Reference Guide

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LocalDirector is a hardware and software solution offered by Cisco Systems; it has a secure, real-time, embedded operating system that intelligently load balances TCP/IP traffic across multiple servers. Delivering very fast performance by distributing client requests across a cluster of low-cost servers, LocalDirector dramatically reduces the cost of providing large-scale Internet services, and speeds user access to those applications.

The load-balancing options of Local Director provides a flexible and adaptable method for directing TCP/IP traffic. You can configure LocalDirector to maximize the number of TCP/IP connections a server farm can manage. TCP/IP traffic is directed to dif ferent servers based on service, speed, or quantity of connections.

LocalDirector is a high-performance Internet appliance with over 45-Mbps throughput. It supports a combined total of 8000 virtual IP addresses and real servers. The real servers can be a collection of heterogeneous hardware platforms and operating syst ems. Quick setup with no network address changes reduces system administration time.

Ideal for mission-critical applications, LocalDirector provides the capability to build a highly redundant and fault-tolerant server system. Servers are automatically and transparently placed in and out of service, providing fault tolerance for servers . LocalDirector itself is equipped with an optional hot-standby failover mechanism, building increased redundancy for the server system. Figure 1 shows the front of the LocalDirector appliance, and Figure 2 shows the back.

Figure 1 : Front View of the Cisco LocalDirector


Figure 2 : Rear View of the Cisco LocalDirector


LocalDirector Equipment

The LocalDirector shipping carton contains the following:

Document Conventions

This document uses the following conventions:

Commands and keywords are in boldface.

Terminal sessions are printed in a screen font.

Information you need to enter is in a boldface screen font.

Basic Configurations

Virtual and Real Servers

Virtual servers present a single address for a group of real servers and load-balance service requests between the real servers in a site. Real servers are actual host machines with unique IP addresses that provide TCP/IP services to the network. The v irtual server IP address is published to the user community, but the real IP address can remain unpublished, allowing you to hide actual site implementation details and provide single points of contact for users.

Virtual servers and real servers can also be seen as a "TCP service" instead of just an IP address. When you define virtual and real servers, you can specify the port traffic that will run on the server. This scenario provides the following benefits:

Basic Configuration with One Virtual Server and Multiple Real Servers

In this example, the LocalDirector is load balancing all TCP traffic over two servers to provide Web services. Figure 3 shows the network configuration required. All traffic destined for virtual IP address is load balanced across real serv ers with IP addresses and Only the virtual server appears in the Domain Name System (DNS).

Figure 3 : One Virtual Server and Many Real Servers


The following example shows the commands used to set up this configuration:

The enable command starts privileged mode. Then config t starts configuration mode:

LocalDirector> enable


LocalDirector# config t

The ip address command specifies LocalDirector IP address, and subnet mask

LocalDirector(config)# ip address

The interface ethernet command with the auto option automatically determines the speed of the Ethernet interface:

LocalDirector(config)# interface ethernet 0 auto

LocalDirector(config)# interface ethernet 1 auto

The no failover command indicates that the failover option is not being used:

LocalDirector(config)# no failover

The virtual command is used to define IP address as a virtual server, and then the name command is used to identify as

LocalDirector(config)# virtual

LocalDirector(config)# name

The name command is used to identify IP address as server1 and as server2:

LocalDirector(config)# name server1

LocalDirector(config)# name server2

The real command is used to identify server1 and server2 as real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# real server1

LocalDirector(config)# real server2

The is (in-service) command enables the real and virtual servers to start accepting connections through the LocalDirector:

LocalDirector(config)# is real server1

LocalDirector(config)# is real server2

LocalDirector(config)# is virtual

The bind command associates with server1 and server2 and establishes the load-balancing relationship between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# bind server1 server2

Finally, the write mem command saves the new settings:

LocalDirector(config)# write mem

Building configuration...


Note: The name command is optional, and can be used before or after a server is defined.

Except for failover, the default settings for LocalDirector were not changed in this example:

Use the write terminal command to view the running configuration before it is saved. View the saved configuration with the show configuration command, as follows:

LocalDirector# show configuration

: Saved

: Local Director Version 1.5

syslog output 20.3

no syslog console

hostname LocalDirector

interface ethernet 0 auto

interface ethernet 1 auto

ip address

no rip passive

no failover

virtual is

predictor leastconns

real is

real is

reassign 3

weight 1

weight 1

maxconns 0

maxconns 0

name server1

name server2


timeout 120

timeout 120



sticky 0

threshold 8

threshold 8

no snmp-server contact

no snmp-server location


LocalDirector Bridging Feature

The LocalDirector has two network interfaces; one interface connects to the Internet or network, and one connects to the servers that are load balanced by LocalDirector, which serves as a transparent learning bridge to forward data packets between its interfaces.

Because of its bridge capability, LocalDirector must not be installed on the network parallel to another bridge. Only use LocalDirector to connect to servers with a single way in or out to the network. If there is another path from the network to your servers, a bridge loop is created and LocalDirector does not work properly. The LocalDirector automatically detects a bridge loop, and SYSLOG messages are generated to indicate that there is a bridge loop.

Session Distribution Algorithm

Session distribution algorithm (SDA) comprises several algorithms that allow you to distribute load between a heterogeneous cluster of servers. The SDA harnesses the power of individual and inexpensive workstations and transforms that same cluster of s ervers into a distributed computer system with the power of a supercomputer.

Server Response Curves

Figure 4 illustrates a typical response time curve for a Web server connected to the Internet via a T1 connection. Notice that for arrival rates less than 35 (3.1 million hits per day) the response time is a mere fraction of a second. However, as the s erver approaches full utilization, response time grows asymptotically toward infinity. For this Web server, the upper bound is 3.1 million hits per day. At this point, the server is at its maximum capacity and cannot service any more requests. Web server software typically fails at the asymptote. This response curve is similar for most servers and applications based on queuing theory (see Little's Law).

Figure 4 : Server Response Rates


Figure 5 shows how LocalDirector SDA increases the performance of a server system with two servers.

Figure 5 : SDA Increases Performance


Server A and B response curves are shown individually. Also shown is the effect of SDA, when the servers are load balanced with SDA. The response time of the server system does not increase with LocalDirector because it does not have an effect on the C PU, memory, or input/output (I/O) of individual computers; however, the LocalDirector solution does improve the quantity and rate of connections a server farm can service. In effect, the SDA pushes out the response curve to the right. As servers are added to the systems, the response curve moves to the right incrementally. SDA does not increase response time; response can never be faster than the fastest server.

Four major variables affect the shape of response curves for individual servers: bandwidth, server performance, file size, and application performance. Less bandwidth, slower servers, and larger files shift the curve up and to the left. Different appli cations respond differently and accept different quantities of connections. Ideally, the SDA analyzes your network system, determine response curves, and automatically configure to produce the best response curve possible, given the network variables. Unf ortunately, variables involved are too diverse and random for SDA to accomplish this scenario. However, you can adjust the SDA, given your server choices, and maximize the quantity of connections your server cluster can service.

Optimizing Server Response Curves

The predictor command options and the maxconns command allow you to optimize the response curve of the entire system:

Least Connections

The leastconns predictor option directs the network connection to the server with the least number of open connections. Although it may not be intuitively obvious that the leastconns predictor would provide effective load balancing, in fact, it does it quite well. At Web sites where there is a collection of servers with similar performance, the leastconns option is effective in smoothing distribution in situations where a server gets bogged down for any reason. In sites where there are large differences in the capacity of various servers, the leastconns option also performs very well. In maintaining the same amount of connections to all servers, those capable of processing (and thus terminating) connections the fastest will get more connections over time. A server deemed to be twice as powerful as anothe r server does, in fact, get about twice as many connections per second.

Weighted Percentage

The weighted predictor option allows you to assign a performance weight to each server. Weighted load balancing is similar to leastconns, but servers with a higher weight value receive a larger percentage of connections at any one time. LocalDirector administrators can assign a weight to each real server, and the LocalDirector will use this weight to determine the percentage of the current number of connections to give each server. The default weight is one.

For example, in a configuration with five servers, the percentage of connections is calculated as follows:

Weight server1 = 7

Weight server2 = 8

Weight server3 = 2

Weight server4 = 2

Weight server5 = 5

Total weight of all servers = 24

The result is that server1 will get 7/24 of the current number of connections, server2 will get 8/24, server3 will get 2/24, and so on. If a new server, server6, is added with a weight of 10, it will get 10/34, and so on. Thus, the weighted option allows an administrator to fine-tune LocalDirector load balancing for the Web site.

If you set the weight so that your fastest server gets 50 percent of the connections, it will get 50 percent of the connections at that given time. Because it is faster than the other servers, it still can complete more than 50 percent of the total con nections overall because it will service the connections at a higher rate. Thus, the weight is not a fixed ratio, and it adjusts to server capacity over time.


The fastest predictor option directs the network connection to the server with the fastest response rate, although it does not perform consistently in varying server configurations. Web-server performance, in particular, does not follow a linear progression of respon se time to number of connections. Web servers seem to respond flatly to a point, and then at a certain load there is a sharp, dramatic increase in the response time (see Figure 4). In these situations, the fastest predictor tends to overload a particular server before moving on to another. The fastest option works well when the server response curves are steady and do not have a sharp asymptote as connections to the servers increase in number.

Round Robin

The roundrobin predictor option directs the network connection to the next server, and treats all servers as equals regardless of number of connections or response time. Although the LocalDirector roundrobin predictor appears similar to DNS round robin, there is no propagation delay or caching that would hinder the algorithm. Also, the LocalDirector can determine when a server is not responding and avoid sending connections to that server.

Maximum Connections

Use the maxconns command to specify the maximum number of connections for each real server. By setting a limit to the maximum connections that a server will accept, you can avoid exceeding the capacity threshold of the server as described in the section "Server Response C urves."

Failover and Related Functionality

LocalDirector Failover

Failover provides a mechanism for LocalDirector to be redundant by allowing two identical units to serve the same functionality. One LocalDirector unit is considered the "primary" unit, while the other is considered the "secondary" unit. The primary un it is the default "active" unit, while the secondary unit is the default "standby" unit. The active unit performs its normal network functions while the standby unit only monitors, ready to take control if the active unit fails to perform its functionalit y.

When a unit boots up, it defaults to Failover On and Secondary, unless "no failover" has been saved in the configuration. It then checks to see if the failover cable is present. If the cable is not present, the unit automatically becomes the active uni t. If the cable is present, the unit that has the primary end of the failover cable plugged into it becomes the primary unit by default. The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the primary unit is then given to the secondary unit.

The two units must be configured exactly the same and appear to the network as a single unit. They share the same IP address and the same MAC address as well as any configuration parameters. Because the secondary unit is using the same IP and MAC addre ss as the primary unit, no Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries need to change or timeout anywhere in the network. The MAC address used by the two units is that of the primary unit.

Because each unit has the same IP address and the same MAC address, they both receive exactly the same network traffic. Failover monitors receive network traffic counts, failover communications, and the power status of the other unit. A failure of any of these parameters on the active unit causes the standby unit to take active control. In order for the standby unit to successfully monitor the received traffic, it must "see" all the traffic that the active unit receives.

After a unit has entered the "failed" state, it will not assume active duty. The only way to restore a unit from the failed state is to cycle the power. Whenever a failure or switch occurs SYSLOG messages are generated to indicate the cause of the fail ure.

Fault detection is based on the following:

A switch can be initiated by either unit. When a switch occurs, each unit changes state. The newly active unit starts accepting traffic while the new standby unit stops accepting traffic. The two units do not share connection states. Any active connect ions are dropped when a failover switch occurs. The clients must re-establish the connections through the newly active unit.

Failing a Server and Adjustments

Servers are automatically taken out of service when they do not respond to packets from a requesting client. LocalDirector does not generate additional network traffic.

Values set with the reassign and threshold commands are used to determine if a server is considered failed, and these commands can be used to adjust how quickly a server that is not accepting connections is taken out of service. The default threshold is eight, and the default reassign is three.

A packet from a requesting client is sent two times to a nonresponding server before it is reassigned to another server. In other words, after the second packet receives no response from a server, the third packet is sent to another server. This value can be adjusted with the reassign command to a number between one and four.

Each reassign process increments the threshold tally by one. When the tally reaches the threshold value, the server is considered failed. With a default threshold value of eight, the reassign process happens eight times before the server is considered failed. To increase how quickly servers are consid ered failed, reduce the threshold and reassign values. To keep a server in service longer when it is refusing connections, increase the threshold and reassign values. Each real server can have different reassign and threshold values.

Failed Server Recovery

When a real server is failed (it does not respond to a predetermined number of connections set by the threshold command), the following process is used to test the real machine to see if it is ready to accept more connections:

After the number of minutes set with the retry command have passed, the real machine is put into "TESTING" state. If the show real command is used while in the testing state, TESTING is displayed in the output.

In the testing state, the machine receives one connection from a client. If the server responds, it is moved back into "IS" (in-service) state; however, if the real machine does not respond, it is moved back to "FAILED" state and is retried.

The retry command determines how quickly a server is given another packet after being failed by this process. The retry default is 60 seconds. On the 61st second, the next packet through the LocalDirector is directed to the server to determine if it responds, and t he server is in the TESTING state. If that packet receives a response, the server is no longer in the failed state, and it is put back in service with the reassign and threshold tallies reset to zero.

To increase how quickly a server is given a packet after being failed by LocalDirector, reduce the value of the retry command.

Hot Standby Server

To ensure that TCP services continue to run in the event that a machine is failed or out of service, you can identify an alternative destination for server traffic by specifying a backup. The command backup is used to define a hot standby for a real or virtual server defined on the LocalDirector. The backup can be a virtual or real machine, so it is possible to use the backup command in any combination.

For real machines, a backup is used if the real machine is failed or out of service. For a virtual machine, a backup is used if all machines (and their backups) bound to virtual are failed or out of service. If the virtual machine itself is out of serv ice, a reset message is sent to the client requesting the connection.

A server cannot be used as a backup for itself. For example, a real server cannot serve as a backup for a virtual server to which it is bound. If this configuration is attempted, an error message is displayed. When the server being backed up returns to service, connections are no longer directed to the backup server, and they are sent according to the LocalDirector configuration.


If a server is brought into service under heavy network traffic, it will be bombarded with connections since it has none. The effect of too many connections at once disables servers or seriously decreases their performance. To avoid overloading a serve r, an automatic slowstart algorithm has been implemented to help bring new servers up to speed with the weighted or leastconns predictor options. Slowstart uses the roundrobin predictor to load balance network connections until the network traffic is stable.

The show virtual command shows the predictor as "slowstart" until the number of connections on all bound real servers is within 90 percent of the desired distribution. Then the predictor switches to either weighted or leastconns, as specified in the configuration.

Slowstart is used when:

Note: Slowstart is used only with leastconns and weighted predictors.

Removing Idle Connections

The timeout command is used to determine how long idle connections are maintained before they are dropped by LocalDirector. The default is 120 minutes, and the minimum is 15 minutes. In addition, every 2 minutes, the LocalDirector removes connections that are not ful ly established (that is, either the client or server did not complete the TCP handshaking sequence to get the connection established).

Configuration Examples

This section provides example server configurations, including the following:

Multiple Virtual Servers and One Real Server

In this example, four virtual addresses are bound to a single web server, as shown in Figure 7, allowing you to provide multiple DNS entries with one server. In other words, one real server supports multiple domain names. Virtual IP addresses 192.168.1 .99,,, and are identified as,,, and, respectively. Port 80 traffic for each virtual IP address is bound to different ports on real server IP

All Web traffic destined for accesses information on real server through port 8000. Traffic destined for accesses information on real server through port 8001, and so on.

Also, by defining a virtual server as an IP address and a port, you can restrict traffic to a specific port. Port 80 is specified for each of the virtual servers, and ports 8000, 8001, 8002, and 8003 are specified for the real server. The ports on the virtual and real servers are bound to each other directly. In addition, if the application running on port 8000 fails, the entire server is not taken out of service by the LocalDirector solution; the remaining ports continue to accept connections.

Figure 6 : Many Virtual Servers and One Real Server


A configuration example follows:

The name command is used to identify the IP addresses of the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# name

LocalDirector(config)# name

LocalDirector(config)# name

LocalDirector(config)# name

LocalDirector(config)# name server

The virtual command is used to identify the named IP addresses "," "," and "" as virtual servers accepting connections on port 80. The is (in-service) option is used to indicate that the servers are in service:

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80 is

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80 is

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80 is

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80 is

The real command is used to identify the IP address named "server" as a real server that is accepting connections on ports 8000, 8001, 8002, and 8003:

LocalDirector(config)# real server 8000

LocalDirector(config)# real server 8001

LocalDirector(config)# real server 8002

LocalDirector(config)# real server 8003

The bind command is used to direct port 80 network traffic from each virtual server to a different port on the real server:

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 server 8000

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 server 8001

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 server 8002

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 server 8003

The is (in-service) command is used with the all option to indicate that all ports of the real servers are in service:

LocalDirector(config)# is real server all

The show bind command is used to view the association between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show bind
Virtual Real 80 (IS)
server 8000 (IS) 80 (IS)
server 8001 (IS) 80 (IS)
server 8002 (IS) 80 (IS)
server 8003 (IS)

Combination of Multiple Virtual Servers and Multiple Real Servers

You can combine multiple virtual and real servers so that each virtual server sends network traffic to virtual ports across real servers, as shown in Figure 7. All traffic destined for virtual server is load balanced across the three real servers on port 8001. Traffic destined for virtual server is load balanced across the real servers on port 8002.

A combination of virtual servers and real servers can also be used to load balance traffic across server clusters, as shown in Figure 7.

Each virtual server can have a different load-balancing option set with the predictor command. For example, can be configured to use the leastconns option, and can be configured to use the weighted option.

Figure 7 : Multiple Virtual and Real Servers


A configuration example follows:

The virtual command is used to create two virtual servers accepting connections to port 80:

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80

The real command is used to identify three real servers, each accepting connections on ports 8001 and 8002:

LocalDirector(config)# real 8001

LocalDirector(config)# real 8002

LocalDirector(config)# real 8001

LocalDirector(config)# real 8002

LocalDirector(config)# real 8001

LocalDirector(config)# real 8002

The bind command is used to direct network traffic from port 80 on the two virtual servers to ports 8001 and 8002 on the three real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 8001

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 8001

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 8001

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 8002

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 8002

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 8002

The is (in-service) command is used to bring the real and virtual servers in service:

LocalDirector(config)# is virtual 80

LocalDirector(config)# is virtual 80

LocalDirector(config)# is real all

LocalDirector(config)# is real all

LocalDirector(config)# is real all

The show bind command is used to view the association between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config) # show bind
Virtual R eal 80 (IS) 8001 (IS) 8001 (IS) 8001 (IS) 80 (IS) 8002 (IS) 8002 (IS) 8002 (IS)
LocalDirector(config) #

In Figure 8, TCP connections to are load balanced across real servers,, and Connections to are load balanced across servers,, and

Figure 8 : Load Balancing across Server Clusters


A configuration example follows:

The virtual command is used to identify the two virtual servers:

LocalDirector(config)# virtual

LocalDirector(config)# virtual

The real command is used to identify the six real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# real

LocalDirector(config)# real

LocalDirector(config)# real

LocalDirector(config)# real

LocalDirector(config)# real

LocalDirector(config)# real

The bind command is used to direct network traffic from the virtual server to real servers,, and

LocalDirector(config)# bind

The bind command is used to direct network traffic from the virtual server to real servers,, and

LocalDirector(config)# bind

The show bind command is used to view the association between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show bind
Virtual Real default (OOS) default (OOS) default (OOS) default (OOS) default (OOS) default (OOS) default (OOS) default (OOS)

Application-Specific Servers

TCP services can be directed to specific servers. Figure 10 illustrates how to send HTTP traffic to servers A and B, and direct all other traffic to servers C and D. Two virtual servers have IP address; one accepts only HTTP traffic (port 80), and the other accepts all other connections (default).

If you do not specify a port when defining a server, the port is listed as default. A server's default port accepts all network connections, except for those sent to a server with the same IP address and a specific port identified.

Names can also be used to refer to the real and virtual servers in this example.

Figure 9 : Application-Specific Servers


A sample configuration follows:

The virtual command is used to identify two virtual servers for IP address, one accepting connections on port 80 and the other accepting default traffic:

LocalDirector(config)# virtual 80 is

LocalDirector(config)# virtual is

The real command is used to identify two real servers accepting connections on port 80 and two real servers accepting default traffic:

LocalDirector(config)# real 80 is

LocalDirector(config)# real 80 is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

The bind command is used to direct traffic for virtual server, port 80 to port 80, on real servers and

LocalDirector(config)# bind 80 80 80

The bind command is used to direct connections for virtual server to real servers and

LocalDirector(config)# bind

The show bind command is used to view the association between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show bind
Virtual Real 80 (IS) 80 (IS) 80 (IS) default (IS) default (IS) default (IS)

Load Balancing across a WAN and Remote Hot Standby Server

Real IP addresses do not have to be on the same LAN. Figure 11 shows a configuration with one virtual server IP address and four real server IP addresses. One of the real server IP addresses is located in a remote site across routers and a WAN line. Th e LocalDirector can load balance across all four real IP addresses.

The remote server can also be configured as a backup server for the local servers. In other words, in normal use all traffic destined for virtual IP address is load balanced across three real IP addresses:, and 192 .168.1.3. If one of the three servers goes out of service, the remote hot standby server starts receiving traffic to back up the failed server. You can also set up this configuration so that all three real servers must fail before the remote server starts to receive traffic by assigning the remote server as the backup for the virtual IP address. Use the backup command to specify the virtual or real server to be backed up, and assign a virtual or real server as a backup.

Figure 10 : Remote Server Connected by a WAN


The following configuration example shows the remote server (remote1) configured to back up the three real servers bound to virtual IP address

The real command is used to identify four real servers, and the is option is used to indicate that they are in service:

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

The virtual command is used to identify virtual server, and the is option is used to indicate that it is in service:

LocalDirector(config)# virtual is

The bind command is used to direct traffic for virtual server to real servers,, and

LocalDirector(config)# bind

The name command is used to associate names to the IP addresses of the real and virtual servers:

LocalDirector(config)# name server1

LocalDirector(config)# name server2

LocalDirector(config)# name server3

LocalDirector(config)# name remote1

LocalDirector(config)# name

The backup command is used to identify the real server remote1 as the backup server for server1, server2, and server3:

LocalDirector(config)# backup server1 remote1

LocalDirector(config)# backup server2 remote1

LocalDirector(config)# backup server3 remote1

The show bind command is used to view the association between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show bind
Virtual Real default (IS)
server1 default (IS)
server2 default (IS)
server3 default (IS)

The show real command is used to view the status of the real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show real
Real Machines:
Machine Port Connect State Thresh Reassigned
server1 default 0 IS 8 0
remote1 default 0 IS 8 0
server3 default 0 IS 8 0
server2 default 0 IS 8 0

The show backup command is used to view the backup server assignments:

LocalDirector(config)# show backup
Machine Port Backup Port
server1 default remote1 default
server3 default remote1 default
server2 default remote1 default

UDP/Multimedia Applications

LocalDirector does not load balance UDP applications such as RealAudio, although LocalDirector can bridge to UDP applications. Typically, multimedia applications are UDP-based. Figure 11 shows a recommended configuration for load balancing UDP applicat ions.

In this example, LocalDirector is load balancing across three Web servers that link to RealAudio files via DNS. Each Web server has a link to a designated RealAudio server. Each RealAudio server has mirrored data, and this configuration effectively loa d balances UDP applications. For example, when a client accesses Web server A, and requests a RealAudio file, DNS directs the request to RealAudio server A. Requests to Webserver B will be directed to RealAudio server B, and so on.

Figure 11 : UDP Recommended Configuration


Maximum Connections and Weighted Configuration

With the maxconns command, you can specify the maximum number of connections that each real server can have at one time. A server administrator can set the maximum connections to a level that avoids exceeding the capacity threshold of the server. Often, server administrato rs have a good idea of the load that a server can bear, and the maxconns command can be used to prevent a server from failing because of capacity overload. Clients requesting connections to a server farm with no available connections receive a timeout message.

A higher percentage of connections can be directed to servers with increased performance by selecting the weighted option of the predictor command and setting values with the weight command.

Figure 12 shows four servers with varying performance indexes, maximum connections settings, and weight values set. In this example, a weight of two is assigned to the Pentium 60-MHz server, which will send 13 percent of the connections to that server. This server cannot accept more than 500 simultaneous connections, so maxconns is set to 500. The same reasoning applies to the Pentium 166-MHz server and the two SPARCstations.

Figure 12 : Maximum Connections and Weighted Performance


A sample configuration follows:

The virtual command is used to identify as a virtual server. The is (in-service) option indicates that it is in service:

LocalDirector(config)# virtual is

The name command is used to associate a name to the virtual server:

LocalDirector(config)# name

The real command is used to identify four real servers. The is (in-service) option indicates that it is in service:

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

LocalDirector(config)# real is

The name command is used to associate names to the real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# name pentium60

LocalDirector(config)# name pentium166

LocalDirector(config)# name sparc1

LocalDirector(config)# name sparc2

The bind command is used to direct traffic for virtual server to real servers pentium60, pentium166, sparc1, and sparc2:

LocalDirector(config)# bind pentium60 pentium166 sparc1 sparc2

The predictor command is used to set load balancing to the weighted option:

LocalDirector(config)# predictor weighted

The weight command is used to assign weight values to each of the real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# weight pentium60 2

LocalDirector(config)# weight pentium166 3

LocalDirector(config)# weight sparc1 5

LocalDirector(config)# weight sparc2 5

The maxconns command is used to limit the number of connections that each real server can accept:

LocalDirector(config)# maxconns pentium60 500

LocalDirector(config)# maxconns pentium166 1000

LocalDirector(config)# maxconns sparc1 2000

LocalDirector(config)# maxconns sparc2 2000

The show real command is used to view the status of the real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show real
Real Machines:
Machine Port Connect State Thresh Reassigned
pentium60 default 0 IS 8 0
pentium166 default 0 IS 8 0
sparc1 default 0 IS 8 0
sparc2 default 0 IS 8 0

The show bind command is used to view the association between the virtual and real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show bind
Virtual Real default (IS)
sparc2 default (IS)
sparc1 default (IS)
pentium166 default (IS)
pentium60 default (IS)

The show weight command is used to view the weight values assigned to the real servers:

LocalDirector(config)# show weight
Machine Port Weight
pentium60 default 2
pentium166 default 3
sparc1 default 5
sparc2 default 5

Requesting the Same Server for Multiple Connections

The sticky command ensures that the same client gets the same server for multiple connections. This command is used when applications require a consistent and constant connection to the same server. The sticky command allows you to get back to the same real server again and retain the statefulness of the system. For example, if a client is completing an online form, the sticky command ensures that multiple connections are sent to the same server in order to complete the transaction. Without this command set, each connection attempt to a virtual server is routed according to the predictor option selected for that virtual server, without regard to prior history of the foreign host.

The sticky command does not time how long a client is connected, it times periods of inactivity. If the sticky command is set to five, and the client is active, new requests from the client are not sent to another server via load balancing after five minutes. However, if five minutes of connection inactivity elapse, the requests from the client could be sent to an other real server.

Configuring for Secure Socket Layer Protocol

LocalDirector supports the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol; however, it is essential for the sticky command on the LocalDirector to be set in order for an SSL transaction to occur. The sticky command enables an SSL handshake to occur between client and server and establish an SSL session that would then allow all communication to be encrypted.

Web Cache Configuration

In this example, a large cache has been created on two servers to reduce bandwidth demands caused by international web browsing. The system is redundant, and the LocalDirector handles load balancing between the two caches.

Both servers act as sibling caches, using the "proxy-only" option. They are connected by 100 megabit Ethernet to a core router, one step from a border router that links to the rest of the Internet.

The two servers work together, so that if one doesn't contain the requested object, it asks its sibling for it. If neither machine contains the requested object, the object is fetched from the Internet and cached. In other words, the proxies complement each other with minimal overlap between their caches. This setup also allows them to act as one larger cache, providing a better overall hit rate.

Help Information, Upgrades, and Tech Support

Cisco Connection Online

Cisco Connection Online (CCO) is Cisco Systems' primary, real-time support channel. Users can self-register on CCO to obtain additional content and services.

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCO provides a wealth of standard and value-added services to Cisco's customers and business partners. CCO services include product information, software updates, release notes, technical tips, the Bug Navigator , configuration notes, brochures, descriptions of service offerings, and download access to public and authorized files.

CCO serves a wide variety of users through two interfaces that are updated and enhanced simultaneously---a character-based version and a multimedia version that reside on the World Wide Web (WWW). The character-based CCO supports Zmodem, Kermit, Xmodem , FTP, and Internet e-mail, and is excellent for quick access to information over lower bandwidths. The WWW version of CCO provides richly formatted documents with photographs, figures, graphics, and video, as well as hyperlinks to related information.

You can access CCO in the following ways:

CD-ROM Documentation

Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a CD-ROM package, which ships with the LocalDirector product. The Documentation CD-ROM, a member of the Cisco Connection Family, is updated monthly. Therefore, it might be more up-to-date t han printed documentation. To order additional copies of the Documentation CD-ROM, contact your local sales representative or call Customer Service. The CD-ROM package is available as a single package or as an annual subscription. You can also access Cisc o documentation on the World Wide Web at,, or

Technical Assistance

Technical support is available for issues regarding your LocalDirector configuration. Contact Cisco's TAC and have the following items ready before you call:

LocalDirector Software Installation and Upgrade

LocalDirector ships with its software already in Flash RAM, and LocalDirector can boot without a system diskette. To upgrade the LocalDirector software, insert a diskette with the new version of software on it and enter the reload command, or reboot th e LocalDirector. The existing configuration will run on the new software version.

A backup copy of your configuration should be saved to diskette with the write floppy command before upgrading to a new version of software. Although LocalDirector will load the existing configuration from Flash memory when rebooted, it is recommended that you keep a backup copy before upgrading or changing your configuration.

If you upgrade from Version 1.2.5 to Version 1.5, your configuration will be upgraded to run in the new version. However, if you reload Version 1.2.5, the configuration in RAM will be lost and you must boot from your backup diskette to restore the prev ious configuration.

If you purchased a SMARTnetTM agreement for LocalDirector, you can register on CCO to obtain software upgrades for LocalDirector.

At the CCO home page, log in and follow the following links:

You will see a screen similar to the following:

Cisco LocalDirector
Select the file to download:
File Description
ldxxx.EXE NetBU LocalDirector disk file
ldxxx.bin NetBU LocalDirector disk file
ldxxx.txt Readme for NetBU LocalDirector disk file
rawrite.exe NetBU LocalDirector disk file

ldxxx.exe is a self-extracting file for MS-DOS or Windows that includes the binary, readme, and rawrite files.

ldxxx.bin is a binary file for the LocalDirector software.

ldxxx.txt is a readme file that includes directions for creating a LocalDirector bootable diskette.

rawrite.exe is a utility for MS-DOS or Windows that formats the ldxxx.bin file for LocalDirector use and copies the file to diskette.

To create a bootable LocalDirector diskette, perform the following steps:

If You Are Using UNIX

Download the ldxxx.bin file to your local directory.

Insert a diskette into the workstation drive, and run the following command:

dd bs=18b if=./ldxxx.bin of=/dev/rfd0

Put the diskette into the LocalDirector 3.5-in. drive. The LocalDirector runs the new version of the software once rebooted, and will use the configuration saved in Flash memory.

If You Are Using a PC

Download the self-extracting ldxxx.exe file to your local hard drive.

Run rawrite from a DOS command prompt. When prompted, enter ldxxx.bin as the filename, and your diskette drive as the destination drive. You will see prompts similar to the following:

C:\LDSoftware> rawrite

RaWrite 1.2 - Write disk file to raw floppy diskette

Enter source file name: ldxxx.bin

Enter destination drive: a:

Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press -ENTER- :

Number of sectors per track for this disk is 18

Writing image to drive A:. Press ^C to abort.

Track: 16 Head: 1 Sector: 16


Put the diskette into the LocalDirector 3.5-in. drive. The LocalDirector runs the new version of the software once rebooted, and will use the configuration saved in Flash memory.

Posted: Fri Aug 1 14:23:31 PDT 1997