About this Document

This document provides installation instructions for Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES39. It also contains a list of Unified CCE issues resolved by this engineering special. Review all installation information before installing the product. Failure to install this engineering special as described can result in inconsistent Unified CCE behavior.

This document contains these sections:

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About Cisco Unified CCE (and Unified CCE Engineering Specials)

Unified CCE Compatibility and Support Specifications

Unified CCE Version Support

·      Unified CCE 11.6(1)

Unified CCE Component Support

This section lists the Unified CCE components on which you can and cannot install this engineering special.

Supported Unified CCE Components

You can install Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES39 on these Unified CCE components:

Unsupported Unified CCE Components

Do not install this engineering special on any components other than the following components:

Unified CCE Engineering Special Installation Planning

Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES12 and ES15

Due to an unforeseen regression issue, Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES12 and ES15 are marked as BAD. These two ESs are superseded by ES39, and are no longer distributed by Cisco.

If either ES12 or ES15 is already installed in the customer lab or production environment, they should first be removed using the directions provided below. Unified CCE ES39 contains all updates included in ES12 and ES15, along with other fixes.

Installing Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES39


Installation of this patch requires that all Unified CCE services to be shutdown during the entire period of installation. It is always recommended to install this ES during a scheduled downtime.


NOTE: if ES12 and/or ES15 are present, they must be removed prior to installing ES39.


  1. Using the Unified CCE Service Control, stop all the Unified CCE Services running on the system.
  2. Launch the installer provided for the ES39 and follow the instructions on the screen.

If the Unified CCE Services are set to manual, using the Unified CCE Service Control, start all the Unified CCE Services.

Uninstall Directions for Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES39 (and ES12/ES15)

  1. To uninstall this patch, go to Control Panel.
  2. Select "Add or Remove Programs".
  3. Find the installed patch in the list and select "Remove".

Note: Remove patches in the reverse order of their installation. For example, if you installed patches 3, then 5, then 10 for a product, you must uninstall patches 10, 5, and 3, in that order, to remove the patches from that product.

Resolved Caveats in this Engineering Special

This section provides a list of significant Unified CCE defects resolved by this engineering special. It contains these subsections:

Note: You can view more information and track individual Unified CCE defects using the Cisco Bug Search tool, located at: https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/search?null.

Resolved Caveats in Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES39

This section lists caveats specifically resolved by Unified CCE 11.6(1) ES39.

Index of Resolved Caveats

Caveats in this section are ordered by UNIFIED CCE component, severity, and then identifier.








Finesse takes long time to come in-service during start-up or failover




CTI Server memory leak




CTIServer crash if empty string field (length 0) passed by Client in OPEN_REQ floating field




CTIServer sends N/A (PT_NONE) in the PeripheralType Field in the OPEN_CONF message




Finesse Queue Statistics gadget shows default skill groups with ES12 or ES15 applied to PG

Detailed list of Resolved Caveats in This Engineering Special

Caveats are ordered by severity then defect number.

Defect Number: CSCvf45868

Component: cg.ctiserver

Severity: 2

Headline: Finesse takes long time to come in-service during start-up or failover

11.6 Finesse may take a long time (sometimes more than 30 minutes) to come in-service during startup or failover (failover of CTIServer, PG, or Finesse).

The issue is known to occur only if both of the following are true: 1. UCCE 11.6(1) ES12 and/or ES15 is installed, and a restart occurs of any of the following components: PG, CTIServer or Finesse. 2. Agents are configured for Voice MRDs and there are also other Non-Voice MRDs present that do NOT have agents associated with them (or do not have agents associated with many of them). The delay issue is due to the presence of any significant number of Non-Voice MRDs that do not have associated agents; the magnitude of the delay is proportional to the number of these MRD types.

1. Uninstall ES12 or ES15 (both, if each is separately installed), or 2. Delete the unused Non-Voice MRDs from the system

Further Problem Description:
CTIServer sends Default SkillGroups of all the MRD's during a CONFIG_SKILL_GROUP_EVENT. By default, Agents are associated with default SGs of all MRDs configured in the system, Finesse sends QUERY_AGENT_STATE_REQ for all the agents against each MRD's. For example, if there are 10 MRD's Configured and there are 100 Agents. QUERY_AGENT_STATE_REQ happens 100*10 times which contributes to Finesse startup or failover delay. If these agents are voice-only Agents (they are not configured for any Non-Voice SGs other Non-Voice MRD default SGs), Finesse does not need to send QUERY_AGENT_STATE_REQ to those MRDs. A replacement ES is being provided to supersede ES12/ES15, to rectify the original problem created with those ES releases. Contact Cisco support for more information.

Defect Number: CSCvg70458

Component: cg.ctiserver

Severity: 2

Headline: CTI Server memory leak

Memory leak in CTIServer 11.6(1) version is causing it to restart (after exhausting 2GB limit of private bytes).

1. Clients connecting to CTIServer sending multiple CONFIG_REQUEST_EVENT request to CTIServer to retrieve the UCCE configurations. 2. When the CONFIG_REQUEST_EVENT is sent, Client can request either all the configurations (Service, SkillGroup, Agent, Device, MediaRoutingDomain and CallType) or it can request only part of them. Memory leak is known to occur only when the Client requests part of the configuration.

There is no reason for the CTIServer clients to request UCCE configuration frequently. With no configuration change request, CTIServer will continue to send the updated configuration messages to the Client. So, clients could reduce the number of times requesting the configuration using CONFIG_REQUEST_EVENT.

Further Problem Description:
When the Client sends CONFIG_REQUEST_EVENT to CTIServer to receive the configuration, irrespective of the requested configuration, CTIServer creates the configuration messages for all the configurations BUT sends and deletes only the client requested configuration. That leaves all the unsent configuration messages to be in the CTIServer memory forever and causes memory leak.

Defect Number: CSCvh51896

Component: cg.ctiserver

Severity: 2

Headline: CTIServer crash if empty string field (length 0) passed by Client in OPEN_REQ floating field

CTI Server restarts without printing any Error in the CTI Server logs. Event viewer logs shows the below error. "Node: ICM\\, process: ctisvr, went down for an unknown reason. Exit code: 0xc0000409. It will be automatically restarted."

Custom CTI clients sends OPEN_REQ session with an invalid empty string (empty data field, with supplied floating field length of 0).

Send a valid OPEN_REQ from the client. As per the CTI Developer Guide, all message floating string fields should use null terminating string. E.g., if the actual string is of size 3 char ("999"), it's field length should be 4 (counting "\0" at the end of "999\0"). If there is a need to send a zero character ("") string field, send "\0" with field length 1.

Further Problem Description:
When CTI client sends an OPEN_REQ to establish a session to the CTIServer, the process will crash if the message passes one or more of the Floating Part fields as an empty string. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** 13:20:04:034 CG1A-ctisvr Session 62: MsgType:OPEN_REQ (InvokeID:0x6907b24 VersionNumber:13 IdleTimeout:300 PeripheralID:N/A 13:20:04:034 CG1A-ctisvr Session 62: ServiceMask:0x40096 CallMsgMask:0xfffffff AgentStateMask:0x3fff ConfigMsgMask:0x1f 13:20:04:034 CG1A-ctisvr Session 62: Reserved:0 Reserved:0 Reserved:0 ClientID:"xxxxxxxxxxxx" 13:20:04:034 CG1A-ctisvr Session 62: ClientPassword: ClientSignature:"xxxxxxxxxx" 13:20:04:034 CG1A-ctisvr Session 62: AgentExtension:"xxxxxx" AgentID:"xxxxxxx" ) 13:20:04:034 CG1A-ctisvr Invalid Enterprise CTI message received from session: 62 (new client at (xxxxxxxxxxx)), type: OPEN_REQ, error: E_CTI_INVALID_FIELD_LENGTH, field: AgentInstrument. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Floating Part Fields are listed in the CTI Developer guide. https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/td/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/ctios/cti_server_reference/programming/guide/CTI_Svr_Msg_Ref_Gde_Prot_15.pdf

Defect Number: CSCvh53269

Component: cg.ctiserver

Severity: 2

Headline: CTIServer sends N/A (PT_NONE) in the PeripheralType Field in the OPEN_CONF message

PeripheralType Field in the OPEN_CONF message is returned with value PT_NONE (0xFFFF).

The condition is known to occur when a Custom CTI application (not a ClientEvents services client) is the first client to send the OPEN_REQ to CTIServer.

1. Make the Customer CTI Application as a ClientEvents services client and pass the valid Agent information in the OPEN_REQ. 2. Force Finesse or CTIOS Server (or any clients that request QUERY_AGENT_STATE_REQUEST, SET_AGENT_STATE_REQUEST, or any Call Events) to connect first.

Further Problem Description:
Custom CTI Application when sending the OPEN_REQ to the CTI Server to establish the CTI Session, CTI Server in-turn while responding the OPEN_CONF message send the PeripheralType as N/A (PT_NONE). *********************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************** 08:55:18:372 cg1A-ctisvr Session 2: MsgType:OPEN_CONF (InvokeID:0x7000000 ServiceMask:0x1c0296 MonitorID:0 PGStatus:NORMAL 08:55:18:372 cg1A-ctisvr Session 2: CCTimestamp:0x5a564576 (Wed Jan 10 08:55:18 2018) PeripheralOnline:True 08:55:18:372 cg1A-ctisvr Session 2: PeripheralType:N/A AgentState:UNKNOWN ) *********************************************************************************************** *********************************************************************************************** NOTE : The above behavior happens only if a Custom CTI Application is the First Client to connect. If Finesse or CTIOSServer first establishes the session by OPEN_REQ/OPEN_CONF, and the 3rd Party Custom CTI then Connects, CTI Server sends the PeripheralType Field with proper Value Set.

Defect Number: CSCvk18288

Component: cg.ctiserver

Severity: 3

Headline: Finesse Queue Statistics gadget shows default skill groups with ES12 or ES15 applied to PG

The Finesse "Queue Statistics" gadget incorrectly shows all the default SGs (Voice and Non-Voice MRDs).

The issue is known to occur only if UCCE 11.6(1) ES12 and/or ES15 are applied to the PG(s).

Uninstall ES12 or ES15 (both, if each is separately installed).

Further Problem Description:
A replacement ES is being provided to supersede ES12/ES15, to rectify the original problem created with those ES releases. Contact Cisco support for more information.

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