Cisco AppDynamics Professional Implementer Exam and Training

Cisco AppDynamics Professional Implementer

Exams and training

Overview Exams and training Community Resources

What you need to know

Exam basics

  • Exams are delivered in a secure environment by proctors, either online or at testing centers.
  • Grading is pass/fail, and your results are available online, usually within 48 hours.
  • Exams are available worldwide in English, and some are available in additional languages.

Training basics

  • Multiple training options are available, so you can study whenever and however you want.
  • Choose from Cisco U., self-paced e-learning courses, labs, and simulators, practice tests, and more.
  • If you're already certified, Cisco training earns you Cisco Continuing Education credits toward recertification.
The 500-430 CAPI exam certifies that you have the knowledge and skills to deploy AppDynamics controllers, agents, analytics and EUM servers, as well as AppDynamics APIs to extend and customize the AppDynamics platform.

Required core exam

500-430 CAPI

Cisco AppDynamics Professional Implementer

This exam certifies that you have the knowledge and skills to deploy AppDynamics controllers, agents, analytics and EUM servers, as well as AppDynamics APIs to extend and customize the AppDynamics platform.

Cost: US$300
Duration: 90 minutes
Languages: English

Register for an exam

All AppDynamics exams can be taken online or in-person through Pearson VUE. To schedule an exam, you’ll need a Cisco ID. You can create one here.

If you have existing AppDynamics University subscription exam vouchers, you must redeem a voucher to register for and schedule the certification exam.

Preparing for your exam

​​Since everyone learns differently, we offer a variety of resources to help you study for your exam. Explore the options to find what works best for you.​


On-Premise Installation Workshop for Cisco AppDynamics (IMP860)


SaaS Implementation Workshop for Cisco AppDynamics (IMP875)

Not sure where to start?

Find answers to common questions and learn how to take full advantage of AppDynamics in our community space. Discuss with subject-matter experts and explore technical topics as you prepare for your certification exam.

Up-skill your entire team in an interactive, real-world environment.

Transform your team with training for organizations

Up-skill your entire team in an interactive, real-world environment. Group training, led by expert instructors, encourages Transform your team with training for organizations collaboration and can take your team's productivity to the next level.

We're here to help

Browse FAQ

Have questions about getting certified? Learn more about how to register for an exam, check your certification status, and more.

Certification support

Email the AppDynamics Certification team at or visit the Learning@Cisco Centralized Support to open a case about your certification.