click the Once radio button.

For example, if you set the threshold to be Over 100 calls in progress and Under 50 calls in progress, the system sends an alert when the thresholds of either more than 100 calls in progress take place or under 50 calls in progress take place.

Note Once eliminates Every as an option.

If the calls in progress continue to go over or under the threshold, the system does not send another alert notification. When the threshold is normal (between 50 and 100 calls in progress), the system deactivates the alert notification. However, if the threshold should go over or under the threshold value again, the system reactivates alert notification.

Step 25 If you want the alert notification activated at certain intervals, click the Every radio button.

Note Every eliminates Once as an option.

Step 26 Enter a value in the Every field (for example 10).

Step 27 To select the interval for the value that you entered in Step 26, click the down arrow of the Every drop-down menu.

Step 28 Choose seconds, minutes, or hours (for example, every 10 minutes).

For example, if you set the threshold to be Over 100 calls in progress and Under 50 calls in progress, the system checks the counter value every 10 minutes to determine whether it is under or over the thresholds of either more than 100 calls in progress take place or under 50 calls in progress take place. If the counter value exceeds the thresholds, the system activates an alert notification.

Step 29 If you want the counter to be checked on a daily basis, check the Daily Task check box. If this check box is checked, continue; otherwise, go to either Step 34 if you want the counter to be checked immediately or to Step 36 if you want the counter to be checked at a specific time and day.

Note The start and stop time date field does not display if the Daily Task check box is checked.

Step 30 To set the time when the system should start checking the value of the counter threshold, click the start time At radio button.

Step 31 Enter a start time for the Daily Task.

Step 32 To set the time when the system should stop checking the value of the counter threshold, click the stop time At radio button.

Step 33 Enter a stop time for the Daily Task.

Step 34 If you want to begin checking the counter immediately, click the Now radio button.

Step 35 If you always want the counter to be checked, click the Never stop radio button.

Step 36 To configure the counter to be checked at certain times of the day, click the start time and stop time At radio buttons.

Step 37 Enter the date of the start and stop times.

Step 38 Click the Activate button.

Note If you want to change any alert configuration information, click the < Back button or the Cancel button.

Figure 11-3 provides an example of an alert e-mail sent to the system administrator when the RegisteredPhones was below the low threshold.

Table 11-3 provides a description of the counter alert configuration parameters.

Figure 11-3 Alert Notification E-Mail

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Zooming a Counter

Removing a Counter From Monitor

Understanding Counter Properties

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Viewing Counter Data

Zooming a Counter

To get a closer look at performance monitors, zoom the monitor counter in the RTMT performance monitoring pane.

This section describes how to zoom the monitoring information for a counter.


Step 1 In the RTMT performance monitoring pane, right-click the counter for which you want to zoom.

Step 2 Choose Zoom.

The Zoom window displays.

Step 3 The minimum, maximum, average, and last fields show the values for the counter since the monitoring began for the counter.

Step 4 To close the window, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Removing a Counter From Monitor

Understanding Counter Properties

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Viewing Counter Data

Removing a Counter From Monitor

You remove counters from the RTMT performance monitoring pane when they are no longer needed.

This section describes how to remove a counter from the window.


Step 1 In the RTMT performance monitoring pane, right-click the counter that you want to remove.

Step 2 Choose Remove.

The counter no longer displays in the window.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Understanding Counter Properties

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Viewing Counter Data

Understanding Counter Properties

Counter properties provides two capabilities: display a description of the counter and configure data sampling parameters.

Displaying a Property Description

Use one of two ways to obtain a description of the counter:

In the monitoring objects pane, right-click the counter to display only the description of the counter.

In the RTMT performance monitoring pane, right-click the counter chart to display the description and to configure the data sampling parameters.

This section describes how to display the counter property description.


Step 1 In the RTMT performance monitoring pane or in the monitoring objects pane, right-click the counter for which you want property information.

Step 2 Choose Properties.

The Counter Property window displays the description of the counter. The description includes the host address, the object to which the counter belongs, the counter name, and a brief overview of what the counter does.

Step 3 To close the Counter Property window, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Configuring a Data Sample

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Viewing Counter Data

Configuring a Data Sample

The Counter Property window contains the option to configure data samples for a counter. The performance counters displayed in the RTMT performance monitoring pane contain green dots representing samples of data over time. You can configure the number of data samples to collect and the number of data points to show in the chart. After the data sample is configured, view the information by using the View All Data/View Current Data menu selection. See the "Viewing Counter Data" section.

This section describes how to configure the number of data samples to collect for a counter.


Step 1 In the RTMT performance monitoring pane, right-click the counter for which you want data sample information.

Step 2 Choose Properties.

The Counter Property window displays the description of the counter. The description includes the host address, the object to which the counter belongs, the counter name, and a brief overview of what the counter does.

Step 3 To configure the number of data samples for the counter, click the Data Sample tab.

Step 4 Click the down arrow of the No. of data samples drop-down menu.

Step 5 Choose the number of samples (between 100 and 1000). The default is 100.

Step 6 Click the down arrow of the No. of data points shown on chart drop-down menu.

Step 7 Choose the number of data points to show on the chart (between 10 and 50). The default is 20.

Step 8 Click one of the parameters as described in Table 11-2.

Table 11-2 Data Sample Parameters 



Because some counter values are accumulative (for example, CallsAttempted or CallsCompleted), choose Absolute to display the data at its current status.


Choose Delta to display the difference between the current counter value and the previous counter value.

% Delta

Choose % Delta to display the counter performance changes in percentage.

Step 9 To close the Counter Property window and return to the RTMT performance monitoring pane, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Displaying a Property Description

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Viewing Counter Data

Viewing Counter Data

Use this view data for a monitor option to view the data collected for a performance counter. See the "Understanding Counter Properties" section, for a description of data sample configuration.

This section describes how to view all and current data for a performance counter.


Step 1 In the RTMT performance monitoring pane, right-click the counter for which you want to view data samples.

Step 2 Choose View All Data.

The counter chart displays all data that has been sampled. The green dots appear very close together, almost forming a solid line.

Step 3 Right-click the counter currently displayed.

Step 4 Choose View Current Data.

The counter chart displays the last configured data samples collected. See the "Understanding Counter Properties" section, procedure for configuring data samples.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Configuring Performance Counters in Table View/Chart View

Adding a Counter to Monitor

Configuring Alert Notification for Counter

Zooming a Counter

Understanding Counter Properties

Removing a Counter From Monitor

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Counter Alert Configuration Settings

Table 11-3 describes the counter alert configuration parameters.

Table 11-3 Counter Alert Configuration Parameters 



Check this check box to configure a maximum threshold that must be met before an alert notification is activated. The value entered in this check box field associates with the counter type (for example, Calls in progress).


Check this check box to configure a minimum threshold that must be met before an alert notification is activated. The value entered in this check box field associates with the counter type (for example, Calls in progress).


The Once option configures the alert notification to activate once when either the under or over counter threshold is exceeded.

The Every option configures the system to check the value of the counter threshold at specific intervals and to determine whether an alert notification should activate. The Every option values range from 1 to 99 seconds, minutes, or hours.

Daily Task

Check the Daily Task check box if the system is to check the value of the counter threshold every day. If the check box is checked, enter the start and stop times of the daily task. For example, you can configure the counter to be checked every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or from 9:00 pm to 9:00 am.


Click the Now radio button if the system is to check the value of the counter threshold immediately.

Never stop

Click the Never stop radio button if the system is to always check the value of the counter threshold.

Start time

Click the At radio button in the start time to configure a time for the system to start checking the counter threshold. If the Daily Task check box is not checked, enter a date in the date field.

Stop time

Click the At radio button in the stop time to configure a time for the system to stop checking the counter threshold. If the Daily Task check box is not checked, enter a date in the date field.

Understanding Device Monitoring

The Cisco CallManager Real-Time Monitoring tool monitors device activity for Cisco CallManager devices such as phones, gateways, and H.323 devices. RTMT monitors the device information (such as name of device, directory number, IP address) in real time. Refer to the Cisco CallManager Serviceability System Guide for additional information.

Adding Device to Monitor

This section describes how to add a device to the device monitoring pane.

Note To choose a device, double-click the name or right-click the name. A double-click opens the Select Device to Monitor window. A right-click displays the Monitor option, which must be chosen to display the Select Device to Monitor window. In the following procedure, use either method to choose a device.


Step 1 In the Monitoring Objects pane, choose a device; for example, Gateway.

The Select Device to Monitor window displays.

Tip To monitor all devices in the Cisco CallManager cluster, right-click the cluster name and choose Monitor; continue with the following steps.

Note When you select a device criteria for a particular search, RTMT returns a list of monitored devices based on the criteria you enter for that search. However, every subsequent poll after the initial search becomes a new search. For example, if in the initial search your criteria is for phones registered to Cisco CallManager A; then RTMT returns all phones registered to Cisco CallManager A at the time of the search; however, if a new phone is registered after your initial search, then RTMT will show that phone in a subsequent search.

Step 2 Click one of the following radio buttons:




Any Status

Device only configured in database

The drop-down box displayed to the right of the radio button highlights.

Step 3 Click the down arrow in the drop-down box.

The menu list displays.

Step 4 Choose the appropriate Cisco CallManager server for which you want the device information to display.

Note In the remaining steps, you can choose the < Back, Next >, Finish, or Cancel buttons. The procedure uses the button that completes the procedure.

Step 5 Click the Next > button.

A window with search criteria displays.

Step 6 In the Search by device model box, choose one of the following radio buttons:

Any Model (this searches on all device models)

Device Model (this searches a specific device model)

Note If you chose to search on a cluster, the list that displays includes all the device model types in that cluster.

Step 7 If you chose the Device Model radio button, click the drop-down box to choose the specific device model you want to search. Otherwise skip to Step 8.

Step 8 Click Next.

Step 9 Click one of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

Directory Number

Device Name

Device Description

IP Address

IP Subnet (IP and Mask fields)

Step 10 Enter the information in the field for the radio button that you clicked; for example, if you clicked the Directory Number radio button, enter the directory number in the field.

Step 11 Click the Next > button.

A window with the monitoring attributes fields displays.

Step 12 Check the check box for the information that you want to display.

Step 13 Click the Finish button.

The device monitoring pane displays the information that you chose.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Device Properties

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

Viewing Phone Information

You can view information about phones displayed in the RTMT device monitoring pane. This section describes how to view phone information.


Step 1 To display the phone in the RTMT device monitoring pane, see the "Adding Device to Monitor" section.

Step 2 Choose the phone for which you want information.

Step 3 Right-click the mouse button.

A popup menu displays.

Step 4 Choose Open.

The Device Information window displays. See Figure 11-4. For more information on the device, choose any field displayed in the left pane of the window.

Figure 11-4 Device Information Window

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Device Properties

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

Viewing Device Properties

You can view the properties of devices that display in the RTMT device monitoring pane. This section describes how to view device properties.


Step 1 Perform the procedure to display the device in the RTMT device monitoring pane. See the "Adding Device to Monitor" section.

Step 2 Choose the device for which you want property information.

Step 3 Right-click the mouse button.

A popup menu displays.

Step 4 Choose Properties.

The Device Property window displays.

Step 5 To display the device description information, click the Description tab.

Step 6 To display other device information, click the Other Info tab.

The window displays product id, HTTP support, platform type, and registration attempts.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

Viewing Application Information

You can view the application information for selected devices such as the Cisco IP phone, CTI port, and CTI route point. This section describes how to view application information.


Step 1 Choose the device for which you want application information; for example, CTI.

Step 2 Right-click the mouse button.

A popup menu displays.

Step 3 Choose App Info.

The Application Information window displays the CTI manager node name, application ID, user ID, application IP address, application status, app time stamp, device time stamp, device name, and CTI device open status.

Step 4 To view updated information, click the Refresh button, or to close the window, click the OK button.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Device Properties

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

You can view the status of any gateway that displays in the RTMT device monitoring pane. This section describes how to view gateway status.


Step 1 Perform the procedure to display the gateway in the RTMT device monitoring pane. See the "Adding Device to Monitor" section.

Step 2 Choose the gateway for which you want information.

Step 3 Right-click the mouse button.

A popup menu displays.

Step 4 Choose Port/Channel Status. See Table 11-4.

The Port Status window displays the port number, the port type, and the port status of the gateway.

Table 11-4 Gateway Status 

Gateway Type




Out of Service

Digital D channel

In Service

Out of Service

Digital B channel



Out of Service

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Cisco CallManager uses the Alert Notification feature to notify you of gateway port problems.

Before You Begin

To activate alert notifications for a gateway and its ports, consider the following configuration setup:

From the RTMT device monitoring pane, choose the gateway.

Set up an e-mail or a message popup window for alert notification.

Determine the frequency of the alert notification (for example, will the alert be sent once or every hour). See Table 11-5.

Determine the schedule for the alert to activate (for example, on a daily basis or at certain times of the day). See Table 11-5.

This section describes how to configure the alert notification parameters for a gateway.


Step 1 In the RTMT device monitoring pane, right-click the gateway for which you want to configure the alert notification.

Step 2 Choose Port/Channel Status.

The Port Status window displays.

Step 3 Click the Alert button.

The Port Status Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 4 Click the Configuration button.

The Preferences window displays the Alert Notify and Description information.

Step 5 Click the Add button.

The Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 6 In the Alert Name field, enter the name for the alert; for example, Out of Service.

Step 7 In the Alert Description field, enter the description of the alert; for example, port 2 is bad.

If you want the alert information sent in an e-mail, continue with the following steps.

If you want the alert to pop up a message, go to Step 16.

Step 8 To send the alert as an e-mail, click the Email Alert radio button.

Step 9 If this is the first time that you are setting up an e-mail notification, click the Config MailServer button; otherwise, continue.

The Mail Server Configuration window displays.

Step 10 In Server field, enter the server name.

Step 11 In the Port field, enter the port number.

Step 12 Click the OK button.

The window closes, and the Alert Configuration window displays.

Step 13 In the To field, enter the e-mail recipient address.

Step 14 In the Subj field, enter the subject text.

Step 15 In the Msg field, enter information about the alert. Go to Step 18.

Step 16 Click the Message Popup radio button.

Step 17 Enter the text of the message for the alert; for example, Port 2 is Out of Service.

Step 18 Click the OK button.

The Port Status Alert Configuration window displays. The alert that you added displays in the Alert selection drop-down box.

Step 19 In the Monitor "Out of Service" state window, click the All Ports or Selected Ports radio button.

If you choose All Ports, the system monitors all ports in the gateway for an out-of-service state. If you choose Selected Ports, you must choose the port that you want monitored by clicking on that port field. To choose multiple ports, hold the Shift key while clicking the port fields.

Step 20 Click the Next > button.

The Frequency and Schedule window of the Port Status Alert Configuration displays.

Step 21 If you want the alert notification activated only once when the port is out of service, click the Once radio button.

Step 22 If you want the alert notification activated at certain intervals, click the Every radio button.

Step 23 In the Every field, enter a value (for example 10).

Step 24 To select the interval for the value that you entered in Step 23, click the down arrow of the Every drop-down menu.

Step 25 Choose seconds, minutes, or hours (for example, every 10 minutes).

For example, the system checks the port status every 10 minutes to determine whether it is out of service. If it is, the system activates an alert notification.

Step 26 If you want the port status to be checked on a daily basis, check the Daily Task check box. If this check box is checked, continue; otherwise; go to either Step 31 if you want the counter to be checked immediately or to Step 33 if you want the counter to be checked at a specific time and day.

Note The start and stop time date field does not display if the Daily Task check box is checked.

Step 27 To set the time when the system should start checking the port status, click the start time At radio button.

Step 28 Enter a start time for the Daily Task.

Step 29 To set the time when the system should stop checking the port status, click the stop time At radio button.

Step 30 Enter a stop time for the Daily Task.

Step 31 If you want to begin checking the port status immediately, click the Now radio button.

Step 32 If you always want the port status to be checked, click the Never stop radio button.

Step 33 To configure the port status to be checked at certain times of the day, click the start time and stop time At radio buttons.

Step 34 Enter the date of the start and stop times.

Step 35 Click the Activate button.

Note If you want to change any alert configuration information, click the < Back button or the Cancel button.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

Gateway Configuration Settings

Configuring Refresh Rate for Gateway

The Cisco CallManager software polls counters, devices, and gateway ports to gather status information. In the RTMT monitoring pane, you configure the polling intervals for the performance counters, devices, and gateway ports for each category tab that you create. For a description of polling intervals for performance counters, see the "Configuring Sample Polling Rate" section.

This section describes how to configure the polling interval.


Step 1 Right-click any gateway in the RTMT device monitoring pane.

A popup window displays.

Step 2 Choose Port/Channel Status.

The Port Status window displays.

Step 3 Click the Refresh Rate button.

The Polling Rate window displays.

Step 4 In the polling interval field, enter a number from 1 to 99999999. The default is 10 seconds.

Step 5 Click the down arrow in the drop-down box.

Step 6 From the drop-down menu, choose Seconds, Minutes, or Hours.

Step 7 Click the OK button.

Related Topics

Using Category Tabs

Changing Content of Device Monitoring Pane (Re-Select)

Adding Device to Monitor

Viewing Phone Information

Viewing Application Information

Viewing Gateway Channel Status

Configuring Alert Notification for Gateway

Gateway Configuration Settings

Gateway Configuration Settings

Table 11-5 describes the gateway alert configuration parameters.

Table 11-5 Gateway Alert Configuration Parameters



The Once option configures the alert notification to activate once when the assigned port goes out of service.

The Every option configures the system to check the status of the gateway ports at specific intervals and to determine whether an alert notification should activate. The Every option values range from 1 to 99 seconds, minutes, or hours.

Daily Task

Check the Daily Task check box if the system is to check the status of the gateway ports every day. If the check box is checked, enter the start and stop times of the daily task. For example, you can configure the gateway port status to be checked every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or from 9:00 pm to 9:00 am.


Click the Now radio button if the system is to check the gateway port status immediately.

Never stop

Click the Never stop radio button if the system is to always check the gateway port status.

Start time

Click the At radio button in the start time to configure a time for the system to start checking the gateway port status. If the Daily Task check box is not checked, enter a date in the date field.

Stop time

Click the At radio button in the stop time to configure a time for the system to stop checking the gateway port status. If the Daily Task check box is not checked, enter a date in the date field.

Understanding CTI Application Monitoring

The Real-Time Monitoring tool allows you to monitor the status of selected applications; and the status of devices and lines that are opened or closed by these CTI applications. Refer to the Cisco CallManager Serviceability System Guide for more information.

Related Topics

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

Using Category Tabs

Adding CTI Application to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Device to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Lines to Monitor

Adding CTI Application to Monitor

This section describes how to add a CTI application to the CTI Apps monitoring pane.

Before You Begin

See the following sections before adding CTI applications to monitor:

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

Using Category Tabs

Note To choose a CTI application, double-click the name or right-click Applications. A double-click opens the Select Applications to Monitor window. A right-click displays the Monitor option, which must be chosen to display the Select Applications to Monitor window. In the following procedure, use either method to choose applications.


Step 1 In the Monitoring Objects pane, choose Applications.

The Select Applications to Monitor window displays.

Step 2 In the CTI Manager field, choose the CTI manager you want to monitor in the drop-down list box.

Step 3 In the Applications Status field, choose the application status.

Step 4 Click Next.

A window with search criteria displays.

Step 5 Click one of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

App Id

IP Address

IP Subnet


Step 6 Enter the information in the field for the radio button that you clicked; for example, if you clicked the IP Subnet radio button, enter the IP address and the subnet mask in the field.

Step 7 Click Next.

A window with the monitoring attributes fields displays.

Step 8 Check the check box for the attributes of the applications that you want to monitor.

Step 9 Click Finish.

The applications monitoring pane displays the information that you chose.

Related Topics

Understanding CTI Application Monitoring

RTMT Window Overview

Using Category Tabs

Adding CTI Manager Device to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Lines to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Device to Monitor

This section describes how to add a CTI manager device to the CTI Apps monitoring pane.

Before You Begin

See the following sections before adding CTI manager devices to monitor:

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

Using Category Tabs

Note To choose a CTI device, double-click the name or right-click Devices. A double-click opens the Select Devices to Monitor window. A right-click displays the Monitor option, which must be chosen to display the Select Devices to Monitor window. In the following procedure, use either method to choose devices.


Step 1 In the Monitoring Objects pane, choose Devices.

The Select Devices to Monitor window displays.

Step 2 In the CTI Manager field, choose the CTI manager you want to monitor in the drop-down list box.

Step 3 In the Devices Status field, choose the device status.

Step 4 In the Devices box, click one of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

Device Name (e.g. SEP123*)

Note If you chose the Device Name radio button, enter the device name in the field.

Step 5 Click Next.

Step 6 In the Application Pattern box, choose one of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

App Id

IP Address

IP Subnet


Step 7 Enter the information in the field for the radio button that you clicked; for example, if you clicked IP Subnet, enter the IP address and subnet mask in the field.

Step 8 Click Next.

A window with the monitoring attributes fields displays.

Step 9 Check the check box for the attributes of the devices that you want to monitor.

Step 10 Click Finish.

The devices monitoring pane displays the information that you chose.

Related Topics

Understanding CTI Application Monitoring

RTMT Window Overview

Using Category Tabs

Adding CTI Application to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Lines to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Lines to Monitor

This section describes how to add CTI manager lines to the CTI Apps monitoring pane.

Before You Begin

See the following sections before adding CTI manager lines to monitor:

Loading Real-Time Monitoring

Using Category Tabs

Note To choose CTI applications lines, double-click the name or right-click Lines. A double-click opens the Select Lines to Monitor window. A right-click displays the Monitor option, which must be chosen to display the Select Lines to Monitor window. In the following procedure, use either method to choose lines.


Step 1 In the Monitoring Objects pane, choose Lines.

The Select Lines to Monitor window displays.

Step 2 In the CTI Manager field, choose the CTI manager you want to monitor in the drop-down list box.

Step 3 In the Lines Status field, choose the status.

Step 4 In the Devices box, click one of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

Device Name (e.g. SEP123*)

Note If you chose the Device Name radio button, enter the device name in the field.

Step 5 In the Lines box, click on of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

Directory Number

Note If you chose the Directory Number radio button, enter the directory number in the field.

Step 6 Click Next.

Step 7 In the Application Pattern box, choose one of the following radio buttons:

Any name/address

App Id

IP Address

IP Subnet


Step 8 Enter the information in the field for the radio button that you clicked; for example, if you clicked IP Subnet, enter the IP address and subnet mask in the field.

Step 9 Click Next.

A window with the monitoring attributes fields displays.

Step 10 Check the check box for the attributes of the lines that you want to monitor.

Step 11 Click Finish.

The lines monitoring pane displays the information that you chose.

Related Topics

Understanding CTI Application Monitoring

RTMT Window Overview

Using Category Tabs

Adding CTI Application to Monitor

Adding CTI Manager Device to Monitor