Backing Up and Restoring Components

Backing Up and Restoring Components

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This topic provides details on backup and restore for Cisco Unified Communications components. First and foremost, the backup of Cisco Unified Communications components needs to be incorporated into your corporate-wide backup operations. It is an important aspect of disaster recovery and is also essential before doing component upgrades. If you do not have a process in place, you must develop and document a backup and recovery management process. Some items to consider for this process are the following:

Provide proper storage of Operating System and Cisco Unified Communications Application CDs.

Define incremental and full backup methodologies and schedules, assign an owner for each Unified Communications component and database server.

Define a verification process for backups:

Monitor backup logs on a daily basis for errors.

Periodically restore backup images to ensure validity.

Secure onsite and offsite storage of backups.

Develop well documented processes for system and configuration restoration.

Ideally, provide central location(s) (for example, SFTP servers) for backup of data from all the Cisco Unified Communications components.

The following topics provide backup and restore details on a component basis along with links to the appropriate component documentation:

Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express

Cisco Unified Presence

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace

Cisco Unified MeetingPlace Express

Cisco Unity

Cisco Unity Connection

Cisco Unity Express

For additional information on backing up and restoring Unified Communications system components, as well as other system operations topics, see the documentation wiki (DocWiki) at Opens new window.