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Cisco Secure Access

Webinars and demos

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Explore Cisco Secure Access webinars and demos

Check out our demos, walk-through videos, and webinars to learn how to connect and protect users from anywhere they work, and how to simplify and centralize security operations.

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Zero Trust: Six Phases of Adoption in Action

Unlock the blueprint to real-life zero trust success on July 23rd with Avinash Naduvath, author of “In Zero Trust We Trust”.

Additional demos

Product tour

Step-by-step guide through Secure Access. See how we secure connectivity while protecting against cyberattacks and data loss.

Cisco Secure Access live demo

Protect users as they access applications and resources and stop threats before they reach your users or network.

Explore all our Secure Access on-demand webinars

Generative AI: Mitigate the Risks, Gain the Benefits

AI is changing the game – Learn how to unlock AI's potential without the security problems.

Security Service Edge (SSE) from Cisco – in 15 minutes

Get introduced to Cisco Secure Access, our innovative Security Service Edge (SSE) solution. 

Deep Dive into a Modern Zero Trust Access (ZTA) Architecture

Learn about the benefits of a holistic, modern zero trust access (ZTA) approach, including certificates and user experience insights.

How and why Zero Trust Access has moved beyond ZTNA

Discover how zero trust access (ZTA) can streamline the user experience and simplify IT processes, while strengthening your security posture.

Step Up Your Game: Modernize How You Secure Access to SaaS Apps and the Internet

Discover capabilities, grounded in the Zero Trust principles, that can thwart SaaS/internet cyberthreats and lower risk in your organization.

Leapfrog ZTNA to Zero Trust Access for All Apps

Learn how to go beyond ZTNA with zero trust access for all apps, not just for some.

SSE insights: North America

Discover why over 70% of IT professionals reported gaining at least 10 major benefits by implementing SSE solutions.

SSE insights: Europe

See how SSE can improve your security posture while also improving user experience and simplifying IT operations.

Enabling remote work with SASE

Discover how SSE reduces attack surface, improves user experience, and stops threats and data loss.

Latest Threat Trends in 15 Minutes

Discover the latest threat trends and how to protect against them by viewing our 15-minute intelligence briefing.

Zero Trust: Myth Busters and the Real Deal

It’s time to separate fact from fiction. Join us to get real zero trust answers from the expert who wrote the book.

Get all your Secure Access questions answered

Learn how automated workflows and a unified dashboard keep IT teams productive and environments more secure. You can also ask us how to deliver a universal experience with a zero-trust approach to users everywhere.