Cisco Nexus 6000 Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting System Management Issues

Table Of Contents

Troubleshooting System Management Issues


SNMP memory usage continuously increasing

SNMP not responding

SNMP not responding and show snmp command reports SNMP has timed out

Not able to perform SNMP SET operation



System is not responsive

Syslog server not getting messages from DUT


Traps not received


DNS resolution not working correctly

Specified domain not removed from domain-list

Troubleshooting System Management Issues

The system management features of the Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch allow you to monitor and manage your network for efficient device use, role-based access control, SNMP communications, diagnostics, and logging.

This chapter describes how to identify and resolve problems that can occur with system management and the Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch.

This chapter includes the following sections:






SNMP memory usage continuously increasing

The show proc mem | inc snmp command shows continuously increasing SNMP memory usage.

Possible Cause

SNMP memory usage increases when SNMP requests are processed from different monitoring stations. Typically, this situation stabilizes over time. If the memory increases continuously without stabilizing, then some of the SNMP requests are causing a memory leak.


Review the output from the show system internal snmp mem-stats detail command.

Take example snapshots with the following commands while processing SNMP requests:

show clock

show system internal mem-stats detail

show tech snmp

SNMP not responding

No response or delayed response for SNMP request.

Possible Cause

If the switch CPU utilization is high during the SNMP operations such as GET, GETNEXT and WALK, the response may be very slow or there is no responsethat results in a time-out.


While SNMP is not responding, check CPU utilization with the following commands:

show proc cpu history

show proc cpu sort

The output from this command shows which Nexus 5000 component is using the greatest amount of CPU resources.

SNMP not responding and show snmp command reports SNMP has timed out

SNMP is not responding and the show snmp command reports that SNMP has timed out.

Possible Cause

The SNMP process might have exited, but the process did not crash.


Use show system internal sysmgr service name snmpd command which should show the state to be"SRV_STATE_HANDSHAKED.


Service "snmpd" ("snmpd", 74):
UUID = 0x1A, PID = 4131, SAP = 28
State: SRV_STATE_HANDSHAKED (entered at time Mon Jun 14 17:12:15 2010).
Restart count: 1
Time of last restart: Mon Jun 14 17:12:14 2010.
The service never crashed since the last reboot.
Tag = N/A
Plugin ID: 0

Not able to perform SNMP SET operation

The following error appears when trying to perform the SNMP SET operation:

bash-2.05b$ snmpset -v2c -c private . i 1
Error in packet.
Reason: notWritable

Possible Cause

The SNMP community does not have write permission.


Check the output of the show snmp community command to ensure that the write permission is enabled.


Community            Group / Access      context    acl_filter
private               network-operator               
public                network-admin 
Only "network-admin" has write permissions.
                    snmpset -v2c -c public . i 1
                   enterprises.9.9.305. = 


The SNMP GET on BRIDGE-MIB operation does not return correct values and results in errors.

Possible Cause

The BRIDGE-MIB may not be supported.


Check the release notes to make sure that BRIDGE-MIB is supported on NX-OS Release 4.2(1) or later releases.


System is not responsive

System performance is significantly slower or non responsive.

Possible Cause

Some system resources may be over-utilized. For example, an incorrect logging level might generate many messages resulting in an impact on system resources.


Check the logging level on the chassis. If you have a logging level setting, such as 6 or 7, many messages are generated and performance can be impacted. Use the following commands to display the amount of resources that are being used.

show proc cpu | inc syslogd

show proc cpu

show run | inc logging

show system resource

Syslog server not getting messages from DUT

Although the syslog server is configured, the destination syslog server is not receiving messages from DUT.

Possible Cause

Syslog server might not be accessible or the logging level might not be appropriate.


Check to see if the destination syslog server is accessible from VRF management. Use the ping <dest-ip> vrf management command to ping the server.

Check that the syslog configuration on the DUT has use-vrf management.


logging server 5 use-vrf management

Check that the appropriate logging level is enabled to send logging messages. Use the show logging info command. If the logging level is not appropriate, then set the appropriate level using the logging level <feature> <log-level> command.


Traps not received

The results of traps are not received.

Possible Cause

The traps might not be enabled or the SNMP host might not be accessible.

The following are possible causes:

Traps might not be enabled.

The SNMP host might not be accessible.

A firewall might be blocking access.

An access list might be blocking UDP port 162.


Use the following commands to check whether the proper VRF is configured for the SNMP host and that the trap is enabled:

snmp-server enable traps <trapname>

snmp-server host <x.x.x.x> use-vrf <vrf-name>

where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the trap receiving device.


DNS resolution not working correctly

When specifying a host name using DNS or VRF, the host name is not resolved and an error occurs.

Possible Cause

The DNS client is not configured correctly.


Use the following commands to configure the DNS client:

config t

vrf context management

ip host name <address1 [address2... address6]>

ip domain-name name [use-vrf <vrf-name>]

ip domain-list name [use-vrf <vrf-name>]

ip name-server <server-address1 [server-address2... server-address6]>< [use-vrf vrf-name>]

ip domain lookup

show hosts

copy running-config startup-config

Specified domain not removed from domain-list

When using the no ip domain-list <name> command to remove a specified domain from the domain-list, only the most recently added domain is removed.

Possible Cause

The no ip domain-list <name> command is not locating the specified domain.


There are two possible workarounds:

To remove a domain using the no ip domain-list <name> command that is not the most recently added domain to the domain-list, you must temporarily remove every domain in the domain-list until reaching the desired domain. Then you must add back the temporarily removed domains to the domain-list.

An alternative approach is to copy the startup-config and delete the desired domain with a text editor. Then you must load the edited startup-config back onto the device.