Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide for Cisco Unity Connection Release 2.x
Software Upgrades

Table Of Contents

Software Upgrades

Software Upgrade and Installation

Obtaining the Upgrade File

Upgrading Software or Installing Locales from a Local Source

Upgrading Software or Installing Locales from a Remote Source

Stalled Upgrades

Reverting to a Previous Version

Locale Installation

Installing Locales

Software Upgrades

This chapter explains how to upgrade Cisco Unity Connection and how to install Cisco Unity Connection languages.

Software Upgrade and Installation

Revised March 6, 2008

You can install upgrade software on your server while the system continues to operate. Two partitions exist on your system: an active, bootable partition and an inactive, bootable partition. The system boots up and operates entirely on the partition that is marked as the active partition.

When you install upgrade software, you install the software on the inactive partition. The system continues to function normally while you are installing the software. When you are ready, you activate the inactive partition and reboot the system with the new upgrade software. The current active partition will then get identified as the inactive partition when the system restarts. The current software remains in the inactive partition until the next upgrade. Your configuration information migrates automatically to the upgraded version in the active partition.

If for any reason you decide to back out of the upgrade, you can restart the system to the inactive partition that contains the older version of the software. However, any configuration changes that you made since upgrading the software will be lost.

Note You can only make changes to the database on the active partition. The database on the inactive partition does not get updated. If you make changes to the database after an upgrade, you must repeat those changes after switching the partition.

You can install a patch or upgrade version from a DVD (local source) or from a network location (remote source) that the Cisco Unity Connection server can access.

Note Be sure to back up your system data before starting the software upgrade process. For more information, see the Disaster Recovery System Administration Guide.

Obtaining the Upgrade File

Before you begin the upgrade process, you must obtain the appropriate upgrade file from For more information, see the "Installation and Upgrade Information" section of the applicable Cisco Unity Connection release notes at

Note Do not rename the patch file before you install it because the system will not recognize it as a valid file.

Note Do not unzip or untar the file. If you do, the system may not be able to read the upgrade files.

You can access the upgrade file during the installation process from either a local disk (CD or DVD) or from a remote FTP or TFTP server. Directory names and filenames that you enter to access the upgrade file are case-sensitive.

Upgrading Software or Installing Locales from a Local Source

Revised March 4, 2009

You can install software from a CD or DVD that is located in the local disc drive and then start the upgrade process.

To install or upgrade software from a CD or DVD, follow this procedure:


Step 1 If you are upgrading Cisco Unity Connection, skip to Step 2.

If you are adding a Cisco Unity Connection locale, stop the Connection Conversation Manager and Connection Mixer services:

a. Start Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability.

b. Navigate to Tools > Service Management.

c. Under Critical Services, in the Connection Conversation Manager row, click Stop.

d. Wait for the service to stop.

e. Also under Critical Services, in the Connection Mixer row, click Stop.

f. Wait for the service to stop.

Step 2 Insert the new DVD into the disc drive on the local server that is to be upgraded.

Step 3 Log into Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration.

Step 4 Navigate to Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade.

The Software Installation/Upgrade window displays.

Step 5 Choose DVD/CD from the Source list.

Step 6 Enter the path to the patch file on the CD or DVD in the Directory field.

If the file is in the root directory, or if you created an ISO image DVD, enter a slash (/) in the Directory field.

Step 7 To continue the upgrade process, click Next.

Step 8 Choose the upgrade version that you want to install and click Next.

Step 9 In the next window, monitor the progress of the download.

Step 10 If you are upgrading Cisco Unity Connection, skip to Step 11.

If you are installing Cisco Unity Connection locales and want to install another locale, click Install Another, and return to Step 4.

If you do not want to install another locale, restart the Connection Conversation Manager and Connection Mixer services:

a. Start Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability.

b. Navigate to Tools > Service Management.

c. Under Critical Services, in the Connection Conversation Manager row, click Start.

d. Wait for the service to start.

e. Also under Critical Services, in the Connection Mixer row, click Start.

f. Wait for the service to start.

g. Skip the rest of the procedure.

Step 11 If you want to install the upgrade and automatically reboot to the upgraded partition, choose Reboot to upgraded partition. The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Step 12 If you want to install the upgrade and then manually reboot to the upgraded partition at a later time, do the following steps:

a. Choose Do not reboot after upgrade.

b. Click Next.

The Upgrade Status window displays the Upgrade log.

c. When the installation completes, click Finish.

d. To restart the system and activate the upgrade, choose Settings > Version; then, click Switch Version.

The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Upgrading Software or Installing Locales from a Remote Source

Revised March 4, 2009

To upgrade the software from a network location or remote server, use the following procedure.


Step 1 Put the upgrade file on an FTP or SFTP server that the server you are upgrading can access.

Step 2 If you are adding a Cisco Unity Connection locale, stop the Connection Conversation Manager and Connection Mixer services:

a. Start Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability.

b. Navigate to Tools > Service Management.

c. Under Critical Services, in the Connection Conversation Manager row, click Stop.

d. Wait for the service to stop.

e. Also under Critical Services, in the Connection Mixer row, click Stop.

f. Wait for the service to stop.

Step 3 Log into Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration.

Step 4 Navigate to Software Upgrades > Install/Upgrade.

The Software Installation/Upgrade window displays.

Step 5 Choose Remote Filesystem from the Source list.

Step 6 Enter the path to the directory that contains the patch file on the remote system in the Directory field.

If the upgrade file is located on a Linux or Unix server, you must enter a forward slash at the beginning of the directory path. For example, if the upgrade file is in the patches directory, you must enter /patches. If the upgrade file is located on a Windows server, check with your system administrator for the correct directory path.

Step 7 In the Server field, enter the server name or IP address.

Step 8 In the User Name field, enter your user name on the remote server.

Step 9 In the User Password field, enter your password on the remote server.

Step 10 Select the transfer protocol from the Transfer Protocol field.

Step 11 To continue the upgrade process, click Next.

Step 12 Choose the upgrade version that you want to install and click Next.

Step 13 In the next window, monitor the progress of the download.

Step 14 If you are installing upgrade software, skip to Step 15.

If you are installing Cisco Unity Connection locales and want to install another locale, click Install Another, and return to Step 4.

If you do not want to install another locale, restart the Connection Conversation Manager and Connection Mixer services:

a. Start Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability.

b. Navigate to Tools > Service Management.

c. Under Critical Services, in the Connection Conversation Manager row, click Start.

d. Wait for the service to start.

e. Also under Critical Services, in the Connection Mixer row, click Start.

f. Wait for the service to start.

g. Skip the rest of the procedure.

Step 15 If you want to install the upgrade and automatically reboot to the upgraded partition, choose Reboot to upgraded partition. The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Step 16 If you want to install the upgrade and then manually reboot to the upgraded partition at a later time, do the following steps:

a. Choose Do not reboot after upgrade.

b. Click Next.

The Upgrade Status window displays the Upgrade log.

c. When the installation completes, click Finish.

d. To restart the system and activate the upgrade, choose Settings > Version; then, click Switch Version.

The system restarts running the upgraded software.

Stalled Upgrades

During the installation of upgrade software, the upgrade may appear to stall. The upgrade log stops displaying new log messages. When the upgrade stalls, you must cancel the upgrade, disable I/O throttling, and restart the upgrade procedure. When you successfully complete the upgrade, you do not need to reenable I/O throttling.

To disable I/O throttling, enter the CLI command utils iothrottle disable.

To display the status of I/O throttling, enter the CLI command utils iothrottle status.

To enable I/O throttling, enter the CLI command utils iothrottle enable. By default, iothrottle is enabled.

If the system does not respond to the cancellation, you must reboot the server, disable I/O throttling, and restart the upgrade process procedure.

Reverting to a Previous Version

Revised March 4, 2009

After upgrading, you can revert to the software version that was running before the upgrade, by restarting your system and switching to the software version on the inactive partition.

Caution If you revert to a previous version, you cannot later re-revert to the latest version. Instead, you must reinstall the upgrade as documented in the "Upgrading Software or Installing Locales from a Local Source" section or the "Upgrading Software or Installing Locales from a Remote Source" section.

Caution Do not revert to a previous version during regular business hours unless doing so is necessary. Reverting to a previous version causes the Connection server to restart, and Connection will not function for about 15 minutes, until the restart completes.


Step 1 Open Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration directly by entering the following URL:


where server-name is the host name or IP address of the Cisco Unity Connection server.

Step 2 Enter your Administrator username and password.

Step 3 Choose Settings>Version.

The Version Settings window displays.

Step 4 Click the Switch Versions button.

When you verify that you want to restart the system, the system restarts running the upgraded software. This restart might take several minutes.

Locale Installation

Revised March 6, 2008

Cisco Unity Connection locales (languages) provide country-specific system prompts, graphical user interface, and text-to-speech functionality. For information on downloading Cisco Unity Connection locales, see the "Installation and Upgrade Information" section of the applicable Cisco Unity Connection release notes at

Caution Do not install more than five Cisco Unity Connection locales.

Installing Locales

You can install locale files from either a local or a remote source by using the same process that is described earlier in this chapter for installing software upgrades. See Software Upgrade and Installation for more information about this process.

Note To activate the newly installed locales, you must restart the server.