| Trap# | Alarm |
11,12 |
Alarm 16001     (wccp_nr)     Negotiated return egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept. |
11,12 |
Alarm 16002     (wccp_ggre)     Generic GRE egress method mismatch for WCCP intercept. |
9,10 |
Alarm 23002     (unsupported_client_detected)     Unsupported MAPI client. |
7,8 |
Alarm 26001     (lstore_key_failure)     SSL local secure store key retrieval failure. |
7,8 |
Alarm 26002     (mstore_key_failure)     SSL managed secure store key retrieval failure. |
7,8 |
Alarm 26003     (peering_service_inactive)     SSL accelerator peering service failure. |
7,8 |
Alarm 26004     (accl_service_inactive)     SSL accelerated service -service name- failure. |
9,10 |
Alarm 26005     (cert_near_expiration)     Certificate is near expiration. |
9,10 |
Alarm 26006     (cert_expired)     Certificate has expired. |
7,8 |
Alarm 26007     (ds_error)     SSL accelerator connection with DS is broken |
11,12 |
Alarm 26008     (oom_error)     SSL accelerator running out of memory |
11,12 |
Alarm 27001     (overload)     Video accelerator in overload condition. |
7,8 |
Alarm 200001     (getencryptkey)     |
9,10 |
Alarm 245000     (control_conn)     Control connection could not be established. |
9,10 |
Alarm 245001     (collector_conn)     Collector connection could not be established. |
11,12 |
Alarm 245002     (summary_collection)     Summary information collection issue. |
11,12 |
Alarm 245003     (data_update)     The transfer of summary information could not occur. |
7,8 |
Alarm 330001     (svcdisabled)     -service name- service has been disabled. |
7,8 |
Alarm 330002     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed. |
9,10 |
Alarm 330003     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed. |
11,12 |
Alarm 330004     (servicedead)     -service name- service failed. |
9,10 |
Alarm 330005     (servicedead)     Watchdog service failed. |
11,12 |
Alarm 330006     (servicestop)     Service was stopped upon request. |
7,8 |
Alarm 335000     (alarm_overload)     Alarm Overload State has been entered. |
7,8 |
Alarm 335001     (keepalive)     Keepalive failure for -application name-. Timeout = n seconds. |
9,10 |
Alarm 335002     (test)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
7,8 |
Alarm 335003     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
9,10 |
Alarm 335004     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
11,12 |
Alarm 335005     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
7,8 |
Alarm 335006     (test4)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
11,12 |
Alarm 335007     (test5)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
7,8 |
Alarm 335008     (test1)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
9,10 |
Alarm 335009     (test2)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
9,10 |
Alarm 335010     (test3)     NHM Alarm Testing [string]. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445001     (core_dump)     A user core file has been generated. |
7,8 |
Alarm 445002     (disk_smartfailcrit)     A device disk has severe early-prediction failure which requires immediate action. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445003     (disk_smartfailmajor)     A device disk has early-prediction failure. |
11,12 |
Alarm 445004     (disk_smartfailminor)     A device disk has minor early-prediction failure. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445005     (tfo_accl_wellness)     An accelerator has had a keepalive failure. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445006     (eth_not_fduplex)     A network interface is not in full-duplex mode. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445007     (eth_bypass)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445013     (powerdown)     Power supply is down. |
11,12 |
Alarm 445014     (eth_bypass_min)     A network interface has changed to the bypass/interception mode. |
11,12 |
Alarm 445015     (max_conn_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection overload. |
11,12 |
Alarm 445016     (conn_rl_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to connection rate limiting. |
11,12 |
Alarm 445017     (res_mgr_overload)     An accelerator dropped connections due to resource manager overload. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445018     (mem_size_mismatch)     Total memory size does not match with expected size. |
9,10 |
Alarm 445020     (kernel_crash)     A kernel crash has been generated. |
7,8 |
Alarm 445022     (eth_detection_failed)     Detection of one of the network interfaces has failed. |
11,12 |
Alarm 520001     (LinkDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Specified interface in the standby group is down. |
11,12 |
Alarm 520002     (RouteDown)     -group-ifc-slot-port- Unable to reach the configured default gateway on the specified interface. |
11,12 |
Alarm 520003     (MaxError)     -group-ifc-slot-port- The specified interface encountered errors that exceed the maximum allowable error count. |
9,10 |
Alarm 520004     (GroupDown)     -group- Specified standbygroup is down. |
9,10 |
Alarm 641916     (dre_init_failure)     Initialization of Data Rendundancy Module failed. |
11,12 |
Alarm 690480     (disk_overload)     Cache disk is overloaded |
9,10 |
Alarm 690481     (disk_full)     Cache disk is full. |
9,10 |
Alarm 690482     (cache_corrupted)     Cache disk files were corrupted. |
11,12 |
Alarm 690483     (over_fanout)     The number of active peers is over the DRE fan-out. |
11,12 |
Alarm 700001     (cms_test_alarm)     CMS test alarm with instance value -instance- was raised. Title is used in CM UI. |
9,10 |
Alarm 700002     (cms_clock_alarm)     Device clock is not synchronized with the primary CM. |
11,12 |
Alarm 700003     (cms_application_policy_alarm)     Device has more than 256 applications configured. |
7,8 |
Alarm 700004     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened. |
7,8 |
Alarm 700005     (stats_replication_timeout)     Replication timeout on standby CM. |
7,8 |
Alarm 700006     (secure-store)     Secure Store is initialized but not opened. |
7,8 |
Alarm 1000001     (wafs_edge_down)     Edge is down. |
7,8 |
Alarm 1000002     (wafs_core_down)     Core is down. |
11,12 |
Alarm 1000003     (wafs_edge_stopped)     Edge is stopped. |
11,12 |
Alarm 1000004     (wafs_core_stopped)     Core is stopped. |
9,10 |
Alarm 1000005     (wafs_roles_change)     Roles changed on the device. Reload the device. |
9,10 |
Alarm 1000006     (wafs_connection_bw_change)     Connection bandwidth value changed. Restart Edge component to make change take effect. |
7,8,6 |
Alarm 445000     (disk_failure)     A disk has failed. |
7,8,6 |
Alarm 445023     (raid_disk_failure)     RAID hard disk has failed. |
11,12,6 |
Alarm 641915     (tfo_overload)     TFO went into overload mode. |
7,8,7 |
Alarm 445008     (raid_failure)     RAID device has failed. |
7,8,7 |
Alarm 445021     (raid_controller_failure)     RAID controller has failed. |
9,10,8 |
Alarm 445009     (raid_rebuild_failure)     RAID1 device rebuild has failed. |
9,10,9 |
Alarm 445010     (raid_rebuild_abort)     RAID1 device rebuild has been aborted by administrator. |
9,10,10 |
Alarm 445011     (disk_incomp_major)     Incompatible hot-spare disk inserted. |
7,8,11 |
Alarm 445012     (VB_stopped)     Virtual Blade has stopped. |
7,8,12 |
Alarm 445019     (license_failure)     WAAS product license is missing. |