================================================= README for installing Hot Patch to fix CSCwa47133 ================================================= This hot patch is to address CSCwa47133 (related to Apache Log4j2) Download the following files from CCO. ise-apply-CSCwa47133_3.1.0.518_patch1-SPA.tar.gz ise-rollback-CSCwa47133_3.1.0.518_patch1-SPA.tar.gz Confirm that the hash of the downloaded files matches the ones listed on CCO. Copy the files to repository which is reachable from ISE. Configure the repository in ISE to start the installation process. =================== Few important notes =================== This hot patch is only for Patch 1 of ISE 3.1 release. This needs to be installed on every ISE node in a deployment. =============== How to install =============== Login to ISE CLI Invoke the following command to install the bundle which will apply the hot patch: "application install ise-apply-CSCwa47133_3.1.0.518_patch1-SPA.tar.gz " ======================================================= How to Verify whether patch has installed successfully ======================================================= Login to ISE CLI Execute the command "show logging application hotpatch.log" It should show that 'CSCwa47133_3.1.0.518_patch1' is installed, this will confirm that the hot patch was successfully installed. =============== How to Rollback =============== (Note: This is only required if you need to remove the hot patch) Login to ISE CLI Invoke the following command to rollback the hot patch: "application install ise-rollback-CSCwa47133_3.1.0.518_patch1-SPA.tar.gz "