Cisco 6000 Series Switches

Cisco 6000 Series Switches

Designed for Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric

Cloud-managed switches that are easy to deploy and manage for Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric.

Cisco 6000 Series Switches, the switches for Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric

Cloud-managed secure switches simplify data center networking with plug-and-play deployment based on high-performance Cisco Silicon One.

Cloud managed

Deployable anywhere, automatically connecting to Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric cloud controller, the next generation of network fabrics.


Plug-and-play deployment with automated provisioning, telemetry uplift, and scheduled upgrades.


Hardened out of the box with manufacturer certificates for hardware-based attestation, software integrity verification, and a secure tether to cloud.

High performance

Built on Cisco Silicon One ASIC with high-speed 400G fabric connections.

Cisco 6000 Series Switches

Explore Nexus Hyperfabric

Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric

Scale data center fabrics anywhere and for any size with this cloud-managed solution. Teams of all skill levels can use it to simplify complex tasks and boost efficiency.

Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric AI

Deploy AI clusters with a single click. Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric AI combines intuitive cloud management with high performance, powered by an optimized stack that includes Cisco compute, Nvidia GPUs/DPUs, Cisco 6000 Series Switches, Cisco Optics, VAST Data storage, and Nvidia AI Enterprise.

Cisco 6000 Series Switches

Built with Cisco Silicon One and powered by Cisco Nexus Hyperfabric, deliver network simplicity, scalable bandwidth and cloud management for superior performance and reliability.