The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the table below represent a quantification of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance and progress over the past year.

We regularly review and track our performance in these areas throughout the year, and provide the results to Cisco leaders and program managers. In addition, we compare our performance against our competitors and other corporate social responsibility leaders to arrive at a benchmark.

The table provides an overview of Cisco’s CSR performance. Additional details can be found throughout each section of the Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility report.

  Indicators FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08
Employee satisfaction Percentage of employees who agreed with seven statements about Cisco as a place to work (average) 81% 85% 86% 87%
Voluntary employee attrition Total voluntary attrition as percentage of ending headcount 4.59%  5.45%  4.52%1 5.01% 
Health and safety (U.S. only) Number of nonfatal injuries and illnesses 129 107 93 137
Women Women as percentage of total global employees 21.80% 22.10% 23% 23.50%
Women in VP positions or above as percentage of global employees 13.20% 14.00% 12.70% 15.50%
Ethnic minorities (U.S. only) Ethnic minorities as percentage of total U.S. employees 42.30% 42.80% 43.70% 44.70%
Ethnic minorities in VP positions or above as percentage of total U.S. employees 17.60% 17.50% 15.60% 22.20%
  Units FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08
Environmental KPI
Total net sales $M 24,801 28,484 34,922 39,540
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (mTCO2e) 426,052 526,155 498,250 408,643
Normalized greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) mTCO2e per $M total net sales 17.2 18.5 14.3 10.3
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3 air travel) mTCO2e 171,1402 211,178  219,874  221,092 
Normalized greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3 air travel) mTCO2e per $M total net sales not applicable2 7.4 6.3 5.6
Electricity from renewable sources millions of kWh ~0 14 112 342
Product recycling mT recycled equipment3 not available 4516 7102 8906
  Indicators FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08
Social Impact
Social investment Total corporatewide and foundation cash and in-kind contributions $65 million $115.5 million $116.8 million $92 million
Employee volunteerism Number of hours volunteered by employees 235,0004 160,000  130,000  91,160 
Cisco Networking Academy Number of active students in Cisco Networking Academy courses5 596,840 597,085 637,304 716,987
Leadership Fellows Cisco leaders who share their expertise with nonprofit organizations 5 8 17 20
Social and economic investment Number of countries or regions where Cisco currently invests or manages programs6 160 160+ 160+ 160+
Strategic partners Significant collaborations with corporate partners, nonprofit organizations, and NGOs 31 36 34 41

1 FY07 percentage adjusted for acquisitions.

2 FY05 Scope 3 emissions could not be upgraded like air travel emissions for FY06 – FY08, so the reported value is the same as previously reported and should not be trended with or compared to later years.

3 Recycled equipment represents material sent to Cisco’s recycling vendors. Cisco collects equipment from customer and service returns as well as Cisco internal return and employee eScrap efforts. A portion of returned equipment is repaired if needed and repurposed, with the balance sent to a Cisco recycling vendor.

4 In FY05 volunteerism increased significantly as part of that year’s 20 Years of Service campaign.

5 In FY08 the Networking Academy standardized on an “active” definition for calculating student, academy, instructor, and country metrics that uses a 12-month participation window. The data in this table, based on the new active definition, has changed compared to data reported in previous Cisco Corporate Social Responsibility Reports.

6 For administrative purposes, we have defined some regions as countries that are not autonomous states or are not recognized as countries by international bodies such as the United Nations. Examples of these include American Samoa, French Polynesia, Hong Kong, and Puerto Rico.