Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix Support Guidelines

Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix Support Guidelines

Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix is a hyperconverged infrastructure solution integrating Cisco’s best-in-class compute (Cisco Unified Computing System), datacenter networking, and SaaS infrastructure management platform (Cisco Intersight) with market-leading hyperconverged software from Nutanix (Nutanix Cloud Platform).

The Cisco Hyperconverged with Nutanix family of appliances delivers pre-configured UCS servers that are ready to be deployed as nodes to form Nutanix clusters in a variety of configurations. Each server appliance contains three software layers:

  • UCS server firmware

  • Hypervisor (Nutanix AHV or VMware ESXi)

  • Hyperconverged software (Nutanix AOS)

Interoperability among these layers is ensured by rigorous joint validation between Cisco and Nutanix, and is governed by a time-based release model that aims to deliver a stable and feature-rich product in a reliable and predictable cadence.

This document provides guidance on support among server firmware, hypervisor, and hyperconverged software, and where you can find the most up-to-date compatibility and interoperability information for the whole solution.

The information contained in this document is informational only and subject to change. Cisco recommends that you check the Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix hardware and software compatibility information at to ensure that you are reviewing the most current supported hardware and software compatibility information.

Cisco Compute Hyperconverged Server Firmware Guidelines

Major Release of Cisco Hyperconverged Server Firmware

In general, Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix supports one major release (e.g., 4.2.3) of UCS server firmware with an AOS version coupled with one hypervisor version (e.g., AOS coupled with VMware ESXi 7.0 U3i, or AOS coupled with AHV-20220304.242). Cisco periodically (approximately once every 6 months) qualifies the latest recommended version of UCS server firmware. However, based on critical fixes, Cisco may qualify new server firmware thereby resetting the 6-month clock.

Nutanix AOS Support Guidelines

When a new AOS version is released, the latest UCS server firmware qualified for the Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix solution is automatically supported. If you are running a version of firmware not listed as supported by the version of AOS you want to upgrade to or deploy with, then you will need to upgrade or downgrade your server firmware.

Nutanix AHV Support Guidelines

When a new AHV version is introduced coupled with a new AOS version, the new AHV version is automatically qualified for the latest UCS server firmware qualified for the Cisco Compute Hyperconverged with Nutanix solution.

VMware ESXi Support Guidelines

  • ESXi Major Releases, for example, ESXi 8.0, 9.0: Cisco, on a best effort basis, qualifies a new ESXi major version within 90 days of general availability.

  • ESXi Update Release, for example, ESXi 8.0 U2, U3: Cisco, on a best effort basis, qualifies a new ESXi update version within 45 days of general availability.

  • ESXi maintenance patch (bug fixes): Customers are free to update ESXi with latest maintenance patch for a ESXi major and update release which is previously qualified. Cisco on a best effort basis qualifies the latest ESXi maintenance patch for an already supported ESXi major and update release every 6 months.

  • ESXi security/express patch: customers are free to update ESXi with the latest maintenance patch for a ESXi major and update release which is previously qualified.

Where To Find Interoperability Documentation

For the latest interoperability information, refer to the following: