As a network administrator, you can create a template that is applied when the system goes into maintenance mode. This allows
you to isolate specific protocols. All instances that need to be isolated must be explicitly specified.
You can create multiple templates with different configurations. However, only a single template is applied to the maintenance
mode CLI. Once applied, the template cannot be updated. If the template has to be updated, then you must remove it, make the
changes, and then re-apply.
Within a template, protocols belonging to one class are serviced in parallel. The order of priority of the protocols is the
same as that of the default template.
To configure this feature, enter the maintenance mode using the system mode maintenance command and enable the feature using the templatetemplate-namecalss command.
For example if the custom template has the following protocols:
Maintenance-template foo
router isis 100
hsrp Et0/1 1
hsrp Et0/1 2
router isis 200
Maintenance-template foo class
router isis 100
hsrp Et0/1 1
hsrp Et0/1 2
router isis 200
In the above example, since isis belongs to CLASS_IGP, router isis 100 & router isis 200 will be serviced in parallel. Once
acknowledgements are received for both these protocols belonging to IGP class, FHRP_CLASS clients, hsrp Et0/1 and hsrp Et0/1
2 will be serviced in parallel.
When the template-class feature is configured, the protocols follow an order based on the class they belong to when entering
maintenance mode. The protocols follow the opposite order when returning to normal mode.