Cisco Systems, Inc.(R) Cisco Support Community - NetPro Newsletter Volume 9, Issue 8
May, 2010
Product Launches

Cisco Subject Matter Experts Leaderboard

Last month, we launched our Hall of Fame to highlight our top, long time contributors. In true community spirit, many of you have been asking us to list the top Cisco contributors. We're pleased to announce our new Cisco employee leaderboard. We invite you to check out this list of Cisco subject matter experts for yourself. They've made significant contributions to the Cisco Support Community over the years and we are proud to recognize them publicly for the first time.

Wide Area Application Services | Events | Participation

Wide Area Application Services
Learn how to design an optimal WAAS deployment step by step to achieve more consistent WAN optimization performance for your network during a techtalk event. Register today for this free event. Thursday, May 27, 2010, 8-9:30 a.m. Pacific Time


Ask the Expert - Campus QoS

Learn more about Campus QoS design and implementation QoS with Cisco expert Hatim Badr. Ends June 4, 2010. Join the Discussion

Ask the Expert - Firewall Services Module

Learn how to configure and troubleshoot FWSM with Cisco expert Srinivas Mallu. Ends June 4, 2010.
Join the Discussion

Ask the Expert - Application Control Engine

Configuring and troubleshooting the ACE Module and ACE 4710 with Cisco expert Sean Merrow. Starts June 7, 2010. Coming Soon

Ask the Expert - Switched Digital Video

Learn how SDV allows operators to easily add video services without requiring additional bandwidth in the access network with Cisco expert Gary Springer. Starts June 7, 2010. Coming Soon

TAC information related to the events

For even more information, check out the technical support available on the Cisco Support Website.

Social Media

Follow cisco_support on Twitter .


Check out these interesting conversations going on in our discussion forums:

URL Action to Cisco Digital Media Player
g-fontaine needs your feedback on the following issue. "I have been trying to configure a URL action in CPAM to trigger whenever a person badges into a door (for example...myself) and push a URL to a Cisco DMP/DMM. I want to send the command (URL string) to a DMP (digital media player) to show a website. I'm not entirely sure how I should configure the CPAM url action. I've seen this work at the Cisco EBC in San Jose....just wondering if someone else has gotten this to work on how they did it." If you have suggestions post them to g-fontaine's inquiry located in the Security Forum's Physical Security discussion topic.
Post your suggestions

VSS - What Happens When a Supervisor Fails
tvelasco needs your advice on the following question. "We've been mocking up a test lab to test VSS on two 6500's. Each 6500 has one sup720 and a 6708-10ge blade and we've established the two 10ge links between the two chassis; the first from the each chassis' sup and the second from each 6708. My question is, what happens when the supervisor fails on one of the chassis? I was under the impression that NSF and SSO would kick in and the entire VSS would be managed by a single sup. If the active sup fails, the stby becomes the active and vice versa. However, when we pulled out the active sup720 linecard (chassis1), the stby sup720 (chassis2) failed over as planned, but access to all of the linecards in chassis 1 were lost. Is this how it's supposed to react?" If you have suggestions, post them to tvelasco's inquiry located in the Network Infrastructure Forum's LAN discussion topic. Post your suggestions

[ACE] What Makes a Sticky Reset?
hrtn... needs your feedback on the following feature. "Our websites are load balanced thru our ACE modules and we are using the sticky feature. Sticky is needed so that the customers session will retain the content of its shopping basket. About 10% of our customers complain that the basket is emptied during a session, forcing them to start over. In our logs we indeed see that some users are balanced to another server during a session. Apparently in these cases the sticky feature is ignored somehow. My question is, what are the possible triggers that the ACE uses to dismiss the sticky for a given session and start a new one? Could it for example be caused by an html-page containing a link to another vip than the vip the page is originally served from? Or could a simple spelling-error in a link be the trigger?" If you have suggestions post them hrtn...'s inquiry located in the Data Center Forum's Application Networking discussion topic.
Post your suggestions

RRM Confusion
petenugent needs your feedback on the following issue. "I should know this and maybe I am over thinking the issue but I will explain. I have 3 sites and 1 controller. We are not using H-REAP. What is the best way to separate the sites on the controller so each site has its own RRM setup. I thinks using H-REAP groups is the best however I am getting confused. The issue I am seeing is all aps are on max power and I am assuming it as it is one large RF domain at present with no segregation it sees the distance between sites as a coverage hole and goes to max power." If you have suggestions post them to petenugent's inquiry located in the Wireless Forum's Other-Wireless discussion topic. Post your suggestions

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Member Interviews

Lucien Avramov

Cisco technical experts voluntarily participate in the Cisco Support Community - NetPro. Why do they do it? For an answer, we caught up with Lucien Avramov, a customer support engineer in the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Read More

Top NetPros

Top Overall NetPros as of 5/21/10
1. rob.huffman 21,415
2. jon.marshall 18,499
3. p.bevilacqua 17,509
4. rburts 13,407
5. giuslar 12,338
Top May NetPros as of 5/21/10
1. jon.marshall 585
2. William Bell 535
3. David Haley 362
4. Giuslar 311
5. ganeshh.iyer 275

See if you are listed on our Top NetPro page today. Go Now

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