|| || |||| |||| ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. || || C I S C O Release-Notes ========================================================================= Revisions: Note: For support please contact cvc-beta@cisco.com Files: vpnclient-darwin- - Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6 This file describes the contents of the Cisco VPN Client files for the Mac OS X platform Refer to the Bug Navigator on Cisco Connection Online for open issues: http://www.cisco.com/support/bugtools/bugtool.shtml Resolved Issues: Added support for Mac OS 10.6 Resolved Issues: CSCso13689 mac client issues with mac book air dynamic ethernet interfaces CSCsv47678 "Launch" button in update notification does not work on Mac CSCsv29102 Files left behind un-deleted after an uninstall CSCsu99757 unity mac update notification fails to match version properly CSCsq29795 MAC VPN Client unable to enroll Online Cert with IOS CA CSCso78480 Multiple Issues in MAC OSX VPN Client CSCsd62216 Minimize upon connect doesn't work with MAC OS X 4.9 vpn client CSCej01792 unity mac append split dns list to search list option CSCsl12584 MacOS X uninstall script indicates wrong version & why folders are left Unresolved Issues: None Previous revision: Files: vpnclient-darwin- See Release Notes for Release 4.6 at: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/vpn/client/index.htm For anyone planning on redistributing the client please refer to: http://www.cisco.com/application/pdf/en/us/guest/products/ps5982/c2001/ccmigration_09186a008031f148.pdf Section 4 to ensure you comply with Cisco Copyrights and Licenses agreement.