show call-home through vrrp sso

show call-home

To display the configured information for Call Home, use the show call-home command in privileged EXEC mode.

show call-home [alert-group | detail | mail-server status | profile {all | name} | statistics | events]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the available alert groups.


(Optional) Displays the Call Home configuration in detail.

mail-server status

(Optional) Displays mail-server status information for Call Home.

profile {all | name

(Optional) Displays configuration information for Call Home destination profiles, where:

  • all --Displays information for all configured profiles.

  • name --Name of a specific profile about which to display information.


(Optional) Displays Call Home statistics.


(Optional) Displays all Call Home events.

Command Default

This command has no default settings.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Cisco IOS XE Release 16.6.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 16..6.1


The following example displays the Call Home configuration settings:

Router# show call-home
Current call home settings:
    call home feature : disable
    call home message's from address:
    call home message's reply-to address:
    contact person's email address:
    contact person's phone number: +1-111-111-1111
    street address: 1234 Any Street, Any city, Any state, 12345
    customer ID: ExampleCorp
    contract ID: X123456789
    site ID: SantaClara
    Mail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1
    Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 2
    Rate-limit: 20 message(s) per minute
Available alert groups:
    Keyword                  State   Description
    ------------------------ ------- -------------------------------
    configuration            Disable configuration info
    diagnostic               Disable diagnostic info
    environment              Disable environmental info
    inventory                Enable  inventory info
    syslog                   Disable syslog info
    Profile Name: campus-noc
    Profile Name: CiscoTAC-1

The following example displays detailed configuration information for Call Home:

Router# show call-home detail
Current call home settings:
    call home feature : disable
    call home message's from address:
    call home message's reply-to address:
    contact person's email address:
    contact person's phone number: +1-111-111-1111
    street address: 1234 Any Street, Any city, Any state, 12345
    customer ID: ExampleCorp
    contract ID: X123456789
    site ID: SantaClara
    Mail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1
    Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 2
    Rate-limit: 20 message(s) per minute
Available alert groups:
    Keyword                  State   Description
    ------------------------ ------- -------------------------------
    configuration            Disable configuration info
    diagnostic               Disable diagnostic info
    environment              Disable environmental info
    inventory                Enable  inventory info
    syslog                   Disable syslog info
    Profile Name: campus-noc
    Profile status: ACTIVE
    Preferred Message Format: long-text
    Message Size Limit: 3145728 Bytes
    Preferred Transport Method: email
    Email address(es):
    HTTP  address(es): Not yet set up
    Alert-group               Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    inventory                 normal      
    Syslog-Pattern            Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    N/A                       N/A
Profile Name: CiscoTAC-1
    Profile status: INACTIVE
    Preferred Message Format: xml
    Message Size Limit: 3145728 Bytes
    Preferred Transport Method: email
    Email address(es):
    HTTP  address(es): Not yet set up
    Periodic configuration info message is scheduled every 1 day of the month at 09:27
    Periodic inventory info message is scheduled every 1 day of the month at 09:12
    Alert-group               Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    diagnostic                minor       
    environment               minor       
    Syslog-Pattern            Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    .*                        major       

The following example displays available Call Home alert groups:

Router# show call-home alert-group 
Available alert groups:
    Keyword                  State   Description
    ------------------------ ------- -------------------------------
    configuration            Disable configuration info
    diagnostic               Disable diagnostic info
    environment              Disable environmental info
    inventory                Enable  inventory info
    syslog                   Disable syslog info

The following example displays e-mail server status information for Call Home:

Router# show call-home mail-server status
Please wait. Checking for mail server status ...
Translating ""
    Mail-server[1]: Address: Priority: 1 [Not Available]
    Mail-server[2]: Address: Priority: 2 [Not Available]

The following example displays information for all predefined and user-defined profiles for Call Home:

Router# show call-home profile all
Profile Name: campus-noc
Profile status: ACTIVE
    Preferred Message Format: long-text
    Message Size Limit: 3145728 Bytes
    Preferred Transport Method: email
    Email address(es):
    HTTP  address(es): Not yet set up
    Alert-group               Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    inventory                 normal 
    Syslog-Pattern            Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    N/A                       N/A
Profile Name: CiscoTAC-1
    Profile status: INACTIVE
    Preferred Message Format: xml
    Message Size Limit: 3145728 Bytes
    Preferred Transport Method: email
    Email address(es):
    HTTP  address(es): Not yet set up
    Periodic configuration info message is scheduled every 1 day of the month at 09:27
    Periodic inventory info message is scheduled every 1 day of the month at 09:12
    Alert-group               Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    diagnostic                minor       
    environment               minor       
    Syslog-Pattern            Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    .*                        major       

The following example displays information for a user-defined destination profile named “campus-noc”:

Router# show call-home profile campus-noc
Profile Name: campus-noc
    Profile status: ACTIVE
    Preferred Message Format: long-text
    Message Size Limit: 3145728 Bytes
    Preferred Transport Method: email
    Email address(es):
    HTTP  address(es): Not yet set up
    Alert-group               Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    inventory                 normal      
    Syslog-Pattern            Severity
    ------------------------  ------------
    N/A                       N/A

The following example displays Call Home statistics:

Router# show call-home statistics
Successful Call-Home Events: 0
Dropped Call-Home Events due to Rate Limiting: 0

The following example shows a sample of the Call Home statistics output on a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6:

PE42_ASR-1004#show call-home statistics
Message Types    Total                Email                HTTP
-------------   -------------------- -------------------- ------------------
Total Success   0                    0                    0                    
    Config      0                    0                    0                    
    Diagnostic  0                    0                    0                    
    Environment 0                    0                    0                    
    Inventory   0                    0                    0                    
    SysLog      0                    0                    0                    
    Test        0                    0                    0                    
    Request     0                    0                    0                    
    Send-CLI    0                    0                    0                    
Total In-Queue  0                    0                    0                    
    Config      0                    0                    0                    
    Diagnostic  0                    0                    0                    
    Environment 0                    0                    0                    
    Inventory   0                    0                    0                    
    SysLog      0                    0                    0                    
    Test        0                    0                    0                    
    Request     0                    0                    0                    
    Send-CLI    0                    0                    0                    
Total Failed    0                    0                    0                    
    Config      0                    0                    0                    
    Diagnostic  0                    0                    0                    
    Environment 0                    0                    0                    
    Inventory   0                    0                    0                    
    SysLog      0                    0                    0                    
    Test        0                    0                    0                    
    Request     0                    0                    0                    
    Send-CLI    0                    0                    0                    
Total Ratelimit
      -dropped  0                    0                    0                    
    Config      0                    0                    0                    
    Diagnostic  0                    0                    0                    
    Environment 0                    0                    0                    
    Inventory   0                    0                    0                    
    SysLog      0                    0                    0                    
    Test        0                    0                    0                    
    Request     0                    0                    0                    
    Send-CLI    0                    0                    0                    
Last call-home message sent time: n/a

The following example displays information for all call-home registered events:

Router# show call-home events

 Active event list:
 Profile                         Alert Group     Internal Index  Severity       Subscription  Last Triggered Time
 tst                             configuration  1     /1         normal        normal        2017-08-08 08:45:09 GMT+00:00
 tst                             test           2     /2         normal        normal      
 tst                             crash          3     /3         debug         normal      
 tst                             crash          4     /4         debug         normal      
 tst                             inventory      5     /5         normal        normal      
 tst                             inventory      6     /6         normal        normal      
 tst                             syslog         7     /7         debug         pattern       2017-08-08 08:45:09 GMT+00:00
 tst                             configuration  8     /8         normal        periodic    
 tst                             syslog         9     /9         catastrophic  pattern     

show call-home diagnostic-signature

To display the attributes and statistics of a call-home diagnostic signature file that is available on a device, use the show call-home diagnostic-signature command in privileged EXEC mode.

show call-home diagnostic-signature [ds-id [actions | events | prerequisite | prompt | variables] | failure | statistics [download]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name, functionality, event, and action that is associated with the specified diagnostic signature ID.


(Optional) Displays the diagnostic signature actions associated with the specified diagnostic signature ID.


(Optional) Displays the diagnostic signature events associated with the specified diagnostic signature ID.


(Optional) Displays the diagnostic signature prerequisites associated with the specified diagnostic signature ID.


(Optional) Displays the diagnostic signature prompts associated with the specified diagnostic signature ID.


(Optional) Displays the diagnostic signature environment variables associated with the specified diagnostic signature ID.


(Optional) Displays all malfunctioned diagnostic signature files at various stages such as downloading, parsing, file saving, acting, registration, sign verification, and unknown.

The failure history is not retained after the device reloads.

(Optional) Displays statistics for all diagnostic signature IDs on a device. The statistics include diagnostic signature average run time, maximum run time, and the number of times the diagnostic signature was triggered, uninstalled, or maximum triggered times limit; associated with all diagnostic signature IDs on the device.


(Optional) Displays the diagnostic signature download statistics for periodic and on-demand type of downloads.

Command Default

If you do not specify any optional keywords and arguments, only the current diagnostic signature settings such as diagnostic signature status (enabled or disabled), profile, and environment variable, along with details associated with the downloaded diagnostic signature files, such as the diagnostic signature name, revision number, status, and last updated date and time are displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show call-home diagnostic-signature ds-id command to display all attributes, such as, ID, name, functionality, event, action, prerequisites, prompts, and variables that are associated with a diagnostic signature file. If you want to view a particular aspect of the diagnostic signature file, use any of the optional keywords (actions , events , prerequisite , prompt , or variables ) with the ds-id argument.

Use the show call-home diagnostic-signature failure command to display any malfunctions that occur with a diagnostic signature file or a set of diagnostic signature files during any of the following stages:
  • Downloading—The diagnostic signature fails while being downloaded onto a device.

  • Parsing—The diagnostic signature fails during parsing.

  • File saving—The diagnostic signature fails during file saving.

  • Acting—The diagnostic signature fails while performing an action on the device.

  • Unknown—The diagnostic signature fails due to an unknown factor.

  • Registration—The diagnostic signature fails during registration on a device.

  • Sign verification—The diagnostic signature fails during digital signature verification.


The following is sample output from the show call-home diagnostic-signature command. The command output displays the active diagnostic signature profile prof-1, environment variable name ds_env1, and environment variable value value1.

Device# show call-home diagnostic-signature

Current diagnostic-signature settings:
Diagnostic-signature: enabled
Profile: prof-1 (status: ACTIVE)
Environment variable: ds_env1: value1
Downloaded DSes:
DS ID    DS Name                         Revision Status     Last Update (GMT+00:00)
-------- ------------------------------- -------- ---------- -------------------
6015     CronInterval                    1.0      registered 2013-01-16 04:49:52
6030     ActCH                           1.0      registered 2013-01-16 06:10:22
6032     MultiEvents                     1.0      registered 2013-01-16 06:10:37
6033     PureTCL                         1.0      registered 2013-01-16 06:11:48

Following is sample output from the show call-home diagnostic-signature command with the ds-id argument value as 6015:

Device# show call-home diagnostic-signature 6015

ID              : 6015
Name            : CronInterval
Functionality   :
Send call-home message every 3 minutes with cron timer.
Event           :
Event Tag       : e1
Type            : periodic
Timer Type      : cron
Timer Detail    : */3 * * * *
Includes action steps that may impact device state: No
Action          :
Type            : CALLHOME
Element List    :
DATA            : show clock
DATA            : show version

The following sample output from the show call-home diagnostic-signature statistics command displays various diagnostic signature IDs:

Device# show call-home diagnostic-signature statistics

DS ID     DS Name                     Triggered/Max/Deinstall     Average 														Max
																																																															Run Time(sec)  					Run Time(sec)
--------  --------------------------      -------------         -------------      -----------
6015      CronInterval                     4/0/N                  9.872      									9.981
6030      ActCH                            932/0/N        								13.333       							1357.860
6032      MultiEvents                      10/0/N        									6.362        							6.692
6033      PureTCL                          15/0/N        									6.363        							7.620

The following is sample output from the show call-home diagnostic-signature statistics download command:

Device# show call-home diagnostic-signature statistics download

Download-type    In-queue      Fail    Success   Last request sent
-------------   ----------    -----   ---------  -----------------------------
Periodic            0          0        0
Ondemand            0          1        1        2013-01-16 04:49:52 GMT+00:00

The following is sample output from the show call-home diagnostic-signature failure command:

Device# show call-home diagnostic-signature failure

Stage: D - Download, P - Parsing, F - File saving, A - Acting, U - Unknown
       R - Registration, S - Sign verification
                                        Last Failed Time
DS ID    DS Name  								Stage   									(GMT+08:00)            		Error String
-------- ---------------- -----      -------------------          ----------------------------
100      OirEvents        P     							2012-03-08 12:02:59  								Call Home error             
200      OirEvents        P     							2012-03-08 12:02:59  								Call Home error

The following table describes the significant fields in the order in which they appear in the displays.

Table 1. show call-home diagnostic-signature Field Descriptions
Field Description


The call-home destination profile associated with the diagnostic signature on a device.

Environment variable

The environment variable that is set up for a diagnostic signature on a device.


The diagnostic signature identification number as saved on the HTTP/HTTPS servers.

DS Name

The diagnostic signature name, assigned to the diagnostic signature file.


The diagnostic signature file version number that indicates if the signature file is new or updated.


Possible statuses for a downloaded call-home diagnostic signature file are:
  • registered—The diagnostic signature monitors and registers the predefined events and waits for such events to occur.

  • running—The diagnostic signature executes the specified actions for events that are registered.

  • terminated—The diagnostic signature is terminated and unregistered when a diagnostic signature has performed the specified action for the maximum number of times.

  • pending—The diagnostic signature is in a pending state when some required environment variable has no value configured. In the case of an interactive diagnostic signature, it must be manually installed using the call-home diagnostic-signature install command.

Last Update

The date and time when the diagnostic signature file was last updated on the device through periodic or on-demand download.

  • event trigger

  • action

The functionality of a particular diagnostic signature file.

  • The event trigger indicates the event when the diagnostic signature performs a specific action.

  • The action indicates the specific action that the diagnostic signature performs when an event occurs.

  • Event tag

  • Type

  • Timer Type

  • Timer Detail

The event details defined within the diagnostic signature file.
  • Event tag indicates the event name.

  • Type indicates whether the event is checked for periodically or if the check is on an on-demand basis.

  • Timer Type and Timer Detail indicate the clock system and the time period assigned to check for the event.

  • Type

  • Element List

  • DATA

The action defined within the diagnostic signature file.
  • Type indicates the kind of action that is performed in response to a certain event.

  • Element List and DATA indicate the various aspects of the device that are affected when the action is performed.


  • Triggered indicates the number of times a specific diagnostic signature was performed.

  • Max indicates the number of times specific diagnostic signature files are limit from being performed.

  • Deinstall indicates whether or not a particular diagnostic signature was subjected to uninstallation.

Average Run Time (sec)

The average time, in seconds, taken for a particular diagnostic signature file to execute its actions in response to the predefined events across various sessions on a device.

Max Run Time (sec)

The maximum time, in seconds, taken for a particular diagnostic signature file to perform its action in response to the predefined event for a particular session on a device.


Type of downloading method for diagnostic signature files; either periodic or on-demand.

  • Periodic indicates that the diagnostic signature file downloading type is periodic, that is, the device is configured to automatically request for the download of new or updated diagnostic signature files at regular intervals.

  • Ondemand indicates that the diagnostic signature file downloading type is on-demand, that is, the device must be manually configured to request for the download of new or updated diagnostic signature files.


Indicates the number of diagnostic signature files that are in the queue waiting to be downloaded on to the device. 0 indicates there are no files waiting in the queue.


Indicates the number of diagnostic signature files that failed while downloading. 0 indicates there is no failure during the download.


Indicates the number of diagnostic signature files that are successfully downloaded on to the device. 0 indicates no files have been downloaded.

Last request sent

The date and time when the last request for download was initiated from the device.

  • D—Download

  • P—Parsing

  • F—File saving

  • A—Acting

  • U—Unknown

  • R—Registration

  • S—Sign Verification

Indicates the stage when the diagnostic signature failed.

Last Failed Time

Indicates the date and time when the diagnostic signature failed.

Error String

Indicates the errors associated with the diagnostic signature failure.

show cef nsf

To show the current Cisco nonstop forwarding (NSF) state of Cisco Express Forwarding on both the active and standby Route Processors (RPs), use the s how cef nsf command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cef nsf

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


Support for the Cisco 7304 router was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.

Command History


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.

Usage Guidelines

If you enter the show cef nsf command before a switchover occurs, no switchover activity is reported. After a switchover occurs, you can enter the show cef nsf command to display details about the switchover as reported by the newly active RP. On the Cisco 12000 and 7500 series Internet routers, details about line card switchover are also provided.


The following example shows the current NSF state:

Router# show cef nsf
Last switchover occurred:        00:01:30.088 ago
 Routing convergence duration:   00:00:34.728
 FIB stale entry purge durations:00:00:01.728 - Default
                                  00:00:00.088 - Red
 Slot    Count   Type   Quiesce Period
 1           2    sso   00:00:00.108
 2           1   rpr+   00:00:00.948
 3           2    sso   00:00:00.152
 5           2    sso   00:00:00.092
 6           1   rpr+   00:00:00.632
 No NSF stats available for the following linecards:4 7

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 2. show cef nsf Field Descriptions



Last switchover occurred

Time since the last system switchover.

Routing convergence duration

Time taken after the switchover before the routing protocol signaled Cisco Express Forwarding that they had converged.

Stale entry purge

Time taken by Cisco Express Forwarding to purge any stale entries in each FIB table. In the example, these are the FIB tables names “Default” and “Red.”


Per-line card NSF statistics.


Line card slot number.


Number of times the line card has switched over. This value will always be 1, unless the type is SSO.


Type of switchover the line card performed last. The type can be SSO, RPR+ or RPR.

Quiesce Period

Period of time when the line card was disconnected from the switching fabric. During this time, no packet forwarding can take place.

Other system restart requirements may add additional delay until the line card can start forwarding packets.

show cef state

To display the state of Cisco Express Forwarding on a networking device, use the show cef state command in privileged EXEC mode.

show cef state

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced on Cisco 7500, 10000, and 12000 series Internet routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S on Cisco 7500 series routers.


Support for the Cisco 7304 router was added. The Cisco 7500 series router is not supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(20)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.



The following example shows the state of Cisco Express Forwarding on the active Route Processor (RP):

Router# show cef state
CEF Status:
 RP instance
 common CEF enabled
IPv4 CEF Status:
 CEF enabled/running
 dCEF disabled/not running
 CEF switching enabled/running
 universal per-destination load sharing algorithm, id A189DD49
IPv6 CEF Status:
 CEF enabled/running
 dCEF disabled/not running
 original per-destination load sharing algorithm, id A189DD49

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 3. show cef state Field Description (New)



RP instance

Cisco Express Forwarding status is for the RP.

common CEF enabled

Common Cisco Express Forwarding is enabled.

IPv4 CEF Status

Cisco Express Forwarding mode and status is for IPv4.

universal per-destination load sharing algorithm

IPv4 is using the universal per-destination load sharing algorithm for Cisco Express Forwarding traffic.

IPv6 CEF Status

Cisco Express Forwarding mode and status is for IPV6.

original per-destination load sharing algorithm

IPv6 is using the original per-destination load sharing algorithm for Cisco Express Forwarding traffic.


The following example shows the state of Cisco Express Forwarding on the active Route Processor (RP):

Router# show cef state
RRP state:   
     I am standby RRP:          no
     RF Peer Presence:          yes
     RF PeerComm reached:       yes
     Redundancy mode:           SSO(7)
     CEF NSF:                   enabled/running

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 4. show cef state Field Descriptions



I am standby RRP: no

This RP is not the standby.

RF Peer Presence: yes

This RP does have RF peer presence.

RF PeerComm reached: yes

This RP has reached RF peer communication.

Redundancy mode: SSO(&)

Type of redundancy mode on this RP.

CEF NSF: enabled/running

States whether Cisco Express Forwarding nonstop forwarding (NSF) is running or not.

The following example shows the state of Cisco Express Forwarding on the standby RP:

Router# show cef state
RRP state:   
     I am standby RRP:          yes
     My logical slot:           0
     RF Peer Presence:          yes
     RF PeerComm reached:       yes
     CEF NSF:                   running

show ip bgp vpnv4 all sso summary

To display information about Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peers that support BGP nonstop routing (NSR) with stateful switchover (SSO), use the show ip bgp vpn4 sso summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

show ip bgp vpnv4 all sso summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Cisco IOS XE 3.7S

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 903 router.

Usage Guidelines

The show ip bgp vpnv4 all sso summary command is used to display the number of BGP neighbors that are in SSO mode.


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp vpnv4 all sso summary command:

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all sso summary

   Stateful switchover support enabled for 40 neighbors

The table below describes the fields shown in the display.

Table 5. show ip bgp vpnv4 all sso summary Field Descriptions



Stateful Switchover support enabled for

Indicates the number of BGP neighbors that are in SSO mode.

show ip ospf nsf

To display IP Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) nonstop forwarding (NSF) state information, use the show ip ospf nsf command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip ospf nsf

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Mainline Release



This command was introduced in a release earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


The following is sample output from the show ip ospf nsf command. The fields are self-explanatory.

Router# show ip ospf
Routing Process "ospf 2" 
 Non-Stop Forwarding enabled
 IETF NSF helper support enabled
 Cisco NSF helper support enabled 
 OSPF restart state is NO_RESTART
Handle 1786466308, Router ID, checkpoint Router ID
Config wait timer interval 10, timer not running
Dbase wait timer interval 120, timer not running

show ip rsvp high-availability counters

To display all Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) traffic engineering (TE) high availability (HA) counters that are being maintained by a Route Processor (RP), use the show ip rsvp high-availability counters command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip rsvp high-availability counters

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


Support for In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was modified. The output was updated to display information for point-to-point (P2P) and point-to-multipoint traffic engineering (P2MP) counters.


This command was modified. The output was enhanced to show checkpoint information for MPLS traffic engineering autotunnel and automesh stateful switchover (SSO) tunnels.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. The output was enhanced to show checkpoint information for MPLS traffic engineering autotunnel and automesh stateful switchover (SSO) tunnels.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip rsvp high-availability counters command to display the HA counters, which include state, ISSU, checkpoint messages, resource failures, and errors.

The command output differs depending on whether the RP is active or standby. (See the “Examples” section for more information.)

Use the clear ip rsvp high-availability counters command to clear all counters.


The following is sample output from the show ip rsvp high-availability counters command on the active RP:

Router# show ip rsvp high-availability counters

State: Active
P2P LSPs for which recovery:
  Attempted: 1
  Succeeded: 1
  Failed:    0
P2MP subLSPs for which recovery:
  Attempted: 2
  Succeeded: 2
  Failed:    0
Bulk sync
  initiated: 1
Send timer
  started: 2
Checkpoint Messages (Items) Sent
  Succeeded:      2  (8)
    Acks accepted:2  (8)
    Acks ignored:     (0)
    Nacks:        0  (0)
  Failed:         0  (0)
  Buffer alloc:   2
  Buffer freed:   4
  Checkpoint Messages Transformed:
    On Send:
      Succeeded:         2
      Failed:            0
      Transformations:   0
    On Recv:
      Succeeded:         2
      Failed:            0
      Transformations:   0
    Started:              2
    Finished:             2
    Failed to Start:      0
        Send succeeded:   14
        Send failed:      0
        Buffer allocated:        14
        Buffer freed:            0
        Buffer alloc failed:     0
        Succeeded:        10
        Failed:           0
        Buffer freed:     10
    Succeeded:            1
    Failed:               0
  Session Registration:
    Succeeded:            1
    Failed:               0
  Session Unregistration:
    Succeeded:            1
    Failed:               0
Historical: (When Active was Standby)
Checkpoint Messages (Items) Received
  Valid:        2  (11)
  Invalid:      0  (0)
Buffer freed: 2

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 6. show ip rsvp high-availability counters—Active RP Field Descriptions




The RP state:

  • Active—Active RP.

Bulk sync

The number of requests made by the standby RP to the active RP to resend all write database entries:

  • Initiated—The number of bulk sync operations initiated by the standby RP since reboot.

Send timer

The write database timer.

Checkpoint Messages (Items) Sent

The details of the bundle messages or items sent since booting.


The number of bundle messages or items sent from the active RP to the standby RP since booting. Values are the following:

  • Acks accepted—The number of bundle messages or items sent from the active RP to the standby RP.

  • Acks ignored—The number of bundle messages or items sent by the active RP, but rejected by the standby RP.

  • Nacks—The number of bundle messages or items given to the checkpointing facility (CF) on the active RP for transmitting to the standby RP, but failed to transmit.


The number of bundle messages or items the active RP attempted to send the standby RP when the send timer updated, but received an error back from CF.

Buffer alloc

Storage space allocated.

Buffer freed

Storage space available.


In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) counters.

Checkpoint Messages Transformed

The details of the bundle messages or items transformed (upgraded or downgraded for compatibility) since booting so that the active RP and the standby RP can interoperate.

On Send

The number of messages sent by the active RP that succeeded, failed, or were transformations.

On Recv

The number of messages received by the active RP that succeeded, failed, or were transformations.


The number of times that the active RP and the standby RP have negotiated their interoperability parameters.


The number of negotiations started.


The number of negotiations finished.

Failed to Start

The number of negotiations that failed to start.


The number of negotiation messages sent and received. These messages can be succeeded or failed.

  • Send succeeded—Number of messages sent successfully.

  • Send failed—Number of messages sent unsuccessfully.

  • Buffer allocated—Storage space allowed.

  • Buffer freed—Storage space available.

  • Buffer alloc failed—No storage space available.


The number of times the RSVP ISSU client has successfully and unsuccessfully (failed) initialized.

Session Registration

The number of session registrations, succeeded and failed, performed by the active RP whenever the standby RP reboots.

Session Unregistration

The number of session unregistrations, succeeded and failed, before the standby RP resets.


The details of errors or caveats.

The following is sample output from the show ip rsvp high-availability counters command on the standby RP:

Router# show ip rsvp high-availability counters

State: Standby
Checkpoint Messages (Items) Received
  Valid:        1  (2)
  Invalid:      0  (0)
  Buffer freed: 1
  Checkpoint Messages Transformed:
    On Send:
      Succeeded:         0
      Failed:            0
      Transformations:   0
    On Recv:
      Succeeded:         1
      Failed:            0
      Transformations:   0
    Started:              1
    Finished:             1
    Failed to Start:      0
        Send succeeded:   5
        Send failed:      0
        Buffer allocated:        5
        Buffer freed:            0
        Buffer alloc failed:     0
        Succeeded:        7
        Failed:           0
        Buffer freed:     7
    Succeeded:            1
    Failed:               0
  Session Registration:
    Succeeded:            0
    Failed:               0
  Session Unregistration:
    Succeeded:            0
    Failed:               0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 7. show ip rsvp high-availability counters—Standby RP Field Descriptions




The RP state:

  • Standby—Standby (backup) RP.

Checkpoint Messages (Items) Received

The details of the messages or items received by the standby RP. Values are the following:

  • Valid—The number of valid messages or items received by the standby RP.

  • Invalid—The number of invalid messages or items received by the standby RP.

  • Buffer freed—Amount of storage space available.


ISSU counters.


For descriptions of the ISSU fields, see the table above.


The details of errors or caveats.

show ip rsvp interface detail

To display the hello configuration for all interface types, use the show ip rsvp interface detail command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip rsvp interface detail [type number]

Syntax Description

type number

(Optional) The type and number of the interface for which you want to display the hello configuration.

Command Default

The hello configuration for all interfaces is displayed.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXD1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.


This command was modified. The output was updated to display the source address used in the PHOP address field.


This command was modified. The output was updated to display the overhead percent.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)S.


This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.

Usage Guidelines

To display the hello configuration for a specific interface, use the show ip rsvp interface detail command with the type and number arguments.


The following is sample output from the show ip rsvp interface detail command:

Router# show ip rsvp interface detail GigabitEthernet 9/47 
   RSVP: Enabled
   Interface State: Up
     Curr allocated: 10K bits/sec
     Max. allowed (total): 75K bits/sec
     Max. allowed (per flow): 75K bits/sec
     Max. allowed for LSP tunnels using sub-pools: 0 bits/sec
     Set aside by policy (total): 0 bits/sec
   Admission Control:
     Header Compression methods supported:
       rtp (36 bytes-saved), udp (20 bytes-saved)
     Tunnel IP Overhead percent:
     Tunnel Bandwidth considered:
   Traffic Control:
     RSVP Data Packet Classification is ON via CEF callbacks
     DSCP value used in RSVP msgs: 0x3F
     Number of refresh intervals to enforce blockade state: 4
   Authentication: disabled
     Key chain:   <none>
     Type:        md5
     Window size: 1
     Challenge:   disabled 
   Hello Extension:
     State: Disabled

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 8. show ip rsvp interface detail Field Descriptions




Status of the Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) (Enabled or Disabled).

Interface State

Status of the interface (Up or Down).

Curr allocated

Amount of bandwidth (in bits per second [b/s]) currently allocated.

Max. allowed (total)

Total maximum amount of bandwidth (in b/s) allowed.

Max. allowed (per flow)

Maximum amount of bandwidth (in b/s) allowed per flow.

Max. allowed for LSP tunnels using sub-pools

Maximum amount of bandwidth permitted for the label switched path (LSP) tunnels that obtain their bandwidth from subpools.

Tunnel IP Overhead percent

Overhead percent to override the RSVP bandwidth manually.

Tunnel Bandwidth considered

Indicates if the tunnel bandwidth is considered.

DSCP value used in RSVP msgs

Differentiated services code point (DSCP) value in the RSVP messages.

show isis nsf

To display current state information regarding Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) Cisco nonstop forwarding (NSF), use the s how isis nsf command in user EXEC mode.

show isis nsf

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


Support for the Cisco 7304 router was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.

Usage Guidelines

The show isis nsf command can be used with both Cisco proprietary IS-IS NSF and Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) IS-IS NSF. The information displayed when this command is entered depends on which protocol has been configured. To configure nsf for a specific routing protocol, use the router bgp , router ospf , or router isis commands in global configuration mode.


The following example shows state information for an active RP that is configured to use Cisco proprietary IS-IS NSF:

Router# show isis nsf
NSF enabled, mode 'cisco'
RP is ACTIVE, standby ready, bulk sync complete
NSF interval timer expired (NSF restart enabled)
Checkpointing enabled, no errors
Local state:ACTIVE,  Peer state:STANDBY HOT,  Mode:SSO

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 9. show isis nsf Field Descriptions



NSF enabled, mode 'cisco'

NSF is enabled in the default cisco mode.

RP is ACTIVE, standby ready, bulk sync complete

Status of the active RP, standby RP, and the synchronization process between the two.

NSF interval timer expired (NSF restart enabled)

NSF interval timer has expired, allowing NSF restart to be active.

Checkpointing enabled, no errors

Status of the checkpointing process.

Local state:ACTIVE, Peer state:STANDBY HOT, Mode:SSO

State of the local RP, the peer RP, and the operating mode these RPs are using.

The following example shows state information for a standby RP that is configured to use Cisco proprietary IS-IS NSF:

Router# show isis nsf
NSF enabled, mode 'cisco'
RP is STANDBY, chkpt msg receive count:ADJ 2, LSP 314
NSF interval timer notification received (NSF restart enabled)
Checkpointing enabled, no errors
Local state:STANDBY HOT,  Peer state:ACTIVE,  Mode:SSO

The following example shows state information when the networking device is configured to use IETF IS-IS NSF:

Router# show isis nsf 
NSF pdb state:Inactive
NSF L1 active interfaces:0
NSF L1 active LSPs:0
NSF interfaces awaiting L1 CSNP:0
Awaiting L1 LSPs:
NSF L2 active interfaces:0
NSF L2 active LSPs:0
NSF interfaces awaiting L2 CSNP:0
Awaiting L2 LSPs:
    NSF L1 Restart state:Running
    NSF p2p Restart retransmissions:0
    Maximum L1 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
    L1 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
    L1 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
    NSF L2 Restart state:Running
    NSF p2p Restart retransmissions:0
    Maximum L2 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
    L2 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
    NSF L1 Restart state:Running
    NSF L1 Restart retransmissions:0
    Maximum L1 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
    L1 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
    L1 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE
    NSF L2 Restart state:Running
    NSF L2 Restart retransmissions:0
    Maximum L2 NSF Restart retransmissions:3
    L2 NSF ACK requested:FALSE
    L2 NSF CSNP requested:FALSE

show issu

To display Enhanced Fast Software Upgrade (eFSU) information, use the show issu command.

show issu {outage slot {all | num} | patch context | patch type image | platform states}

Syntax Description

outage slot all

Displays an average estimate of the traffic outage for all slots during the upgrade or downgrade.

outage slot num

Displays an average estimate of the traffic outage to expect per a specific slot during the upgrade/downgrade.

patch context

Displays the patch context during the patch installation and activation.

patch type image

Displays patch information about the image that you are about to upgrade to.

platform states

Displays the state of the platform specific eSFU data.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




Support for this command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display an average estimate of the traffic outage for all slots during the upgrade or downgrade:

Router# show issu outage slot all
Slot # Card Type                                   MDR Mode          Max Outage Time
------ -------------------------------------       -----------       ---------------
     1 CEF720 24 port 1000mb SFP                   WARM_RELOAD        300 secs
     2 1-subslot SPA Interface Processor-600       WARM_RELOAD        300 secs
     3 4-subslot SPA Interface Processor-400       WARM_RELOAD        300 secs
     4 2+4 port GE-WAN                             RELOAD             360 secs

show issu clients

To display a list of the current In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) clients--that is, the network applications and protocols supported by ISSU--use the show issu clients command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu clients

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Usage Guidelines

This command lists all ISSU clients currently operating in the network, along with their Client ID numbers and the number of entities each client contains.

You should enter this command before you enter the issu runversion command, because if a client (application or protocol) that needs to continue operating in the network does not appear in the displayed list, you will know not to continue the software upgrade (because proceeding further with ISSU would then halt the operation of that application or protocol).


The following example shows a client list displayed by entering this command:

Router# show issu clients
Client_ID = 2,  Client_Name = ISSU Proto client,  Entity_Count = 1 
Client_ID = 3,  Client_Name = ISSU RF,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 4,  Client_Name = ISSU CF client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 5,  Client_Name = ISSU Network RF client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 7,  Client_Name = ISSU CONFIG SYNC,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 8,  Client_Name = ISSU ifIndex sync,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 9,  Client_Name = ISSU IPC client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 10,  Client_Name = ISSU IPC Server client,  Entity_Count = 1 
Client_ID = 11,  Client_Name = ISSU Red Mode Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 12,  Client_Name = ISSU EHSA services client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 100,  Client_Name = ISSU rfs client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 110,  Client_Name = ISSU ifs client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1001,  Client_Name = OC3POS-6,  Entity_Count = 4
Client_ID = 1002,  Client_Name = C10K ATM,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1003,  Client_Name = C10K CHSTM1,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1004,  Client_Name = C10K CT3,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1005,  Client_Name = C10K GE,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1006,  Client_Name = C10K ET,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1007,  Client_Name = C10K CHE1T1,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1009,  Client_Name = C10K MFE,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1010,  Client_Name = C10K APS,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 1013,  Client_Name = C10K CARD OIR,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2002,  Client_Name = CEF Push ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2003,  Client_Name = ISSU XDR client,  Entity_Count = 1 
Client_ID = 2004,  Client_Name = ISSU SNMP client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2005,  Client_Name = ISSU HDLC Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2006,  Client_Name = ISSU QoS client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2007,  Client_Name = ISSU LSD Label Mgr HA Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2008,  Client_Name = ISSU Tableid Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2009,  Client_Name = ISSU MPLS VPN Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2010,  Client_Name = ARP HA,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2011,  Client_Name = ISSU LDP Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2012,  Client_Name = ISSU HSRP Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2013,  Client_Name = ISSU ATM Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2014,  Client_Name = ISSU FR Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2015,  Client_Name = ISSU REDSSOC client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2019,  Client_Name = ISSU TCP client,  Entity_Count = 1 
Client_ID = 2020,  Client_Name = ISSU BGP client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2021,  Client_Name = XDR Int Priority ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2022,  Client_Name = XDR Proc Priority ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2023,  Client_Name = FIB HWIDB ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2024,  Client_Name = FIB IDB ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2025,  Client_Name = FIB HW subblock ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2026,  Client_Name = FIB SW subblock ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2027,  Client_Name = Adjacency ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2028,  Client_Name = FIB IPV4 ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2030,  Client_Name = MFI Pull ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2031,  Client_Name = MFI Push ISSU client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2051,  Client_Name = ISSU CCM Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2052,  Client_Name = ISSU PPP SIP CCM Client,  Entity_Count = 1
Client_ID = 2054,  Client_Name = ISSU process client,  Entity_Count = 1
Base Clients:
 Client_Name = ISSU Proto client
 Client_Name = ISSU RF
 Client_Name = ISSU CF client
 Client_Name = ISSU Network RF client
 Client_Name = ISSU ifIndex sync
 Client_Name = ISSU IPC client
 Client_Name = ISSU IPC Server client
 Client_Name = ISSU Red Mode Client
 Client_Name = ISSU EHSA services client

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 10. show issu clients Field Descriptions




The identification number used by ISSU for that client.


A character string describing the client.

“Base Clients” are a subset, which includes:

  • Inter-Process Communications (IPC)

  • Redundancy Framework (RF)

  • Checkpoint Facility (CF)

  • Cisco Express Forwarding

  • Network RF (for IDB stateful switchover)

  • EHSA Services (including ifIndex)

  • Configuration Synchronization.


The number of entities within this client. An entity is a logical group of sessions with some common attributes.

show issu comp-matrix

To display information regarding the In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) compatibility matrix, use the show issu comp-matrix command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu comp-matrix {negotiated | stored | xml}

Syntax Description


Displays ISSU negotiated matrix information.


Displays ISSU stored matrix information.


Displays ISSU XML matrix information.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SGA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1. Support for ISSU was introduced on the Cisco 7600 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Usage Guidelines

Perform an ISSU when the Cisco software on both the active and the standby RP is capable of ISSU and the old and new images are compatible. The compatibility matrix information stores the compatibility among releases in the following manner:
  • Compatible—The base-level system infrastructure and all optional High Availability (HA) aware subsystems are compatible. An in-service upgrade or downgrade between these versions will succeed with minimal service impact. The matrix entry designates the images to be compatible ©).

  • Base-level compatible—One or more of the optional HA-aware subsystems is not compatible. An in-service upgrade or downgrade between these versions will succeed; however, some subsystems will not be able to maintain state during the transition. The matrix entry designates the images to be base-level compatible (B). You can perform an ISSU upgrade without any functionality loss even if the matrix entry is B. However, you might experience some functionality loss with a downgrade, if the new image has additional functionality.

  • Incompatible—A core set of system infrastructure exists that interoperates in a stateful manner for SSO to function correctly. If any of these required features or protocols is not interoperable, the two versions of the Cisco software images are declared to be incompatible. An in-service upgrade or downgrade between these versions is not possible. The matrix entry designates the images to be incompatible (I). When the Cisco IOS versions at the active and standby supervisor engines are incompatible, the system operates in route processor redundancy (RPR) mode.


when you try to perform an ISSU with a peer that does not support ISSU, the system automatically uses RPR mode.

The compatibility matrix represents the compatibility relationship a Cisco software image has with all other Cisco software versions within the designated support window (for example, all the software versions the image is aware of) and is populated and released with every image. The matrix stores compatibility information between its own release and prior releases. It is always the current release that contains latest information about compatibility with existing releases in the field. The compatibility matrix is available within the Cisco software image and on so that users can determine in advance whether an upgrade can be done using the ISSU process.

Use the show issu comp-matrix negotiated command to display information on the negotiation of the compatibility matrix data between two software versions on a device.

Compatibility matrix data is stored with each Cisco software image that supports the ISSU capability. Use the show issu comp-matrix stored to display stored compatibility matrix information.


The following is sample output from the show issu comp-matrix negotiated command:

Device# show issu comp-matrix negotiated

CardType: C10008(107), Uid: 1,  Image Ver: 12.2(31)SB2
Image Name: C10K2-P11-M

Cid     Eid     Sid     pSid    pUid      Compatibility
2       1       4       4       2         COMPATIBLE
3       1       65549   6       2         COMPATIBLE
4       1       17      14      2         COMPATIBLE
5       1       49      44      2         COMPATIBLE
7       1       5       5       2         COMPATIBLE
8       1       65545   11      2         COMPATIBLE
9       1       2       2       2         COMPATIBLE
9       1       47      0       1         COMPATIBLE
9       1       87      0       1         COMPATIBLE
9       1       65548   0       1         COMPATIBLE
10      1       3       3       2         COMPATIBLE
10      1       48      0       1         COMPATIBLE
10      1       88      0       1         COMPATIBLE
10      1       65547   0       1         COMPATIBLE

Message group summary:
Cid     Eid     GrpId     Sid     pSid    pUid    Nego Result
2       1       1         4       4       2       Y
3       1       1         65549   6       2       Y
4       1       1         17      14      2       Y
5       1       1         49      44      2       Y
7       1       1         5       5       2       Y
8       1       1         65545   11      2       Y
9       1       1         2       2       2       Y
9       1       1         47      0       1       Y
9       1       1         87      0       1       Y
9       1       1         65548   0       1       Y
10      1       1         3       3       2       Y
10      1       1         48      0       1       Y
10      1       1         88      0       1       Y
10      1       1         65547   0       1       Y

List of Clients:
Cid       Client Name              Base/Non-Base
2         ISSU Proto client        Base
3         ISSU RF                  Base
4         ISSU CF client           Base
5         ISSU Network RF client   Base
7         ISSU CONFIG SYNC         Base
8         ISSU ifIndex sync        Base
9         ISSU IPC client          Base
10        ISSU IPC Server client   Base

The following is sample output from the show issu comp-matrix stored command:

Device# show issu comp-matrix stored

Number of Matrices in Table = 1

        (1) Matrix for C10K2-P11-M(107) - C10K2-P11-M(107)
        Start Flag (0xDEADBABE)

                My Image ver:  12.2(31)SB2
                Peer Version    Compatability
                ------------    -------------
                12.2(27)SBB1            Base(2)
                12.2(27)SBB4            Base(2)
                12.2(27)SBB5            Base(2)
                12.2(27)SBB6            Base(2)
                12.2(27)SBB7            Base(2)
                12.2(28)SB5             Base(2)
                12.2(31)SB2             Comp(3)

The following is sample output from the show issu comp-matrix xml command:

Device# show issu comp-matrix xml

<endpoint_info uid="1">
<CardType>C10008</CardType>  <cardtype_num>107</cardtype_num>  <uid>1</uid>
<image type="imagename-release-split">

<client_entry cid ="2">
<client_id>2</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>4</session_id>
<peer_session_id>4</peer_session_id> <peer_uid>2</peer_uid>
<client_entry cid ="3">
<client_id>3</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>65549</session_id>
<peer_session_id>6</peer_session_id> <peer_uid>2</peer_uid>
<client_entry cid ="4">
<client_id>4</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>17</session_id>
<peer_session_id>14</peer_session_id> <peer_uid>2</peer_uid>
<client_entry cid ="5">
<client_id>5</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>49</session_id> <peer_session_id>44</peer_session_id> 
<peer_uid>2</peer_uid> <compatibility><level>COMPATIBLE</level></compatibility>
<client_entry cid ="7">
<client_id>7</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>5</session_id> <peer_session_id>5</peer_session_id> 
<peer_uid>2</peer_uid> <compatibility><level>COMPATIBLE</level></compatibility>
<client_entry cid ="8">
<client_id>8</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>65545</session_id> <peer_session_id>11</peer_session_id> 
<peer_uid>2</peer_uid> <compatibility><level>COMPATIBLE</level></compatibility>
<client_entry cid ="9">
<client_id>9</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>2</session_id> <peer_session_id>2</peer_session_id> 
<peer_uid>2</peer_uid> <compatibility><level>COMPATIBLE</level></compatibility>
<client_entry cid ="10">
<client_id>10</client_id> <entity_id>1</entity_id> <session_id>3</session_id> <peer_session_id>3</peer_session_id> 
<peer_uid>2</peer_uid> <compatibility><level>COMPATIBLE</level></compatibility>
The following table describes the significant fields in the order in which they appear in the displays.
Table 11. show issu comp-matrix Field Description




The type of line card installed in the slot.


The unique identification number for the current endpoint.

Image Ver

The image verison installed on the device.

Image Name

The name of the image installed on the device.


The identification number used by ISSU for the client.


The identification number used by ISSU for each entity within this client.


The identification number of the session being reported on.


The peer session ID at the other endpoint.


The peer unique ID on the other endpoint where the session terminates.


The compatibility status means that the ISSU session is compatible.


The group ID number of the message group used for the session.

Client Name

The client name used for the image to interoperate.


The client required for the image to interoperate.

show issu entities

To display information about entities within one or more In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) clients, use the show issu entities command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu entities [client-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The identification number of a single ISSU client.

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.

Usage Guidelines

An entity is a logical group of sessions that possess some common attributes. Enter a Client_ID if you are interested in seeing information only about one client’s entities. If a Client_ID is not specified, the command will display all ISSU clients’ entities known to the device.

If you are not sure of the precise Client_ID number to enter for the client you are interested in, use the show issu clients command to display the current list of clients with their names and ID numbers.


The following example shows detailed information about the entities within the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) (“Table ID”) client:

Router# show issu entities 2008
Client_ID = 2008 :
      Entity_ID = 1,  Entity_Name = Tableid Entity :
         MsgType MsgGroup CapType CapEntry CapGroup
          Count    Count   Count   count    Count
			2 		2 		1 		2		 2

The tabl below describes the significant field shown in the display.

Table 12. show issu entities Field Descriptions




The identification number used by ISSU for the specified client.


The identification number used by ISSU for each entity within this client.


A character string describing the entity.

MsgType Count

The number of message types within the identified entity.

MsgGroup Count

The number of message groups within the identified entity. A message group is a list of message types.

CapType Count

The number of capability types within the identified entity.

CapEntry Count

The number of capability entries within the identified entity. A capability entry is a list of all mutually dependent capability types within a particular client session and, optionally, other capability types belonging to that client session.

CapGroup Count

The number of capability groups within the identified entity. A capability group is a list of capability entries given in priority sequence.

show issu message types

To display formats (“types”), versions, and maximum packet size of the In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) messages supported by a particular client, use the show issu message types command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu message types client-id

Syntax Description


The identification number used by ISSU for a client application.

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.

Usage Guidelines

If you are not sure of the Client_ID number to enter into this command, use the show issu clients command. It displays the current list of clients, along with their names and ID numbers.


The following example displays the message type, version, and maximum message size supported by the Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Network (VPN) client:

Router# show issu message types 2009
Client_ID = 2009,  Entity_ID = 1 :
   Message_Type = 1,  Version_Range = 1 ~ 1
         Message_Ver = 1,    Message_Mtu = 32

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 13. show issu message types Field Descriptions




The identification number used by ISSU for this client.


The identification number used by ISSU for this entity.


An identification number that uniquely identifies the format used in the ISSU messages conveyed between the two endpoints.


The lowest and highest message-version numbers contained in the client application.


Message version. Because each client application contains one or more versions of its messages, ISSU needs to discover these versions and negotiate between the new and old system software which version to use in its preparatory communications.


Maximum size (in bytes) of the transmitted message.

A value of 0 means there is no restriction on size; fragmentation and reassembly are therefore being handled in a manner transparent to the ISSU infrastructure.

show issu negotiated

To display details of the session’s negotiation about message version or client capabilities, use the show issu negotiated command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu negotiated {version | capability} session-id

Syntax Description


Displays results of a negotiation about versions of the messages exchanged during the specified session, between the active and standby endpoints.


Displays results of a negotiation about the client application’s capabilities for the specified session.


The number used by In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) to identify a particular communication session between the active and the standby devices.

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.

Usage Guidelines

If you are not sure of the session_ID number to enter into this command, enter the show issu sessions command. It will display the session_ID.


The following example displays the results of a negotiation about message versions:

router# show issu negotiated version 39
Session_ID = 39 :
    Message_Type = 1,  Negotiated_Version = 1,  Message_MTU = 32

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 14. show issu negotiated version Field Descriptions




The identification number of the session being reported on.


An identification number that uniquely identifies the format that was used by the ISSU messages conveyed between the two endpoints.


The message version that was decided upon, for use during the software upgrade process.


Maximum size (in bytes) of the transmitted message.

A value of 0 means there is no restriction on size. In that case, fragmentation and reassembly are handled in a manner transparent to the ISSU infrastructure.

The following example displays the results of a negotiation about the client application’s capabilities:

router# show issu negotiated capability 39
Session_ID = 39 :
     Negotiated_Cap_Entry = 1

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 15. show issu negotiated capability Field Descriptions




The identification number of the session being reported on.


A numeral that stands for a list of the negotiated capabilities in the specified client session.

show issu outage

To display the maximum outage time for installed line cards during an in service software upgrade (ISSU), use the show issu outage command from the switch processor (SP) console.

show issu outage slot {slot-num | all}

Syntax Description


Displays the maximum outage time for the line card in the specified slot.


Displays the maximum outage time for all installed line cards.

Command Modes

SP console

Command History




This command was introduced on Cisco 7600 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

Once the new software is downloaded onto the router (after you issue the issu loadversion command), you can issue show issu outage slot all from the SP console to display the maximum outage time for installed line cards.

During an ISSU, the router preloads line card software onto line cards that support enhanced Fast Service Upgrade (eFSU). Then, when the switchover occurs between active and standby processors, the line cards that support eFSU are restarted with the new, preloaded software, which helps to minimize outage time during the upgrade. Line cards that do not support eFSU undergo a hard reset at switchover, and the software image is loaded after the line card is restarted.

The output for the show issu outage command shows the type of reload that the line card will perform along with the maximum outage time (see the “Examples” section).


In the MDR Mode field of the command output, NSF_RELOAD indicates that the line card will not be reloaded, which means that outage time will be 0 to 3 seconds. NSF_RELOAD applies only to ISSU upgrades between two software releases that have the same line card software.


The following command examples show the maximum outage time for installed line cards:

Router# show issu outage slot all
Slot # Card Type                                   MDR Mode    Max Outage Time
------ ------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------
     1 CEF720 4 port 10-Gigabit Ethernet           NSF_RELOAD           3 secs
     2 FRU type (0x6003, 0x3F8(1016))              NSF_RELOAD           3 secs
     3 4-subslot SPA Interface Processor-200       NSF_RELOAD           3 secs
Router# show issu outage slot all
Slot # Card Type                                   MDR Mode          Max Outage Time
------ -------------------------------------       -----------       ---------------
     1 CEF720 24 port 1000mb SFP                   WARM_RELOAD        300 secs
     2 1-subslot SPA Interface Processor-600       WARM_RELOAD        300 secs
     3 4-subslot SPA Interface Processor-400       WARM_RELOAD        300 secs
     4 2+4 port GE-WAN                             RELOAD             360 secs

The table below describes the fields in the display.

Table 16. show issu outage Field Descriptions




The chassis slot number in which the line card is installed.

Card Type

The type of line card installed in the slot.

MDR Mode

The type of software reload that the line card will perform after the ISSU switchover:

  • NSF_RELOAD indicates that the line card will undergo an SSO/NSF type of switchover, which means that the line card will not be restarted or reloaded. This option applies only to ISSU upgrades between two software releases that have the same line card software.

  • WARM_RELOAD indicates that software was preloaded onto the line card, but the line card must be restarted with the new software. This option is equivalent to a soft reset of the line card.

  • RELOAD indicates that software was not preloaded onto the line card, which means that the line card will be reloaded. This option is equivalent to a hard reset of the line card.

  • INVALID indicates that you entered the show issu outage command outside the ISSU command sequence.

Max Outage Time

The length of time the line card will be unavailable after it is restarted.

show issu patch

To provide information about upgrade installation on both active and standby routers, use the show issu patch command in privileged EXEC mode.

show issu patch {pending disk | context | type {image | patch}}

Syntax Description


Provides information about the impact of a pending upgrade.


The disk on which the upgrade will occur.


Provides information about the installation and upgrade during the upgrade procedure.


Provides information about the patch or image to which the system is being upgraded.


Provides information about the image to which the system is being upgraded.


Provides information about the upgrade.

Command Default

No information about the upgrade is displayed.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show issu patch command provides an overview of the impact on a system upgrade before and during the upgrade procedure.


The following example provides information about a pending upgrade on disk0:

Router# show issu patch pending disk0:/sys
Overall Impact of the pending upgrade:
Search Root: disk0:/sys
Type of upgrade: New base image
Action: Go Standby
Slot # Card Type                                   Impacted   
------ ------------------------------------------- -----------
     1 48 port 10/100 mb RJ-45 ethernet            Yes        
     2 SFM-capable 16 port 1000mb GBIC             Yes        
     3 48 port 10/100 mb RJ-45 ethernet            Yes        
     4 CEF720 48 port 10/100/1000mb Ethernet       Yes        
     8 CEF720 48 port 10/100/1000mb Ethernet       Yes        
     9 Intrusion Detection System                  Yes 

The table below describes significant fields shown in the display.

Table 17. show issu patch Descriptions



Overall Impact of the pending upgrade:

The command output shows the overall impact of an upgrade on a specified disk.

Search Root: disk0:/sys

Disk on which the upgrade will occur.

Type of upgrade: New base image

Type of upgrade. The upgrade could be a new image or a patch.

Action: Go Standby

Activates the upgrade on the standby router.

Slot #

Slot number on the router.

Card type

Type of card installed in the specified slot.


States whether or not the card in the specified slot is affected by the upgrade.

show issu platform img-dnld

To display the progression of image download from slave to the Versatile Interface Processors (VIPs) and to display Minimal Disruptive Restart (MDR) details on Cisco 7600 series routers, use the show issu platform img-dnld command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu platform img-dnld

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command is disabled by default.

Command Modes

User EXEC Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show issu platform img-dnld command is specific to Cisco 7600 series routers.

The show issu platform img-dnld command provides information to help you troubleshoot problems that may occur when performing an enhanced Fast Software Upgrade (eFSU). Entering this command allows you to display the progression of the image download from the slave unit to the VIPs and to display other details such as the following:

  • Percentage completion of image downloads to the VIPs

  • For each VIP in the router, the following is displayed:
    • The name of the VIP
    • Whether the slot is enabled
    • Whether a specified slot supports MDR
    • How much free memory is available if a slot is MDR-feasible
    • A message about image download if a slot supports MDR
  • Information regarding whether single line card reload (SLCR) is enabled

  • Number of MDR nonsupported slots

  • Number of nonempty slots

  • Number of line cards

  • Number of MDR-feasible cards

  • Number of MDR-incapable cards

  • Number of MDR-capable cards

  • MDR-ready cards

This command is available for eFSU on the Cisco 7600 series router platform only.


The following example output displays information before the download has been started:

Router# show issu platform img-dnld 
 Image download not performed yet.
 Slot 1:  VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.
 Slot 5:  VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.
 Slot 9:  VIP6-80 RM7000B, Slot enabled, Supports MDR (205702684 bytes Free).   Image not downloaded. 
 SLCR                       : enabled 
 MDR Unsupported slots      : 1   5   
 MDR Supported slots        : 9   
 No. of Non empty slots     : 5 
 No. of Line cards          : 3 
 No. of MDR feasible cards  : 1 
 No. of MDR Incapable cards : 2 
 No. of MDR capable cards   : 1 (0 LC(s) disabled) 
 MDR ready cards            : 0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 18. show issu platform img-dnld Field Descriptions



Slot 1: VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.

Slot 1, which holds a VIP2 R5K line card, does not support MDR.

Slot 5: VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.

Slot 5, which holds a VIP2 R5K line card, does not support MDR.

Slot 9: VIP6-80 RM7000B, Slot enabled, Supports MDR (205702684 bytes Free). Image not downloaded.

Slot 9, which holds a VIP6-80 RM7000B line card, supports MDR and has approximately 205 MB of free space.

SLCR : enabled

SLCR is enabled.

MDR Unsupported slots: 1 5

Slots holding line cards that are MDR-feasible but do not have enough memory in the VIP to download the image.

MDR Supported slots: 9

Slots holding line cards that are MDR-capable.

No. of Non empty slots: 5

Total number of nonlegacy cards, legacy cards, and Route Processors (RPs) in the router.

No. of Line cards : 3

Total number of nonlegacy line cards.

No. of MDR feasible cards:1

Total number of nonlegacy line cards that are one of the following types:

  • VIP 4-50 controller

  • VIP 4-80 controller

  • VIP 6-80 controller

  • GEIP+ controller.

No. of MDR Incapable cards : 2

Total number of slots holding MDR unsupported line cards.

No. of MDR capable cards: 1 (0 LC(s) disabled)

Total number of line cards that are both MDR-feasible and have free memory to support at least image size plus 5 MB.

MDR ready cards: 0

Line cards in which the image has been downloaded.

The following sample output occurred during image download. The example shows that 25 percent of the image is downloaded to VIPs. Because slot 1 and slot 5 are not MDR supported, these two line cards will be reloaded during switchover.

Router# show issu platform img-dnld 
 Image downloading, 25% complete (1619968 / 6269374 bytes)
 Slot 1:  VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.
 Slot 5:  VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.
 Slot 9:  VIP6-80 RM7000B, Slot enabled, Supports MDR (190981516 bytes Free).
            Image is downloading  
 SLCR                        : enabled 
 MDR Unsupported slots       : 1   5   
 MDR Supported slots         : 9   
 No. of Non empty slots      : 5 
 No. of Line cards           : 3 
 No. of MDR feasible cards   : 1 
 No. of MDR Incapable cards  : 2 
 No. of MDR capable cards    : 1 (0 LC(s) disabled) 
 MDR ready cards             : 0
 2 VIP(s) will be reloaded.

The following example output occurs after the image was downloaded. The examples shows that slot 9 completed the image download, and that the line card in slot 9 now has nearly 190 MB of free space:

Router# show issu platform img-dnld
 Image download complete.
 Slot 1:  VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.
 Slot 5:  VIP2 R5K, Slot enabled, does not support MDR.
 Slot 9:  VIP6-80 RM7000B, Slot enabled, Supports MDR (190995548 bytes 
Free).  Image downloaded. 
 SLCR                        : enabled 
 MDR Unsupported slots       : 1   5   
 MDR Supported slots         : 9   
 No. of Non empty slots      : 5 
 No. of Line cards           : 3 
 No. of MDR feasible cards   : 1 
 No. of MDR Incapable cards  : 2 
 No. of MDR capable cards    : 1 (0 LC(s) disabled) 
 MDR ready cards             : 1
 2 VIP(s) will be reloaded.

show issu rollback timer

To display the current setting of the In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) rollback timer, use the show issu rollback timer command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu rollback timer

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default rollback timer value is 45 minutes.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


Enhanced Fast Software Upgrade (eFSU) support was added on the Cisco 7500 series routers.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Usage Guidelines

If the ISSU rollback timer value has never been set, then the default rollback timer value of 45 minutes is displayed.


The following example shows the default rollback timer value:

Router# show issu rollback-timer
Rollback Process State = Not in progress
Configured Rollback Time = 45:00 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 19. show issu rollback-timer Field Descriptions



Rollback Process State = Not in progress

State of the rollback process.

Configured Rollback Time = 45:00

Rollback timer value.

show issu sessions

To display detailed information about a particular In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) client--including whether the client status for the impending software upgrade is compatible--use the show issu sessions command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu sessions client-id

Syntax Description


The identification number used by ISSU for the client.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Usage Guidelines

If you are not sure of the Client_ID number to enter into this command, use the show issu clients command to display the current list of clients with their names and ID numbers.


The following example shows detailed information about the LDP Client:

Router# show issu sessions 2011
 Client_ID = 2011,  Entity_ID = 1 :
 *** Session_ID = 46,  Session_Name = LDP Session :
    Peer   Peer  Negotiate  Negotiated   Cap      Msg     Session
  UniqueID  Sid    Role       Result   GroupID  GroupID  Signature
     4       34   PRIMARY   COMPATIBLE    1        1         0
                           (no policy)
    Negotiation Session Info for This Message Session:
         Nego_Session_ID = 46
         Nego_Session_Name = LDP Session
         Transport_Mtu = 3948

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 20. show issu sessions Field Descriptions




The identification number used by ISSU for that client.


The identification number used by ISSU for each entity within this client.


The identification number used by ISSU for this session.


A character string describing the session.

Peer UniqueID

An identification number used by ISSU for a particular endpoint, such as a Route Processor or line card (could be a value based on slot number, for example).

The peer that has the smaller unique_ID becomes the Primary (initiating) side in the capability and message version negotiations.

Peer Sid

Peer session ID.

Negotiate Role

Negotiation role of the endpoint: either PRIMARY (in which case the device initiates the negotiation) or PASSIVE (in which case the device responds to a negotiation initiated by the other device).

Negotiated Result

The features (“capabilities”) of this client’s new software were found to be either COMPATIBLE or INCOMPATIBLE with the intended upgrade process.

(“Policy” means that an override of the negotiation result has been allowed by the software. Likewise, “no policy” means that no such override is present to be invoked).

Cap GroupID

Capability group ID: the identification number used for a list of distinct functionalities that the client application contains.

Msg GroupID

Message group ID: the identification number used for a list of formats employed when conveying information between the active device and the standby device.

Session Signature

Session signature: a unique ID to identify a current session in a shared negotiation scenario.


Negotiation session ID: the identification number used by ISSU for this negotiation session.


Negotiation session name: a character string describing this negotiation session.


Maximum packet size (in bytes) of the ISSU messages conveyed between the two endpoints.

A value of 0 means there is no restriction on size; in this case, fragmentation and reassembly then are handled in a manner transparent to the ISSU infrastructure.

show issu state

To display the state and current version of the Route Processors (RPs) during the In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) process, use the show issu state command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show issu state [slot/ port] [detail]

Syntax Description


(Optional) PRE slot number.


(Optional) PRE port number.


(Optional) Provides detailed information about the state of the active and standby RPs.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SGA.


Enhanced Fast Software Upgrade (eFSU) support was added on the Cisco 7600 series routers.

In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) is not supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was implemented on the Cisco CMTS routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCD2.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show issu state command to display the state and current version of each RP.

It may take several seconds after the issu loadversion command is entered for Cisco IOS software to load onto the standby RP and the standby RP to transition to stateful switchover (SSO) mode. If you enter the show issu state command too soon, you may not see the information you need.


The following example displays the manner in which the ISSU state is verified.

Router# show issu state detail
                          Slot = A
                      RP State = Active
                    ISSU State = Init
                 Boot Variable = disk0:ubr10k4-k9p6u2-mz.122SC_20100329,12;
                Operating Mode = SSO
               Primary Version = N/A
             Secondary Version = N/A
               Current Version = disk0:ubr10k4-k9p6u2-mz.122SC_20100329
                Variable Store = PrstVbl
                          Slot = B
                      RP State = Standby
                    ISSU State = Init
                 Boot Variable = disk0:ubr10k4-k9p6u2-mz.122SC_20100329,12;
                Operating Mode = SSO
               Primary Version = N/A
             Secondary Version = N/A
               Current Version = disk0:ubr10k4-k9p6u2-mz.122SC_20100329
Slot Red Role  Peer Act/Sby  Image Match RP LC ISSU State      ISSU Proc
---- --------- ---- -------- -------------- ------------------ ---------
5/0  Secondary -    standby  Yes            -                  -
6/0  Primary   5/0  active   Yes            -                  -
7/0  Primary   5/0  active   Yes            -                  -
8/0  Primary   5/0  active   Yes            -                  -
PRE is the new active: FALSE
Waiting for MDR:  FALSE
No Transitional Line Card State information registered.
No Peer Line Card State information registered.
Peer Line Card Action:
-------Card Type-------- -----Action------ --Slots---
24rfchannel-spa-1        NO ACTION         0x00000004
4jacket-1                NO ACTION         0x00000004
2cable-dtcc              NO ACTION         0x00000028
1gigethernet-hh-1        NO ACTION         0x00000200

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.


Fields that are described after the Slot field under the “Standby RP” section in the table refer to the line card ISSU status.

Table 21. show issu state Field Descriptions



Active RP

Slot = A

The RP slot that is being used.

RP State = Active

State of this RP.

ISSU State = Init

The in service software upgrade (ISSU) process is in its initial state.

Boot Variable = N/A

The RP’s boot variable.

Operating Mode = SSO

The RP’s operating mode.

Primary Version = N/A

The primary software image running on the RP.

Secondary Version = N/A

The secondary software image running on the RP.

Current Version = disk0:c10k2-p11-mz.1.20040830

The current software image running on the RP.

Standby RP

Slot = B

The slot/subslot number pair for line card.

RP State = Standby

State of this RP.


The slot number of the line card.

Red Role

Redundancy role of the line card.


The slot/ subslot pair of the protect line card.

Act/ Sby

The line card’s current redundancy status.

Image Match RP

Indicates if the line card image matches the image of the current active RP.


The current line card ISSU state.


Indicates the progress of the current ISSU state.

show mdr download image

To display the amount of memory needed to store the new software image on line cards that support enhanced Fast Software Upgrade (eFSU), use the show mdr download image command from the switch processor (SP) console in privileged EXEC mode.

show mdr download image

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

SP console

Command History




This command was introduced on Cisco 7600 series routers.

Usage Guidelines

You must issue the show mdr download image command from the SP console. You cannot issue the command from the line card or from the route processor (RP) console.

During an in service software upgrade (ISSU), the router preloads line card software onto line cards that support eFSU. As part of the software preload, the router automatically reserves memory on the line card to store the new software image (decompressed format).

You can use the show mdr download image command to determine how much memory is needed on the line cards for the new software image.


If a line card does not have enough memory available to hold the new software image, software preload fails and the card undergoes a reset during the software upgrade.


The following example shows how much memory will be reserved for the new software on the installed line cards:

Router# remote command switch show mdr download image
Pre-download information
Slot CPU In-Progress Complete LC Mem Resv (bytes)
 1    0     N          N         0
 1    1     N          N         0
 2    0     N          N         31719424
 2    1     N          N         0
 3    0     N          N         35913728
 3    1     N          N         0
 4    0     N          N         31719424
 4    1     N          N         0
 5    0     N          N         0
 5    1     N          N         0
 6    0     N          N         0
 6    1     N          N         0
 7    0     N          N         0
 7    1     N          N         0
 8    0     N          N         0
 8    1     N          N         0
 9    0     N          N         0
 9    1     N          N         0
 10   0     N          N         0
 10   1     N          N         0
 11   0     N          N         0
 11   1     N          N         0
 12   0     N          N         0
 12   1     N          N         0
 13   0     N          N         0
 13   1     N          N         0

The table below describes the fields in the display.

Table 22. show mdr download image Field Descriptions




The chassis slot number in which the line card is installed.


The CPU number on the line card.

In Progress

Indicates whether the software preload is active.


Indicates whether the software preload is finished.

LC Memory Reserve

The amount of memory (in bytes) that must be available on the line card to store the new line card software.

show monitor event-trace sbc

To display event trace messages for the Session Border Controller (SBC), use the show monitor event-trace sbc command in privileged EXEC mode.

show monitor event-trace sbc ha {all [detail ] | back {minutes | hours:minutes} [detail] | clock hours:minutes [ day month] [detail] | from-boot [seconds] [detail] | latest [detail ] | parameters}

Syntax Description


Displays event trace messages for SBC high availability (HA).


Displays all event trace messages currently in memory for SBC HA.


(Optional) Displays detailed trace information.


Specifies how far back from the current time you want to view messages. For example, you can display messages from the last 30 minutes.


Time argument in minutes. The time argument is specified in minutes format (mmm).

hours : minutes

Time argument in hours and minutes. The time argument is specified in hours and minutes format (hh:mm).


Displays event trace messages starting from a specific clock time in hours and minutes format (hh:mm).

day month

(Optional) The day of the month from 1 to 31 and the name of the month of the year.


Displays event trace messages starting after booting.


(Optional) Specified number of seconds to display event trace messages after booting. Range: 0 to the number of seconds elapsed since the boot.


Displays only the event trace messages since the last show monitor event-trace sbc ha command was entered.


Displays the trace parameters. The parameters displayed are the size (number of trace messages) of the trace file and whether stacktrace is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3

The sbc_ha keyword was changed to two keywords, sbc and ha .

Usage Guidelines

Use the show monitor event-trace sbc ha command to display trace message information for SBC HA.

The trace function is not locked while information is displayed to the console, which means that new trace messages can accumulate in memory. If entries accumulate faster than they can be displayed, some messages can be lost. If this happens, the show monitor event-trace sbc ha command generates a message indicating that some messages might be lost; however, messages continue to display on the console. If the number of lost messages is excessive, the show monitor event-trace sbc ha command stops displaying messages.


The following is sample output from the show monitor event-trace sbc ha all command. In the following example, all messages from SBC HA events are displayed.

Router# show monitor event-trace sbc ha all
*Jan 16 07:21:49.718: RF: Is Active, from boot = 0x1
*Jan 16 07:21:49.720: IPC: Initialised as master
*Jan 16 07:21:49.720: RF: Active reached, from boot = 0x1
*Jan 16 07:21:59.448: ILT: Registered on 48, result = 0x1
*Jan 16 07:21:59.448: RF: Start SM on 48
*Jan 16 07:49:02.523: IPC: Session to peer opened
*Jan 16 07:49:02.605: ISSU: Negotiation starting
*Jan 16 07:49:02.605: RF: Delaying progression at 300
*Jan 16 07:49:02.617: ISSU: Negotiation done
*Jan 16 07:49:02.617: RF: Negotiation result = 0x1
*Jan 16 07:49:02.617: RF: Peer state change, peer state = 0x1
*Jan 16 07:49:02.617: RF: Resuming progression at event 300
*Jan 16 07:50:00.853: ISSU: Transformed transmit message
*Jan 16 07:50:00.853: IPC: Queuing message type SBC_HA_MPF_CAPS_MSG_TYPE
*Jan 16 07:50:00.854: IPC: Queued message type SBC_HA_MPF_CAPS_MSG_TYPE

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 23. show monitor event-trace sbc ha all Field Descriptions




Redundancy Facility (RF) events. RF controls and drives HA redundancy events.


Interprocess communication (IPC) messages.


Interlocation Transport (ILT) events. ILT is the interface and mechanism for transporting SBC HA data.


In Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) events.

The following is sample output from the show monitor event-trace sbc ha latest command. This command display messages from SBC HA events since the last show monitor event-trace sbc ha command was entered.

Router# show monitor event-trace sbc ha latest
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: IPC: Sent message type SBC_HA_SEND_IPS_MSG_TYPE
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: IPC: Received message type SBC_HA_SEND_IPS_MSG_TYPE
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: ISSU: Transformed received message
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: ILT: Received IPS for PID 0x30105000, type = 0x16820002
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: ILT: Target 49 is remote, for PID 0x31105000
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: ILT: Send IPS to PID 0x31105000, type = 0x16820001
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: ISSU: Transformed transmit message
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: IPC: Queuing message type SBC_HA_SEND_IPS_MSG_TYPE
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: IPC: Queued message type SBC_HA_SEND_IPS_MSG_TYPE
*Jan 16 07:50:00.922: IPC: Sent message type SBC_HA_SEND_IPS_MSG_TYPE

This command displays the messages since the last show monitor event-trace sbc ha command was entered.

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 24. show monitor event-trace sbc ha latest Field Descriptions




IPC messages.


ILT events. ILT is the interface and mechanism for transporting SBC HA data.


ISSU events.

The following is sample output from the show monitor event-trace sbc ha parameters command . This command displays the number of event-trace messages in the trace file and whether stacktrace is disabled.

Router# show monitor event-trace sbc ha parameters
Trace has 2048 entries
Stacktrace is disabled by default

show mpls ip iprm counters

To display the number of occurrences of various Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) IP Rewrite Manager (IPRM) events, use the show mpls ip iprm counters command in privileged EXEC mode.

show mpls ip iprm counters

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command reports the occurrences of IPRM events.


The command in the following example displays the events that the IPRM logs:

Router# show mpls ip iprm counters
  CEF Tree Changes Processed/Ignored:           91/12
  CEF Deletes Processed/Ignored:                12/2
  Label Discoveries:                            74
  Rewrite Create Successes/Failures:            60/0
  Rewrite Gets/Deletes:                         82/0
  Label Announcements: Info/Local/Path:         6/119/80
  Walks: Recursion Tree/CEF Full/CEF interface: 78/2/0

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 25. show mpls ip iprm counters Command Field Descriptions



CEF Tree Changes Processed/Ignored

Processed--The number of Cisco Express Forwarding tree change announcements that IPRM processed.

Ignored--The number of Cisco Express Forwarding tree change announcements that IPRM ignored.

Typically, IPRM processes tree change announcements only for prefixes in a routing table.

CEF Deletes Processed/Ignored

Processed--The number of Cisco Express Forwarding delete entry announcements that IPRM processed.

Ignored--The number of Cisco Express Forwarding delete entry announcements that IPRM ignored.

Typically, IPRM processes delete entry announcements only for prefixes in a routing table.

Label Discoveries

The number of label discoveries performed by IPRM. Label discovery is the process by which IPRM obtains prefix labels from the IP Label Distribution Modules (LDMs).

Rewrite Create Successes/Failures

Successes--The number of times IPRM successfully updated the MPLS forwarding information.

Failures--The number of times IPRM attempted to update the MPLS forwarding information and failed.

Rewrite Gets/Deletes

Gets--The number of times IPRM retrieved forwarding information from the MPLS forwarding infrastructure.

Deletes--The number of times IPRM removed prefix forwarding information from the MPLS forwarding infrastructure.

Label Announcements: Info/Local/Path

Info--The number of times an IP label distribution module informed IPRM that label information for a prefix changed.

Local--The number of times an IP label distribution module specified local labels for a prefix.

Path--The number of times an IP LDM specified outgoing labels for a prefix route.

Walks: Recursion Tree/CEF Full/CEF interface

Recursion Tree--The number of times IPRM requested Cisco Express Forwarding to walk the recursion (path) tree for a prefix.

CEF Full--The number of times IPRM requested Cisco Express Forwarding to walk a Cisco Express Forwarding table and notify IPRM about each prefix.

CEF interface--The number of times IPRM requested Cisco Express Forwarding to walk a Cisco Express Forwarding table and notify IPRM about each prefix with a path that uses a specific interface.

show mpls ip iprm ldm

To display information about the IP Label Distribution Modules (LDMs) that have registered with the IP Rewrite Manager (IPRM), use the show mpls ip iprm ldm command in privileged EXEC mode.

show mpls ip iprm ldm [table {all | table-id} | vrf vrf-name] [ipv4 | ipv6]

Cisco 10000 Series Routers

show mpls ip iprm ldm [table {all | table-id} | vrf vrf-name] [ipv4]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the LDMs for one or more routing tables.


Displays the LDMs for all routing tables.


Displays the LDMs for the routing table you specify. Table 0 is the default or global routing table.


(Optional) Displays the LDMs for the VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance you specify.


(Optional) The name of the VRF instance. You can find VRF names with the show ip vrf command.


(Optional) Displays IPv4 LDMs.


(Optional) Displays IPv6 LDMs.


Applies to Cisco 7500 series routers only.

Command Default

If you do not specify any keywords or parameters, the command displays the LDMs for the global routing table (the default).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SSH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the IP LDMs registered with IPRM.


The command in the following example displays the LDMs for the global routing tables. It shows that two LDMs (lcatm and ldp) are registered for the ipv4 global routing table, and that one LDM (bgp ipv6) is registered for the ipv6 global routing table.

Router# show mpls ip iprm ldm
  table (glbl;ipv4); ldms: 2
    lcatm, ldp
  table (glbl;ipv6); ldms: 1
    bgp ipv6

The command in the following example displays all of the LDMs registered with IPRM. The output shows the following:

  • The LDMs called lcatm and ldp have registered with IPRM for the ipv4 global table.

  • The LDM called bgp ipv6 is registered for the IPv6 global table.

  • The LDM called bgp vpnv4 is registered for all IPv4 vrf routing tables.

Router# show mpls ip iprm ldm table all
  table (glbl;ipv4); ldms: 2
    lcatm, ldp
  table (glbl;ipv6); ldms: 1
    bgp ipv6
  table (all-tbls;ipv4); ldms: 1
    bgp vpnv4

The command in the following example displays the LDMs registered for the IPv6 routing tables.

Router# show mpls ip iprm ldm ipv6
  table (glbl;ipv6); ldms: 1
    bgp ipv6


The command in the following example displays the LDMs for the global routing tables. It shows that one LDM (ldp) is registered for the ipv4 global routing table.

Router# show mpls ip iprm ldm
  table (glbl;ipv4); ldms: 1

The command in the following example displays all of the LDMs registered with IPRM. The output shows the following:

  • The LDM called ldp has registered with IPRM for the ipv4 global table.

  • The LDM called bgp vpnv4 is registered for all IPv4 vrf routing tables.

Router# show mpls ip iprm ldm table all
  table (glbl;ipv4); ldms: 1
  table (all-tbls;ipv4); ldms: 1
    bgp vpnv4

show platform redundancy bias

To display output for a specific standby slot SUP bootup delay setting, use the show platform redundancy bias command in privileged EXEC mode.

show platform redundancy bias

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced on the Cisco 7600 Series Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show platform redundancy bias command to display the output for a specific platform redundancy bias command.


The following example shows how to verify the standby slot SUP bootup delay setting after configuring it for 50 seconds:

configure terminal
Router(config)# platform redundancy bias 50
Router(config)# end
Router#show platform redundancy bias
Platform redundancy bias is set at 50 seconds


Using the show platform redundancy bias without configuring a value for the delay displays an error message.

show redundancy

To display current or historical status and related information on planned or logged handovers, use the show redundancy command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

Privileged EXEC Mode

show redundancy [clients | counters | debug-log | handover | history | inter-device | states | switchover | switchover history]

User EXEC Mode

show redundancy {clients | counters | history | states | switchover}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the redundancy-aware client-application list.


(Optional) Displays redundancy-related operational measurements.


(Optional) Displays up to 256 redundancy-related debug entries.


(Optional) Displays details of any pending scheduled handover.


(Optional) Displays past status and related information about logged handovers. This is the only keyword supported on the Cisco AS5800.


(Optional) Displays redundancy interdevice operational state and statistics.


(Optional) Displays redundancy-related states: disabled, initialization, standby, active (various substates for the latter two), client ID and name, length of time since the client was sent the progression, and event history for the progression that was sent to the client.


(Optional) Displays the switchover counts, the uptime since active, and the total system uptime.

switchover history

(Optional) Displays redundancy switchover history.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>) Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced in privileged EXEC mode.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. Support for the Cisco AS5800 and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.


This command was modified. This command was made available in user EXEC mode.


The privileged EXEC mode form of this command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800 and Cisco AS5850.


The user EXEC mode form of this command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was implemented on Cisco 7304 routers running Cisco IOS Release 12.2S.


The states , counters , clients , history , and switchover history keywords were added.


Support for the user EXEC mode form of this command was extended to the Supervisor Engine 2.


The inter-device keyword was added to the privileged EXEC form of the command.


The user EXEC form of this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SGA.


The clients keyword was enhanced to provide information about the status of each client.


ISSU is supported on the Cisco 7600 series routers in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SXH.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

More information regarding the states keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco AS5800

Use this command from the router-shelf console to determine when failover is enabled. Use this command with the history keyword to log failover events.

Cisco AS5850

To use this command, the router must have two route-switch-controller (RSC) cards installed and must be connected to one of them.


The following example shows how to display information about the RF client:

Router# show redundancy clients
 clientID = 0       clientSeq = 0        RF_INTERNAL_MSG
 clientID = 25      clientSeq = 130      CHKPT RF
 clientID = 5026    clientSeq = 130      CHKPT RF
 clientID = 5029    clientSeq = 135      Redundancy Mode RF
 clientID = 5006    clientSeq = 170      RFS client
 clientID = 6       clientSeq = 180      Const OIR Client
 clientID = 7       clientSeq = 190      PF Client
 clientID = 5008    clientSeq = 190      PF Client
 clientID = 28      clientSeq = 330      Const Startup Config
 clientID = 29      clientSeq = 340      Const IDPROM Client
 clientID = 65000   clientSeq = 65000    RF_LAST_CLIENT

The output displays the following information:

  • clientID displays the client’s ID number.

  • clientSeq displays the client’s notification sequence number.

  • Current RF state.

The following example shows how to display information about the RF counters:

Router# show redundancy counters
Redundancy Facility OMs
               comm link up = 0
        comm link down down = 0
          invalid client tx = 0
          null tx by client = 0
                tx failures = 0
      tx msg length invalid = 0
      client not rxing msgs = 0
 rx peer msg routing errors = 0
           null peer msg rx = 0
        errored peer msg rx = 0
                 buffers tx = 0
     tx buffers unavailable = 0
                 buffers rx = 0
      buffer release errors = 0
 duplicate client registers = 0
  failed to register client = 0
       Invalid client syncs = 0

The following example shows information about the RF history:

Router# show redundancy history
00:00:00 client added: RF_INTERNAL_MSG(0) seq=0
00:00:00 client added: RF_LAST_CLIENT(65000) seq=65000
00:00:02 client added: Const Startup Config Sync Clien(28) seq=330
00:00:02 client added: CHKPT RF(25) seq=130
00:00:02 client added: PF Client(7) seq=190
00:00:02 client added: Const OIR Client(6) seq=180
00:00:02 client added: Const IDPROM Client(29) seq=340
00:00:02 *my state = INITIALIZATION(2) *peer state = DISABLED(1)
00:00:02 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) RF_INTERNAL_MSG(0) op=0 rc=11
00:00:02 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11
00:00:02 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Const OIR Client(6) op=0 rc=11
00:00:02 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) PF Client(7) op=0 rc=11

The following example shows information about the RF state:

Router# show redundancy states
       my state = 13 -ACTIVE
     peer state = 1  -DISABLED
           Mode = Simplex
           Unit = Primary
        Unit ID = 1
Redundancy Mode (Operational) = Route Processor Redundancy
Redundancy Mode (Configured)  = Route Processor Redundancy
     Split Mode = Disabled
   Manual Swact = Disabled  Reason: Simplex mode
 Communications = Down      Reason: Simplex mode
   client count = 11
 client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
          keep_alive TMR = 4000 milliseconds
        keep_alive count = 0
    keep_alive threshold = 7
           RF debug mask = 0x0

If you enter the show redundancy states command with stateful switchover (SSO) configured, the Redundancy Mode (Operational) and the Redundancy Mode (Configured) fields display stateful switchover.

The following example shows how to display the switchover counts, the uptime since active, and the total system uptime:

Router> show redundancy switchover
Switchovers this system has experienced          : 1
Uptime since this supervisor switched to active  : 1 minute
Total system uptime from reload                  : 2 hours, 47 minutes


The following example shows how to set the terminal length value to pause the multiple-screen output:

Router# terminal length 5
Router# show redundancy states
my state = 13 -ACTIVE 
     peer state = 8  -STANDBY HOT 
           Mode = Duplex
           Unit = Primary
        Unit ID = 48


The following is sample output from the show redundancy handover and show redundancy states commands on the Cisco AS5850:

Router# show redundancy handover

No busyout period specified
Handover pending at 23:00:00 PDT Wed May 9 2001
Router# show redundancy states

my state = 14 -ACTIVE_EXTRALOAD
peer state = 4 -STANDBY COLD
Mode = Duplex
Unit = Preferred Primary
Unit ID = 6
Redundancy Mode = Handover-split: If one RSC fails, the peer RSC will take over the
feature boards
Maintenance Mode = Disabled
Manual Swact = Disabled Reason: Progression in progress
Communications = Up
client count = 3
client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
keep_alive TMR = 4000 milliseconds
keep_alive count = 1
keep_alive threshold = 7
RF debug mask = 0x0


The following is sample output from the show redundancy command on the Cisco AS5800:

Router# show redundancy
DSC in slot 12:
Hub is in 'active' state.
Clock is in 'active' state.
DSC in slot 13:
Hub is in 'backup' state.
Clock is in 'backup' state.


The following is sample output from the show redundancy history command on the Cisco AS5800:

Router# show redundancy history
DSC Redundancy Status Change History:
981130 18:56 Slot 12 DSC: Hub, becoming active - RS instruction
981130 19:03 Slot 12 DSC: Hub, becoming active - D13 order


The following is sample output from two Cisco AS5800 router shelves configured as a failover pair. The active router shelf is initially RouterA. The show redundancy history and show redundancy commands have been issued. The show redundancy command shows that failover is enabled, shows the configured group number, and shows that this router shelf is the active one of the pair. Compare this output with that from the backup router shelf (RouterB) that follows.


When RouterA is reloaded, thereby forcing a failover, new entries are shown on RouterB when theshow redundancy history command is issued after failover has occurred.


RouterA# show redundancy history
DSC Redundancy Status Change History:
010215 18:17 Slot -1 DSC:Failover configured -> ACTIVE role by default.
010215 18:18 Slot -1 DSC:Failover -> BACKUP role.
010215 18:18 Slot 12 DSC:Failover -> ACTIVE role.
010215 18:18 Slot 12 DSC:Hub, becoming active - arb timeout
RouterA# show redundancy
failover mode enabled, failover group = 32
Currently ACTIVE role.
DSC in slot 12:
Hub is in 'active' state.
Clock is in 'active' state.
No connection to slot 13
RouterA# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm] y
*Feb 15 20:19:11.059:%SYS-5-RELOAD:Reload requested
System Bootstrap, Version xxx
Copyright xxx by cisco Systems, Inc.
C7200 processor with 131072 Kbytes of main memory


RouterB# show redundancy
failover mode enabled, failover group = 32
Currently BACKUP role.
No connection to slot 12
DSC in slot 13:
Hub is in 'backup' state.
Clock is in 'backup' state.
*Feb 16 03:24:53.931:%DSC_REDUNDANCY-3-BICLINK:Switching to DSC 13
*Feb 16 03:24:53.931:%DSC_REDUNDANCY-3-BICLINK:Failover:changing to active mode
*Feb 16 03:24:54.931:%DIAL13-3-MSG:
02:32:06:%DSC_REDUNDANCY-3-EVENT:Redundancy event:LINK_FAIL from other DSC
*Feb 16 03:24:55.491:%OIR-6-INSCARD:Card inserted in slot 12, interfaces administratively
shut down
*Feb 16 03:24:58.455:%DIAL13-3-MSG:
02:32:09:%DSC_REDUNDANCY-3-EVENT:Redundancy event:LINK_FAIL from other DSC
*Feb 16 03:25:04.939:%DIAL13-0-MSG:
RouterB# show redundancy
failover mode enabled, failover group = 32
Currently ACTIVE role.
No connection to slot 12
DSC in slot 13:
Hub is in 'active' state.
Clock is in 'backup' state.
RouterB# show redundancy history
DSC Redundancy Status Change History:
010216 03:09 Slot -1 DSC:Failover configured -> BACKUP role.
010216 03:24 Slot 13 DSC:Failover -> ACTIVE role.
010216 03:24 Slot 13 DSC:Hub, becoming active - D12 linkfail
010216 03:24 Slot 13 DSC:Hub, becoming active - D12 linkfail
*Feb 16 03:26:14.079:%DSIPPF-5-DS_HELLO:DSIP Hello from shelf 47 slot 1 Succeeded
*Feb 16 03:26:14.255:%DSIPPF-5-DS_HELLO:DSIP Hello from shelf 47 slot 3 Succeeded
*Feb 16 03:26:14.979:%DSIPPF-5-DS_HELLO:DSIP Hello from shelf 47 slot 10 Succeeded


The following is sample output generated by this command in privileged EXEC mode on router platforms that support no keywords for the privileged EXEC mode form of the command:

RouterB# show redundancy
MWR1900 is the Active Router 
Previous States with most recent at bottom 
 INITL_INITL     Dec 31 19:00:00.000 
 LISTN_INITL     Feb 28 19:00:15.568 
 LISTN_LISTN     Feb 28 19:00:15.568 
 SPEAK_LISTN     Feb 28 19:00:18.568 
 SPEAK_SPEAK     Feb 28 19:00:18.568 
 STDBY_SPEAK     Mar 19 08:54:26.191 
 ACTIV_SPEAK     Mar 19 08:54:26.191 
 ACTIV_STDBY     Mar 19 08:54:26.191 
 ACTIV_ACTIV     Mar 19 08:54:26.191 
 INITL_ACTIV     Mar 19 08:56:22.700 
 INITL_INITL     Mar 19 08:56:22.700 
 INITL_LISTN     Mar 19 08:56:28.544 
 LISTN_LISTN     Mar 19 08:56:28.652 
 LISTN_SPEAK     Mar 19 08:56:31.544 
 SPEAK_SPEAK     Mar 19 08:56:31.652 
 SPEAK_STDBY     Mar 19 08:56:34.544 
 SPEAK_ACTIV     Mar 19 08:56:34.544 
 STDBY_ACTIV     Mar 19 08:56:34.652 
 ACTIV_ACTIV     Mar 19 08:56:34.652 
 INITL_ACTIV     Mar 19 10:20:41.455 
 INITL_INITL     Mar 19 10:20:41.455 
 INITL_LISTN     Mar 19 10:20:49.243 
 LISTN_LISTN     Mar 19 10:20:49.299 
 LISTN_SPEAK     Mar 19 10:20:52.244 
 SPEAK_SPEAK     Mar 19 10:20:52.300 
 SPEAK_STDBY     Mar 19 10:20:55.244 
 STDBY_STDBY     Mar 19 10:20:55.300 
 ACTIV_STDBY     Mar 19 10:21:01.692 
 ACTIV_ACTIV     Mar 19 10:21:01.692 

show tcp ha connections

To display connection-ID-to-TCP mapping data, use the show tcp ha connections command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tcp ha connections

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.

Cisco IOS XE 3.1S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S.

Usage Guidelines

The show tcp ha connections command is used to display connection-ID-to-TCP mapping data.


The following is sample output from the show tcp ha connections command:

Router# show tcp ha connections
SSO enabled for 40 connections
TCB       Local Address           Foreign Address        (state)    Conn Id
71EACE60          ESTAB      37
71EA9320          ESTAB      34
71EA35F8          ESTAB      22
71A21FE0          ESTAB      20
71EAA6E0          ESTAB      35
71EA2238          ESTAB      21
71EABAA0          ESTAB      36
71EAE710          ESTAB      9
71EA2728          ESTAB      31
720541D8          ESTAB      30
71EAA1F0          ESTAB      25
2180B3A8          ESTAB      14
71EAB5B0          ESTAB      26
21809FE8          ESTAB      13
71EA8E30          ESTAB      24
71EAD350          ESTAB      8
2180A9C8          ESTAB      33
2180A4D8          ESTAB      23
71EABF90          ESTAB      7
71EA3AE8          ESTAB      32
720546C8          ESTAB      40

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 26. show tcp ha connections Field Descriptions



SSO enabled for

Displays the number of TCP connections that support BGP Nonstop Routing (NSR) with SSO.


An internal identifier for the endpoint.

Local Address

The local IP address and port.

Foreign Address

The foreign IP address and port (at the opposite end of the connection).


TCP connection state. A connection progresses through a series of states during its lifetime. The states that follow are shown in the order in which a connection progresses through them.

  • LISTEN--Waiting for a connection request from any remote TCP and port.

  • SYNSENT--Waiting for a matching connection request after having sent a connection request.

  • SYNRCVD--Waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgment after having both received and sent a connection request.

  • ESTAB--Indicates an open connection; data received can be delivered to the user. This is the normal state for the data transfer phase of the connection.

  • FINWAIT1--Waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP or an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent.

Conn id

Identifying number of the TCP connection.

show tcp ha statistics

To display statistical information for the TCP High Availability (HA) connection, use the show tcp ha statistics command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tcp ha statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. Additional TCP counters and HA statistics for troubleshooting Nonstop Routing (NSR) were added to the output.


Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)S and later releases

The following sample output displays the statistics for the TCP HA connection at the active device, including additional counters for failures:

Router# show tcp ha statistics
TCP HA statistics (active)
        TCP HA statistics (active)
        69 total messages sent successfully
        0 total messages received successfully
        0 total messages failed (IPC layer)
        45 packets (incoming) punted
        1 packets (with ISN) punted
        23 send_msg packets sent
        45 (incoming) packets ACKed from standby
        23 (outgoing) send_msg ACKed from standby
        0 app messages fragmented
        0 recv buff sent
        0 app messages > mss
        0 total feedback decoded
        0 total remove connection encoded
        0 total new conn ipv4 encoded
        0 total send var encoded
        0 total recv var encoded
        0 total rtt encoded
        0 total options encoded
        0 total send queue encoded
        0 total sync done encoded
        0 messages sent beyond flowcontrol
        0 total failure messages encoded
        0 total failure messages decoded
        0 failure communication with standby
        0 failure assymetric startup
        0 failure notify handler not set
        0 failure notify app

The following sample output displays the statistics for the TCP HA connection at the standby device:

Router# show tcp ha statistics
TCP HA statistics (standby)
    69 total messages received
    45 packets received
    1 packets (with ISN) received
    23 send_msg packets received
    0 fragments received
    0 recv buff received
    0 remove conn decoded
    0 new_conn_ipv4_decoded decoded
    0 rtt decoded
    0 send_var decoded
    0 recv_var decoded
    0 stats decoded
    0 options decoded
    0 send_queue decoded
    0 sync_done decoded
    0 sync_done_fdbk decoded
    0 failure message encoded
    0 failure message decoded
    0 failure malloc
    0 failure getbuffer
    0 failure invalid tcb
    0 failure window closed
    0 failure no app data
    0 failure add tcb
    0 failure no options
    0 failure no listener
    0 failure cant inform app
    0 failure communication with active

Cisco IOS Release 15.1(3)S and earlier releases

The following sample output displays the statistics for the TCP HA connection at the active device:

Router# show tcp ha statistics
TCP HA statistics (active)
        71 total messages sent successfully
        1 total messages received successfully
        0 total messages failed
        41 packets (incoming) punted
        0 packets (with ISN) punted
        23 send_msg packets sent
        41 (incoming) packets ACKed from standby
        23 (outgoing) send_msg ACKed from standby
        0 app messages fragmented
        1 recv buff sent
        0 app messages > mss

The following sample output displays the statistics for the TCP HA connection at the standby device:

Router-1# show tcp ha statistics
TCP HA statistics (standby)
        87 total messages received
        51 packets received
        0 packets (with ISN) received
        29 send_msg packets received
        0 fragments received
        1 recv buff received


To assign a site identifier for Call Home, use the site-id command in call home configuration mode. To remove the site ID, use the no form of this command.

site-id alphanumeric

no site-id alphanumeric

Syntax Description


Site identifier, using up to 200 alphanumeric characters. If you include spaces, you must enclose your entry in quotes (“ ”).

Command Default

No site ID is assigned.

Command Modes

Call home configuration (cfg-call-home)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

The site-id command is optional.


The following example configures “Site1ManhattanNY” as the customer ID without spaces:

Router(config)# call-home
Router(cfg-call-home)# site-id Site1ManhattenNY

The following example configures “Site1 Manhattan NY” as the customer ID using spaces and required “ ” notation:

Router(config)# call-home
Router(cfg-call-home)# site-id “Site1 Manhatten NY”

snmp-server enable traps

To enable all Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification types that are available on your system, use the snmp-server enable traps command in global configuration mode. To disable all available SNMP notifications, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] [vrrp]

no snmp-server enable traps [notification-type] [vrrp]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Type of notification (trap or inform) to enable or disable. If no type is specified, all notifications available on your device are enabled or disabled (if the no form is used). The notification type can be one of the following keywords:

alarms --Enables alarm filtering to limit the number of syslog messages generated. Alarms are generated for the severity configured as well as for the higher severity values.

  • The severity argument is an integer or string value that identifies the severity of an alarm. Integer values are from 1 to 4. String values are critical, major, minor, and informational. The default is 4 (informational). Severity levels are defined as follows:
    • 1--Critical. The condition affects service.
    • 2--Major. Immediate action is needed.
    • 3--Minor. Minor warning conditions.
    • 4--Informational. No action is required. This is the default.
  • auth-framework sec-violation --Enables the SNMP CISCO-AUTH-FRAMEWORK-MIB traps. The optional sec-violation keyword enables the SNMP camSecurityViolationNotif notification. 1

  • config --Controls configuration notifications, as defined in the CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB (enterprise The notification type is (1) ciscoConfigManEvent.

  • dot1x --Enables IEEE 802.1X traps. This notification type is defined in the CISCO PAE MIB.

Catalyst 6500 Series Switches The following keywords are available under the dot1x keyword:
    • auth-fail-vlan --Enables the SNMP cpaeAuthFailVlanNotif notification.
    • no-auth-fail-vlan --Enables the SNMP cpaeNoAuthFailVlanNotif notification.
    • guest-vlan --Enables the SNMP cpaeGuestVlanNotif notification.
    • no-guest-vlan --Enables the SNMP cpaeNoGuestVlanNotif notification.
  • ds0-busyout --Sends notification when the busyout of a DS0 interface changes state (Cisco AS5300 platform only). This notification is defined in the CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB (enterprise, and the notification type is (1) cpmDS0BusyoutNotification.

  • ds1-loopback --Sends notification when the DS1 interface goes into loopback mode (Cisco AS5300 platform only). This notification type is defined in the CISCO-POP-MGMT-MIB (enterprise as (2) cpmDS1LoopbackNotification.

  • dsp --Enables SNMP digital signal processing (DSP) traps. This notification type is defined in the CISCO-DSP-MGMT-MIB.

  • dsp oper-state --Sends a DSP notification made up of both a DSP ID that indicates which DSP is affected and an operational state that indicates whether the DSP has failed or recovered.

  • l2tc --Enable the SNMP Layer 2 tunnel configuration traps. This notification type is defined in CISCO-L2-TUNNEL-CONFIG-MIB.2

  • entity --Controls Entity MIB modification notifications. This notification type is defined in the ENTITY-MIB (enterprise as (1) entConfigChange.

  • entity-diag type -- Enables the SNMP CISCO-ENTITY-DIAG-MIB traps. The valid type values are as follows: 3
    • boot-up-fail --(Optional) Enables the SNMP ceDiagBootUpFailedNotif traps.
    • hm-test-recover --(Optional) Enables the SNMP ceDiagHMTestRecoverNotif traps.
    • hm-thresh-reached --(Optional) Enables the SNMP ceDiagHMThresholdReachedNotif traps.
    • scheduled-fail --(Optional) Enables the SNMP ceDiagScheduledJobFailedNotif traps.
  • hsrp --Controls Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) notifications, as defined in the CISCO-HSRP-MIB (enterprise The notification type is (1) cHsrpStateChange.

  • ipmulticast --Controls IP multicast notifications.

  • license --Enables licensing notifications as traps or informs. The notifications are grouped into categories that can be individually controlled by combining the keywords with the license keyword, or as a group by using the license keyword by itself.
    • deploy --Controls notifications generated as a result of install, clear, or revoke license events.
    • error --Controls notifications generated as a result of a problem with the license or with the usage of the license.
    • imagelevel --Controls notifications related to the image level of the license.
    • usage --Controls usage notifications related to the license.
  • modem-health --Controls modem-health notifications.

  • module-auto-shutdown [status] -- Enables the SNMP CISCO-MODULE-AUTO-SHUTDOWN-MIB traps. The optional status keyword enables the SNMP Module Auto Shutdown status change traps. 4

  • rsvp --Controls Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) flow change notifications.

  • sys-threshold --(Optional) Enables the SNMP cltcTunnelSysDropThresholdExceeded notification. This notification type is an enhancement to the CISCO-L2-TUNNEL-CONFIG-MIB. 5

  • tty --Controls TCP connection notifications.

  • xgcp --Sends External Media Gateway Control Protocol (XGCP) notifications. This notification is from the, and the notification is enterprise (1) xgcpUpDownNotification.


For additional notification types, see the Related Commands table.


(Optional) Specifies the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).

1 Supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches.
2 Supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches.
3 Supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches.
4 Supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches.
5 Supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches.

Command Default

No notifications controlled by this command are sent.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The rsvp notification type was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(2)T.


The hsrp notification type was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(24)S.


Support for this command was implemented on the Supervisor Engine 720.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)S.


Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17d)SXB.


The vrrp notification type was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)T.


Support for the alarms severity notification type and argument was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T. Support for the dsp and dsp oper-state notification types was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


The dot1x notification type was added in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(11)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


The license notification type keyword was added.


The l2tc keyword was added and supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switch.


The following keywords were added and supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switch:








Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Catalyst 6500 Series Switches

For additional notification types, see the Related Commands table for this command.

SNMP notifications can be sent as traps or inform requests. This command enables both traps and inform requests for the specified notification types. To specify whether the notifications should be sent as traps or informs, use the snmp-server host [traps | informs] command.

To configure the router to send these SNMP notifications, you must enter at least one snmp-server enable traps command. If you enter the command with no keywords, all notification types are enabled. If you enter the command with a keyword, only the notification type related to that keyword is enabled. To enable multiple types of notifications, you must issue a separate snmp-server enable traps command for each notification type and notification option.

Most notification types are disabled by default but some cannot be controlled with the snmp-server enable traps command.

The snmp-server enable traps command is used in conjunction with the snmp-server host command. Use the snmp-server host command to specify which host or hosts receive SNMP notifications. To send notifications, you must configure at least one snmp-server host command.

The following MIBs were enhanced or supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI and later releases on the Catalyst 6500 series switch:

  • CISCO-L2-TUNNEL-CONFIG-MIB-LLDP--Enhancement. The CISCO-L2-TUNNEL-CONFIG-MIB provides SNMP access to the Layer 2 tunneling-related configurations.

  • CISCO-PAE-MIB--Enhancement for critical condition and includes traps when the port goes into the Guest Vlan or AuthFail VLAN.

  • CISCO-MODULE-AUTO-SHUTDOWN-MIB--Supported. The CISCO-MODULE-AUTO-SHUTDOWN-MIB provides SNMP access to the Catalyst 6500 series switch Module Automatic Shutdown component.

  • CISCO-AUTH-FRAMEWORK-MIB--Supported. The CISCO-AUTH-FRAMEWORK-MIB provides SNMP access to the Authentication Manager component.

  • CISCO-ENTITY-DIAG-MIB--The CISCO-ENTITY-DIAG-MIB provides SNMP traps for generic online diagnostics (GOLD) notification enhancements.


The following example shows how to enable the router to send all traps to the host specified by the name, using the community string defined as public:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps
Router(config)# snmp-server host public

The following example shows how to configure an alarm severity threshold of 3:

Router# snmp-server enable traps alarms 3

The following example shows how to enable the generation of a DSP operational state notification from from the command-line interface (CLI):

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps dsp oper-state

The following example shows how to enable the generation of a DSP operational state notification from a network management device:

setany -v2c test cdspEnableOperStateNotification.0 -i 1

The following example shows how to send no traps to any host. The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) traps are enabled for all hosts, but the only traps enabled to be sent to a host are ISDN traps (which are not enabled in this example).

Router(config)#  snmp-server enable traps bgp
Router(config)# snmp-server host user1 public isdn

The following example shows how to enable the router to send all inform requests to the host at the address, using the community string defined as public:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps
Router(config)# snmp-server host informs version 2c public

The following example shows how to send HSRP MIB traps to the host using the community string public:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps hsrp
Router(config)# snmp-server host traps version 2c public hsrp

The following example shows that VRRP will be used as the protocol to enable the traps:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps vrrp
Router(config)# snmp-server host traps version 2c vrrp

The following example shows how to send IEEE 802.1X MIB traps to the host " " using the community string defined as public:

Router(config)# snmp-server enable traps dot1x
Router(config)# snmp-server host traps public


To specify the name of the source interface that the Call-Home service uses to send out e-mail messages, use the source-interface command in call home configuration mode.

source-interface interface-name

no source-interface

Syntax Description


Source-interface name. Maximum length is 64.

Command Default

Call-Home service sends out the e-mail messages using the packet outbound interface as its source interface.

Command Modes

Call home configuration (cfg-call-home)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify either the source-interface name or the source-ip-address when sending Call-Home e-mail messages but not both. The Call-Home service sends out a warning when either the source-interface name or the source-ip-address has already been configured and you attempt to configure one of these options again. If neither of these two are specified, the Call-Home service uses the outbound interface as its source interface and uses that interface's IP address as the source IP address to send out the e-mail messages.

If the specified source interface's status is up and has at least one IP address configured when the Call-Home message is sent out, the e-mail message shows the source interface’s IP address. To verify the IP address, use the debug call-home mail command or select the e-mail Internet headers option. When the specified source interface is down or has no IP address configured, the Call-Home message is not sent out.


For HTTP messages, use the ip http client source-interface interface-name command in global configuration mode to configure the source interface name. This allows all HTTP clients on the device to use the same source interface.


The following example specifies loopback1 as the name of the source interface that the Call-Home service uses to send out e-mail messages:

Router(cfg-call-home)# source-interface loopback1


To specify the source IP address with which the Call-Home e-mail messages are sent out, use the source-ip-address command in call home configuration mode.

no source-ip-address {ipv4 address | /ipv6 address}

no source-ip-address

Syntax Description

ipv4 address | /ipv6 address

Source IP (ipv4 or ipv6) address. Maximum length is 64.

Command Default

Call-Home service sends out the e-mail messages using the IP address of the outbound interface as its source IP address.

Command Modes

Call home configuration (cfg-call-home)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You can specify either the source-interface name or the source-ip-address when sending Call-Home e-mail messages but not both. The Call-Home service sends out a warning when either the source-interface name or the source-ip-address has already been configured and you attempt to configure one of these options again. If neither of these two are specified, the Call-Home service uses the IP address configured on the message outbound interface as source IP address to send the e-mail message out.

If the specified source-ip-address is also configured as an IP address of any workable device interface when the Call-Home message is sent out, the e-mail message uses it as its source IP address. To verify the IP address, use the debug call-home mail command or select the e-mail Internet headers option. When the specified source-ip-address is not any of the IP addresses configured on workable interfaces, the Call-Home message is not sent out.


For HTTP messages, use the ip http client source-interface interface-name command in global configuration mode to configure the source interface name. This allows all HTTP clients on the device to use the same source interface.


The following example specifies as the source IP address that the Call-Home service uses to send out e-mail messages:

Router(cfg-call-home)# source-ip-address

show ip bgp

To display entries in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routing table, use the show ip bgp command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip bgp [ip-address [mask [longer-prefixes [injected] | shorter-prefixes [length] | best-path-reason | bestpath | multipaths | subnets] | best-path-reason | bestpath | multipaths] | all | oer-paths | prefix-list name | pending-prefixes | route-map name | version {version-number | recent offset-value}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address entered to filter the output to display only a particular host or network in the BGP routing table.


(Optional) Mask to filter or match hosts that are part of the specified network.


(Optional) Displays the specified route and all more-specific routes.


(Optional) Displays more-specific prefixes injected into the BGP routing table.


(Optional) Displays the specified route and all less-specific routes.


(Optional) The prefix length. The range is a number from 0 to 32.


(Optional) Displays the best path for this prefix.


(Optional) Displays the reason why a path loses to the bestpath.


If the best-path is yet to be selected, then the output will be "Best Path Evaluation: No best path"


(Optional) Displays multipaths for this prefix.


(Optional) Displays the subnet routes for the specified prefix.


(Optional) Displays all address family information in the BGP routing table.


(Optional) Displays Optimized Edge Routing (OER) controlled prefixes in the BGP routing table.

prefix-list name

(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified prefix list.


(Optional) Displays prefixes that are pending deletion from the BGP routing table.

route-map name

(Optional) Filters the output based on the specified route map.

version version-number

(Optional) Displays all prefixes with network versions greater than or equal to the specified version number. The range is from 1 to 4294967295.

recent offset-value

(Optional) Displays the offset from the current routing table version. The range is from 1 to 4294967295.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The display of prefix advertisement statistics was added.


This command was modified. The display of a message indicating support for route refresh capability was added.


This command was modified. The prefix-list , route-map , and shorter-prefixes keywords were added.


This command was modified. The output was modified to display multipaths and the best path to the specified network.


This command was modified. The output was modified to show the number of Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) labels that arrive at and depart from a prefix.


This command was modified. A new status code indicating stale routes was added to support BGP graceful restart.


This command was modified. A message indicating support for BGP policy accounting was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)SX.


This command was modified. A new status code indicating stale routes was added to support BGP graceful restart.


This command was modified. The all keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17b)SXA.


This command was modified. The oer-paths keyword was added.


This command was modified. The pending-prefixes , bestpath , multipaths , and subnets keywords were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. The version version-number and the recent offset-value keyword and argument pairs were added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asdot notation was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3

This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain notation was added and the default display format was changed to asplain.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4

This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain notation was added and the default display format was changed to asplain.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to show the backup path and the best external path information. Support for the best external route and backup path was added. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.


This command was modified to display an Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) validation code per network, if one applies.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified to display an RPKI validation code per network, if one applies.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3SG

This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Output about discarded or unknown path attributes was added for the BGP Attribute Filter feature. Output about additional path selection was added for the BGP Additional Paths feature. Output about paths imported from a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) table to the global table was added for the BGP Support for IP Prefix Export from a VRF table into the global table.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was modified. Output about discarded or unknown path attributes was added for the BGP Attribute Filter feature. Output about additional path selection was added for the BGP Additional Paths feature. Output about paths imported from a VRF table to the global table was added for the BGP Support for IP Prefix Export from a VRF table into the global table.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)E.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

The best-path-reason keyword was added to this command.

BGP Path Installation Timestamp was added to the ouptut of the command.

BGP Peak Prefix Watermark was added to the ouptut of the command.

Usage Guidelines

The show ip bgp command is used to display the contents of the BGP routing table. The output can be filtered to display entries for a specific prefix, prefix length, and prefixes injected through a prefix list, route map, or conditional advertisement.

When changes are made to the network address, the network version number is incremented. Use the version keyword to view a specific network version.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)SY8, 12.0(33)S3, 12.2(33)SRE, 12.2(33)XNE, 12.2(33)SXI1, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, and later releases, the Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asplain—65538, for example—as the default regular expression match and output display format for autonomous system numbers, but you can configure 4-byte autonomous system numbers in both the asplain format and the asdot format as described in RFC 5396. To change the default regular expression match and output display of 4-byte autonomous system numbers to asdot format, use the bgp asnotation dot command followed by the clear ip bgp * command to perform a hard reset of all current BGP sessions.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)S12, 12.4(24)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3, the Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asdot—1.2, for example—as the only configuration format, regular expression match, and output display, with no asplain support.

oer-paths Keyword

In Cisco IOS Release 12.3(8)T and later releases, BGP prefixes that are monitored and controlled by OER are displayed by entering the show ip bgp command with the oer-paths keyword.


The following sample output displays the BGP routing table:

Device# show ip bgp

BGP table version is 6, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-external, f RT-Filter, a additional-path
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
RPKI validation codes: V valid, I invalid, N Not found

      Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight  Path

N*                 0             0  3 ?

N*>                           0             0  4 ?

Nr                 0             0  3 ?

Nr>                           0             0  4 ?

Nr>                 0             0  3 ?

V*>                  0         32768  i

Vr>                 0             0  4 ?

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 27. show ip bgp Field Descriptions



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the router.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

  • s—The table entry is suppressed.

  • d—The table entry is dampened.

  • h—The table entry history.

  • *—The table entry is valid.

  • >—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

  • i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

  • r—The table entry is a RIB-failure.

  • S—The table entry is stale.

  • m—The table entry has multipath to use for that network.

  • b—The table entry has a backup path to use for that network.

  • x—The table entry has a best external route to use for the network.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

  • a—Path is selected as an additional path.

  • i—Entry originated from an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

  • e—Entry originated from an Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

  • ?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a router that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.

RPKI validation codes

If shown, the RPKI validation state for the network prefix, which is downloaded from the RPKI server. The codes are shown only if the bgp rpki server or neighbor announce rpki state command is configured.


IP address of a network entity.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the router has some non-BGP routes to this network.


If shown, the value of the interautonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path.


Indicates that the following path for the specified autonomous system is marked as “stale” during a graceful restart process.

Updated On

The time at which the path is received or updated.

The following sample output shows the BGP routing table with 4-byte autonomous system numbers, 65536 and 65550, shown under the Path field. This example requires Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)SY8, 12.0(33)S3, 12.2(33)SRE, 12.2(33)XNE, 12.2(33)SXI1, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, or a later release.

Device# show ip bgp

BGP table version is 4, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>              0             0 65536  i
*>              0             0 65550  i
*>                  0         32768 i

The following sample output displays information about the entry in the BGP routing table:

Device# show ip bgp
BGP routing table entry for, version 22
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table default)
  Advertised to update-groups:
  10 10 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, backup/repair
  10 10 from (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best , recursive-via-connected

The following sample output displays information about the entry in the BGP routing table:

Device# show ip bgp

BGP routing table entry for, version 35
Paths: (3 available, best #2, table default)
Multipath: eBGP
Flag: 0x860
  Advertised to update-groups:
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external, backup/repair
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, weight 100, valid, external, best
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route
  200 from (
      Origin incomplete, localpref 100, valid, external,
      Only allowed to recurse through connected route 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 28. show ip bgp ip-address Field Descriptions



BGP routing table entry for

IP address or network number of the routing table entry.


Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.


The number of available paths, and the number of installed best paths. This line displays “Default-IP-Routing-Table” when the best path is installed in the IP routing table.


This field is displayed when multipath load sharing is enabled. This field will indicate if the multipaths are iBGP or eBGP.

Advertised to update-groups

The number of each update group for which advertisements are processed.


Origin of the entry. The origin can be IGP, EGP, or incomplete. This line displays the configured metric (0 if no metric is configured), the local preference value (100 is default), and the status and type of route (internal, external, multipath, best).

Extended Community

This field is displayed if the route carries an extended community attribute. The attribute code is displayed on this line. Information about the extended community is displayed on a subsequent line.

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp command entered with the all keyword. Information about all configured address families is displayed.

Device# show ip bgp all

For address family: IPv4 Unicast   *****
BGP table version is 27, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>i10.18.18.0/24         1388  91351      0 100 e
*>i10.100.0.0/16          262    272      0 1 2 3 i
*>i10.100.0.0/16         1388  91351      0 100 e
*>i10.101.0.0/16         1388  91351      0 100 e
*>i10.103.0.0/16         1388    173    173 100 e
*>i10.104.0.0/16         1388    173    173 100 e
*>i10.100.0.0/16         2219  20889      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 e
*>i10.101.0.0/16         2219  20889      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 e
*         2309             0 200 300 e
*>                 1388             0 100 e
*         2309             0 200 300 e
*>                 1388             0 100 e
*>         1388             0 100 e
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>                  0         32768 ?
*>         1388             0 50 e
*>         1388             0 50 e
For address family: VPNv4 Unicast   *****
BGP table version is 21, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1:1 (default for vrf vpn1)
*>           1622             0 100 53285 33299 51178 {27016,57039,16690} e
*>           1622             0 100 53285 33299 51178 {27016,57039,16690} e
*>           1622             0 100 53285 33299 51178 {27016,57039,16690} e
*>           1622             0 100 53285 33299 51178 {27016,57039,16690} e
*>           1622             0 100 53285 33299 51178 {27016,57039,16690} e
*>i172.17.1.0/24                10     30      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 ?
*>i172.17.2.0/24                10     30      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 ?
*>i172.17.3.0/24                10     30      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 ?
*>i172.17.4.0/24                10     30      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 ?
*>i172.17.5.0/24                10     30      0 53285 33299 51178 47751 ?
For address family: IPv4 Multicast   *****
BGP table version is 11, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>        2219             0 21 22 {51178,47751,27016} e
*                      1622             0 15 20 1 {2} e
*>        2219             0 21 22 {51178,47751,27016} e
*                      1622             0 15 20 1 {2} e
*>        2219             0 21 22 {51178,47751,27016} e
*                      2563             0 15 20 1 {2} e
*>             2563             0 15 20 1 {2} e
*>             1209             0 15 20 1 {2} e
*>i10.102.0.0/16              300    500      0 5  4 {101,102} e
*>i10.103.0.0/16              300    500      0 5  4 {101,102} e
For address family: NSAP Unicast *****
BGP table version is 1, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network                       Next Hop                 Metric LocPrf Weight Path
* i45.0000.0002.0001.000c.00     49.0001.0000.0000.0a00                 100      0 ?
* i46.0001.0000.0000.0000.0a00   49.0001.0000.0000.0a00                 100      0 ?
* i47.0001.0000.0000.000b.00     49.0001.0000.0000.0a00                 100      0 ?
* i47.0001.0000.0000.000e.00     49.0001.0000.0000.0a00

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp longer-prefixes command:

Device# show ip bgp longer-prefixes

BGP table version is 1738, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>        8896         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8796         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>       42482         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8796         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8696         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        1400         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        1400         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8876         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?
*>        8876         32768 ?
*                                   0 109 108 ?

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp shorter-prefixes command. An 8-bit prefix length is specified.

Device# show ip bgp shorter-prefixes 8

*>                               0 ?
*                            0             0 200 ?

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp prefix-list command:

Device# show ip bgp prefix-list ROUTE

BGP table version is 39, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                               0 ?
*                          0             0 200 ?

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp route-map command:

Device# show ip bgp route-map LEARNED_PATH

BGP table version is 40, local router ID is
Status codes:s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i -
Origin codes:i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>                               0 ?
*                          0             0 200 ?

The following output indicates (for each neighbor) whether any of the additional path tags (group-best, all, best 2 or best 3) are applied to the path. A line of output indicates rx pathid (received from neighbor) and tx pathid (announcing to neighbors). Note that the “Path advertised to update-groups:” is now per-path when the BGP Additional Paths feature is enabled.

Device# show ip bgp

BGP routing table entry for, version 82
Paths: (10 available, best #5, table default)
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     21         25        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  20 50, (Received from a RR-client) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, internal, all
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x9
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     18         21        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  30 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, internal, group-best, all
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0x1, tx pathid: 0x8
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     16         18         19         20         21         22         24        
     25         27        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  10 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, external, best2, all
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x7
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     20         21         22         24         25        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  10 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 300, localpref 100, valid, external, best3, all
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x6
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     10         13         17         18         19         20         21        
     22         23         24         25         26         27         28        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  10 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 100, localpref 100, valid, external, best
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
  Refresh Epoch 1
  30 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, internal, all
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0x1, tx pathid: 0x5
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     18         23         24         26         28        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  60 40, (Received from a RR-client) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 250, localpref 100, valid, internal, group-best
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0x2, tx pathid: 0x2
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
  Refresh Epoch 1
  30 40, (Received from a RR-client) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, internal, all
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0x1, tx pathid: 0x3
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
     18         21         23         24         25         26         28        
  Refresh Epoch 1
  20 40, (Received from a RR-client) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, internal, group-best, all
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0x1, tx pathid: 0x4
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Path advertised to update-groups:
  Refresh Epoch 1
  30 40 from (
      Origin IGP, metric 100, localpref 100, valid, internal, all
      Originator:, Cluster list:
      mpls labels in/out 16/nolabel
      rx pathid: 0x1, tx pathid: 0x1
      Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp command that displays unknown and discarded path attributes:

Device# show ip bgp

BGP routing table entry for, version 0
Paths: (1 available, no best path)
  Refresh Epoch 1
  Local from (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, internal
      unknown transitive attribute: flag 0xE0 type 0x81 length 0x20
        value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
              0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
      unknown transitive attribute: flag 0xE0 type 0x83 length 0x20
        value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
              0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
      discarded unknown attribute: flag 0x40 type 0x63 length 0x64
       value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
              0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

The following is sample output from the show ip bgp version command:

Device# show ip bgp version

BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-external
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*> 0 0 1 ?
*> 0 0 1 ?

The following example shows how to display the network version:

Device# show ip bgp | include version

BGP routing table entry for, version 5

The following sample output from the show ip bgp version recent command displays the prefix changes in the specified version:

Device# show ip bgp version recent 2

BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-external
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

   Network              Next Hop      Metric LocPrf  Weight   Path
*>         0             0       1 ?
*>         0             0       1 ?
*>         0             0       1 ?

The following example shows the sample output for the show ip bgp ip-address best-path-reason command, listing the reason why a path loses to the best path:

Device# show ip bgp best-path-reason

BGP routing table entry for, version 72
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table default)
  Advertised to update-groups:
  Refresh Epoch 1
2 from (
    Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external
    Extended Community: RT:100:100
    rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0
    Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:34:12 PST
    Best Path Evaluation: Path is younger
Refresh Epoch 1
1 from (
  Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best
  rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0
  Updated on Aug 14 2018 18:30:39 PST
  Best Path Evaluation: Overall best path

show ip bgp neighbors

To display information about Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and TCP connections to neighbors, use the show ip bgp neighbors command in user or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip bgp [ipv4 {multicast | unicast} | vpnv4 all | vpnv6 unicast all] neighbors [slow | ip-address | ipv6-address [advertised-routes | dampened-routes | flap-statistics | paths [reg-exp] | policy [detail] | received prefix-filter | received-routes | routes]| include Fall over ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays peers in the IPv4 address family.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 multicast address prefixes.


(Optional) Specifies IPv4 unicast address prefixes.

vpnv4 all

(Optional) Displays peers in the VPNv4 address family.

vpnv6 unicast all

(Optional) Displays peers in the VPNv6 address family.


(Optional) Displays information about dynamically configured slow peers.


(Optional) IP address of the IPv4 neighbor. If this argument is omitted, information about all neighbors is displayed.


(Optional) IP address of the IPv6 neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all routes that have been advertised to neighbors.


(Optional) Displays the dampened routes received from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays the flap statistics of the routes learned from the specified neighbor (for external BGP peers only).

paths reg-exp

(Optional) Displays autonomous system paths learned from the specified neighbor. An optional regular expression can be used to filter the output.


(Optional) Displays the policies applied to this neighbor per address family.


(Optional) Displays detailed policy information such as route maps, prefix lists, community lists, access control lists (ACLs), and autonomous system path filter lists.

received prefix-filter

(Optional) Displays the prefix list (outbound route filter [ORF]) sent from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all received routes (both accepted and rejected) from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays all routes that are received and accepted. The output displayed when this keyword is entered is a subset of the output displayed by the received-routes keyword.

include Fall over

(Optional) Displays all fallover with maximum-metric that is configured for the neighbor.

Command Default

The output of this command displays information for all neighbors.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Mainline and T Release



This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The received-routes keyword was added.


This command was modified. The received and prefix-filter keywords were added.


This command was modified. Support for the display of BGP graceful restart capability information was added.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to support the BGP TTL Security Check feature and to display explicit-null label information.


This command was modified. Support for the display of Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) information was added.


This command was modified. Support for the policy and detail keywords was added.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support BGP TCP path MTU discovery.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asdot notation was added.

Command History

S Release



This command was modifed. The output was modified to display the no-prepend configuration option.


This command was modifed. The output was modified to display Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) label information.


This command was modified. Support for the display of BGP graceful restart capability information was added. Support for the Cisco 12000 series routers (Engine 0 and Engine 2) was also added.


This command was modified. The policy and detail keywords were added.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to support the BGP TTL Security Check feature and to display explicit-null label information.


This command was modified. Support for the display of BFD information was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain notation was added and the default display format became asplain.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(17b)SXA.


This command was modified. Support for the display of BFD information was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support BGP TCP path Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery.


This command was modified. Support for the policy and detail keywords was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying BGP dynamic neighbor information was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying BGP graceful restart information was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying BFD and the BGP graceful restart per peer information was added, and support for the policy and detail keywords was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SB.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for displaying BGP best external and BGP additional path features information was added. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. Support for 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain and asdot notation was added.


This command was modified. The slow keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)SY.


This command was modified. The Layer 2 VPN address family is displayed if graceful restart or nonstop forwarding (NSF) is enabled.


This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain notation was added and the default display format became asplain.


This command was modified and implemented on the Cisco 7200 series router. The configured discard and treat-as-withdraw attributes are displayed, along with counts of incoming Updates with a matching discard attribute or treat-as-withdraw attribute, and number of times a malformed Update is treat-as-withdraw. The capabilities of the neighbor to send and receive additional paths that are advertised or received are added.


This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)E.

Command History

Cisco IOS XE


Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4

This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain notation was added and the default display format became asplain.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was modified. The slow keyword was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. Support for displaying BGP BFD multihop and C-bit information was added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3SG

This command was modified. Support for displaying 4-byte autonomous system numbers in asplain notation was added and the default display format became asplain.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 903 router and the output modified. The configured discard and treat-as-withdraw attributes are displayed, along with counts of incoming Updates with a matching discard attribute or treat-as-withdraw attribute, and number of times a malformed Update is treat-as-withdraw. The capabilities of the neighbor to send and receive additional paths that are advertised or received are added.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.8S

This command was modified. In support of the BGP Multi-Cluster ID feature, the cluster ID of a neighbor is displayed if the neighbor is assigned a cluster.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

BGP Peak Prefix Watermark was added to the command output.

Cisco IOS XE Release 17.1.1

This command was modified. The include Fall over keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip bgp neighbors command to display BGP and TCP connection information for neighbor sessions. For BGP, this includes detailed neighbor attribute, capability, path, and prefix information. For TCP, this includes statistics related to BGP neighbor session establishment and maintenance.

Prefix activity is displayed based on the number of prefixes that are advertised and withdrawn. Policy denials display the number of routes that were advertised but then ignored based on the function or attribute that is displayed in the output.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)SY8, 12.0(33)S3, 12.2(33)SRE, 12.2(33)XNE, 12.2(33)SXI1, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, and later releases, the Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asplain—65538, for example—as the default regular expression match and output display format for autonomous system numbers, but you can configure 4-byte autonomous system numbers in both the asplain format and the asdot format as described in RFC 5396. To change the default regular expression match and output display of 4-byte autonomous system numbers to asdot format, use the bgp asnotation dot command followed by the clear ip bgp * command to perform a hard reset of all current BGP sessions.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)S12, 12.4(24)T, and Cisco IOS XE Release 2.3, the Cisco implementation of 4-byte autonomous system numbers uses asdot—1.2 for example—as the only configuration format, regular expression match, and output display, with no asplain support.

Cisco IOS Releases 12.0(25)S, 12.4(11)T, 12.2(33)SRB, 12.2(33)SB, and Later Releases

When BGP neighbors use multiple levels of peer templates, determining which policies are applied to the neighbor can be difficult.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(25)S, 12.4(11)T, 12.2(33)SRB, 12.2(33)SB, and later releases, the policy and detail keywords were added to display the inherited policies and the policies configured directly on the specified neighbor. Inherited policies are policies that the neighbor inherits from a peer group or a peer policy template.


Example output is different for the various keywords available for the show ip bgp neighbors command. Examples using the various keywords appear in the following sections.


The following example shows output for the BGP neighbor at This neighbor is an internal BGP (iBGP) peer. This neighbor supports the route refresh and graceful restart capabilities.

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 1, internal link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID 
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:24:25
  Last read 00:00:24, last write 00:00:24, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is
   60 seconds 
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(old & new)
    MPLS Label capability: advertised and received 
    Graceful Restart Capability: advertised 
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
  Message statistics:
    InQ depth is 0
    OutQ depth is 0
                         Sent       Rcvd
    Opens:                  3          3
    Notifications:          0          0
    Updates:                0          0
    Keepalives:           113        112
    Route Refresh:          0          0
    Total:                116        115
  Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds
 For address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP additional-paths computation is enabled
  BGP advertise-best-external is enabled
  BGP table version 1, neighbor version 1/0
 Output queue size : 0
  Index 1, Offset 0, Mask 0x2
  1 update-group member
                                 Sent       Rcvd
  Prefix activity:               ----       ----
    Prefixes Current:               0          0
    Prefixes Total:                 0          0
    Implicit Withdraw:              0          0
    Explicit Withdraw:              0          0
    Used as bestpath:             n/a          0
    Used as multipath:            n/a          0
                                   Outbound    Inbound
  Local Policy Denied Prefixes:    --------    -------
    Total:                                0          0
  Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 0, min 0
  Connections established 3; dropped 2
  Last reset 00:24:26, due to Peer closed the session 
External BGP neighbor may be up to 2 hops away.
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0        
Connection is ECN Disabled 
Local host:, Local port: 179 
Foreign host:, Foreign port: 42698 
Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0  mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes) 
Event Timers (current time is 0x68B944): 
Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
Retrans            27          0             0x0
TimeWait            0          0             0x0
AckHold            27         18             0x0
SendWnd             0          0             0x0
KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
GiveUp              0          0             0x0
PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
DeadWait            0          0             0x0
iss: 3915509457  snduna: 3915510016  sndnxt: 3915510016     sndwnd:  15826
irs:  233567076  rcvnxt:  233567616  rcvwnd:      15845  delrcvwnd:    539
SRTT: 292 ms, RTTO: 359 ms, RTV: 67 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 12 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Flags: passive open, nagle, gen tcbs
IP Precedence value : 6
Datagrams (max data segment is 1460 bytes):
Rcvd: 38 (out of order: 0), with data: 27, total data bytes: 539
Sent: 45 (retransmit: 0, fastretransmit: 0, partialack: 0, Second Congestion: 08

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display. Fields that are preceded by the asterisk character (*) are displayed only when the counter has a nonzero value.

Table 29. show ip bgp neighbors Field Descriptions



BGP neighbor

IP address of the BGP neighbor and its autonomous system number.

remote AS

Autonomous system number of the neighbor.

local AS 300 no-prepend (not shown in display)

Verifies that the local autonomous system number is not prepended to received external routes. This output supports the hiding of the local autonomous systems when a network administrator is migrating autonomous systems.

internal link

“internal link” is displayed for iBGP neighbors; “external link” is displayed for external BGP (eBGP) neighbors.

BGP version

BGP version being used to communicate with the remote router.

remote router ID

IP address of the neighbor.

BGP state

Finite state machine (FSM) stage of session negotiation.

up for

Time, in hh:mm:ss, that the underlying TCP connection has been in existence.

Last read

Time, in hh:mm:ss, since BGP last received a message from this neighbor.

last write

Time, in hh:mm:ss, since BGP last sent a message to this neighbor.

hold time

Time, in seconds, that BGP will maintain the session with this neighbor without receiving messages.

keepalive interval

Time interval, in seconds, at which keepalive messages are transmitted to this neighbor.

Neighbor capabilities

BGP capabilities advertised and received from this neighbor. “advertised and received” is displayed when a capability is successfully exchanged between two routers.

Route refresh

Status of the route refresh capability.

MPLS Label capability

Indicates that MPLS labels are both sent and received by the eBGP peer.

Graceful Restart Capability

Status of the graceful restart capability.

Address family IPv4 Unicast

IP Version 4 unicast-specific properties of this neighbor.

Message statistics

Statistics organized by message type.

InQ depth is

Number of messages in the input queue.

OutQ depth is

Number of messages in the output queue.


Total number of transmitted messages.


Total number of received messages.


Number of open messages sent and received.


Number of notification (error) messages sent and received.


Number of update messages sent and received.


Number of keepalive messages sent and received.

Route Refresh

Number of route refresh request messages sent and received.


Total number of messages sent and received.

Default minimum time between...

Time, in seconds, between advertisement transmissions.

For address family:

Address family to which the following fields refer.

BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This is the primary routing table with which the neighbor has been updated. The number increments when the table changes.

neighbor version

Number used by the software to track prefixes that have been sent and those that need to be sent.

1 update-group member

Number of the update-group member for this address family.

Prefix activity

Prefix statistics for this address family.

Prefixes Current

Number of prefixes accepted for this address family.

Prefixes Total

Total number of received prefixes.

Implicit Withdraw

Number of times that a prefix has been withdrawn and readvertised.

Explicit Withdraw

Number of times that a prefix has been withdrawn because it is no longer feasible.

Used as bestpath

Number of received prefixes installed as best paths.

Used as multipath

Number of received prefixes installed as multipaths.

* Saved (soft-reconfig)

Number of soft resets performed with a neighbor that supports soft reconfiguration. This field is displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

* History paths

This field is displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

* Invalid paths

Number of invalid paths. This field is displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

Local Policy Denied Prefixes

Prefixes denied due to local policy configuration. Counters are updated for inbound and outbound policy denials. The fields under this heading are displayed only if the counter has a nonzero value.

* route-map

Displays inbound and outbound route-map policy denials.

* filter-list

Displays inbound and outbound filter-list policy denials.

* prefix-list

Displays inbound and outbound prefix-list policy denials.

* Ext Community

Displays only outbound extended community policy denials.

* AS_PATH too long

Displays outbound AS_PATH length policy denials.

* AS_PATH loop

Displays outbound AS_PATH loop policy denials.

* AS_PATH confed info

Displays outbound confederation policy denials.

* AS_PATH contains AS 0

Displays outbound denials of autonomous system 0.

* NEXT_HOP Martian

Displays outbound martian denials.

* NEXT_HOP non-local

Displays outbound nonlocal next-hop denials.

* NEXT_HOP is us

Displays outbound next-hop-self denials.


Displays outbound cluster-list loop denials.


Displays outbound denials of local originated routes.

* unsuppress-map

Displays inbound denials due to an unsuppress map.

* advertise-map

Displays inbound denials due to an advertise map.

* VPN Imported prefix

Displays inbound denials of VPN prefixes.

* Well-known Community

Displays inbound denials of well-known communities.

* SOO loop

Displays inbound denials due to site-of-origin.

* Bestpath from this peer

Displays inbound denials because the best path came from the local router.

* Suppressed due to dampening

Displays inbound denials because the neighbor or link is in a dampening state.

* Bestpath from iBGP peer

Deploys inbound denials because the best path came from an iBGP neighbor.

* Incorrect RIB for CE

Deploys inbound denials due to RIB errors for a customer edge (CE) router.

* BGP distribute-list

Displays inbound denials due to a distribute list.

Number of NLRIs...

Number of network layer reachability attributes in updates.

Current session network count peaked...

Displays the peak number of networks observed in the current session.

Highest network count observed at...

Displays the peak number of networks observed since startup.

Connections established

Number of times a TCP and BGP connection has been successfully established.


Number of times that a valid session has failed or been taken down.

Last reset

Time, in hh:mm:ss, since this peering session was last reset. The reason for the reset is displayed on this line.

External BGP neighbor may be...

Indicates that the BGP time to live (TTL) security check is enabled. The maximum number of hops that can separate the local and remote peer is displayed on this line.

Connection state

Connection status of the BGP peer.

unread input bytes

Number of bytes of packets still to be processed.

Connection is ECN Disabled

Explicit congestion notification status (enabled or disabled).

Local host:, Local port: 179

IP address of the local BGP speaker. BGP port number 179.

Foreign host:, Foreign port: 42698

Neighbor address and BGP destination port number.

Enqueued packets for retransmit:

Packets queued for retransmission by TCP.

Event Timers

TCP event timers. Counters are provided for starts and wakeups (expired timers).


Number of times a packet has been retransmitted.


Time waiting for the retransmission timers to expire.


Acknowledgment hold timer.


Transmission (send) window.


Number of keepalive packets.


Number of times a packet is dropped due to no acknowledgment.


Path MTU discovery timer.


Expiration timer for dead segments.


Initial packet transmission sequence number.


Last transmission sequence number that has not been acknowledged.


Next packet sequence number to be transmitted.


TCP window size of the remote neighbor.


Initial packet receive sequence number.


Last receive sequence number that has been locally acknowledged.


TCP window size of the local host.


Delayed receive window—data the local host has read from the connection, but has not yet subtracted from the receive window the host has advertised to the remote host. The value in this field gradually increases until it is higher than a full-sized packet, at which point it is applied to the rcvwnd field.


A calculated smoothed round-trip timeout.


Round-trip timeout.


Variance of the round-trip time.


New round-trip timeout (using the Karn algorithm). This field separately tracks the round-trip time of packets that have been re-sent.


Shortest recorded round-trip timeout (hard-wire value used for calculation).


Longest recorded round-trip timeout.

ACK hold:

Length of time the local host will delay an acknowledgment to carry (piggyback) additional data.

IP Precedence value:

IP precedence of the BGP packets.


Number of update packets received from a neighbor.


Number of received packets.

out of order:

Number of packets received out of sequence.

with data

Number of update packets sent with data.

total data bytes

Total amount of data received, in bytes.


Number of update packets sent.

Second Congestion

Number of update packets with data sent.

Datagrams: Rcvd

Number of update packets received from a neighbor.


Number of packets retransmitted.


Number of duplicate acknowledgments retransmitted for an out of order segment before the retransmission timer expires.


Number of retransmissions for partial acknowledgments (transmissions before or without subsequent acknowledgments).

Second Congestion

Number of second retransmissions sent due to congestion.


The following partial example shows output for several external BGP neighbors in autonomous systems with 4-byte autonomous system numbers, 65536 and 65550. This example requires Cisco IOS Release 12.0(32)SY8, 12.0(33)S3, 12.2(33)SRE, 12.2(33)XNE, 12.2(33)SXI1, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.4, or a later release.

Router# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 65536, external link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Idle
  Last read 02:03:38, last write 02:03:38, hold time is 120, keepalive interval is 70
  Configured hold time is 120, keepalive interval is 70 seconds
  Minimum holdtime from neighbor is 0 seconds
BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 65550, external link
 Description: finance
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Idle
  Last read 02:03:48, last write 02:03:48, hold time is 120, keepalive interval is 70
  Configured hold time is 120, keepalive interval is 70 seconds
  Minimum holdtime from neighbor is 0 seconds


The following example displays routes advertised for only the neighbor:

Device# show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes 

BGP table version is 27, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
Network          Next Hop          Metric LocPrf Weight Path
*>i10.0.0.0         0    100      0 ?
*>               0         32768 i

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 30. show ip bgp neighbors advertised-routes Field Descriptions



BGP table version

Internal version number of the table. This is the primary routing table with which the neighbor has been updated. The number increments when the table changes.

local router ID

IP address of the local BGP speaker.

Status codes

Status of the table entry. The status is displayed at the beginning of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

  • s—The table entry is suppressed.

  • d—The table entry is dampened and will not be advertised to BGP neighbors.

  • h—The table entry does not contain the best path based on historical information.

  • *—The table entry is valid.

  • >—The table entry is the best entry to use for that network.

  • i—The table entry was learned via an internal BGP (iBGP) session.

Origin codes

Origin of the entry. The origin code is placed at the end of each line in the table. It can be one of the following values:

  • i—Entry originated from Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

  • e—Entry originated from Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP).

  • ?—Origin of the path is not clear. Usually, this is a route that is redistributed into BGP from an IGP.


IP address of a network entity.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system used to forward a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that there are non-BGP routes in the path to the destination network.


If shown, this is the value of the interautonomous system metric. This field is not used frequently.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Weight of the route as set via autonomous system filters.


Autonomous system paths to the destination network. There can be one entry in this field for each autonomous system in the path.


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command entered with the check-control-plane-failure option configured:

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 10, internal link
 Fall over configured for session
 BFD is configured. BFD peer is Up. Using BFD to detect fast fallover (single-hop) with c-bit check-control-plane-failure.
 Inherits from template cbit-tps for session parameters
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:03:55
  Last read 00:00:02, last write 00:00:21, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Neighbor sessions:
    1 active, is not multisession capable (disabled)
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Four-octets ASN Capability: advertised and received
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
    Enhanced Refresh Capability: advertised and received
    Multisession Capability:
    Stateful switchover support enabled: NO for session 1


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command entered with the paths keyword:

Device# show ip bgp neighbors paths 10 

Address    Refcount Metric Path
0x60E577B0        2     40 10 ?

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 31. show ip bgp neighbors paths Field Descriptions




Internal address where the path is stored.


Number of routes using that path.


Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) metric for the path. (The name of this metric for BGP versions 2 and 3 is INTER_AS.)


Autonomous system path for that route, followed by the origin code for that route.


The following example shows that a prefix list that filters all routes in the network has been received from the neighbor:

Device# show ip bgp neighbors received prefix-filter

Address family:IPv4 Unicast
ip prefix-list entries
   seq 5 deny le 32

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 32. show ip bgp neighbors received prefix-filter Field Descriptions



Address family

Address family mode in which the prefix filter is received.

ip prefix-list

Prefix list sent from the specified neighbor.


The following sample output shows the policies applied to the neighbor at The output displays both inherited policies and policies configured on the neighbor device. Inherited polices are policies that the neighbor inherits from a peer group or a peer-policy template.

Device# show ip bgp neighbors policy

Neighbor:, Address-Family: IPv4 Unicast
Locally configured policies:
 route-map ROUTE in
Inherited polices:
 prefix-list NO-MARKETING in
 route-map ROUTE in
 weight 300
 maximum-prefix 10000


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command that verifies that Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) is being used to detect fast fallover for the BGP neighbor that is a BFD peer:

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 45000, external link
 Using BFD to detect fast fallover


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command that verifies that BGP TCP path maximum transmission unit (MTU) discovery is enabled for the BGP neighbor at

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 45000, internal link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
 For address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP table version 5, neighbor version 5/0
  Address tracking is enabled, the RIB does have a route to
  Address tracking requires at least a /24 route to the peer
  Connections established 3; dropped 2
  Last reset 00:00:35, due to Router ID changed
  Transport(tcp) path-mtu-discovery is enabled
SRTT: 146 ms, RTTO: 1283 ms, RTV: 1137 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 8 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Flags: higher precedence, retransmission timeout, nagle, path mtu capable


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command that verifies that the neighbor is a member of the peer group group192 and belongs to the subnet range group, which shows that this BGP neighbor was dynamically created:

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is *,  remote AS 50000, external link
 Member of peer-group group192 for session parameters
 Belongs to the subnet range group:
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:06:35
  Last read 00:00:33, last write 00:00:25, hold time is 180, keepalive intervals
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
  Message statistics:
    InQ depth is 0
    OutQ depth is 0
                         Sent       Rcvd
    Opens:                  1          1
    Notifications:          0          0
    Updates:                0          0
    Keepalives:             7          7
    Route Refresh:          0          0
    Total:                  8          8
  Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds
 For address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP table version 1, neighbor version 1/0
  Output queue size : 0
  Index 1, Offset 0, Mask 0x2
  1 update-group member
  group192 peer-group member


The following is partial output from the show ip bgp neighbors command that verifies the status of the BGP graceful restart capability for the external BGP peer at Graceful restart is shown as disabled for this BGP peer.

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 50000, external link
 Inherits from template S2 for session parameters
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:01:41
  Last read 00:00:45, last write 00:00:45, hold time is 180, keepalive intervals
  Neighbor sessions:
    1 active, is multisession capable
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
Address tracking is enabled, the RIB does have a route to
  Connections established 1; dropped 0
  Last reset never
  Transport(tcp) path-mtu-discovery is enabled
  Graceful-Restart is disabled
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0 


The following is partial output from the show ip bgp neighbors command. For this release, the display includes the Layer 2 VFN address family information if graceful restart or NSF is enabled.

Device# show ip bgp neighbors 

Load for five secs: 2%/0%; one minute: 0%; five minutes: 0%
Time source is hardware calendar, *21:49:17.034 GMT Wed Sep 22 2010
BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 2, internal link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:14:32
  Last read 00:00:30, last write 00:00:43, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
  Neighbor sessions:
    1 active, is not multisession capable (disabled)
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Four-octets ASN Capability: advertised and received
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
    Address family L2VPN Vpls: advertised and received
    Graceful Restart Capability: advertised and received
      Remote Restart timer is 120 seconds
      Address families advertised by peer:
        IPv4 Unicast (was not preserved), L2VPN Vpls (was not preserved)
    Multisession Capability: 
  Message statistics:
    InQ depth is 0
    OutQ depth is 0
                         Sent       Rcvd
    Opens:                  1          1
    Notifications:          0          0
    Updates:                4         16
    Keepalives:            16         16
    Route Refresh:          0          0
    Total:                 21         33
  Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 0 seconds
 For address family: IPv4 Unicast
  BGP table version 34, neighbor version 34/0
  Output queue size : 0
  Index 1, Advertise bit 0
  1 update-group member
  Slow-peer detection is disabled
  Slow-peer split-update-group dynamic is disabled
                                 Sent       Rcvd
  Prefix activity:               ----       ----
    Prefixes Current:               2         11 (Consumes 572 bytes)
    Prefixes Total:                 4         19
    Implicit Withdraw:              2          6
    Explicit Withdraw:              0          2
    Used as bestpath:             n/a          7
    Used as multipath:            n/a          0
                                   Outbound    Inbound
  Local Policy Denied Prefixes:    --------    -------
    NEXT_HOP is us:                     n/a          1
    Bestpath from this peer:             20        n/a
    Bestpath from iBGP peer:              8        n/a
    Invalid Path:                        10        n/a
    Total:                               38          1
  Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 2, min 0
  Last detected as dynamic slow peer: never
  Dynamic slow peer recovered: never
 For address family: L2VPN Vpls
  BGP table version 8, neighbor version 8/0
  Output queue size : 0
  Index 1, Advertise bit 0
  1 update-group member
  Slow-peer detection is disabled
  Slow-peer split-update-group dynamic is disabled
                                 Sent       Rcvd
  Prefix activity:               ----       ----
    Prefixes Current:               1          1 (Consumes 68 bytes)
    Prefixes Total:                 2          1
    Implicit Withdraw:              1          0
    Explicit Withdraw:              0          0
    Used as bestpath:             n/a          1
    Used as multipath:            n/a          0
                                   Outbound    Inbound
  Local Policy Denied Prefixes:    --------    -------
    Bestpath from this peer:              4        n/a
    Bestpath from iBGP peer:              1        n/a
    Invalid Path:                         2        n/a
    Total:                                7          0
  Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 1, min 0
  Last detected as dynamic slow peer: never
  Dynamic slow peer recovered: never
  Address tracking is enabled, the RIB does have a route to
  Connections established 1; dropped 0
  Last reset never
  Transport(tcp) path-mtu-discovery is enabled
  Graceful-Restart is enabled, restart-time 120 seconds, stalepath-time 360 seconds
Connection state is ESTAB, I/O status: 1, unread input bytes: 0        
Connection is ECN Disabled
Mininum incoming TTL 0, Outgoing TTL 255
Local host:, Local port: 179
Foreign host:, Foreign port: 48485
Connection tableid (VRF): 0
Enqueued packets for retransmit: 0, input: 0  mis-ordered: 0 (0 bytes)
Event Timers (current time is 0xE750C):
Timer          Starts    Wakeups            Next
Retrans            18          0             0x0
TimeWait            0          0             0x0
AckHold            22         20             0x0
SendWnd             0          0             0x0
KeepAlive           0          0             0x0
GiveUp              0          0             0x0
PmtuAger            0          0             0x0
DeadWait            0          0             0x0
Linger              0          0             0x0
iss: 3196633674  snduna: 3196634254  sndnxt: 3196634254     sndwnd:  15805
irs: 1633793063  rcvnxt: 1633794411  rcvwnd:      15037  delrcvwnd:   1347
SRTT: 273 ms, RTTO: 490 ms, RTV: 217 ms, KRTT: 0 ms
minRTT: 2 ms, maxRTT: 300 ms, ACK hold: 200 ms
Status Flags: passive open, gen tcbs
Option Flags: nagle, path mtu capable
Datagrams (max data segment is 1436 bytes):
Rcvd: 42 (out of order: 0), with data: 24, total data bytes: 1347
Sent: 40 (retransmit: 0 fastretransmit: 0),with data: 19, total data bytes: 579


The following is sample output from the show ip bgp neighbors command that indicates the discard attribute values and treat-as-withdraw attribute values configured. It also provides a count of received Updates matching a treat-as-withdraw attribute, a count of received Updates matching a discard attribute, and a count of received malformed Updates that are treat-as-withdraw.

Device# show ip bgp vpnv4 all neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 100, internal link
 Path-attribute treat-as-withdraw inbound
 Path-attribute treat-as-withdraw value 128
 Path-attribute treat-as-withdraw 128 in: count 2
 Path-attribute discard 128 inbound
 Path-attribute discard 128 in: count 2

				   Outbound    Inbound
  Local Policy Denied Prefixes:    --------    -------
    MALFORM treat as withdraw:            0          1
    Total:                                0          1


The following output indicates that the neighbor is capable of advertising additional paths and sending additional paths it receives. It is also capable of receiving additional paths and advertised paths.

Device# show ip bgp neighbors

BGP neighbor is,  remote AS 1, internal link
  BGP version 4, remote router ID 
  BGP state = Established, up for 00:24:25
  Last read 00:00:24, last write 00:00:24, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds 
  Neighbor capabilities:
    Additional paths Send: advertised and received
    Additional paths Receive: advertised and received
    Route refresh: advertised and received(old & new)
    Graceful Restart Capabilty: advertised and received 
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received


In the following output, the cluster ID of the neighbor is displayed. (The vertical bar and letter “i” for “include” cause the device to display only lines that include the user's input after the “i”, in this case, “cluster-id.”) The cluster ID displayed is the one directly configured through a neighbor or a template.

Device# show ip bgp neighbors | i cluster-id

 Configured with the cluster-id


The following sample output shows the peak watermarks and their timestamps displayed for the peak number of route entries per neighbor bases:

Device# show ip bgp ipv4 unicast neighbors

BGP neighbor is, remote AS 1, internal link
BGP version 4, remote router ID
BGP state = Idle, down for 00:01:43
Neighbor sessions:
0 active, is not multisession capable (disabled)
Stateful switchover support enabled: NO
Do log neighbor state changes (via global configuration)
Default minimum time between advertisement runs is 0 seconds
For address family: IPv4 Unicast
BGP table version 27, neighbor version 1/27
Output queue size : 0
Index 0, Advertise bit 0

Slow-peer detection is disabled
Slow-peer split-update-group dynamic is disabled
				Sent Rcvd
Prefix activity: 	    ---- ----
 Prefixes Current:             0    0
 Prefixes Total:               0    0
 Implicit Withdraw:            0    0
 Explicit Withdraw:            0    0
 Used as bestpath:            n/a   0
 Used as multipath:           n/a   0
 Used as secondary:           n/a   0
                              Outbound Inbound
Local Policy Denied Prefixes: -------- -------
 Total:                              0       0
Number of NLRIs in the update sent: max 2, min 0
Current session network count peaked at 20 entries at 00:00:23 Aug 8 2018 PST (00:01:29.156
Highest network count observed at 20 entries at 23:55:32 Aug 7 2018 PST (00:06:20.156
Last detected as dynamic slow peer: never
Dynamic slow peer recovered: never
Refresh Epoch: 1
Last Sent Refresh Start-of-rib: never
Last Sent Refresh End-of-rib: never
Last Received Refresh Start-of-rib: never
Last Received Refresh End-of-rib: never
                                  Sent Rcvd
Refresh activity:                 ---- ----
 Refresh Start-of-RIB                0    0
 Refresh End-of-RIB                  0    0

show ip bgp vpnv4

To display VPN Version 4 (VPNv4) address information from the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) table, use the show ip bgp vpnv4 command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.

show ip bgp vpnv4 {all | rd route-distinguisher | vrf vrf-name} [ [ip-prefix/ length [mask | bestpath | multipaths] | network-address [mask | bestpath | longer-prefixes | multipaths | shorter-prefixes | subnets]] | cidr-only | cluster-ids | community | community-list | dampening | extcommunity-list extcommunity-list-name | filter-list | inconsistency nexthop-label | inconsistent-as | labels | neighbors [ {ip-address | ipv6-address} [advertised-routes | dampened-routes | flap-statistics | paths | policy [detail] | received | received-routes | routes] | slow] | nexthops | oer-paths | path-attribute {discard | unknown} | paths [line] | peer-group | pending-prefixes | prefix-list prefix-list-name | quote-regexp | regexp | replication [update-group-index] [update-group-member-address] | rib-failure | route-map route-map-name | summary | update-group | update-source | version {version-number | recent offset-value}]

Syntax Description


Displays the complete VPNv4 database.

rd route-distinguisher

Displays Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) prefixes that match the named route distinguisher.

vrf vrf-name

Displays NLRI prefixes associated with the named VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.


(Optional) IP prefix address (in dotted decimal format) and the length of the mask (0 to 32). The slash mark must be included.


(Optional) Displays the entry, if any, that exactly matches the specified prefix parameter and all entries that match the prefix in a “longest-match” sense. That is, prefixes for which the specified prefix is an initial substring.


(Optional) IP address of a network in the BGP routing table.


(Optional) Mask of the network address, in dotted decimal format.


(Optional) Displays only routes that have nonclassful netmasks.


(Optional) Displays configured cluster IDs.


(Optional) Displays routes that match this community.


(Optional) Displays routes that match this community list.


(Optional) Displays paths suppressed because of dampening (BGP route from peer is up and down).

extcommunity-list extended-community-list-name

(Optional) Displays routes that match the extended community list.


(Optional) Displays routes that conform to the filter list.

inconsistency nexthop-label

(Optional) Displays all inconsistent paths.


(Optional) Displays only routes that have inconsistent autonomous systems of origin.


(Optional) Displays incoming and outgoing BGP labels for each NLRI prefix.


(Optional) Displays details about TCP and BGP neighbor connections.


(Optional) Displays information about the neighbor at this IPv4 address.


(Optional) Displays information about the neighbor at this IPv6 address.


(Optional) Displays advertised routes from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays dampened routes from the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays flap statistics about the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays path information.


(Optional) A regular expression to match the BGP autonomous system paths.

policy [detail]

(Optional) Displays configured policies for the specified neighbor.


(Optional) Displays BGP slow peer information.


(Optional) Displays nexthop address table.


(Optional) Displays all OER-controlled paths.


(Optional) Displays path-attribute-specific information.


(Optional) Displays prefixes with discarded path attribute.


(Optional) Displays prefixes with unknown path attribute.


(Optional) Displays path information.


(Optional) A regular expression to match the BGP autonomous system paths.


(Optional) Displays information about peer groups.


(Optional) Displays prefixes that are pending deletion.

prefix-list prefix-list

(Optional) Displays routes that match the prefix list.


(Optional) Displays routes that match the autonomous system path regular expression.


(Optional) Displays routes that match the autonomous system path regular expression.


(Optional) Displays replication status of update group(s).


(Optional) Displays BGP routes that failed to install in the VRF table.


(Optional) Displays routes that match the route map.


(Optional) Displays BGP neighbor status.


(Optional) Displays information on update groups.


(Optional) Displays update source interface table.


(Optional) Displays prefixes with matching version numbers.


(Optional) If the version keyword is specified, either a version-number or the recent keyword and an offset-value are required.

recent offset-value

(Optional) Displays prefixes with matching version numbers.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The output of the show ip bgp vpnv4 all ip-prefix command was enhanced to display attributes including multipaths and a best path to the specified network.


This command was modified. The tags keyword was replaced by the labels keyword to conform to the MPLS guidelines.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(22)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


This command was modified. The output of the show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels command was enhanced to display explicit-null label information.


This command was modified. The rib-failure keyword was added for VRFs.


This command was modified. The output of the show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vrf-name labels command was modified so that directly connected VRF networks no longer display as aggregate; no label appears instead.


This command was updated to display MPLS VPN nonstop forwarding information.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB and implemented on the Cisco 10000 series router. The display output was modified to indicate whether BGP nonstop routing (NSR) with stateful switchover (SSO) is enabled and the reason the last BGP lost SSO capability.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support per-VRF assignment of the BGP router ID.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support per-VRF assignment of the BGP router ID.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support per-VRF assignment of the BGP router ID.


In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH, the command output does not display on the standby Route Processor in NSF/SSO mode.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support per-VRF assignment of the BGP router ID.


This command was modified. The output was modified to support the BGP Event-Based VPN Import feature.


This command was modified. The command output was modified to support the BGP Event-Based VPN Import, BGP best external, and BGP additional path features.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)S.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)SY.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.2(3)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series router and the output was modified to display unknown attributes and discarded attributes associated with a prefix.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.7S

This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 903 router and the output modified to display unknown attributes and discarded attributes associated with a prefix.


This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to display VPNv4 information from the BGP database. The show ip bgp vpnv4 all command displays all available VPNv4 information. The show ip bgp vpnv4 all summary command displays BGP neighbor status. The show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels command displays explicit-null label information.


The following example shows all available VPNv4 information in a BGP routing table:

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all

BGP table version is 18, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP,? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1:101 (default for vrf vpn1)
*>i10.6.6.6/32              11    100      0 ?
*>             11         32768 ?
*>i10.69.0.0/30               0    100      0 ?
*>                 0         32768 ?

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 33. show ip bgp vpnv4 all Field Descriptions




Displays the network address from the BGP table.

Next Hop

Displays the address of the BGP next hop.


Displays the BGP metric.


Displays the local preference.


Displays the BGP weight.


Displays the BGP path per route.

The following example shows how to display a table of labels for NLRI prefixes that have a route distinguisher value of 100:1.

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 rd 100:1 labels

Network            Next Hop       In label/Out label
Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (vrf1)      34/nolabel      35/nolabel      26/nolabel
                26/nolabel      nolabel/26

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 34. show ip bgp vpnv4 rd labels Field Descriptions




Displays the network address from the BGP table.

Next Hop

Specifies the BGP next hop address.

In label

Displays the label (if any) assigned by this router.

Out label

Displays the label assigned by the BGP next-hop router.

The following example shows VPNv4 routing entries for the VRF named vpn1:

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vpn1

BGP table version is 18, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale, m multipath, b backup-path, x best-external
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (default for vrf test1)
*>              0             0 100 i
*bi                        0    100      0 100 i
*>                            0 100 i
*bi                        0    100      0 100 i
*>              0             0 100 i
* i                        0    100      0 100 i
r>              0             0 100 i
rbi                        0    100      0 100 i
*>                            0 100 i
*bi                        0    100      0 100 i

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 35. show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf Field Descriptions




Displays the network address from the BGP table.

Next Hop

Displays the address of the BGP next hop.


Displays the BGP metric.


Displays the local preference.


Displays the BGP weight.


Displays the BGP path per route.

The following example shows attributes for network that include multipaths, best path, and a recursive-via-host flag:

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vpn1

BGP routing table entry for 100:1:, version 44
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table test1)
  Advertised to update-groups:
  100, imported path from 400:1: (metric 20) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, backup/repair
      Extended Community: RT:100:1 RT:200:1 RT:300:1 RT:400:1
      Originator:, Cluster list: , recursive-via-host
      mpls labels in/out nolabel/17
  100, imported path from 300:1: (metric 20) from (
      Origin IGP, metric 0, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
      Extended Community: RT:100:1 RT:200:1 RT:300:1 RT:400:1
      Originator:, Cluster list: , recursive-via-host
      mpls labels in/out nolabel/17

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 36. show ip bgp vpnv4 all network-address Field Descriptions



BGP routing table entry for ... version

Internal version number of the table. This number is incremented whenever the table changes.


Number of autonomous system paths to the specified network. If multiple paths exist, one of the multipaths is designated the best path.


Indicates the maximum paths configured (iBGP or eBGP).

Advertised to non peer-group peers

IP address of the BGP peers to which the specified route is advertised. (metric 11) from (

Indicates the next hop address and the address of the gateway that sent the update.


Indicates the origin of the entry. It can be one of the following values:
  • IGP—Entry originated from Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) and was advertised with a network router configuration command.

  • incomplete—Entry originated from other than an IGP or Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) and was advertised with the redistribute router configuration command.

  • EGP—Entry originated from an EGP.


If shown, the value of the interautonomous system metric.


Local preference value as set with the set local-preference route-map configuration command. The default value is 100.


Indicates that the route is usable and has a valid set of attributes.


The field is internal if the path is learned via iBGP. The field is external if the path is learned via eBGP.


One of multiple paths to the specified network.


If multiple paths exist, one of the multipaths is designated the best path and this path is advertised to neighbors.

Extended Community

Route Target value associated with the specified route.


The router ID of the router from which the route originated when route reflector is used.

Cluster list

The router ID of all the route reflectors that the specified route has passed through.

The following example shows routes that BGP could not install in the VRF table:

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf xyz rib-failure

Network            Next Hop                      RIB-failure   RIB-NH Matches
Route Distinguisher: 2:2 (default for vrf bar)      Higher admin distance               No            Higher admin distance              Yes

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 37. show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf rib-failure Field Descriptions




IP address of a network entity.

Next Hop

IP address of the next system that is used when forwarding a packet to the destination network. An entry of indicates that the router has some non-BGP routes to this network.


Cause of the Routing Information Base (RIB) failure. Higher admin distance means that a route with a better (lower) administrative distance, such as a static route, already exists in the IP routing table.

RIB-NH Matches

Route status that applies only when Higher admin distance appears in the RIB-failure column and the bgp suppress-inactive command is configured for the address family being used. There are three choices:

  • Yes—Means that the route in the RIB has the same next hop as the BGP route or that the next hop recurses down to the same adjacency as the BGP next hop.

  • No—Means that the next hop in the RIB recurses down differently from the next hop of the BGP route.

  • n/a—Means that the bgp suppress-inactive command is not configured for the address family being used.

The following example shows the information displayed on the active and standby Route Processors when they are configured for NSF/SSO: MPLS VPN.


In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH, the Cisco IOS Software Modularity: MPLS Layer 3 VPNs feature incurred various infrastructure changes. The result of those changes affects the output of this command on the standby Route Processor (RP). In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH, the standby RP does not display any output from the show ip bgp vpnv4 command.

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels

Network         Next Hop   In label/Out label
Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (vpn1)    16/aggregate(vpn1)    17/aggregate(vpn1)
Route Distinguisher: 609:1 (vpn0)    18/aggregate(vpn0)

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vpn1 labels

Network          Next Hop   In label/Out label
Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (vpn1)    16/aggregate(vpn1)    17/aggregate(vpn1)

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels

Network       Masklen   In label 
Route Distinguisher: 100:1   /32       16      /8        17
Route Distinguisher: 609:1   /32       18

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vpn1 labels

Network        Masklen   In label 
Route Distinguisher: 100:1    /32       16       /8        17 

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 38. show ip bgp vpnv4 labels Field Descriptions




The network address from the BGP table.

Next Hop

The BGP next-hop address.

In label

The label (if any) assigned by this router.

Out label

The label assigned by the BGP next-hop router.


The mask length of the network address.

The following example displays output, including the explicit-null label, from the show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels command on a CSC-PE router:

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels

   Network          Next Hop      In label/Out label
Route Distinguisher: 100:1 (v1)        19/aggregate(v1)        20/nolabel        21/aggregate(v1)        25/exp-null

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 39. show ip bgp vpnv4 all labels Field Descriptions




Displays the network address from the BGP table.

Next Hop

Displays the address of the BGP next hop.

In label

Displays the label (if any) assigned by this router.

Out label

Displays the label assigned by the BGP next-hop router.

Route Distinguisher

Displays an 8-byte value added to an IPv4 prefix to create a VPN IPv4 prefix.

The following example displays separate router IDs for each VRF in the output from an image in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(31)SB2, 12.2(33)SRA, 12.2(33)SXH, 12.4(20)T, Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1, and later releases with the Per-VRF Assignment of BGP Router ID feature configured. The router ID is shown next to the VRF name.

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all

BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal,
              r RIB-failure, S Stale
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete
   Network          Next Hop            Metric LocPrf Weight Path
Route Distinguisher: 1:1 (default for vrf vrf_trans) VRF Router ID
*>                  0         32768 ?
Route Distinguisher: 42:1 (default for vrf vrf_user) VRF Router ID
*>                  0         32768 ?

The table below describes the significant fields shown in the display.

Table 40. show ip bgp vpnv4 all (VRF Router ID) Field Descriptions



Route Distinguisher

Displays an 8-byte value added to an IPv4 prefix to create a VPN IPv4 prefix.


Name of the VRF.

VRF Router ID

Router ID for the VRF.

In the following example, the BGP Event-Based VPN Import feature is configured in Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, 12.2(33)SRE, and later releases. When the import path selection command is configured, but the strict keyword is not included, then a safe import path selection policy is in effect. When a path is imported as the best available path (when the best path or multipaths are not eligible for import), the imported path includes the wording “imported safety path,” as shown in the output.

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all

BGP routing table entry for 45000:1:, version 10
Paths: (1 available, best #1, table vrf-A)
Flag: 0x820
   Not advertised to any peer
   2, imported safety path from 50000:2: from (
       Origin IGP, metric 200, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
       Extended Community: RT:45000:100

In the following example, BGP Event-Based VPN Import feature configuration information is shown for Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M, 12.2(33)SRE, and later releases. When the import path selection command is configured with the all keyword, any path that matches an RD of the specified VRF will be imported, even though the path does not match the Route Targets (RT) imported by the specified VRF. In this situation, the imported path is marked as “not-in-vrf” as shown in the output. Note that on the net for vrf-A, this path is not the best path because any paths that are not in the VRFs appear less attractive than paths in the VRF.

Router# show ip bgp vpnv4 all

BBGP routing table entry for 45000:1:, version 11
Paths: (2 available, best #2, table vrf-A)
Flag: 0x820
   Not advertised to any peer
   2 from (
       Origin IGP, metric 100, localpref 100, valid, internal, not-in-vrf
       Extended Community: RT:45000:200
       mpls labels in/out nolabel/16
   2 from (
       Origin IGP, metric 50, localpref 100, valid, internal, best
       Extended Community: RT:45000:100
mpls labels in/out nolabel/16

In the following example, the unknown attributes and discarded attributes associated with the prefix are displayed.

Device# show ip bgp vpnv4 all

BGP routing table entry for 100:200:, version 0
Paths: (1 available, no best path)
  Not advertised to any peer
  Refresh Epoch 1
  Local from (
      Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, internal
      Extended Community: RT:1:100
      Connector Attribute: count=1
       type 1 len 12 value 22:22:
      mpls labels in/out nolabel/16
      unknown transitive attribute: flag E0 type 129 length 32
        value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
      unknown transitive attribute: flag E0 type 140 length 32
        value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
      unknown transitive attribute: flag E0 type 120 length 32
        value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 
      discarded unknown attribute: flag C0 type 128 length 32
        value 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

The following example is based on the BGP—VPN Distinguisher Attribute feature. The output displays an Extended Community attribute, which is the VPN distinguisher (VD) of 104:1.

Device# show ip bgp vpnv4 unicast all

BGP routing table entry for 104:1:, version 28
Paths: (1 available, best #1, no table)
   Advertised to update-groups:
   Refresh Epoch 1
   1001 from (
       Origin IGP, localpref 100, valid, external, best
       Extended Community: VD:104:1
       mpls labels in/out nolabel/16
       rx pathid: 0, tx pathid: 0x0

The following example includes “allow-policy” in the output, indicating that the BGP—Support for iBGP Local-AS feature was configured for the specified neighbor by configuring the neighbor allow-policy command.

Device# show ip bgp vpnv4 all neighbors policy

Neighbor:, Address-Family: VPNv4 Unicast
Locally configured policies:
 route-map pe33 out
 send-community both

show redundancy config-sync

To display failure information generated during a bulk synchronization from the active Performance Routing Engine (PRE) to the standby PRE, use the show redundancy config-sync command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC modes.

show redundancy config-sync

Syntax Description


Displays failures related to bulk synchronisation of the standby PRE.


Displays Best Effort Method (BEM) failure list.


Displays Mismatched Command List (MCL) failure list.


Displays Parser Return Code (PRC) failure list.

ignored failures mcl

Displays mismatched commands in the MCL that are ignored.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)
Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used on the active PRE only.

If there are mismatched commands between the active and standby PRE, remove the configuration lines that are not supported on the standby image. If it is not possible to remove the mismatched lines, or it has been determined that the mismatched lines are not critical to the operation of the system, use the command redundancy config-sync ignore mismatched-commands to temporarily ignore them.


The following example displays a mismatched command list:

Device# show redundancy config-sync failures mcl
Mismatched Command List
- tacacs-server host timeout 5

The following example shows that no mismatched commands are ignored:

router# show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl
Ignored Mismatched Command List
The list is empty

The following example displays a Parser Return Code failure list:

Device# show redundancy config-sync failures prc
PRC Failed Command List
router bgp 999
address-family ipv4 vrf TEST2
- bgp dampening 44 66 66 44
!  "address-family"
address-family ipv4 vrf TEST1
- bgp dampening 44 66 66 44
!  "address-family"

The following example displays a Best Effort Method failure list:

Device# show redundancy config-sync failures bem
BEM Failed Command List
interface Tunnel0
- tunnel mpls traffic-eng priority 7 7
!  "interface"
- next-address loose
- next-address loose

show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl

To display failure information generated during a bulk synchronization of commands from an active Route Processor (RP) module to a standby RP module, use the show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC modes.

show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used on the active RP module only.

If there are mismatched commands between active and standby RP modules, remove configuration lines that are not supported on the standby RP module. If it is not possible to remove mismatched lines, or if mismatched lines are not critical to the operation of the system, use the redundancy config-sync ignore mismatched-commands command to temporarily ignore them.


The following is sample output from the show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl command when there are no mismatched commands:

Device# show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl

Ignored Mismatched Command List
The list is empty

The following is sample output from the show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl command. It shows the list of commands that are ignored:

Device# show redundancy config-sync ignored failures mcl

Mismatched Command List
interface Multilink0
! <submode> "interface"
- multilink-group 0
! </submode> "interface"
interface GigabitEthernet1/1
! <submode> "interface"
- ip rtp priority 2000 0 
 ! </submode> "interface"
router isis
! <submode> "router"
- exit-address-family
! </submode> "router"

standby initialization delay

To configure the standby Route Processor (RP) initialization delay, use the standby initialization delay command in main-CPU redundancy configuration mode. To disable the standby RP initialization delay configuration, use the no form of this command.

standby initialization delay seconds [boot-only]

no standby initialization delay seconds [boot-only]

Syntax Description


Duration of the standby RP initialization delay. The range is from 30 to 1800.


(Optional) Specifies that the standby RP initialization is delayed only when the system boots up.

Command Default

The standby RP initialization delay is not configured.

Command Modes

        Main-CPU redundancy configuration (config-r-mc)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the boot-only is used, standby RP initialization is delayed only when the system boots up. If boot-only is not used, standby RP initialization will be delayed when the system boots up and also after an RP switchover.


The following example shows how to configure a standby RP initialization delay of 60 seconds:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# redundancy
Device(config-red)# main-cpu
Device(config-r-mc)# standby initialization delay 60 boot-only


To specify a street address where RMA equipment for Call Home can be sent, use the street-address command in call home configuration mode. To remove the street address, use the no form of this command.

street-address alphanumeric

no street-address alphanumeric

Syntax Description


Street address, using up to 200 alphanumeric characters, including commas and spaces. If you include spaces, you must enclose your entry in quotes (“ ”).

Command Default

No street address is specified.

Command Modes

Call home configuration (cfg-call-home)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

The street-address command is optional to specify where return materials authorization (RMA) equipment for Call Home should be sent.


The following example configures “1234AnyStreet,AnyCity,AnyState,12345” as the street address without spaces:

Router(config)# call-home
Router(cfg-call-home)# street-address 1234AnyStreet,AnyCity,AnyState,12345

The following example configures “1234 Any Street, Any City, Any State, 12345” as the street address using commas and spaces with required “ ” notation:

Router(config)# call-home
Router(cfg-call-home)# street-address “1234 Any Street, Any City, Any State, 12345”

subscriber redundancy

To configure the broadband subscriber session redundancy policy for synchronization between High Availability (HA) active and standby processors, use the subscriber redundancy command in global configuration mode. To delete the policy, use the no form of this command.

subscriber redundancy {bulk limit {cpu percent delay seconds [allow sessions] | time seconds} | dynamic limit {cpu percent delay seconds | [allow sessions] | periodic-update interval [minutes] } | delay seconds | rate sessions seconds | disable}

no subscriber redundancy {bulk limit {cpu | time} | dynamic limit {cpu | periodic-update interval [minutes] } | delay | rate | disable}

Syntax Description


Configures a bulk synchronization redundancy policy.


Specifies the synchronization limit.


Configures a dynamic synchronization redundancy policy.

cpu percent

Specifies, in percent, the CPU busy threshold value. Range: 1 to 100. Default: 90.

delay seconds

Specifies the minimum time, in seconds, for a session to be ready before bulk or dynamic synchronization occurs. Range: 1 to 33550.

allow sessions

(Optional) Specifies the minimum number of sessions to synchronize when the CPU busy threshold is exceeded and the specified delay is met. Range: 1 to 2147483637. Default: 25.

time seconds

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, for bulk synchronization to finish. Range: 1 to 3000.

periodic-update interval

Enables the periodic update of accounting statistics for subscriber sessions.


(Optional) Interval, in minutes, for the periodic update. Range: 10 to 1044. Default: 15.

rate sessions seconds

Specifies the number of sessions per time period for bulk and dynamic synchronization.

  • sessions —Range: 1 to 32000. Default: 250.

  • seconds —Range: 1 to 33550. Default: 1.


Disables stateful switchover (SSO) for all subscriber sessions.

Command Default

The default subscriber redundancy policy is applied.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3S.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.5S

This command was modified. The periodic-update interval keyword and minutes argument were added.


This command was modified. The disable keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco IOS HA functionality for broadband protocols and applications allows for SSO and In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) features that minimize planned and unplanned downtime and failures. HA uses the cluster control manager (CCM) to manage the capability to synchronize subscriber session initiation on the standby processor of a redundant processor system.

  • Use the bulk keyword to create and modify the redundancy policy used during bulk (startup) synchronization.

  • Use the dynamic keyword with the limit keyword to tune subscriber redundancy policies that throttle dynamic synchronization by monitoring CPU usage and synchronization rates.

  • Use the delay keyword to establish the minimum session duration for synchronization and to manage dynamic synchronization of short-duration calls.

  • Use the rate keyword to throttle the number of sessions to be synchronized per period.

  • Use the dynamic keyword with the periodic-update interval keyword to enable subscriber sessions to periodically synchronize their dynamic accounting statistics (counters) on the standby processor. The periodic update applies to new and existing subscriber sessions. All subscriber sessions do not synchronize their data at exactly the same time. Session synchronization is spread out based on the session creation time and other factors. This command is rejected if a previous instance of the command has not finished processing.

  • Use the disable keyword to disable SSO for all subscriber sessions.


The following example shows how to configure a 10-second delay when CPU usage exceeds 90 percent during bulk synchronization, after which 25 sessions will be synchronized before the CCM again checks the CPU usage:

Router(config)# subscriber redundancy bulk limit cpu 90 delay 10 allow 25

The following example shows how to configure a maximum time of 90 seconds for bulk synchronization to be completed:

Router(config)# subscriber redundancy bulk limit time 90

The following example shows how to configure a 15-second delay when CPU usage exceeds 90 percent during dynamic synchronization, after which 25 sessions will be synchronized before the CCM again checks the CPU usage:

Router(config)# subscriber redundancy dynamic limit cpu 90 delay 15 allow 25

The following example shows how to configure 2000 sessions to be synchronized per second during bulk and dynamic synchronization:

Router(config)# subscriber redundancy rate 2000 1

The following example shows how to configure a periodic update so that subscriber sessions synchronize their accounting statistics every 30 minutes:

Router(config)# subscriber redundancy dynamic periodic-update interval 30

The following example shows how to disable SSO for all subscriber sessions:

Router(config)# subscriber redundancy disable


To subscribe a destination profile to an alert group, use the subscribe-to-alert-group command in destination profile configuration mode. To unsubscribe from an alert group or all alert groups, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group {all | configuration [periodic {daily hh : mm | monthly day hh : mm | weekly day hh : mm}] | diagnostic [severity level] | environment | inventory | syslog}

Syntax Description


Subscribes to all alert groups.


Subscribes to configuration information groups.

periodic daily hh : mm

(Optional) Specifies the time to begin daily Call Home messages. The valid values for the time are based on a 24-hour clock.

periodic monthly day hh : mm

(Optional) Specifies the time to begin monthly Call Home messages; the valid values are as follows:

  • day is 1 to 31.

  • hh:mm is based on a 24-hour clock.

periodic weekly day hh : mm

(Optional) Specifies the time to begin weekly Call Home messages; the valid values are as follows:

  • day is 1 to 31.

  • hh:mm is based on a 24-hour clock.


Subscribes to diagnostic information groups.

severity level

Specifies the severity level of the diagnostic.


Subscribes to environmental information groups.


Subscribes to inventory information groups.


Subscribes to system logging (syslog) information groups.

Command Default

Destination profiles are not subscribed to alert groups by default.

Command Modes

Destination profile configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The valid values for the level argument are as follows:

  • catastrophic --Catastrophic event

  • critical --Critical event

  • debugging --Debugging event

  • disaster --Disaster event

  • fatal --Fatal event

  • major --Major event

  • minor --Minor event

  • normal --Normal event

  • notification --Notification event

  • warning --Warning event

Selecting the lowest severity level includes all higher severity events. The types of severity levels are as follows:

  • Catastrophic--A network-wide catastrophic failure (Highest severity)

  • Disaster--A significant network impact

  • Fatal--System is unusable (System log level 0)

  • Critical--Immediate attention needed (System log level 1)

  • Major--Major condition (System log level 2)

  • Minor--Minor condition (System log level 3)

  • Warning--Warning condition (System log level 4)

  • Notification--Informational message (System log level 5)

  • Normal--Signifying returning to normal state (System log level 6)

  • Debug--Debugging message (Lowest severity)


The following examples shows how to subscribe to all alert groups:

subscribe-to-alert-group all

subscribe-to-alert-group all

To configure a destination profile to receive messages for all available alert groups for Call Home, use the subscribe-to-alert-group all command in call home profile configuration mode. To remove the subscription, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group all

no subscribe-to-alert-group all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Call home profile configuration (cfg-call-home-profile)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

To enter call home profile configuration mode, use the profile (call home) command in call home configuration mode.


Alert group trigger events and the commands that are executed because of a trigger are platform-dependent. For more information, see the corresponding Call Home configuration documentation for your platform.


The subscribe-to-alert-group all command subscribes you to all debug-level syslog messages. The number of messages produced can overload the system.


The following example shows how to configure a profile to receive messages for all available alert groups:

Switch(config)# call-home
Switch(cfg-call-home)# profile example
Switch(cfg-call-home-profile)# subscribe-to-alert-group all

subscribe-to-alert-group configuration

To configure a destination profile to receive messages for the Configuration alert group for Call Home, use the subscribe-to-alert-group configuration command in call home profile configuration mode. To remove the subscription, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group configuration [periodic {daily hh : mm | monthly day hh : mm | weekly day hh : mm}]

no subscribe-to-alert-group configuration [periodic {daily hh : mm | monthly day hh : mm | weekly day hh : mm}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies a periodic Call Home message, where:

  • daily hh : mm --Time [in 24-hour format (hh: mm )] for a daily Call Home alert notification to be sent.

  • monthly day hh : mm --Numeric day of the month (from 1 to 31) and time [in 24-hour format (hh: mm )] for a monthly Call Home alert notification to be sent.

  • weekly day hh : mm --Day of the week (Monday through Saturday) and time [in 24-hour format (hh: mm )] for a weekly Call Home alert notification to be sent.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Call home profile configuration (cfg-call-home-profile)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

To enter call home profile configuration mode, use the profile (call home) command in call home configuration mode.

When you subscribe to the Configuration alert group without the periodic option, a notification occurs whenever a configuration change occurs. Otherwise, the notification occurs at the date and time specified.


Alert group trigger events and the commands that are executed because of a trigger are platform-dependent. For more information, see the corresponding Call Home configuration documentation for your platform.


The following example shows how to configure a profile to receive a weekly periodic configuration alert notification every Tuesday at 9:16 PM (21:16):

Switch(config)# call-home
Switch(cfg-call-home)# profile example
Switch(cfg-call-home-profile)# subscribe-to-alert-group configuration periodic weekly Tuesday 21:16

subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic

To configure a destination profile to receive messages for the Diagnostic alert group for Call Home, use the subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic command in call home profile configuration mode. To remove the subscription, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic [severity {catastrophic | critical | debugging | disaster | fatal | major | minor | normal | notification | warning}]

no subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic [severity {catastrophic | critical | debugging | disaster | fatal | major | minor | normal | notification | warning}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the lowest level of severity events to include in a diagnostic alert, where:

  • catastrophic --Includes network-wide catastrophic events in the alert. This is the highest severity.

  • critical --Includes events requiring immediate attention (system log level 1).

  • debugging --Includes debug events (system log level 7). This is the lowest severity.

  • disaster --Includes events with significant network impact.

  • fatal --Includes events where the system is unusable (system log level 0).

  • major --Includes events classified as major conditions (system log level 2).

  • minor --Includes events classified as minor conditions (system log level 3)

  • normal --Specifies the normal state and includes events classified as informational (system log level 6). This is the default.

  • notification --Includes events informational message events (system log level 5).

  • warning --Includes events classified as warning conditions (system log level 4).

Command Default

When you configure the subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic command without specifying any severity, the default is normal severity.

Command Modes

Call home profile configuration (cfg-call-home-profile)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

To enter call home profile configuration mode, use the profile (call home) command in call home configuration mode.

When specifying severity, selecting a lower level severity includes notification of events with any higher severity.


Alert group trigger events and the commands that are executed because of a trigger are platform-dependent. For more information, see the corresponding Call Home configuration documentation for your platform.


The following example shows how to configure a profile to receive diagnostic alerts for events with severity level 2 or higher:

Switch(config)# call-home
Switch(cfg-call-home)# profile example
Switch(cfg-call-home-profile)# subscribe-to-alert-group diagnostic severity major 

subscribe-to-alert-group environment

To configure a destination profile to receive messages for the Environment alert group for Call Home, use the subscribe-to-alert-group environment command in call home profile configuration mode. To remove the subscription, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group environment [severity {catastrophic | critical | debugging | disaster | fatal | major | minor | normal | notification | warning}]

no subscribe-to-alert-group environment [severity {catastrophic | critical | debugging | disaster | fatal | major | minor | normal | notification | warning}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the lowest level of severity events to include in an environment alert, where:

  • catastrophic --Includes network-wide catastrophic events in the alert. This is the highest severity.

  • critical --Includes events requiring immediate attention (system log level 1).

  • debugging --Includes debug events (system log level 7). This is the lowest severity.

  • disaster --Includes events with significant network impact.

  • fatal --Includes events where the system is unusable (system log level 0).

  • major --Includes events classified as major conditions (system log level 2).

  • minor --Includes events classified as minor conditions (system log level 3)

  • normal --Specifies the normal state and includes events classified as informational (system log level 6). This is the default.

  • notification --Includes events informational message events (system log level 5).

  • warning --Includes events classified as warning conditions (system log level 4).

Command Default

When you configure the subscribe-to-alert-group environment command without specifying any severity, the default is normal severity.

Command Modes

Call home profile configuration (cfg-call-home-profile)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

To enter call home profile configuration mode, use the profile (call home) command in call home configuration mode.

When specifying severity, selecting a lower level severity includes notification of events with any higher severity.


Alert group trigger events and the commands that are executed because of a trigger are platform-dependent. For more information, see the corresponding Call Home configuration documentation for your platform.


The following example shows how to configure a profile to receive environment alerts for events with severity level 2 or higher:

Switch(config)# call-home
Switch(cfg-call-home)# profile example
Switch(cfg-call-home-profile)# subscribe-to-alert-group environment severity major 

subscribe-to-alert-group inventory

To configure a destination profile to receive messages for the Inventory alert group for Call Home, use the subscribe-to-alert-group inventory command in call home profile configuration mode. To remove the subscription, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group inventory [periodic {daily hh : mm | monthly day hh : mm | weekly day hh : mm}]

no subscribe-to-alert-group inventory [periodic {daily hh : mm | monthly day hh : mm | weekly day hh : mm}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies a periodic Call Home message, where:

  • daily hh : mm --Time [in 24-hour format (hh: mm )] for a daily Call Home alert notification to be sent.

  • monthly day hh : mm --Numeric day of the month (from 1 to 31) and time [in 24-hour format (hh: mm )] for a monthly Call Home alert notification to be sent.

  • weekly day hh : mm --Day of the week (Monday through Saturday) and time [in 24-hour format (hh: mm )] for a weekly Call Home alert notification to be sent.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Call home profile configuration (cfg-call-home-profile)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

To enter call home profile configuration mode, use the profile (call home) command in call home configuration mode.

When you subscribe to the Inventory alert group without the periodic option, a notification occurs whenever a device is cold-booted, or when field-replaceable units (FRUs) are inserted or removed. Otherwise, the notification occurs at the date and time specified.


Alert group trigger events and the commands that are executed because of a trigger are platform-dependent. For more information, see the corresponding Call Home configuration documentation for your platform.


The following example shows how to configure a profile to receive periodic configuration alert notifications every day at 9:12 PM (21:12):

Switch(config)# call-home
Switch(cfg-call-home)# profile example
Switch(cfg-call-home-profile)# subscribe-to-alert-group inventory periodic daily 21:12

subscribe-to-alert-group syslog

To configure a destination profile to receive messages for the Syslog alert group for Call Home, use the subscribe-to-alert-group syslog command in call home profile configuration mode. To remove the subscription, use the no form of this command.

subscribe-to-alert-group syslog [severity {catastrophic | critical | debugging | disaster | fatal | major | minor | normal | notification | warning} [pattern match]]

no subscribe-to-alert-group syslog [severity {catastrophic | critical | debugging | disaster | fatal | major | minor | normal | notification | warning} [pattern match]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies the lowest level of severity events to include in an environment alert, where:

  • catastrophic --Includes network-wide catastrophic events in the alert. This is the highest severity.

  • critical --Includes events requiring immediate attention (system log level 1).

  • debugging --Includes debug events (system log level 7). This is the lowest severity.

  • disaster --Includes events with significant network impact.

  • fatal --Includes events where the system is unusable (system log level 0).

  • major --Includes events classified as major conditions (system log level 2).

  • minor --Includes events classified as minor conditions (system log level 3)

  • normal --Specifies the normal state and includes events classified as informational (system log level 6). This is the default.

  • notification --Includes events informational message events (system log level 5).

  • warning --Includes events classified as warning conditions (system log level 4).

pattern match

(Optional) Specifies a word string in the match argument that should appear in the syslog message to be included in the alert notification. If the pattern contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotes (“ ”).

Command Default

When you configure the subscribe-to-alert-group syslog command without specifying any severity, the default is normal severity.

Command Modes

Call home profile configuration (cfg-call-home-profile)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(24)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6.

Usage Guidelines

To enter call home profile configuration mode, use the profile (call home) command in call home configuration mode.

You can configure the Syslog alert group to filter messages based on severity and also by specifying a pattern to be matched in the syslog message. If the pattern contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotes (“ ”).

When specifying severity, selecting a lower level severity includes notification of events with any higher severity.


Alert group trigger events and the commands that are executed because of a trigger are platform-dependent. For more information, see the corresponding Call Home configuration documentation for your platform.


The following example shows how to configure a profile to receive syslog alerts for events with severity level 5 or higher, where the syslog message includes the string “UPDOWN”:

Switch(config)# call-home
Switch(cfg-call-home)# profile example
Switch(cfg-call-home-profile)# subscribe-to-alert-group syslog severity notification pattern "UPDOWN"


To enable Call-Home syslog message throttling and avoid sending repetitive Call-Home syslog messages, use the syslog-throttling command in call home configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.


no syslog-throttling

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Call-Home syslog message throttling is enabled.

Command Modes

Call home configuration (cfg-call-home)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The following example shows syslog throttling enabled in call home configuration mode:

Router(cfg-call-home)# syslog-throttling

timers nsf converge

To adjust the maximum time that a restarting router must wait for the end-of-table (EOT) notification from a nonstop forwarding (NSF)-capable or NSF-aware peer, use the timers nsf converge command in router configuration or address family configuration mode. To return the signal timer to the default value, use the no form of this command.

timers nsf converge seconds

no timers nsf converge

Syntax Description


Time, in seconds, for which a restarting router must wait for an EOT notification. The range is from 60 to 180. The default is 120.

Command Default

The default converge timer is 120 seconds.

Command Modes

Router configuration (config-router)

Address family configuration (config-router-af)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was modified. Support for Address family configuration mode was added.


This command was modified. Support for Address family configuration mode was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. Support for IPv6 and IPv6 VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF) was added.


This command was modified. Support for IPv6 and IPv6 VRF was added.

Usage Guidelines

The timers nsf converge command is entered only on an NSF-capable router to wait for the last EOT update if all startup updates have not been received within the signal timer period. If an EIGRP process discovers no neighbor, or if it has received all startup updates from its neighbor within the signal timer period, the converge timer will not be started.


The timers nsf converge command is supported only on platforms that support High Availability.


The following example shows how to adjust the converge timer to 60 seconds on an NSF-capable router:

Device(config)# router eigrp virtual-name
Device(config-router)# address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 1 
Device(config-router-af)# timers nsf converge 60

The following example shows how to adjust the converge timer for EIGRP IPv6 NSF:

Device(config)# router eigrp e1
Device(config-router)# address-family ipv6 autonomous-system 1 
Device(config-router-af)# timers nsf converge 60

timers nsf route-hold


Effective with Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M and 12.2(33)SRE, the timers nsf route-hold command was replaced by the timers graceful-restart purge-time command. See the timers graceful-restart purge-time command for more information.

To set the route-hold timer to determine how long a nonstop forwarding (NSF)-aware router that is running Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) will hold routes for an inactive peer, use the timers nsf route-hold command in router configuration mode. To return the route-hold timer to the default value, use the no form of this command.

timers nsf route-hold seconds

no timers nsf route-hold

Syntax Description


Time, in seconds, for which EIGRP will hold routes for an inactive peer. Valid range is 20 to 300 seconds. The default is 240 seconds.

Command Default

EIGRP NSF awareness is enabled by default. The default value for the route-hold timer is 240 seconds.

Command Modes

Router configuration (config-router)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was replaced by the timers graceful-restart purge-time command.


This command was replaced by the timers graceful-restart purge-time command.

Usage Guidelines

The route-hold timer sets the maximum period of time that the NSF-aware router will hold known routes for an NSF-capable neighbor during a switchover operation or a well-known failure condition. The route-hold timer is configurable so that you can tune network performance and avoid undesired effects, such as “black holing” routes if the switchover operation takes too much time. When this timer expires, the NSF-aware router scans the topology table and discards any stale routes, allowing EIGRP peers to find alternate routes instead of waiting during a long switchover operation.


The following configuration example sets the route-hold timer value for an NSF-aware router. In the example, the route-hold timer is set to 2 minutes:

Router(config-router)# timers nsf route-hold 120

timers nsf signal

To adjust the maximum time for the initial signal timer restart period, use the timers nsf signal command in router configuration or address family configuration mode. To return the signal timer to the default value, use the no form of this command.

timers nsf signal seconds

no timers nsf signal

Syntax Description


Time, in seconds, for which the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) must hold routes for an inactive peer. The range is from 10 to 30. The default is 20.

Command Default

The default signal timer is 20 seconds.

Command Modes

Router configuration (config-router)

Address family configuration (config-router-af)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.


This command was modified. Support for Address family configuration mode was added.


This command was modified. Support for Address family configuration mode was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)XNE.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.6S

This command was modified. Support for IPv6 and IPv6 VPN Routing and Forwarding (VRF) was added.


This command was modified. Support for IPv6 and IPv6 VRF was added.

Usage Guidelines

The timers nsf signal command is entered only on a nonstop forwarding (NSF)-capable router. The EIGRP process starts a signal timer when it is notified of a switchover event. Hello packets with the RS bit set are sent during this period.

The converge timer is used to wait for the last end-of-table (EOT) update if all startup updates have not been received within the signal timer period. If an EIGRP process discovers no neighbor, or if it has received all startup updates from its neighbor within the signal timer period, the converge timer will not be started.


The timers nsf signal command is supported only on platforms that support High Availability.


The following example shows how to adjust the signal timer to 30 seconds on an NSF-capable router:

Device(config)# router eigrp virtual-name-1
Device(config-router)# address-family ipv4 autonomous-system 1 
Device(config-router-af)# timers nsf signal 30

The following example shows how to adjust the signal timer to 30 seconds for EIGRP IPv6 NSF:

Device(config)# router eigrp e1
Device(config-router)# address-family ipv6 autonomous-system 1 
Device(config-router-af)# timers nsf signal 30

vrf (call home)

To associate a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance for Call Home email message transport, use the vrf command in call home configuration mode. To remove the VRF association, use the no form of this command.

vrf name

no vrf name

Syntax Description


Name of a configured VRF instance.

Command Default

No VRF is associated for Call Home. On platforms other than the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers, the global routing table is used when this command is not configured.

Command Modes

Call home configuration (cfg-call-home)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SG.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.6 on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE1 on the Cisco 7200 Series Routers.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to configure VRF support in the Call Home feature for email transport only.

To use this command, the VRF instance must be configured on the router.

On the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers, this command is required to support email message transport and uses the Gigabit Ethernet management interface VRF (Mgmt-intf). Therefore, to correctly use the vrf (call-home) command on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router, the Gigabit Ethernet management interface VRF must be configured.

VRF configuration for Call Home on other platforms is optional. If no VRF is specified on those platforms, the global routing table is used.


To configure VRF support in the Call Home feature for HTTP transport, you do not use the vrf (call-home) command to associate the VRF. Configure the ip http client source-interface command instead.


The following example shows how to associate the Mgmt-intf VRF for Call Home on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers:

Router(config)# call-home
Router(cfg-call-home)# vrf Mgmt-intf

The following example shows how to associate the VRF instance for Call Home on the Cisco 7200 Series Routers:

Router(config)# call-home
Router(cfg-call-home)# vrf mgmt-vrf

vrrp sso

To enable Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) support of Stateful Switchover (SSO) if it has been disabled, use the vrrp sso command in global configuration mode. To disable VRRP support of SSO, use the no form of this command.

vrrp sso

no vrrp sso

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

VRRP support of SSO is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable VRRP support of SSO if it has been manually disabled by the no vrrp sso command.


The following example shows how to disable VRRP support of SSO:

Router(config)# no vrrp sso