Information About Ringtones
Distinctive Ringing
Distinctive ring is used to identify internal and external incoming calls. An internal call is defined as a call originating from any Cisco Unified IP phone that is registered in Cisco Unified CME or is routed through the local FXS port.
In Cisco CME 3.4 and earlier versions, the standard ring pattern is generated for all calls to local SCCP endpoints. In Cisco Unified CME 4.0, the following distinctive ring features are supported for SCCP endpoints:
Specify one of three ring patterns to be used for all types of incoming calls to a particular directory number, on all phones on which the directory number appears. If a phone is already in use, an incoming call is presented as a call-waiting call and uses a distinctive call-waiting beep.
Specify whether the distinctive ring is used only if the incoming called number matches the primary or secondary number defined for the ephone-dn. If no secondary number is defined for the ephone-dn, the secondary ring option has no effect.
Associate a feature ring pattern with a specific button on a phone so that different phones that share the same directory number can use a different ring style.
For local SIP endpoints, the type of ring sound requested is signaled to the phone using an alert-info signal. If distinctive ringing is enabled, Cisco Unified CME generates the alert-info for incoming calls from any phone that is not registered in Cisco Unified CME, to the local endpoint. Alert-info from an incoming leg can be relayed to an outgoing leg with the internally generated alert-info taking precedence.
Cisco Unified IP phones use the standard Telcordia Technologies distinctive ring types.
Customized Ringtones
Cisco Unified IP Phones have two default ring types: Chirp1 and Chirp2. Cisco Unified CME also supports customized ringtones using pulse code modulation (PCM) files.
An XML file called RingList.xml specifies the ringtone options available for the default ring on an IP phone registered to Cisco Unified CME. An XML file called DistinctiveRingList.xml specifies the ringtones available on each individual line appearance on an IP phone registered to Cisco Unified CME.
On-Hold Indicator
On-hold indicator is an optional feature that generates a ring burst on idle IP phones that have placed a call on hold. An option is available to generate call-waiting beeps for occupied phones that have placed calls on hold. This feature is disabled by default. For configuration information, see Configure On-Hold Indicator.
LED color display for hold state, also known as I-Hold, is supported in Cisco Unified CME 4.0(2) and later versions. The I-Hold feature provides a visual indicator for distinguishing a local hold from a remote hold on shared lines on supported phones, such as the Cisco Unified IP Phone 7931G. This feature requires no additional configuration.